7Th Grade Weight Training (BFS)

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7Th Grade Weight Training (BFS)

7th Grade Strength Training

Strength training has become a very popular activity among students in our schools and older adults interested in fitness and appearance. When weight training occurs on a regular basis for an extended period, it gets stronger, the muscles can assume greater workloads, and show less fatigue. A person's appearance can change to show a leaner figure even though there may not be a weight change. BFS LIFTS/EXERCISES for the Readiness Program: This program is designed for those not yet ready to lift heavy weights because the body is still growing & maturing. BFS Readiness program teaches the proper lifting techniques with lighter weights completing 2 sets of 10 repetitions. BFS helps to improve strength, agility, flexibility, coordination, balance & team work. MUSCLE SORENESS You should not be surprised or discouraged to find that the first week or two of weight training is accompanied by muscle soreness. There is NO definitive explanation of why we experience delayed muscle soreness but here are a couple of theories: 1) Micro tears of muscle and connective tissue cause the soreness, and 2) Lack of oxygen to the muscle tissue, which occurs as a natural consequence of intense work, may cause the soreness. Usually the discomfort subsides after 3 days, especially if you stretch before and after training. Surprisingly, the very thing that causes the soreness, exercise, helps to alleviate it. Light exercise combined with stretching activities is ideal for speeding the recovery from muscle soreness. BEFORE USING MACHINES Before using machines, 1) check for frayed cables and belts, worn pulleys or chains and uneven and rough movement. If any of these exist, do not use them until they have been repaired 2) Adjust levers and seats to accommodate your body size. 3) Choose an appropriate load. 4) Insert selector keys all the way. 5) Perform exercises through the full range of motion in a slow and controlled manner. f) Do not allow the weight stacks to bounce during the lowering phase. 7) Never place your hands between the weight stacks. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS FOR FREE WEIGHT The use of free weight barbells and dumbbells requires higher levels of motor coordination than do machines. Precautions must be taken to avoid potential injury. You must be a ware of the correct lifting, loading and spotting techniques and use them. The following list of actions in the weight room will avoid potentially dangerous situations and make training safer: 1. Load bars properly. 2. Lock barbells 3. Avoid backing into others. 4. Be aware of extended bars 5. Always return equipment to its storage area. The techniques of lifting involve focusing on the BFS SIX ABSOLUTES: 1. Use an athletic (feet wider than shoulders) or jump (feet about shoulder width) stance. 2. Be tall. 3. Spread the chest 4. Align the toes. 5. Align the knees (knees over toes, not in front of or inside). 6. Keep your eyes on target. LIFTER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Before you begin, let the spotter know how many reps you intend to complete. 2. During the exercise, tell the spotter when you need help. 3. Always stay with the bar. 4. Learn your limits and select appropriate loads and reps.

SPOTTER'S RESPONSIBILITIES A spotter is someone who assists a lifter in the execution of an exercise. As a spotter in the weight room, you must realize that being inattentive can cause very serious injuries. The individuals you spot are depending on you. Do not underestimate the significance of your responsibilities. Follow these guidelines: 1. Move all loose plates, barbells, etc. away from the area. 2. Place your body in the proper position with your hands as close to the bar as possible without obstructing the movement of the bar. 3. Place your body in a good lifting position in case you have to catch the bar. 4. Communicate with the lifter to know how many reps he/she intends to do. 5. Use a mixed grip (one palm up, one palm down) 6. See that the bar is properly and evenly loaded. 7. Be alert and quick to respond 8. Know when and how much lifting assistance is needed to complete the lift. 9. As a last resort, assume all of the weight of the bar

WEIGHT TRAINING TERMS Aux. Lifts: Pin point certain muscle areas. Core Lifts : Uses many of the body muscles at the same time. Dot Drill: A warm-up that works on agility (5 different patterns: Up & Back, Right foot, Left foot, Both feet, Turn Around). 1-2-3-4Flexibility: Can increase joint range of motion, speed, improve overall performance, improves posture, and decreases injuries. Stretch slowly & gently. Stretches: hamstring stretch on the bench, hands in the air & behind your back, on the wall calf stretch, achilles stretch, quadriceps stretch, on the floor abdominal stretch (seal), adductor stretch (straddle), look backs, butterfly, hip flexor stretch hold each for about 30 seconds. Towel Bench: feet on the floor, bar to the towel (don’t bounce the bar) CORE LIFT Squats: always focus your eyes up toward the ceiling so your head doesn't come down. If your head comes down, the barbell will put too much pressure on the neck. Parallel Squat: Athletic stance, 90 degrees w/ knees CORE LIFT Box Squat: Athletic stance, sit down in a chair/bench, explode up onto your toes CORE LIFT Straight-leg Dead lift: Jump stance (feet about shoulder width apart), slow, no more than 45lbs. CORE LIFT Repetition (Reps) - A repetition or rep. is lifting a weight or doing an exercise one time. Set - A set is when you have done one group of repetitions. Range of Motion- A muscle's range of motion is how far a muscle or joint can move in any given direction.

MUSCLES Hamstrings- located on the backside of the thigh. (exercise: leg curls) Quadriceps - located on the front side of the thigh. (exercise: leg extension) Triceps - Located on the backside of the upper arm. (exercise: tricep extension) Biceps- Located on the front side of the upper arm. (exercise: bicep/arm curls) Abdominals - located across the front of the body's midsection. (exercise: Russians) Gluteus maximus- the major butt muscle; the largest and strongest muscle group in the body. (exercise: parallel squats) Deltoids - located on the outside of the shoulder. (exercise: inclined bench press) Pectorals - The major muscles in your chest (exercise: Pec Deck) When lifting weights, you should always allow a day of rest in between workouts to let the muscles repair themselves. If you want to workout everyday, you could lift one day and do an aerobic workout the next, or you could lift everyday, working your upper body one day and the lower body the opposite day. Exercise shortens muscles, so it's important to stretch after a workout as well as before. This helps eliminate soreness and loss of flexibility.

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