Risk Analysis of Connection and Test of the PP1 Region

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Risk Analysis of Connection and Test of the PP1 Region

Version V0 June 10, 2007 C12 test as a first step towards CT test during services installation. 1. Introduction and sequence

Patch Panel 1 (PP1) is located at the end of the Pixel Support Tube (PST) near the end of the Inner Detector volume (figure 1). For each quadrants the installation sequence foresees: Latching the connectors with the type2 cables from PP2, Installing pipes, Plugging optical fibers, but the sequence of the these operation has still to be defined. Different scenarios at PP1 maybe imagined for the sequence of the services installation (cables, cooling, fibers) based on some assumptions:  To fully qualify the correct position and match of the electrical cables and the full operability of each signal (electrical cables qualification), fibers are needed. Nevertheless a significant part of the test can be done during the electrical cables connection and at that stage the presence of the fibers does not make a significant difference (see later).  Piping has to follow the electrical cables connection and qualification as unplugging cables with cooling connected is impossible. But some assumptions must be verified (in C12 test): Feasibility of cabling connection with the fibers in situ. Feasibility of cooling connection with fibers in situ. Safe removal of fibers after cables qualification in case cooling connection can not be done with fibers there.

Therefore possible scenarios maybe suggested and tested during the C12 test in SR1. Scenario1 assumes that cooling connection may be done with fibers in. Scenario2 does not. Difference between a) and b) is the presence or not of fibers during cables connection. Scenario 1a) Fibers connection Cables connection: test of each individual cable. Qualification of the electrical services and fibers. Cooling connection: connection and qualification Scenario 1b) Cables connection: test-no opto of each individual cable Fibers connection: Qualification of the electrical services and fibers. Cooling connection: connection and qualification

Scenario 2a) Fibers connection Cables connection: test of each individual cable. Qualification of the electrical services and fibers. Removal of the fibers. Cooling connection: connection and qualification Fibers re-connection: Qualification of the electrical services and fibers. Scenario 2b) Cables connection: test-no opto of each individual cable. Fibers connection: Qualification of the electrical services and fibers. Removal of the fibers. Cooling connection: connection and qualification Fibers re-connection: Qualification of the electrical services and fibers.

Once the sequence will be defined for each quadrant, for the pit installation also the sequence of the quadrants, the possible parallelization between them as well as the parallelization between the two sides will need to be discussed. Fibers are routed from quadrants 3A and 3C.

Figure1: Scheme of the PixelPackage at PP1 2. Installation and test of the electrical services in a quadrant

The first step of the PP1 integration is the latch of the LEMO connectors. Due to the geometry of the PP1 region the connection will start from row 1 to row 5 (the closest to the IP, see figure 2), so the first cables to be connected are NTC-OPTO, then HV and eventually LV. The aim of the test during the integration is twofold: 1. Check that the connections are right (no swaps) and consistent with the SIT mapping. 2. Check that all the connections are working. Due to limited access to the region, a quick test is foreseen during the connection itself for each cable and a final qualification when the connection is completed (NTC, HV and LV for quadrant or octant). 2.0 Test before any connection A procedure to switch on the LV without any possible troubles for the modules in case of failure of a sense line is under development. Therefore, for the time being, we foresee a ‘sense test’ on each LV type1 cable before latch type2 cables.

2.1 Test during connection Test after each cable connection. NTC cables The test consist in checking ‘by eye’ that the temperatures of the optoboards and the modules appear in the proper position in the FSM panels (in this case it is much faster than run a Phase1). Test connection is right Swap of type1 cables are difficult to be identified (i.e. wrong type1 connector in the type2 cable) unless the pattern of the modules distribution is different (sector in a 7 slot PP0, etc). Swap of type2 can be identified as the module/opto temperatures will show up in an unexpected part of the detector. We can assume that the SIT mapping of the detector is fine (checked in C12 test with the CT integration test and in the pit through the service test). Test connection is working All NTC signals are checked (optoboards and modules) i.e 30/42 signals used in each NTC LEMO . OPTO_RST and VISET cannot be tested until VDDC is not there, i.e. during the final qualification. VPIN cannot be tested if there are no optical connection. Therefore at this stage the advantage to have the fibers connected before the cables is limited at the check of VPIN. Time/cable: 1 min

HV cables The test consists in switching on the channels for the modules connected at the . Unfortunately with the ISEG resolution and the relative low temperature (20C), it is impossible to distinguish between a open and leakage currents < 1uA. Therefore it is impossible to detect swaps of type1 or type2 cables. Test connection is right (impossible?) There is no way to know if the high voltage really reach the group of modules you think until an analog injection in the pixels is done as there is no correlation between high voltage and temperature or low voltage. Test connection is working Detect open is impossible. Not working ISEG channels can be observed if they do not scale and no voltage is applied. Time/cable: 1 min

LV cables Test is done by switch on by hand in the FSM panels. Test connection is right (and working) To check that the connection is right and working, LV are switched on. Voltages, currents and increase of temperatures are checked. If there are no fibers ‘Phase1-no opto’: a. Switch on modules (optoboard off) : measure analog (90mA) and digital (230mA) current and check the temperature increase. b. Switch off modules, switch on the optoboard (VDDC from PP2, VISET, VPIN from NTC-opto cable). If there are no fibers, the only measurable currents are VDDC and VISET. It is impossible to detect open lines on VPIN and OPTO_RST c. Procedure to check OPTO_RST

If there are fibers ‘Phase1’: a. Switch on modules and optoboard: measure analog (90mA) and digital (330mA) current and check the temperature increase. The same for the optoboard. If the fibers are not plugged in, VPIN can not be measured and the digital current of the module can vary a lot. Time/cable: 5 min

2.2 Qualification at the end of connection

For the full qualification of the cable connection with fibers plugged in, the proposed test is: Phase1 (add cut on T), i.e. measure voltages, currents and temperatures of modules and optoboards. It checks also that the TTC fibers are fine as measures the PIN current and the presence of clock in the modules. Phase2: link test or power measurement to check that the DATA fibers are fine. We can assume that the optolink mapping is already fine for the C12 test so the link test can be very short (not in the pit). Phase3 measure threshold and noise for few pixels in each module: this is the only way to be sure that the HV is provided to each channel. BOC setting obtained during the CT will be used, in case of problems we will run again a BOC fast scan in Phase2. Time/cable: ~30 min/PP0 if retuning is needed. Parallelization for two PP0 or more.

Figure2: Scheme of the position of the Lemo connectors in the corrugated panel at PP1.

3. Installation and test of the fibers in a quadrant Appendix . Electrical Lemo connector Low voltage

Lemo AWG20 AWG28 AWG22 Color Net name Positronic Connector Pin Connector Number Pin Number 1 1A N VDD_1T 2 2 1B NeB VDD_RET_1T 7 3 1a V VDD_sense_1T 1 4 1b B VDD_retsense_1T 8 5 2A N VDD_2T 4 6 2B NeB VDD_RET_2T 9 7 2a V VDD_sense_2T 3 8 2b B VDD_retsense_2T 10 9 3A N VDD_3T 6 10 3B NeB VDD_RET_3T 11 11 3a V VDD_sense_3T 5 12 3b B VDD_retsense_3T 12 13 Drain 25 27 4A N VDD_4T 14 28 4B NeB VDD_RET_4T 19 29 4a V VDD_sense_4T 13 30 4b B VDD_retsense_4T 20 31 5A N VDD_5T 16 32 5B NeB VDD_RET_5T 21 33 5a V VDD_sense_5T 15 34 5b B VDD_retsense_5T 22 46 6A N VDD_6T 18 47 6B NeB VDD_RET_6T 23 48 6a V VDD_sense_6T 17 49 6b B VDD_retsense_6T 24 50 7A N VDD_7T 30 59 7B NeB VDD_RET_7T 35 60 7a V VDD_sense_7T 29 61 7b B VDD_retsense_7T 36

14 Drain 42 15 1C N VDDA_1T 6 16 1D NeB VDDA_RET_1T 11 17 1c V VDDA_sense_1T 5 18 1d B VDDA_retsense_1T 12 19 2C N VDDA_2T 4 20 2D NeB VDDA_RET_2T 9 21 2c V VDDA_sense_2T 3 22 2d B VDDA_retsense_2T 10 23 3C N VDDA_3T 2 24 3D NeB VDDA_RET_3T 7 25 3c V VDDA_sense_3T 1 26 3d B VDDA_retsense_3T 8 38 4C N VDDA_4T 18 39 4D NeB VDDA_RET_4T 23 40 4c V VDDA_sense_4T 17 41 4d B VDDA_retsense_4T 24 42 5C N VDDA_5T 16 43 5D NeB VDDA_RET_5T 21 44 5c V VDDA_sense_5T 15 45 5d B VDDA_retsense_5T 22 54 6C N VDDA_6T 14 55 6D NeB VDDA_RET_6T 19 56 6c V VDDA_sense_6T 13 57 6d B VDDA_retsense_6T 20 53 7C N VDDA_7T 30 62 7D NeB VDDA_RET_7T 35 63 7c V VDDA_sense_7T 29 64 7d B VDDA_retsense_7T 36 58 Inserire contatto per potting 35 8A N VVDC_T 28 36 Drain 40 37 8B NeB VVDC_RET_T 33 51 8a V VVDC_sense_T 27 52 8b B VVDC_retsense_T 34


Male LEMO Connector Sub-D pin CABLE Pin Number Marker Color Net Name Sub-D Pin Type number Number 14 Empty 15 Rosso VPIN_LT Male 1 16 Nero VPIN_RET_LT Male 9 17 Bianco VISET_LT Male 2 18 Nero VISET_RET_LT Male 10 19 DRAIN Male 8 37 Marrone NTC_OPTO_LT Male 4 38 Nero NTC_OPTO_RET_LT Male 12 39 Arancio OPTO_RST_LT Male 3 3 40 Nero OPTO_RST_RET_LT Male 11 52 Giallo Spare Male 5 53 Nero Spare Male 13 54 Blu Not used Male 6 55 Nero Not used Male 14 62 Verde Not used Male 7 63 Nero Not used Male 15 1 Empty 2 Rosso NTC_L1T Female 1 3 Nero NTC_RET_L1T Female 9 4 Bianco NTC_L2T Female 2 5 Nero NTC_RET_L2T Female 10 6 Drain Female 8 27 Arancio NTC_L3T Female 3 28 Nero NTC_RET_L3T Female 11 29 Marrone NTC_L4T Female 4 1 30 Nero NTC_RET_L4T Female 12 31 Giallo NTC_L5T Female 5 48 Nero NTC_RET_L5T Female 13 46 Blu NTC_L6T Female 6 47 Nero NTC_RET_L6T Female 14 59 Verde NTC_L7T Female 7 60 Nero NTC_RET_L7T Female 15 20 Drain Male 8 4 21 Rosso VPIN_LB Male 1 22 Nero VPIN_RET_LB Male 9 23 Bianco VISET_LB Male 2 24 Nero VISET_RET_LB Male 10 25 Marrone NTC_OPTO_LB Male 4 26 Nero NTC_OPTO_RET_LB Male 12 41 Arancio OPTO_RST_LB Male 3 42 Nero OPTO_RST_RET_LB Male 11 43 Blu Not used Male 6 44 Nero Not used Male 14 45 Empty . 56 Giallo Spare Male 5 57 Nero Spare Male 13 58 Verde Not used Male 7 64 Nero Not used Male 15 7 Drain Female 8 10 Rosso NTC_L1B Female 1 11 Nero NTC_RET_L1B Female 9 12 Bianco NTC_L2B Female 2 13 Nero NTC_RET_L2B Female 10 32 Arancio NTC_L3B Female 3 33 Nero NTC_RET_L3B Female 11 34 Marrone NTC_L4B Female 4 35 Nero NTC_RET_L4B Female 12 2 36 Empty . 49 Giallo NTC_L5B Female 5 50 Nero NTC_RET_L5B Female 13 51 Blu NTC_L6B Female 6 61 Nero NTC_RET_L6B Female 14 8 Verde Not used Female 7 9 Nero Not used Female 15

26 1 45 27 58 46 Cable 4 64 ø A 59 Cable 1

64 56 41 20

6 31 48 60 63 55 40 19

7 32 49 61

Cable 3 62 Cable 2 61 52 51 37 36 14 13

26 1 45 27 58 46 Cable 4 64 ø A 59 Cable 1

64 56 41 20

6 31 48 60 63 55 40 19

7 32 49 61

Cable 3 62 Cable 2 61 52 51 37 36 14 13

LEMO F-X REDEL Redel Pin connector PCB-A PCB-B Label Connector Number Pin Number pad pad Cable Net name PP1-PCB-fcn-PP0 2 - A1H - HV - 2 1H HV_1T_A A1T 2 3 1 HV_RET_1T_A 3 - A1 - HVr - A1T 13 4 - A2H - HV - 4 2H HV_2T_A A2T 3 5 2 HV_RET_2T_A 5 - A2 - HVr - A2T 14 6 Drain/shield 6 – Drain/shield 25 27 - A3H - HV - 27 3H HV_3T_A A3T 4 28 - A3 - HVr - 28 3 HV_RET_3T_A A3T 15 29 - A4H - HV - 29 4H HV_4T_A A4T 5 1 30 - A4 - HVr - 30 4 HV_RET_4T_A A4T 16 31 - A5H - HV - 31 5H HV_5T_A A5T 6 48 - A5 - HVr - 48 5 HV_RET_5T_A A5T 17 46 - A6H - HV - 46 6H HV_6T_A A6T 7 47 - A6 - HVr -

47 6 HV_RET_6T_A A6T R 18

8 - A7H - HV - E 59 7H HV_7T_A A7T 8 D 60 7 HV_RET_7T_A 9 - A7 - HVr - A7T 19 E 7 Drain/shield 7 – Drain/shield 26 L

8 Safety_interlock_A1 22 1 9 Safety_interlock_A2 30 10 - A8H - HV - 10 8H HV_1B_A A1B 50 11 - A8 - HVr - 11 8 HV_RET_1B_A A1B 39 12 - A9H - HV - 12 9H HV_2B_A A2B 49 13 - A9 - HVr - 13 9 HV_RET_2B_A A2B 38 32 - A10H - HV - 32 10H HV_3B_A A3B 48 2 33 - A10 - HVr - 33 10 HV_RET_3B_A A3B 37 34 - A11H - HV - 34 11H HV_4B_A A4B 47 35 - A11 - HVr - 35 11 HV_RET_4B_A A4B 36 49 - A12H - HV - 49 12H HV_5B_A A5B 46 50 - A12 - HVr - 50 12 HV_RET_5B_A A5B 35 51 - A13H - HV - 51 13H HV_6B_A A6B 45 61 - A13 - HVr - 61 13 HV_RET_6B_A A6B 34

15 - B1H - HV - R 15 1H HV_1T_B B1T 2 E 3 16 - B1 - HVr - 16 1 HV_RET_1T_B B1T D 13

17 - B2H - HV - E 17 2H HV_2T_B B2T 3 18 - B2 - HVr - L


18 2 HV_RET_2T_B B2T 2 19 Drain/shield 19 – Drain/shield 25 37 - B3H - HV - 37 3H HV_3T_B B3T 4 38 - B3 - HVr - 38 3 HV_RET_3T_B B3T 15 39 - B4H - HV - 39 4H HV_4T_B B4T 5 40 - B4 - HVr - 40 4 HV_RET_4T_B B4T 16 52 - B5H - HV - 52 5H HV_5T_B B5T 6 53 - B5 - HVr - 53 5 HV_RET_5T_B B5T 17 54 - B6H - HV - 54 6H HV_6T_B B6T 7 55 - B6 - HVr - 55 6 HV_RET_6T_B B6T 18 21 - B7H - HV - 62 7H HV_7T_B B7T 8 22 - B7 - HVr - 63 7 HV_RET_7T_B B7T 19 20 Drain/shield 20 – Drain/shield 26 21 Safety_interlock_B1 22 22 Safety_interlock_B2 30 23 - B8H - HV - 23 8H HV_1B_B B1B 50 24 - B8 - HVr - 24 8 HV_RET_1B_B B1B 39 25 - B9H - HV - 25 9H HV_2B_B B2B 49 26 - B9 - HVr - 26 9 HV_RET_2B_B B2B 38 41 - B10H - HV - 41 10H HV_3B_B B3B 48 4 42 - B10 - HVr - 42 10 HV_RET_3B_B B3B 37 43 - B11H - HV - 43 11H HV_4B_B B4B 47 44 - B11 - HVr - 44 11 HV_RET_4B_B B4B 36 56 - B12H - HV - 56 12H HV_5B_B B5B 46 57 - B12 - HVr - 57 12 HV_RET_5B_B B5B 35 58 - B13H - HV - 58 13H HV_6B_B B6B 45 64 - B13 - HVr - 64 13 HV_RET_6B_B B6B 34

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