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EDITORIAL Must Have a Date

EDITORIAL [must have a date]

Poverty eradication is still one of the biggest challenges facing our country. Within this context our municipality has committed itself to the world summit on sustainable development millennium target to eradicate poverty as well as accelerating service delivery. However, the successful implementation of poverty eradication programme requires real commitment from all stakeholders. Let us work together as a municipality to make this happen.

Our council has recently adopted a new municipal logo and motto. The message that underpins the brand is “kopano ke maatla, go aga sechaba se kaone.” The new logo supported the municipal and also enhance and underline the care values to the Batho Pele principles which our municipality upholds.

The enthusiasm, determination, passion and effective municipal administration makes Molemole Muncipality “distinctively different” This many municipal successes would not be possible but for the strong political leadership of the Mayor, Cllr Maite Mohale, councillors and administrative excellence driven by the municipal manager, Adv S.J. Lethole. This condition of political and administrative competence sends a strong message to the people, that Molemole is a caring and community orientated municipality.

Lastly but not least, as head of communication unit, I would like to wish all our readers a prosperous Christmas. May god bless you in all your endeavors

Contributions can be sent to:

The Editor Molemole Municipality P.O Box 44 MOGWADI (DENDRON) 0715


1. Cllr Maite Mohale - Mayor

2. Adv. S.J Lethole – Municipal Manager

3. Timo Molopa – Head of Communication Unit THE MAYOR’S CONER: PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST

The communities of molemole municipality is assured of transparency, accountability, integrity and democratic local government through identified municipal core values. This values are based on the Batho-Pele framework.

“Provision of basic services to our people is at the top of our agenda as council we believe that the provision of services and infrastructure should be done within the framework of legislation governing the establishment and development of this spheres of government. I strongly believe that it is very important, that from time to time, progress is measured in as far as advancing the agenda of development local government, as under planned in the white paper on local government.”

“ Our mandate, namely the provision of basic services and infrastructure, within a sustainable environment, is very clear”

Community participation initiatives through Imbizo’s and ward meetings has gained momentum. I will therefore like to express my satisfaction over the growing levels of community participation in all 13 wards.

The protracted task of taking the process of local government transformation decisively forward and to meet the constituted mandate of the council, of services delivery to our communities by providing political leadership is evidently on course since we came into office.

The importance of teamwork between communities, politically and municipal staff is a very important component. Our consciousness, belief and recognition of the inevitable challenges of our journey dictate a high level overall of strategy which is going to take the integrated development plan (IDP) to calmer and more manageable waters.

We therefore undertake this journey as one team with one vision in our guest to be a well institution through good governance, where economic growth and prosperity and quality municipal service delivery will take Molemole to majestic heights.

“KOPANO KE MAATLA, GO AGA SECHABA SE KAONE”. Let us create a better Molemole for all who live and work in it!!! MUNICIPAL MANAGER’S DESK


Our municipality, like all other municipality within the country, is still faced a mammoth task of shading the legacies of apartheid which geared itself along racial lines.

It is therefore our responsibility to provide effective and affordable service to our people. Through sound administration this is possible and I will see to it that we deliver on our mandate.

“Of course, we are faced with many challenges. The high level of unemployment is a major concern. Our indigent population stats are very high and this is a divert result of unemployment. It is thus very important that we carry out the mandate of providing services to our people”.

Another challenge is to grow the economy and address poverty. To this end, our municipality is compiling its local economy development strategy which will identify available resources. The municipality is also looking at ways and means to secure business involvement in its development strategy.

“ My aim is to ensure that the municipal administration has the capacity to deal with all aspects of economic growth and service delivery. We must turn Molemole into a world class service provider. This is only possible if we have the capacity and skilled staff. However, it is through a commitment to the task and optimism that the potential for growth as well as administration know-how will bring success”

“I therefore call upon all those who must pay for service to do so. Also that the communities must involve themselves in municipal affairs and report irregularities. A clean, transparent and delivery municipality is the ultimate goal.

Yes, “kopano ke maatla go aga sechaba se kaone” THE MAYOR CONDEMNS XENOPHOBIC ATTACKS

South Africa has in the past five months been plagued by xenophobic attack on people from other African countries and their foreign residents, which have spread all over the country. Not only is this embarrassing and shameful for South Africa but it is totally against what South Africa stand for said Cllr Maite Mohale.

These xenophobic attacks pose a threat to the relationship our country has with other African countries and is a threat to the prosperity of South Africa. As the former President Thabo Mbeki said in his nation “address on 25 May, South Africa’s progress and prosperity is dependent on the progress and prosperity of our African neighbours.”

“Our municipality will harness and faster good relations with other African neighbours, not only for the benefit of the south African economy but for what the true sprit of humanity means and this what we stand for”, concluded the Mayor. THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW…

Regulations for social grants have been changed from this month. This means people who have experienced difficulties in getting their ID books and birth certificates issued to them will now be allowed to apply for social grants using affidavits.

The South African Social Security Agency – a body responsible for the administration of social grants – will now accept affidavits with stamps by a commissioner of oaths confirming the names, age, parentage of a child and any other applicant.

Just go to your nearest police station, complete an affidavit and attach it to a grant application form, available from any social development Department, and send your application to the social Security Agency. JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST HIV/AIDS

Molemole municipality, partnered with the Dept of Health recently in an effort to fight HIV/AIDS.

The two institutions hosted a candle light memorial at Mokomene Stadium, Ga-Ramokgopa. The infected and affected were in attendance, where Mosima Mathipa stood up to talk about her status. She was infected in 2000 and she says with a positive attitude and accepting her status, she is surviving.

The Mayor, Cllr Maite Mohale said they were humbled to see people from diverse groups such as churches and others in attendance. “We will continue to partner with different groups in the fight against the scourge of AIDS. As a municipality we also annually set aside about R50.000 for HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns.”

Ms Mabatho Masekela from Malekubu company, Ms Cate Satekge from Botlokwa hospital and Mr Tate Ramonetha from SASSA were also in attendance and gave their messages of support around ABC, which is abstaining, being faithful and condomsing .

Indeed this was a day of remembrance, community mobilization and global solidarity. SUMMARY OF BUDGET 2008/2009

Total budget is R62m which is an increase of R6m (9%) from last years budget of R56m.


Provision of R46m is made for operating expenditure which comprises 70% of total budget for 2008/2009. The overall operating budget has increased by R1m (2, 1% increase). The expenditure items are summarized under the following headings.


Provision of R28, 3m is made for salaries and allowance which comprises 60, 7% of the total operating expenditure. The salaries and allowances is effected because of the following:

 The filling of new posts from our approved organogram  Provision of 10% for section 57 managers, 9% for councillor and 8,5% for other officials.

The re-evaluation of posts is not yet completed and this will further have an impact on the salaries expenditure.


Provision of R15, 7m is made for general expenses which comprises 33, 9% of the total operating expenditure.


The total repair and maintenance amount to R1,2m which comprises 2,6% of the total operating budget.


Provision of R1, 3M is made to finance the purchase of new assets from our own revenue which comprises 2, 8% of total operating expenditure.


Provision of R16m is made for capital budget which comprises 30% of total budget. The overall capital budget has increased by R5,3m (32, 5%)

Budget allocation in terms of function and service delivery areas for the financial year 2008/2009 is as follows:

BUDGET AND TREASURY R2, 0m is allocated for:

1. Valuation roll 2. Revenue enhancement strategy


R1,5m allocated for:

1. Integrated HR development strategy 2. IT master system 3. Review of skills development plan 4. By-Laws 5. Internal audit system 6. Electronic security system 7. Performance Management System


The following projects have been identified of which an amount of R4 000,00 has been allocated.

1. Mineral scanning.


R550,000 allocated for:

1. Ramokgopa Park 2. Construction of palisade fence Sekgosese traffic station.


R11, 7m allocated for:

1. Ramokgopa Eisleben grave to tar road 2. Mogwadi traffic road projects 3. Mogwadi community hall 4. Eisleben community hall 5. Morebeng & Capricorn Highmast 6. Matipana to Madikana gravel to tar road 7. Mogwadi highmast 8. Mohodi highmast 9. Extension of Mogwadi municipal offices 10. Extension of Botlokwa Multipurpose Centre 11. PMU



In terms of division of revenue bill 2008, the following allocation are to be made to council for the municipal financial year 2008/2009.


The equitable share is an unconditional grant. Council has to receive an a mount of R32, 652, 0000 FOR 2008/2009

This equitable share was distributed among departments in the municipality


The grant is conditional and therefore it can only be used for capacity building

An amount of R500, 000 is allocated to the council for 2008/2009 financial year


The grant is conditional it can only be used for infrastructure An allocation of R10, 378, 086.11 is made to the council for 2008/2009 4. MUNICIPAL SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT GRANT

The grant is also conditional. An allocation of R735, 000 is made to the council for 2008/2009

5. CDM

An allocation of R850, 000 is made to the council

Total grant and subsidies = R45, 115, 086 Total own revenue = R17, 828, 756 Total Revenue = R62, 943, 842


“ I would also like to take this opportunity and invite all our stakeholders and communities to contribute, join hands and forge formidable partnership to improve the quality of life for our people and make Molemole the home of excellence and opportunities for a better life”. Concluded the Mayor. CROSSING FROM THE WIDE ZONE

“Accurate crossing of the ball is essential for goals to be scored. Our wide players (wingers) must be able to run with the ball at pace and deliver a good cross to the advancing forwards that are making a run into the big box”

This is what the municipal manager, adv Lethole, said to our municipal soccer players during one of the matches played at Modimolle Stadium during the provincial municipal inter-games.

“ As well as having exceptional talent, a professional football is also required to have strength of character, leadership qualities, coping skills and be able to handle stress. Must be able to work in a team and have trust and faith in his fellow mates” Said I. Mogashoa, our corporate manager, after our team was defeated by Thabazimbi municipality.

Oh, let me take this opportunity and to congratulate our snooker team which obtained position two during the municipal games. They were beaten 4-3 by Polokwane municipality during the finals. Fore their efforts, they got silver medals. Lastly, the communication unit also congratulates our netball team for beating Thabazimbi ladies 7-2 in one of their games.

It is unfortunate that we could not compete at National Level during the games that were held recently in Kimberly because of financial constrains.


Applications are hereby invited from students and prospective students residing in the molemole local municipality area of jurisdiction who wish to apply for a bursary with a view to furthering studies in the below mentioned field of studies.

Molemole local municipality annually bursaries to assist financially needy residents and / or students who have a good academic record to further their studies in the following fields of study:

(A) Civil Engineering; (B) Electrical Engineering; (C) Financial Management (D) Auditing; (E) Property & Land Valuation; (F) Town & Regional Planning (G) Human Resources A limited number of bursaries will be awarded based on academic and financial merit.

Bursary beneficiaries will be required to enter into a bonding agreement with the municipality to serve council for the duration equivalent to that of bursary immediately after completion of study or refund the bursary in full.

Closing date for all applications is: 30 November 2008; Grade 12’s are urged to submit their initial application by the 30 November 2008 and to submit their Grade 12 results on or before or 09 January 2009. Bursary application forms can be accessed from Municipal Offices.

Applications on the prescribed form should be sent to:

Corporate Services Manager or 303 Church Street or 25 Cnr. Roets & Vivirers Street P O Box 44 Mogwadi Morebeng Mogwadi 0715 0810 0715

NB. Take note of a summary of key criteria; terms and conditions governing the Municipal Mayoral Bursary is stipulated on of the Mayoral Bursary Application form attainable at Molemole Municipality Mogwadi & Morebeng Offices.


Cllr Maite Mohale encouraged people to cultivate backyard gardens particularly for household consumption and reduce dependence on buying vegetables.

Hon Mayor spoke during the provincial World Food Day celebrations at Mokomene Stadium Botlokwa last Friday. The theme this year is “World Food Security and the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy”.

Hon Mayor, who referred to the fact that the event took place against the backdrop of high food prices all over the world, said: “Our people cannot afford basic food stuffs such as mealie meal. The poor are spending more than half of their income on food due to these high food prices. There is still food insecurity. The situation leaves some communities without regular access to basic food, for example the normal three meals a day that we are all used to. About 35% of South Africans fall within this category. The most vulnerable are women, children, the elderly, chronically ill, unemployed and shack dwellers.” As the season for subsistence farming has arrived rural farmers are at work to produce food for their families.

Hon Mayor urged emerging farmers to use alternative sources of energy such as animal drawn implements instead of investing hard earned money in expensive tractors.

As part of the celebrations about 1000 beneficiaries from Botlokwa received food parcels, fertilizers and seeds to enhance their gardens, courtesy of the Department of Agriculture and Social Development.


Our municipality is losing thousands, if not millions of Rands because of vandalism and theft of public property.

The recent theft of water pumps is just one of many blows the municipality’s services delivery programme has been dealt over the past few months.

Water pipes valves have been vandalized and stolen leaving residents without water for weeks. The affected villages include Bouwlast, Mogodi, Sefene, Eisleben, Ramokgopa, Maphosa and Matseke.

“We are going to tighten securiting in identified areas where there are even illegal water connections and we are therefore calling and encouraging the public to assist by reporting these criminal acts to the police” said Cllr Maite Mohale. LEGISLATURE SETS INFO DEADLINE FOR BOTH THE MUNICIPALITY AND DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING LOCAL GOVERNMENT

The Limpopo Legislature gave the Department of Local Government and Housing and our municipality until the end of November to make available database information pertaining to the alleged unlawful occupation of RDP houses in Mogwadi. The deadlines was set following public hearings of the public participation and petitions committee of the legislature, the result of 18 petitions containing complaints by disgruntled members of the community who are not benefiting from the department’s RDP Programme.

Members of the community complained about having applied for RDP housing but only certain individuals. Present at the meeting which was held at Boersaal were petitioners, Municipal Officials and Councillors together with the Department of Local Government

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