The Writings of Charles Brockden Brown, 1783-1822

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The Writings of Charles Brockden Brown, 1783-1822

Last updated: 2011-6-5

Comprehensive Bibliography of the Writings of Charles Brockden Brown, 1783-1822


I. Publications

II. Manuscripts:

A. Letters A.1. Manuscript Collections for Letters

B. Manuscript or Transcribed Poems not Published Separately

C. Other Writings in Manuscript

III. Items Removed from Initial Weber Bibliography or Identified as the Work of Other Writers

IV. Abbreviations and Works Cited

V. List of substantial changes beginning July 2007

Item count

Publications: 764 Letters: 183 MS Poems: 31 Other MS: 11 Removed: 453

Total items by Brown: 989 Total items in bibliography: 1442

1 Introduction

This bibliography is a comprehensive effort, collectively undertaken by a team of scholars, to provide a listing of the writings of Charles Brockden Brown (1771-1810). It lists the initial pub- lications or manuscripts of all Brown’s known writings, and revises and updates earlier attempts at bibliographies, notably those of Charles E. Bennett (1974, 1976) and Alfred Weber (1961, 1987, 1992, 2003). The bibliography’s goal is to provide a listing of Brown’s writings that will be as complete as possible, within the limits imposed by the question of attributing anonymous periodical texts. It serves as the basis for the ongoing Charles Brockden Brown Electronic Archive and Scholarly Edition, and as a general bibliography to be updated and revised in re- sponse to new scholarship. The bibliography’s initial version was the “Preliminary and Chronological Bibliography of… Uncollected Writings” first developed in 2000 for the early stages of the Scholarly Edition by Al- fred Weber and Wolfgang Schäfer, and subsequently revised and emended by Fritz Fleischmann (2001-03). We modify Weber-Schäfer-Fleischmann (WSF) in several ways, most fundamentally by aiming to include all of Brown’s known writings, from his 1783 manuscript notes on Hume to the posthumous publication of his essay series “The Scribbler” in 1822. WSF listed only so-c- alled “uncollected” writings, understood as periodical pieces, letters, and certain other publica- tions and manuscripts that had not been previously edited or republished in modern form in the Kent State Bicentennial edition of the novels and related writings (1977-87), the Allen-Dunlap biographical miscellany (1811-1815) or other twentieth-century sources, e.g. the Warfel “Rhaps- odist” collection (1943) or the Clark biography (1952). In the absence of any attempt at a comprehensive bibliography after Bennett (1974), and in the absence of any widely available comprehensive bibliography of any sort, the Scholarly Edi- tion project generated the need for and the collective desire to develop a bibliography that provides: a) a reliable and widely accessible listing of the entirety of Brown’s writings; and b) a scholarly bibliography that can be maintained and updated to reflect new findings and evolving scholarly consensus on the attribution of anonymous publications.

Numbering System and Organization: The bibliography uses two types of 10-character item numbers (accession numbers) which together form one unified system. For publications (about 900 items), the numbering system first proposed by Weber is re- tained here: item numbers indicate year of publication, followed by a hyphen and five digits in- dicating month + first page of text. Thus the item number for “The Rhapsodist, no. I” is 1789- 08464: the text appeared in 1789, in August (08), beginning on page 464. In rare cases identical numbers occur for different texts, for example in the case of the six “Communications” from Oc- tober, 1808. These items are distinguished by adding letters to the identical item numbers (e.g. 1808-10003a, 1808-10003b, etc.). For manuscripts ( 225 items), the bibliography refers to three subcategories: Letters (cat- egory code ML, 183 items), Poems (category code MP, 31 items), and Miscellaneous prose texts (category code MM, 11 items). These are numbered by year of publication, followed by a hy- phen, a category code and 3 digits indicating the item’s place in a consecutively numbered cat- egory list. Thus the item number for the first letter is 1787-ML001; for the first poem 1786- MP001; for the first miscellaneous prose item 1783-MM001.

2 Attribution: Brown’s extensive anonymous periodical publications and editorial work on three magazines filled with his own writing make it impossible to pretend to definitive attribution for many items; thus a comprehensive Brown bibliography necessarily remains open to change. As Sydney Krause observed in 1966 (29), there will never be a last word in Brown bibliography on this level, and Brown presents certain challenges in this respect. Nevertheless, the cumulative knowledge of the scholarly tradition has clarified and continues to clarify the status of a great number of items, such that inclusion in this bibliography signifies that an item is indisputably by Brown, or that previous scholarship and the Scholarly Edition editors ascribe it to Brown with a high degree of confidence. To indicate a distinction between items in these two categories, a letter “A” (indisputable) or “B” (high degree of confidence) marks each publication. In the project’s TEI electronic version of the bibliography, “A” and “B” correspond to “high” and “medium.” Brown’s periodical writ- ing also includes a range of hybrid texts in which Brown excerpts, summarizes, and otherwise creatively edits and shapes other works while adding his own implicit or explicit commentary and contextual framing within each particular magazine issue. However, given the very large num- ber of A-B texts and new levels of availability of Brown’s magazines in the digital age (large numbers of readers can now explore the variety of texts in Brown’s magazines for themselves), the Scholarly Edition will select only A-B texts for the bibliography and its seven-volume print edition. Subsequent digital versions of the Scholarly Edition will be able to include hybrid and other texts that may help the reader explore the full range of Brown’s editorial work.

Additions, Deletions, and other Changes: Additions, deletions, and substantial changes to the initial WSF bibliography are tracked by the editors. Deletions from the initial version of bibliography, and new determinations of author- ship for items not by Brown are moved to section III (“Items Removed”), with brief rationales. Because some of these deleted texts have received scholarly commentary as Brown’s work or have been mistakenly listed in previous bibliographies as Brown’s work; and because their identi- fication may be useful in other ways (e.g., such items provide information about Brown’s patterns of editorial borrowing), we list deletions with relevant source information rather than simply eliminating the item. The advent of digital databases of eighteenth and nineteenth-century print materials has provided powerful new tools and opportunities for refining our understanding of Brown’s editori- al borrowings and for discovering which of Brown’s magazine texts are borrowed and edited from other previous publications. Checking texts attributed to Brown against these databases, as part of the ongoing editorial work for the Scholarly Edition, has allowed this bibliography to es- tablish a far more accurate account of the shape of Brown’s corpus, and of his editorial practices, than was possible in previous scholarly generations. In order to incorporate new information, the bibliography will be updated periodically throughout the duration of the Scholarly Edition project.

Editorial Contacts: The bibliography is a collective project that welcomes contributions and corrections. To contact us with relevant information, please email Philip Barnard ([email protected]) or Mark Kamrath ([email protected]).

3 Finally, note that while this bibliography lists republications and different versions of texts published under Brown’s supervision (however desultory) during his own lifetime or for the first time in the Allen-Dunlap biography or other periodicals in the years immediately following Brown’s death (e.g. serialized portions of the novels, as well as their first publication in book form), it does not extend to republications after Allen-Dunlap or in England. Items identified in this bibliography thus constitute the earliest versions and, for editorial purposes, in virtually all cases, the copy-texts of Brown’s writings.

Philip Barnard August 16, 2010 (initial version August 2007)


Barnard, Philip (University of Kansas) Battistini, Robert (Franklin & Marshall College) Burnham, Michelle (Santa Clara University) Cody, Michael (Eastern Tennessee State University) Ellis, Scott (Southern Connecticut State University) Fleischmann, Fritz (Babson College) Gardner, Jared (Ohio State University) Holmes, John (Franciscan University) Kamrath, Mark (University of Central Florida) Schäfer, Wolfgang (Universität Tübingen) Scheiding, Oliver (Universität Mainz) Shapiro, Stephen (Warwick University) Verhoeven, Wil (University of Groningen) Waterman, Bryan (New York University) Weber, Alfred (formerly Universität Tübingen) White, Edward (University of Florida)



1788-05427 "Utrum horum Mavis, elige" [a poem]. The American Magazine, Containing a Miscellaneous Collection of Original and Other Valuable Essays in Prose and Verse, and Calculated Both for Instruction and Amusement I.6 (May 1788), 427-8. B. [Attributed in Kennedy (1945), 350A-351H; reprinted as anonymous in E.H. Smith (1793), 222-226).]

1788-07594 "An Address to the Ladies, by their best friend Sincerity" [a poem]. The American Magazine I.8 (July 1788), 594. B. [Identified by the magazine’s editor as a companion piece to “Utrum horum Mavis, elige,” 1788-05427, by same author]


1789-02000 [“Epitaph for Franklin”] “Inscription for General Washington's Tomb Stone.” [a poem]. The State Gazette of North Carolina (Feb. 23, 1789). A. [Reprinted Warfel (1949, 32-33), and Clark (1952, 46)]

1789-08464 "The Rhapsodist. No. I." The Columbian Magazine [Philadelphia, 1786-90] 3.8 (Au- gust 1789), 464-467. Signed "B." A.

1789-09537 "The Rhapsodist. No. II." The Columbian Magazine 3.9 (September 1789), 537- 541. Signed "R." A.

1789-10587 "The Rhapsodist. No. III." The Columbian Magazine 3.10 (October 1789), 587-601. Signed “O.” A.

1789-11661 "The Rhapsodist. No. IV." The Columbian Magazine 3.11 (November 1789), 661- 665. Signed "W." A.


1791-04002 "Sonnet: Written after Hearing a Song by three Sisters" [a poem]. General Advert- iser (April 25, 1791), 2. Signed "HENRY." B.

1791-05018 "To Ella" [a poem]. Gazette of the United States (May 14, 1791), 18. B.

1791-06067 "The Smile: Sonnet to Caroline" [a poem]. Gazette of the United States, (June 25, 1791), 67. Signed "HENRY." B.

5 1791-07094 "Song" [a poem]. Gazette of the United States, (July 20, 1791), 94. Signed “HENRY.” B.


1792-03365 "Sonnet" [a poem]. Gazette of the United States (March 14, 1792), 365. Signed "HENRY." B.

1792-06047 "Sonnet to Flora" [a poem]. The Lady's Magazine, and Repository of Entertaining Knowledge I (June 1792), 47-48. B.

1792-08146 "Constancy. Addressed to Miss P---s" [a poem]. The Lady's Magazine, and Repos- itory of Entertaining Knowledge (August 1792), 146. Signed "Castalio." [Written 1789.] B.

1792-09188 "Verses --- on miss S - - - n" [a poem]. The Lady's Magazine, and Repository of En- tertaining Knowledge I (Sept. 1792), 188. B.

1792-12045 "An Elegy Addressed to Miss P - - - -" [a poem]. The Lady's Magazine, and Repos- itory of Entertaining Knowledge II (Dec. 1792), 45. [Written 1789.] B.


1797-01003 [Review of] John Blair Linn, Bourville Castle; or, the Gallic Orphan.” New York Minerva, Jan. 18, 1797, 3. B. [“probable” attribution to Brown in Dunlap (1832), 305; and Duyckinck (1875), 680] [added 6/2007, phb]


1798-02001 "The Man at Home. No. I." The Weekly Magazine of Original Essays, Fugitive Pieces, and Interesting Intelligence I.1 (Feb. 3, 1798), 1-4. A. [Continued in 1798-02033. -02065, -02099, -03133, -03167, -03193, -03225, -03257, -04289, -04320, 04352, -04383.]

1798-02033 "The Man at Home. No. II." Weekly Magazine I.2 (Feb. 10, 1798), 33-37. A.

1798-02065 "The Man at Home. No. III." Weekly Magazine I.3 (Feb. 17, 1798), 65-67. A.

1798-02099 "The Man at Home. No.IV." Weekly Magazine I.4 (Feb. 24, 1798), 99-103. A.

6 1798 March

1798-03133 “The Man at Home. No. V.” Weekly Magazine I.5 (March 3, 1798), 133-136. A.

1798-03167 “The Man at Home. No. VI.” Weekly Magazine I.6 (March 10, 1798), 167-170. A.

1798-03193 "The Man at Home. No. VII.” Weekly Magazine I.7 (March 17,1798), 193-195. A.

1798-03198 “The Rights of Women. A Dialogue.” Weekly Magazine 1.7 (March 17, 1798), 198- 200. [Installment 1 of 4 of periodical version of Alcuin] A. [added 2003, FF]

1798-03202 "Notice of a New Work. &c. To the Editor of the Weekly Magazine." Weekly Magazine I.7 (March 17, 1798), 202. Signed "Speratus." A. [Advertisement for Sky-Walk]

1798-03225 "The Man at Home. No. VIII." Weekly Magazine I.8 (March 24, 1798), 225-226. A.

1798-03228 “Extract from the ‘Sky-Walk.’” Weekly Magazine 1.8 (March 24, 1798), 228-231. A. [added 2003, FF]

1798-03231 “The Rights of Women. A Dialogue.” Weekly Magazine 1.8 (March 24, 1798), 231- 235. [Installment 2 of 4 of periodical version of Alcuin] A. [added 2003, FF]

1798-03257 "The Man at Home, No. IX." Weekly Magazine I.9 (March 31, 1798), 257-261. A.

1798-03271 “The Rights of Women. A Dialogue.” Weekly Magazine 1.9 (March 31, 1798), 271-274. [Installment 3 of 4 of periodical version of Alcuin] A. [added 2003, FF]

1798 April

1798-04000 Alcuin: A Dialogue. New York: T. & J. Swords, 1798. A. [Title page indicates May, but volume was published 27 April, 1798]. [added 4/2007, phb]

1798-04289 "The Man at Home, No. X." Weekly Magazine I.10 (April 7, 1798), 289-291. A.

1798-04299 “The Rights of Women. A Dialogue. Part II.” Weekly Magazine I.10 (April 7, 1798), 299-302. [Installment 4 of 4 of periodical version of Alcuin] A. [added 2003, FF]

1798-04318 [untitled] “A.Z. requests to be informed…” Weekly Magazine I.10 (April 7, 1798), 318. A.

7 [response to query concerning title of Sky-Walk] [added 4/2007, phb]

1798-04320 "The Man at Home, No. XI." Weekly Magazine I.11 (April 14, 1798), 320-323. A. [reprinted as 1806-12448, “Pestilence and Bad Government Compared.”]

1798-04323 "On Theatres." Weekly Magazine I.11 (April 14, 1798), 323-324. Signed "Philo." [Reprinted in 1806-12400.] B.

1798-04326 "Sudden Impulses." Weekly Magazine I.11 (April 14, 1798), 326-328. Signed "Con- stance." B.

1798-04352 "The Man at Home, No, XII." Weekly Magazine I.12 (April 21, 1798), 352-355. A.

1798-04357 “On the Effects of Theatric Exhibitions.” Weekly Magazine I.12 (April 21, 1798), 357-360. Signed "Philo." A.

1798-04360 “On the Effects of Theatric Representations.” Weekly Magazine 1.12 (April 21, 1798), 360-362. Signed “W.“ A. [added 2003, FF]

1798-04364 “A Series of Original Letters – Letter I.” Weekly Magazine I.12 (April 21, 1798), 364-365. [Continued in 1798-04389. -05008, -05046, -05069, -05103, -06135.] A.

1798-04383 “The Man at Home, No. XIII.” Weekly Magazine I.13 (April 28, 1798), 383-386. A.

1798-04389 “A Series of Original Letters. – Letter II.” Weekly Magazine 1.13 (April 28, 1798), 389-391. A.

1798-04391 “A Series of Original Letters. – Letter III.” Weekly Magazine 1.13 (April 28, 1798). 391-393. A.

1798 May

1798-05006 "Review of Count Rumford‘s Essays. Essay I." Weekly Magazine II.14 (May 5, 1798), 6-8. Signed "Philo." B. [reprinted in 1799-05132. Four other installments 1798-05035, -05063, -05097, -06129.]

1798-05008 "A Series of Original Letters [Nos. 4-5].” Weekly Magazine II.14 (May 5, 1798), 8- 12. A.

1798-05035 "Review. Count Rumford‘s Second Essay." Weekly Magazine II.15 (May 12, 1798), 35-37. Signed "Philo." B. [Reprinted in 1799-06229.]

8 1798-05038 “On Scheming.” Weekly Magazine II.15 (May 12, 1798), 38-39. Signed “Philo.” B. [added 2003, FF]

1798-05046 "A Series of Original Letters. – Letter VI." Weekly Magazine II.15 (May 12, 1798), 46-47. A.

1798-05065 "Review. Count Rumford‘s Third Essay." Weekly Magazine II.16 (May 19, 1798), 65-67. Signed "Philo." A. [Continued in 1798-05097; Reprinted in 1799-07299]

1798-05069 "A Series of Original Letters. – Letter VII." Weekly Magazine II.16 (May 19, 1798), 69-71. A.

1798-05071 "A Lesson on Sensibility." Weekly Magazine II.16 (May 19,1798), 71-76. Signed "A.Z." A.

1798-05097 “Review. Count Rumford‘s Third Essay." Weekly Magazine II.17 (May 26, 1798), 97-99. Signed "Philo." B. [Reprinted in 1799-07299.]

1798-05099 "The Schemer. – No. XI." Weekly Magazine II.17 (May 26, 1798), 99-100. [added 2003, FF] B.

1798-05103 "A Series of Original Letters – Letter IX." Weekly Magazine II.17 (May 26, 1798), 103-105. A. [Reprinted partially as 1799-07257]

1798 June

1798-06129 “Review. Count Rumford‘s Third Essay.” Weekly Magazine II.18 (June 2, 1798), 129-130. Signed "Philo." B. [Reprinted in 1799-07299.]

1798-06135 "A Series of Original Letters. – Letter X." Weekly Magazine II.18 (June 2, 1798),135-137. A.

1798-06167 "The Schemer. – No. XII." Weekly Magazine II.19 (June 9, 1798), 167-168. B. [added 2003, FF]

1798-06193 "Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793." Weekly Magazine II.20 (June 16, 1798), 193-199. A. [Installment 1 of 9] [added 2003, FF]

9 1798-06221 "To Stella – No. I" [a poem]. Weekly Magazine II.20 (June 16, 1798), 221. By "Henry." [Written 1795.] A.

1798-06225 “The Schemer – No. XIII.” Weekly Magazine II.21 (June 23, 1798), 225-226. B. [added 2003, FF]

1798-06226 "Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793." Weekly Magazine II. 21 (June 23, 1798), 226-230. A. [Installment 2 of 9] [added 2003, FF]

1798-06232 "Queries." Weekly Magazine II.21 (June 23, 1798), 232-233. Signed "A.Z." A.

1798-06250 "A Particular Account of a Singular Sleepwalker." Weekly Magazine II.21 (June 23, 1798), 250-253. B. [added 2003, FF]

1798-06257 "Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793." Weekly Magazine II.22 (June 30, 1798), 257-262. A. [Installment 3 of 9] [added 2003, FF]

1798-06277 "An Instance of Ventriloquism." Weekly Magazine II.22 June 30, 1798), 277-278. B.

1798-06278 "A Receipt for a Modern Romance." Weekly Magazine II.22 (June 30, 1798), 278. Signed "Anti-Ghost." A.

1798-06285 "To Stella – No. III" [a poem]. Weekly Magazine II.22 (June 30, 1798), 285. By "Henry." [Written 1795.] A.

1798-06286 "To Stella – No. V" [a poem]. Weekly Magazine II.22 (June 30, 1798), 286. By "Henry." [Written 1795.] A.

1798 July

1798-07289 "The Schemer – No. XIV." Weekly Magazine II.23 (July 7, 1798), 289-290. [added 2003, FF] B.

1798-07290 "Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793." Weekly Magazine II.23 (July 7, 1798), 290-296. A. [Installment 4 of 9] [added 2003, FF]

1798-07297 "Utrum Horum?" Weekly Magazine II.23 (July 7, 1798), 297. Signed "B." B.

10 1798-07317 "A Billet-Doux: By a Philosopher" [a poem]. Weekly Magazine II.23 (July 7, 1798), 317-318. A.

1798-07322 "Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793." Weekly Magazine II.24 (July 14, 1798), 322-327. A. [Installment 5 of 9] [added 2003, FF]

1798-07370 "A Review of a Memoir concerning the fascinating Faculty which has been ascribed to the Rattle-Snake and other American Serpents. (By BENJAMIN SMITHBARTON, M.D. Professor of Natural History and Botany in the University of Pennsylvania, &c. &c. 8vo.)." Weekly Magazine II.25 (July 21, 1798), 370-374. B. [Continued in 1798-07394.]

1798-07394 "A Review of a Memoir ... (By BENJAMIN SMITH BARTON ...)" . Weekly Magazine II.26 (July 28, 1798), 394-396. B.

1798 August-September

1798-08008 "Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793." Weekly Magazine III.27 (August 4, 1798), 8-11. A. [Installment 6 of 9] [added 2003, FF]

1798-08035 "Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793." Weekly Magazine III. 28 (August 11, 1798), 35-37. A. [Installment 7 of 9] [added 2003, FF]

1798-08045 "Facts and Calculations Respecting the Population and Territory of the United States of America.” Weekly Magazine III.28 and 29 (August 11 and 18, 1798), 45-50, 71-5. [The introductory sentence, addressed "to the Editors of the Weekly Magazine and ascribing this article to Samuel Hopkins, is signed "C.B.B." Also the end of the article is signed "New York, August 1798. C.B.B." The paper itself was drawn up in 1796 by Samuel Hopkins, an American gentleman, then in London.]. A.

1798-08065 “Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793.” Weekly Magazine III.29 (August 18, 1798), 65-71. A. [Installment 8 of 9] [added 8/2007, phb]

1798-08101 “Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793.” Weekly Magazine III.29 (August 25, 1798), 101-105. A. [Installment 9 of 9] [added 8/2007, phb]

11 1798-09000 Wieland; or The Transformation. An American Tale. New York: Printed by T. & J. Swords. A. [added 4/2007, phb]


1799-01000 Ormond; or The Secret Witness. New York: Printed by G. Forman for H. Caritat, 1799. [January] A. [added 4/2007, phb]

1799-03021 “Edgar Huntly: A Fragment.” Monthly Magazine I.1 (April 1799), 21-44. [With headnote addressed to “Mr. Editor” and signed “E.H.”] A. [Added 4/2007, BW]

1799-03322 "The Ubiquitarian.—No. XVIII." Weekly Magazine III.37 (March 23, 1799), 322-324. Signed "N." B.

1799-03355 "Reflections on Moralists and Moral Writings." Weekly Magazine III. 38 (March 30, 1799), 355-356. Signed "N." B.

1799 April

1799-04003 "On Apparitions. In a Letter from a Country Gentleman to his Friend in Town." Monthly Magazine I.1 (April, 1799), 3-8. Signed "F.R." B.

1799-04008 “The Economist.- No. I.” Monthly Magazine I.1 (April 1799 ), 8-10. Signed "R." B.

1799-04019 "Dialogues of the Living. Dialogue I." Monthly Magazine I.1 (April 1799), 19-21. [Continued in 1800-02096, -04284, -06402.] A.

1799-04045 "Art. I. [Review of] A complete History of Connecticut, Civil and Ecclesiastical, from the Emigration of its first Planters from England in 1630, to 1713. By Benjamin Trumbull, D.D. Vol. i. 8vo. 2 dollars & 25 cents. Hudson and Goodwin. Hartford." Monthly Magazine I.1 (April 1799), 45- 46. B.

1799-04047 "Art. II. [Review of] The Life of Ezra Stiles, D.D.L.L.D. President of Yale College, &c. &c. By Abiel Holmes, A.M. Pastor of the First Church in Cambridge. 8vo. pp. 403. Thomas and Andrews. Boston. 1798." Monthly Magazine I.1 (April 1799), 47-48. B.

1799-04048 "Art. III. [Review of] Sermons on various Subjects, Doctrinal, Experimental, and Prac- tical. By Nathan Strong, Pastor of the North Presbyterian Church in Hartford, Connecticut. Vol. i. 8vo. pp. 396. 1 dollar & 50 cents. Hudson and Goodwin. Hartford. 1798." Monthly Magazine I.1 (April 1799), 48-50. B.

12 1799-04050 "Art. IV. [Review of] An Eulogium on the late Dr. Samuel Cooper. Delivered before the Medical Society of Philadelphia, on the 4th March, 1799. By Charles Caldwell, A.M.M.D. &c. 8vo. pp. 48. Philadelphia. Carey. 1799." Monthly Magazine I.1 (April 1799), 50-51. Signed "B." B.

1799-04076 "Anecdotes of distinguished Characters. – Kotzebue." Monthly Magazine I.1 (April 1799), 76-78. Signed "W." B.

1799-04079 "To Stella" [a poem]. Monthly Magazine I.1 (April 1799), 79. Dated: "New-York, Sept. 20, 1798." Signed: "ALWIN." A.

1799 May

1799-05000 Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793. Philadelphia: H. Maxwell, 1799. [May? Appeared between March 7 and May 21.] A. [Added 4/2007, phb]

1799-05081 "On the Inequalities of Solar Light." Monthly Magazine I.2 (May 1799), [81]-83. Signed "B." B.

1799-05085 "On Almanacks." Monthly Magazine I.2 (May 1799), 85-88.- Signed "R." A. [Reprinted in 1806-12424.]

1799-05090 "Parallel between Hume, Robertson and Gibbon." Monthly Magazine I.2 (May 1799), 90-94. Signed "O." A.

1799-05099 "Thessalonica: A Roman Story." Monthly Magazine I.2 (May 1799), 99-117. A. [Reprinted Dunlap, 1815].

1799-05117 "Art. V. [Review of] New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America. By Benjamin Smith Barton,M.D. &c.&c. 8vo. pp. 274. Philadelphia. Printed for the Author by John Bioren. 1798." Monthly Magazine I.2 (May 1799), 117-119. Signed "C.B." A.

1799-05124 "Art. VII. [Review of] Memoirs of Major-Gen. Heath, containing Anecdotes, Details of Skirmishes, Battles, and other Military Events, during the American War. Written by him- self. pp. 388. 8vo. Thomas & Andrews. Boston. 1798." Monthly Magazine I.2 (May 1799), 124-126. Signed "N." B.

1799-05127 "Art. IX. [Review of] The Duty of Executors and Administrators. By the Hon. John Faucheraud Grimké, one of the Associate Judges of the State of South Carolina. New-York. T. and J. Swords. 1797." Monthly Magazine I.2 (May 1799), 127-128. Signed "O." B.

1799-05128 “Art. X. [Review of] A Discourse on National Sins: delivered May 9, 1798; being the Day recommended by the President of the United States, to be observed as a Day of General Fast. By William Linn, D.D. one of the Ministers of the Reformed Dutch Church in the City

13 of New-York. 8vo. pp. 37. T. and J. Swords. New-York. 1798.” Monthly Magazine I.2 (May 1799), 128-129. B. [Added 4/2007, BW]

1799-05129 “Art. XI. [Review of] A Sermon, delivered May 9, 1798, being the Day of a National Fast, recommended by the President of the United States. By John Thornton Kirkland, Min- ister of the New South Church, Boston. 8vo. pp. 23. Russel. Boston. 1798.” Monthly Magazine I.2 (May 1799), 129-130. B. [Added 4/2007, BW]

1799-05130 "Art. IV. [Review of] The History of America, Books IX. and X. Containing the His- tory of Virginia to the Year 1688, and of Connecticut to the Year 1652. By William Robertson, D.D. &c. 8vo. pp. 196. Philadelphia. J. Humphreys. 1799." Monthly Magazine I.2 (May 1799), 130-132. Signed "B." B.

1799-05132 "Art. V. [Review of] Essays, Political, Economical, and Philosophical. By Benjamin Count Rumford. The first American, from the third London edition. Vol. i. pp. 464. D. West. Boston. 1798." Monthly Magazine I.2 (May 1799), 132-134. B. [Reprinted from 1798-05006; Continued in 1799-06229. -07229, -0876, -12449, 1800- 01061, -02139.]

1799-05134 “Art. VI [Review of] Encyclopædia; or a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Miscel- laneous Literature; constructed on a Plan, by which the different Sciences and Arts are diges- ted into the Form of distinct Treatises or Systems, &c. The first American Edition, in eight- een volumes 4to. T. Dobson. Philadelphia. 1798.” Monthly Magazine I.2 (May 1799), 134- 135. B. [Added 4/2007, BW]

1799-05135 "Art. VII. [Review of] Poems by Robert Southey. First American Edition. pp. 125. 12mo. Boston. Printed for Joseph Nancrede. 1799. Price 62 cents." Monthly Magazine I.2 (May 1799), 135-137. Signed "W." B.

1799-05137 "Art. VIII. [Review of] The Naval Gazetteer, or Seaman‘s complete Guide, &c. &c. By the Rev. John Malham. Illustrated with a correct Set of Charts. The first American Edi- tion, in two Volumes large 8vo. Boston. W. Spotswood and J. Nancrede. 1797." Monthly Magazine I.2 (May 1799), 137. Signed "N." B.

1799-05156 "Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence." Monthly Magazine, I.2 (May 1799), 156-158. B.

1799 June

1799-06161 "Portrait of An Emigrant. Extracted from a Letter." Monthly Magazine I.3 (June 1799), 161-164. Signed "B." A.

14 1799-06169 "Gossiping: A Dialogue." Monthly Magazine I.3 (June 1799), 169-171. Signed "N." A.

1799-06181 "Philadelphia Water-Works. June, 1799." Monthly Magazine I.3 (June 1799), 181- 182. Signed "B."

1799-06191 “Memoirs of Stephen Calvert.” Monthly Magazine I.3 (June, 1799), 191-215. A [Installment 1 of 9] [added 4/2007, BW]

1799-06216 "Art. XII. [Review of] The History of Pennsylvania, in North-America, from the Ori- ginal Institution and Settlement of that Province, &c. in 1681, till after the Year 1742; with an Introduction, respecting the Life of William Penn, and the Society of Quakers; with the Rise of the Neighbouring Colonies, &c. &c. &c. By Robert Proud. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 1028. Philadelphia. Z. Poulson, Jun. 1798." Monthly Magazine I.3 (June 1799), 216-217. Signed "B." B.

1799-06217 "Art.XIII. [Review of] An Oration pronounced July 4th, 1798, at the request of the in- habitants of the Town of Boston, in commemoration of the Anniversary of American Inde- pendence. By Josiah Quincy. 2d edition. pp. 31. Boston. J. Russell. 1798." Monthly Magazine I.3 (June 1799), 217-221. Signed "N." B.

1799-06225 "Art. IX. [Review of] Joan of Arc: An Epic Poem, by Robert Southey. Boston. Man- ning and Loring. 1798. 12mo. pp. 170." Monthly Magazine I.3 (June, 1799), 225-229. Signed "B." B.

1799-06229 "Art. X. [Review of] Essays...By...Count Rumford" . Monthly Magazine I.3 (June 1799), 229-232. Signed "O." B. [Reprinted from 1798-05035.]

1799-06237 "Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence" . Monthly Magazine I.3 (June 1799), 237- 238. B.

1799 July

1799-07247 “On the Stature of Man.” Monthly Magazine I.4 (July 1799), 247-254. Signed “X.” B. [Added 4/2007, BW]

1799-07257 "The Punishment of Ridicule: A Fragment." Monthly Magazine I.4 (July 1799), 257-259. B. [Reprinted from 1798-05103: one part of letter IX in the "Series of Original Letters." Also reprinted in Warfel (1943), 125-28.]

1799-07267 “Memoirs of Stephen Calvert.” Monthly Magazine I.4 (July, 1799), 267-282. A. [Installment 2 of 9] [added 4/2007, BW]

15 1799-07287 “Art. XVI. [Review of] An Oration, spoken at Hartford, in Connecticut, on the An- niversary of American Independence, &c. By William Brown. Hartford. Hudson and Good- win. 1799. pp. 23.” Monthly Magazine I.4 (July 1799), 287-290. B. [Added 4/2007, BW]

1799-07293 “Art. XI. [Review of] An Appeal to Impartial Posterity. By Madame Roland, &c. Translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York. Printed by R. Wilson, for A. Van Hook. 1798.,” Monthly Magazine, I.4 (July 1799), 293-299. B. [Added 4/2007, BW]

1799-07299 "Art. XII. [Review of] Essays...By...Count Rumford" . Monthly Magazine I.4 (July 1799), 299-305. B. [Reprinted from 1798-05065, 1798-05097, and 1798-06129.]

1799-07316 "Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence" . Monthly Magazine I.4 (July 1799), 316-318. B.

1799 August

1799-08000 Edgar Huntly; or, Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker. Philadelphia: H. Maxwell, 1799. [August?] A. [added 4/2007, phb]

1799-08335 "Walstein‘s School of History. From the German of Krants of Gotha [first part]." Monthly Magazine I.5 (Aug. 1799), 335-338. A. [Continued in 1799-12407.]

1799-08345 “On the Use of Maize.” Monthly Magazine I.5 (Aug. 1799), 345-350. Signed "Philo-Rumford." B.

1799-08350 “Memoirs of Stephen Calvert.” Monthly Magazine I.5 (August, 1799), 350-359. A. [Installment 3 of 9] [Added 4/2007 BW]

1799-08369 "Art. XXI. [Review of] An Oration, pronounced on the 4th of July, 1799, at the re- quest of the Citizens of New-Haven. By David Daggett. Second Edition. pp. 28. 8vo. New-Haven. Thomas Green and Son. 1799." Monthly Magazine I.5 (Aug. 1799), 369-372.

1799-08373 "Art. XXIII. [Review of] An Oration, pronounced July 4th, 1799, at the request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in Commemoration of the Anniversary of American In- dependence. By John Lowell, Junior. Boston. Manning and Loring. pp. 27. 8vo." Monthly Magazine I.5 (Aug. 1799), 373-375.

1799-08376 "Art. XIII. [Review of] Essays...By...Count Rumford" . Monthly Magazine I.5 (Aug. 1799), 376-380.

16 1799-08395 "Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence" . Monthly Magazine I.5 (Aug. 1799), 395-398.

1799 September-December

1799-09424 “Memoirs of Stephen Calvert.” Monthly Magazine I.6 (Sept.-Dec. 1799), 424-434. A. [Installment 4 of 9] [Added 4/2007, BW]

1799-12407 "Walstein’s School of History. From the German of Krants of Gotha [second and last part]." Monthly Magazine I.6 (Sept.-Dec. 1799), 407-411. A.

1799-12415 "On the Number of Printed Books." Monthly Magazine I.6 (Sept.-Dec. 1799), 415- 417. B. [reprinted as 1806-12461. Signed "O."]

1799-12424 “Memoirs of Stephen Calvert.” Monthly Magazine I.6 (Sept.-Dec. 1799), 424-434. A. [Installment 5 of 9] [added 4/2007, phb].

1799-12442 "Art. XXVII. [Review of] Transactions of the American Philosophical Society ..." . Monthly Magazine I.6 (Sept.-Dec. 1799), 442-445. B.

1799-12445 "Art. XXVIII. [Review of] A Summary History of New-England, from the first Set- tlement at Plymouth, to the Acceptance of the Federal Constitution. By Hannah Adams. pp. 514. Dedham. Mann and Adams. 1799." Monthly Magazine I.6 (Sept.-Dec. 1799), 445-449. B.

1799-12449 "Art. XIV. [Review of] Essays...By...Count Rumford" . Monthly Magazine I.6 (Sept.-Dec. 1799), 449-453. B.

1799-12470 "Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence" . Monthly Magazine I.6 (Sept.-Dec. 1799), 470-475. B.

1799-12475 "Death of General George Washington." Monthly Magazine I.6 (Sept.-Dec. 1799), 475-477. B.

1799-12478 "Monody on the Death of George Washington, Delivered at the New-York Theatre, on Monday Evening, December 30, 1799" [a poem]. Monthly Magazine I.6 (Sept.-Dec. 1799), 478-479. A.


17 1800-00000 "Death of Cicero, A Fragment." In vol. III, C.B.Brown, Edgar Huntly; or, Mem- oirs of a Sleep-Walker, to which is annexed, The Death of Cicero, A Fragment (Phil- adelphia: H. Maxwell, 1800). A. [Jan. or Feb.?]. [This is vol. III of the novel’s second printing, following the novel’s final page III.193 with new pagination from 1. In this new pagination, the story runs from 3 to 48.] [added 4/2007, phb]

1800-01017 “Memoirs of Stephen Calvert.” Monthly Magazine II.1 (Jan. 1800), 17-30. A. [Installment 6 of 9] [Added 4/2007, BW]

1800-01030 "Art. I. [Review of] A Brief History of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases; with the principal Phenomena of the Physical World, which precede and accompany them; and Ob- servations deduced from the Facts stated. In two vols. 8vo. By Noah Webster. Hartford. Hudson and Goodwin. 1799. pp. 700." Monthly Magazine II.1 (Jan. 1800), 30-36. B.

1800-01047 "Art. III. [Review of] Transactions of the American Philosophical Society ..." . Monthly Magazine II.1 (Jan. 1800), 47-53. B.

1800-01055 "Art. VI. [Review of>] An Oration, delivered at the request of the Society of [Phi Beta Kappa], in the Chapel of Harvard College, on the day of their anniversary, July 9, 1798. By John Thornton Kirkland. 8vo. pp. 24. Boston. J. Russell. 1798." Monthly Magazine II.1 (Jan. 1800), 55-60. B.

1800-01060 "Art. I. [Review of] Adventures of Signor Gaudentio di Lucca. One Volume. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1799. [By Bishop Berkley]." Monthly Magazine II.1 (Jan. 1800), 60-61.

1800-01061 "Art. II. [Review of] Essays...By...Count Rumford" . Monthly Magazine II.1 (Jan. 1800), 61-64. B.

1800-01076 "Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence" . Monthly Magazine II.1 (Jan. 1800), 76-78. B.

1800 February

1800-02096 "Dialogues of the Living. Dialogue II." Monthly Magazine II.2 (Feb. 1800), 96-99. A. [See also the prefatory letter, “To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine,” signed “Philo- muthos,” who seems the likely author for the dialogue; BW]

1800-02099 “Remarks upon the Russian Empire.” Monthly Magazine II.2 (Feb. 1800), 99-102. Signed "H.X." B. [Reprinted as 1806-12445 in the Literary Magazine VI.39 (Dec. 1806), 445-448. Signed "R."]

1800-02102 "Hints for a Funeral Oration." Monthly Magazine II.2 (Feb. 1800), 102-105. Signed "Yours, Monendus." B.

18 1800-02108 "Art. VII.[Review of] A Brief History of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases; with the principal Phenomena of the Physical World, which precede and accompany them; and Ob- servations deduced from the Facts stated. In two vols. 8vo. By Noah Webster. Hartford. Hudson and Goodwin. 1799. pp. 700. (Continued from p. 36)." Monthly Magazine, II.2 (Feb. 1800), 108-115. B.

1800-02115 "Art. VIII. [Review of] Transactions of the American Philosophical Society." . Monthly Magazine II.2 (Feb. 1800), 115-120. B.

1800-02120 "Art. IX. [Review of] An Oration on the Death of General Washington. By Governeur [sic] Morris. Delivered at the Request of the Corporation of the City of New-York, Dec. 31, 1799, and published by their Request. Furman, 1800, pp. 24." Monthly Magazine II.2 (Feb. 1800), 120-122. B.

1800-02122 “Art. X. [Review of] A Funeral Oration, in honour of the memory of George Washing- ton, late General of the Armies of the United States. Prepared and delivered at the request of Congress, at the German Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, on Thursday the 26th of December. By Major-General Henry Lee, one of the Representatives from the State of Virginia. 8vo. pp. 16. Brooklyn. Kirk. 1800.” Monthly Magazine II.2 (Feb. 1800), 122-124. B. [Added 4/2007, BW]

1800-02124 “Art. XI. [Review of] An Oration on the apparent and real political situation of the United States; pronounced before the Connecticut Society of Cincinnati, assembled at New- Haven for the celebration of American Independence, July 4, 1799. By Zechariah Lewis, a tutor of Yale College. 8vo. pp. 27. New-Haven. Green and Son. 1799.” Monthly Magazine II.2 (Feb. 1800), 124-125. B. [Added 4/2007, BW]

1800-02125 "Art. XII. [Review of] A Prayer and Sermon, delivered at Charleston, Dec. 31, 1799, on the death of George Washington, late President, and Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States of America, &c. with an additional sketch of his life. By Jedediah Morse, D.D. Pastor of the Church in Charleston. To which is prefixed, an account of the pro- ceedings of the town on the melancholy occasion; written by Josiah Bartlett, Esq. 8vo. pp. 82. Charleston. Etheridge. 1800." Monthly Magazine II.2 (Feb. 1800), 125-127. B.

1800-02128 “Art. XIV. [Review of] An Address to the Citizens of New-York, who assembled in the Brick Presbyterian Church, to celebrate the twenty-third Anniversary of American Inde- pendence. By Samuel L. Mitchill. 8vo. pp. 27. New-York. 1800. George F. Hopkins.” Monthly Magazine II.2 (Feb. 1800), 128-131. B. [Added 4/2007, BW]

1800-02131 "Art. XV. [Review of] An Oration on the Death of General Washington, pronounced before the Citizens of Albany, on Thursday, January 9, 1800. By William P., Esq. pp. 17. 4to. Albany. C.R. & G. Webster." Monthly Magazine II.2 (Feb. 1800), 131-133. A.

19 1800-02139 "Art. III [Review of] Essays...By...Count Rumford" .” Monthly Magazine II.2 (Feb. 1800), 139-142. B.

1800-02155 "Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence. . Monthly Magazine II.2 (Feb. 1800), 155-158. B.

1800 March

1800-03161 “Statements of destruction produced by the French Revolution.” Monthly Magazine II.3 (March 1800): 161-165. Signed “C.D.” B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-03172 “Note on Stephen Calvert.” Monthly Magazine II.3 (March 1800): 172-173. Signed “H.” A. [Slawinski (2005) suggests this letter may be Brown’s; the editorial note that follows the letter, signed “E.,” is certainly Brown’s.] [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-03174 "Lesson on Concealment; or, Memoirs of Mary Selwyn." Monthly Magazine II. (March 1800), 174-207. A.

1800-03208 "Art. XVII. [Review of] A Brief History of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases; with the principal Phenomena of the Physical World which precede and accompany them; and Observations deduced from the Facts stated. In two volumes. 8vo. By Noah Webster. Hart- ford. Hudson and Goodwin. 1799. pp. 700. (Continued from p. 115)." Monthly Magazine II.3 (March 1800), 208-213. B.

1800-03213 "Art. XVIII. [Review of] Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, held in Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge. (Continued from p. 120) On the extraneous fossils…by George Turner.” Monthly Magazine II.3 (March 1800), 213-217. B.

1800-03217 "Art. XIX. [Review of] An Elegiac Poem on the Death of General Washington. By Charles Caldwell, A.M.M.D. Philadelphia. Bradford. pp. 12. 1800." Monthly Magazine II.3 (March 1800), 217-219. B.

1800-03219 “Art. XX. [Review of] A Funeral Oration, occasioned by the Death of Gen. George Washington, delivered on the 1st of January, 1800, in the Episcopal Church of New- Rochelle, in the State of New-York. By Samuel Bayard, Esq. New-Brunswick. Blauvelt. pp. 24. 8vo. 1800.” Monthly Magazine II.3 (March 1800): 219-221. B. [added 4/2007, mb].

1800-03221 “Art. XXI. [Review of] An Eulogy on George Washington, late Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States of America, who died December 14, 1799. Delivered be- fore the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, at the request of their Committee. By George Richards Minot, A.M.A.A.S. Second Edition. Boston. Manning and Loring. pp. 24. 8vo. 1800.” Monthly Magazine II.3 (March 1800): 221-222. B.

20 [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-03222 “Art. XXII. [Review of] A Funeral Eulogy, occasioned by the Death of General Wash- ington. Delivered Feb. 22, 1800, before the New-York State Society of Cincinnati. By Wil- liam Linn, D.D. New-York. I. Collins. pp. 44. 8vo. 1800.” Monthly Magazine II.3 (March 1800): 222-224. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-03224a “Art. XXIII. [Review of] An Eulogy on George Washington, delivered before the In- habitants of the Town of Medford, agreeably to their Vote, and at the request of their Com- mittee, on the 13th January, 1800. By John Brookes, A.M.M.M.S. and A.A.S. Boston. S. Hall. 8vo. pp. 15.” Monthly Magazine II.3 (March 1800): 224. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-03224b “Art. XXIV. [Review of] An Oration on the Death of General Washington; delivered in the Dutch Church, in New-Brunswick, on the 22d February, 1800. By Frederick Frel- inghuysen. New-Brunswick, New-Jersey. Blauvelt. 8vo. pp. 23.” Monthly Magazine II.3 (March 1800): 224. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-03225 "Art. XXV. [Review of] The Wild Youth: A Comedy for Digestion, in three Acts. Translated from the German of Kotzebue, by Charles Smith. 8vo. pp. 74. New-York. 1800. [&] The Wild-Goose Chase: A Play, in four Acts; with Songs. From the German of Augus- tus von Kotzebue. With Notes, marking the Variations from the Original. By William Dun- lap. 8vo. pp. 104. Printed by G.F. Hopkins, for W. Dunlap. New-York. 1800." Monthly Magazine II.3 (March 1800), 225-236. B.

1800-03236 “Art. XXVI. [Review of] A Discourse, delivered December 29, 1799, the Lord’s-Day immediately following the melancholy Tidings of the Loss sustained by the Nation, in the Death of its most eminent Citizen, George Washington. By David Osgood, D.D. Pastor of the Church in Medford. 8vo. pp. 19. Boston. S. Hall. 1800.” Monthly Magazine II.3 (March 1800): 236-237. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-03237 "Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence.” Monthly Magazine II.3 (March 1800), 237-238. B.

1800 April

1800-04241 "The Speculatist. No. I." Monthly Magazine II.4 (April 1800), 241-242. Signed “Spec- ulatist.” [Continued in 1800-09161, -10257.] [added WS]

1800-04243 "Remarks on a Passage in Virgil." Monthly Magazine II.4 (April 1800), 243-47. Signed "X." A.

21 1800-04251 "The Difference between History and Romance." Monthly Magazine II.4 (April 1800), 251-253. Signed "X." A.

1800-04253 “A Literary Ware-House.” Monthly Magazine, II.4 (April 1800), 253-255. Signed “Candide.” B. [Characteristic phrase “in proportion to” appears here as in the previous article; letter to edit- or criticizing the magazine for failing to deliver the variety it should, but may be functioning to suggest that this magazine does not participate in the shop-like commodification that oth- ers do]. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-04256 “Memoirs of Stephen Calvert [Continued from page 30.].” Monthly Magazine II.4 (April 1800), 256-284. A. [Installment 7 of 9] [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-04284 "On the Study of German. Dialogues of the Living: Dialogue III." Monthly Magazine II.4 (April 1800), 284-287. A.

1800-04289 "Art. XXVII. [Review of] A Brief History of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases: with the principal Phenomena of the Physical World, which precede and accompany them; and Observations deduced from the Facts stated. In two vols. 8vo. By Noah Webster. Hartford. Hudson and Goodwin. 1799. pp. 700. ( Continued from p. 213, and concluded)." Monthly Magazine II.4 (April 1800), 289-296. B.

1800-04296 "Art. XXVIII. [Review of] Transactions of the American Philosophical Society..." . Monthly Magazine II.4 (April 1800), 296-301. B.

1800-04302 “Art. XXIX. [Review of] A Funeral Oration, delivered at the Brick Presbyterian Church in the City of New-York, on the 22d day of February, 1800, being the day recom- mended by Congress to the Citizens of the United States, publicly to testify their Grief for the Death of General Washington: by appointment of a number of the Clergy of New-York, and published at their request. By John M. Mason, M.A. Pastor of the Associate-Reformed Church in the City of New-York. 8vo. pp. 23. New-York. George F. Hopkins. 1800.” Monthly Magazine II.4 (April 1800), 302-304. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-04304 “Art. XXX. [Review of] An Eulogy on General George Washington, pronounced at Boston, on Wednesday, February 19, 1800, before the American Academy of Arts and Sci- ences, by their appointment, and published at their request, by John Davis, Member of the Academy, &c. Boston. Spotswood. 1800. pp. 24. 4to.” Monthly Magazine II.4 (April 1800), 304-305. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-04305 “Art. XXXI. [Review of] An Oration upon the Death of General George Washington; delivered in the State-House, at Trenton, on the 14th January, 1800. By the Rev. Samuel

22 Stanhope Smith, D.D. President of the College of New-Jersey: and published at the desire of the Committee of the Citizens, &c. of Trenton, at whose request it was pronounced. Trenton. Craft. 8vo. pp. 45. 1800.” Monthly Magazine II.4 (April 1800), 305-307. B. [added 4/2007,mb]

1800-04307 "Art. XXXII. [Review of] The Death of Washington, a Poem, in imitation of the man- ner of Ossian. By Rev. John Blair Linn, A.M. Minister of the first Presbyterian Congregation of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Ormrod. 8vo. 1800." Monthly Magazine II.4 (April 1800), 307-309. B.

1800-04309 "Art. XXXIII. [Review of] A Poem; sacred to the Memory of George Washington, late President of the United States, and Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States; adapted to the 22nd February, 1800. By Richard Alsop. 8vo. pp. 23. Hartford. Hudson and Goodwin." Monthly Magazine II.4 (April 1800), 309-312. B.

1800-04318 "Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence" . Monthly Magazine II.4 (April 1800), 318. B.

1800 May

1800-05321 “On Early Attachments.” Monthly Magazine, II.5 (May 1800), 321-323. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-05323 “What is Love?” Monthly Magazine II.5 (May 1800), 323-324. Signed “L.D.” B. [Possibly CBB’s initials in signature.] [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-05326 "A Modern Socrates. To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine." Monthly Magazine II.5 (May 1800), 326-328. B.

1800-05330 “Memoirs of Stephen Calvert. [Continued from p. 284]” Monthly Magazine II.5 (May 1800), 330-340. A. [Installment 8 of 9] [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-05347 “Art. XXXIV. [Review of] A Treatise concerning Political Inquiry and Liberty of the Press. By Tunis Wortman, Counsellor at Law. New-York. Forman. 1800. 8vo. pp. 296.” Monthly Magazine II.5 (May 1800), 347-352. B. [Repeats criticism of lack of method also included in review of Webster’s pestilence book; compares book to Godwin; use of characteristic “in proportion as”] [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-05352 “Art. XXXV. [Review of] A Discourse, occasioned by the Death of General George Washington, delivered December 29, 1799. By John Thornton Kirkland, Minister of the New South Church, Boston. To which is added, Washington’s Valedictory Address. Bo-

23 ston. Thomas and Andrews. 8vo. pp. 44. 1800.” Monthly Magazine II.5 (May 1800), 352- 353. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-05353 “Art. XXXVI. [Review of] An Oration, delivered at Wethersfield, February 22d, 1800, on the Death of General Washington, who died December 14, 1799. By E.G. Marsh. Hart- ford. Hudson and Goodwin. 1800. 8vo. pp. 16.” Monthly Magazine II.5 (May 1800), 353- 354. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-05354 "Art. XXXVIII. [Review of] An Eulogy of the Life of George Washington, who died at Mount Vernon, December 14, 1799, in the 68th year of his age. Written at the request of the Citizens of Newburyport, and delivered at the First Presbyterian Meeting House in that Town, January 2, 1800. By Thomas Paine [i.e. Robert Treat Paine], M.A. Newburyport. Blunt. 1800. 8vo. pp. 22," Monthly Magazine II.5 (May 1800), 354-355. B.

1800-05355 “Art. XXXIX. [Review of] An Oration on the Sublime Virtues of General George Washington, pronounced at the Old South Meeting House, in Boston, before his Honour the Lieutenant Governor, the Council, and the two Branches of the Legislature of Massachusetts, at their request, on Saturday the 8th of February, 1800. By Fisher Ames. Boston. Young and Minns. Manning and Loring. 1800. 8vo. pp. 31.” Monthly Magazine II.5 (May 1800), 355-361. B. [Includes two notes (on p. 356 and p. 360) signed by “R.”] [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-05363a “Art. XLI. [Review of] A Sermon, preached at Cambridge, on the Lord’s Day, December 29, 1799, occasioned by the Death of George Washington, &c. By Abiel Holmes, M.A. Pastor of the First Church in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Boston. Hall. 1800. 8vo. pp. 22.” Monthly Magazine II.5 (May 1800), 363. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-05363b “Art. XLII. [Review of] A Sermon, preached at Norwich (Connecticut), on hearing of the Death of General George Washington, &c. By Joseph Strong, Pastor of the First Church in Norwich. Norwich. Trumbull. 1800. 8vo. pp. 17.” Monthly Magazine II.5 (May 1800), 363-364. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-05365 "Art. XLV. [Review of] The Virgin of the Sun; a Play in five Acts, from the German of Augustus Von Kotzebue; with Notes, marking the variations from the Original. By Willi- am Dunlap. New-York. George F. Hopkins. 1800. 8vo. pp. 80. [&] The Virgin of the Sun; a Play in five Acts. Translated from the German of Kotzebue by Charles Smith. New-York. 1800. 8vo. pp. 96." Monthly Magazine II.5 (May 1800), 365-370. B.

1800-05398 "Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence" . Monthly Magazine II.5 (May 1800), 398. B.

24 1800 June

1800-06401 “Anecdotes of Madame Du Barri.” Monthly Magazine II.6 (June 1800), 401-402. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-06402 "Dialogues of the Living: Dialogue IV." Monthly Magazine II.6 (June 1800), 402-404. B. [Reprinted as1806-12430 with title "The Spirit of Political Conversation." Signed "L."]

1800-06409 "The Evils of Reserve in Marriage." Monthly Magazine II.6 (June 1800), 409-411. Signed "N." B.

1800-06413 “Memoirs of Stephen Calvert [Continued from p. 340 and concluded.].” Monthly Magazine, II.6 (June 1800), 413-423. A. [Installment 9 of 9] [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-06424 "Art. XLVI. [Review of] Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge [continued from p. 301 and concluded.] A Disquisition on Wool-bearing Animals. By Dr. J. Anderson, of Scotland." Monthly Magazine II.6 (June 1800), 424 426. B.

1800-06429 “Art. XLVIII. [Review of] A Sermon, delivered December 29, 1799, occasioned by the Death of General George Washington, late President of the United States, and the Com- mander in Chief of the American Armies. By Samuel Miller, A.M. one of the Ministers of the United Presbyterian Churches in the City of New-York. T. and J. Swords. 1800. 8vo. pp. 39.” Monthly Magazine II.6 (June 1800), 429-431. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-06431 “Art. XLIX. [Review of] A Discourse, delivered at New-Haven, February 22, 1800, on the Character of George Washington, Esq. at the request of the Citizens. By Timothy Dwight, President of Yale College. New-Haven. Green and Son. 1800. 8vo. pp. 55.” Monthly Magazine II.6 (June 1800), 431-432. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800 July

1800-07III "Preface." Monthly Magazine III. [1] (July 1800), III-IV. Dated “New-York, January 1, 1801.” A. [This article appears between the front cover and the index to the July-Dec. inclusive edition of the magazine] [added 4/2007, ws-mb]

1800-07001 "On the Scheme of an American Language." Monthly Magazine III.1 (July 1800), 1-4. Signed "C." A.

25 1800-07007 "On a Scheme for Describing American Manners. (Addressed to a Foreigner.)." Monthly Magazine III.1 (July 1800), 7-10. B.

1800-07011 "On a Taste for the Picturesque." Monthly Magazine III.1 (July 1800), 11-13. Signed "Looker-On." A. [Reprinted in 1804-06163]

1800-07013 "Differences Between Felicity and Happiness." Monthly Magazine III.1 (July 1800), 13-15. Signed "X." B.

1800-07016 "Thoughts on the Origin of the Claims of Europeans to North-America." Monthly Magazine III.1 (July 1800), 16-18. A.

1800-07019 "The Trials of Arden." Monthly Magazine III.1 (July 1800), 19-36. Dated "New York, April, 1800." A.

1800-07037 "Friendship: An Original Letter." Monthly Magazine III.1 (July, 1800), 37-39. A.

1800-07047 “Art. II. [Review of] An Address, in Latin, by Joseph Willard, S.T.D.LL.D. President, and a Discourse in English, by David Tappan, S.T.D. Hollis Professor of Divinity, delivered before the University in Cambridge, February 21, 1800, in solemn commemoration of Gen- eral George Washington. 8vo. pp. 44. Etheridge. 1800.” Monthly Magazine III.1 (July 1800), 47-50. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-07051 “Art. III. [Review of] An Appendix to the Notes on Virginia, relative to the Murder of Logan’s Family. By Thomas Jefferson. 8vo. pp. 52. Philadelphia. Smith. 1800.” Monthly Magazine III.1 (July 1800), 51-56. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-07056 "Art. IV. [Review of] Poems, by Samuel Low. In two volumes. 12mo. Vol. i. pp. 147. New York. T & J. Swords. 1800," Monthly Magazine III.1 (July 1800), 56-58. B. [Continued in 1800-10266.]

1800-07058 “Art. V. [Review of] A Discourse on the death of General Washington, late President of the United States: Delivered on the 22d day of February, 1800, in the Church of Williams- burg. By James Madison, D.D. Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Virginia, and President of William and Mary College. The 2d edition–corrected. 8vo. pp. 42. Printed in New-York, by T. & J. Swords, for W. Prichard, Richmond. 1800.” Monthly Magazine III.1 (July 1800), 58-61. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-07074 "Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence" . Monthly Magazine III.1 (July 1800), 74-78. B.

1800 August

26 1800-08081 "The Household. A Fragment." Monthly Magazine III.2 (Aug.1800), [81]-87. B.

1800-08087 "On Conversation." Monthly Magazine III.2 (Aug. 1800), 87-88. Signed "X." B. [reprinted as 1806-12469, titled “On Socratic Conversation”]

1800-08092 "Remarks on Short-hand Writing." Monthly Magazine III.2 (Aug. 1800), 92-96. Signed "L." B. [reprinted as 1806-12421]

1800-08096 "Differences between Prejudice and Prepossession." Monthly Magazine III.2 (Aug. 1800), 96-97. B.

1800-08101 "Original Letters." Monthly Magazine III.2 (August 1800), 101-111. B.

1800-08120 "Art. IX. [Review of] Sermons, by the late Rev. John Clarke, D.D. Minister of the First Church in Boston, Massachusetts. 8vo. pp. 501. Boston. Hall. 1799." Monthly Magazine III.2 (Aug. 1800), 120-125. B.

1800-08131 "Art. XII [Review of ] Desultory Reflections on the New Political Aspects of Public Affairs in the United States of America, since the commencement of the year 1799. 8vo. pp. 62. New-York, printed for the Author, by G. and R. Waite, and published by J.W. Fenno. 1800." Monthly Magazine III .2 (August, 1800), 131-137. B.

1800-08141a "Art. XIV. [Review of] A Sermon on the Propriety of attending Public Worship, and an attentive, serious Conduct in the House of God. By John Eliot, D.D. Minister of the New North Church, Boston. 8vo. pp. 36. Boston. Russell. 1800." Monthly Magazine III.2 (Aug. 1800), 141.

1800-08141b "Art. XV. [Review of] A Discourse, delivered April 1st, 1800, in the Brick Presby- terian Church, before the New-York Missionary Society, at their Annual Meeting. By Willi- am Linn, D.D. one of the Ministers of the Reformed Dutch Church in the City of New-York. 8vo. pp. 40. New-York. I. Collins, 1800." Monthly Magazine III.2 (Aug. 1800), 141-142. B.

1800-08143a "Art. XVI [Review of] A Discourse on the Character and Death of General George Washington, delivered at Ipswich, on the 22nd February, A.D. 1800. By Joseph Dana, A.M. Pastor of the South Church in that place. 8vo. pp.28. Newburyport. Blunt. 1800." Monthly Magazine III.2 (Aug. 1800), 143. B.

1800-08143b “Art. XVII. [Review of] A Discourse on the Character and Virtues of General George Washington; delivered on the 22nd February, 1800, &c. By Daniel Dana, Minister of a Church in Newburyport. 8vo. pp. 31. Newburyport, March 1800.” Monthly Magazine III.2 (Aug. 1800), 143. B.

1800-08143c "Art. XVIII. [Review of] A Sermon, delivered at Newburyport, on the 22nd Febru- ary, 1800. By the Rev. John Boddily, Minister in the Second Presbyterian Church in said town. 8vo. pp. 15. Newburyport. Blunt. 1800." Monthly Magazine III. (Aug. 1800), 143. B.

27 1800-08143d "Art. XIX. [Review of] An Oration, delivered in St. Paul‘s Church, on the 4th of July, 1800, before the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, Tammany Society, or Columbian Order, and other Associations and Citizens. By M.L. Davis, of the General Soci- ety of Mechanics and Tradesmen. 8vo. pp. 21. New-York. W.A. Davis. 1800." Monthly Magazine III (Aug. 1800), 143-144. B.

1800-08144 "Art. XX. [Review of] Mount Vernon, a Poem by John Searson, formerly of Phil- adelphia, Merchant. 8vo. Philadelphia. R. Folwell. 1800." Monthly Magazine III. 2 (Aug. 1800), 144. B.

1800-08153 "Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence" . Monthly Magazine III.2 (Aug. 1800), 153-158. B.

1800-08160 “To Correspondents.” Monthly Magazine III .2 (August, 1800), 160. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800 September

1800-09000 Arthur Mervyn; Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793, part 2. New York: George F. Hop- kins, 1800. [September?] A. [added 4/2007, phb]

1800-09161 "The Speculatist: No.II." Monthly Magazine III.3 (Sept. 1800), 161-163. B.

1800-09202 “Art. XXIV. [Review of] Serious Considerations on the Election of a President: ad- dressed to the Citizens of the United States. 8vo. pp. 36. New-York. J. Furman. 1800.” Monthly Magazine III.3 (September 1800), 202-204. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-09206 “Art. XXVI. [Review of] Eulogium, delivered to a large Concourse of respectable Citizens, at the State-House, in the Town of Dover, on the 22d February, 1800, in Com- memoration of the Death of General George Washington. By John Vining, Esq. Pub- lished at the request of the Committee of Arrangement, appointed to superintend the Cere- mony, and take Order on the solemn Occasion. 8vo. pp. 20. Philadelphia. Ormrod. 1800.” Monthly Magazine III.3 (September 1800), 206-207. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-09207 "Art. XXVII. [Review of] A Funeral Oration upon the Death of General George Washington. Prepared at the request of the Masonic Lodge No. 14, of Wilmington, State of Delaware, and delivered on St. John the Evangelist‘s Day, being the 27th of December, anno lucis 5799, and now published at the particular desire of the Lodge. By Gunning Bedford. A.M. 4to. pp. 18. Wilmington. Wilson. 1800." Monthly Magazine III.3 (Septem- ber 1800), 207-208. B.

28 1800-09208 “Art. XXVIII. [Review of] A Discourse of General Washington, delivered in the Catholic Church of St. Peter, in Baltimore, February 22, 1800. By the Right Reverend Bishop Carroll. 8vo. pp. 24. Baltimore. Warner and Hanna. 1800.” Monthly Magazine III.3 (September 1800), 208-209. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-09209a “Art. XXIX. [Review of] The Majesty and Mortality of created Gods, illustrated and improved: a Funeral Discourse, delivered at North-Haven, December 29, 1799, on the Death of General George Washington. By Benjamin Trumbull, D.D. Pastor of the Church in North-Haven. 8vo. pp. 31. New-Haven. Read and Morse. 1800.” Monthly Magazine III.3 (September 1800), 209. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-09209b “Art. XXX. [Review of] A Sermon, delivered before the Military Officers, Apollo Lodge, and a large and respectable number of the Citizens of Troy, (N.Y.) in consequence of the Death of Lieutenant General George Washington. By Jonas Coe, A.M. Minister of the Presbyterian Church in Troy. pp. 16. Troy. Moffit and Co. 1800.” Monthly Magazine III.3 (September 1800), 209-210. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-09233 "Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence" . Monthly Magazine III.3 (September 1800), 233-238. B.

1800-09240 “To Correspondents.” Monthly Magazine III.3 (September 1800), 240. A. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800 October

1800-10242 “For the Monthly Magazine. Comparison of Blank Verse and Rhyme.” Monthly Magazine III.4 (October 1800), 242-243. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-10243 “For the Monthly Magazine. Differences between Shade and Shadow.” Monthly Magazine III.4 (October 1800), 243-245. Signed “L.” B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-10247 “For the Monthly Magazine. Case of Long Life in Gaspard Courtrai.” Monthly Magazine III.4 (October 1800), 247-256. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-10257 "The Speculatist: No. III." Monthly Magazine III.4 (Oct. 1800), 257-259. B.

1800-10259 "Thoughts on American Newspapers. To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine." Monthly Magazine III.4 (Oct. 1800), 259-264. Signed" Looker-On." B.

29 1800-10264 "[A letter] To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine [containing a criticism of the Monthly Magazine]." Monthly Magazine III.4 (Oct. 1800), 264-265. The letter to the editor is signed "A.Z." B. [Note: The title of the page is “Remarks on the Monthly Magazine,” WS]

1800-10265 "Answer to a Letter from A.Z. ‘To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.” Monthly Magazine III. 4 (Oct. 1800), 265. B.

1800-10266 "Art. XXXIV. [Review of] Poems, by Samuel Low. In two volumes. 12mo. Vol. ii. pp. 168. New York. T. and J. Swords. 1800" . Monthly Magazine III.4 (Oct. 1800), 266-269. B.

1800-10269 “Art. XXXV. [Review of] The Voice of Warning to Christians, on the ensuing Elec- tion of a President of the United States. 8vo. pp. 40. New-York. Hopkins.” Monthly Magazine III.4 (October 1800), 269-272. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-10272a “Art. XXXVI. [Review of] God the Author of Human Greatness: a Discourse on the Death of General George Washington; delivered at the North Congregational Church in Newburyport, December 29, 1799. By Samuel Spring, Pastor. 8vo. pp. 28. Newburyport. Blunt. 1800.” Monthly Magazine III.4 (October 1800), 272. B. [The review is preceded by an editorial note that is probably by Brown, indicating that the following 5 reviews are brief due to large number of books on this subject; this note suggests that all were penned by Brown] [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-10272b “Art. XXXVII. [Review of] Greatness the Result of Goodness, a Sermon, occasioned by the Death of George Washington, late Commander in Chief of the Armies, and First Pres- ident, of the United States of America, who died December 14, 1799, aged 68. By Samuel West, D.D. Pastor of the Church in Hollis Street, Boston. 8vo. pp. 17. Boston. Manning and Loring. 1800. [and review of] A Discourse, delivered at Hartford February 22, 1800, the day set apart by Recommendation of Congress, to pay a Tribute of Respect to the Memory of General George Washington, who died December 14, 1799. By Abel Flint, Pastor of the South Church in Hartford. 8vo. pp. 22. Hartford. Hudson and Goodwin. 1800.” Monthly Magazine, III.4 (October 1800), 242-243. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-10273a “Art. XXXVIII. [Review of] A Discourse, delivered on Friday, December 27, 1799, the Day set apart by the Citizens of Hartford, to lament, before God, the Death of General George Washington; who died December 14, 1799. By Nathan Strong, Pastor of the North Presbyterian Church in Hartford. 8vo. pp. 26. Hartford. Hudson and Goodwin. 1800.” Monthly Magazine III.4 (October 1800), 273. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-10273b “Art. XXXIX. [Review of] A Discourse on the Dignity and Excellence of the Human Character; illustrated in the Life of General George Washington, late Commander of the Armies, and President of the United States, in Commemoration of the afflict

30 tive Event of his Death. Delivered February 22, 1800, in the Benevolent Congrega tional Church in Providence; and published by Request of that Society. By Enos Hitchcock, D.D. Member of the Society of the Cincinnati. 8vo. pp. 35. Providence. Carter. 1800.” Monthly Magazine III.4 (October 1800), 273. B. [added 4/2007, mb] [in APS, this review is the last article under “Review 1—No Title.”]

1800-10311 "Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence" . Monthly Magazine III.4 (October 1800), 311-315. B.

1800-10320 “To Correspondents.” Monthly Magazine III.4 (October 1800), 320. A. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800 November

1800-11321 "Objections to Richardson‘s Clarissa. To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine." Monthly Magazine III.5 (Nov. 1800), [321]-323. Signed "X." A.

1800-11323 "What is a JEW? To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine." Monthly Magazine III.5 (November, 1800), 323-325. Signed "Querist." A. [added 4/2007, phb]

1800-11339 [The editor‘s answer to "Mr. Webster‘s Letter to the Editor, on the Review of his His- tory of Pestilence. ..."]. Monthly Magazine III.5 (Nov. 1800), 339-340. A.

1800-11349 "Art. XLII. [Review of] Sermons on some of the first Principles and Doctrines of true Religion. By Nathanael Emmons, D.D. Pastor of the Church in Franklin, Massachusetts. 8vo. pp. 510. Wrentham. N. and B. Heaton. 1800." Monthly Magazine III.5 (Nov. 1800), 349-354. B.

1800-11354 “Art. XLIII. [Review of] The Claims of Thomas Jefferson to the Presidency examined at the Bar of Christianity. By a Layman. 8vo. pp. 54. Philadelphia. Dickins. 1800.” Monthly Magazine III.5 (November 1800), 354-362. B. [The 3 books on this subject (the others in the September and October issues) appear to be reviewed by the same writer; focus on eloquence in these similar to that in other reviews at- tributed to Brown] [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-11362 "Art. XLIV. [Review of] Letter from Alexander Hamilton, concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. President of the United States. 8vo. pp. 54. 4th Edition. New York. Lang. 1800." Monthly Magazine III.5 (November 1800), 362-369. B.

1800-11377 “Art. XLIX. [Review of] A Funeral Oration on the Death of George Washington. Pre- pared at the request of the Society of Cincinnati of the State of Delaware, and pronounced at Wilmington on the 22d of February, 1800. By Edward Roche, Secretary of the Society.

31 8vo. pp. 15. Wilmington. Wilson. 1800.” Monthly Magazine III. 5 (November 1800), 377-378. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-11378a "Art. L. [Review of] An Answer to Alexander Hamilton‘s Letter concerning the Pub- lic Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. President of the United States. By a Citizen of New York. 8vo. pp. 32. New York. Johnson and Stryker. 1800." Monthly Magazine III. 5 (November 1800), 378. B.

1800-11378b “Art. LI. [Review of] A Reply to Alexander Hamilton’s Letter concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. President of the United States. By a Federal Republican. 8vo. pp. 16. New-York. Nichols and Co. 1800.” Monthly Magazine III. 5 (November 1800), 378-379. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-11379a “Art. LII. [Review of] A Vindication of the Character of John Adams, Esq. in re ply to the Letter of General Hamilton; addressed to the Federal Citizens of the Union. 8vo. pp. 24. New-York. Totten and Co. 1800.” Monthly Magazine, III. 5 (November 1800), 379. [Added 4/2007, mb] [in APS this article is second article under “Art LI.”]

1800-11379b “Art. LIII: [Review of] A Letter to General Hamilton, occasioned by his Letter to President Adams. By a Federalist. 8vo. pp. 8.” Monthly Magazine III. 5 (November 1800), 379-380. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-11387 "Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence" . Monthly Magazine III.5 (November 1800), 387-396. B.

1800-11398 “A Negro’s Lamentation. Written at Charleston.” [Poem]. Monthly Magazine III.5 (November 1800), 398. B. [added 1/2009, phb]

1800-11400 “To Correspondents.” Monthly Magazine III. 5 (November 1800), 400. A. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800 December

1800-12404 “On Mottos and Quotations from the Ancients.” Monthly Magazine III.6 (December 1800), 404-407. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-12408 "The Point of Honour in America." Monthly Magazine III.6 (Dec. 1800), 408-409. B.

32 1800-12410 "On the prevailing Ignorance of Geography." Monthly Magazine III.6 (Dec. 1800), 410-412. A. [Reprinted as 1806-12467, signed "R."]

1800-12412 "A Miser's Prayer." Monthly Magazine III.6 (Dec. 1800) , 412-413. Signed “C.” B. [Partly reprinted as 1804-06173. Signed “C.”]

1800-12413 “On the Portraits of Death.” Monthly Magazine III.6 (Dec. 1800), 413-416. B. [Reprinted as 1804-06176, “Critical Notices No. VIII.”]

1800-12416 “Remarks on Female Politicians.” Monthly Magazine, III.6 (December 1800), 416- 418. Signed “E.” B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-12420 "Art. LIV. [Review of] Sermons on various Subjects, Doctrinal, Experimental, and Practical. By Nathan Strong, Pastor of the North Presbyterian Church in Hartford, Connectic- ut. Vol. ii. 8vo. pp. 400. Hartford. Cooke. 1800." Monthly Magazine III.6 (Dec. 1800), 420-426. B.

1800-12426 "Art. LV. [Review of] Poems, chiefly occasional, by the late Mr. [William] Cliffton. To which are prefixed, Introductory Notices of the Life, Character, and Writings of the Au- thor. 18mo. pp. 119. New-York. J.W. Fenno. 1800." Monthly Magazine III.6 (Dec. 1800), 426-433. B.

1800-12433 “Art. LVI. [Review of] Desultory Reflections on the Political Aspects of Public Af- fairs in the United States of America. Part ii. 8vo. pp. 38. New-York. J.W. Fenno. 1800” . Monthly Magazine III.6 (December 1800), 433-441. B. [Second part of 1800-08131, review that appeared in August issue and is attributed to Brown] [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-12441 “Art. LVII. [Review of] A New Physical System of Astronomy; or, an Attempt to Ex- plain the Operations of the Powers which impel the Planets and Comets to perform Elliptical Revolutions round the Sun, and revolve on their own Axis: in which the Physical System of Sir Isaac Newton is examined, and presumed to be refuted. To which is annexed, a Physiological Treatise, &c. By Joseph Young, M.D. of New-York. 8vo. pp. 188. New-Y- ork. Hopkins. 1800.” Monthly Magazine III.6 (December 1800), 441-445. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-12447 “Art. LX. [Review of] A Vindication of Thomas Jefferson against the Charges con- tained in a Pamphlet entitled ‘Serious Considerations,’ &c. By Grotius. 8vo. pp. 47. New- York. Denniston. 1800.” Monthly Magazine III.6 (December 1800), 447-452. B. [added 4/2007, mb]

1800-12453 "Art. LXII. [Review of] Pizarro in Peru; or, the Death of Rolla: a Play in five Acts. From the German of Augustus Von Kotzebue, by William Dunlap. With Notes, marking the

33 Variations from the Original. 8vo. pp. 72. New York. Hopkins. 1800." Monthly Magazine III.6 (December 1800), 453-455. B.

1800-12472 "Miscellaneous Articles of Literary and Philosophical Intelligence" . Monthly Magazine III.6 (December 1800), 472-477. B.

1800-12480 “Correspondence.” Monthly Magazine, III.6 (December 1800), 480. B. [added 4/2007, mb]


1801-00055 “Review of J.Q.Adams translation, Fr. v. Gentz, Origin and Principles of the Ameri- can Revolution,” etc. American Review and Literary Journal 1 (1801), 55-64. A. [added 4/2007, phb: see Barnard (2004), 330 note 11] [NIP]

1801-01023 “To Laura. On Her Attachment to Homer's Iliad” [a poem]. Port-Folio I (Jan. 17, 1801), 23. Signed “W.” B.

1801-03077 "Manners and Amusements of Amsterdam." Port-Folio I (March 7, 1801), 77-78. B.

1801-04120 “Le Rans de Vache of Tuscany” [a poem]. Port-Folio I (April 11, 1801), 120. B.

1801-04128 “L'Amoroso” [a poem]. Port-Folio I (April 18, 1801), 128. B.

1801-05143 “The Water-Drinker, an Anti-Anacreontic” [a poem]. Port-Folio I (May 2, 1801), 143. B.

1801-05144a "The Poet's Prayer. (Not for fame, but for virtue.) An Epistle to Stella" [a poem]. Port-Folio I.18 (May 2, 1801), 144. B.

1801-06000 Clara Howard; In a Series of Letters. Philadelphia: Asbury Dickins, 1801. [June?] A. [added 4/2007, phb]

1801-12000 Jane Talbot, A Novel. Philadelphia: John Conrad, 1801. [December?] A. [added 4/2007, phb]


1802-04105 "Madelina. To R. L." Port-Folio II.14 (April 10, 1802), 105-106. B. [reprinted in 1805-04269]

1802-06185 "American Lounger, No. 23." Port-Folio II.24 (June 19, 1802), 185-186. B.

34 1802-09281 "American Lounger, No. 32." Port-Folio II .36 (Sept. 11, 1802), 281. B.

1802-09291 "On Music as a Female Accomplishment. A Dialogue." Port-Folio II.37 (Sept. 18, 1802), 291-292. A. [Continued in 1802-10307, -10315, -10321, -10331.]

1802-09304 "Solitary Worship" [a poem]. Port-Folio II.38 (Sept 25, 1802), 304. B.

1802-10307 "On Music as a Female Accomplishment. A Dialogue." Port-Folio II. 39 (Oct. 2, 1802), 307-308. A.

1802-10315 "On Music as a Female Accomplishment. A Dialogue." Port-Folio II. 40 (Oct. 9, 1802), 315-316. A.

1802-10321 "Dialogue II. On Painting as a Female Accomplishment." Port-Folio II.41 (Oct. 16, 1802), 321-322. A.

1802-10331 "Dialogue II. On Painting as a Female Accomplishment." Port-Folio II.42 (Oct. 23, 1802), 331-332. A.

1802-11368 "Alliteration" [a poem]. Port-Folio II.46 (Nov. 20, 1802), 368. A.

1802-12472 "Art. XVIII. [Review of] Abaelino the Great Bandit. Translated from the German and adapted to the New York Theatre. By William Dunlap...1802." The American Review and Literary Journal II.4 (Oct.-Dec. 1802), 476-477. B.


1803-02000a An Address to the Government of the United States, on the Cession of Louisiana to the French; and on the Late Breach of Treaty by the Spaniards: Including the Translation of a Memorial, on the War of St. Domingo, and Cession of the Missisippi [sic] to France, Drawn Up by a French Counsellor of State. Published by John Conrad & Co. (Philadelphia and Baltimore) and Rapin, Conrad & Co. (Washington City); H. Maxwell, Printer. 1803. 93 pages. A. [added 4/2007, phb]

1803-02000b An Address to the Government of the United States, on the Cession of Louisiana to the French, etc [same full title as first ed.]. A New Edition, Revised, Corrected and Im- proved .. Published by John Conrad & Co. (Philadelphia and Baltimore) and Rapin, Conrad & Co. (Washington City); H. Maxwell, Printer. 1803. [Feb.18,] 1803. 56 pages. A.

1803-03000 Monroe's Embassy, or, the Conduct of the Government, in Relation to Our Claims to the Navigation of the Missisippi [sic], Considered, by the Author of an Address to the Gov- ernment of the United States, on the Cession of Louisiana, &c. &c. Published by John Con-

35 rad & Co (Philadelphia, Baltimore), and Rapin, Conrad & Co. (Washington City); H. Max- well, Printer. [March 3,] 1803. 57 pages. A.

1803 October

1803-10003 "The Editor[‘s] Address to the Public." Literary Magazine I.1 (Oct. 1803), 3-6. Dated: "Sept.1,1803." A.

1803-10006 "Extracts from A Student's Diary [No. I]." Literary Magazine I.1 (Oct. 1803), 6-16. Contents: "[1.] Swift's Polite Conversation" (6); "[2.] Fire" (p.7); "[3.] Yellow Fever" (7-8); "[4.] Authorship" (8-9); "[5.] Pensions" (9-10); "[6.] A Jaunt to Rockaway, in Long Island" (10-16). A. [Continued in 1803-11081, -12163, 1804-01243, -01250, -02323. -03403. -05083.]

1803-10026 “Ascendancy of the French Language.” Literary Magazine I (Oct. 1803), 26-27. Signed “N.” B.

1803-10027 “The Epithet Royale.” Literary Magazine I (Oct. 1803), 27-28. Signed “W.” B.

1803-10030 “[Review of] A View of South Carolina, as respects her natural and civic John Drayton. Charleston, W.P. Young, 1802, 8vo. Boards. Pp. 255.” Literary Magazine I.1 (Oct. 1, 1803), 30-38. Signed “B.” B.

1803-10038 “[Review of] Two Compends for the use of the Philadelphia Academy... 1. Of Elocu- tion; 2. Of Natural History. By James Abercrombie, A.M. one of the Assistant Ministers of Christ‘s Church and St. Peter‘s, and Director of the Academy. [...] Philadelphia, H. Maxwell, [pp.] 254.” Literary Magazine I.1 (Oct. 1, 1803), 38-44. B.

1803-10044 “[Review of] Narrative Poems, by J. d‘Israeli; published by John Conrad & Co. Phil- adelphia... T. & G. Palmer, printers... 63.” Literary Magazine I.1 (Oct. 1803), 44-46. B.

1803-10052 “Summary of Politics.” Literary Magazine I.1 (1803), 52-60. B. [added 5/2207, rb-mc]

1803-10061 “Remarkable Occurrences.” Literary Magazine I.1 (Oct. 1803), 61-71. B.

1803-10074 “Remarks on Female Dress.” Literary Magazine I.1 (1803), 74-75. B. [added 5/2207, rb-mc]

1803-10077 “Miscellaneous Extracts.” Literary Magazine I.1 (1803), 77-80. B. [added 5/2207, rb-mc]

1803 November

36 1803-11081 “A Student’s Diary [No. II].” Literary Magazine I.1.2 (Nov. 1803), 81-87. Contents: “[7.] Letter Writing” (81-2); “[8.] On Owhyhee Man” (82-3); “[9.] Legibility in Writing” (83-84); “[10.] Disputation” (84-5); “[11.] Marriage” (pp. 85-87). A.

1803-11100 “Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist.” Literary Magazine I.1.2 (Nov. 1803), 100-104. [1798] A. [Installment 1 of 10] [added 5/2207, rb-mc]

1803-11104 “[Review of] The Ruling Passion: an Occasional Poem….By Thomas Paine, A.M.” Literary Magazine 1.2 (Nov 1803), 104-106. [added 5/2207, rb-mc]

1803-11106 “[Review of] History of the British Expedition to Egypt; to which is subjoined, a sketch of the present state of that country and its means of defence. Illustrated with maps, and a portrait of Sir Ralph Abercromby. By Robert Thomas Wilson, lieutenant colonel of cavalry in his Britannic Majesty‘s service, and knight of the Imperial Military Order of Maria Theresea. [...] Philadelphia: published by Conrad, & Co.—Bonsal & Niles, Printers, Wilm- ington–[pp.] 317.” Literary Magazine I.2 (Nov. 1, 1803), 106-109. B.

1803-11110 “To Laura, Offended” [a poem]. Literary Magazine I (Nov. 1803), 110. B.

1803-11133 “Abstract of the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury.” Literary Magazine 1.2 (Nov 1803), 133-137. B. [added 5/2207, rb-mc]

1803-11153 “Remarkable Occurrences.” Literary Magazine I.2 (Nov. 1803), 153-158. B.

1803-11158 “Note from the Editor. Literary Magazine I.2 (Nov. 1, 1803), 158. A.

1803 December

1803-12163 “A Student’s Diary [No. III]. Literary Magazine I.3 (Dec. 1803), 163-173. Contents: [12. On the odes of Anacreon] (163-165); “[13.] Poetry” (165-166); [14.] Latinisms” (166- 167); “[15.] Memorandums made on a Journey through part of Pennsylvania” (167-173). A.

1803-12173 “Critical Notes. No. III. Analysis of Milton’s ‘Il Penseroso.” Literary Magazine 1.3 (December 1803), 173-79. B.

1803-12180 “[Editor’s Introduction to] Chemical Question.” Literary Magazine 1.3 (December 1803), 180. A. [added 5/2207, rb-mc]

1803-12181 “Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist [No. II].” Literary Magazine 1.3 (December 1803), 181-184. A. [Installment 2 of 10]

37 [added 5/2207, rb-mc]

1803-12185 [“Account of the Statues, Busts, &c in the Collection of the Academy of Arts. New York; The Phthian [sic] Apollo: called the Apollo Belvedere. Venus of the Capital. Lao- coon.” Literary Magazine I.3 (December 1803), 185-186. B. [added 5/2207, rb-mc]

1803-12187 “Article 2 ; Gladiator of the Borghese Place. Castor and Pollux. Germanicus. Hermaph- rodite. Ceres. Venus of the Bath. Torso of a Venus. Grecian Cupid. Homer. Demosthenes. The Family of Niobe. Bacchus. Roma.” Literary Magazine I.3 (December 1803), 186-190. B. [follows on first art article above, 1803-12185] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1803-12190 "[Review of] Boston ... —a Poem, by Winthrop Sargent." Literary Magazine I.3 (December 1803), 190-191. Signed "O." B.

1803-12194 “[Editor’s Introduction to] ‘The Curate’ by Penrose.” Literary Magazine I.3 (December 1803), 194-195. B. [added 5/2207, rb-mc]

1803-12211 “Anecdotes of Benjamin Count Rumford.” Literary Magazine I.3 (December 1803), 211-214. B. [added 5/2207, rb-mc]

1803-12238 “Remarkable Occurrences.” Literary Magazine I.3 (Dec. 1803), 238-240. B.

1803-12239 “Literary Intelligence.” Literary Magazine I.3 (Dec. 1803), 239-240. B.

1803-12240 “Notes from the Editor.” Literary Magazine I.3 (Dec. 1803), 240. A.


1804-00000 A View of the Soil and Climate of the United States: with Supplementary Remarks upon Florida; on the French Colonies of the Mississippi and Ohio, and in Canada; and on the Aboriginal Tribes of America. By C. F. Volney. Translated, with Occasional Re- marks, by C. B. Brown. Philadelphia, Published by J. Conrad & Co…; Printed by T. & G. Palmer (1804). A. [Summer 1804?; See 1804-08332]

1804 January

1804-01245 “A Student’s Diary [No. IV].” Literary Magazine I.4 (Jan. 1804), 245-247. Contents: “[16.] What is a Gentleman” (245a-246a); “[17.] Lindley Murray” (246a-245b); “[18. Fe- male Learning” (245b-246b); “[19.] Antiques” (246b-247). A.

38 1804-01248 “On Quakerism ... A Dialogue.” Literary Magazine I.4 (Jan. 1804), 248-250. B.

1804-01250 “Memorandums made on a Journey through part of Pennsylvania.” Literary Magazine I.4 (Jan. 1804), 250-255. A.

1804-01255 “Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist.” Literary Magazine I.4 (Jan. 1804), 255-259. [1798] A. [Installment 3 of 10] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-01261 “[Review of] The Letters of the British Spy. Originally published in the Virginia Ar- gus, in August and September, 1803. Richmond: Pleasants.... pp. 43.” Literary Magazine I.4 (Jan. 1804), 261-264. B.

1804-01265 “[Review of’ The Town and Country Friend and Physician.” Literary Magazine 1.4 (Jan 1804), 265-267. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-01270 “Brandy.” Literary Magazine 1.4 (Jan 1804), 270-271. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-01317 “Remarkable Occurrences.” Literary Magazine I.4 (Jan. 1804), 317-320. B.

1804 February

1804-02323 “A Student[‘]s Diary...... [No. V].” Literary Magazine I.5 (Febr. 1804), 323-328. Contents: “[20.] Robinson Crusoe” (323-324); “[21.] Friendship” (324-326), “[22.] Fame” (326-327); “[23.] Cui bono?” (327-328). A.

1804-02332 “Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist [No. 4]. (Continued from page 259.).” Literary Magazine I.5 (Feb. 1803), 332-335. [1798] A. [Installment 4 of 10] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-02345 “[Review of] The Life and Posthumous Writings of William Cowper, Esq. with an Introductory Letter to the Right Honourable Earl Cowper ... By William Hayley, Esq. Boston ... Manning and Loring, and E. Lincoln ... 8vo.” Literary Magazine I. [5] (Feb. 1804), 345-348. B.

1804-02374 “Character of Mr. Burke.” Literary Magazine I. 5 (Feb. 1804), 374-376. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-02377a “Anticipation of Major Lewis’s Journal.” Literary Magazine I. 5 (Feb. 1804), 377. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

39 1804-02377b “Anecdote of General Lee.” Literary Magazine I. 5 (Feb. 1804), 377-378. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-02396 “Remarkable Occurrences.” Literary Magazine I.5 (Feb. 1804), 398-400. B.

1804 March

1804-03403 “A Student[‘]s Diary...... [No. VI].” Literary Magazine I.6 (March 1804), 403-408. Contents: “[24.] Novel-Reading” (403-405); “[25.] Wooden Buildings”(405-407); “[26.] Eddystone” (407); “[27.] Duelling” (407-408). A.

1804-03412 “Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist [No. 5].” Literary Magazine I. 6 (Mar. 1804), 412-416. A. [Installment 5 of 10] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-03419 “[Review of] A Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century…by Samuel Millar.” Lit- erary Magazine I. 6 (Mar. 1804), 419-424. A. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-03431 “[Editor’s Introduction to] Some Account of the Life of Mr. Cooper, the Tragedian.” Literary Magazine I. 6 (Mar. 1804), 431-434. A. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-03434 “Remarks on Darwin’s Temple of Nature.” Literary Magazine I. 6 (Mar. 1804), 434-440. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-03474 “Abolition of Slavery in New Jersey.” Literary Magazine I. 6 (Mar. 1804), 474. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804 April

1804-04003 “Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist [No. 6].” Literary Magazine II.7 (Apr. 1804), 3-7. A. [Installment 6 of 10] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-04009 “Portraits.” Literary Magazine II.7 (Apr. 1804), 9. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-04015 “[Review of] Poems, by Peter Bayley, jun. Esq.” Literary Magazine II.7 (Apr. 1804), 15-17. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

40 1804-04080 “Notes from the Editor.” Literary Magazine II.7 (April 1804), 80. A.

1804 May

1804-05083 “A Student’s Diary...... [No. VII].” Literary Magazine II.8 (May 1804). 83-84. Contents: “[28.] St. Blaize the Hermit” (83-84); “[29.] The Automatic Chess-Player” (84- 85); “[30.] Spirituous Liquors” (85-86); “[31.] Empiricism and King’s Evil” (86-87); “[32.] Canine Madness” (87); “[33.] Duelling” (87-89). A.

1804-05089 “Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist [No. 6].” Literary Magazine II.8 (May 1804), 89- 93. A. [Installment 7 of 10] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-05105 “Account of the Dutch East Indian Settlements.” Introductory remark signed “A.B.” Literary Magazine II (May,1804), 104-109. B. [Introductory note signed “A.B.” is apparently by Brown; the main body of the item is re- printed from the London Monthly Magazine (Nov. 1797), 350-354.]

1804-05135 “On the National Dress.” Literary Magazine II.8 (May 1804), 135-136. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-05140 “Of Some Strange Customs in use Among Various Nations.” Literary Magazine II.8 (May 1804), 140-145. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804 June [Brown’s 4 July, 1804 letter to John Blair Linn states that besides one item (“Thoughts on Wealth” by “Valverdi”) he wrote “all the rest” of the “original prose” in the June issue and “the whole original department” of the July issue.]

1804-06163 “On a Taste for the Picturesque.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 163-165. Signed “Looker-On.” A. [Reprinted from 1800-07011.]

1804-06169 “Sketch of the Origin and Present State of Philadelphia.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 169-175. A. [Brown writes a one-paragraph introduction to a reprinting of this piece.]

1804-06173 “A Worldling’s Prayer.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 173-174. Signed “C.” B. [Reprinted from 1800-12412 “A Miser’s Prayer.”]

1804-06176 “Critical Notices. No. VIII.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 17[6]-179. B. [Reprinted from 1800-12416 “On the Portraits of Death.”]

41 1804-06179 “Statistical View of the United States of America.” Literary Magazine II (June 1804),179-180. Signed “Economos.” B. [added 5/2009, phb]

1804-06180 “On Plagiarism.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 180-182. Signed “Alcander.” A.

1804-06183 “Varieties; St. Peter’s Scull. A Preservative Against Earthquake and Thunder. Henry IV. Stonehenge. Female Beauty.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 183-185. A. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-06187 “Spirit of Female Conversation.” Literary Magazine II (June,1804), 187-190. Signed "Alphonso." B. [added 5/2009, phb]

1804 July [Brown’s 4 July 1804 letter to John Blair Linn states that he wrote “the whole original de- partment” of the July issue.]

1804-07241 “On the Life of Washington, New Publishing.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July,1804), 241-246. Signed: “Curioso.” A.

1804-07248a “La Chemise de la Vierge Marie.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July,1804), 248. A. [Brown writes the first paragraph, introducing the remainder reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (August 1803), 39.]

1804-07248b “For the Literary Magazine. Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist. Continued. [No.7].” Literary Magazine II.10 (July,1804), 248-252. [1798] A. [Installment 8 of 10] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-07257a “John Churchman.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 257. A.

1804-07257b “Stones from the Moon.” Literary Magazine II (July 1804), 257-258. A. [Brown writes the first paragraph and reprints the final two from the London Monthly Magazine (August 1803), 53.]

1804-07258 “On the Character of Thomas Day.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 258-260. A.

1804-07260a “Italian Poplar.” Literary Magazine II (July, 1804), 260. A. [Brown seems to write most of the piece, but the last sentences are from the London Monthly Magazine (August 1803), 54; i.e. from the page following the item he extracted for 1804-07257b “Stones from the Moon”; in between these two items is a mention of the

42 astronomer John Churchman, about whom Brown also printed a short piece in this same issue.]

1804-07260b “Personal Similitudes.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 260-263. Signed “Felix.” A.

1804-07318b “List of New Publications in July.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July, 1804), 318-320. 236. A.

1804-07320 “To Correspondents.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 320. A.

1804-07321 “Baron Humboldt.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 321-327. [Brown’s only contribution is the one-sentence closing paragraph that supplies Hum- boldt’s birth date. The remainder is Humboldt's own summary of his American travels, prefaced and translated by American Philosophical Society Secretary John Vaughn. Hum- boldt visited Philadelphia briefly in June 1804 and submitted this summary to the Ameri- can Philosophical Society. The editorial paragraph at beginning of article is by John Vaughn. See Terra (1958).]

1804 August

1804-08331 “Biographical Sketch of John Adams.” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 331- 332. A. [Brown has composed this piece by weaving this own prose together with passages from John Wood, The History of the Administration of John Adams, Esq., Late President of the United States (New York, 1802). Paragraph 7, for example, is from Wood; while the final paragraph is by Brown.]

1804-08332 “Volney’s Travels in America.” Literary Magazine II.11 (Aug. 1804), 332-337. Signed “A.B.” A. [added 5/2209, phb: Brown writes a one-paragraph introduction to an excerpt from his own translation of Volney’s A View of the Soil and Climate of the United States of Amer- ica, v-xx. The selection is from Volney’s Introduction to that work.]

1804-08337 “Death of Hamilton.” Literary Magazine II.11 (Aug. 1804), 337-038. A. [added 5/2009, phb]

1804-08338 “To the Editor, &c. [Letter from Morris Town, Oct. 30, 1801]” Literary Magazine II.11 (Aug. 1804), 332-337. Signed “A.B.” B. [added 5/2009, phb]

1804-08343 “British Pension List.” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 343-344. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-08344a “Dogs.” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 344. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

43 1804-08344b "Notices of American Writers and Publications." Literary Magazine II.11 (Aug., 1804), 344-356. B.

1804-08356 “European Literary News.” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 356. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-08359 “Vaccination.” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 359-360. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-08361 "Godwin and Malthus.” Literary Magazine II.11 (Aug. 1804), 361-369. A. [Brown writes the first 5 paragraphs, reprinting the remainder from the London Monthly Magazine (Supplementary number to the 16th volume, Jan. 25, 1803), 609-615.]

1804-08369 “Works in Prison.” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 369-370. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-08409 “List of New Publications in August.” Literary Magazine II.11 (Aug. 1804), 409-410. B.

1804-08410 “To Correspondents.” Literary Magazine II.11 (Aug. 1804), 410. A.

1804 September

1804-09413 “Thomas Jefferson.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 413-414. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-09414 “Cowper’s Religion.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 414-415. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-09415 “[Editor’s Introduction and Response to] Nature of Virtue.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 415-416. A. [Brown writes paragraphs 1 and 4, reprinting paragraphs 2 and 3 from the London Monthly Magazine (Jan. 1804), 549.]

1804-09416a “The Jewish High Priest.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 416. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-09416b “The Winter’s Day.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 416-17. B. [added 5/2009, phb]

1804-09420 “Economy of Light.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 420-422. A. [Brown writes the first paragraph only, reprinting the remainder from the London Monthly Magazine (“Supplemental number” to no. 4:26 (Dec. 1797), 539-40.]

1804-09461 “The Neapolitan Baron.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 461-464. A.

44 [Brown writes the first paragraph only, reprinting the remainder from Carl Ulisse von Salis-Marschlins, Travels through Various Provinces of the Kingdom of Naples, in 1789 (London: T. Cadell, 1795), 196-202.]

1804-09490a “List of New Publications, in September.” Literary Magazine II.12 (Sept. 1804), 490. B.

1804-09490b “To Correspondents.” Literary Magazine II.12 (Sept. 1804), 490. A.

1804 October

1804-10491 “Alexander Hamilton; with a Portrait.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 491-492. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-10499 “Deafness.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 499. B. [added 5/2009, phb]

1804-10502 “Mistakes of Travellers.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 502-504. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-10521 “Klyogg.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 521-522. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-10530 “Anecdotes.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 530-531. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-10531 "Notices of Recent Publications." Literary Magazine II.13 (Oct. 1804), 531-532. Signed "X." B.

1804-10532 "European Literary Intelligence." Literary Magazine II.13 (Oct. 1804), 532-533. B.

1804-10546 “Manners.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 546. B. [Brown’s one-paragraph introduction for two reprinted anecdotes] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-10547 “Beatification.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 547. B. [The other anecdotes in this group are reprinted from British sources, but “Beatification” seems to be by Brown.]

1804-10568 "List of New Publications, in October." Literary Magazine II.13 (Oct. 1804), 568. B.

1804 November

45 1804-11571 “Benjamin Franklin.” Literary Magazine II.14 (November 1804), 571. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-11576 “Account of the Philadelphia Museum.” Literary Magazine II.14 (November 1804), 576-579. B. [added 5/2009, phb]

1804-11579 “On Vaccination.” Literary Magazine II.14 (November 1804), 579-581. B. [added 5/2009, phb]

1804-11581 “On The Poetry of Spain and Portugal.” Literary Magazine II.14 (November 1804), 581-583. A. [Brown writes the first two paragraphs and sentences 1 and 2 of the third; the remainder is reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (July 1796), 451-53].

1804-11586 “Canine Virtues.” Literary Magazine II.14 (November 1804), 586-588. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-11598 “Critical Notices. No. IX.” Literary Magazine II.14 (Nov. 1804), 598-602. B.

1804-11648 “List of New Publications in November.” Literary Magazine II.14 (Nov. 1804), 648. B.

1804 December

1804-12651 "Sketch of John Jay. With a Portrait." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 651- 652. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-12655 "St. Domingo." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 655-657. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1804-12657 “Fielding and Richardson.” Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 657-659. B.

1804-12665 "Interpretations of Prophecy." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 665-666. A. [Brown writes the first and second sentences, up the words “whimsical but learned,” to preface the anecdote on Whiston, reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine v. 16 (Dec. 1803), 420.]

1804-12679 “To Clara” [a poem]. Literary Magazine II (Dec. 1804), 679. Dated “January 3, 1801.” B.

1804-12728 “List of New Publications in December.” Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 728. B.

46 1805

1805-00003 “A Sketch of the Life and Character of John Blair Linn.” Prefaced to John Blair Linn’s Valerian, A Narrative Poem... (Philadelphia, 1805), 3-24. A. [Reprinted in Port-Folio I (Jan. 1809), 21-9, 129-43, 195-203. See 1809-01021].

1805 January

1805-01003 “Thoughts on Population.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 3-6. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-01006 “Romances.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 6-7. A.

1805-01013b “The Henriade.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 13-15. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-01019 “Job Strutt. No. I.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 19-22. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-01022 “New Year’s Day. A Fragment.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 22-23. Dated “Jan.1, 1805.” Signed “X.” B.

1805-01023 “Humphrey’s Works.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 23-24. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-01024 “French Revolutionary Epochas.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 24-25. B. [added 5/2009, phb]

1805-01069 “Remarkable Occurrences.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805) 69-80. B.

1805 February

1805-02083 “On Fortune-Telling.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 83-84. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-02085 “Marcia The Vestal.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 85. B. [added 5/2007, phb]

1805-02086 “A Specimen of Agricultural Improvement. Extracted from the correspondence of a traveller in Scotland.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 86-93. A. [Continued as “Specimen of Political Improvement” in 1805-03120, 1805-03201, 1805- 05214.]

47 [Historical Sketches fragment 7; see Barnard (2004)].

1805-02093 "On the Recession of the District of Columbia." Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 93-96. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-02097 “American Prospects.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 97. B. [Brown writes the first three paragraphs only, prefacing the excerpt from Mackenzie.]

1805-02101 “On Sudden Death.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 101-02. B. [added 6/2009, phb]

1805-02102 “Unequal Marriages.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 102-103. Signed “O.” B.

1805-02103 "Critical Remarks on Austin's Letters from London." Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 103-106. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-02108 "Richard the Third and Perkin Warbeck." Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 108-110. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-02110 “For the Literary Magazine. Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist. Continued from vol. II, page 252.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 110-114. [1798] A. [Installment 9 of 10] [added 4/2007, phb]

1805-02116 “Life of the Student.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 116-117. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc; Brown seems to write the first paragraph only, reprinting para- graphs 2-3 from Hawkesworth, “The Adventurer No. 2” (Nov. 11, 1752)”; 4-6 from Henry Kirke White “Melancholy Hours No. 4”; and the poem from Thomas Wharton The Pleasures of Melancholy (1747).]

1805-02120 “Specimen of Political Improvement.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb., 1805), 120- 1805-02086 128. A. [Continued from 1805-02086]. [Historical Sketches fragment 8a; see Barnard (2004)]

1805-02147 “Remarkable Occurrences.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805),147-160. B.

1805-02160 “Notes from the Editor.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 160. A.

1805 March

48 1805-03163 “The Secret of Long Life.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 163-164. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-03165 “Virgil’s Mornings.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 165-167. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc].

1805-03167 “On the Flavian Amphitheatre at Rome.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 167-69. B. [added 1/2009, phb].

1805-03169 “Don Quixote.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 169-170. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-03170 “Some Account of the Great Dismal Swamp.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 170-171. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-03178 “Is a Free or Despotic Government Most Friendly to Human Happiness.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 178-181. B. [mac: Brown seems to write the first three paragraphs only, reprinting the remainder from Adam Ferguson, Principles of Moral and Political Science (1792); Brown's source is likely the London Monthly Review (August 1793), 372-74, or the Scots Magazine 55 (1793), 445-47.]

1805-03181 “Plan for the Improvement and Diffusion of the Arts, Adapted to the United States.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 181-183. B. [mac: Brown seems to write the first two paragraphs only, reprinting the remainder from “Plan for Improving the Arts in England,” in George Cumberland, Some Anecdotes of the Life of Julio Bonafoni (1793); Brown's source is likely the London Monthly Review 11 (August 1793), 406-08.]

1805-03187 “On the Progress of Nautical Science.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 187-188. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc; Brown seems to write the last four sentences only, reprinting the remainder from the London Monthly Review Appendix to v11 (August 1793), 563-64.

1805-03188a “Literary Blunders.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 188. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc; Brown writes the first two paragraphs only, reprinting the re- mainder from the London Monthly Review Appendix to v11 (August 1793), 499-500.]

1805-03188b “Thoughts on the Former and Present State of Holland.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 188-189. [Brown writes the last three paragraphs only, mixing his prose with the source, reprinting the remainder from the London Monthly Review Appendix to v11 (August 1793), 507-12.

1805-03192 “Literary Fashion.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 192-193. B.

49 [Brown writes the first paragraph only, reprinting the remainder form the London Monthly Review Appendix to v11 (August 1793), 482-83.]

1805-03194 “Origin of Quakerism.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 194-195. Signed “X.” B. [Brown writes the last three paragraphs only, and adapts the first three from the Monthly Review 12 (September 1794), 19-20.]

1805-03195 "A Literary Wife." Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 195-96. B. [added 6/2009, mac]

1805-03198 "Arabia Felix." Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 198-99. [added 6/2009, mac; paragraph four is adapted from the Monthly Review (August 1793), 437.]

1805-03200 “Mrs. Barbauld and Miss Burney.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 200- 201. B.

1805-03201 “Specimen of Political Improvement.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 201-205. A. [Continuing from 1805-02120; Continued as 1805-03214.] [Historical Sketches fragment 8b; see Barnard (2004)].

1805-03205 “Connecticut Scenery. From a Traveller’s Journal.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 205-207. B.

1805-03208a “Employment of a Cure for Lunacy.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 208. B. [Brown writes the first paragraph only, reprinting the remainder from the London Monthly Review Appendix to v11 (August 1793), 513.]

1805-03208b “Marvellous Stories.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 208-210. Signed “X.” B. [Brown writes the first and last paragraphs only, reprinting the remainder from from John Hunter's An Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island (1793); likely drawn from the Monthly Review (1794), 122-24.]

1805-03210 “For the Literary Magazine. Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist. Continued from page 114.” Literary Magazine III.19 (March 1805), 210-214. [1798] A. [Installment 10 of 10] [added 4/2007, phb].

1805-03214 “A Specimen of Political Improvement.” Literary Magazine III.19 (March 1805), 214-225. A. [Continuing from 1805-03201b]. [Historical Sketches fragment 8c; see Barnard (2004)].

50 1805-03225 “Critical Remarks on Buchan’s Advice to Mothers.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 225-231. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc; Brown seems to write the first two paragraphs only, reprinting the remainder from Buchan’s work.]

1805-03233 “Remarkable Occurrences.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 233-240. B.

1805-03240 “List of New Publications in March” & “Notes from the Editor.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 240. A.

1805 April

1805-04256 “On Classical Learning.” Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 256-258. B.

1805-04269 “Madelina. A Female Portrait.” Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 269-272. B. [reprint of 1802-04105]. [added 2000, JH]

1805-04277 "Young Roscius." Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 277-78. B. [added 6/2009, mac]

1805-04281 “Shakespeare‘s Similes.” Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 281-284. Signed “X.” B.

1805-04284 “On Mathematical Studies.” Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 284-286. Signed “W.” B. [A small portion of this—half of the paragraph beginning "I often burst upon the retire- ments of a friend," from the mention of Viviani—seems adapted from another source, probably the Monthly Review 37 (Jan. 1802), 88.]

1805-04288 “Terrific Novels.” Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 288-289. Signed “O.” B. [Brown writes the first two sentences and the final paragraph only; the remainder is re- printed from the London Monthly Review (January 1802), 28-30.]

1805-04290 “Volcanoes.” Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 290-291. Signed “R.” B. [Brown writes paragraphs 1-3 and 6; paragraphs 4 and 5 are reprinted from the Monthly Review 37 (January 1802), 23-24.]

1805-04293 “Government of Louisiana, as Organized by Law.” Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 293. Signed “W.” B.

1805-04294 “Vanity.” Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 294. Signed “W.” B.

1805-04301 “[D]uties [sic] of Editors.” Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 301-302. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

51 1805-04303 “Kotan Husbandry.” Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 303-07. B. [added 6/2009, phb]

1805-04310 “Criticism.” Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 310-316. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-04318 “American Literary Intelligence.” Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 318-320. B.

1805-04320 “To Correspondents.” Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 320. A.

1805 May

1805-05330 “A Case of Murder.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 330-331. B. [added 6/2009, phb. Brown writes paragraphs 1-3 and 7-8, and reprints paragraphs 4-6 from the London Critical Review Appendix to Vol. 81 (Dec. 1789), 594-95.]

1805-05333 “Alliance between Poverty and Genius.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 333. Signed “B.” B.

1805-05335 “Somnambulism. A fragment.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 335-347. A.

1805-05347 “Law of Nations.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 347-348. Signed “R.” B. [Brown writes paragraphs 1-2 and 7; paragraphs 3-6 are reprinted from the London Critic- al Review (September 1796), 13-14.

1805-05348 “Progress of Geometry.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 348-349. Signed “W.” B. [Brown writes paragraphs 1-2 and 6-7; paragraphs 3-5 are reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1805), 391-92.]

1805-05359 “A Literary Lady.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 359. Signed “N.” B.

1805-05360 “On the Character of Sir William Jones.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 360-362. Signed “N.” B. [Brown apparently writes the first paragraph only, editing and reprinting the remainder from The Edinburgh Review (January 1805), 329-32.]

1805-05365 “Description of Cohoes Falls. From a Manuscript Journal.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 365-366. Dated “July 1803.” B. [from British Magazine, or, Monthly Repository etc. (1762) 258 ff?]

1805-05368 “On the Merits of Cicero.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 368-369. A. [Brown writes paragraphs 1-3 and 7-8, and reprints paragraphs 4-6 from the London Crit- ical Review Appendix to Volume 81 (December 1789), 594-95.]

52 1805-05374 “On Collections of Paintings.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805) 374-375. B.

1805-05375 “Literary News from England.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 375-377. B.

1805-05385 “Report of the Committee Relative to the Establishment of Schools throughout the States of Pennsylvania, in such a Manner that the Poor May Be taught Gratis.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 385-386. B.

1805-05389 “Review. The History of Virginia, from its first settlement to the present day. By John Burk. Vol. 1. 8vo.Petersburg, 1804. pp. 348.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 389-96. B.

1805-05400a “Literary Intelligence.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 400. B.

1805-05400b “To Correspondents.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 400. A.

1805 June

1805-06403 “Goldsmith and Johnson.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 403-404. Signed “B.” B.

1805-06404 “Ciceronians.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 404-405. Signed “R.” A.

1805-06405 “Situations of Coal.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 405-406. B. [Brown writes the first paragraph only, reprinting the remainder from, e.g., the London Critical Review (November 1800), 282-23.] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-06409 “A Modern Sampson.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 409-410. Signed “O.” B. [Brown seems to write the first paragraph and the final three; the remainder is reprinted from, e.g., The European Magazine (January 1792), 34-35.]

1805-06413 “Symptoms of Genius.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 413-414. Signed “N.” B.

1805-06417 “The Nightingale and the Mock-bird.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 417- 419. B. [Brown writes the first two paragraphs only, reprinting the remainder from, e.g., The Edinburgh Magazine v4n23 (July 1786), 311-13. Originally from Daines Barrington, Experiments and Observations on the Singing of Birds (1773), which was widely reviewed and cited.] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

53 1805-06419 “On Persian Poetry and Hafiz.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 419-23. Signed “B.” B. [Brown writes the first two paragraphs only, reprinting and editing the remainder from the London Critical Review (November 1800), 265- 74; and (December 1800), 387-93.]

1805-06424 “Spenser‘s Fairy Queen Modernized.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June, 1805), 424-425. Signed “R.” B.

1805-06425 “Pope’s Universal Prayer Examined.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 425- 426. Signed “O.” B.

1805-06428 “Influence of Religion on Happiness.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 428- 431. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-06432 “Shakespeare Re-examined.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 432-433. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-06434 “National Liberty and Happiness.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 434-435. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-06441 “The Balloon and the Telegraph.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 441-43. [added 7/2009, phb]

1805-06449 “On Didactic Poetry and the Georgics.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 449- 450. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-06451 “The Iron Mask.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 451-454. B. [Brown writes the first paragraph only, reprinting the remainder from, e.g., The Analytical Review (July 1791), 252-56.] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-06471 “Foreign Intelligence, Literary and Philosophical.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 471-477. B.

1805-06479 “Literary Intelligence.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 479-480. B.

1805 July

1805-07020 “On the Culture of the Sugar-Maple.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 20-21. B. [Brown seems to write the first paragraph only, reprinting the remainder from, e.g., The Balance, and Columbian Repository (April 9, 1805), 116.]

54 [added 5/2007, phb]

1805-07033 “Circulation of Newspapers.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 33-34. Signed “C.” B.

1805-07038 “German Cemeteries. Bunyan’s Library. Johnson.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 38-39. B. [Brown seems to write the first paragraph of “German Cemeteries” only; the remainder is reprinted from, e.g., London Monthly Magazine (June 1803), 419; Bunyan from Monthly Magazine (May 1803), 339; Johnson from Monthly Magazine (April 1803), 248. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-07039. “A Description of New Orleans.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 39-42. B. [Brown writes the first two paragraphs only, reprinting the remainder from the London Monthly Magazine (July 1803), 527-30.] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-07045 “Thomson’s Seasons.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 45. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-07066 “Foreign News, Literary and Philosophical.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 66-73. B.

1805 August

1805-08090 “History and Culture of the Coffee.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 90-91. B. [source uncertain, seems unlikely to be by Brown.] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-08092 “Vaccination Vindicated.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 92-93. B. [Brown writes the first paragraph only, reprinting the remainder from, e.g., the London Philosophical Magazine (March 1805), 183-85.] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-08093 “Verbal Disputes.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 93-94. B. [Brown seems to write paragraphs 1-2 and the final paragraph 5; 3-4 are from a frequently reprinted Anthony Wood anecdote.] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-08095 “Dr. Johnson Inventor of Magazines.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 95- 96. B. [seems to be at least partly reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (month? 1805), 206.]

55 1805-08096 “Comparative State of Philadelphia.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 96-97. Signed “B.” B. [Paragraphs 1-3-5-7 by B; 2 from, e.g., Edinburgh Review (July 1801), 33; 4 from, e.g., The Gentleman’s Magazine (Nov. 1804), 1031; 6 from, e.g., the London Monthly Magazine (Dec. 1800), 456-57.]

1805-08099 “[Review of] The Lay of the Last Minstrel. To the Editor, etc.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 99-102. Signed “R.” [Browns seems to write the first and last two paragraphs only, reprinted and editing the re- mainder from The Edinburgh Review (April 1805), 1-20.]

1805-08117 “Anecdotes of Wieland.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 117-121. B. [Brown writes the first four paragraphs only, reprinting the remainder from the London Monthly Magazine (December 1800), 431-34.] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-08128 “The Polemical Passion.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 128-129. Signed “B.” B. [no other hits; all by B?]

1805-08129 “Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 129- 130. Signed “R.” B.

1805-08132 “Longevity” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug.1805), 132-133. B.

1805-08133 “Impropriety of Burying in Churches.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug.1805), 133. Signed “O.” [Brown writes the final paragraph only, reprinting the remainder from the London Monthly Magazine (June 1803), 429.]

1805-08149b “A Sketch of the Pennsylvania Hospital. Drawn up in 1801.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 149-152. B. [added 5/2007, phb]

1805-08159 “Literary Intelligence.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 159-160. B.

1805 September

1805-09185 “Classical Learning no Anti-Christian Tendency.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 185-191. Signed “O.” B.

1805-09191 “Remarks on the Life and Minor Poems of Luis de Camoens.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 191-194. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

56 1805-09198 “A Sketch of Didbin, the Famous Song-Writer.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 198-201. [Brown seems to write the final two paragraphs only, reprinting the remainder from the London Monthly Review (June 1805), 152-56.]

1805-09207 “Sketches of Some Recent Novels.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 207-208. Signed “X. [Brown writes the final paragraph only, reprinting the remainder from the London Monthly Review (June 1805), 205-208.

1805-09208 “Hannah-Moriana. Louis XIV. The Value of Regal Pomp. David Hume. Political Value of Religion. Extempore Quotation.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 208- 211. Signed “Editor” B. [Brown writes the first paragraph only, reprinting the remainder from the review of More’s Hints towards forming the Character of a Young Princess (1805) in the London Monthly Review (June 1805), 181-186.]

1805-09212 “Petrifaction.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 212-214. B. [Brown writes the first two sentences only, editing and reprinting the remainder from the the London Monthly Review (June 1805), 117, 123-27.]

1805-09230 “The Latest Literary and Philosophical Intelligence from Europe.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 230-235. B.

1805 October

1805-10254 “Female Authorship. An Example.” Literary Magazine IV.25 (0ct. 1805), 254-257. [Brown writes the first paragraph only, reprinting the remainder from the London Monthly Magazine (September 1797), 213-15.]

1805-10266 “Education in Scotland.” Literary Magazine IV.25 (Oct. 1805), 266-267. Signed “B.” B. [seems to be reprinted info with last graf probably by B. Source?]

1805-10271 “William Eaton.” Literary Magazine IV.25 (0ct. 1805), 271-275. B. [Brown writes first paragraph only, introducing diplomatic correspondence of Eaton.]. [added 5/2007, phb]

1805-10291a “Divisions of the Year.” Literary Magazine IV.25 (Oct. 1805), 291. Signed “R.” B. [item may be B’s but is broken up and difficult to check in ProQuest]

1805-10291b “On the Form of Transferring Property.” Literary Magazine IV.25 (Oct. 1805), 291-293. Signed “O.” B. [in ProQuest as “Article 3 -- No Title” and may well be Brown’s; can’t find any other hits.]

57 1805-10293 “Names of the Days and Months.” Literary Magazine IV.25 (Oct. 1805), 293-294. Signed “B.” B. [in ProQuest as “Article 4 -- No Title”; may also be Brown’s, no other hits found.]

1805-10309 “Recent European Intelligence, Literary and Philosophical.” Literary Magazine IV.25 (Oct. 1805), 309-317. B.

1805 November

1805-11350 “Particulars of the Mediterranean Trade.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 350-352. B. [Brown writes the first paragraph only, reprinting and editing the remainder from The Ed- inburgh Review 6.12 (July 1805), 478-83.]

1805-11354 “The Latest Evidence Concerning the Authority of Ossian‘s Poems.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 354-365. Signed “O.” [Brown writes the last paragraph only, reprinting and editing the remainder from The Ed- inburgh Review 6.12 (July 1805), 429-53, 462.]

1805-11392 “The Romance of Real Life.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 392-396. Signed “W.” A. [Historical Sketches fragment 9; see Barnard (2004)] [added 4/2007, phb] [APS has this piece in file titled “English Sunday Schools.”]

1805-11400 “Literary Intelligence.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 400. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805 December

1805-12403 “Sketches in America, in the Year 1740.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 403-409. B. [Brown seems to write the fist two paragraphs, reprinting the remainder from an earlier text.] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-12412 “Dr. Franklin’s Junto.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 412-414. B. [Brown seems to write the first paragraph only, reprinting a much-published piece that ap- peared as early as 1779 in The London Magazine, or Gentleman’s Monthly Intelligencer v48 (1779), 576-77.] [added 5/2007, phb]

58 1805-12418 “The Sacred and Profane Writers Compared.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 418-421. B. [Brown seems to write the first paragraph only, reprinting the remainder from the London Monthly Review (August 1805), 405-10.] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1805-12428 “The Ivizan Cottager.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 428-431. A. [Historical Sketches fragment 10; see Barnard (2004)] [added 4/2007, phb]

1805-12467 “Review. Letters from Europe, during a Tour through Switzerland and Italy, in the Years 1801 and 1802. By a Native of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. 8vo.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 467-470. B. [Continued in 1806-01061]

1805-12471 “Recent European Intelligence, Literary and Philosophical.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 471-475. B.

1805-12478 “Literary Intelligence.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 478-480. B.


1806 January

1806-01015 "The Cockney Dialect." Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 15-17. B. [Brown writes the first paragraph only, prefacing the remainder reprinted from the Lon- don Monthly Review (July 1805), 243-47.]

1806-01057b "The Delinquent, Reynolds's Last Comedy." Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 57-58. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1806-01061 “Review. Letters from Europe, during a Tour through Switzerland and Italy, in the Years 1801 and 1802. By a Native of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. 8vo.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 61-63. B. [Continues 1805-12467]

1806-01063 “Foreign News, Literary and Philosophical.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 63-73. B.

1806 February

1806-02086 “What is Fame?” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb., 1806), 86-87. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

59 1806 March

1806-03163 “Remarks on Reading.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 163-168. Signed “N. [Brown adds one final paragraph only to Isaac Disraeli’s essay “On Reading,” reprinted from Disraeli’s Miscellanies (London: Cadell and Davies, 1796), 189-207.]

1806-03218 “First Public Testimony of Friends Against Slavery.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 218-219. B. [Brown writes the first two paragraphs only, presenting remarks by Denville from 1716.]

1806-03219 “An Account of Parkinson’s Tour in America.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 219-226. B. [Brown writes the first paragraph only introducing the remainder reprinted from The Ed- inburgh Review (October 1805), 29-39.]

1806-03233 “Intelligence, Literary and Philosophical.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 233-37. B.

1806-03240 “To Readers and Correspondents.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 240. A.

1806 April

1806-04292 “The Chinese Characters.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 292-293. Signed “X.” B. [Brown writes the concluding paragraph only, commenting on the remainder reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (August 1805), 347-48.]

1806-04302 “Intelligence, Literary and Philosophical.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 302-15. B.

1806-04320 “To Correspondents.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 320. A.

1806 May

1806-05330 “A Student’s Journal.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 330-332. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1806-05332 “The Character of Atticus.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 332-333. Signed “X.”

60 [Brown writes the final paragraph only, commenting on the remainder reprinted from The Spectator no. 385 (Thursday May 22, 1712).]

1806-05336 “Three Kinds of Drunkenness. An Original Anecdote.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 336-337. B. [added 6/2009, phb].

1806-05383 “Bricks.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 383-385. B. [added 5/2007, phb: Brown writes the first paragraph only, introducing the remainder reprin- ted from the London Monthly Review (February 1806), 181-83.]

1806-05385 “On the Coins of Great Britain [No. 1].” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 385- 391. B. [added 5/2007, phb: Brown writes the first paragraph only, introducing the remainder reprin- ted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 266-76.]

1806-05391 “Foreign Intelligence, Literary and Philosophical.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 391-398. B.

1806 June

1806-06403 “On the Influence of Women.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 403-408. [Brown likely writes the final paragraph only. The remainder is reprinted and lightly edited from Isaac Disraeli, Miscellanies (London: Cadell and Davies, 1796), 339-60; Disraeli’s title is “On the Influence of the Female Character in Politics and Religion.”]

1806-06425 "Romance of Real Life." Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 425-426. B. [Brown writes the first paragraph only, introducing the remainder reprinted from the London Monthly Review (November 1805), 282-83.]

1806-06426 “Observations on the French Revolution. Written in 1799.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 426-437. B [added 6/2009, phb]

1806-06475 "Intelligence, Literary and Philosophical." Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 475- 476. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1806 July . 1806-07026 "Poplar Worm." Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 26-28. Signed "O." B. [Brown writes the first two and the final two paragraphs only to introduce and comment on a reprinted letter from the American Daily Advertiser.]

1806-07032 “Learned Trifling.” Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 32-33. B.

61 [added 5/2007, rb-mc; Brown writes the first two paragraphs only to introduce the re- mainder, a reprinted letter from Cowper.]

1806-07033b “Cumberland’s Memoirs.” Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 33-34. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc; Brown writes the first two paragraphs only introducing the re- mainder reprinted from Cumberland’s Memoirs (London 1806); Brown’s remarks seem to summarize the opening section of the lengthy review printed in The Edinburgh Review (April 1806), 107 ff .]

1806-07052 “Pressing. A fragment.” Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 55. B. [added 6/2009, phb]

1806-07054 "The Fear of Death." Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 54-55. Signed "W." [added 6/2009, phb]

1806-07057 "Trumbull’s M’Fingal." Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 57-62. B. [Brown writes the first paragraph only to introduce a lightly-edited reprint of the review from the London Monthly Review (January 1793), 34-45.]

1806-07076 "Why the Arts Are Discouraged in America." Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 76-77. B. [Brown writes the first two and the final paragraph commenting on a passage from Brissot.]

1806-07080 "To Correspondents.” Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 80. B.

1806 August

1806-08089 “The Value of General Rules. A Fragment.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug. 1806), 89-91. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1806-08098 “Tom Thumb.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 98-99. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc; Brown writes the first two paragraphs, reprinting the remainder from the London Monthly Review (May 1793) ), 74-76.]

1806-08099 “Boswell Parodied.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 99-103. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc; Brown writes the first two paragraphs only, introducing a fre- quently reprinted parody.]

1806-08103 “On the Different Kinds of Prints.” Literary Magazine VI 35 (Aug 1806), 103-106. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc; Brown writes the first two paragraphs only, introducing the re- mainder reprinted from William Gilpin, An Essay upon Prints (first published 1768).]

1806-08125 “Shylock Vindicated.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 125-126. [Brown writes the first paragraph only, prefacing the remainder reprinted from Grigorio’s Life of Pope Sixtus the Fifth (Dublin: Cotter and Flin, 1766).]

62 1806 September

1806-09219 “Anacreon Moore versus America.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806), 219-222. B. [Brown seems to write the first four paragraphs, reprinting the remainder (from “The good people of Virginia” on) from, e.g., the Norfolk and Portsmouth Herald, Sept. 9, 1806.]

1806-09224 “Geographical Systems.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806), 224. B. [added 5/2007, phb]

1806-09228 “Literary and Philosophical Intelligence from Europe.” Literary Magazine VI.36 (Sept. 1806), 228-238. B.

1806-09239 “Philadelphia, An Elegy. Written during the prevalence of the Yellow Fever, in 1797” [a poem]. Literary Magazine VI.36 (Sept. 1806), 239-240. A. [Reprinted in American Register I (1806-1807), 200-201.]

1806 October

1806-10243 “The Value of Beauty.” Literary Magazine VI.37 (Oct. 1806), 243-245. Signed “O.” B.

1806-10245 “Many Men, Many Minds.” Literary Magazine VI.37 (Oct. 1806), 245-246. Signed “A.” B.

1806-10261 "Philadelphia." Literary Magazine VI.37 (Oct. 1806), 261-262. Signed "W." B.

1806-10262 "Remarks on Mysteries." Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct. 1806), 262-263. Signed "W." B.

1806-10280 “Talleyrand on French Colonies, and the Commerce of America with England.” Liter- ary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 280-287. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc; Brown writes the first two paragraphs only, introducing the re- mainder reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (April 1805), 63-77.]

1806-10290a "William Penn's Grave." Literary Magazine, VI.37 (Oct. 1806), 290. Signed "O." B.

1806-10311 “Foreign Literary and Philosophical News.” Literary Magazine VI.37 (Oct. 1806), 311-318. B.

1806 November

1806-11359 “Lawyers Defended.” Literary Magazine VI.38 (Nov.1806), 359-360. B.

63 [Brown writes the first paragraph only, introducing the remainder reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (January 1797), 12-13.]

1806-11367 "Character of Dr. Franklin." Literary Magazine VI.38 (Nov. 1806), 367-374. A. [Reprinted as 1807-02150.] [Brown writes the first paragraph only, introducing the remainder reprinted from The Edin- burgh Review (July 1806), 327-44.]

1806-11393 “Book Collectors.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 393-394. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc; Brown seems to write the first seven paragraphs, prefacing the re- mainder reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (February 1797), 101-02.]

1806-11394 “Classical Obscurities.” Literary Magazine VI.38 (Nov. 1806), 394-396. Signed “N.” B. [Brown writes the first two paragraphs and the final paragraph, commenting on the re- mainder reprinted from the London Monthly Review (August 1806), 389-92.]

1806-11400 “To Correspondents.” Literary Magazine VI.38 (Nov. 1806), 400. A.

1806 December

1806-12403 “On the Best Means of National Defence.” Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 403- 09. B. [added 6/2009, phb: Brown writes the first two paragraphs only, introducing and editing the remainder from The Edinburgh Review (July 1806), 302-11; the passage is drawn from a longer review of John Macdiarmid, An Inquiry into the System of National Defence in Great Britain (1805).]

1806-12412 “Meteoric Stones.” Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 412. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc; Brown has written the first paragraph only, introducing the re- mainder reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (April 1805), 135].

1806-12413 “Henry the Fourth’s Project of a Christian Republic.” Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 413-417. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc; Brown has written the first two paragraphs only, introducing the re- mainder re-edited from The Edinburgh Review (April 1805), 162-69.]

1806-12420 “Are Theatrical Exhibitions Useful?” Literary Magazine VI.39 (Dec. 1806), 420-421. Signed “E.” B. [reprinted from 1798-04323.]

1806-12421 “Remarks on Short-Hand Writing.” Literary Magazine VI.39 (Dec. 1806), 421-424. B. [reprinted from 1800-08092] [added 6/2007, phb]

64 1806-12424 “On the Use of Almanacks.” Literary Magazine VI.39 (Dec. 1806), 424-427. Signed “N.” B. [reprinted from 1799-05085. Signed “R.”]

1806-12430 “The Spirit of Political Conversation.” Literary Magazine VI.39 (Dec. 1806), 430-431. Signed “L.” A. [reprinted from 1800-06402, “Dialogues of the Living: Dialogue IV.”]

1806-12434 “On American Newspapers.” Literary Magazine VI.39 (Dec. 1806), 434-438. Signed “C.” A. [reprinted as 1809-07029 “The Scribbler. No. V.” The 1809 version omits the final two paragraphs of the 1806 version.]

1806-12438 “Wisdom of Spiders.” Literary Magazine VI.39 (Dec. 1806), 438-439. Signed “W.” B.

1806-12445 “Remarks on the Russian Empire.” Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 445-445. B. [reprinted from 1800-02099] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1806-12448 “Pestilence and Bad Government Compared.” Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 445-448. Signed “S.” A. [reprinted from 1798-04320, “The Man at Home, No. XI.”] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1806-12451 "The Sorrows of Werter." Literary Magazine VI.39 (Dec. 1806), 451. Signed "X." B.

1806-12459 "The Honest Man. A Portrait." Literary Magazine VI.39 (Dec. 1806), 459-461. Signed "W." B.

1806-12461 “On the Number of Books.” Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 461-464. Signed “O.” B. [Reprinted from 1799-12415] [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1806-12467 “On the Prevailing Ignorance of Geography.” Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 467-469. Signed “R.” B. [reprinted from 1800-12410] [added 6/2007, phb]

1806-12469 "On Socratic Conversation." Literary Magazine VI.39 (Dec. 1806), 469-471. Signed "H." B. [Reprinted from 1800-08087, "On Conversation."]

1806-12471 “Easton Delaware Bridge.” Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 471-472. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

65 1806-12472 “Foreign News, Literary, Philosophical, &c.” Literary Magazine VI.39 (Dec. 1806), 472-479. B.

1806-12480 “To Readers and Correspondents.” Literary Magazine VI.39 (Dec. 1806), 480. B.


1807 January

(January Literary Magazine)

1807-01066 "Notices of Recent Publications." Literary Magazine VII.40 (Jan. 1807), 66-77. B.

1807-01080 "Literary Intelligence." Literary Magazine VII.40 (Jan. 1807), 80. B.

(January American Register)

1807-01000 “Preface.” American Register ... for 1806-7, vol. I (1807), iii-iv. Signed “C.B.B.” and dated “Philadelphia, Nov.1, 1807.” A.

1807-01003b “Annals of Europe and America, for 1806-7.” American Register ... for 1806-7, vol. I (1807), 3-79. A.

1807-01083 “An Abstract of all the Laws and Public Acts [for 1806].” American Register ... for 1806-7, vol. I (1807), [83] -149. B.

1807-01151 “Review of Literature.” American Register ... for 1806-7, vol. I (1807), 151-186. [Consists of 2 parts: a. “General Catalogue and View of British Publications, for the Year 1806,” pp. [153]-172; and b. “A Sketch of American Literature,” pp. [173] -186.] B.

1807-01207 “American Register of Deaths.” American Register ... for 1806-7, vol. I (1807), 207- 214. B. [added 5/2007, os]

1807 February

(February Literary Magazine)

1807-02151 "Recent News from London, Literary and Philosophical." Literary Magazine VII.41 (Feb. 1807), 151-158. B. [Edited together from notices in several British and Scottish magazines.]

1807-02160 "Literary Intelligence." Literary Magazine VII.41 (Feb. 1807), 160. B.

66 (February American Register)

1807-02003 “Chronicle of Memorable Occurrences, 1806-07.” American Register ... for 1806-7, vol. I (1807), [3] – 33. A. [The paging after p. 32 is incorrect. The article has a total of 41 pages.]

1807-02037 “British and Foreign Intelligence Chiefly Scientific.” American Register for 1806-7, vol. I (1807), [37]-75. A.

1807-02150 “Character of Dr. Franklin.” American Register ... for 1806-7, I (1807), 150-159. B. [Republished from 1806-11367 ; Brown writes the first paragraph only, introducing the re- mainder reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (July 1806), 327-44.]

1807-02159 “Account of the Late Monarchy of Prussia.” American Register ... for 1806-7, vol. I (1807), 159-164. B.

1807-02205 [A very short note about American poetry at the end of a short selection of poems]. American Register ... for 1806-7, vol. I (1807), 205. B.

1807-02217 “The Columbiad.” American Register ... for 1806-7, vol. I (1807), 217-220. B. [added 5/2007, OS].

1807 April

1807-04274 “Man and Woman. A Dialogue.” Literary Magazine VII.43 (April 1807), 274-75. B. [added 6/2009, phb]

1807-04317 “Literary Intelligence.” Literary Magazine VII.43 (April 1807), 317-318. B.

1807-04320 “To Correspondents.“ Literary Magazine VII.43 (April 1807), 320. A. [added 2000, JH]

1807 May

1807-05366 “Biographical Anecdotes of William Henry West Betty, Commonly Called the Young Roscius.” Literary Magazine VII. 44 (May 1807), 366-372. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc; Brown writes the first paragraph only, introducing the remainder reprinted from Merrit’s 1804 biography of Betty, reprinted, e.g., in the London Monthly Mirror (1804), 291-311.]

1807-05393 “Literary and Philosophical Intelligence.” Literary Magazine VII.44 (May 1807), 393-396. B.

1807 June

67 1807-06460 “Literary and Philosophical Intelligence.” Literary Magazine VII.45 (June 1807), 460-466. B.

1807-06469 “Ode to Fear” [a poem]. Literary Magazine VII.45 (June 1807), 469. B.

1807-06472 “[Notes from the Editor].” Literary Magazine VII.45 (June 1807), 472. A.

1807 July

1807-07015 “[Editor’s Introduction to] Weights and Measures.” Literary Magazine VIII.46 (July 1807), 15-17. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc; Brown writes the first two paragraphs only, introducing the remainder reprinted from the Journal of the Pennsylvania General Assembly and Senate (1806), 444ff.]

1807-07040 “Biographical Notices. Uriah Tracy. Paswan Oglou. Mr Thomas Pemberton.” Literary Magazine VIII.46 (July 1807), 40-42. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc; Pemberton republished in American Register.]

1807-07042 “Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence.” Literary Magazine VIII.46 (July 1807), 42-47. B.

1807 August

1807-08092 “Biographical Sketches.” Literary Magazine VIII.47 (August 1807), 92-94. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1807-08095 “Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence.” Literary Magazine VIII.47 (Aug. 1807), 95-100. B.

1807 September

1807-09142 “New Religious Sect.” Literary Magazine VIII.48 (September 1807), 142-143. B. [added 5/2007, rb-mc]

1807-09150 “Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence.” Literary Magazine VIII.48 (Sept. 1807), 150-156. B.

1807 October

1807-10204 “Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence.” Literary Magazine VIII.49 (Oct. 1807), 204-212. B.

1807 November

68 1807-11263 “Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence.” Literary Magazine VIII.50 (Nov. 1807), 263-269. B.

1807 December

1807-12324 “Literary, Philosophical, Commercial, and Agricultural Intelligence.” Literary Magazine VIII.51 (Dec. 1807), 324-328. B.


1808-01000 “Preface.” American Register ... Part II for 1807, vol. II. (1808), iii-iv. A.

1808-01001 “Annals of Europe and America.” American Register ... part II for 1807, vol. II (1808), 1-104. A. [Continued in 1808-02003, 1809-03004, -04001.]

1808-01071A “American Register of Deaths.” American Register ... part II for 1807, vol. II (1808), A71-72. B. [added 5/2007, OS]

1808-01107 “An Abstract of all the Laws and Public Acts Passed in the Second Session of the Ninth Congress of the United States, from December 1, 1806, to March 2, 1807.” American Register ... part II for 1807, vol. II (1808), 107-143. B.

1808-01149 “Review of Literature.” American Register ... part II for 1807, vol. II, (1808), 149-174. This chapter consists of 2 parts: a. “A Sketch of American Literature for 1807,” pp. 149- 162; and b. “A Catalogue of British Publications for 1807,” pp. 163-174. A.

1808-01175 “On the Political Character of Dr. Franklin.” American Register ... part II for 1807, vol. II (1808), 175-178. [Reprinted from 1807-02150.] B.

1808-01179 “Chronicle, No. I” American Register ... part II for 1807, vol. II (1808), 179-280. A.

1808-01281 “Chronicle, No. II” American Register ... part II for 1807, vol. II (1808), 281-351. A

1808-01353 “European Literary and Philosophical Intelligence.” American Register ... part II for 1807, vol. II (1808), 353-408. A.

1808-02000 “Preface.” American Register ... part I for 1808, vol. III, (1808), iii-iv. B.

1808-02003 “Annals of Europe and America.” American Register ... part I for 1808, vol. III (1808), 3-93. A.

69 1808-02095 “An Abstract of the Laws and Public Acts Passed in the Second Session of the Tenth Congress of the United States, between October 26, 1807, and April 25, 1808.” American Register ... part I for 1808, vol. III (1808), 95-132. A.

1808-02543 “American Register of Deaths.” American Register ... part I for 1808, vol. III (1808), 543-564. A. [added 5/2007, OS]

1808-02567 “Devotion: An Epistle. To Calista” [a poem]. American Register ... part I for 1808, vol. III (1808), 567-578. [Written 1794. Ms in Letter 1795-L-061 to Bringhurst; reprinted in Clark (1952), 319-329.] A.

1808-10003a “Communication.” [Poulson’s] American Daily Advertiser, 17 October, page 3. Signed “A.B.” [First of six newspaper comments on lectures by James Ogilvie; identified by DEK and transcribed into one of Elijah Brown’s journals; see Kennedy (1945), 1852-1861a]. [added 4/2007, phb] A.

1808-10003b “Communication.” Aurora General Advertiser, 18 October. Text identical to 1803- 10003a, Signed “Z” [Newspaper comment on Ogilvie lectures; see Kennedy (1945), 1852- 1861a]. A. [added 4/2007, phb] [Not in Shaw-Shoemaker database]

1808-10003c “Communication.” Aurora General Advertiser, 20 October. Signed “Pictor.” A. [Newspaper comment on Ogilvie lectures; see Kennedy (1945), 1852-1861a]. [added 4/2007, phb] [Not in Shaw-Shoemaker database]

1808-10003d “Communication; For the American Daily Advertiser.” [Poulson’s] American Daily Advertiser, 20 October, page 3. Signed “E.” A. [Newspaper comment on Ogilvie lectures; see Kennedy (1945), 1852-1861a]. [added 4/2007, phb]

1808-10003e “Communication; For the Aurora.” Aurora General Advertiser, 22 October. Signed “A.B.” A. [Newspaper comment on Ogilvie lectures; see Kennedy (1945), 1852-1861a]. [added 4/2007, phb] [Not in Shaw-Shoemaker database]

1808-10003f “Communication.” [Poulson’s] American Daily Advertiser, 22 October, page 3. Signed “Philologus.” A. [Newspaper comment on Ogilvie lectures; see Kennedy (1945), 1852-1861a]. [added 4/2007, phb]


70 1809-00000 “A System of General Geography [Prospectus].” [Philadelphia, 1809 ?], 9 pp. A.

1809-01000 An Address to the Congress of the United States, on the Utility and Justice of Restric- tions upon Foreign Commerce. With Reflections upon Foreign Trade in General, and the Fu- ture Prospects of America. Philadelphia, [Jan. 3,] 1809. A.

1809-01021 “A Sketch of the Life and Character of John Blair Linn.” Port-Folio I (Jan. 1809), 21- 29, 129-143, 195-203. Signed “By Charles B. Brown.” A reprint of the biography prefaced to the book edition of John Blair Linn’s Valerian, A Narrative Poem... (Philadelphia, 1805). A. [See 1805-00000]

1809-01057 “The Scribbler. No. I.” Port-Folio 3rd Series, I.1 (Jan. 1809), 57-60. A. [Continued in 1809- 02162, -04338, -05421, -07029, -08124

1809-02162 “The Scribbler. No. II.” Port-Folio 3rd Series, I.2 (Feb. 1809), 162-168. A.

1809-02165 “Insanity: A Fragment.” Port-Folio I.2 (Feb. 1809), 165-8. A.

1809-03000 “Preface.” American Register ... part II for 1808, vol. IV (1809), iii-iv. – Dated “Phil- adelphia, May 20, 1809.” A.

1809-03004 “Annals of Europe.” American Register ... part II for 1808, vol. IV (1809), 4-30. A.

1809-03067 “An Account of Louisiana at the Time of its Transfer to the United States.” American Register ... part II for 1808, vol. IV (1809), 67-100. A.

1809-03099 “Review of Literature.” American Register ... part II for 1808, vol. IV (1808), [99]-127. The chapter consists of 2 parts: a. “Catalogue of British Publications for 1808,” pp. 101-117; and b. “Catalogue of American Publications for 1808,” pp. 119-127. A.

1809-03319 “American Register of Deaths.” American Register ... part II for 1808, vol. IV (1808), 319-334. A. [added 5/2007, OS]

1809-03337 “Chronicle.” American Register ... part II for 1808. vol. IV (1808), 337-353. B.

1809-04000 “Preface.” American Register ... part I for 1809, vol. V (1809), iii-iv. A.

1809-04001 “Annals of America.” American Register ... part I for 1809, vol. V (1809), 1-84. A.

1809-04211 “Chronicle.” American Register ... part I for 1809, vol. V (1809). 211-252. B.

1809-04253 “American Register of Deaths.” American Register ... part I for 1809, vol. V (1809), 253-270. B.

71 [added 5/2007, OS]

1809-04338 “The Scribbler. No. III.” Port-Folio, 3rd Series, I.4 (April 1809), 338-342. A.

1809-04348 “A Sketch of the State of Peru, at the Close of the Eighteenth Century.” The Americ- an Register ...Part I for 1809, V (1809), 3348-367. B.

1809-04378a “The Illinoy Territory.” The American Register ...Part I for 1809, V (1809), 378. B.

1809-04378b “Sketch of the Changes of the Seat of Government of the United States.” American Register ... part I for 1809, vol. V (1809), 378-380. B.

1809-04380 “A Historical Sketch of the Projects Lately Aborted for Detaching South America from Spain ....” American Register ... Part I for 1809, V (1809), 380-400. B.

1809-05421 “The Scribbler. No. IV.” Port-Folio 3rd Series, I.5 (May 1809), 421-424. A.

1809-07029 “The Scribbler. No. V.” Port-Folio 3rd Series, II.1 (July 1809), 29-34. A. [reprinted from 1806-12434 “On American Newspapers.”]

1809-08124 “The Scribbler, No. VI.” Port-Folio 3rd Series, II.2 (Aug. 1809), 124-126. A.

1809-11383 “Sketch of the Life of General Horatio Gates.” Port-Folio 3rd Series, II.5 (Nov. 1809), 383-390. A. [Continued in1809-12481, 1810-02102.]

1809-12481 “Sketch of the Life of General Horatio Gates.” Port-Folio 3rd Series, II 6 (Dec. 1809), 481-484. A.


1810-02102 “Sketch of the Life of General Horatio Gates.” Port-Folio 3rd Series, III.2 (Feb. 1810), 102-108. A.

1810-06001 “Annals of Europe and America.” American Register, vol. VI (1810), 1-115. [added 5/2007, JG-OS: Not entirely by Brown , but likely plotted by Brown before his death and completed by collaborators.] B.

1810-07001 “Annals of Europe and America.” American Register, vol. VII (1810), 1-105. [added 5/2007, JG-OS: Not entirely by Brown , but likely plotted by Brown before his death and completed by collaborators.] A.

1810-07169 “American Register of Deaths.” American Register, vol. VII (1810), 169-170. [added 5/2007, JG-OS: Brown likely composed at least part of this obit of himself in advance]. B.

72 1811 [1975; Allen version of the Allen-Dunlap biographical miscellany] [see the incomplete Hemenway-Katz comparative table of original writings printed in the Allen and Dunlap versions, in Allen (1811 [1976]), 395-396.]

1811-00018 “The relations, dependencies and connections of the several parts of knowl edge.” Allen (1811), 18-20 [untitled]. A.

1811-00021 “Amidst the various subjects of disquisition.” Allen (1811), 21-31 [untitled]. A. [aka, “Address on the Objects of the Belles Lettres Club”]

1811-00031 “Cases 1-4.” Allen (1811), 31-39. A. [Law Society Judgments]

1811-00043 Journal entry on William Wood Wilkins. Allen (1811), 43-44. A.

1811-00071 Alcuin parts III and IV. Allen (1811), 71-105. [untitled here; 1798]. A.

1811-00106 Journal entry on Alcuin. Allen (1811), 106. [1798]. A.

1811-00108 “Cannot you come to me Jessy?” Allen (1811), 108-169 [untitled; c1800]. A. [aka “Jessica and Sophia”]

1811-00170 “Sketches of Carsol.” Allen (1811), 170-222. [1803-06]. A. [Historical Sketches fragment 1a; see Barnard (2004)]

1811-00222 “Harry Wallace was a foundling.” Allen (1811), 222-242 [untitled; c1793- 1796]. A. [aka “Harry Wallace”; one of the Ellendale fragments; see Bennet (1976), 162-175]

1811-00242 “Arthur, earl of Orme.” Allen (1811), 242-262 [untitled; c1803-1806]. A. [Historical Sketches fragment 2; see Barnard (2004)]

1811-00262 “St. Arthur Carril was buried.” Allen (1811), 262-299 [untitled; c1803-1806]. A. [Historical Sketches fragment 3; see Barnard 2004)]

1811-00299 “The lordships of Orme and Walney.” Allen (1811), 299-322 [untitled; c1803- 1806]. A. [Historical Sketches fragment 4; see Barnard (2004)].

1811-00322 “The abbey at Holioke.” Allen (1811), 322-358 [untitled; c1803-1806]. [Historical Sketches fragment 5; see Barnard (2004)]. A.

1811-00359 “I have already mentioned to you Signior Adini.” Allen (1811), 359-387 [unti tled; c1793-1793]. A. [aka “Signior Adini”; one of the Ellendale fragments; see Bennett (1976),162-175]

73 [all 1811 items added 4/2007, phb]

1815 [Dunlap version of the Allen-Dunlap biographical miscellany; all A category]

1815-01222 “A mountain in the neighbourhood of Timna.” Dunlap (1815), I. 222-258. [1803-1806]. A. [Historical Sketches fragment 1b; see Barnard (2004). This is a continuation of 1811- 00170 with no break in the text between the segment already printed in Allen and this continuation. Dunlap now titles 1a and 1b “Sketches of a History of Carsol”; see 170, 258. Dunlap also gives the title “Sketches of a History of the Carrils and Ormes” to the remainder of Allen’s Historical Sketches fragments 2-5].

1815-01359 “The honours of this family are denoted by their titles.” Dunlap (1815), I.359- 396 [untitled; 1803-1806]. A. [Historical Sketches fragment 6; See Barnard (2004)].

1815-02120 “To Clara.” Dunlap (1815), II. 120-122. A.

1815-02122 “Dialogue on Music.” Dunlap (1815), II.122-127. A.

1815-02128 “Dialogue the Second. On Painting, as a Female Accomplishment,” etc. Dunlap (1815), II.128-39. A.

1815-02200 “Memoirs of Carwin, The Biloquist.” Dunlap (1815), II.200-263 [1798, 1804]. A. [Reprints the narrative from 10 Literary Magazine installments of 1803-1805.]

1815-02264 “The Scribbler.” Dunlap (1815), II.264-273. A.

1815-02274 “Memoirs of Stephen Calvert.” Dunlap (1815), II.274-472 [1799-1800]. A. [Reprints the narrative from 9 Monthly Magazine installments of 1799-1800.]

[all 1815 items added 4/2007, phb]


1822-09155a “Selected for the Cabinet. The Scribbler—No. 1. By Charles Brockden Brown.” The Ladies’ Literary Cabinet 6:20 (Sept. 21, 1822), 155. [1809?]. A. [First of series identified in Gardner (2006)]

1822-09155b “The Scribbler—No. 2. The Ladies’ Literary Cabinet 6:20 (Sept. 21, 1822), 155- 156. [1809?]. A.

1822-09162 “The Scribbler—No. 3. By Charles Brockden Brown.” The Ladies’ Literary Cab- inet 6:21 (Sept. 28, 1822), 162-163. [1809?]. A.

74 1822-10169 “Selected for the Cabinet. The Scribbler—No. 4. By Charles Brockden Brown.” The Ladies’ Literary Cabinet 6:22 (Oct. 5, 1822), 169-170. [1809?]. A.

1822-10170 “The Scribbler—No. 5.” The Ladies’ Literary Cabinet 6:22 (Oct. 5, 1822), 170- 171. [1809?]. A.

[all 1822 items added 4/2007, phb]


A. Letters

CBBSE Census of the Letters of Charles Brockden Brown (2008)

This listing identifies all known letters of Charles Brockden Brown. The census is based on the previous work of Holmes-Cavnar (1998) and Bennett (1976), and updates their findings with schol- arship up to 2008. The census provides a complete listing of extant letters (in manuscript or earlier transcriptions) and of letters known only by mention in diaries and other sources, or quoted frag- mentarily by their recipients.

Item number; recipient; date or [date] if uncertain; (Bennett number [B], Holmes-Cavnar number[HC]; “opening words”; MS location


1788-ML001 Letter to Unknown, 13 June 1788 (B1, HC2) “A Wilcocks went out of town” MS HSP

1788-ML002 Letter to J[ohn] D[avidson], [1788-1790] (B2, HC3) “I spend the last evening” MS Texas


1790-ML003 Letter to [John Davidson], [before Dec. 1790] (B3, HC4) “Emilius, the friend of Charles” No MS: summarized Allen (1975, 44-46)


1791-ML004 Letter to William W. Wilkins, [late 1791] (B4, HC5) “Listen my friend, the dialogue is short” MS Virginia


76 1792-ML005 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, [20 March 1792] (B5, HC6) “It is certain that in general the excellence” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML006 Letter to William W. Wilkins, Undated (B6, HC7) “Here I am seated at my desk” MS Texas

1792-ML007 Letter to William W. Wilkins, Undated (B7, HC8) “What, my friend, art thou certainly awake?” MS Texas

1792-ML008 Letter to William W. Wilkins, [before 1 May 1792] (B11, HC12) “The more I reflect the more clearly do I perceive” MS Virginia

1792-ML009 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 5 May 1792 (B12, HC13) “I have been conversing with Rousseau” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML010 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, [6] May 1792 (B13, HC14) “Oh, my friend!” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML011 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 7 May 1792 (B14, HC15) “Consolation didst thou say?” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML012 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, Undated (B15, HC16) “Tarry a little, my good friend” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML013 Letter to [Joseph Bringhurst] , 9 May 1792 (B16, HC17) “I devote almost all my leisure” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML014 Letter to William Wood Wilkins, [May, 1792] (B17, HC18) “Why is my inclination” MS Private; Clark (1948), 79-82.

1792-ML015 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 15 May 1792 (B18, HC19) “I very much regret” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML016 Letter to William W. Wilkins, Undated (B19, HC20) “Write to me, my friend”

77 MS Private; Clark (1948), 88-91.

1792-ML017 Letter to [Joseph Bringhurst], [1792] (B20, HC21) “I have, my dearest friend, pretty copiously” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML018 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 19 May 1792 (B21, HC22) “My friend, I cannot express the pleasure” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML019 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 20 May 1792 (B22, HC23) “Proceed my friend in your career” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML020 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 30 May 1792 (B23, HC24) “I am extremely pleased with your vision” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML021 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 1 June 1792 (B24, HC25) “There are certain persons who” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML022 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, [June 1792] (B25, HC26) “Thou receivest this because it is intended” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML023 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 9 June 1792 (B26, HC27) “I am extremely sorry to hear” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML024 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 10 June 1792 (B27, HC28) “As I have already observed” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML025 Letter to [William W. Wilkins], Undated (B28, HC29) “I have read your letter. It is short.” No MS: Allen (1811), 50-55

1792-ML026 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, Undated (B29, HC30) “I must solicit your forgiveness” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML027 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 9 August 1792 (B30, HC31) “How pleasing is the converse” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML028 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, [Oct.-Nov. 1792] (B8, HC9)

78 “I have read your letter by favour of my friend” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML029 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, [Oct.-Nov. 1792] (B9, HC10) “No sooner have I read your letter” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML030 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, [Oct.-Nov. 1792] (B10, HC11) “I have read your letter with the utmost satisfaction” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML031 Letter to William W. Wilkins, 3 November 1792 (B31, HC32) “I have, at this moment” No MS: Clark (1948), 93-95.

1792-ML032 Letter to [William W. Wilkins], November 1792 (B33, HC33) “I am glad to see you” MS Virginia

1792-ML033 Letter to William W. Wilkins, [After 27 Nov 1792] (B32, HC34) “Why, my friend, is there so” No MS: Allen (1811), 61-67.

1792-ML034 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, December 1792 (B34, HC35) “There is a kind of intercourse which” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML035 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 9 December 1792 (B35, HC36) “You seem, my friend, to think” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML036 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 11 December 1792 (B36, HC37) “You impose the task of writing on me” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML037 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 21 December 1792 (B38, HC38) “What an abundance of absurdity” MS Bowdoin

1792-ML038 Letter to William W. Wilkins, 31 December 1792 (B37, HC39) “I received a letter from you” No MS: Clark (1948), 101-103.


79 1793-ML039 Letter to William W. Wilkins, 22 January 1793 (B39, HC40) “I have just received your letter” MS Texas

1793-ML040 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 21 April 1793 (B41, HC41) “I said truth, when I said” MS Bowdoin

1793-ML041 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 22 April 1793 (B40, HC42) “I have so long been” MS Bowdoin

1793-ML042 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, [April-May 1793] (B42, HC43) “The anxiety which you express” MS Bowdoin

1793-ML043 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst , 22 May 1793 (B43, HC44) “You have doubtless been concerned” MS Bowdoin

1793-ML044 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst , 11 June 1793 (B44,46; HC45) “I have just received your most” MS Bowdoin

1793-ML045 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, [July] 1793 (B45, HC46) “I reflect upon my present situation” MS Bowdoin

1793-ML046 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 25 July 1793 (B47, HC47) “It is with relectance that I” MS Bowdoin

1793-ML047 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 29 July 1793 (B48, HC48) “I cannot help regretting that” MS Bowdoin

1793-ML048 Letter to [Joseph Bringhurst], 16 August 1793 (B49, HC49) “Your last very curious” MS Bowdoin

1793-ML049 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 20 December 1793, and 8 January 1794 (B50,66; HC50) “I was sitting in the humble” MS Bowdoin


80 1794-ML050 Letter to William Johnson, 13 February 1794 (B51, HC51) “Mr. Smith, the pleasure” MS HSP: Warfel (1949), 45.

1794-ML051 Letter to William Dunlap, 13 August 1794 (B52, HC52) “”It will doubtless be” No MS: Dunlap (1834), III.33

1794-ML052 Letter to Deborah Ferris, 4 October, 1794 (Not in B, HC53) Cover letter accompanying B’s poem “Devotion” “Most respected friend” MS Bowdoin

1794-LML053 Letter to William Dunlap, 28 November 1794 (B53, HC54) “How many weeks have” No MS: Dunlap (1815), II.91-93


1795-ML054 Letter to James Brown, 19 April 1795 (B56, HC55) “Our brother Joseph is just leaving” MS Virginia

1795-ML055 Letter to William Dunlap, September 1795 (B59, HC56) “Soon after my return” No MS: Dunlap (1834), III.3

1795-ML056 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 22 Sept. 1795 (B60, HC57) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 60b.

1795-ML057 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 23 October 1795 (B61, HC58) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 80b.

1795-ML058 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 24 October 1795 (B62, 63; HC59) “I have just received your letter” MS Bowdoin

1795-ML059 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 30 October 1795 (B64, HC60) “I shall not I fear be able” MS Bowdoin

1795-ML060 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 10 December 1795 (B65, HC61) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 100-101.

1795-ML061 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 29 December 1795 (B67, HC62)

81 “I was going to apologize” MS Bowdoin

1795-ML062 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 30 December 1795 (B68, HC63) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 117.


1796-ML063 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 1 January 1796 (B69, HC64) “I have just received yours” MS Bowdoin

1796-ML064 Letter to William Dunlap, February 1796 (B70, HC65) “After wandering through fifty” No MS: Dunlap (1834), III.3-4.

1796-ML065 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 23 April 1796 (B71, HC66) No MS: quoted in Smith’s reply, Smith (1973), 163-164.

1796-ML066 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 10 May 1796 (B72, HC67) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 167; quoted in Smith’s reply, 170-171.

1796-ML067 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 11 May 1796 (B73, HC68) “Thou escaped’st, my good friend” MS Bowdoin

1796-ML068 Letter to William Dunlap and Elihu Hubbard Smith, 17 May 1796 (B4, HC69) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 168.

1796-ML069 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 7 July 1796 (B75, HC70) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 184.

1796-ML070 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 11 July 1796 (B76, HC71) “Why have I not lately heard from thee, Josepho!” MS Bowdoin

1796-ML071 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 20 July 1796 (B77, HC72) “How shall I account” MS Bowdoin

1796-ML072 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 21 July 1796 (B78, HC73) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 188.

1796-ML073 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 1 August 1796 (B79, HC74)

82 No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 197.

1796-ML074 Letter to James Brown, 1 September 1796 (B80, HC75) “pecatations of the beginning of last week” MS Columbia

1796-ML075 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 19 September 1796 (Not in B, HC76) “I came hither yesterday.” MS UCF

1796-ML076 Letter to James Brown, 25 October 1796 (B81, HC77) “I have been busy” MS LCP; transcribed Clark (1952), 156-57.


1979-ML077 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 21 January 1797 (B82, HC78) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 282.

1797-ML078 Letter to [William] Johnson, 23 March 1797 (B83, HC79) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 302.

1797-ML079 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 27 April 1797 (B84, HC80) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 314.

1797-ML080 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 7 June 1797 (B85, HC81) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 321.

1797-ML081 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 18 July 1797 (B86, HC82) No MS; receipt noted Smith (1973), 323; summarized in Smith’s reply, 336-37.

1797-ML082 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 7 August 1797 (B87, HC83) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 342.

1797-ML083 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, 18 August 1797 (B88, HC84) “I arrived safely in town at two o’clock” MS Bowdoin

1797-ML084 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 29 August 1797 (B89, HC85) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 352; contents referenced again in Smith’s letter to Brown on 7 January 1798, in Smith (1973), 417


83 1798-ML085 Letter to William Dunlap, 1 January 1798 (B90, HC86) “It is nearly twelve months since I parted from you” MS HSP

1798-ML086 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 2 January 1798 (B91, HC87) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 413.

1798-ML087 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 27 March 1798 (B92, HC88) No MS: receipt noted and summary Smith (1973), 433-434.

1798-ML088 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 9 April 1798 (B93, HC89) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 436.

1798-ML089 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, [Mid April] 1798 (B94, HC90) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 438.

1798-ML090 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 24 April 1798 (B95, HC91) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 439-440.

1798-ML091 Letter to Susan Potts, 24 April 1798 (B96, HC92) No MS: reported enclosed with 092 in Smith (1973), 440.

1798-ML092 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 30 April 1798 (B97, HC93) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 441.

1798-ML093 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 7 May 1798 (B98, HC94) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 444.

1798-ML094 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 22 May 1798 (B99, HC95) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 445.

1798-ML095 Letter to Elihu Hubbard Smith, 9 June 1798 (B100, HC96) No MS: receipt noted Smith (1973), 448.

1798-ML096 Letter to “A Brother” Undated (B101, HC97) “As an instance of this, while the city” No MS: paraphrased Allen (1975), 60-61.

1798-ML097 Letter to James Brown, 25 August 1798 (B102, HC98) “heavy rains, uncleansed sinks, and a continuance” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.3-4.

1798-ML098 Letter to James Brown, 4 September 1798 (B103, HC99) “When did you learn to rely upon rumour and

84 news-paper information?” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.4-5.

1798-ML099 Letter to William Dunlap, 4 September 1798 (B104, HC100) “Your letter was very acceptable & seasonable” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1832), I.77; also Dunlap (1834), III.4; and Dunlap (1930), I.335-336.

1798-ML100 Letter to James Brown, September 1798 (B105, HC101) “[T]his pestilential air seems to be extending itself” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.5

1798-ML101 Letter to Maria Nicholson, September 1798 (B106, HC102) “So! A postscript from whom?” MS Virginia

1798-ML102 Letter to James Brown, 17 September 1798 (B107, HC103) “When calamity is at a distance” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.7-8.

1798-ML103 Letter to William Dunlap, 18 September 1798 (B108, HC104) No MS: receipt noted Dunlap (1930) I.339; quoted Dunlap (1834), III.5.

1798-ML104 Letter to James Brown, 18 September 1798 (B109, HC105) “What shall I write” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.9-10.

1798-ML105 Letter to William Dunlap, 21 September 1798 (B110, HC106) “Well my beloved friend!” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1930), I.341

1798-ML106 Letter to Unknown, 24 September 1798 (B111, HC107) “[T]he weather has lately changed for the better” No MS: partially transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.11

1798-ML107 Letter to James Brown, 25 September 1798 (B112, HC108) “It is with great pleasure, that I now inform you” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.10-11

1798-ML108 Letter to Thomas Jefferson, 15 December 1798 (B115, HC109) “After some hesitation a stranger to the person” MS LC; also transcribed Peden (1944), 66-67.

1798-ML109 Letter to A[rmit] Brown, 20 December 1798 (B114, HC110) “What excuse to make for my long silence” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815) II.93-94.

85 1798-ML110 Letter to Armit Brown, December 1798 (B113, HC111) “Eight of my friends here” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.10-11


1799-ML111 Letter to A[rmit] Brown, 1 January 1799 (B116, HC112) “I have neither wife nor children who look” No MS: partially transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.94-95

1799-ML112 Letter to James Brown, 15 February 1799 (B117, HC113) “I know not why I suffered your last” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.97-99.

1799-ML113 Letter to James Brown, 26 July 1799 (B118, HC114) “I am not sure that the present disposition” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.95-97.


1800-ML114 Letter to William Beers, 12 February 1800 (B119, HC115) “I am sorry that the first time” MS Virginia

1800-ML115 Letter to James Brown, April 1800 (B120, HC116) “I received your letter and the volumes” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.99-100.

1800-ML116 Letter to R[obert] P[roud], 1 September 1800 (B121, HC117) “I hoped to have met thee in this city” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.100-102.

1800-ML117 Letter to [Unknown], 15 December 1800 (B122, HC118) “Pray tell me what sort of woman is this” MS Texas


1801-ML118 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 17 February 1801 (B123, HC119) “When with you, it is your province to talk” MS Texas; also transcribed Clark (1952), 199-200.

1801-ML119 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 20 February 1801 (B124, HC120) “What a melancholy, mortified, perplexed hour”

86 MS Texas; also part. transcribed Clark (1952), 200-201.

1801-ML120 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 28 February 1801 (B125, HC121) “So it seems, my note placed things on their right footing” MS Texas; part. transcribed Clark (1952), 201.

1801-ML121 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 2 March 1801 (B126, HC122) “Seated, I suppose, at her needle” MS Texas

1801-ML122 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 6 March 1801 (B127, HC123) “Let me overlook—let me erase” MS Texas; also part. transcribed Clark (1952), 202.

1801-ML123 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 10 March 1801 (B128, HC124) “I hope, my best friend, thou wilt be abroad” MS Texas; transcribed Clark (1952), 202-203.

1801-L-124 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 17-18 March 1801 (B129, 130; HC125) “What would I not give that every evening” MS Texas; also part. transcribed Clark (1952), 203-204.

1801-L-125 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 23 March 1801 (B131, HC126) “So you wish me to be your task setter” MS Texas; also part. transcribed Clark (1952), 204-06.

1801-L-126 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 27 March 1801 (B133, HC127) “What a peevish, discontented wretch was I” MS Texas; also part. transcribed Clark (1952), 210-211.

1801-ML127 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 30 March 1901 (B134, HC128) “I write in odd situations” MS Texas; also transcribed Clark (1952), 211-212.

1801-ML128 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 31 March 1801 (B135, HC129) “I parted from you last night with some uneasiness” MS Texas; also transcribed Clark (1952), 206-207.

1801-ML129 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 1 April 1901 (B136, HC130) “What impertinents and headaches” MS Texas; also transcribed Clark (1952), 207.

1801-ML130 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 2 April 1801 (B137, HC131) “Know you I disposed” MS Texas

1801-ML131 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 3-4 April 1801 (B138, 139; HC132)

87 “Another charming evening with my love!” MS Texas

1801-ML132 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 6 April 1801 (B140, HC133) “Fancy is a kind friend.” MS Texas

1801-ML133 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 9 April 1801 (B141, HC134) “You did sit down a few minutes in the day, then” MS Texas

1801-ML134 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 10 April 1801 (B142, HC135) “I believe I am an arrant simpleton” MS Texas

1801-ML135 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 11 April 1801 (B132, HC136) “Yesterday was tempestuous” MS Texas

1801-ML136 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 13 April 1801 (B143, HC137) “Did you see your friend to day?” MS Texas

1801-ML137 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 14 April 1801 (B144, HC138) “How sweetly serene, how joyously bright” MS Texas

1801-ML138 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 16 April 1801 (B145, HC139) “How does my friend to day?” MS Texas

1801-ML139 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 19 April 1801 (B146, HC140) “”I saw my love an age ago” MS Texas

1801-ML140 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 27 April 1801 (B147, HC141) “Did you not request me to be your monitor; your tutor?” MS Texas

1801-ML141 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 29 April 1801 (B148, HC142) “How strange, how whimsical” MS Texas

1801-ML142 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, Undated (B149, HC143) “Am I not to share with my beloved” MS Texas

88 1801-ML143 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, Undated B150,151; HC144) “So, says my domestic physician” MS Texas; also part. transcribed Clark (1952), 198-199.

1801-ML144 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, Undated (B152, HC145) “What words can sufficiently convey” MS Texas; also part. transcribed Clark (1952), 203.

1801-ML145 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, Undated (B153; HC146) “These are disengaged moments” MS Texas

1801-ML146 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, Undated (B154; HC147) “How arrogant & ungrateful was I” MS Texas

1801-ML147 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, Undated (B155; HC148) “I must subdue this disposition to repine” MS Texas

1801-ML148 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, Undated (B156; HC149) “I wish I could see & talk with my friend” MS Texas

1801-ML149 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, Undated (B157; HC150) “It does not much become a wise man” MS Texas

1801-ML150 Letter to John E[lihu] Hall, 8 May 1801 (B158; HC151) “The printer has made considerable progress” MS Haverford

1801-ML151 Letter to Anthony Bleeker, 31 October 1801 (B159, HC152) “I need not say with how much pleasure I read your letter” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.103-104.


1802-ML152 Letter to Mary Linn, 9 January 1802 (B160, HC153) “Will my friend do me the favour to accept” MS Virginia

1802-ML153 Letter to [Unknown attorney], 4 May, 1802 (B161, HC154) “The bearer of this is W Robert Cumming” MS Harvard

89 1802-ML154 Letter to John Blair Linn, 8 July 1802 (B162, HC155) “Every day have I said: Well, this morning I will write” MS NYPL

1802-ML155 Letter to Thomas Pym Cope, [rcvd] 8 July 1802 (Not in B; HC156) No MS: receipt noted in Cope (1978), 129.

1802-ML156 Letter to R[ebecca Linn], 13 August 1802 (B163, HC157) “Well, I hope your Sunday’s journey” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.105-106.

1802-ML157 Letter to R[ebecca Linn], 9 October 1802 (B164, HC158) “So, my good Rebecca, your brother tells me” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.106-108.

1802-ML158 Letter to [Elizabeth Linn], 13 November [1802] (B165, HC159) “I hope to see my beloved in a few hours” MS Texas

1802-ML159 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 15 November [1802] (B166, HC160) “I hope your jaunt may be a pleasant one” MS Texas

1802-ML160 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 7 December [1802] (B167, HC161) “How did your paper delight & pain me!” MS Texas; also part. transcribed Clark (1952), 209-210.

1802-ML161 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 21 December [1802] (B168, HC162) “This is the first day of resuming this desk” MS Texas


1803-ML162 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 15 January [1803] (B169, HC163) “I wished to greet my dearest friend” MS Texas; also transcribed Clark (1952), 209.

1803-ML163 Letter to R[ebecca Linn], 18 January 1803 (B170, HC164) “Little did either of us dream” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.108-110.

1803-ML164 Letter to Samuel Miller, 16 March 1803 (B171, HC165) “I received your letter by M Linn” MS Princeton

1803-ML165 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 18 March 1803 (B172, HC166)

90 “I want to see you this afternoon” MS Texas

1803-ML166 Letter to Samuel Miller, 20 June 1803 (B173, HC167) “The enclosed has been the result of several attempts” MS Princeton


1804-ML167 Letter to Elizabeth Linn, 25 March 1804 (B174, HC168) “I intended this to be a busy day” MS Texas; also transcribed Clark (1952), 212-213.

1804-ML168 Letter to J.B. Linn, 4 July 1804 (B175, HC169) “Mrs. L. gives me the pleasure of hearing” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.110-112.

1804-ML169 Letter to William Linn, 8 December 1804 (B176, HC 170) “I am sensible that many apologies are due” MS HSP


1805-ML170 Letter to William Dunlap, 25 February 1805 (B177, HC171) “When I recognized your hand in the superscription” MS HSP; also part. transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.112-113.

1805-ML171 L. to Thomas Pym Cope, [rcvd] 6 April 1805 (Not in B, HC172) No MS: receipt noted, summarized Cope (1978), 182.

1805-ML172 Letter to William Dunlap, 6 November 1805 (B178, HC173) “I wish, notwithstanding, my neglect of your last” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.112-113.


1806-ML173 L. to Thomas Pym Cope, [rcvd] 20 January 1806 (Not in B, HC174) No MS: receipt noted, summarized Cope (1978), 192.

1806-ML174 Letter to Elizabeth Linn Brown, 17 June 1806 (B179, HC175) “I am here in Albany at last” MS HSP

1806-ML175 Letter to John E[lihu] Hall, 26 July 1806 (B180, HC176)

91 “I hope you have never known by experience” MS Haverford

1806-ML176 Letter to John H. Payne, 25 August 1806 (B181, HC177) “When I parted with you at Albany” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.116-118.

1806-ML177 Letter to John E[lihu] Hall, 21 November 1806 (B182, HC178) “I should deserve to be entirely discarded” MS Virginia

1806-ML178 Letter to Susan [Linn], 1806 (B183, HC179) “Odd enough, my dear S. that M. should refer you to me” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), 115-116.


1807-ML179 Letter to W[illiam] Keese, 16 October 1807 (B184, HC180) “Your agreeable letter arrived this moment” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.119-120.


1808-ML180 Letter to J[ohn] B. Romeyn, 18 January 1808 (B185, HC181) “Permit me to thank you for the kind letter” MS Virginia


1809-ML181 Letter to Albert Gallatin, 12 January 1809 (Not in B, HC182) “Tho I have not the pleasure & honour of any formal acquaintance” MS NYHS

1809-ML182 Letter to John H. Payne, 22 February 1809 (B186, HC183) “I have not forgotten you” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II.118-119.

1809-ML183 Letter to Mary Linn, [Summer] 1809 (B187, HC184) “My dearest Mary; instead of wandering about” No MS: transcribed Dunlap (1815), II. 86-88.

A.1. Manuscript Collections for Letters (as compiled in Holmes-Cavnar, 1998)

92 A. Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas (43 letters) 1. #2 To John Davidson [1788?], 4183 words 2. #6 To Wilkins, No Date, 870 words 3. #7 To Wilkins, No Date, 1318 words 4. #39 To Wilkins, 22 January 1793, 748 words 5. #117 To Unknown, 15 December 1800, 1005 words 6. #118 To Eliza Linn, 17 February 1801, 277 words 7. #119 To Eliza Linn, 20 February 1801, 923 words 8. #120 To Eliza Linn, 28 February 1801, 317 words 9. #121 To Eliza Linn, 2 March 1801, 573 words 10. #122 To Eliza Linn, 6 March 1801, 630 words 11. #123 To Eliza Linn, 10 March 1801, 828 words 12. #124 To Eliza Linn, 17-18 March 1801, 1067 words 13. #125 To Eliza Linn, 23 March 1801, 1152 words 14. #126 To Eliza Linn, 27 March 1801, 686 words 15. #127 To Eliza Linn, 30 March 1801, 657 words 16. #128 To Eliza Linn, 31 March 1801, 913 words 17. #129 To Eliza Linn, 1 April 1801, 619 words 18. #130 To Eliza Linn, 2 April 1801, 552 words 19. #131 To Eliza Linn, 3-4 April 1801, 1138 words 20. #132 To Eliza Linn, 6 April 1801, 695 words 21. #133 To Eliza Linn, 9 April 1801, 1049 words 22. #134 To Eliza Linn, 10 April 1801, 961 words 23. #135 To Eliza Linn, 11 April 1801, 954 words 24. #136 To Eliza Linn, 13 April 1801, 609 words 25. #137 To Eliza Linn, 14 April 1801, 558 words 26. #138 To Eliza Linn, 16 April 1801, 701 words 27. #139 To Eliza Linn, 19 April 1801, 463 words 28. #140 To Eliza Linn, 27 April 1801, 572 words 29. #141 To Eliza Linn, 29 April 1801, 905 words 30. #142 To Eliza Linn, Undated, 761 words 31. #143 To Eliza Linn, Undated, 557 words 32. #144 To Eliza Linn, Undated, 327 words 33. #145 To Eliza Linn, Undated, 114 words 34. #146 To Eliza Linn, Undated, 239 words 35. #147 To Eliza Linn, Undated, 857 words 36. #148 To Eliza Linn, Undated, 184 words 37. #149 To Eliza Linn, Undated, 340 words 38. #159 To Eliza Linn, 15 November [1802], 263 words 39. #160 To Eliza Linn, 7 December [1802], 698 words 40. #161 To Eliza Linn, 21 December [1802], 197 words 41. #162 To Eliza Linn, 15 January [1803], 199 words 42. #165 To Eliza Linn, 18 March 1803, 155 words 43. #167 To Eliza Linn, 25 March 1804, 277 words

B. Hawthorne-Longfellow Library, Bowdoin College (43 letters) 1. #5 To Bringhurst, 20 March 1792, 1263 words

93 2. #9 To Bringhurst, 5 May 1792, 1988 words 3. #10 To Bringhurst, [6] May 1792, 1678 words 4. #11 To Bringhurst, 7 May 1792, 630 words 5. #12 To Bringhurst Undated, 987 words 6. #13 To Bringhurst 9 May 1792, 202 words 7. #15 To Bringhurst, 15 May 1792, 2011 words 8. #17 To Bringhurst, [1792], 2572 words 9. #18 To Bringhurst 19 May 1792 10. #19 To Bringhurst, 20 May 1792, 5061 words 11. #20 To Bringhurst, 30 May 1792, 1539 words 12. #21 To Bringhurst, 1 June 1792, 846 words 13. #22 To Bringhurst, [June 1792], 248 words 14. #23 To Bringhurst, 9 June 1792, 800 words 15. #24 To Bringhurst, 10 June 1792, 1074 words 16. #26 To Bringhurst, undated, 1309 words 17. #27 To Bringhurst, 9 August 1792, 956 words 18. #28 To Bringhurst, October-November 1792, 834 words 19. #29 To Bringhurst, October-November 1792, 2120 words 20. #30 To Bringhurst, October-November 1792, 2382 words 21. #34 To Bringhurst, December 1792, 1549 words 22. #35 To Bringhurst, 9 December 1792, 2957 words 23. #36 To Bringhurst, 11 December 1792, 834 words 24. #37 To Bringhurst, 21 December 1792, 2832 words 25. #40 To Bringhurst, 21 April 1793, 154 words 26. #41 To Bringhurst, 22 April 1793, 440 words 27. #42 To Bringhurst, [April-May 1793], 965 words 28. #43 To Bringhurst, 22 May 1793, 567 words 29. #44 To Bringhurst, 11 June 1793, 1164 words 30. #45 To Bringhurst, [July] 1793, 986 words 31. #46 To Bringhurst, 25 July 1793, 985 words 32. #47 To Bringhurst, 29 July 1793, 2997 words 33. #48 To Bringhurst, 16 August 1793, 465 words 34. #49 To Bringhurst, 20 December 1793-8 January 1794, 715 words 35. #52 To Deborah Ferris, 4 October 1794, 125 words 36. #58 To Bringhurst, 24 October 1795, 2984 words 37. #59 To Bringhurst, 30 October 1795, 441 words 38. #61 To Bringhurst, 29 December 1795, 796 words 39. #63 To Bringhurst, 1 January 1796, 212 words 40. #67 To Bringhurst, 11 May 1796, 675 words 41. #70 To Bringhurst, 11 July 1796, 414 words 42. #71 To Bringhurst, 20 July 1796, 1946 words 43. #83 To Bringhurst, 18 August 1797, 582 words

C. Clifton Waller Barrett Collection, University of Virginia (9 letters) 1. #4 To Wilkins, [1791], 1263 words 2. #8 To Wilkins, [1792], 2215 words 3. #32 To Wilkins, [November 1792], 1123 words

94 4. #54 To James Brown, 19 April 1795, 389 words 5. #101 To Maria Nicholson, [September?] 1798, 314 words 6. #114 To William Pitt Beers, 12 February 1800, 143 words 7. #152 To Mary Linn, 9 January 1802, 239 words 8. #177 To John Elihu Hall, 21 November 1806, 566 words 9. #180 To John B. Romeyn, 18 January 1808, 516 words

D. Historical Society of Pennsylvania (6 letters) 1. #1 To [?], 13 June 1788, 479 words 2. #50 To William Johnson, 13 February 1794, 258 words 3. #85 To William Dunlap, 1 January 1798, 288 words 4. #169 To William Linn, 8 December 1804, 318 words 5. #170 To William Dunlap, 25 February 1805, 565 words 6. #174 To Elizabeth Linn Brown, 17 June 1806, 567 words

E. Firestone Library, Princeton University (2 letters) 1. #164 To Samuel Miller, 16 March 1803, 621 words 2. #166 To Samuel Miller, 20 June 1803, 140 words

F. Quaker Collection, Haverford College (2 letters) 1. #150 To John Elihu Hall, 8 May 1801, 35 words 2. #175 To John Helihu Hall, 26 July 1806, 872 words

G.. Private Collection(s), sold by The Rendells, Inc., 1990 (2 letters) 1. #14 To Wilkins, No Date, 1336 words 2. #16 To Wilkins, No Date [1792] 1453 words

H.. Butler Library, Columbia University (1 letter) 1. #74 To James Brown, 1 September 1796, 247 words

I.. Widener Library, Harvard University (1 letter) 1. #153 Unknown, 4 May 1802

J.. Library Company of Philadelphia (1 letter) 1. #76 To James Brown, 25 October 1796, 981 words

K.. Library of Congress (1 letter) 1. #108 To Thomas Jefferson, 15 December 1798, 500 words

L. New York Historical Society (1 letter) 1. #181 To Albert Gallatin, 12 January 1809, 161 words

M. New York Public Library (1 letter) 1. #154 To John Blair Linn, 8 July 1802, 569 words

N. University of Central Florida (1 letter) 1. #75 To Bringhurst, 19 September 1796, 292 words

95 Total: 114 Letters in MS in 14 collections.


Earlier Censuses of Brown’s Letters

Bennett, Charles (1976). “The Letters of Charles Brockden Brown: An Annotated Census.” Re sources for American Literary Study 6, 164-190.

Homes, John R. and M.M. Cavnar (1998). “A Revised Checklist of the Letters of Charles Brockden Brown.” Typescript.

Publications with transcriptions or mentions of the Letters

Allen, Paul (1975). Life of Charles Brockden Brown, ed. Charles E. Bennett. Delmar, NY: Scholars’ Facsimiles and Reprints. Clark, David Lee (1952). Charles Brockden Brown: Pioneer Voice of America. Durham: Duke University Press. ______(1948). “Unpublished Letters of Charles Brockden Brown and W. W. Wilkins.” University of Texas Studies in English, 17 (June 1948), 75-107. Cope, Thomas Pym (1978). Philadelphia Merchant: The Diary of Thomas Pym Cope, 1800- 1851. Ed. Eliza Cope Harrison. South Bend, IN: Gateway Editions. Dunlap, William (1834). “Charles Brockden Brown.” National Portrait Gallery of Distin- guished Americans, ed. James Herring and James B. Longacre. 3 vols. New York: M. Bancroft. ______(1832). History of the American Theatre. New York: Harper. ______(1815). Life of Charles Brockden Brown. 2 vols. Philadelphia: James P. Parke, 1815. [Dunlap Life] Marble, Annie Russell (1907). Heralds of American Literature. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Peden, William (1944). “Thomas Jefferson and Charles Brockden Brown.” Maryland Quarterly 1 (Spring 1944), 65-68. Smith, Elihu Hubbard (1973). Diary of Elihu Hubbard Smith, ed. James E. Cronin. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society. Warfel, Harry (1949). Charles Brockden Brown: American Gothic Novelist. Gainesville: Uni- versity of Florida Press.

96 B. Poems in Manuscript and Transcribed in various sources (i.e., poems not published sep- arately).

Item number, title, date, ms or transcription location


1786-MP001. “On Some of His School Fellows.” MS poem [1786]. Transcribed Elijah Brown. HSP; Brown Family Papers (Collection 84), ), volume 1, pages 8-11. A.


1787-MP002. “Aretas.” MS poem [1787]. Transcribed Elijah Brown. HSP; Brown Family Papers (Collection 84), vol. 30, page 30. A.

1787-MP003. “For the Grocer’s Window.” MS poem [1787]. Transcribed Elijah Brown. HSP; Brown Family Papers (Collection 84), volume 1, page 12. A.

1787-MP004. “The Rising Glory of America.” MS poem [1787]. Transcribed Elijah Brown. HSP; Brown Family Papers (Collection 84), volume 30, pages 35-37. A.

1787-MP005. “The Times.” MS poem [1787]. Transcribed Elijah Brown. HSP; Brown Family Papers (Collection 84), volume 30, pages 38-42. A.

1787-MP006. “The Grape and the Tobacco Plant.” MS poem [1787]. Transcribed E. Brown. HSP; Brown Family Papers (Collection 84), volume 30, pages 9-10. A.


1788-MP007. “Epistle the First.” MS poem , 8 June 1788. Transcribed Elijah Brown. HSP; Brown Family Papers (Collection 84), volume 30, pages 33-37 & 29. See Holmes (1995). A.

1788-MP008. “In Praise of Schuylkill.” MS poem [13 June 1788]. Transcribed Elijah Brown. HSP; Brown Family Papers (Collection 84), volume 4. A.


1789-MP009. “To Miss D.P.” MS poem [1789]. Transcribed Elijah Brown. HSP; Brown Family Papers (Collection 84), volume 1, page 12. A.

97 1789-MP010. “To Estrina.” MS poem [1789]. Transcribed Elijah Brown. HSP; Brown Family Pa- pers (Collection 84), volume 1, pages 13-16. A.


1792-MP011. “Crow and Goose Quill.” MS poem. 20 March 1792 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, Jr., Bowdoin College. A.

1792-MP012. “In Delphy Town.” MS poem. 20 March 1792 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, Jr., Bowdoin College. A.

1792-MP013. “Loo.” [“A Peter-Pindarical Performance”]. MS poem. 9 May 1792 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, Jr., Bowdoin College. A.

1792-MP014. “Post-Script.” MS poem. 15 May 1792 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, Jr., Bowdoin College [on envelope side of Letter 1792-L-015 to Bringhurst]. A.

1792-MP015. “Sweet Little Thing.” MS poem, December 1792 Letter to Joseph Bringhurst, Jr., Bowdoin College. A.

1792-MP016. “When Bringhurst and Wilkins are Here.” MS poem, undated letter to William W. Wilkins, sold by Rendell’s, 1990, whereabouts unknown. [at end of Letter 1792-L 014 to Wilkins]. A.

1792-MP017. “Fragment [“O Soul”]. MS poem at beginning of Letter 1792-L-014 to Wilkins. A.


1794-MP018. “To D.P.” poem inscribed in fly-leaf of Samuel Johnson, Rasselas (London, 1790), now at Bowdoin College [1794]. A.


1798-MP019. “To Stella” [“Come forth, my soul”]. New York, September 20, 1798. Transcribed and attributed in Kennedy: origin unknown. A.

1798-MP020. “‘Tis Poverty that Destroys the State” [Wieland notebook fragment]. HSP; Brown Family Papers (Collection 84), vol. 24. A.

1798-MP021. “From Virtue’s blissful paths away” [Epigraph in 1798-09000 Wieland; or the Transformation]. A.


98 1799-MP022 “Sleep, extend thy downy pinion” [Helena’s Song in 1799-01000, Ormond; or The Secret Witness, Ch. 16]. A.

1799-MP023 “The breeze awakes” [Constantia’s Song, in 1799-01000, Ormond; or The Secret Witness, Ch. 19]. A.

1799-MP024 “Ah! far beyond this world” [Sophia’s song, in 1799-01000, Ormond; or The Se- cret Witness, Ch. 22]. A.


1800-MP025. Jessy’s Song. Poem from the Jessica fragment published in Dunlap (1815), I:168 [1800]. A.


1801-MP026. “Pleasures of the Table.” MS poem. Dated “Phila 2 mo. [February] 1801.” HSP; Wieland Notebook (Brown Family Papers [Collection 84], notebook 24), page 33. B.

1801-MP027. “Long Strove a Rueful Fate.” MS poem in Letter 1801-L-133 to Elizabeth Linn. A.

1801-MP028. “Inchanting Tongue!” MS poem in Letter 1801-L-137 to Eliz. Linn. A.

1801-MP029. “To Clara (On the Death of a Friend).” Poem transcribed in Dunlap (1815) II, 120- 122. A.

1801-MP030. “They Came at Noon” [July 13, 1801]. Poem transcribed in Thomas Pym Cope’s Diary (Cope 1978), 72-73. A.


1806-MP031. “Marriage.” MS poem, in Letter 1806-L-177 to John Elihu Hall, 21 November 1806. A.

99 C. Miscellaneous Prose writings in Manuscript


1783-MM001 “Sample of Liberty to Conscience” (aka “Hume Fragment”). 1 page of notes on ` Hume’s History. MS UVA. A. [added 4/2007, phb]


1788-MM002 Henrietta Letters. MS Texas. 68 pages. Epistolary fiction; transcribed in Clark (1952), 53-107. [Brown dates these letters to Summer, 1788, in Letter 1792-L018 to Bringhurst, 19 May 1792]. A. [added 4/2007, phb]

1793-1796 [Ellendale fragments] [The dating of these fictional fragments is provisional, but falls within 1793-96 limits. Bennett (1974, 163-174) proposes a timeline for their composition, but more work will be necessary to confirm it. The “Ellendale” ensemble also includes “Harry Wallace” and “Signior Adini” fragments published in Dunlap (1815)]

1793-MM003 Ellendale Letters (c1793-96), MS Texas. Two fictional letters, dated 29 and 31 August, 1793, concerning the Ellen family and their home Ellendale. Red stains and architectural drawings relate these letters to item 1793-4. A. [added 4/2007, phb]

1793-MM004 Medwaye fragment (c1793-96). MS HSP. Dreer Collection, American Prose Writers. Recto and verso of one manuscript page. Reproduced photographically in Allen (1811 [1976]), xlviii-xlix. Prose fragment concerning Mr. Ellen and the character Med waye. A. [added 4/2007, phb]

1793-MM005 Letter to Susan Godolphin (c1793-96). MS Texas. Fictional letter, dated 2-3 July 1793, concerning utopian communities in Australia, the relation of poetry and history, etc. [added 4/2007 phb]

1793-MM006 “Architectural drawings and notes” (c1793-96). MS Texas. 39 pages of manuscript architectural drawings (quasi-Palladian elevations, floor plans, and embellishments) with notes and mathematical calculations seemingly related to plans for historical fictions. Same red stains as 1793-1 “Ellendale Letters.” A. [added 4/2007, phb]


100 1796-MM007 Alloan fragment no. 1 (c1796-97). MS HSP, Brown Family Papers (Collection 84), volume 25. Two pages of notes for a pseudo-historical fiction concerning the Alloans, a Greek people, and their occupation of China, Tartar-Alloan wars, etc. [added 4/2007, phb]

1796-MM008 Alloan fragment no. 2 (c1796-97). MS Texas. Fictional fragment concerning Al loan occupation of Japan and its effects on Shintoism. With diagrams and mathematical cal culations. [added 4/2007, phb]


1798-MM009 Notes for Wieland and other fictions. In notebook 24 Brown Family Papers, HSP . Photographically reproduced and transcribed in Bicentennial edition of Wieland, 420-441. [added 4/2007, phb]


1800-MM010 Jessy Fragment. In Brown Family Papers, notebook 12, HSP. 2 pages of plot points and 25 more of calculations for a plot concerning Jessy (Jessika) in Europe with Harriet Finch and her father, with mathematical calculations. Plot points and calculations of Jessy’s inheritance bring the narrative to 1800. See discussion in Bennett (1980). [added 4/27, phb]


1801-MM011 “Fragment of a Journal, AMS, dated 1801 March 9-10” (6349 #21; Virginia). 1 page of a journal; with mathematical calculations, remarks on Jefferson’s inaugural address (following the header “Mr. Poulson”) and six stanzas of a poem.

101 III: Items Removed from Initial Weber bibliography; Reprinted Items Identified as the Work of Other Writers.

[Date removed. Removed by. Remarks.]


1790-02010 "Short Description of Rockaway, on Long Island (By a Gentleman who resided there in the Summer of 1789, for the Benefit of his Health.)." The New-York Magazine, or Literary Repository I.2 (Feb. 1790), 111-112. [removed 6/2007, phb: stylistically the piece seems to be by another writer. No evidence of Brown’s authorship, and no stylistic or thematic resemblance to Brown’s “A Jaunt to Rockaway, in Long-Island” (1803-10010).]


1791-05270 "The Scribbler. No. VIII." New-York Magazine II.5 (May 1791), 270-274. Signed "B." [removed 5/2007, phb: no evidence to suggest Brown’s authorship.]


1792-06016 "The Essayist. Number I." The Lady's Magazine, and Repository of Entertaining Knowledge [Philadelphia 1792-92], June 1792, 16-17. [Continued in 1792-07060, -08159, -10231, -11255]. [Signed "B."] [removed 4/2007, phb]

1792-06020 "Letters from a Brother to a Sister, at a Boarding School." The Lady's Magazine, and Repository of Entertaining Knowledge, June 1792, 20-22. [Continued in 1792-09167, -10231, -11259]. [removed 4/2007, phb]

1792-07060 "The Essayist. Number II. Thoughts on Old Maids." The Lady's Magazine, and Re- pository of Entertaining Knowledge, July 1792, 60-62. [Signed "B."] [removed 4/2007, phb]

1792-08113 "The Essayist. Number III." The Lady's Magazine, and Repository of Entertaining Knowledge, August 1792, 113-115. [removed 4/2007, phb]

102 1792-09151 "On the Nature and Essential Qualities of Poetry, as Distinguished from Prose." The Lady's Magazine, and Repository of Entertaining Knowledge I (September 1792). 151- 159. [removed 4/2007, phb: “On the Nature and Essential Qualities of Poetry” is by Thomas Barnes; first published in Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester I (1785), 55f. See Barnard (1987, 137-138) and Abrams (1953, 351, note 60).]

1792-09167 "Letters of a Brother to a Sister at a Boarding School." The Lady's Magazine and Repository of Entertaining Knowledge I (Sept. 1792), 167-172. [removed 4/2007, phb]

1792-09189 "Review of Mary Wollstonecraft‘s A Vindication of the Rights of Women." The Lady's Magazine, and Repository of Entertaining Knowledge I (September 1792), 189- 198. [removed 4/2007, phb]

1792-10213 "The Essayist [No. IV]." The Lady's Magazine, and Repository of Entertaining Knowledge (October 1792), 213. Signed "S.N." [removed 4/2007, phb]

1792-10231 "Letters of a Brother to a Sister at a Boarding School." The Lady's Magazine, and Repository of Entertaining Knowledge I (Oct. 1792), 231-34. [removed 4/2007, phb]

1792-11255 "The Essayist [No. V]." The Lady's Magazine, and Repository of Entertaining Knowledge (November 1792), 255. [removed 4/2007, phb]

1792-11259 "Letters of a Brother to a Sister in a Boarding School." The Lady's Magazine, and Repository of Entertaining Knowledge, I (Nov. 1792), 259-263. [removed 4/2007, phb]

1792-12039 "On Card Playing. Humours of the Card Table; or a Silent Game of Whist." The Lady's Magazine, and Repository of Entertaining Knowledge, 2 (Dec. 1792), 39-41. Signed: "Bob Shorthand." [removed 4/2007, phb]

[removed 4/2007, phb., 1792-06016 to 1792-12039. The attribution of prose pieces from The Lady’s Magazine was initially asserted as “speculation” in Stearns (1935). The at tribution was accepted by Bennett (1974, 71-81), who added more items to Stearns’ list, and Weber inherited the items from Bennett. Nowhere in this chain of attribution is evidence offered to justify the link to Brown, however, while numerous elements suggest the attribution is mistaken. The piety of the Essayist series, for example, is at odds with Brown’s emphatic secularism and anti-clericalism during the 1790s.]

103 1793

1793-04001 “On the PROFESSION of the LAW.” The Hartford American Mercury VIII, 465 (April 1, 1793), 1. Signed “W.” [reprinted as 1798-03165] [removed 12/2010, phb: Brown’s letters to William Wood Wilkins of Dec. 31, 1792 and Jan uary 22, 1793, make it clear that this essay is by Wilkins. It first appeared as “Trifles” No. X, “On the Profession of the Law” in the New-Jersey State Gazette of Jan. 23, 1793 (vol. I, no. 20, p. 1).]


1798-02103 “A Contrast.” Weekly Magazine I.4 (Feb. 24, 1798), 103-105.

1798-03130 “A Contrast.” Weekly Magazine I.5 (March 3, 1798), 130-133.

[removed 7/2007, BW: though thematically consistent with Brown's other 1798 writings, including Alcuin, these two pieces are almost certainly by Frances Paxton, a female asso- ciate of Brown's in Philadelphia. See Smith (1972), 450; Waterman (2007), 87.]

1798-03165 "Essay on the Profession of the Law." Weekly Magazine I.6 (March 10, 1798), 165- 167. Signed "W." [reprinted from 1793-04001] [removed 12/2010, phb: Brown’s letters to William Wood Wilkins of Dec. 31, 1792 and January 22, 1793, make it clear that this essay is by Wilkins. It first appeared as “Trifles” No. X, “On the Profession of the Law” in the New-Jersey State Gazette of Jan. 23, 1793 (vol. I, no. 20, p. 1).]


1799-00000 Inkle and Yarico. A Poem. By Mr. C. Brown. London: Printed for the Author ..., 1799. [removed 4/2007, phb: Krause discussed this item in “Census” (1966), 52 note 28, and con- cluded that the attribution is highly doubtful. Frank Felsenstein, in English Trader, Indian Maid: Representing Gender, Race, and Slavery in the New World (Baltimore: Johns Hop- kins UP, 1999), 257, establishes that the poem is not by CBB.]

1799-08324 "[Extracts of two letters on Yellow Fever] from a Gentleman in in Philadelphia to his Friend in England, dated July [7, and 26,] 1799." Monthly Magazine I.5 (Aug. 1799), 324- 330. [removed 4/2007, BW: these letters are most plausibly what they claim to be, i.e., letters from someone in Philadelphia, and thus the attribution is unlikely. They may as easily have come from B. Rush to Samuel Miller.]

1799-08359 "Art. XVIII.[Review of] Sermons, by Samuel Stanhope Smith, D.D. President of the College of New Jersey 8vo. pp. 437. Newark. Halsey and Co. 1799." Monthly Magazine I.5 (Aug. 1799), 359-365. [removed 4/2007, BW: Brown’s secularism makes attribution unlikely. Samuel Miller was likely responsible for most of the magazine’s religious content.]

104 1799-08365 "Art. XIX. [Review of] Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful Knowledge. Vol. iv. 4to. pp. 530. Philadelphia. Dobson. 1799." Monthly Magazine I.5 (Aug. 1799), 365-368. [Continued in 1799-12442, 1800-01047, -02115. -03213, -, -04296, -06424.] [removed 4/2007, BW: no compelling stylistic or thematic-conceptual evidence of Brown’s authorship for this or the continued installments. Possibly written by several individuals.]

1799-12439 "Art. XXVI. [Review of] Essays and Notes on Husbandry and Rural Affairs. By J.B. Bordley. pp. 591. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1799. Thomas Dobson," Monthly Magazine, I.6 (Sept.-Dec. 1799), 439-442. [removed 4/2007, BW ; no stylistic or intellectual reasons to assume this is Brown’s writing.]


1800-02133 "Art. XVI. [Review of] The Count of Burgundy: A Comedy of Kotzebue. In four Acts. Translated by Charles Smith. New-York. Printed for C. Smith and S. Stephens, by M. M‘- Farlane. 8vo. pp. 69. 1800. [&] The Count of Burgundy: A Play in four Acts by Augustus von Kotzebue, translated by Ann Plumptre. New-York. Printed by T. and J. Swords, for P.A. Mesier. 12mo. pp. 84. 1800." Monthly Magazine II.2 (February 1800), 133-139. [removed 4/2007, BW: stylistic and thematic elements suggest the piece is likely by William Dunlap.]


1801-05144b "To the Rev. John Blair Linn, A.M., Minister of the First Presbyterian Congregation of Philadelphia - on his Poem entitled 'THE POWERS OF GENIUS, as also on his PULPIT ELOQUENCE" [a poem]. Port-Folio I.18 (May 2, 1801), 144. Signed "G--- B---." [removed 6/2011, phb: the poem has never been regarded as Brown’s work; the religious emphasis is foreign to Brown, and so on. Its addition to the bibliography may have been an error in the first place.]


October 1803

1803-10073 “British Population.” Literary Magazine I.1 (1803), 73-74. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from a British source which also appears in other magazines about this time. See for example “Population Act,” in the London Christian Ob- server volume 3 (“For the Year 1804”; apparently printed in late 1803), 110-111, which in- cludes the same language as Brown’s piece.

105 1803-10075 “Anecdotes of the Present Emperor of Russia, Alexander I.” Literary Magazine I.1 (1803), 75-77. [removed 5/2009; phb; Reprinted from London Monthly Magazine (April 1, 1803), 239- 240.]

November 1803

1803-11112 “Memoirs of Count de Parades.” Literary Magazine 1.2 (Nov 1803), 112-115. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from Francis Gibson, Memoirs of the Bastile [sic] (Whitby: Thomas Webster, 1802); the passage excerpted by Brown begins on pp. 87-88. Continued in 1803-12202 and 1804-01280.]

1803-11119 “Account of Algiers.” Literary Magazine 1.2 (Nov 1803), 119-124. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (June 1, 1801), 435- 439.]

1803-11138 “Account of Boethius.” Literary Magazine 1.2 (Nov 1803), 138-141. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapter XXXIX; in the 1791 7th edition the passage begins on page 42.]

1803-11141 “Story of Cecilia.” Literary Magazine I.2 (Nov. 1803), 141-144. [removed 5/2007; phb: no stylistic or thematic evidence for Brown’s authorship. Most not- ably, the tale’s masculinist moralizing on female character is at odds with Brown’s consist- ently Wollstonecraftian positions. Listed in the volume’s Table of Contents as “Story of Cecilia, from Literary Leisure,” although this source has not yet been located. Also reprinted in the Boston Monthly Anthology and Monthly Magazine, May 1804, 312 ff.]

1803-11144 "Essay on the Arts, Commonly Called Imitative." Literary Magazine I.2 (Nov. 1803), 144-150. [removed 4/2007, phb: Although included in Weber (1992), the piece is not by Brown. “Es- say on the Arts” is by Sir William Jones; first published as an appendix to his Poems consist- ing chiefly of translations from the Asiatick languages, etc. (1772). See Barnard (1987, 133- 35) and Abrams (1953, 87-88).]

December 1803

1803-12193 “[Editor’s Introduction to] ‘The Four Ages’ by Cowper.” Literary Magazine I.3 (December 1803), 193. [removed 5/2009, phb: reprinted from William Hayley, The Life and Posthumous Writings of William Cowper, Esq. (1803), II.138-139.]

1803-12202 “Memoirs of Count de Parades.” Literary Magazine I.3 (December 1803), 202-204. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from Francis Gibson, Memoirs of the Bastile [sic] (Whitby: Thomas Webster, 1802); the passage excerpted by Brown begins on page 95. Continued from 1803-11112; continued in 1804-01280.]

106 1803-12219 “Hatfield.” Literary Magazine I.3 (December 1803), 219-222. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Sporting Magazine; or Monthly Calen- dar (October 1803), 20-23, where it was titled “Anecdotes of Hatfield.”]

1803-12224 “Memoirs of James Boswell, Esq.” Literary Magazine I.3 (December 1803), 224-238. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (July 1, 1803), 542- 553.]


January 1804

1804-01280 “Memoirs of Count de Parades.” Literary Magazine I.4 (Jan 1804), 280-283. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from Francis Gibson, Memoirs of the Bastile [sic] (Whitby: Thomas Webster, 1802); the passage excerpted by Brown begins on page 103. Continued from 1803-11112 and 1803-12202.]

1804-01283 “Account of the present state of the province of Buenos-Ayres, in South America.” Literary Magazine I.4 (Jan 1804), 283-288. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from London Monthly Magazine, first volume for 1802, pp 118 ff.].

1804-01297 “Account of the Inhabitants of Algiers, and Country Subject to the Dey, and of Their Difference with Respect to Origin, Character, and Civil Relations.” Literary Magazine I.4 (Jan 1804), 297-301. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (July 1, 1800), 536-539. Continuation of 1804-11119.]

1804-01305 “Some Observations on Diaries, Self-Biography, and Self-Characters.” Literary Magazine I.4 (Jan 1804), 305-308. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from Isaac Disraeli, Miscellanies; or, Literary Recre- ations (London: Cadell and Davies, 1796), 95-110. Also reprinted as 1805-09182.]

February 1804

1804-02341 “On the Salubrity of Warm Rooms.” Literary Magazine I. 5 (Feb. 1804), 341-343. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from Benjamin, Count Rumford, Essays, Political, Eco- nomical, and Philosophical (numerous editions, 1798-1804). This selection is a drawn from vol. III, essay XII “On the Salubrity of Warm Rooms.” ]

1804-02357 “Biographical Sketch of Louis Bourbon, Prince of Conde.” Literary Magazine I. 5 (Feb. 1804), 357-359. [removed 5/2009, phb; a popular period translation of Bossuet’s funeral oration for Louis XIV, reprinted from Biographical Sketches of Henrietta Duchess of Orleans, and Louis of

107 Bourbon, Prince of Condé…Translated from…Bossuet (London: Clarke and Gosnell, 1799). This volume was widely reviewed and the two orations widely excerpted.]

1804-02366 “The Man in the Iron Mask.” Literary Magazine I. 5 (Feb. 1804), 366-369. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from Francis Gibson, Memoirs of the Bastile [sic] (Whitby: Thomas Webster, 1802), 57-66. The earlier three instalments of “Memoirs of Count de Parades” was reprinted from the same source.]

1804-02369 “Memoirs of Dr. John Moore.” Literary Magazine I. [5] (Feb. 1804), 369-374. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted [in edited form, not in its entirety] from Public Characters of 1801-1802 (London: Richard Phillips, 1801); the sections Brown reprints are located from page 218 to page 243.]

1804-02378 “Account of a Fire Ball.” Literary Magazine I. 5 (Feb. 1804), 378-379. [removed 5/2009; phb; Reprinted (last part only) from the London Philosophical Magazine XVI (1803), 227-228. The original is titled “XXXVI. Account of a Fire-ball which fell in the neighbourhood of Laigle…By C. Biot…dated July 20, 1803.” Note that the same abridgement of this article (except missing the final paragraph that Brown prints) was also published in the Samuel L. Mitchell-edited New York Medical Repository new series I (May-July 1803), 300-301.]

1804-02379 “Meteoric Stone.” Literary Magazine I. 5 (Feb. 1804), 379. [removed 5/2009, phb; Like the previous companion item “Account of a Fire Ball,” this is reprinted from another source. It too was reprinted in the Samuel L. Mitchell-edited New York Medical Repository new series I (May-July 1803), 296. The Medical Repository text includes an ellipsis at the end of sentence 1, indicating the piece is extracted from another source not yet located.]

1804-02384 “Biographical Memoirs of the Late Dr. Darwin.” Literary Magazine I. 5 (Feb. 1804), 384-388. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from London Monthly Magazine 14 (Aug-Dec 1802); also reprinted earlier in Mitchell-edited New York Medical Repository vol. VI (1803), 469-74. Continued as 1804-03440.]

1804-02388 “Whence Arises the Diversity of Opinion?” Literary Magazine I. 5 (Feb. 1804), 388- 393. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (July 1797), 14-18; it appears there as “The Enquirer XIII: Whence Arises Diversity of Opinion?”]

March 1804

1804-03440 “Biographical Memoirs of the Late Dr. Darwin [No. 2].” Literary Magazine I. 6 (Mar. 1804), 440-445. [removed 5/2009, phb; continuation of 1804-02384; Reprinted from London Monthly Magazine 14 (Aug-Dec 1802); also reprinted earlier in Mitchell-edited New York Medical Repository vol. VI (1803), 469-74.]

108 1804-03470 “The Possibility of Preventing, and Averting, the Effects of Thunder.” Literary Magazine I. 6 (Mar. 1804), 470-472. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from Letters of Euler on Different Subjects…to a Ger man Princess (London: Murray and Highley, 1802), II: 143-147.]

April 1804

1804-04020 “Anecdotes of Bacon the Sculptor.” Literary Magazine II.7 (Apr. 1804), 20-21. [removed 5/2009; phb; Reprinted from London Monthly Mirror XIII (1802), 244-45, where it appeared as “Anecdotes of the Late John Bacon, Esq., R. A.” Brown has slightly resequenced the material, putting the last paragraph first, but the copy is the same.]

1804-04027 “Explanation of the Hindoo Terms Gunny, Haram, Khaun, Killedar, Shilinga, Zemindar.” Literary Magazine II.7 (Apr. 1804), 27-28. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from the London Monthly Epitome new series I (January 1802)138-139.]

1804-04060 “Anecdote of Dr. Johnson.” Literary Magazine II.7 (Apr. 1804), 60. [removed 5/2009, phb; first published in Richard Warner, A Tour through the Northern Counties of England, and the Borders of Scotland (Bath: Crutwell, 1802), 105-07; the an ecdote was frequently reprinted (e.g., in Brown’s likely source, the London Monthly Epit ome in July 1802, p. 387) and eventually incorporated as a footnote in later editions of Boswell’s Life of Samuel Johnson.]

1804-04061a “Character of the Stork.” Literary Magazine II.7 (Apr. 1804), 61. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from the London Monthly Epitome (Dec. 1802), 705, where it constitutes a short passage quoted in a review of “Bingley’s Animal Biography (699-710)].

1804-04061b “Sociability of the Lapwing.” Literary Magazine II.7 (Apr. 1804), 61. [removed 5/2009, phb; like previous item 1804-04061 and following item, this is re printed from the London Monthly Epitome (Dec. 1802), 706-707, where it constitutes a short passage quoted in a review of “Bingley’s Animal Biography (699-710).]

1804-04063 “Account of the Burying Beetle.” Literary Magazine II.7 (Apr. 1804), 63-64. [removed 5/2009, phb; like previous two items, this is reprinted from the London Monthly Epitome (Dec. 1802), 709-710, where it constitutes a short passage quoted in a review of “Bingley’s Animal Biography (699-710).]

1804-04079 “The Oran Otan.” Literary Magazine II.7 (Apr. 1804), 79-80. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from the London Monthly Epitome (Nov. 1802), 661- 662, where it constitutes a short passage quoted in a review of “Bingley’s Animal Biogra phy (661-670).]

May 1804

109 1804-05137 “Mohammedan History of the Creation and Fall of Man.” Literary Magazine II.8 (May 1804), 137-138. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from London Monthly Epitome (July 1802), 411-412), where it is cited as part of a review of John Richardson’s A Specimen of Persian Poetry.]

1804-05138 “Latour d’Auvergne.” Literary Magazine II.8 (May 1804), 138-139. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from “Deaths Abroad” in the London Monthly Maga zine (August 1800), 98-99.]

1804-05145 “Why is the Bible Divided Numerically into Chapters and Verses?” Literary Maga zine II.8 (May 1804), 145-147. [removed 5/2007, phb; From John Reeve’s 1802 edition of the Bible (London: Nichols, 1802); the passage selected by Brown was reprinted in a review of this edition in the Lon don Critical Review (November 1802), 298-300. The first paragraph introducing the se lection is possibly by Brown.]

1804-05147 “On the Present State of Music.” Literary Magazine II.8 (May 1804), 147-149. [removed 2/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Sept. 1800), 125- 27, signed “W.C.” Brown edits out the introductory paragraph and last two sentences of the original.]

1804-05152 “Varieties; Misrepresentation Common in Accounts of Sieges. Etiquette.” Literary Magazine II.8 (May 1804), 152-154. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (August 1800), 42- 44 (all items from “Misrepresentation Common in Accounts of Sieges” through “Pope Pius VI.”]

1804-05158 “Manners of Monkeys.” Literary Magazine II.8 (May 1804), 158-159. [removed 5/2009, phb; like several items in the April number, this is Reprinted from the London Monthly Epitome (Nov. 1802), 662, where it constitutes a short passage quoted in a review of “Bingley’s Animal Biography (661-670). The next several items on “The Vampire,” “The Rhinoceros” etc., are all from this source.]

1804-05160 “Anecdote from Poggi.” Literary Magazine II.8 (May 1804), 160. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from the London Monthly Epitome (July 1802), 397, where it is cited in a review of “Sheperd’s Life of Poggio Bracciolini” (396-401).]

June 1804

1804-06165 “Thoughts on Religion, as a Branch of Female Education.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 165-168. [Removed 4/2008, phb. Reprinted from London Monthly Magazine (August 1800), 30-33. Signed "W.E.F." Brown edits this earlier version lightly, e.g., removing first person voice at beginning and end of article, and omitting the final paragraph.]

1804-06195 “Hair Changed through Fright.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 195-196.

110 [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Nov. 1 1800), 321-22, where it appeared as a letter “To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine” signed “J. Hays.”]

1804-06196 “The Knights of Thebes and Troy.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 196-197. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine 13 (1st part for 1804), 40-41].

1804-06204 "Memoirs of Mrs. Chapone.” Literary Magazine II (June 1804), 204-205. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from the London Poetical Register and Repository of Fugitive Poetry (1802), 469-72].

1804-06205 “Wisdom of the Elephant.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 205-206. [removed 5/2009, phb; like several items in the April and May numbers, this is reprinted from the London Monthly Epitome (Nov. 1802), 663-665, where it constitutes a short pas- sage quoted in a review of “Bingley’s Animal Biography (661-670).]

1804-06212 “Manners of the Dog.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 212-214. [removed 5/2009, phb; like several items in the April and May numbers, this is reprinted from the London Monthly Epitome (Nov. 1802), 665-666, where it constitutes a short pas- sage quoted in a review of “Bingley’s Animal Biography (661-670).]

1804-06215 “Thoughts on the Probable Duration of the American Republic.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 215-220. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Oct. 1803), 228- 32.]

1804-06220 “Marriage Ceremonies.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 220-221. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Jan. 1801), 534.]

1804-06221a “Influence of Light on Vegetables.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 221. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Jan. 1801), 538- 39.]

1804-06221b “Letters in Bottles.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 221-222. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Jan. 1801), 539.]

1804-06222 “Habits and Manners of the Lion.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 222-223. [removed 5/2009, phb: like several items in the April and May numbers, this is reprinted from the London Monthly Epitome (Nov. 1802), 667, where it constitutes a short passage quoted in a review of “Bingley’s Animal Biography (661-670).]

1804-06223 “Curious Facts Relating to Stones and Other Substances, Said to Have Fallen at Dif- ferent Periods, and in Different Places, from the Clouds.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 223-231. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (1803), 432-40.]

111 1804-06238 “A Short View of the Craniognomic System of Dr. Gall of Vienna.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 238-240. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chem- istry, and the Arts (March 1803), 197-202.]

1804-06240 “Anecdotes of the Hare.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 240. [removed 5/2009, phb: like several items in the April and May numbers, this is reprinted from the London Monthly Epitome (Nov. 1802), 670, where it constitutes a short passage quoted in a review of “Bingley’s Animal Biography (661-670).]

1804-07246 “A Miser.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July, 1804), 246-248. Signed “C.” [removed 5/2009, phb: Repinted from a British publication. An almost identical version appeared in the London Polyanthea; or, a Collection of Interesting Fragments, in Prose and Verse (1804), II: 210-14.]

July 1804

1804-07252 “The American Character.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 252-257. [removed 5/2007, rb-mc: Not by Brown; a piece prefixed “To the Editor,” a colum- n-length introduction to an article “from a foreign publication.”]

1804-07292 “Ninon de l’Enclos.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July,1804), 292-293. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from Anna Seward, Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Darwin, etc. (London: J. Johnson, 1804), 286-91.]

1804-07298 “Man…Politico-Arithmetically Considered.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July,1804), 298-299. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (“supplementary number” following June 1797; vol. III, no. XIX), 501-02.

1804-07299 “Infernal Machine.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July,1804), 299. [removed 5/2009, phb: From John Carr, The Stranger in Paris; or, a Tour from Devon- shire to Paris (London: J. Johnson, 1803); the book was widely reviewed and the passage Brown excerpts here was printed, for example, in the review that appeared in the London Critical Review; or, Annals of Literature (Nov. 1803), 289-90.]

1804-07304 “Account of Mrs. Delany.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July,1804), 304. [removed 5/2009, phb: like item 1804-07292 in this issue, this is reprinted from Anna Se- ward, Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Darwin, etc. (London: J. Johnson, 1804), 315-17.]

1804-07305 “Show and Use, An Apologue.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July,1804), 305-306. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Critical Review; or, Annals of Literat- ure (Aug. 1796), 289-90, where it is quoted in a review of Evenings at Home; or the Ju- venile Budget Opened (London: J. Johnson, 1796).]

1804-07309 “Meeting between Elephants.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July,1804), 309-310. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Dec. 1803), 463.

112 1804-07310a “Music.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 310. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Sept. 1803), 143. Note that Brown has taken this and the next three items from the same article in that source.]

1804-07310b “Matthew Prior’s Epitaph.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 310. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Sept. 1803), 144- 45.]

1804-07310c “An Infernal Machine.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 310-311. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Sept. 1803, 145- 46.]

1804-07311a “Cold Affusion Used Medicinally by Mahomet.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 311. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Sept. 1803), 146.]

1804-07311b “Nutriment from Bones.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 311-312. [removed 5/2009, phb: : Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Sept. 1803, 164- 65. Same issue of the London magazine as the previous four items.]

1804-07312 “A Cavern Newly Discovered.” Literary Magazine, II.10 (July 1804), 312. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Jan. 1804, 564.]

1804-07315 “Vanity of Richardson.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 315-316. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Sept. 1797), 127. This source itself re-edits material from Isaac D’Israeli’s Curiosities of Literature.]

1804-07318a “An Account of the Chemical Analysis of Certain Stones and Other Substances Said to have Fallen from the Clouds, and of the Several Theories Adopted by Philosoph- ers to Account for the Phenomena” [No. 1].” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 318 [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Jan. 1804), 534- 35.]

August 1804

1804-08360 “Anecdotes.” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 360-361. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Supplementary number to the 16th volume, Jan. 25, 1803), 656.]

1804-08370 “Biographical Sketch of Gessner.” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 370-372. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Critical Review, or, Annals of Literat- ure (“Appendix to the Nineteenth Volume,” April 1797), 502-505, where it appeared as a review of Hottinger’s Life of Gessner (London, 1797).]

1804-08374 “A Newton-Mad Man.” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 374-375.

113 [removed 5/2009, phb: like the previous item, reprinted from the London Critical Review, or, Annals of Literature (“Appendix to the Nineteenth Volume,” April 1797), 511-513.]

1804-08375 “Cretins, or Swiss Idiots.” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 375. [removed 5/2009, phb: like the previous items, reprinted from the London Critical Re- view, or, Annals of Literature (“Appendix to the Nineteenth Volume,” April 1797), 520.

1804-08385 “An Account of the Chemical Analyses of Certain Stones and Other Substances Said to Have Fallen from the Clouds, and of the Several Theories Adopted by Philosophers to Account for the Phenomena” [No. 2].” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 385-389. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Jan. 1804), 534- 35.]

1804-08399 "On the Choice of a Wife. From a Father to a Son." Literary Magazine II.11 (Aug. 1804), 399-402. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the Edinburgh Scots Magazine (Jan. 1795), 23-27.]

1804-08402 “Love.” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 402-403. [removed 5/2209, phb: Reprinted from the London Literary Magazine and British Review (1794), 11-12.]

1804-08403 “Is Rhyme an Ornament, or a Defect, in Verse?” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 403-408. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (April 1797), 273- 78, where it appeared as “The Enquirer No. XII.” with the same subtitle.]

September 1804

1804-09414a “Milton’s Religion.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 414. B. [removed 2/2009, phb: Reprinted from “Cantabridgiana. CXXI. Milton.” in London Monthly Magazine (Jan. 1804), 527.]

1804-09415a “Origin of Gazettes.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 415. [removed 2/2009, phb: Reprinted from“Gazettes, or Newspapers” in London Monthly Magazine 16.6 (Jan. 1804), 539.]

1804-09419 “On Double Endings in Rhyme.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 419- 420. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Dec. 1797), 440- 41.]

1804-09429 “Anecdotes of Edward Drinker.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 429. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from one of its publications in various English periodic- als, e.g., in The European Magazine and London Review (July 1792), 34.]

1804-09444 “A Musical Ear Explained.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 444-445.

114 [removed 5/2009, phb: The passage is originally from Everard Home, The Croonian Lec- ture. On the Structure and Uses of the Membrana Tympani of the Ear (1800) and was re- printed in reviews, e.g., in the London Critical Review; or, Annals of Literature ( Oct. 1800), 221-22.]

1804-09445 “Rotation of the Sun.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 445. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Mirror (1800), 198.]

1804-09449a “On Telescopes.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 449. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Critical Review; or, Annals of Literat- ure (Oct. 1800), 124-25. Note that the source is the same as for previous item 1804- 09444.]

1804-09449b “Death.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 449. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Literary Magazine and British Review 12 (1794), 12.]

1804-09453 “Anecdotes of Putnam.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 453-459. [removed 5/2009, phb: Drawn from David Humphreys, An Essay on the Life of the Hon- orable Major-General Israel Putnam (Hartford: Hudson and Goodwin, 1788). The ex- cerpts were reprinted in numerous US and English periodicals before Brown’s use of them.]

1804-09459 “Story of Mrs. Howe.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 459-461. [removed 5/2009, phb: drawn, like the previous item, from David Humphrey’s An Essay on the Life of the Honorable Major-General Israel Putnam (Hartford: Hudson and Good- win, 1788).]

1804-09464 “Biographical Sketch of General Bowles.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 464-465. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Mirror (Jan. 1802), 28-29.]

1804-09469 "Is Marriage or Celibacy Most Eligible? Or, Is the Matron or the Old Maid the Best Member of Society?" Literary Magazine II.12 (Sept. 1804), 468-470. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Critical Review (Jan. 1804), 22-25. The excerpt is from a review of Malthus’ Essay on the Principle of Population; all of the paragraphs are from Malthus except the last, which is by the commentator in the Critical Review.]

1804-09470 “Sicard’s Mode of Teaching the Deaf and the Dumb.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 470-471. [removed 5/2009; phb: Reprinted from the London Critical Review (“Appendix to the Thirtieth Volume of the New Arrangement; following the number for Dec. 1800), 507- 08.]

1804-09481 “Amadis de Gaul.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 481-482.

115 [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Critical Review (Jan. 1804), 40-41 and 45-46.]

1804-09487 “On the Roman Stage, and the Character of Plautus.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 487-489. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Critical Review (Feb. 1804) , 170-72, where it is cited as part of a review of D. H. Urquhart, Commentaries of Classical Learn- ing (London: Cadell and Davies, 1803).]

October 1804

1804-10522 "The Seat of the Voice." Literary Magazine, II.13 (Oct. 1804), 522-524. Signed "A.B." [removed 5/2007, rb-mc: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (April 1796), 177-78.]

1804-10524 “Varieties of Literature; The Beguines. A Flemish Pulpit. Friar John of Lorraine.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 524-525. [removed 5/2009, phb: “The Beguines” reprinted from Lockhart Muirhead, Journals of Travels in Parts of the Austrian Low Countries etc. (1803), 34-35; “A Flemish Pulpit” re- printed from the same source, 37; “Friar John of Lorraine” also from the same source, 72- 73.]

1804-10547 “Dansomania in France….Duelling. Singing Parrot. Eastern Nuptials. Character of Lord Kenyon.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 547-549. [removed 5/2009, phb: In this suite of anecdotes, only “Beatification” seems to be by Brown. “Dansomania” is reprinted from “a French public journal for August 2, 1804 and in the Glasgow Geography, according to Thomas Dick, On the Improvement of Society by the Diffusion of Knowledge (New York: J. and J. Harper, 1833), 438-39; Duelling is from Franklin’s letter of 17 July, 1784 on this topic; “Singing Parrot,” Eastern Nuptials,” and “Character of Lord Kenyon” are all from the London Annual Register (1803), pages 445- 46 and 182 respectively.]

1804-10550 “Schinderhannes, the Robber.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 550-551. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the the London Annual Register (1803), 454.]

1804-10552 “The Forced Story: Anecdote of Lord Kelly. Tager Talpier. Anecdote.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 552-553. [removed 5/2009, phb: “Lord Kelly” reprinted from various sources, e.g., The New Ja- maica Magazine (October 1798), 241; “Tager Tapier” from e.g. The Boston Weekly Magazine (Sept. 29, 1804), 195.]

1804-10553 “President Willard.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 553-554. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from a previous source, e.g. The Monthly Anthology and Boston Review (Sept. 1804), 523-24.]

1804-10561 “State of the Jews.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 561-562.

116 [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (April 1796), 200, where it appears as a postscript to an anonymous article, “History of the Jews in England” (March and April issues).]

1804-10562 “Sketch of the Life and Death of Charette, the Famous Leader of the Vendean War.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 562-564. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from a previous British source, e.g., the London Monthly Magazine (April, 1796), 562-63.]

1804-10565 “Herder’s Sentiments on Man.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 565. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Critical Review (Sept. 1800), 5.]

1804-10567 “Arabian Poetry.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 567. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Critical Review (Sept. 1800), 36-37.

November 1804

1804-11583 "Distinction between Poetry and Prose." Literary Magazine II.14 (Nov. 1804), 583-586. [removed 4/2007, phb: Although included in Weber (1992), it is not Brown’s work. By Wil- liam Enfield; first published as “The Enquirer no. VI: Is Verse Essential to Poetry?” in the London Monthly Magazine (July, 1796), 453-456. Brown’s version modifies the first and last paragraphs. See Barnard (1987, 126-48) and Abrams (1953, 96-97).]

December 1804

1804-12653a "The Gleaner. How to Preserve Potatoes Throughout the Year." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 653. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (July 1796), 472- 73.]

1804-12653b "Condorcet's Posthumous Work. Dutch Translation of Ovid. Philosophical Lan- guage. Perkins.” Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 653-654. [removed 5/2009, phb: all three items are from the London Monthly Magazine (July 1796): the Condorcet item is translated from the French given on 641; “Dutch Translation,” 473; “Philosophical Language,” is reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (July 1796), 472.

1804-12654a "Stereotype Printing." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 654. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (March 1802).

1804-12654b "The Horse Without Hair." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 654-655. [removed 5/2009, phb: reprinted from British source, e.g. the London Sporting Magazine (March 1802), 335.]

117 1804-12655a "Greathead's Life-boat. Anecdote of Frederick and Alexander." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 655. [removed 5/2009; “Life-boat” is from a passage inWarner’s Tour Through the Northern Counties etc., which was widely reprinted, e.g., in the London Critical Review (May 1802), 92; the “Frederick and Alexander” anecdote is reprinted, e.g., from the London An- nual Register ( 1802) , 250-51.]

1804-12657a "Splines." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 657. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Critical Review (Jan. 1804), 44.]

1804-12659 “Introduction of the Kine Pock into India.” Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 659-661. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Dec. 1803), 416- 18., where it is reprinted from a Bombay publication.]

1804-12661a "Pedigree of the English Language." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 661. [removed 5/2009, phb: reprinted from the London Critical Review (Jan. 1804), 41-42.]

1804-12661 "Dr. Young." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 661-663. [removed 5/2009, phb: as of 5/2009 no other printing has been located, but the piece seems out of keeping with Brown’s style and manner of commenting on Richardson. Brown’s authorship seems very doubtful.]

1804-12664 “Varieties of Literature. What Are the Arians, Socinians, Necessarians, and Materi- alists?” Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 664-665. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine v. 16 (Dec. 1803), 419.

1804-12665a "Sir Isaac Newton's Religion." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 665. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine v. 16 (Dec. 1803), 419.]

1804-12666a "The Seat of Excellence." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 666. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine v. 16 (Dec. 1803), 471.]

1804-12666b "The German School of Painting." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 666-667. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Oct. 1803), 258- 59.]

1804-12667a "The Oil of Arachis." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 667. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Oct. 1803), 266.]

1804-12667b "Difference Between the Nile and St. Domingo Crocodile." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 667-668. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Oct. 1803), 265- 66.]

118 1804-12668a "A Substitute for Brewer's Yeast." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 668. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Oct. 1803), 255.]

1804-12668b "Ambergris." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 668-669. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Oct. 1803), 266- 67.]

1804-12669a "Cavern near Nice." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 669. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Oct. 1803), 267.]

1804-12669b "New Zealand Flax, or Aloe-Pitte." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 669. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Oct. 1803), 267.]

1804-12669c "Cast Iron Bridge over the Thames." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 669. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Oct. 1803), 278.]

1804-12670a "Gray's Fragment." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 669-670. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Nov. 1803), 399.]

1804-12670b "Sir Kinelm Digby." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 670-671. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Nov. 1803), 340.]

1804-12671a "Descartes. Voiture." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 671. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Nov. 1803), 340- 41.]

1804-12671b "William Noy." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 671. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Nov. 1803), 341.]

1804-12671c "Lay Preaching." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 671-672. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Nov. 1803), 341- 42.]

1804-12672 "A Pun out of Order." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 672. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (Nov. 1803), 342.]

1804-12716 “State of Women Among the Arabs.” Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec.1804), 716- 718. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from a British source. In its original publication, the passage is from Jean Louis Marie Poiret, Travels through Barbary, in a Series of Letters, etc. (London: C. Forster, 1791), 220-29.]


119 January 1805

1805-01012 “Adversaria. No IV. Quotations.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 12-13. [removed 5/2010, phb: The “Adverseria series was written by John Elihu Hall; see Brown’s letters to Hall from 1806. Additionally, in this instalment, the first two paragraphs only seem to be original to the LM, prefacing the remainder reprinted from John Langhorne's The Effu- sions of Friendship and Fancy. In several Letters to and from select Friends, Letter XIII (1763) as reviewed and extracted in, e.g., the London Critical Review (July 1763).]

1805-01013a “Duelling.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 13. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from David Hume, Essays and Treatises on Several Sub- jects, “Essay XIV; On the Rise and Progress of the Arts and Sciences.”]

1805-01015 “The Female Sex.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 15-16. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted John Langhorne, The Effusions of Friendship and Fancy, etc. (London, 1763), Letter XX, but Brown may draw it from a more recent periodical source.]

1805-01016a “Sternhold and Hopkins.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 16. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from John Langhorne, The Effusions of Friendship and Fancy, etc. (London, 1763), Letter XIV but Brown may draw it from a more recent periodic- al source.]

1805-01016b “Novels.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 16-17. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review ( November 1791), 286- 87.]

1805-01059 “Varieties of Superstition.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 59-61. [removed 5/2009, phb: Reprinted from James Pettit Andrews, Anecdotes &c., Antient and Modern. With observations (London: John Stockdale, 1790), 350 ff.]

February 1805

1805-02114 “Adversaria. No. V.: Sterne. Reading. Epigram on the Scots. Diderot. Tea. Ver- satility of the Mob. Tiberius. Golden Ages. Female Dress. Authors.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 114-116. [removed 5/2010, phb: The Adversaria series is by John Elihu Hall; see Brown’s letters to Hall from 1806].

1805-02117 “Plagiarism. A Remarkable Speech of Mr. Cuffe. Odd Advertisement.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 117. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from (Plagiarism) Samuel Whyte, A Collection of Poems (1792), xii-xiii; (Remarkable Speech) The Annual Register (1758), 377; (Odd Ad- vert.); the London Monthly Mirror v3 (1797), 207.]

1805-02128 “On Gratitude.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 128-129.

120 [removed 6/2009, mac; reprinted from the Edinburgh Magazine, or Literary Miscellany (May 1789), 298.]

1805-02129 “Heraldic Enthusiasm. On Punning. Medical Anecdotes.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 129-134. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The European Magazine and London Review (re- prints 1816), “Fragmenta. No. VIII,” (Heraldic) 305; (Punning) 307-08; (Medical Anec- dotes) “Fragment No. XI” (16-19).

March 1805

1805-03173 “Adversaria. No. VI.: Property and Marriage." Literary Magazine III.18 (Mar. 1805), 173-74. [removed 6/2009, mac; the original source seems to be A Discourse on the Study of the Law of Nature and Nations by James Mackintosh (London: Cadell and Davies, 1799), 40- 41.]

1805-03184 “Historical Sketches: State of France under Louis the Fifteenth.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 184-185. [removed 5/2009, mac; Reprinted from the London Monthly Review Appendix to v11 (August 1793), 566-67.]

1805-03185 “Genoese Patriotism.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 185-186. [removed 6/2009, mac; Reprinted from the London Monthly Review Appendix to v11 (August 1793), 569-70.]

1805-03186 “Charles Stuart.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 186. [removed 6/2009, mac; Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (1793), Appendix to v11 (August 1793) 570-71.]

1805-03190 “On the American Constitution.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 190-192. [removed 6/2009, mac; Reprinted from the London Monthly Review Appendix to v11 (August 1793), 502-06.]

1805-03201a “Omnipotence of Love.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 201. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (December 1793), 393.]

April 1805

1805-04272 “Adversaria No. VII.” Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 272-275.

Includes: 1805-04272 “Adversaria No. VII. [It may be laid down].” Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 272. B. [removed 6/2009, mac; appears to be from Samuel Johnson's Rambler (1753).]

121 1805-04272 “Adversaria No. VII. [The Oriental Poetry]." Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 272. B. [removed 6/2009, mac; appears to be from Vicesimus Knox's Essays Moral and Literary, probably first published in 1778, several editions of which had been printed by 1805.]

1805-04272 “Adversaria No. VII. [Horace]." Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 273. B. [removed 6/2009, mac; appears to be from Vicesimus Knox's Essays Moral and Literary, probably first published in 1778, several editions of which had been printed by 1805.]

1805-04272 “Adversaria No. VII. [It is not among]." Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 273. B. [removed 6/2009, mac; appears to be from Vicesimus Knox's Essays Moral and Literary, probably first published in 1778, several editions of which had been printed by 1805.]

1805-04272 “Adversaria No. VII. [If we consider]." Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 273- 74. B. [removed 6/2009, mac; could be from any number of earlier sources, going as far back as The Works of Jonathan Swift (1752); Brown might be the author of the last paragraph at the top of 274a.]

1805-04272 “Adversaria No. VII. [Vanity]." Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 274. B. [removed 6/2009, mac; this could be from any number of earlier printings, but originally from Jonathan Swift.]

1805-04272 “Adversaria No. VII. [Lord William Russell]." Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 274. B. [removed 6/2009, mac; Brown's British source seems to be the Monthly Review, Or, Lit- erary Journal 68 (1783), 102.]

1805-04272 “Adversaria No. VII. [Before the introduction]." Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 274-75. B. [removed 6/2009, mac; from Vicesimus Knox's Essays Moral and Literary, probably first published in 1778, several editions of which had been printed by 1805.]

May 1805

1805-05331 “The Women of the Romans.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 331-332. Signed “R.” [removed 6/2009, jg: Reprinted from James Pettit Andrews (1790) Anecdotes, &c. antient and modern (London; John Stockdale 1790), 411ff.]

1805-05349 “Adversaria No. VIII.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 349-352. Signed “Cento.” [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from (Fr 1 on Italian letters in England) London Critical Review (January 1805), 59-60; (Fr 2 on Amadis de Gaul) from The Edinburgh Review (October 1803), 109 (this fragment is by Walter Scott, although printed here anonym-

122 ously); (Fr 3 on Burns) uncertain source but not by Brown; (Fr 4 on Sibbet & Luxury) from the Anti-Jacobin Review (October 1800), 132-33.]

June 1805

1805-06406 “Voice of Birds.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 406-408. [removed 7/2009, phb: Brown’s source is likely a review, but the excerpt is originally from Daines Barrington, Experiments and Observations on the Singing of Birds (London, 1773).

1805-06408 “Learning and Politeness.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 408-409. [removed 7/2009, phb : Reprinted from G. Walker, “A Defence of Learning and the Arts… Essay I (Read Nov. 15, 1799)” etc. in the Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Philosophical Society 5.1 (1798 [sic]), 442-45.]

1805-06416 “Settlement in Marriage.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 416-417. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from, e.g., the London Critical Review (December 1800), 454-55.]

1805-06426 “Has Classical Learning an Anti-Christian Tendency?” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 426-428. B. [removed 7/2009, phb : This piece is identified as the work of a contributor not Brown in the “To Correspondents” notices of the previous May 1805 issue, page 400.]

1805-06466 “On Announcing Marriages with Clergymen’s Names.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 466-467. [removed 7/2009, phb : Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine ( 1803), 207-08.]

July 1805

1805-07003 “Adversaria No. IX.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 3-8. B. [removed 7/2009; the series is not by Brown and consists primarily of reprintings from British periodicals]

1805-07008 “Wonders.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 8-13. [removed 7/2009, phb: Printed in European Magazine (June 1818), 503 ff; pre-Brown printing in, e.g., Walker’s Hibernian Magazine (1793), 360ff.]

1805-07017 “On Story-Telling.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 17-19. Signed “O.” [removed 7/2009, phb: same source as the previous item “Wonders”; also appears in European Magazine (September 1817), 818ff.

1805-07031 “Translations.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July, 1805), 31-32. Signed “N.” [removed 7/2009, phb: Paragraphs 1-4 reprinted from article of the same title in James Petitt Andrews, Anecdotes, &c. antient & modern (London, 1790), 381-82; the remainder reprinted from an as-yet undetermined source.]

123 1805-07042 “On Literary Industry.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 42-45. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from essay of the same title in Isaac Disraeli, Miscel- lanies (London: Cadell & Davies, 1793), 276-87.]

1805-07053 “Sketch of Samuel Richardson.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 53-55. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (January 1805), 32- 35.]

1805-07055 Literary Popularity.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 55-56. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the article “Buchan (Dr. William)” in John Stark, Biographia scotica; or Scottish biographical dictionary (Edinburgh, 1805).]

1805-07058 “On the Style of Sir T. Browne, Dr. Johnson, and Mr. Gibbon.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 58-60. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from Henry Kett, Elements of General Knowledge (Lon- don, 1803), 40-44; also published in (Philadelphia: Maxwell, 1805), 98-103.]

1805-07060 “On Fleetwood, Godwin‘s Last Novel.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 60-66. Signed “Z.” [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the Edinburgh Review (April 1805), 182-93. Prin- ted there anonymously, it is by Walter Scott and reprinted in later collections of Scott’s essays as “Godwin’s Fleetwood.”]

August 1805

1805-08088 “Hydrophobia.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 88-89. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted and edited from the Edinburgh Review (April 1805), 103-05.]

1805-08089 “Character of Hayley, and his Last Poem.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 89-90. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted and edited from the Edinburgh Review (April 1805), 56- 59.]

1805-08114 “On Perfection.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 114-117. Signed “X.” [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (December 1800), 429-31.]

1805-08111 “On ‘The Enlightened Public’ and ‘The Age of Reason’.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 111-114. Signed “W.” [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the essay of the same title in Isaac Disraeli, Mis- cellanies (London: Cadell and Davies, 1796), 159-73.]

1805-08121 “Jesuit’s Bark.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 121-122. Signed “W.” [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (June 1803), 429.]

1805-08127a “Ossian in His Own Language.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 127.

124 [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (June 1803), 441.]

1805-08127b “A Rustic Cemetery.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 127-128. Signed “W.” [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (July 1803), 517, where it is signed “A. Wilkinson, M.D.”]

1805-08141 “Adversaria No. X.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 141-146. Signed “Cento.” B. [removed 7/2009, phb: Paragraphs 1-5 are reprinted and edited from the Introduction to the first edition of Southey’s translation of Amadis de Gaul (1803); and paragraphs 6 to the end from Walter Scott, Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border (1803). Both were widely re- viewed and extracted in periodical reviews.]

1805-08147 “Anecdotes.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 147-149. [removed 7/2009, phb: “Dr. Saunderson, the mathematician” reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (March 1805), 125.]

1805-08149a “Duelling.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 149. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Critical Review (April 1804), 414-15.]

1805-08154 “[O]n [sic] Attachment to the Ancients.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 154-155. Signed “Y.” [removed 7/2009, phb: reprinted and edited from John Aikin, Letters from a father to his son, on various topics, relative to literature, etc. (1800), 89-91, 313-15, and 319-20.

September 1805

1805-09163 “On Miscellanies.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 163-168. [removed 6/2009, phb; Reprinted from Isaac Disraeli, Miscellanies (London: Cadell and Davies, 1796), 3-23.]

1805-09177 “On the Difference Between Learning and Knowledge.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 177-182. [removed 7/209, phb: Reprinted and edited from “On Erudition and Philosophy” in Isaac Disraeli, Miscellanies (London: Cadell and Davies, 1796), 129-47.]

1805-09182 “On Self-Biography.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 182-185. [removed 5/2009, phb; Reprinted text of 1804-01305; both versions reprinted from Isaac Disraeli, Miscellanies (London: Cadell and Davies, 1796), 95-110.

1805-09203 “Mohawk in England.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 203-204. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (July 1805), 540.]

1805-09211 “Comparative Merits of Addison and Johnson.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 211.

125 [removed 4/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (June 1805), 186; where it is quoted in an essay-review, “Art. VII. {Review of Hannah More’s} Hints to- wards forming the Character of a Young Princess, 180-88.]

1805-09214 “On Menander and Philemon, Greek Dramatists.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 214-219. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (June 1805), 456- 59.]

1805-09219 “On the Notions of the Ancients Concerning Death.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 219-224. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (July 1805), 541- 45.]

1805-09224 “Life and Motion Without Brain.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 224. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (May 1805), 68-69.]

1805-09226 “On the Pleasures of Tragedy.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 226. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (May 1805), 78.]

1805-09227 “Some Recent English Plays.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 227-228. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (May 1805), 99-100.]

1805-09228a “The Standard of Beauty.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 228. [removed 4/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (May 1805, 78- 79), where it appeared in a short review of George Walker, Essay on the Beautiful in the Human Form; and Inquiry whether the Grecian Statues present the most perfect Beauty of Form that we are at present acquainted with.]

1805-09228b “On Famines in India, and the Benefits of the English Government There.” Liter- ary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 228-230. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from William Tennant, Indian Recreations (1804), 210- 16, probably via the version of the passage that appeared in the London Monthly Magazine (June 1805), 446-48.]

October 1805

1805-10250 “Origin of the Irish Union.” Literary Magazine IV.25 (0ct. 1805), 250-251. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (June 1805), 175-76.]

1805-10269 “Life Without Sustenance.” Literary Magazine IV.25 (0ct. 1805), 269-270. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (August 1797), 89- 90.]

1805-10270 “Adversaria No. XI.” Literary Magazine IV.25 (0ct. 1805), 270-271. Signed “Cento.”

126 [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from (Tacitus, Pliny, and Johnson paragraphs from Uni- versal Magazine (February 1795),96-97; Balzac and Johnson paragraphs from Universal Magazine (April 1795), 256-57; Goldsmith to the end (Ferdovisi) from European Magazine and London Review (December 1803), 411.]

1805-10276 “An Account of the Late Proceedings of the Society of Friends (or Quakers) for the Civilization of the Indian Tribes.” Literary Magazine IV.25 (Oct. 1805), 276-287. Signed “X.” [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the report of the same title published by the Com- mittee Appointed for the Gradual Civilization and Welfare of the Indian Natives, Phil- adelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, Society of Friends. Brown reprints this piece in the American Register vol. IV (pt II for 1808, published in 1809) , 291-307, where it is signed by “Thomas Wister, clerk, Philad. 4th Month, 11th 1805” (page 307).]

November 1805

1805-11323 “The Greek Epigram.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 323-325. Signed “X.” B. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (March 1805), 136- 38, which itself rephrases the Introduction form Robert Bland and John Herman Merivale, Translations Chiefly from the Greek Anthology lii ff.]

1805-11330 “Roman Newspapers.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 330-334. [removed 7/2007, jg; The article is edited and remixed from Samuel Johnson’s Preface to the 1740 Gentleman’s Magazine.]

1805-11334 “Origin of Free-Masonry.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 334-335. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London London Monthly Magazine (July 1805), 635. Brown has editorially intensified the final sentence affirming the rejection of Barruel-like Illuminati conspiracy theories.]

1805-11335 “Doubts Concerning Roman History.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 335- 336. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London London Monthly Magazine (July 1805), 664-65.]

1805-11336 “Madame Genlis’s Last Work.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 336-338. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London London Monthly Magazine (July 1805), 691-93.]

1805-11338 “English Synonymy.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 338-341. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London London Monthly Magazine (August [?] 1805), 17-20.]

1805-11342 “For the Literary Magazine. Southey’s Madoc.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 342-343.

127 [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London London Monthly Magazine (July 1805), 656-58.]

1805-11352 “Anecdotes of Catharine II.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 352-353. [removed 7/2009, phb: Brown writes the first paragraph only, reprinting and editing the remainder from The Edinburgh Review 6.12 (July 1805), 403-04.]

1805-11365 “Sentiments of the Ancients upon the Happiness of Life.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 365-370. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (August [?] 1805), 20-24.]

1805-11375 “On the Consequences of Abolishing the Slave Trade to the West Indian Colonies.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 375-381. B. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted and edited from The Edinburgh Review (July 1805), 339-50.]

December 1805

180512414 “The Child of Simplicity. A Fragment.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 414-416. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted, like the previous item on Franklin’s Junto, from The London Magazine, Or, Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer v48 (Ocrtober 1782), 465-66.]

1805-12432 “On the Pronunciation of Greek and Latin Poetry.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 431-435. [removed 7/2009, phb: [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (August [?] 1805), 105-09.]

1805-12435 “On the Greek Amorous Poets.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 435-438. [removed 7/2009, phb: [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (August [?] 1805), 123-26.]

1805-12438 “How Far Do Slaves Influence Political Representation in America?” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 438-441. B. [Removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from, e.g., The Balance, and Columbian Repository 4.27 (June 25, 1804), 212-13.]

1805-12454 “The Irish Peasantry.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 454-455. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from reviews such as, .e.g., The Annual Review…for 1804 (1805), 271-73, quoting Robert Bell, A Description of the Condition and Manners of the Peasantry of Ireland, etc. (1804).]

1805-12457 “Egyptian Plagues.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 457-458. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from quoted material in reviews of James M’Gregor, Medical Sketches of the Expedition to Egypt from India, etc. (1804), in, e.g., Philosophic- al Magazine (September 1805), 345-47.]

128 1805-12459a “Acratus.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 459. [removed 7/2009, phb: British source uncertain, but the item is also reprinted in The Port-Folio (January 18, 1806), 26, where it is identified as a reprint from “The Port Folio of a Man of Letters in England.”]

1805-12459b “Anecdote of d’Alembert.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 459-460. [removed 7/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (July 1805), 673.]


January 1806

1806-01007 “Horrors of West India Slavery.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 7-13. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from Pierre F. M’Callum, Travels in Trinidad, etc. (London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme; 1805), 338-50.]

1806-01013 "Progress of Vaccination in Asia." Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 13-14. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from a review in the London Monthly Review (July 1805), 338-50.]

1806-01017 “Poetry and Painting Compared.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 17-19. Signed “A.” [removed 5/2009, phb; Although included in Weber (1992), the piece is not by Brown. It is extracted from Martin Archer Shee, Rhymes on Art; or the Remonstrance of a Painter, etc. (London: Ebers, 1805). Brown likely draws the passage from its reprinting in an essay-re- view of this volume in the London Monthly Review (July, 1805), 262-270. The passage Brown reprintes begins on page 268.]

1806-01021 “Abstract of a Report on American Roads.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 21-24. [removed 5/2009, phb & jg: source as yet unclear, but not by Brown.]

1806-01029 “A Portrait of a Projector.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 29-30. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from John Aikin, et al, General Biography (London, 1799), I: 389-90, where it is part of the biographical entry on Sir Richard Arkwright.]

1806-01036 “On Anecdotes.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 36-38. Signed “X.” [removed 3/2009, phb: Although included in Weber (1992), the piece is not by Brown. It is edited together from disparate passages in Isaac Disraeli’s A Dissertation on Anecdotes; by the Author of Curiosities of Literature. London: C. and G. Kearsley, 1793.]

1806-01040 “Comparison of Memoirs and History.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 40. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from Issac Disraeli, A Dissertation on Anecdotes (1793).]

1806-01041a “Oliver Cromwell.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 41. Signed “W.”

129 [removed 5/2009, phb: Like the previous item, this anecdote is reprinted from Isaac D’Is- raeli, Dissertation on Anecdotes (1793), 16-17.]

1806-01041b “Louis XIV.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 41. [removed 5/2009, phb: Like the previous item, this anecdote is reprinted from Isaac D’Is- raeli, Dissertation on Anecdotes (1793), 19-22.]

1806-01045 “On Literary Biography.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 45-51. Signed “R.” [removed 5/2009, phb: Like the previous items, this is reprinted from Isaac D’Israeli, Dis- sertation on Anecdotes (1793), 31-55.]

1806-01057a "A Domestic Sketch of Milton." Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 51-52. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from Isaac Disraeli, Dissertation on Anecdotes (1793), 55-60.]

1806-01058 “Particulars Concerning Ireland.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 58-59. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy vol. 9 (1803), using passages from 184 to 299.]

1806-01060 "Tchikanakoa and the American Indians." Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 60- 61. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from John Dunne’s “Notices Relative to some of the Native Tribes of North America,” in The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy vol. 9 (1803), 101 ff.]

February 1806

1806-02087 “Sappho Vindicated.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb., 1806), 87-88. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from London Monthly Magazine (1805), 211-12.]

1806-02008 “Erinne.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb. 1806), 8-9. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from London Monthly Magazine (1805), 213-14]

1806-02019 “Remarks on Style.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb., 1806), 19-24. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from Isaac Disraeli, Miscellanies (London, 1796).]

1806-02031a “Anyte.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb. 1806), 31. Signed “N.” [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (1805), 214.]

1806-02031b “On a Statue of Venus on the Sea Coast.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb. 1806), 31- 32. Signed “N.” [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (1805), 214.]

1806-02032 “Historical Characters are False Representations of Nature.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb. 1806), 32-36. Signed “R.”

130 [removed 6/2009, phb: Although included in Weber (1992), this text is not Brown’s. Reprin- ted from Isaac Disraeli, Miscellanies (London, 1796).]

1806-02036 “On Prefaces.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb. 1806), 36-39. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from Isaac Disraeli, Miscellanies (London, 1796).]

1806-02047 “Distinctions Between Synonymous Words.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb. 1806), 47-50. [removed 6/2009, phb: Brown’s periodical source is uncertain, but these passages are drawn from William Taylor’s articles gathered as English Synonyms Discriminated (London, 1813).]

1806-02051 “Alliance Between Gratitude and Resentment.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb. 1806), 51. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (1805), 338.]

1806-02053 “On the Epigram. On a Woody Island. On a Statue of Niobe.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb. 1806), 53. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (1805), 338.]

1806-02059: “On Greek Amatory Poetry.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb., 1806), 59-63. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (1805), 315.]

March 1806

1806-03168 “The Ancient Romance.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 168-169. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (1805), 318ff.]

1806-03172 “On Poetical Expression.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 172-176. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted (with same title) from Isaac Disraeli, Miscellanies (Lon- don: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1796), 208-37.]

1806-03176 “On Habituating Ourselves to an Individual Pursuit.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 176-178. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted (with same title) from Isaac Disraeli, Miscellanies (Lon- don: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1796), 238-47.]

1806-03178 “A Sketch of the Poet Spenser.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 178-179. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (October 1805 ), 207-15. The reprinted passage is part of a long review of Henry John Todd’s edition, The Works of Ed- mund Spenser (London: Cadell and Davies, 1805); the review is published here anonym- ously but is by Walter Scott. It appears in later editions of Scott’s essays as “Todd’s Edition of Spenser.”]

1806-03183 “Anecdotes and Character of Frederic the Great of Prussia.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 183-199.

131 [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (October 1805), 221-44.]

1806-03199 “On the Classical Knowledge of Pope.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 199- 200. [removed 6/2009, phb: Although Brown probably draws the passage from a periodical re- view, the original text is printed in Memoirs of the Life of Gilbert Wakefield, etc. (London: J. Johnson, 1804), 87-90.]

1806-03200 “Remarks on Southey‘s Madoc.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 200-210. Signed “Z.” [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (October 1805), 6-20.]

1806-03210 “Advantages of Metaphysical Studies.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 210- 211. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (October 1805), 164-66; from a review of William Drummond, Academical Questions (London: Cadell and Davies, 1805).]

1806-03231 “The Cow-Pox.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 231-232. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (1805), 350.

April 1806

1806-04243 “Freedom of the Press.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 243-246. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from Isaac Disraeli, Miscellanies (London: Cadell and Davies, 1796), 175-88; this is Disraeli’s essay “Of Licensers of the Press,” omitting Dis- raeli’s first paragraph.]

1806-04246 “A Literary Enthusiast.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 246-247. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Scots Magazine and Edinburgh Literary Miscel- lany (November 1805), 860-61.]

1806-04247 “What is Literary Genius?” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 247-254. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from Isaac Disraeli, Miscellanies (London: Cadell and Davies, 1796), 248-74; this is Disraeli’s essay “On Literary Genius,” omitting Disraeli’s final two paragraphs.]

1806-04254 “Military Character of Bonaparte.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 254. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (August 1805), 394-95, where it is cited in a review of W. Burdon’s The Life and Character of Bonaparte (London: Ostell, 1804).]

1806-04256 “Les Poesies Legeres.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 256-258. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted and lightly edited from Isaac Disraeli, Miscellanies (Lon- don: Cadell and Davies, 1796), 150-; the passage is most of Disraeli’s essay “On Poetical Opuscula.”]

132 1806-04259 “Biographical Sketch of Frederick Schiller, the German Dramatist.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 259-266. [removed 6/2009: Reprinted and lightly edited from the London Monthly Magazine (Febru- ary 1806), 42-48.]

1806-04272 “Mistakes of Translators from the French.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 272-73. Signed “X.” [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (1805), 400.]

1806-04275 “Remarks on the Grecian Orator Isocrates. By the Abbè [sic] Arnaud.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 275-277. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (1805), 408-10.]

1806-04293 “Peter Poetasters’s Notification---Recommendatory of the Article AMERICAN LET- TERS in the Boston Review.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 293-301. [removed 6/2009, phb: this polemical denunciation of a review in the Boston Monthly An- thology is out of keeping with Brown’s style. Nor is it Brown’s practice to enter into direct polemics of this sort with other periodicals. This piece is a Letter to the Editor that rebuts and inveighs at great length against the Boston Anthology’s negative review in February 1806 (86-92) of Letters from Europe, dur- ing a Tour through Switzerland and Italy, in the Years 1801 and 1802, by a Native of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia: Barton, 1805). The Boston review itself is intemperate and in- dulges in ad hominem invective; thus the offended tone in this response suggests that the au- thor is Joseph Sansom, the “Native of Pennsylvania” who wrote the negatively reviewed book. Sansom’s book is excerpted in the next (May 1806) issue of the Literary Magazine, as “Schoellenen and Urseren Vale Described. From Sansom’s American Letters,” 333.]

1806-04302 “Darwin‘s Style.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 302. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (1805), 398-99.]

May 1806

1806-05323 “The Influence of Climate on the Mind.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 323- 327. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from Isaac Disraeli, Miscellanies (London: Cadell and Davies, 1796), 288ff. Disraeli’s title is “On the Influence of Climate on the Human Mind.”]

1806-05327 “On Novelty in Literature.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 327-330. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from Isaac Disraeli’s essay of the same title, in Miscel- lanies (London: Cadell and Davies, 1796), 310 ff.]

1806-05337 “On the History of Dr. Johnson’s Childhood, Written by Himself.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 337-340. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 436-40.]

1806-05343 “Milton, His Metre and His Imitators.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 343-344.

133 [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 313-14. The passage is drawn from a long review of Richard Payne Knight, An Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste (London, 1805), which is likewise the source for 1806-05359, 1806- 05363, 1806-05365, and 1806-10291]

1806-05344 “A Sketch of Marmontel.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 344-350. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 359-68.]

1806-05359 “The Force of Novelty.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 359-360. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 310-11. This is another piece extracted from the review of Richard Payne Knight, An Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste (London, 1805).

1806-05360 “On the Use of the Fine Arts.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 360-361. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 424-26.]

1806-05363 “Moral and Physical Sublimity Compared.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 363-364. [removed 4/2009, phb: drawn from anonymous review of “An Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste. By Richard Payne Knight.” in the The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 295-308. Brown’s selection here is drawn from pages 322-25; he used another ex- cerpt from this same source for 1806-05359; 1806-06439 “Distinctions between the Beau- tiful and the Picturesque” and 1806-10291 "On the Standard of Taste."]

1806-05364 “French Travellers.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 364-365. Signed “C.” [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review, Appendix to Volume 48 (December 1805), 480-81.].

1806-05365 “Connoisseurship and Its Pleasures.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 365-366. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 311-12. This is another piece extracted from the review of Richard Payne Knight, An Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste (London, 1805).

1806-05367 “Remarks on the Distinctions Between Opera and Tragedy.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 367-368. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review, Appendix to Volume 48 (December 1805), 542-44.]

1806-05368 “Royal Conversation.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 368-370. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review, Appendix to Volume 48 (December 1805), 508-09.]

1806-05372 “Sketch of the French Parliaments.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 372-373. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review, Appendix to Volume 48 (December 1805), 500-02.]

1806-05373 “French Anecdotes.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 373-377.

134 [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted, lightly edited, from the London Monthly Review, Ap- pendix to Volume 48 (December 1805), 497-507.]

1806-05380 “French Empire.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 380-381. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review, Appendix to Volume 48 (December 1805), 533ff..]

June 1806

1806-06408 “Reflections on Taste.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 408-409. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 313-14. The passage is drawn from a long review of Richard Payne Knight, An Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste (London, 1805), 295-97; other pieces drawn from this source are 1806-05343, 1806-05359, 1806-05363, 1806-05365, 1806-06409, and 1806-10291]

1806-06409 “Taste in Dress.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 409-410. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 313-14. The passage is drawn from a long review of Richard Payne Knight, An Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste (London, 1805), 298-99; other pieces drawn from this source are 1806-05343, 1806-05359, 1806-05363, 1806-05365,1806-06408, 1806-06439 and 1806- 10291]

1806-06423 “Biographical Sketch of Dr. James Beattie.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 423- 425. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (November 1805), 302- 05.]

1806-06439 “Distinctions between the Beautiful and the Picturesque.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 439-440. [removed 4/2009, phb: drawn from anonymous review of “An Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste. By Richard Payne Knight.” in the The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 295-308. Brown’s selection here is edited together from pages 307-09; other pieces drawn from this source are 1806-05343, 1806-05359, 1806-05363, 1806-05365, 1806-06408, 1806-06409, and 1806-10291]

1806-06446a “English Civilians, or Doctors Commons.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 446. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (November 1805), 318- 19.]

1806-06446b “On Scottish Emigration to America, and Lord Selkirk’s Canadian Colony.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 446-456. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (October 1805), 186-201.]

1806-06456 “On the Coins of Great Britain [No. 2].” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 456- 464. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 276-92.]

135 1806-06466 “The Difference between Pride and Vanity.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 466-468. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (November 1805), 269- 72.]

1806-06468 "On Pugilism." Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 468-471. Signed "X." [removed 5/2007, rb-mc: Reprinted and lightly edited from the London Monthly Magazine (March 1806), 149-50]

1806-06473 “Present State of the British Funds.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 473-474. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (March 1806 ), 101- 02.]

July 1806

1806-07003 “Education of the Deaf and Dumb.” Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 3-6. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (January 1802), 133-37. The first paragraph of this passage is also reprinted as part of Brown’s colleague Samuel Miller’s A Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century (New York: T. and J. Swords, 1803), I:294.]

1806-07006 "On the Picturesque." Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 6-8. Signed "W." Reprint of 1800-07011, signed "Looker-On." [removed 5/2007: Although included in Weber (1992), the text is reprinted from William Gilpin’s Three Essays on Picturesque Beauty, etc., which was widely reviewed.]

1806-07009 “Biographical Sketch of William Pitt.” Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 9-20. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (March 1806) , 134- 45.]

1806-07022 "Female Clothing." Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 22-23. [removed 5/2007, rb-mc: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (March, 1806), 106-07.]

1806-07023 "Funeral Customs and Ideas of the Greeks." Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 23- 24. Signed "N." [removed 5/2007, rb-mc: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (March, 1806), 109-11.]

1806-07033a “New York.” Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 33. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from first page of Edward Miller, Report on the Malig- nant Disease which lately Prevailed in the City of New-York, etc. (New York, 1805).]

1806-07070 "Romance of Real Life." Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 70-71. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (December 1805), 366- 67.]

136 1806-07071a "Female Loquacity." Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 71. [removed 5/2007, rb-mc: reprinted, e.g., from the London Monthly Review (April 1802 ), 420-21, originally in William Smellie, The Philosophy of Natural History (1802).]

1806-07071b “Specimen of a Nocturnal.” Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 71-72. [removed 6/2009: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (April 1802), 419-20. Like the previous item, originally in William Smellie, The Philosophy of Natural History (1802).]

1806-07072 “Hindoo Almanacs.” Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 72-73. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (May 1793), 91-92.]

1806-07074 “A Sketch of Dr. Hugh Blair.” Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 74-76. [removed 6/2009, phb: : Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (February 1802), 160- 63.]

August 1806

1806-08083 “Remarks on the Arabian Nights, and Arabian Tales in General.” Literary Magazine VI.35 (Aug. 1806), [83]-87. [removed 6/2009, phb: : Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (June 1793), 153-59.]

1806-08091 “Marigny. A Political Tale of the Fourteenth Century.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug. 1806), 91-93. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (February 1793), 122- 25.]

1806-08093 “Anecdotes of Milton and His Family.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug. 1806), 93-95. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (January 1793), 25-27.]

1806-08095 “On Milton’s Lycidas and Smaller Poems.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 95- 96. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (January 1793), 27-31.]

1806-08096 “Reason in Poetry.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806) 96-98. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (May 1793), 8-11.]

1806-08106 “Present State of Fine Arts in England, at the Close of 1805.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 106-108. [removed 6/2009, phb: a summary of accounts previously printed, e.g., in the London Philosophical Magazine (December 1805), 273 ff.]

1806-08108 “Account of the British African Colony at Bulam.” Literary Magazine VI.35 (Aug 1806), 108-114. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (April 1806), 353-65.]

137 1806-08114 “A New Species of Horn Music.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 114-115. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (May 1806), 83-84.]

1806-08115 “A Modern Knight Errant.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 115-117. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review Appendix to Volume 49 (April 1806), 502-04.]

1806-08117 “Jersey.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 117-119. [removed 6/2009, phb & jg: source as yet uncertain, but not by Brown.]

1806-08119 “Military State of France.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 119-121. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review Appendix to Volume 49 (April 1806), 535-38.]

1806-08121a “Anecdote of Louis XV.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 121. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review Appendix to Volume 49 (April 1806), 499-500.]

1806-08121b “Anecdote of Clermont Tonnerre.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 121. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review Appendix to Volume 49 (April 1806), 500.]

1806-08121c “On Translations of Horace.” Literary Magazine VI.35 (Aug. 1806), 121-123. [removed 6/2009, phb &jg: source as yet uncertain, but not by Brown.]

1806-08123 “Use of Water in Landscape.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 123. [removed 4/2009, phb. The article is a short passage from William Gilpin, Observations on the Coasts of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent, relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, published 1804; Brown probably draws the passage from its republication in an anonym- ous review of the book in the London Monthly Review, May 1806, 26-27.]

1806-08126 “The Folly of Human Wishes.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 126-129. [removed 6/2006, phb: Reprinted from Grigorio, The Life of Pope Sixtus the Fifth, etc. (Dublin: Cotter and Flin, 1768), 410-16.]

1806-08129 “Sketch of the Brasilian Portuguese.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 129. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (April 1806), 440.]

1806-08132a “Turkish Chess.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 132. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (May 1806), 87.]

1806-08132b “On the Templars, Supposed Fathers of Free Masonry.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 132-136. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review Appendix to Volume 49 (April 1806), 479-85.]

1806-08141 “On the Tatler, Spectator, &c.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 141-143.

138 [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review Appendix to Volume 49 (April 1806), 426-28 (most is quoted from Barbauld on the Tatler, etc.)]

September 1806

1806-09167 “An Account of Thomas Dermody.” Literary Magazine VI.36 (Sept 1806), 167-172. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (April 1806), 159-67.]

1806-09187 “Turkish Anecdotes.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806), 187-188. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (April 1806), 38-39.]

1806-09188 “State of the Turkish Empire.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806), 188-189. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (April 1806), 45-48.]

1806-09189 “Account of a New Sect in Arabia.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806), 189-192. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (April 1806), 41-45.]

1806-09192 “Sketch of the Present Commercial State of the North of Europe.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806 ), 192-196. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (April 1806), 129-37.]

1806-09202 “Diaper.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806), 202-203. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (1805), 148.]

1806-09205 “Description of Faneuil Hall.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806), 205-206. [removed 6/2009, phb & jg: reprinted from, e.g., the Boston Centinel earlier in 1806.]

1806-09207 “Account of the Orkney Islands [No. 1].” Literary Magazine VI.36 (Sept 1806), 207- 216. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (April 1806), 89-102.]

1806-09216 “Whether France Has Gained or Lost by the Revolution.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806), 216-219. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from James Pinkerton’s Reflections of Paris, etc. (London: Longman Hurst Rees and Orme, 1806), 475-91.]

1806-09238 “Consiliis nox apta ducum, lux aptior armis.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806), 238. [removed 6/2009, phb: This section of the article “Literary and Philosophical Intelligence” is reprinted from the London Universal Magazine (August 1806), 150.]

October 1806

1806-10252 “A Sketch of Pittsburgh.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 252-254. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (August 1806), 29- 31.]

139 1806-10254 “Sebastian of Portugal.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 254-256. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (August 1806), 27- 29.]

1806-10256 “Voluntary Death.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 256. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (August 1806), 77.]

1806-10257 “An Account of George Thomas, A Famous Adventurer in India.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 257-261. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (July 1806), 303-09.]

1806-10264a “Homer and Ossian Compared.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 264. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (June 1806), 151-52.]

1806-10264b “Good Nature and Good Humour Distinguished.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 264-265. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (June 1806), 156.]

1806-10267 “Artificial Taste.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 267-268. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (June 1806), 147-48.]

1806-10268 “Why Are We Pleased with Disgusting Objects, When Painted?” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 268. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (June 1806), 146-47.]

1806-10270a “The Arbor-Unicus.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 270. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (July1806), 645.]

1806-10270b "Madame Genlis’s Last Work." Literary Magazine, VI.37 (Oct. 1806), 270-271. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (July 1806), 643-44.]

1806-10271 “Late Revolutions in India.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 271-272. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (July 1806), 241-42.]

1806-10272 “Account of the Orkney Islands [No. 2].” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 272- 275. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (April 1806), 102-06.]

1806-10275 “The Village of Broek.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 275-276. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (June 1806), 192.]

1806-10278a “State of Protestantism in France.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 278. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (June 1806), 197-98.]

1806-10278b “Effects of the Tatler, Spectator, &c.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 278-279. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (June 1806), 183-84.]

140 1806-10288 “The Tomb of Alexander.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 288-290. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 480-82.]

1806-10290b “Thomson’s Versification.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 290-291. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 329-31.]

1806-10291 "On the Standard of Taste." Literary Magazine VI.37 (Oct. 1806), 291-295. [removed 4/2009, phb: Although attributed to Brown in Clark (1952) and Weber (1992), the essay is drawn from an anonymous review of “An Analytical Inquiry into the Prin- ciples of Taste. By Richard Payne Knight” in The Edinburgh Review no. XIV (January 1806), 295-308. Brown’s selection here is drawn from pages 299-306 and he seems to have shaped the first paragraph from a combination of his own prose and that in the Edin- burgh Review; he used other excerpts from this same source for 1806-05363 “Moral and Physical Sublimity Compared” and 1806-06439 “Distinctions between the Beautiful and the Picturesque.”]

1806-10295 "French Legislation." Literary Magazine VI.37 (Oct. 1806), 295-296. Signed "R." [removed 6/2009, phb $ jg: Source as yet uncertain, but not by Brown.]

1806-10296 “Kotzebue.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 296-297. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 457-58.]

1806-10297 “Scientific State of Italy.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 297-298. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (April 1805), 170-74.]

1806-10299 “The Marvellous in Poetry.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 299. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 318.]

1806-10302 “Present State of Spain.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 302-304. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review Appendix to Volume 49 (April 1806), 517-21.]

1806-10304a “Ease in Style.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 304. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 319-20.]

1806-10304b “Theodore, King of Corsica.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 304-306. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Magazine (March 1797), 190-91.]

1806-10306 “The French [and Austrian Military Character Compared.]” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 306-311. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1805), 453-460.]

November 1806

1806-11335 “The British Military Character.” Literary Magazine VI.38 (Nov.1806), 335-336. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1805), 461-64.]

141 1806-11337 “Similes of Homer Drawn from the Sea.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov. 1806), 337-339. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (February 1797), 117- 18.]

1806-11339 “English Metal Promissory Notes.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 339-340. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (May 1797), 352-53.]

1806-11345 “Present Institutions of the Jews.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 345-351. [removed 6/2009, phb: London Monthly Magazine (1805), 230-45.]

1806-11351 “On the Merits of the Founders of the French Revolution.” Literary Magazine VI.38 (Nov.1806), 351-359. [removed 2/2009, phb: Not by Brown, although quoted as his in Clark (1952) and others. An address by French revolutionary Jean Sylvain Bailly, first published in this translation in The Edinburgh Review (April 1805), 137 ff.]

1806-11365 “Conduct of England towards Ireland.” Literary Magazine VI.38 (Nov.1806), 365-367. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (July 1806), 313-17.]

1806-11374 “Ideal Miseries.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 374-376. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (February 1797), 96- 97.]

1806-11376 “On the Independence of Spanish America.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 376-377. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (July 1806), 397-98.]

1806-11377a “Anecdote.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 377. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (September 1806), 174.]

1806-11377b “South American Mode of Bleeding.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 377-378. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (August 1806), 385.]

1806-11378 “Avarice: An Example.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 378. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (September 1806), 185.]

1806-11389 “Guiacum.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 389-390. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (September 1806), 155.]

1806-11390 “On Vegetation.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 390-392. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (September 1806), 155-57.]

142 1806-11392 “The Firefly.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 392-393. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (April 1805), 93-94.]

December 1806

1806-12411 “An Emigrant in America.” Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 411-412. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (August 1806) , 417-18; the excerpt is taken from Selkirk’s Observations on the Present State of the Highlands of Scotland (1806).]

1806-12431 “Modes of Historical Writing.” Literary Magazine VI.39 (Dec. 1806), 431-433. [removed 6/2009, phb: Although included in Weber (1992), the item is not Brown’s. Re- printed from The Edinburgh Review (April 1805), 210-12; the passage is from a review of Alexander Ranken’s History of France (1805) and Brown has edited the passage to remove the reviewer’s references to “Dr. Ranken.”]

1806-12439 “Dr. Johnson.” Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 439. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (1805), 158.]

1806-12441 “On Translation.” Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 441-442. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (Oct. 1805), 134-36.]

1806-12451 “Commercial Sketches. Great Britain and the North of Europe,” etc. Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 451-459. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (August 1806), 337-50.]

1806-12471a “On the Growth and Consumption of Timber in Great Britain.” Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 471. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (February 1806), 189.]


1807-00000 The British Treaty. N.p., n.d., Philadelphia, 1807. [removed 4/2007, phb: Although numerous commentators beginning with Dunlap (1815) have accepted this pamphlet as Brown’s, the attribution is disputed by Clark (1952) and others based on internal thematic and stylistic evidence, in addition to an extant copy not- ing the author as Gouverneur Morris; probable attribution to Morris based on these factors, as well as additional similarities to Morris’ two other Embargo pamphlets from 1806.]

January 1807

1807-01003a “On the English Metrical Romances.” Literary Magazine VI. 40 (Jan 1807), 3-15. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 387-412.]

1807-01015a “The French Stage.” Literary Magazine VII. 40 (Jan 1807), 15.

143 [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 384-85.]

1807-01015b “Character of Marmontel.” Literary Magazine VII. 40 (Jan 1807), 15-16. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1806), 386-87.]

1807-01016 “Curious German Novel.” Literary Magazine VII. 40 (Jan 1807), 16-17. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Critical Review Appendix to volume 19 (April 1797), 528-29.]

1807-01017 “Sculpture, a Bad School for Painters.” Literary Magazine VII. 40 (Jan 1807), 17-18. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (July 1806), 367-69.]

1807-01022 “On the Expression of the Passions.” Literary Magazine VII. 40 (Jan 1807), 22-24. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (July 1806), 370-72.]

1807-01025a “Carron-Works.” Literary Magazine VII. 40 (Jan 1807), 25. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (July 1806), 251.]

1807-01025b “Proceedings of the British Parliament Respecting the Slave Trade.” Literary Magazine VII. 40 (Jan 1807), 25-28. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (July 1806), 361-65.]

1807-01033 “Defense of Machiavel.” Literary Magazine VII. 40 (Jan 1807), 33-38. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (June 1802), 440-44.]

February 1807

1807-02101 “On the Mythology of the Greeks and Romans.” Literary Magazine VII. 41 (Feb 1807), 101-103. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (July 1806), 275-78.]

1807-02117 "On Fashion. (Translated from the French)." Literary Magazine VII.41 (Feb. 1807), 117-118. Signed "B." [removed 5/2007, rb-mc: out of keeping with Brown’s style, translated from the French of another author.]

1807-02127 “Anecdotes.” Literary Magazine VII.41 (Feb 1807), 127-129. [removed 6/2009, phb: previously printed in numerous periodical, as early as the British Lady’s Magazine; or, Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex (1793), 325.]

1807-02129 “Edmund Curl.” Literary Magazine VII.41 (Feb 1807), 129. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from, e.g. the London Universal Magazine (March 1806), 231-32.]

1807-02130 “Tragical Anecdote.” Literary Magazine VII.41 (Feb 1807), 130.

144 [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the Lady’s Magazine; or, Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex (1793), 242.]

1807-02173 “Account of the Massacre in St. Domingo, in May, 1800.” American Register ... for 1806-7, vol. I (1807), [173]-174. [removed 5/2007, JG: Preface to vol. 3 identifies author as Condy Raguet. Printed in several newspapers in 1806, e.g., The Brattleboro Reporter 10-25-1806.]

March 1807

1807-03163 “Statistical View of the Prussian Dominions.” Literary Magazine VII. 42 (Mar 1807), 163-167. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (November 1806), 317-20.]

1807-03167 “Anecdotes of Gibbon.” Literary Magazine VII. 42 (Mar 1807), 167-168. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Review (October 1806), 163- 64.]

1807-03192 “The French Stage.” Literary Magazine, VII. 42 (Mar 1807), 192-193. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (October 1806), 203-04.]

1807-03196 “Advice to Husbands. By a Lady.” Literary Magazine VII.42 (March 1807), 196-197. [removed 5/2007, rb-mc; Reprinted from the anonymous, The Secretary, and Complete Let- ter Writer: Containing a Collection of Letters Upon Most Occasions and Situations in Life. To which is Added, an Essay on Letter Writing (1803), 78-79.]

1807-03203 “Lope de Vega.” Literary Magazine VII. 42 (Mar 1807), 203-214. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (October 1806), 224-40.]

April 1807

1807-04294 “Desultory Observations on the Sensibilities and Eccentricities of Men of Genius: with Remarks on Poets.” Literary Magazine VII.43 (April 1807), 294-296. Signed “B.” [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from Censura Litteraria (July 1805), 383-90.]

1807-04300 “English Synonyms.” Literary Magazine VII. 43 (April 1807), 300-302. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (June 1806), 416-18.

May 1807

1807-05335 “Memoirs of the late Frederic Theophilus Klopstock, Author of the Messiah and Other Poems.” Literary Magazine VII. 44 (May 1807), 335-345. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (June 1806), 422-29.]

1807-05350 “Anecdotes of Gallantry.” Literary Magazine VII. 44 (May 1807), 350-352.

145 [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the Lady’s Magazine; or, Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex (1793), 511-12.]

1807-05352 “Female Biography: Laura.” Literary Magazine VII. 44 (May 1807), 352-357. [removed 5/2007, rb-mc: drawn from Mary Hays’ account of “Laura Sade” in her Female Biogragraphy (1803).]

1807-05352 “Highland Anecdote.” Literary Magazine VII. 44 (May 1807), 352. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the Lady’s Magazine; or, Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex (1793), 422.]

1807-05357 “On the Desire of Gain.” Literary Magazine VII. 44 (May 1807), 357-360. removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the Lady’s Magazine; or, Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex (1793), 396-99.]

1807-05372 “On the Most Valuable Materials of Biography, with Extracts from the Letters, and Re- marks on the Character, Both Literary and Moral, of Cowper.” Literary Magazine VII. 44 (May 1807), 372-377. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from Censura Litteraria 2 (July 1805), 205-16.]

June 1807

1807-06410 “On the Cause of the Popularity of Novels.” Literary Magazine VII.45 (June 1807), 410-412. [removed 6/2009, phb: Although included in Weber (1992) and others, the text is not Brown’s. Reprinted from The Edinburgh Review (January 1799), 33-36.]

1807-06424 “Anecdotes of Boileau.” Literary Magazine VII.45 (June 1807), 424-427. [removed 6/2009 phb: Reprinted from The French Anas : Charpentier. Santeuil. Colomies. Scaliger. Menage. Boileau. (London: Phillips, 1804),II: 253-67.

1807-06429 “Traits of the Character of Burns, the Poet: with extracts from his letters, and a compar- ison of his genius with that of Cowper.” Literary Magazine VII.45 (June 1807), 429-438. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from Censura Litteraria (1806) II:42-64.]

1807-06441 “Mediterranean Current.” Literary Magazine VII.45 (June 1807), 441. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from John Barrow, A voyage to Cochinchina, in the years 1792 and 1793 (London: Cadell and Davies, 1806), 2-3.

1807-06452 “Anecdotes.” Literary Magazine VII.45 (June 1807), 452-458. [removed 4/2009, phb: Not by Brown. These anecdotes (each paragraph is a separate anec- dote) were all previously published in a variety of sources, e.g Paragraph 1 on Voltaire ap- peared in European Magazine and London Review (Oct. 18045), 247; Paragraph 2 on Chesterfield and Voltaire appeared in Boston Weekly (April 28, 1804), 107; Paragraph 5 on Dr. Goldsmith ordering a coach, appeared in Eccentric Biography; or, Memoirs of remark- able characters, etc. (1803); Paragraph 6 on “A living of 300L per annum…” appeared in

146 John Pinkerton Treasury, The Treasury of Wit: Being a Methodical Selection… etc. (C. Dilly, 1793), and so on. Each paragraph is from a different source.]

1807-06458 “Dissuasives from Indolence.” Literary Magazine VII.45 (June 1807), 458-460. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The European Magazine and London Review (Octo- ber 1804), 281-83.

July 1807

1807-07024 “Essay on Dress.” Literary Magazine VIII.46 (July 1807), 24-27. [removed 6/2009, phb: source uncertain, but the essay is clearly a reprint from another peri- odical.]

1807-07028 “Life of Godfred Augustus Burger.” Literary Magazine VIII.46 (July 1807), 28-33. [removed 6/2008, phb, ss: This article first appeared in the London Annual Necrology for 1797-8 (1800), 118-127. Brown seems to have reprinted it twice; first in the Monthly Magazine, May 1800, 384-389; and finally in this July 1807 issue of the Literary Magazine.]

August 1807

1807-08066 “Memoirs of the Celebrated Boerhaave.” Literary Magazine VIII.47 (August 1807), 66- 67. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Annual Register (1773), 32-33.]

1807-08067 “Evening Meditations.” Literary Magazine VIII.47 (Aug. 1807), 67-68. Signed “W.” [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Freemason’s Magazine (April 1796), 223-24.]

1807-08070 “Memoirs of Immanuel Kant.” Literary Magazine VIII.47 (August 1807), 70-72. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The European Magazine and London Review 48 (Oc- tober 1805), 257-58.]

1807-08080 “Pope Sixtus the Fifth and the Shoemaker.” Literary Magazine VIII.47 (August 1807), 80-83. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The European Magazine and London Review (July 1805), 22-25.]

1807-08085 “Observations on the Vicissitudes of Human Life.” Literary Magazine VIII.47 (August 1807), 85-88. [removed 6/2009, phb: Rerpinted from the London Monthly Museum.]

September 1807

1807-09118 “Anecdotes of Dress.” Literary Magazine VIII.48 (September 1807), 118-121. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The European Magazine (February 1793), 94-96.]

1807-09130 “Natural History of the Bee.” Literary Magazine VIII.48 (September 1807), 130-136.

147 [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from William Smellie, The Philosophy of Natural History (Edinburgh: Charles Elliott, 1790), 336-49.]

1807-09143 “On the Stomach of the Camel.” Literary Magazine VIII.48 (September 1807), 143- 146. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from Everard Home, Observations on the Camel’s Stom- ach, etc. (London: W. Bulmer, 1806), part of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Soci- ety.]

1807-09147 “Showers of Blood.” Literary Magazine VIII.48 (September 1807), [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from William Smellie, The Philosophy of Natural History (Edinburgh: Charles Elliott, 1790), 301-04.]

1807-09148 “The Life of Dr. Armstrong.” Literary Magazine VIII.48 (September 1807), 148-150. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The European Magazine and London Review (Octo- ber 1804), 265-67.]

October 1807

1807-10183 “Account of Frances Scanagatti, a Milanese Young Lady, Who Served with Reputation as an Ensign and Lieutenant of Three Different Austrian Regiments during the Last War.” Literary Magazine VIII.49 (October 1807), 183-88. [removed 4/2009, phb. Reprinted from the London Monthly Magazine (December 1806), 465-68.]

1807-10189 “The Music of the Ancients.” Literary Magazine VIII.49 (October 1807), 189-191. [removed 4/2009, phb. Reprinted from, e.g., the London Universal Magazine (January 1793), 5-8.]

1807-10194 “Population of the Principal Towns in France.” Literary Magazine VIII.49 (October 1807), 194. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from the London Annual Register (1802), 473-74.]

1807-10202 “Anecdote of a Swiss Captain in France.” Literary Magazine VIII.49 (October 1807), 202-203. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from, e.g., The New Novelists’ Magazine (London, 1787), 340-41.]

November 1807

1807-11227 “Life of Lomonossove, Celebrated Poet of Russia.” Literary Magazine VIII.50 (November 1807), 227-232. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from, e.g., the London Literary Panorama 1 (1807), 150- 56.]

1807-11235 “The Lesson of Frugality.” Literary Magazine VIII.50 (November 1807), 235-237.

148 [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from, e.g., the London Magazine, or , Gentleman’s Monthly Intelligencer (October, 1766), 513-14. The anecdote was reprinted many times.]

1807-11237 “Denmark.” Literary Magazine VIII.50 (November 1807), 237-238. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from, e.g., Flower's Political review and monthly register (October 1807), 249-51.]

1807-11242 "The Melange: Irish Literature. Modern Love. Aeolian Harp. Picture of a Wife. New Mode of Lending Money.” Literary Magazine VIII.50 (November 1807), 242-243. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from, e.g., (Irish Lit.) The Monthly anthology, and Boston review (October 1807), 494-95; (Modern Love) The Port-Folio (August 30, 1806), 124; (Aeolian Harp) The Monthly anthology, and Boston review (October 1807), 543; (Picture of a Wife) The Monthly anthology, and Boston review (July 1807), 373-74; (New Mode of Lending) the London Critical Review (December 1806), 356.]

1807-11248 “Mr. B--- and His Dog.” Literary Magazine VIII.50 (November 1807), 248-250. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from, e.g., the London Sporting Magazine (January 1806), 194-95.]

1807-11250 “Natural History of the Raven.” Literary Magazine VIII.50 (November 1807), 250-252. [removed 6/2009; source as yet uncertain, but undoubtedly a reprint.]

1807-11252 “The Origin of Villa Viciosa.” Literary Magazine VIII.50 (November 1807), 252-254. [removed 6/2009; source as yet uncertain, but undoubtedly a reprint.]

1807-11260 “A Singular Character.” Literary Magazine VIII.50 (November 1807), 260-261. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from The Athenaeum (June 1807), 579-81.]

December 1807

1807-12005 “Omar and Fatima; or, The Apothecary of Ispahan.” Literary Magazine VIII, 46-49 (July – Oct., December 1807), 5-10, 59-64, 136-42, 177-83, 291- 301. [removed 11/2006, mc: Although included in Weber (1987), the tale is not by Brown. By Joseph Moser (1748-1819), the tale first appears in The European Magazine, and London Review, vol. 46 (July-Dec. 1804), in six parts. Listed as Item no. 973 in Robert D. Mayo, The English Novel in the Magazines, 1740-1825 (Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1962), p. 567. Also reprinted in the New York Weekly Visitor and Ladies’ Museum in six parts, begin- ning Nov. 1, 1817.]

1807-12307 “The Piedmontese Sharper.” Literary Magazine VIII.51 (December 1807), 307-308. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from, e.g., The New-York Weekly Magazine, Or, Miscel- laneous Repository (February 1, 1797), 241.]

1807-12320 “On the Probable Period When the Potatoe Plant Was First Introduced into the British Isles.” Literary Magazine VIII.51 (December 1807), 320-321. [removed 6/2009, phb: Reprinted from, e.g., the London Athenaeum v1 (1807), 636ff.]

149 1808

1808-01109 “Letter Addressed to the Editor of the New York Evening Post [on bull-baiting].” American Register ... part II for 1807, vol. II (1808), 109-110. [removed 5/2007, JG-OS A letter to the editor in the NY Evening Post of July 30, 1807.]

1808-01123 “[On the Healthfulness of Philadelphia].” American Register ... part II for 1807, vol. II (1808), 123-125. Dated “Feb. 9, 1808.” Signed “Civis.” [removed 5/2007, JG-OS: First published, apparently, in the American Daily Advertiser of February 10, 1808. Not by Brown. Publication dates for the Register do not cor respond to the actual dates when it appeared.]

1808-02137 “Journal of a Voyage between China and the north-western coast of America, made in 1804.” American Register ... part I for 1808, vol. III (1808), 137-175. [removed JG-OS, 5/2007: article by William Shaler.]



A. Initials of editors and contributors: AW: Alfred Weber BW: Bryan Waterman FF: Fritz Fleischmann JH: John Holmes JG: Jared Gardner MB: Michelle Burnham MC: Michael Cody OS: Oliver Scheiding PHB: Philip Barnard RB: Robert Battistini SE: Scott Ellis WS: Wolfgang Schäfer

B. MS Collections (from Holmes & Cavnar, 1998): Bowdoin Hawthorne-Longfellow Library, Bowdoin College Columbia Butler Library, Columbia University Harvard Widener Library, Harvard University Haverford Quaker Collection, Haverford College HSP Historical Society of Pennsylvania Kent Kent State University Library, Kennedy MS LCP Library Company of Philadelphia LC Library of Congress NYHS New York Historical Society NYPL New York Public Library Princeton Firestone Library, Princeton University Private Private Collection(s), sold by The Rendells, Inc., 1990 Texas Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas UCF University of Central Florida Virginia Clifton Waller Barrett Collection, University of Virginia

C. Database: APS: American Periodical Series (on ProQuest database) NIP: Not in ProQuest


Abrams, M.H. (1953). The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition. New York: Oxford UP.

Allen, Paul (1811 [1975]). The Life of Charles Brockden Brown: A Facsimile Reproduction. Charles E. Bennettt, ed. Delmar, NY: Scholars’ Facsimiles and Reprints.

_____ (1811 [1976]). The Late Charles Brockden Brown. Robert E. Hemenway and Joseph Katz, eds. Columbia SC: Faust.

Barnard, Philip (1987). Charles Brockden Brown: Early-Romantic Literature in the United States. Dissertation: State U of New York at Buffalo.

_____ (2004). “Culture and Authority in the Historical Sketches.” In Philip Barnard, Mark L. Kamrath, and Stephen Shapiro, eds. Revising Charles Brockden Brown: Politics, Culture, and Sexuality in the Early Republic, 310-331. Knoxville, TN: U of Tennessee P.

Bennett, Charles E. (1974). The Charles Brockden Brown Canon. Dissertation: U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

_____ (1976). “The Letters of Charles Brockden Brown: An Annotated Census.” Resources for American Literary Study 6, 164-190.

_____ (1980). “Charles Brockden Brown and the International Novel.” Studies in the Novel 12 (1980), 62-64.

Clark, David Lee (1948). “Unpublished Letters of Charles Brockden Brown and W. W. Wilkins.” University of Texas Studies in English 17 (June 1948), 75-107.

_____ (1952). Charles Brockden Brown: Pioneer Voice of America. Durham: Duke UP.

Cody, Michael (2004). Charles Brockden Brown and the Literary Magazine: Cultural Journal- ism in the Early American Republic. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company.

Cope, Thomas Pym. (1978). Philadelphia Merchant: the Diary of Thomas P. Cope, 1800- 1851. Edited and with an introd. and appendices by Eliza Cope Harrison. South Bend, IN: Gateway Editions.

Dunlap, William (1815). The Life of Charles Brockden Brown: Together with Selections from the Rarest of His Printed Works, from His Original Letters, and from His Manuscripts Be fore Unpublished. 2 volumes. Philadelphia: James P. Parke.

_____ (1832). History of the American Theater. 2 Volumes. New York: Harper.

152 _____ (1834). “Charles Brockden Brown.” In James Herring and James B. Longacre, eds. Na tional Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans. Vol. III. New York: M. Bancroft.

_____ (1930). Diary of William Dunlap (1766-1839) : the Memoirs of a Dramatist, Theatri cal Manager, Painter, Critic, Novelist, and Historian. 3 volumes. Dorothy C. Barck, ed. New York: The New-York Historical Society.

Duyckinck, Evert A. Cyclopaedia of American Literature. Philadelphia, New York, London: T.E. Zell, 1875.

Gardner, Jared (2006). “From the Periodical Archives: ‘THE SCRIBBLER,’ by Charles Brock den Brown.” American Periodicals 16.2, 219-228. Holmes, John R. (1995). “Charles Brockden Brown’s Earliest Letter.” Early American Litera ture 30 (1995), 71- 77. _____ and M.M. Cavnar (1998). “A Revised Checklist of the Letters of Charles Brockden Brown.” Typescript.

Kennedy, Daniel Edwards (1945). Charles Brockden Brown: A Biography. 2,200 page typescript and manuscript draft. Charles Brockden Brown Collection, Institute for Bibliography and Editing, Kent State University.

Krause, Sydney J., and Jane Nieset (1966). “A Census of the Works of Charles Brockden Brown.” The Serif: Kent State University Library Quarterly III.4 (December), 27-55.

Levine, Robert S. (2004). “Race and Nation in Brown’s Louisiana Writings.” In Philip Barnard, Mark L. Kamrath, and Stephen Shapiro, eds. Revising Charles Brockden Brown: Politics, Cul ture, and Sexuality in the Early Republic, 332-353. Knoxville, TN: U of Tennessee P.

Peden, William (1944). “Thomas Jefferson and Charles Brockden Brown.“ Maryland Quar terly 1 (Spring 1944), 65-68.

Slawinski, Scott (2005). Validating bachelorhood : audience, patriarchy, and Charles Brock den Brown’s editorship of the Monthly Magazine and American Review. New York: Routledge.

Smith, Elihu Hubbard (1793). American Poems, Selected and Original. Vol. I. Litchfield, CT: Printed by Collier and Buel.

_____ (1973). Diary of Elihu Hubbard Smith. James Cronin, ed. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society.

Stearns, Bertha Monica (1935). “Charles Brockden Brown: A Speculation.” Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 59, 99-105.

153 Terra, Helmut de (1958). “Studies of the Documentation of Alexander von Humboldt: The Phila delphia Abstract of Humboldt's American Travels; Humboldt Portraits and Sculpture in the United States.” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 102.6 (Dec. 15, 1958), 560-589.

Warfel, Harry, ed. (1943). The Rhapsodist and Other Uncollected Writings, by Charles Brock den Brown. New York: Scholar’s Facsimiles and Reprints.

_____ (1949). Charles Brockden Brown: American Gothic Novelist. Gainesville FL: U of Florida P.

Waterman, Bryan (2007). Republic of Intellect : The Friendly Club of New York City and the Making of American Literature. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins UP.

Weber, Alfred (1961). “Essays und Rezensionen von Charles Brockden Brown.” Jahrbuch für Amerikastudien 8, 168-330.

_____ (1987). Somnambulism and Other Stories. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

_____ with John Holmes (1992). Charles Brockden Brown: Literary Essays and Reviews. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

_____ , Wolfgang Schäfer, and Fritz Fleischmann (2003). “Preliminary and Chronological Bib li- ography of C.B. Brown’s Uncollected Writings.” Typescript developed for planning stages of CBBSE project. Initial state of the present bibliography.


07/17/2007: 1805-11330 “Roman Newspapers”; moved to Deleted Items.

07/25/2007: 1805-01007 “Conversations on Egypt” (by HL, after reviewing items by HL in MM and LM; none are included here); moved to Deleted Items.

08/24/2007: added 1798-08065 and 1798-08101 (final 2 Mervyn installments)

08/24/2007: added 1793-04001, “On the Profession of the Law.”

08/31/2007: deleted 1805-03290, “Volcanoes” [it was mistakenly duplicated; two entries for same item]

08/31/2007: deleted 1807-02160, “Literary Intelligence” [similarly duplicated, two entries for same item]

08/31/2007: deleted 1807-12242 (“Picture of a Wife”), which is included in 1807-11242.

09/07/2007: corrected errors in item numbers (page-number errors from earlier versions): a) old # 1802-09037 now New # 1802-09291 b) old # 1806-07033 (two items with same number) now given “a” and “b” c) old # 1809-04213 now New # 1809-04211

3/05/2008: 1804-07321 “Baron Humboldt”; moved to Deleted Items.

3/27-29/2008: a) format for item numbers of Letters, Manuscript Poems, and Other Manuscripts changed to match new digital file numbers, so that TIFFs and Biblio numbers match. Letters: former item # 001 now 1788-L-001 Ms Poems: former item # 201 now 1787-P-201 Other Mss: former item # 1783-1 now 1783-M-1 b) Holmes Letter 1 (Epistle the First) moved to Ms Poems category, now item 1788-P-207. c) Remainder of Letters renumbered with new item number format. d) format of Letter entries changed to reflect CBBSE # / Bennett # / Holmes-Cavnar #; first lines added for additional identification information. e) Holmes (1995) added to Works Cited. f) Terra (1958) added to Works Cited w. final version of rationale for “Deleted Item” 1804- 07321 “Baron Humboldt.”

3/31/2008: corrected errors in item numbers for: a) 1792-06047 “Sonnet to Flora” (previously dated July, i.e. “1792-07047”) b) 1798-06226 “Mervyn installment 2” (previously lacking page nos., 17798-06000”).

4/21/2008: 1804-06165 “Thoughts on Religion, as a Branch of Female Education” moved to Deleted Items.

155 6/06/2008: 1807-07028 “Life of Godfred Augustus Burger” moved to Deleted Items.

11/14/2008: corrected errors in item numbers for : a) 1805-02103 "Critical Remarks on Austin's Letters from London" (previously dated Jan, e.g., “1805-01103). b) 1805-02108 “Richard the Third” (previously dated Jan., i.e., “1805-01108”).

11/21/2008: inserted, new version of Letters section after work for Letters volume of CBBSE. This version corrects several errors inherited from earlier censuses.

1/24/2009: added 1805-03167 “On the Flavian Ampitheatre at Rome.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 167-69. B. [added 1/2009, phb].

1/31/2009: added 1801-P-226. “They Came at Noon” [July 13, 1801]. Transcribed in Thomas Pym Cope’s Diary, pp. 72-73.

2-01-2009: added: a) 1800-11398 “A Negro’s Lamentation. Written at Charleston.” Monthly Magazine III.5 (November 1800), 398. B. b) 1798-P-221. “From Virtue’s blissful paths away” [Epigraph in 1798-09000 Wieland; or the Transformation]. A. c) 1799-P-222 “Sleep, extend thy downy pinion” [Helena’s Song in 1799-01000, Ormond; or The Secret Witness, Ch. 16]. A. d) 1799-P-223 “The breeze awakes” [Constantia’s Song, in 1799-01000, Ormond; or The Secret Witness, Ch. 19]. A. e) 1799-P-224 “Ah! far beyond this world” [Sophia’s song, in 1799-01000, Ormond; or The Secret Witness, Ch. 22]. A. -- shifted existing poem numbers to accomodate b-e, and revised entries for numerous po- ems.

2-09-2009: item number 1798-05100 corrected to 1798-05099.

2-16-2009: added 1803-12173 “Critical Notes. No. III. Analysis of Milton’s ‘Il Penseroso.” Liter- ary Magazine 1.3 (December 1803), 173-79. B.

2-24-2009: 1) 1804-05147 “On the Present State of Music” moved to Deleted Items. 2) 1806-11351 “On the Merits of the Founders of the French Revolution” moved to Deleted Items.

2-27-2009: revised item numbering system for manuscript subcategories to make all categories compatible for digital coding.

2-28-2009: 1) 1804-09414a “Milton’s Religion” moved to Deleted Items. 2) 1804-09415a “Origin of Gazettes” moved to Deleted Items.

156 3-11-2009: 1806-01036 “On Anecdotes” moved to Deleted Items.

3-18-2009: corrected 1798-06286 to “written 1795” (not 1785).

4-01-2009: 1) 1806-05363 “Moral and Physical Sublimity Compared” moved to Deleted Items. 2) 1806-08123 “Use of Water in Landscape” moved to Deleted Items. 3) 1806-10291 “On the Standard of Taste” moved to Deleted Items.

4-09-2009: 1) 1806-06439 “Distinctions between the Beautiful and the Picturesque” moved to Deleted Items.

4-10-2009: 1) 1807-10183 “Account of Frances Scanagatti, a Milanese Young Lady” moved to Deleted Items.

4-27-2009: a) 1808-02095 (was -02097) Title re-numbered and corrected to “An Abstract of the Laws and Public Acts Passed in the Second Session of the Tenth Congress of the United States, between October 26, 1807, and April 25, 1808.” American Register ... part I for 1808, vol. III (1808), 95-132. A. [Changes in a) item number; b) title; c) pages numbers.]. b) Former item 1808-01181 [ “Chronicle, No. I” & “Chronicle No. II.” American Register ... part II for 1807, vol. II (1808), 281-351. A. ] changed into two items with new item num- bers.: 1808-01179 “Chronicle, No. I” American Register ... part II for 1807, vol. II (1808), 179-280. B. 1808-01281 “Chronicle, No. II” American Register ... part II for 1807, vol. II (1808), 281-351. B.

4-28-2009: 1) 1807-06452 “Anecdotes” Literary Magazine VII.45 (June 1807), 452-458; moved to Deleted Items. 2) 1805-09211 “Comparative Merits of Addison and Johnson.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 211; moved to Deleted Items. 3) 1805-09228a “The Standard of Beauty.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 228; moved to Deleted Items.

5-08-2009: 1) 1806-01041a “Oliver Cromwell.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 41; moved to De- leted Items. 2) 1806-01041b “Louis XIV.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 41; moved to Deleted Items. 3) 1803-12193 “[Editor’s Introduction to] ‘The Four Ages’ by Cowper.” Literary Magazine I.3 (December 1803), 193; moved to Deleted Items.

157 4) 1806-01017 “Poetry and Painting Compared.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 17-19; moved to “Deleted Items.” 5) 1803-10073 “British Population.” Literary Magazine I.1 (1803), 73-74; moved to Deleted Items. 6) 1803-10075 “Anecdotes of the Present Emperor of Russia, Alexander I.” Literary Magazine I.1 (1803), 75-77; moved to Deleted Items. 7) 1803-11112 “Memoirs of Count de Parades.” Literary Magazine 1.2 (Nov 1803), 112-115; moved to Deleted Items. 8) 1803-11119 “Account of Algiers.” Literary Magazine 1.2 (Nov 1803), 119-124; moved to Deleted Items. 9) 1803-11138 “Account of Boethius.” Literary Magazine 1.2 (Nov 1803), 138-141; moved to Deleted Items. 10) 1803-12202 “Memoirs of Count de Parades.” Literary Magazine I.3 (December 1803), 202- 204; moved to Deleted Items. 11) 1803-12219 “Hatfield.” Literary Magazine I.3 (December 1803), 219-222; moved to De- leted Items. l2) 1803-12224 “Memoirs of James Boswell, Esq.” Literary Magazine I.3 (December 1803), 224-238; moved to Deleted Items. 13) 1804-01280 “Memoirs of Count de Parades.” Literary Magazine I.4 (Jan 1804), 280- 283; moved to Deleted Items. 14) 1804-01283 “Account of the present state of the province of Buenos-Ayres, in South America.” Literary Magazine I.4 (Jan 1804), 283-288; moved to Deleted Items.

5-13-2009: 1) 1804-01297 “Account of the Inhabitants of Algiers, and Country Subject to the Dey, and of Their Difference with Respect to Origin, Character, and Civil Relations.” Literary Magazine I.4 (Jan 1804), 297-301; moved to Deleted Items. 2) 1804-01305 “Some Observations on Diaries, Self-Biography, and Self-Characters.” Liter- ary Magazine I.4 (Jan 1804), 305-308; moved to Deleted Items. 3) 1805-09182 “On Self-Biography.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 182-185; moved to Deleted Items. 4) 1804-02341 “On the Salubrity of Warm Rooms.” Literary Magazine I. 5 (Feb. 1804), 341- 343; moved to Deleted Items. 5) 1804-02357 “Biographical Sketch of Louis Bourbon, Prince of Conde.” Literary Magazine I. 5 (Feb. 1804), 357-359; moved to Deleted Items. 6) 1804-02366 “The Man in the Iron Mask.” Literary Magazine I. 5 (Feb. 1804), 366-369; moved to Deleted Items. 7) 1804-02369 “Memoirs of Dr. John Moore.” Literary Magazine I. [5] (Feb. 1804), 369-374; moved to Deleted Items. 8) 1804-02378 “Account of a Fire Ball.” Literary Magazine I. 5 (Feb. 1804), 378-379; moved to Deleted Items.

5-14-2009 (DELETED): 1) 1804-02379 “Meteoric Stone.” Literary Magazine I. 5 (Feb. 1804), 379; moved to Deleted Items. 2) 1804-02384 “Biographical Memoirs of the Late Dr. Darwin.” Literary Magazine I. 5 (Feb. 1804), 384-388; moved to Deleted Items.

158 3) 1804-03440 “Biographical Memoirs of the Late Dr. Darwin [No. 2].” Literary Magazine I. 6 (Mar. 1804), 440-445;moved to Deleted Items. 4) 1804-03470 “The Possibility of Preventing, and Averting, the Effects of Thunder.” Liter- ary Magazine I. 6 (Mar. 1804), 470-472; moved to Deleted Items. 5) 1804-04020 “Anecdotes of Bacon the Sculptor.” Literary Magazine II.7 (Apr. 1804), 20- 21; moved to Deleted Items. 6) 1804-04027 “Explanation of the Hindoo Terms Gunny, Haram, Khaun, Killedar, Shilinga, Zemindar.” Literary Magazine II.7 (Apr. 1804), 27-28; moved to Deleted Items. 7) 1804-04060 “Anecdote of Dr. Johnson.” Literary Magazine II.7 (Apr. 1804), 60; moved to Deleted Items. 8) 1804-04061a “Character of the Stork.” Literary Magazine II.7 (Apr. 1804), 61; moved to Deleted Items. 9) 1804-04061b “Sociability of the Lapwing.” Literary Magazine II.7 (Apr. 1804), 61; moved to Deleted Items. 10) 1804-04063 “Account of the Burying Beetle.” Literary Magazine II.7 (Apr. 1804), 63- 64; moved to Deleted Items. 11) 1804-04079 “The Oran Otan.” Literary Magazine II.7 (Apr. 1804), 79-80; moved to De- leted Items. 12) 1804-05137 “Mohammedan History of the Creation and Fall of Man.” Literary Magazine II.8 (May 1804), 137-138; moved to Deleted Items. 13) 1804-05138 “Latour d’Auvergne.” Literary Magazine II.8 (May 1804), 138-139; moved to Deleted Items. 14) 1804-05145 “Why is the Bible Divided Numerically into Chapters and Verses?” Literary Magazine II.8 (May 1804), 145-147; moved to Deleted Items. 15) 1804-05152 “Varieties; Misrepresentation Common in Accounts of Sieges. Etiquette.” Literary Magazine II.8 (May 1804), 152-154; moved to Deleted Items. 16) 1804-05158 “Manners of Monkeys.” Literary Magazine II.8 (May 1804), 158-159; moved to Deleted Items. 17) 1804-05160 “Anecdote from Poggi.” Literary Magazine II.8 (May 1804), 160; moved to Deleted Items. 18) 1804-06195 “Hair Changed through Fright.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 195- 196.

5-14-2009 (ADDED): 1) 1804-06173 “A Worldling’s Prayer”; added (previously deleted Items, but this is a partial reprint of same item in Dec 1800 number of Monthly Magazine. 2) 1804-06187 “Spirit of Female Conversation.” Literary Magazine II (June,1804), 187- 190; added (previously deleted; re-inserted on review). 3) 1804-06179 “Statistical View of the United States of America.” Literary Magazine II (June 1804),179-180. Signed “Economos.” (previously deleted; re-inserted on review.] 4) 1804-06176 “Critical Notices. No. VIII.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 17[6]- 179. [printed in Weber (1992 as “On the Portraits of Death.”].

5-16-2009 (DELETED): 1) 1804-06196 “The Knights of Thebes and Troy.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 196- 197; moved to Deleted Items.

159 2) 1804-06204 "Memoirs of Mrs. Chapone.” Literary Magazine II (June 1804), 204-205; moved to Deleted Items. 3) 1804-06205 “Wisdom of the Elephant.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 205-206; moved to Deleted Items. 4) 1804-06212 “Manners of the Dog.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 212-214; moved to Deleted Items. 5) 1804-06215 “Thoughts on the Probable Duration of the American Republic.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 215-220; moved to Deleted Items. 6) 1804-06220 “Marriage Ceremonies.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 220-221; moved to Deleted Items. 7) 1804-06221a “Influence of Light on Vegetables.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 221; moved to Deleted Items. 8) 1804-06221b “Letters in Bottles.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 221-222; moved to Deleted Items. 9) 1804-06222 “Habits and Manners of the Lion.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 222- 223; moved to Deleted Items. 10) 1804-06223 “Curious Facts Relating to Stones and Other Substances, Said to Have Fallen at Different Periods, and in Different Places, from the Clouds.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 223-231; moved to Deleted Items. 11) 1804-06238 “A Short View of the Craniognomic System of Dr. Gall of Vienna.” Liter- ary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 238-240; moved to Deleted Items. 12) 1804-06240 “Anecdotes of the Hare.” Literary Magazine II.9 (June 1804), 240; moved to Deleted Items. 13) 1804-07246 “A Miser.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July, 1804), 246-248; moved to De- leted Items. 14) 1804-07292 “Ninon de l’Enclos.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July,1804), 292-293; moved to Deleted Items. 15) 1804-07298 “Man…Politico-Arithmetically Considered.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July,1804), 298-299; moved to Deleted Items. 16) 1804-07299 “Infernal Machine.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July,1804), 299; moved to Deleted Items. 17) 1804-07304 “Account of Mrs. Delany.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July,1804), 304; moved to Deleted Items. 18) 1804-07305 “Show and Use, An Apologue.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July,1804), 305- 306; moved to Deleted Items. 19) 1804-07309 “Meeting between Elephants.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July,1804), 309- 310; moved to Deleted Items. 20) 1804-07310a “Music.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 310; moved to Deleted Items. 21) 1804-07310b “Matthew Prior’s Epitaph.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 310; moved to Deleted Items.

5-16-2009 (ADDED) 1) 1804-07241 “On the Life of Washington, New Publishing.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July,1804), 241-246. Signed: “Curioso.” A.

5-17-2009 (DELETED)

160 1) 1806-01045 “On Literary Biography.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 45-51. Signed “R.”; moved to Deleted Items. 2) 1804-07310c “An Infernal Machine.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 310-311; moved to Deleted Items. 3) 1804-07311a “Cold Affusion Used Medicinally by Mahomet.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 311; moved to Deleted Items. 4) 1804-07311b “Nutriment from Bones.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 311-312; moved to Deleted Items. 5) 1804-07312 “A Cavern Newly Discovered.” Literary Magazine, II.10 (July 1804), 312; moved to Deleted Items. 6) 1804-07315 “Vanity of Richardson.” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 315-316; moved to Deleted Items. 7) 1804-07318a “An Account of the Chemical Analysis of Certain Stones and Other Sub- stances Said to have Fallen from the Clouds, and of the Several Theories Adopted by Philosophers to Account for the Phenomena” [No. 1].” Literary Magazine II.10 (July 1804), 318; moved to Deleted Items. 8) 1804-08360 “Anecdotes.” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 360-361; moved to De- leted Items. 9) 1804-08370 “Biographical Sketch of Gessner.” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 370-372; moved to Deleted Items. 10) 1804-08374 “A Newton-Mad Man.” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 374-375; moved to Deleted Items. 11) 1804-08375 “Cretins, or Swiss Idiots.” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 375; moved to Deleted Items. 12) 1804-08385 “An Account of the Chemical Analyses of Certain Stones and Other Sub- stances Said to Have Fallen from the Clouds, and of the Several Theories Adopted by Philosophers to Account for the Phenomena” [No. 2].” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 385-389; moved to Deleted Items. 13) 1804-08399 “On the Choice of a Wife. From a Father to a Son.” Literary Magazine II.11 (Aug. 1804), 399-402; moved to Deleted Items. 14) 1804-08402 “Love.” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 402-403; moved to Deleted Items. 15) 1804-08403 “Is Rhyme an Ornament, or a Defect, in Verse?” Literary Magazine II.11 (August 1804), 403-408; moved to Deleted Items. 16) 1804-09419 “On Double Endings in Rhyme.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 419-420; moved to Deleted Items. 17) 1804-09429 “Anecdotes of Edward Drinker.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 429; moved to Deleted Items. 18) 1804-09444 “A Musical Ear Explained.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 444-445; moved to Deleted Items. 19) 1804-09445 “Rotation of the Sun.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 445; moved to Deleted Items. 20) 1804-09449a “On Telescopes.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 449; moved to Deleted Items. 21) 1804-09449b “Death.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 449; moved to De- leted Items.

161 22) 1804-09453 “Anecdotes of Putnam.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 453- 459; moved to Deleted Items. 23) 1804-09459 “Story of Mrs. Howe.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 459- 461; moved to Deleted Items. 24) 1804-09464 “Biographical Sketch of General Bowles.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 464-465; moved to Deleted Items. 25) 1804-09469 "Is Marriage or Celibacy Most Eligible? Or, Is the Matron or the Old Maid the Best Member of Society?" Literary Magazine II.12 (Sept. 1804), 468-470; moved to Deleted Items. 26) 1804-09470 “Sicard’s Mode of Teaching the Deaf and the Dumb.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 470-471; moved to Deleted Items. 27) 1804-09481 “Amadis de Gaul.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 481-482; moved to Deleted Items. 28) 1804-09487 “On the Roman Stage, and the Character of Plautus.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 487-489; moved to Deleted Items.

5-17-2009 (ADDED): 1) 1804-08332 “Volney’s Travels in America.” Literary Magazine II.11 (Aug. 1804), 332. Signed “A.B.” A. 2) “Death of Hamilton.” Literary Magazine II.11 (Aug. 1804), 332-337.. Signed “A.B.” A. 3) “To the Editor, &c. [Letter from Morris Town, Oct. 30, 1801]” Literary Magazine II.11 (Aug. 1804), 332-337. Signed “A.B.” B. 4) 1804-09416b “The Winter’s Day.” Literary Magazine II.12 (September 1804), 416-17. B.

5-18-2009 (ADDED) 1) 1804-10499 “Deafness.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 499. B. 2) 1804-10547 “Beatification.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 547. B. 3) 1804-11576 “Account of the Philadelphia Museum.” Literary Magazine II.14 (November 1804), 576-579. B. 4) 1804-11579 “On Vaccination.” Literary Magazine II.14 (November 1804), 579-581. B.

5-18-2009 (DELETED) 1) 1804-10524 “Varieties of Literature; The Beguines. A Flemish Pulpit. Friar John of Lor- raine.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 524-525; moved to Deleted Items. 2) 1804-10547 “Dansomania in France…Duelling. Singing Parrot. Eastern Nuptials. Char- acter of Lord Kenyon.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 547-549; moved to De- leted Items. 3) 1804-10550 “Schinderhannes, the Robber.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 550- 551; moved to Deleted Items. 4) 1804-10552 “The Forced Story: Anecdote of Lord Kelly. Tager Talpier. Anecdote.” Lit- erary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 552-553; moved to Deleted Items. 5) 1804-10553 “President Willard.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 553-554; moved to Deleted Items. 6) 1804-10561 “State of the Jews.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 561-562; moved to Deleted Items. 7) 1804-10562 “Sketch of the Life and Death of Charette, the Famous Leader of the Ven- dean War.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 562-564; moved to Deleted Items.

162 8) 1804-10565 “Herder’s Sentiments on Man.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 565; moved to Deleted Items. 9) 1804-10567 “Arabian Poetry.” Literary Magazine II.13 (October 1804), 567; moved to Deleted Items.

5-19-2009 (DELETED) 1) 1804-12653a "The Gleaner. How to Preserve Potatoes Throughout the Year." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 653; moved to Deleted Items. 2) 1804-12653b "Condorcet's Posthumous Work. Dutch Translation of Ovid. Philosophical Language. Perkins.” Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 653-654; moved to Deleted Items. 3) 1804-12654a "Stereotype Printing." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 654; moved to Deleted Items. 4) 1804-12654b "The Horse Without Hair." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 654-655; moved to Deleted Items. 5) 1804-12655a "Greathead's Life-boat. Anecdote of Frederick and Alexander." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 655; moved to Deleted Items. 6) 1804-12657a "Splines." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 657; moved to Deleted Items. 7) 1804-12659 “Introduction of the Kine Pock into India.” Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 659-661; moved to Deleted Items. 8) 1804-12661a "Pedigree of the English Language." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 661; moved to Deleted Items. 9) 1804-12661 "Dr. Young." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 661-663; moved to De- leted Items. 10) 1804-12664 “Varieties of Literature. What Are the Arians, Socinians, Necessarians, and Materialists?” Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 664-665; moved to Deleted Items. 11) 1804-12665a "Sir Isaac Newton's Religion." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 665; moved to Deleted Items. 12) 1804-12666a "The Seat of Excellence." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 666; moved to Deleted Items. 13) 1804-12666b "The German School of Painting." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 666-667; moved to Deleted Items. 14) 1804-12667a "The Oil of Arachis." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 667; moved to Deleted Items. 15) 1804-12667b "Difference Between the Nile and St. Domingo Crocodile." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 667-668; moved to Deleted Items. 16) 1804-12668a "A Substitute for Brewer's Yeast." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 668; moved to Deleted Items. 17) 1804-12668b "Ambergris." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 668-669; moved to Deleted Items. 18) 1804-12669a "Cavern near Nice." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 669; moved to Deleted Items. 19) 1804-12669b "New Zealand Flax, or Aloe-Pitte." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 669; moved to Deleted Items. 20) 1804-12669c "Cast Iron Bridge over the Thames." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 669; moved to Deleted Items.

163 21) 1804-12670a "Gray's Fragment." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 669-670; moved to Deleted Items. 22) 1804-12670b "Sir Kinelm Digby." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 670-671; moved to Deleted Items. 23) 1804-12671a "Descartes. Voiture." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 671; moved to Deleted Items. 24) 1804-12671b "William Noy." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 671; moved to De- leted Items. 25) 1804-12671c "Lay Preaching." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 671-672; moved to Deleted Items. 26) 1804-12672 "A Pun out of Order." Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec. 1804), 672; moved to Deleted Items. 27) 1804-12716 “State of Women Among the Arabs.” Literary Magazine II.15 (Dec.1804), 716-718.

5-19-2009 (DELETIONS FROM JAN 1805) 1) 1805-01012 “Adversaria. No IV. Quotations.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 12- 13; moved to Deleted Items. 2) 1805-01013a “Duelling.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 13; moved to Deleted Items. 3) 1805-01015 “The Female Sex.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 15-16; moved to Deleted Items. 4) 1805-01059 “Varieties of Superstition.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 59-61; moved to Deleted Items.

5-19-2009 (ADDED to JAN 1805) 1) 1805-01024 “French Revolutionary Epochas.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 24- 25. B.

6-19-2009 (DELETIONS from FEB 1806) 1) 1806-02087 “Sappho Vindicated.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb., 1806), 87-88; moved to Deleted Items. 2) 1806-02008 “Erinne.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb. 1806), 8-9; moved to Deleted Items. 3) 1806-02019 “Remarks on Style.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb., 1806), 19-24; moved to Deleted Items. 4) 1806-02031a “Anyte.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb. 1806), 31. Signed “N.” 5) 1806-02031b “On a Statue of Venus on the Sea Coast.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb. 1806), 31-32; moed to Deleted Items. 6) 1806-02032 “Historical Characters are False Representations of Nature.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb. 1806), 32-36; moved to Deleted Items. 7) 1806-02036 “On Prefaces.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb. 1806), 36-39; mobbed to Deleted Items. 8) 1806-02047 “Distinctions Between Synonymous Words.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb. 1806), 47-50; moved to Deleted Items. 9) 1806-02051 “Alliance Between Gratitude and Resentment.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb. 1806), 51; moved to Deleted Items.

164 10) 1806-02053 “On the Epigram. On a Woody Island. On a Statue of Niobe.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb. 1806), 53; moved to Deleted Items. 11) 1806-02059: “On Greek Amatory Poetry.” Literary Magazine V.29 (Feb., 1806), 59-63; moved to Deleted Items.

6-19-2009 (DELETIONS from JAN 1806): 1) 1806-01007 “Horrors of West India Slavery.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 7-13; moved to Deleted Items. 2) 1806-01013 "Progress of Vaccination in Asia." Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 13- 14; moved to Deleted Items. 3) 1806-01029 “A Portrait of a Projector.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 29-30; moved to Deleted Items. 4) 1806-01040 “Comparison of Memoirs and History.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 40; moved to Deleted Items. 5) 1806-01041b "Louis XIV." Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 41-42; moved to Deleted Items. 6) 1806-01057a "A Domestic Sketch of Milton." Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 51- 52; moved to Deleted Items. 7) 1806-01058 “Particulars Concerning Ireland.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 58-59; moved to Deleted Items. 8) 1806-01060 "Tchikanakoa and the American Indians." Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 60-61; moved to Deleted Items. 9) 1806-01021 “Abstract of a Report on American Roads.” Literary Magazine V.28 (Jan. 1806), 21-24.

6-20-2009 (DELETION from DEC 1806): 1) 1806-12411 “An Emigrant in America.” Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 411-412; moved to Deleted Items. 2) 1806-12431 “Modes of Historical Writing.” Literary Magazine VI.39 (Dec. 1806), 431-433; moved to Deleted Items. 3) 1806-12439 “Dr. Johnson.” Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 439; moved to Deleted Items. 4) 1806-12441 “On Translation.” Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 441-442; moved to Deleted Items. 5) 1806-12451 “Commercial Sketches. Great Britain and the North of Europe,” etc. Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 451-459; moved to Deleted Items. 6) 1806-12471a “On the Growth and Consumption of Timber in Great Britain.” Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 471; moved to Deleted Items.

6-20-2009 (ADDED from DEC 1806) 1) 1806-12403 “On the Best Means of National Defence.” Literary Magazine VI. 39 (Dec 1806), 403-09. B. added. 2) 1806-12451 "The Sorrows of Werter." Literary Magazine VI.39 (Dec. 1806), 451. Signed "X." added (moved from Deleted Items back to main bibiliography).

6-20-2009 (DELETED from MARCH 1806)

165 1) 1806-03168 “The Ancient Romance.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 168-169; moved to Deleted Items. 2) 1806-03172 “On Poetical Expression.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 172-176; moved to Deleted Items. 3) 1806-03176 “On Habituating Ourselves to an Individual Pursuit.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 176-178; moved to Deleted Items. 4) 1806-03178 “A Sketch of the Poet Spenser.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 178- 179; moved to Deleted Items. 5) 1806-03183 “Anecdotes and Character of Frederic the Great of Prussia.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 183-199; moved to Deleted Items. 6) 1806-03199 “On the Classical Knowledge of Pope.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 199-200; moved to Deleted Items. 7) 1806-03200 “Remarks on Southey‘s Madoc.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 200-210. Signed “Z.”; moved to Deleted Items. 8) 1806-03210 “Advantages of Metaphysical Studies.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 210-211; moved to Deleted Items. 9) 1806-03231 “The Cow-Pox.” Literary Magazine V.30 (March 1806), 231-232; moved to Deleted Items.

6-21-2009 (DELETED from APRIL 1806; all moved to Deleted Items.) 1) 1806-04243 “Freedom of the Press.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 243-246. 2) 1806-04246 “A Literary Enthusiast.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 246-247. 3) 1806-04247 “What is Literary Genius?” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 247-254. 4) 1806-04254 “Military Character of Bonaparte.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 254. 5) 1806-04256 “Les Poesies Legeres.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 256-258. 6) 1806-04259 “Biographical Sketch of Frederick Schiller, the German Dramatist.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 259-266. 7) 1806-04272 “Mistakes of Translators from the French.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 272-73. Signed “X.” 8) 1806-04275 “Remarks on the Grecian Orator Isocrates. By the Abbè [sic] Arnaud.” Liter- ary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 275-277. 9) 1806-04293 “Peter Poetasters’s Notification---Recommendatory of the Article AMERICAN LETTERS in the Boston Review.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 293-301. 10) 1806-04302 “Darwin‘s Style.” Literary Magazine V.31 (April 1806), 302.

6-21-2009 (DELETED from MAY 1806; all moved to Deleted Items.] 1) 1806-05323 “The Influence of Climate on the Mind.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 323-327. 2) 1806-05327 “On Novelty in Literature.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 327-330. 3) 1806-05337 “On the History of Dr. Johnson’s Childhood, Written by Himself.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 337-340. 4) 1806-05343 “Milton, His Metre and His Imitators.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 343-344. 5) 1806-05344 “A Sketch of Marmontel.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 344-350. 6) 1806-05359 “The Force of Novelty.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 359-360. 7) 1806-05360 “On the Use of the Fine Arts.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 360-361.

166 8) 1806-05364 “French Travellers.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 364-365. Signed “C.” 9) 1806-05365 “Connoisseurship and Its Pleasures.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 365-366. 10) 1806-05367 “Remarks on the Distinctions Between Opera and Tragedy.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 367-368. 11) 1806-05368 “Royal Conversation.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 368-370. 12) 1806-05372 “Sketch of the French Parliaments.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 372-373. 13) 1806-05373 “French Anecdotes.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 373-377. 14) 1806-05380 “French Empire.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 380-381.

6-21-2009: ADDED to MAY 1806. 1) 1806-05336 “Three Kinds of Drunkenness. An Original Anecdote.” Literary Magazine V.32 (May 1806), 336-337. B.

6-21-2009: (DELETED from JUNE 1806; all moved to Deleted Items) 1) 1806-06403 “On the Influence of Women.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 403-408. 2) 1806-06408 “Reflections on Taste.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 408-409. 3) 1806-06409 “Taste in Dress.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 409-410. 4) 1806-06423 “Biographical Sketch of Dr. James Beattie.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 423-425. 5) 1806-06446a “English Civilians, or Doctors Commons.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 446. 6) 1806-06446b “On Scottish Emigration to America, and Lord Selkirk’s Canadian Colony.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 446-456. 7) 1806-06456 “On the Coins of Great Britain [No. 2].” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 456-464. 8) 1806-06466 “The Difference between Pride and Vanity.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 466-468. 9) 1806-06473 “Present State of the British Funds.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 473- 474.

6-21-2009: ADDED to JUNE 1806. 1) “Observations on the French Revolution. Written in 1799.” Literary Magazine V.33 (June 1806), 425-426

6-22-2009 (DELETED from JULY 1806; all moved to Deleted Items) 1) 1806-07003 “Education of the Deaf and Dumb.” Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 3-6. 2) 1806-07009 “Biographical Sketch of William Pitt.” Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 9- 20. 3) 1806-07033a “New York.” Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 33. 4) 1806-07070 "Romance of Real Life." Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 70-71. 5) 1806-07071 “Specimen of a Nocturnal.” Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 71-72. 6) 1806-07072 “Hindoo Almanacs.” Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 72-73. 7) 1806-07074 “A Sketch of Dr. Hugh Blair.” Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 74-76.

167 6-22-2009 (ADDED to JULY 1807) 1) 1806-07052 “Pressing. A fragment.” Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 55. B. 2) 1806-07054 "The Fear of Death." Literary Magazine VI.34 (July 1806), 54-55. Signed "W."

6-22-2009 (DELETED from AUGUST 1806; all moved to Deleted Items) 1) 1806-08083 “Remarks on the Arabian Nights, and Arabian Tales in General.” Literary Magazine VI.35 (Aug. 1806), [83]-87. 2) 1806-08091 “Marigny. A Political Tale of the Fourteenth Century.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug. 1806), 91-93. 3) 1806-08093 “Anecdotes of Milton and His Family.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug. 1806), 93-95. 4) 1806-08095 “On Milton’s Lycidas and Smaller Poems.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 95-96. 5) 1806-08096 “Reason in Poetry.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806) 96-98. 6) 1806-08106 “Present State of Fine Arts in England, at the Close of 1805.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 106-108. 7) 1806-08108 “Account of the British African Colony at Bulam.” Literary Magazine VI.35 (Aug 1806), 108-114. 8) 1806-08114 “A New Species of Horn Music.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 114- 115. 9) 1806-08115 “A Modern Knight Errant.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 115-117. 10) 1806-08119 “Military State of France.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 119-121. 11) 1806-08121a “Anecdote of Louis XV.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 121. 12) 1806-08121b “Anecdote of Clermont Tonnerre.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 121. 13) 1806-08126 “The Folly of Human Wishes.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 126- 129. 14) 1806-08129 “Sketch of the Brasilian Portuguese.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 129. 15) 1806-08132a “Turkish Chess.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 132. 16) 1806-08132b “On the Templars, Supposed Fathers of Free Masonry.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 132-136. 17) 1806-08141 “On the Tatler, Spectator, &c.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 141- 143.

6-22-2009 (DELETED from SEPTEMBER 1806; all moved to Deleted Items.) 1) 1806-09167 “An Account of Thomas Dermody.” Literary Magazine VI.36 (Sept 1806), 167-172. 2) 1806-09187 “Turkish Anecdotes.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806), 187-188. 3) 1806-09188 “State of the Turkish Empire.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806), 188-189. 4) 1806-09189 “Account of a New Sect in Arabia.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806), 189- 192. 5) 1806-09192 “Sketch of the Present Commercial State of the North of Europe.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806 ), 192-196. 6) 1806-09202 “Diaper.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806), 202-203.

168 7) 1806-09207 “Account of the Orkney Islands [No. 1].” Literary Magazine VI.36 (Sept 1806), 207-216. 8) 1806-09216 “Whether France Has Gained or Lost by the Revolution.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806), 216-219. 9) 1806-09238 “Consiliis nox apta ducum, lux aptior armis.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806), 238.

6-22-2009: DELETED miscellaneous (from different issues; all moved to Deleted Items): 1) 1804-02388 “Whence Arises the Diversity of Opinion?” Literary Magazine I. 5 (Feb. 1804), 388-393. 2) 1805-08111 “On ‘The Enlightened Public’ and ‘The Age of Reason’.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 111-114. Signed “W.” 3) 1805-05331 “The Women of the Romans.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 331- 332. Signed “R.”

6-24-2009 DELETED from OCTOBER 1806 (all moved to Deleted Items.) 1) 1806-10252 “A Sketch of Pittsburgh.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 252-254. 2) 1806-10254 “Sebastian of Portugal.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 254-256. 3) 1806-10256 “Voluntary Death.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 256. 4) 1806-10257 “An Account of George Thomas, A Famous Adventurer in India.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 257-261. 5) 1806-10264a “Homer and Ossian Compared.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 264. 6) 1806-10264b “Good Nature and Good Humour Distinguished.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 264-265. 7) 1806-10267 “Artificial Taste.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 267-268. 8) 1806-10268 “Why Are We Pleased with Disgusting Objects, When Painted?” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 268. 9) 1806-10270a “The Arbor-Unicus.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 270. 10) 1806-10270b "Madame Genlis’s Last Work." Literary Magazine, VI.37 (Oct. 1806), 270- 271. 11) 1806-10271 “Late Revolutions in India.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 271-272. 12) 1806-10272 “Account of the Orkney Islands [No. 2].” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 272-275. 13) 1806-10275 “The Village of Broek.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 275-276. 14) 1806-10278a “State of Protestantism in France.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 278. 15) 1806-10278b “Effects of the Tatler, Spectator, &c.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 278-279. 16) 1806-10288 “The Tomb of Alexander.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 288-290. 17) 1806-10290b “Thomson’s Versification.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 290-291. 18) 1806-10296 “Kotzebue.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 296-297. 19) 1806-10297 “Scientific State of Italy.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 297-298. 20) 1806-10299 “The Marvellous in Poetry.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 299. 21) 1806-10302 “Present State of Spain.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 302-304. 22) 1806-10304a “Ease in Style.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 304. 23) 1806-10304b “Theodore, King of Corsica.” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 304-306. 24) 1806-10306 “The French [and Austrian Military Character Compared.]” Literary Magazine VI. 37 (Oct 1806), 306-311.

169 6-24-2009 DELETED from NOVEMBER 1806 (all moved to Deleted Items) 1) 1806-11335 “The British Military Character.” Literary Magazine VI.38 (Nov.1806), 335- 336. 2) 1806-11337 “Similes of Homer Drawn from the Sea.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov. 1806), 337-339. 3) 1806-11339 “English Metal Promissory Notes.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 339- 340. 4) 1806-11345 “Present Institutions of the Jews.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 345- 351. 5) 1806-11365 “Conduct of England towards Ireland.” Literary Magazine VI.38 (Nov.1806), 365-367. 6) 1806-11374 “Ideal Miseries.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 374-376. 7) 1806-11376 “On the Independence of Spanish America.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov. 1806), 376-377. 8) 1806-11377a “Anecdote.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 377. 9) 1806-11377b “South American Mode of Bleeding.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 377-378. 10) 1806-11378 “Avarice: An Example.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 378. 11) 1806-11389 “Guiacum.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 389-390. 12) 1806-11390 “On Vegetation.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 390-392. 13) 1806-11392 “The Firefly.” Literary Magazine VI. 38 (Nov 1806), 392-393.

6-24-2009 DELETED from JANUARY 1807 (all moved to Deleted Items.) 1) 1807-01003a “On the English Metrical Romances.” Literary Magazine VI. 40 (Jan 1807), 3-15. 2) 1807-01015a “The French Stage.” Literary Magazine VII. 40 (Jan 1807), 15. 3) 1807-01015b “Character of Marmontel.” Literary Magazine VII. 40 (Jan 1807), 15-16. 4) 1807-01016 “Curious German Novel.” Literary Magazine VII. 40 (Jan 1807), 16-17. 5) 1807-01017 “Sculpture, a Bad School for Painters.” Literary Magazine VII. 40 (Jan 1807), 17-18. 6) 1807-01022 “On the Expression of the Passions.” Literary Magazine VII. 40 (Jan 1807), 22- 24. 7) 1807-01025a “Carron-Works.” Literary Magazine VII. 40 (Jan 1807), 25. 8) 1807-01025b “Proceedings of the British Parliament Respecting the Slave Trade.” Literary Magazine VII. 40 (Jan 1807), 25-28. 9) 1807-01033 “Defense of Machiavel.” Literary Magazine VII. 40 (Jan 1807), 33-38.

6-25-2009: DELETED from 1807 (all moved to Deleted Items) 1) 1807-02101 “On the Mythology of the Greeks and Romans.” Literary Magazine VII. 41 (Feb 1807), 101-103. 2) 1807-02127 “Anecdotes.” Literary Magazine VII.41 (Feb 1807), 127-129. 3) 1807-02129 “Edmund Curl.” Literary Magazine VII.41 (Feb 1807), 129. 4) 1807-02130 “Tragical Anecdote.” Literary Magazine VII.41 (Feb 1807), 130. 5) 1807-03163 “Statistical View of the Prussian Dominions.” Literary Magazine VII. 42 (Mar 1807), 163-167. 6) 1807-03167 “Anecdotes of Gibbon.” Literary Magazine VII. 42 (Mar 1807), 167-168.

170 7) 1807-03192 “The French Stage.” Literary Magazine, VII. 42 (Mar 1807), 192-193. 8) 1807-03203 “Lope de Vega.” Literary Magazine VII. 42 (Mar 1807), 203-214. 9) 1807-04294 “Desultory Observations on the Sensibilities and Eccentricities of Men of Geni- us: with Remarks on Poets.” Literary Magazine VII.43 (April 1807), 294-296. Signed “B.” 10) 1807-04300 “English Synonyms.” Literary Magazine VII. 43 (April 1807), 300-302. 11) 1807-05335 “Memoirs of the late Frederic Theophilus Klopstock, Author of the Messiah and Other Poems.” Literary Magazine VII. 44 (May 1807), 335-345. 12) 1807-05350 “Anecdotes of Gallantry.” Literary Magazine VII. 44 (May 1807), 350-352. 13) 1807-05352 “Highland Anecdote.” Literary Magazine VII. 44 (May 1807), 352. 14) 1807-05357 “On the Desire of Gain.” Literary Magazine VII. 44 (May 1807), 357-360. 15) 1807-05372 “On the Most Valuable Materials of Biography, with Extracts from the Letters, and Remarks on the Character, Both Literary and Moral, of Cowper.” Literary Magazine VII. 44 (May 1807), 372-377. 16) 1807-06410 “On the Cause of the Popularity of Novels.” Literary Magazine VII.45 (June 1807), 410-412. 17) 1807-06424 “Anecdotes of Boileau.” Literary Magazine VII.45 (June 1807), 424-427. 18) 1807-06429 “Traits of the Character of Burns, the Poet: with extracts from his letters, and a comparison of his genius with that of Cowper.” Literary Magazine VII.45 (June 1807), 429-438. 19) 1807-06441 “Mediterranean Current.” Literary Magazine VII.45 (June 1807), 441. 20) 1807-06458 “Dissuasives from Indolence.” Literary Magazine VII.45 (June 1807), 458- 460. 21) 1807-07024 “Essay on Dress.” Literary Magazine VIII.46 (July 1807), 24-27. 22) 1807-08066 “Memoirs of the Celebrated Boerhaave.” Literary Magazine VIII.47 (August 1807), 66-67. 23) 1807-08067 “Evening Meditations.” Literary Magazine VIII.47 (Aug. 1807), 67-68. Signed “W.” 24) 1807-08070 “Memoirs of Immanuel Kant.” Literary Magazine VIII.47 (August 1807), 70- 72. 25) 1807-08080 “Pope Sixtus the Fifth and the Shoemaker.” Literary Magazine VIII.47 (August 1807), 80-83. 26) 1807-08085 “Observations on the Vicissitudes of Human Life.” Literary Magazine VIII.47 (August 1807), 85-88. 27) 1807-09118 “Anecdotes of Dress.” Literary Magazine VIII.48 (September 1807), 118- 121. 28) 1807-09130 “Natural History of the Bee.” Literary Magazine VIII.48 (September 1807), 130-136. 29) 1807-09143 “On the Stomach of the Camel.” Literary Magazine VIII.48 (September 1807), 143-146.

6-25-2009 ADDED 1) 1807-04274 “Man and Woman. A Dialogue.” Literary Magazine VII.43 (April 1807), 274- 75. B.

6-26-2009 DELETED from 1807 (all moved to Deleted Items): 1) 1807-09147 “Showers of Blood.” Literary Magazine VIII.48 (September 1807), 147-148.

171 2) 1807-09148 “The Life of Dr. Armstrong.” Literary Magazine VIII.48 (September 1807), 148-150. 3) 1807-10189 “The Music of the Ancients.” Literary Magazine VIII.49 (October 1807), 189- 191. 4) 1807-10194 “Population of the Principal Towns in France.” Literary Magazine VIII.49 (Oc- tober 1807), 194. 5) 1807-10202 “Anecdote of a Swiss Captain in France.” Literary Magazine VIII.49 (October 1807), 202-203. 6) 1807-11227 “Life of Lomonossove, Celebrated Poet of Russia.” Literary Magazine VIII.50 (November 1807), 227-232. 7) 1807-11235 “The Lesson of Frugality.” Literary Magazine VIII.50 (November 1807), 235- 237. 8) 1807-11237 “Denmark.” Literary Magazine VIII.50 (November 1807), 237-238. 9) 1807-11242 "The Melange: Irish Literature. Modern Love. Aeolian Harp. Picture of a Wife. New Mode of Lending Money.” Literary Magazine VIII.50 (November 1807), 242- 243. 10) 1807-11248 “Mr. B--- and His Dog.” Literary Magazine VIII.50 (November 1807), 248- 250. 11) 1807-11250 “Natural History of the Raven.” Literary Magazine VIII.50 (November 1807), 250-252. 12) 1807-11252 “The Origin of Villa Viciosa.” Literary Magazine VIII.50 (November 1807), 252-254. 13) 1807-11260 “A Singular Character.” Literary Magazine VIII.50 (November 1807), 260- 261. 14) 1807-12307 “The Piedmontese Sharper.” Literary Magazine VIII.51 (December 1807), 307-308. 15) 1807-12320 “On the Probable Period When the Potatoe Plant Was First Introduced into the British Isles.” Literary Magazine VIII.51 (December 1807), 320-321.

6-26-2009: Misc. DELETED (all moved to Deleted Items). 1) 1806-08117 “Jersey.” Literary Magazine VI. 35 (Aug 1806), 117-119. 2) 1806-08121c “On Translations of Horace.” Literary Magazine VI.35 (Aug. 1806), 121-123. 3) 1806-09205 “Description of Faneuil Hall.” Literary Magazine VI. 36 (Sept 1806), 205-206. 4) 1806-10295 "French Legislation." Literary Magazine VI.37 (Oct. 1806), 295-296. Signed "R." 5) 1805-02128 “On Gratitude.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 128-129. 6) 1805-03173 “Adversaria. No. VI.: Property and Marriage." Literary Magazine III.18 (Mar. 1805), 173-74.

6-27-2009: Misc. DELETED (all moved to Deleted Items). 1) 1805-01016a “Sternhold and Hopkins.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 16. 2) 1805-01016b “Novels.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 16-17. 3) 1805-02117 “Plagiarism. A Remarkable Speech of Mr. Cuffe. Odd Advertisement.” Lit- erary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 117. 4) 1805-02129 “Heraldic Enthusiasm. On Punning. Medical Anecdotes.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 129-134.

172 5) 1805-03184 “Historical Sketches: State of France under Louis the Fifteenth.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 184-185. 6) 1805-03185 “Genoese Patriotism.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 185-186. 7) 1805-03186 “Charles Stuart.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 186. 8) 1805-03190 “On the American Constitution.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 190-192. 9) 1805-03192 “Literary Fashion.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 192-193. 10) 1805-04272 “Adversaria No. VII.” Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 272-275. 11) 1805-03201a “Omnipotence of Love.” Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 201. 12) 1805-09163 “On Miscellanies.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 163-168.

6-27-2009 ADDED 1) 1805-02101 “On Sudden Death.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 101-02. B. 2) 1805-03195 "A Literary Wife." Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 195-96. B. 3) 1805-03198 "Arabia Felix." Literary Magazine III.18 (March 1805), 198-99. B. 4) 1805-04277 "Young Roscius." Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 277-78. B. 5) 1805-04303 “Kotan Husbandry.” Literary Magazine III.19 (April 1805), 303-07. B.

7-03-2009 DELETED (moved to Deleted Items) 1) 1805-05349 “Adversaria No. VIII.” Literary Magazine III.20 (May 1805), 349-352. Signed “Cento.” 2) 1805-06426 “Has Classical Learning an Anti-Christian Tendency?” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 426-428. 3) 1805-06406 “Voice of Birds.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 406-408. 4) 1805-06408 “Learning and Politeness.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 408-409. 5) 1805-06416 “Settlement in Marriage.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 416-417. 6) 1805-06466 “On Announcing Marriages with Clergymen’s Names.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 466-467. 7) 1805-07003 “Adversaria No. IX.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 3-8. B. 8) 1805-07008 “Wonders.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 8-13. 9) 1805-07017 “On Story-Telling.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 17-19. Signed “O.” 10) 1805-07031 “Translations.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July, 1805), 31-32. Signed “N.” 11) 1805-07042 “On Literary Industry.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 42-45. 12) 1805-07053 “Sketch of Samuel Richardson.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 53- 55. 13) 1805-07055 Literary Popularity.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 55-56. 14) 1805-07058 “On the Style of Sir T. Browne, Dr. Johnson, and Mr. Gibbon.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 58-60. 15) 1805-07060 “On Fleetwood, Godwin‘s Last Novel.” Literary Magazine IV.22 (July 1805), 60-66. Signed “Z.” 16) 1805-08088 “Hydrophobia.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 88-89. 17) 1805-08089 “Character of Hayley, and his Last Poem.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 89-90. 18) 1805-08095 “Dr. Johnson Inventor of Magazines.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 95-96.

173 7-03-2009 ADDED 1) 1805-06441 “The Balloon and the Telegraph.” Literary Magazine III.21 (June 1805), 441- 43.

7-14-2009 DELETED 1) 1805-08114 “On Perfection.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 114-117. Signed “X.” 2) 1805-08121 “Jesuit’s Bark.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 121-122. Signed “W.” 3) 1805-08127a “Ossian in His Own Language.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 127. 4) 1805-08127b “A Rustic Cemetery.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 127-128. Signed “W.” 5) 1805-08147 “Anecdotes.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 147-149. 6) 1805-08149a “Duelling.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 149. 7) 1805-08141 “Adversaria No. X.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 141-146. Signed “Cento.” B. 8) 1805-08154 “[O]n [sic] Attachment to the Ancients.” Literary Magazine IV.23 (Aug. 1805), 154-155. Signed “Y.” 9) 1805-09177 “On the Difference Between Learning and Knowledge.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 177-182.

7-20-2009 DELETED 1) 1805-09203 “Mohawk in England.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 203-204. 2) 1805-09214 “On Menander and Philemon, Greek Dramatists.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 214-219. 3) 1805-09219 “On the Notions of the Ancients Concerning Death.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 219-224. 4) 1805-09224 “Life and Motion Without Brain.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 224. 5) 1805-09226 “On the Pleasures of Tragedy.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 226. 6) 1805-09227 “Some Recent English Plays.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 227- 228. 7) 1805-09228b “On Famines in India, and the Benefits of the English Government There.” Literary Magazine IV.24 (Sept. 1805), 228-230. 8) 1805-10250 “Origin of the Irish Union.” Literary Magazine IV.25 (0ct. 1805), 250-251. 9) 180512414 “The Child of Simplicity. A Fragment.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 414-416. 10) 1805-10269 “Life Without Sustenance.” Literary Magazine IV.25 (0ct. 1805), 269-270. 11) 1805-10270 “Adversaria No. XI.” Literary Magazine IV.25 (0ct. 1805), 270-271. Signed “Cento.” 12) 1805-10276 “An Account of the Late Proceedings of the Society of Friends (or Quakers) for the Civilization of the Indian Tribes.” Literary Magazine IV.25 (Oct. 1805), 276-287. Signed “X.”

174 13) 1805-11323 “The Greek Epigram.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 323-325. Signed “X.” B. 14) 1805-11334 “Origin of Free-Masonry.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 334-335. 15) 1805-11335 “Doubts Concerning Roman History.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 335-336. 16) 1805-11336 “Madame Genlis’s Last Work.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 336-338. 17) 1805-11338 “English Synonymy.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 338-341. 18) 1805-11342 “For the Literary Magazine. Southey’s Madoc.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 342-343. 19) 1805-11352 “Anecdotes of Catharine II.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 352- 352. 20) 1805-11365 “Sentiments of the Ancients upon the Happiness of Life.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 365-370. 21) 1805-11375 “On the Consequences of Abolishing the Slave Trade to the West Indian Colonies.” Literary Magazine IV.26 (Nov. 1805), 375-381.

7-21-2009 DELETED 1) 1805-12432 “On the Pronunciation of Greek and Latin Poetry.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 431-435. 2) 1805-12435 “On the Greek Amorous Poets.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 435- 438. 3) 1805-12438 “How Far Do Slaves Influence Political Representation in America?” Liter- ary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 438-441. B. 4) 1805-12454 “The Irish Peasantry.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 454-455. 5) 1805-12457 “Egyptian Plagues.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 457-458. 6) 1805-12459a “Acratus.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 459. 7) 1805-12459b “Anecdote of d’Alembert.” Literary Magazine IV.27 (Dec. 1805), 459-460.

5-23-2010 DELETED:

1)1805-01012 “Adversaria. No IV. Quotations.” Literary Magazine III.16 (Jan. 1805), 12- 13. B. 2) 1805-02114 “Adversaria. No. V.: Sterne. Reading. Epigram on the Scots. Diderot. Tea. Versatility of the Mob. Tiberius. Golden Ages. Female Dress. Authors.” Literary Magazine III.17 (Feb. 1805), 114-116. B.

12-20-2010 DELETED:

1) 1793-04001 “On the PROFESSION of the LAW.” The Hartford American Mercury VIII, 465 (April 1, 1793), 1. Signed “W.” [reprinted as 1798-03165] 2) 1798-03165 "Essay on the Profession of the Law." Weekly Magazine I.6 (March 10, 1798), 165-167. Signed "W." [reprinted from 1793-04001]

6-05-2011 DELETED:

175 1801-05144b "To the Rev. John Blair Linn, A.M., Minister of the First Presbyterian Congregation of Philadelphia - on his Poem entitled 'THE POWERS OF GENIUS, as also on his PULPIT ELOQUENCE" [a poem]. Port-Folio I.18 (May 2, 1801), 144. Signed "G--- B---."


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