Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting



Present: Councillors: Gallagher, Mrs Gibson, Hills, Mrs Hopkins, Orford, Mrs Mason, Pridgen.

Clerk: Mrs Smith, Mrs Wilson

OFFICIAL BUSINESS OF THE COUNCIL Action 1. The Clerk started the meeting by asking for a Chairman for the meeting in the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman. It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Pridgen that Cllr Mrs Hopkins chaired the meeting. All agreed. Carried.

Cllr Mrs Hopkins welcomed Cllr Mrs Gibson to her first meeting of the Council. 2. 3. 1. Apologies for absence. (Reasons to be given to the Clerk in advance of the meeting) 4. Apologies were received from Cllr’s Mrs Barnshaw, Barnshaw, Mrs Cooke, Cooke, Mrs Garner, Sharpe, and Sievewright,

5. 2. Declarations of interest for any agenda item. Cllr’s Gallagher and Mrs Hopkins declared a prejudicial interest in item 8c and Cllr Gallagher declared a personnel interest in item 8a.

6. 3. Signing of the minutes. To accept the Clerk’s notes from the meeting held on 12th May 2014. It was proposed by Cllr Orford and seconded by Cllr Hills that the minutes of 12th Chairman May 2014 were a true record of the meeting and they were agreed to be signed. 4 Agreed, 3 Abstention. Carried.

7. 4. Matters arising from the last meeting. Only for discussion. None.

5. To receive and accept the resignation of Cllr Ms Thompson. Clerk It was proposed by Cllr Orford and seconded by Cllr Hills that they accept the resignation and that a letter of thanks be sent to Ms Thompson. All agreed. Carried.

6. To re-visit the election of Committees: a. Finance – minimum of 6 members (3 from East Ward and 3 from West Ward) One member of the East Ward was required to complete the Finance Committee. Cllr Gallagher volunteered.

b. Waddington Playing Field Trust. 1 Chairman: Date: PCM 9th June 2014 Cllr Barnshaw, Cllr Mrs Garner and Cllr Sievewright were currently the only members of the Playing Field Trust. Cllr’s Mrs Hopkins and Mrs Gibson volunteered.

7. To review the following orders: a. Standing Orders It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that Page 11, item 9a, should state that the minutes should be completed within 14 days and page 3 item m, should be removed. Clerk All agreed. Carried.

The Clerk informed that item m was in bold and therefore had to be kept in. It was agreed that the Clerk would check with LALC.

b. Financial Regulations It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Pridgen that they were happy with the Financial Regulations. All agreed. Carried.

8. Planning Matters. To discuss the following due to the lack of Planning Committee members available for a meeting: a. New Plans Received.

Plan Ref: 14/0582/FUL Proposal: Demolition of offices and erection of 2 no. affordable housing units (Plots 7 & 8) Location: Kestlin Diesel Services Ltd Bar Lane Waddington It was proposed by Cllr Orford and seconded by Cllr Pridgen that they had no objection to the plans. 6 agreed. 1 abstention. Carried.

Plan Ref: 14/0583/VARCON Proposal: Application for minor material amendments to the design of Plots 1 to 6 and other variations. Location: Kestlin Diesel Services Ltd Bar Lane Waddington It was proposed by Cllr Pridgen and seconded by Cllr Orford that they had no objection to the plans. 6 agreed. 1 abstention. Carried.

Plan Ref: 14/0629/HOUS Proposal: Erection of single storey side and rear extensions. Location: 8 Robertson Close Waddington It was proposed by Cllr Pridge and seconded by Cllr Hills that they had no objection to the plans. 6 agreed. 1 abstention. Carried.

b. Planning on line. The Clerk informed that following a problem with her computer which resulted in North Kesteven not receiving the comments from the Parish 2 Chairman: Date: PCM 9th June 2014 Council she has now registered for planning on line.

c. Proposed Wind turbines. The Council discussed the planning application for 2 Wind Turbines at Harmston and the possible 2 Wind Turbines at Lowfields Farm Waddington.

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Pridgen to go out of session to allow the public to speak. All agreed. Carried.

Mrs Dixon informed that she had a copy of the other Parish Council’s comments that were on the website. Cllr Mrs Hopkins read out some of the comments.

It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Hills that they go back into session. Clerk All agreed. Carried.

It was proposed by Cllr Pridgen and seconded by Cllr Hills that they put an article in the Heathcliff regarding the Wind Turbines inviting residents to comment to the Parish Council on how they feel about them. All agreed. Carried.

9. To review the SLA between the Playing Field Trust and the Parish Council. It was proposed by Cllr Hills and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that they go ahead with the SLA. All agreed. Carried.

10. Grass Cutting. To discuss the grass cutting after 2 months cut. The Clerk had received a number of complaints from residents regarding the grass cutting so she had contacted Tristan at Continental Landscapes, who had replied with Clerk some suggestions on how to resolve the problems.

It was proposed by Cllr Hills and seconded by Cllr Mrs Mason that an extra cut should be done and that they review the number of cuts at the end of the season in time for next years budget. All agreed. Carried.

11. Parish Council Noticeboard. The Clerk had 3 quotes, 2 for metal noticeboards and 1 for a recycled plastic noticeboard. The Clerk informed that a wooden noticeboard was twice as expensive. Cllr Gallagher Cllr Gallagher informed that he knew a joiner who could make us a noticeboard Clerk cheaper.

It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that they wait to receive the quote from the joiner and if it comes in under £500 then the Clerk goes ahead and orders it, if it comes above £500 then it is deferred to next months meeting. All Agreed. Carried.

12. Legionaries Testing. The Clerk informed that the water in the changing rooms needed to be checked for Admin Assistant 3 Chairman: Date: PCM 9th June 2014 Legionaries on a monthly basis, as the premises were not used often enough and water was standing for a length of time. The Playing Field Trust were unable to pay for the tests and the insurance of the changing rooms and ownership came under the Parish Council.

It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that they go ahead with the 3rd quote at £495 plus Vat + £320 plus VAT for annual calorifier clean if required. All agreed. Carried.

13. Project Officer Report. The Project Officer informed that unfortunately she was leaving the Parish Council due to her husband being promoted and posted. She thanked the Council for giving her the opportunity and wished them future success with the projects.

She informed that the grant of just under £75,000 from the Armed Forces Community Covenant had been received, the work on the drainage has started and the planning permission for the Car Park was ready to be sent to North Kesteven.

14. Village Fete. Update on the progress so far and future plans. We have finally received the £3000 grant from the Lottery heritage Fund to go with the £350 from the Big Society Fund and £500 from LCVYS that we have already received. We are working on putting together the Waddington in WWI display and Mrs Rogerson has been to visit the Heritage Centre on camp who will also be adding to the exhibition. We are still after any old pictures or information about the village or anyone that served from here in case anyone has anything. The fete day is coming together nicely with 18 stalls, bouncy castle, BBQ, dog show and a confirmation from the Foss Dyke band. Posters will be going up around the village in the next week.

9. 15. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence. Skate Park The Clerk emailed Freestyle on the 20th May informing that the Council are not happy and that they wanted the Skate Park finished by 18th July at the latest for the Clerk school holidays. On 3rd June the Clerk send an email to the solicitors seeking advice, still waiting a reply. On 5th June the Clerk sent another email to Freestyle asking them to attend tonights meeting. Today the Clerk received an email from Julian Lipton from Freestyle apologising for what has happened and informing that he would respond within the next few days. Clerk

It was suggested that a notice be put on site explaining the situation and a possible leaflet drop to nearby houses.

It was also suggested that NALC be contacted for legal advice. Clerk

 An invitation has been received from Chattertons to attend drinks on 18th 4 Chairman: Date: PCM 9th June 2014 June 2014, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman are unable to attend. It was agreed that Cllr Mrs Gibson should attend as she will be at the Lincolnshire Show working.

 Youth Club second night, energise are able to do a second night on a Thursday at an extra cost of £4,000. It was agreed that funding opportunities should be looked at and then it be discussed by the Finance Committee. Clerk

 The Youth Club building has been insured for £400,000 at an extra cost of £280.19. The Clerk will get the building valued before the insurance is renewed in October. Cllr Mrs Hopkins suggested that all the buildings are valued again as they have not been for quite a while. Chairman Clerk  The handymen have been clearing blocked drains at both the Youth Club and Redwood Drive which has saved the council a lot of money, they do however need some more substantial rods and therefore some will be ordered.

 Mrs Wilson has resigned due to her husband being posted in the RAF. It was agreed that has the role of Project Officer was a temporary position it should be discussed further at the next meeting. Clerk 16. Finance a. (a) Signing of the Annual return for the year ended 31 March 2014. b. The return was read out and each statement was agreed. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that the return be signed and submitted. c. All agreed. Carried. d. e. (b) Monthly finance report – to receive and accept the monthly finance report. It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Hills that the finance report be accepted. All agreed. Carried. f. (c) Signing of cheques. To resolve to sign cheques listed by the RFO. And certify invoices. It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Hills that the cheques and invoices could be signed. All agreed. Carried.

17. Urgent matters for attention – Items which the Chairman is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency due to special circumstances. None.

18. Date of the next meeting. The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Monday 14th July 2014 in Redwood Drive Community Centre.

Meeting closed at 9.30pm

5 Chairman: Date: PCM 9th June 2014

6 Chairman: Date: PCM 9th June 2014 Open Forum

Seven residents were present at the meeting.

Mrs Baldwin from Somerton Gate Lane commented on the grass cutting and how it was very good last year but so far this year it was very patchy and hap-hazard.

Cllr Gallagher informed that North Kesteven District Council are having problems with the new contractor and that they have to the end of June or measures will be taken.

Cllr Mrs Hopkins informed that they were going to be discussing grass cutting at item 10 of the agenda and that they were willing to stay and listen.

Mr Baldwin asked about the 2 wind turbines at Lowfields Farm that they had received a leaflet about, he commented that they were multiplying.

Cllr Mrs Hopkins informed that the 2 wind turbines at Lowfields Farm had not been put in for planning permission yet and when they were the Council would discuss them. She also informed that she was not saying that the Council were for or against wind turbines just that they will wait until we get the planning application.

Mr and Mrs Dixon from Station Road and Mr Milton from Station Road, all spoke against the wind turbines.

The Clerk informed that before now most of the Councillor new nothing about the wind turbines at Lowfields Farm as the leaflet had been distributed by the company to a few houses but not all and that she had only been made aware of it because Mrs Dixon kindly brought a copy of the leaflet into the office.

Mr Milton asked what was happening with the Skate Park.

Cllr Mrs Hopkins informed that there would be an update in the Clerks report.

A business owner of the Fish and Chip shop on Bar Lane, asked if there would be anyone from the RAF present as she and other businesses were being affected by the change to the gates.

The Clerk informed that Flt Lt Bennett had sent his apologies and that she had received copies of letters in the office that had been sent to the Stn Cdr from other business owners.

Police PC Hanson confirmed that during the period 12 May to 9 June 2014 there had been 6 crimes. 2 x Burglary dwelling, one was in Somerville Close and they had CCTV footage. 1 x Burglary other, which was a shed on Tinkers Lane. 1 x Robbery where it is report that a bike was taken on one of the Lanes. 1 x Damage to motor vehicle, the vehicle was scratched whilst outside the pub. 1 x Criminal damage, an ivy plant has been trimmed.

Mrs Baldwin asked about the speed of vehicles going down Somerton Gate lane and was there anything that could be done.

PC Hanson informed that he could have someone go down with the speed gun.

Mr Dixon informed that Station Road was the same.

7 Chairman: Date: PCM 9th June 2014 PC Hanson informed that he could have the van put on Station Road.

County Councillor Cllr Mrs Talbot sent her apologies.

District Councillor Cllr Burley informed that Nina Camm from NKDC had attended the Bracebridge Heath Parish Council meeting regarding the grass cutting and she had informed that the contractors didn’t realise what they had to do and there should be a number of improvements by the end of June. He informed that the straw burning plant heats the swimming pool, NK Office, school and gym. It takes 200,000 tons of straw a year.

Cllr Pennell informed that 102 Hollywell Road was finished and the tenant was signing up today, it had proven highly desirable. 28,000 had signed up for the brown bin this year an increase on last year. The individual electoral registration paperwork is going out this summer.

Cllr Gallagher informed that on Saturday NKDC had invoked the emergency plan, the emergency being that the building had burnt down, it worked well with just a few teething issues. The street names for the brick yard have been approved. Residents are being asked to give the vehicle reg of any scrap metal dealers that they see to NK so they can check if they have a licence or not. Cllr Gallagher also informed that Cllr Pennel was voted in at the last meeting as teh Chairman of the District Council.

RAF Flt Lt Bennett sent his apologies.

8 Chairman: Date: PCM 9th June 2014 Finance Report for May 2014

Current Account

Balance as at 30 April 2014 £1,236.42

Transfered from Deposit Account £9,000.00

Add Customer Payments Hire of Redwood Drive £177.00 Hire of the Village Hall £4,320.00 Burial Ground £850.00 NKDC £501.67 Lottery Grant £3,000.00 £8,848.67 £19,085.09

Less Expenditure NKDC £348.96 Wages for May 14 £4,920.72 PAYE for April 14 £521.71 PAYE for May 14 £582.75 Came & Company £280.19 returned deposits £135.70 Continental Landscapes £1,526.57 Other expenses £3,744.41 £12,061.01 Balance as at 31 May 2014 £7,024.08

Deposit Account

Balance as at 30 April 2014 £73,699.80 Less - transferred to the Current Account £9,000.00 Balance as at 31 May 2014 £64,699.80

9 Chairman: Date: PCM 9th June 2014


Accounts for Payment Description Amount

Continental Landscapes Grass Cutting £2,373.77 Lincoln Security Keys Cut for Youth Club etc £49.00 EON Street Light Maintenance £712.80 NKDC Youth Club Business Rates £2,471.40 ACTS Energise Youth Club Jan to Apr 14 £2,179.00 ESPO Cleaning products for Youth Club building £202.90 ESPO Litter bin and post £126.00 ESPO Cleaning products for Youth Club building £182.35 ESPO Cleaning products for Youth Club building £58.06 LRCS Skip Exchange 4 Apr £350.00 LRCS Skip Exchange 28 Mar £110.00 LRCS Skip Exchange 22 May £110.00 UK Safety Management PAT Testing Parish Office & Youth Club £252.47 NKDC Planning Application £97.50 Mr Richardson Window Cleaning £115.00

Total £9,390.25

Accounts Paid Since Last Meeting

Came & Company Insurance for Youth Club Building £280.19

Total £280.19

10 Chairman: Date:

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