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Survey URL: http://www.uncfsp.org/ICB_CFEP Suggested Sources for Data: Provost/Chief Faculty Development Officer, Operations Director, Faculty Director or University President Total Number of Questions: 34


The HBCU Curriculum Faculty Enhancement Program (CFEP) will support member institutions as they seek to strengthen academic programs and enhance areas of curriculum growth and need with the goal of creating “Centers of Excellence” in an array of disciplines critical to the success, stability and viability of our nation’s HBCUs.

A major component of this program will involve opportunities for small clusters of member institutions to share similar interests and goals via “Networks of Learning.” This team-oriented approach will enable 15-20 institutions to share valuable information, learn from each other’s experiences and respond to challenges together, in a setting that promotes mentoring and collaboration. Initially, these clusters will be focused on the following areas of curriculum reform:

 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Disciplines  Core Curriculum  Professional Programs (including business, nursing, education, library and information science, etc.)  Humanities  Interdisciplinary Studies

Overall, the HBCU Curriculum Enhancement Program will enable the network of UNCF institutions to work collectively to enhance curricula that will better prepare African-American and other students of color for success in the 21st century workplace. More importantly, a greater number of member institutions will become known for their innovative curriculum and highly-qualified graduates. This will in turn help attract more students and greater public and private funding.


The needs assessment is concentrating on Faculty Development. Faculty Development refers to those programs which focus on the individual faculty member. The most common focus for programs of this type is the faculty member as a teacher. A second frequent focus of such programs is the faculty member as a scholar and professional. A third area in which faculty development programs focus is the faculty member as a person. Research is critical to faculty development, and assists minority professors in increasing their research experience. In addition, professors who continue their development through furthering their research & training, also have access to pursue advanced degrees and improve their curricula and teaching skills. A quality education includes the support and attention of knowledgeable, experienced professors.

2 Faculty members are the driving force behind colleges and universities; therefore, assisting professors to be as productive as possible will make the entire institution more productive.


Presently there are no instruments available designed to measure both curriculum and faculty development, at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, (HBCUs). This survey was developed by CAPA and the Institute for Capacity Building, ICB. The Center for Assessment, Planning and Accountability, (CAPA), is part of the United Negro College Fund Special Programs Corporation, (UNCFSP). The survey was designed to inform ICB on what policies and programs need to be developed to make the HBCUs more successful in their Curriculum and Faculty Enhancement initiative area. It will be distributed to all HBCUs. The Curriculum and Faculty Enhancement survey is a product of ICB, in collaboration with UNCFSP. The instrument was developed with the advice and assistance of UNCF directors, researchers as well as consultants with expertise in the various fields.

The Curriculum and Faculty Enhancement Survey is designed for use by the Institutional Research Officers. The instructional guide was created to assist the respondents in areas that they may not have expertise. The instrument measures four areas related to Curriculum and Faculty Enhancement: Faculty Development Operations, Faculty Development Programming, Faculty Characteristics, and Academic Information.


FACULTY DEVELOPMENT OPERATIONS Instructions for completing Items 1-10

1. Please answer the following about the chief person who manages the majority of your faculty development efforts: Please enter detailed information regarding the senior personnel who manages faculty development.

2. Please select the phrase that best describes the type of office or location the institution’s faculty development initiative has: Please enter location information for type of faculty development office at your campus.

3. Please select how long the faculty development initiative has been in existence in its current form: Please select the approximate length of time the faculty development office has existed.

4. Please select the individual the person that runs faculty development operations directly reports to: Please select the name of the individual that the faculty development lead reports to.

5. Please select the number of individuals, including the administrator, that are on the faculty development staff: Please select the appropriate number of faculty staff for your institution.

6. Please select the status of the institution’s specific faculty development goals: Please select the appropriate answer that best reflects the faculty development goal status.

7. If applicable, please enter the institution’s specific faculty development goals: Please list any specific faculty development goals that your institution has.

8. Please select all phrases that describe how funding for internal faculty development operations is secured: (Select all that Apply) Please select all areas that indicate where the internal faculty development operations funds are secured from.

9. Please select all phrases that describe how funding for internal faculty development programming is secured: (Select all that Apply) Please select all areas that indicate where the internal faculty development programming funds are secured from.

10. Please select the methods the institution utilizes to measure faculty satisfaction: (Select all that Apply) Please select all methods used to measure faculty satisfaction.


1. Please answer the following about the chief person who manages the majority of your faculty development efforts:  Position title:  Highest academic degree:  Years with institution:  Years in present position:  Gender:

2. Please select the phrase that best describes the type of office or location the institution’s faculty development initiative has:  Dedicated office in an academic building  Dedicated office in an administrative building  Free-standing structure dedicated to faculty development  There is no specific faculty development location or structure

3. Please select how long the faculty development initiative has been in existence in its current form:  0-6 months  6 months - 1 year  1-3 years  3-5 years  5-10 years  More than 10 years

4. Please select the individual the person that runs faculty development operations directly reports to:  Institution President  Provost/Chief Academic Officer  Dean  Other

5. Please select the number of individuals, including the administrator, that are on the faculty development staff:  1  2  3  4  5 or more

6. Please select the status of the institution’s specific faculty development goals:  There are specific faculty development goals that have been adopted as institutional policy  There are specific faculty development goals that are currently under review to be adopted as institutional policy  The faculty development office has specific goals but they are not part of any institutional formal policy  Faculty development goals are currently being developed  There are no current faculty development goals  Unknown

7. If applicable, please enter the institution’s specific faculty development goals:

5 8. Please select all phrases that describe how funding for internal faculty development initiative operations is secured: (Select all that Apply)  Funds designated as a line item in the institutional annual budget  Funds secured from external grants  Other  There is no budget for faculty development operations

9. Please select all phrases that describe how funding for internal faculty development initiative programming is secured: (Select all that Apply)  Funds designated as a line item in the institutional annual budget  Funds secured from external grants  Other  There is no budget for faculty development operations

10. Please select the methods the institution utilizes to measure faculty satisfaction: (Select all that Apply)  Annual Institution Survey  Reports from Faculty Chairs  Statistics on Faculty Turnover  Other  Unknown  The institution does not measure faculty satisfaction

FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMING Instructions for completing Items 11-15

For the following programming questions, please consider those faculty development opportunities that would have been available to the majority of your faculty over the past 5 years.

11. Select the terms that best describe the faculty development opportunities offered at the institution: (Select all that Apply) Please select all opportunities offered for faculty development.

12. Please select the rewards or incentives that are offered to faculty to participate in activities to improve their teaching, research and/or course development: (Select all that Apply) Please select all types of rewards or incentives offered for participation in any faculty development area.

13. Please select the types of support the institution offers for faculty to obtain advanced degrees: (Select all that Apply) Please select all types of support offered in obtaining advanced degrees.

14. Please select the types of support for faculty research the institution provides: (Select all that Apply) Please select all types of support the institution offers to faculty for research.

15. Please select the way(s) that best describe how the institution prepares faculty for the promotion and tenure process: (Select all that Apply) Please select all areas that describe how the institution prepares faculty for either promotions or tenure.

6 FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMING For the following programming questions, please consider those faculty development opportunities that would have been available to the majority of your faculty over the past 5 years.

11. Select the terms that best describe the faculty development opportunities offered at the institution: (Select all that Apply)  Annual Faculty Orientation  Mentoring  Classroom Management  Multiculturalism/Diversity/Inclusi  Consideration of Gender Issues in ve Classrooms the Curriculum  New Faculty Orientation  Course Development Innovations  Publication Development  Curriculum Design Innovations  Student Advising  Faculty Advisor Training  Student Evaluation/Assessment  Faculty Research  Student Tutoring  Faculty/Student Research  Technology Usage Training  Globalizing the Curriculum  Tenure and Promotion Workshops  Grant Writing  Other  Instructional Strategies  None of these are Offered  Integrating Technology in the Classroom

12. Please select the rewards or incentives that are offered to faculty to participate in activities to improve their teaching, research and/or course development: (Select all that Apply)  Grants  Release Time  Student Assistants  Special Recognition  Other  None

13. Please select the types of support the institution offers for faculty to obtain advanced degrees: (Select all that Apply)

 Nomination for External Grants and Fellowships  Institutional Grants  Release Time  Mentoring  Other  No Support Offered

14. Please select the types of support for faculty research the institution provides: (Select all that Apply)  Mentoring  Teaching Assistants  Sabbatical  Student Research Assistants  Research Semester (no teaching  Research Equipment duties)  Intramural Research Sharing  Course Release Time (symposia, faculty research groups)  Institutional Grants (for travel to  Online Learning/Research collections, conferences, field work salary Communities supplement)

7  Inter-institutional Research  Other Collaborations  No Support Offered

15. Please select the way(s) that best describe how the institution prepares faculty for the promotion and tenure process: (Select all that Apply)  Promotion and Tenure Process Manual  Workshops  Assignment of Faculty Mentor  Portfolio Reviews  Other  None Provided

FACULTY CHARACTERISTICS- TENURED FACULTY Instructions for completing Items 16-19

16. Please enter the number of full-time, tenured faculty the institution has in the following categories by gender. Please enter gender appropriate number regarding full-time, tenured faculty in the categories listed.

17. Please enter the number of full-time, tenured faculty the institution has in the following race/ethnicity categories by gender. Please enter gender appropriate number regarding race/ethnicity of full-time, tenured faculty.

18. Please enter the number of full-time, tenured faculty the institution has in the following ‘highest degree earned’ categories by gender. Please enter gender appropriate number regarding highest degree earned of full-time, tenured faculty.

19. Please enter the number of full-time, tenured faculty that have been at the institution for the time-periods specified by gender. Please enter gender appropriate number regarding length of time served of full-time, tenured faculty.


16. Please enter the number of full-time, tenured faculty the institution has in the following categories by gender. Male Female Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Instructor Other

17. Please enter the number of full-time, tenured faculty the institution has in the following race/ethnicity categories by gender. Male Female American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American

8 Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or More Races Non-Resident Alien

18. Please enter the number of full-time, tenured faculty the institution has in the following ‘highest degree earned’ categories by gender. Highest Degree Earned Male Female Certificate Bachelor’s Master’s Doctoral Other

19. Please enter the number of full-time, tenured faculty that have been at the institution for the time-periods specified by gender. Male Female 0-3 years 3-6 years 7-10 years Over 10 years

FACULTY CHARACTERISTICS: TENURE-TRACK FACULTY Instructions for completing Items 20-23

20. Please enter the number of full-time, tenure-track faculty the institution has in the following categories by gender. Please enter gender appropriate number regarding full-time, tenure-track faculty in the categories listed.

21. Please enter the number of full-time, tenure-track faculty the institution has in the following race/ethnicity categories by gender. Please enter gender appropriate number regarding race/ethnicity of full-time, tenure-track faculty.

22. Please enter the number of full-time, tenure-track faculty the institution has in the following ‘highest degree earned’ categories by gender. Please enter gender appropriate number regarding highest degree earned of full-time, tenure-track faculty.

23. Please enter the number of full-time, tenure-track faculty that have been at the institution for the time-periods specified by gender. Please enter gender appropriate number regarding length of time served of full-time, tenure-track faculty.


20. Please enter the number of full-time, tenure-track faculty the institution has in the following categories by gender. Male Female Full Professor

9 Associate Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Instructor Other

21. Please enter the number of full-time, tenure-track faculty the institution has in the following race/ethnicity categories by gender. Male Female American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or More Races Non-Resident Alien

22. Please enter the number of full-time, tenure-track faculty the institution has in the following ‘highest degree earned’ categories by gender. Highest Degree Earned Male Female Certificate Bachelor’s Master’s Doctoral Other

23. Please enter the number of full-time, tenure-track faculty that have been at the institution for the time-periods specified by gender. Male Female 0-3 years 3-6 years 7-10 years Over 10 years


24. Please enter the number of full-time, non-tenure-track faculty the institution has in the following categories by gender. Please enter gender appropriate number regarding full-time, non- tenure-track faculty in the categories listed.

25. Please enter the number of full-time, non-tenure-track faculty the institution has in the following race/ethnicity categories by gender. Please enter gender appropriate number regarding race/ethnicity of full-time, non-tenure-track faculty.

26. Please enter the number of full-time, non-tenure-track faculty the institution has in the following ‘highest degree earned’ categories by gender. Please enter gender appropriate number regarding highest degree earned of full-time, non- tenure-track faculty.

10 27. Please enter the number of full-time, non-tenure-track faculty that have been at the institution for the time-periods specified by gender. Please enter gender appropriate number regarding length of time served of full-time, non- tenure-track faculty.


24. Please enter the number of full-time, non-tenure-track faculty the institution has in the following categories by gender. Male Female Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Instructor Other

25. Please enter the number of full-time, non-tenure-track faculty the institution has in the following race/ethnicity categories by gender. Male Female American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or More Races Non-Resident Alien

26. Please enter the number of full-time, non-tenure-track faculty the institution has in the following ‘highest degree earned’ categories by gender. Highest Degree Earned Male Female Certificate Bachelor’s Master’s Doctoral Other

27. Please enter the number of full-time, non-tenure-track faculty that have been at the institution for the time- periods specified by gender. Male Female 0-3 years 3-6 years 7-10 years Over 10 years


11 Instructions for completing Items 28-31

28. Please enter the number of adjunct or part-time faculty the institution has in the following categories by gender.

Please enter gender appropriate number regarding adjunct or part-time faculty in the categories listed.

29. Please enter the number of adjunct or part-time faculty the institution has in the following race/ethnicity categories by gender. Please enter gender appropriate number regarding race/ethnicity of adjunct or part-time faculty.

30. Please enter the number of adjunct or part-time faculty the institution has in the following ‘highest degree earned’ categories by gender. Please enter gender appropriate number regarding highest degree earned of adjunct or part-time faculty.

31. Please enter the number of adjunct or part-time faculty that have been at the institution for the time-periods specified by gender. Please enter gender appropriate number regarding length of time served of adjunct or part-time faculty.

Adjunct or Part-Time Faculty

28. Please enter the number of adjunct or part-time faculty the institution has in the following categories by gender. Male Female Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Instructor Other

29. Please enter the number of adjunct or part-time faculty the institution has in the following race/ethnicity categories by gender. Male Female American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or More Races Non-Resident Alien

30. Please enter the number of adjunct or part-time faculty the institution has in the following ‘highest degree earned’ categories by gender. Highest Degree Earned Male Female Certificate Bachelor’s Master’s Doctoral

12 Other

31. Please enter the number of adjunct or part-time faculty that have been at the institution for the time-periods specified by gender. Male Female 0-3 years 3-6 years 7-10 years Over 10 years ACADEMIC INFORMATION Instructions for completing Items 32-34

32. Please select the degrees your institution confers: (Select all that Apply) Please select all appropriate types of degrees offered at your institution.

33. Please select the learning experiences the institution offers to students: (Select all that Apply) Please select all types of learning experiences offered to students.

34. Please enter the academic departments at your institution and the major school or division the department is part of: (Select all that Apply) Please enter all names of academic departments and their associated school or divisions.


32. Please select the degrees your institution confers: (Select all that Apply)  Certificates  Associates  Bachelors  Masters  Doctoral  Other

33. Please select the learning experiences the institution offers to students: (Select all that Apply)  Blended Courses (part distance ed./part in-  Interdisciplinary Seminars class)  Internship Program  Capstone Seminar  Online Learning Communities  Cooperative Education Program  Senior Thesis  Distance Learning Courses  Service Learning Program (aka  Faculty – Student Research Projects Community-based Learning)  Freshman Year Curriculum  Study Abroad Program  Honors Programs  Other  Integration of Gender Issues in Curriculum  None of these are Offered  Integration of Global Issues in the Curriculum

34. Please enter the academic departments at your institution and the major school or division the department is part of. (Select all that Apply) Department School/Division

13 14 SUGGESTED READINGS Listed below are sources that will offer further in-depth information on some of the topics in this survey. Many of these sources were utilized to develop the needs assessment.

Beach, A.L., Dawkins, P.W., Rozman, S.L., & Grant, J.L. (2008). Faculty development at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. In M. Gasman, B. Baez., and C. S.V.Turner (Eds.) Understanding Minority- Serving Institutions. (pp. 156-168). New York: State University of New York Press.

Beach, A.L. (2002). Strategies to improve college teaching: the role of different levels of organizational influence on faculty instructional practices. Doctoral Dissertation. Michigan State University.

Hirt, J.B., Strayhorn, T.L., Amelink, C.T., & Bennett, B.R. (2006). The nature of student affairs work at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Journal of College Student Development, 47, 661-676.

Johnson, B.J., & Harvey, W. (2002). The socialization of Black college faculty: implication for policy and practice. The Review of Higher Education, 25, 297-314.

Kim, M. M. (2002). Historically Black vs. White institutions: Academic development among Black students. The Review of Higher Education, 25, 385-407.


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