1) Information Has Two Basic Departments, _____ and _____
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The Career Counselor's Handbook
Questions from chapter 1
1) Information has two basic departments, _____ and _____. a) Silence, Aspirations b) Aspirations, Directions c) Directions, Symbols d) Symbols, Silence
2) Information + Knowledge + Wisdom = a) Responsibility b) Experience c) Spirituality d) Life
Questions from chapter 2
3) The replacement for the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (D.O.T.) is the a) eNet b) iDOT c) eDOT d) O*Net
4) The job is seen above all else as something that pleases the self for the a) Road b) Cart c) Driver d) Horse
Questions from chapter 3
5) “Tell me about some things you’ve done in your life that you’ve felt good about” is a question to explore which objective? a) Assume responsibility b) Imagine career ideas c) Use one’s favorite functional and adaptive skills d) Know how to determine steps to a career goal
Questions from chapter 4
6) This course uses which approach to career counseling? a) Psychodynamic b) Cognitive behavioral c) Client-centered d) Play therapy ce4less.com ce4less.com ce4less.com ce4less.com ce4less.com ce4less.com 7) “What kinds of careers have you thought you might like to do?” is an example of which counselor skill? a) Creative imagining b) Spot-checking c) Skill identifying d) Value clarifying
Questions from chapter 5
8) If one knows the individual’s parts (skills, interests, etc.), these can be “added up” to suggest career options. a) True b) False
9) The counselor can elicit career ideas from clients in all the following ways EXCEPT a) Ask directly b) Discourage unrealistic ideas c) Use mental imagery d) Focus on the client’s accomplishments
Questions from chapter 6
10) The source of motivation in careers which involves being yourself is known as a) Id b) Ego c) Essence d) Superego
11) Ego can turn sour in a person’s career in all the following ways EXCEPT a) Their ego is substituted with another’s b) Ego becomes an addiction c) Seeking ego satisfaction turns to worry and stress d) The pleasure of the doing disappears
Questions from chapter 7
12) The title of the first true job-hunting book in America was titled: a) Job Hunting for Fun and Profit b) You are America’s Future c) Find the Way to Make Your Way d) Your Work Abilities
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14) Which is NOT one of the 3 different kinds of skills according to ideas published in 1967? a) Functional b) Specific content c) Adaptive d) Relational
15) In 1975, the idea appeared that which type of education makes one highly marketable in the world of word? a) Graduate school b) Liberal arts c) Vocational d) Business school
16) From 1998 to 2007, what movement gained momentum? a) Career coach b) Internet research c) Outsourcing d) Workman’s Comp
Questions from chapter 8
17) Starting a business meeting by first talking on a personal basis is something Texans call a) Sharing b) Jawing c) Shucking and Jiving d) Visiting
18) Which is NOT mentioned as an effective method to find clients? a) Free seminars b) Get on or in the media c) Copresent seminars with another professional d) Use Yellow page advertisements
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19) The author suggest that you be prepared to spontaneously tell about your work in ______, anytime, anywhere. a) 15 to 20 seconds b) 30 to 60 seconds c) 2 to 4 minutes d) 5 to 10 minutes
20) All the following guidelines are given EXCEPT a) Create a market niche wherever you can b) Price your services lower than the competition c) Always imagine that you’ll see former clients in the grocery store d) Consider earning your income from several sources
Questions from chapter 10
21) The author recommends promoting a career checkup that would be held a) Every 6 months b) Annually c) Every 2 years d) Every 5 years
22) All the following were mentioned as items which can be addressed in the career checkup EXCEPT a) Job-search b) Retirement planning c) Interview Skills d) Negotiating skills
Questions from chapter 11
23) Which is not one of the 1 - 2 - 3 themes used by an effective counselor? a) Who can be your mentor for it? b) What do you want to do? c) What is stopping you from doing it d) What are you doing about it?
Questions from chapter 12
24) Which is NOT mentioned as part of a broader view of careen assessment? a) Aptitude as well as intelligence must be measured b) The whole cannot be predicted by the sum of the parts c) Initial career choice is overemphasized d) Assessment must be future-oriented rather than stuck in the present
ce4less.com ce4less.com ce4less.com ce4less.com ce4less.com ce4less.com 25) Which is NOT mentioned as a problem with testing? a) The fortune-teller syndrome b) Clients believe that tests have low validity c) Testing encourages clients to become dependent d) Testing is a crutch for the counselor
26) The Skill Assessment Profile assessing a client on all the following EXCEPT a) Skills b) Knowledge c) Attitudes d) Time
Questions from chapter 13
27) Most of the forecasts published in newspapers and magazines comes from which government source? a) Occupational Outlook Quarterly b) Occupational Outlook Handbook c) Employment Outlook d) All the above
28) When the demand is greater than supply this equals a) Excellent job opportunity b) Very good job opportunity c) Good job opportunity d) May face competition
Questions from chapter 14
29) Which is perhaps the most common problem in the misuse of information in career counseling? a) You have told me more about _____ than I wanted to know b) The information is OK, I guess, but it has nothing to do with my problem c) I did not come here for a lecture d) The information you’re fiving me jars me
30) Which is NOT a way to use information during the counseling process? a) Turn self-discovery questions into information questions b) “Contract” with the client c) Correct clients’ misperceptions of careers when they occur d) Reveal the limitations of your knowledge
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31) Which is NOT mentioned as a “Rather Good” internet functions for job- hunters? a) Researching fields, professions and particular kinds of jobs b) Getting advice about resumes, interviews, and job-hunting c) Networking and establishing contacts with other job-hunters d) Finding vacancies posted by employers on the Internet
32) The author suggests that career counselors who are just entering the field can start out with telephone counseling to cut down on expenses. a) True b) False
Questions from chapter 16
33) The counselor should probably consider using other skills during the one hour, such as _____ and _____. a) Task setting, Identifying Yes, Buts b) Identifying Yes Buts, Giving information c) Giving Information, Administering Interest Inventories d) Administering Interest Inventories, Task setting
Questions from chapter 17
34) The best shortcuts for the section on “Where” include all EXCEPT a) John Holland’s RIASEC theory of careers b) the SDS c) The Party Exercise d) The MBTI
35) What technique was developed help 3 people to skill identification? a) The Triangle Technique b) Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker c) 120 degrees d) Trioing
Questions from chapter 18
36) Which is NOT a key principle in the design and facilitation of group workshops? a) Assign people for each exercise to subgroups of 2, 3, or 4. b) Mix up the group members. c) People learn better when they’re laughing. d) Be flexible with time
ce4less.com ce4less.com ce4less.com ce4less.com ce4less.com ce4less.com 37) In terms of physical facilities, it is recommended to have all EXCEPT a) Tables b) Breakout rooms c) Movable chairs and tables d) Space to circulate
Questions from chapter 19
38) When conventional interviews fail to give your client the full opportunity to show what he or she can do, he or she could try a) Community Theater b) A video vitae c) Getting more relevant references d) Trial work experiences
Questions from chapter 20
39) The author states, it is not your job to motivate people to do career planning. a) True b) False
40) Which group has the author found to be more likely to have a victim mentality? a) Middle-aged women b) Middle-aged men c) Elderly women d) Elderly men
Questions from chapter 21
41) The right side of the brain a) Specializes in spatial and relational functions b) Excels at seeing the pieces c) Processes information in a linear manner d) Specializes in memory and recognition of words and numbers
42) George Prince describes the left side of the brain functioning as the a) Experimental Self b) Logical Self c) Safekeeping Self d) Flamboyant Self
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43) Which is not in the How to Confront sequence? a) Outline the discrepancy b) Express your confusion c) Ask what it means d) Offer suggestions
44) Confronting is a a) Llama and a Leprechaun b) Mace and a Marshmallow c) Kick and a Kindness d) Cheer and a Curse
Questions from chapter 23
45) Which is an approach for dealing with difficult clients? a) Define immediately attainable tasks b) Create a support group c) Acknowledge the client’s futility d) All the above
46) You should realize that there are some impossible clients and you shouldn’t blame yourself for their failure. a) True b) False
Questions from chapter 24
47) Which is NOT a suggestion to help clients efficiently negotiate job-search bureaucracies? a) Use the telephone to identify people who have the power to hire b) Smile on the telephone c) Send a resume as early as possible and to multiple departments d) Spend no more than 20% of job hunting time preparing written materials
Questions from chapter 25
48) Face-to-face contact with other people, one-on-one, in groups or otherwise should account for what percent of job-hunting? a) 20% b) 40% c) 60% d) 80%
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49) In the place of steady jobs, people are learning to regard themselves as a) unemployed b) temp workers c) part of a whole d) self-employed
50) The Chinese symbol for crisis also can mean a) Opportunity b) Goodbye c) Empty vase d) Lilly pad
Questions from chapter 27
51) A piano tuner would be a self-employed a) Investigative person b) Artistic person c) Conventional person d) Realistic person
52) A CPA who is in business for himself would be a self-employed a) Investigative person b) Artistic person c) Conventional person d) Realistic person
Questions from chapter 28
53) The best way to deal with fear is through a) exposure b) cognitive therapy c) medications d) self-affirmations
Questions from chapter 29
54) Paul Hawken recommends that you not invest a lot of _____ in starting a business. a) money b) effort c) time d) heartache
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55) The author believes that it is important to reflect on how much the field of career development owes to a) education b) opposable thumbs c) electricity d) freedom
Questions from chapter 31
56) The author states that career counselors may be reluctant to ask the hard questions about _____, but if they don’t do it, maybe no one will. a) emotional intimacy b) physical intimacy c) career values d) personal hygiene
Questions from chapter 32
57) What are the tow levels of social consciousness that can be practice by anyone pursuing a job, self-employment, or business ownership? a) Being true to oneself & Finding your niche b) Finding your niche & Serving customers/clients c) Serving customers/clients & Building relationship to communities d) Building relationship to communities & Being true to oneself
Questions from chapter 33
58) Your clients should be taught to ask themselves all the following questions regarding adding value EXCEPT a) Will I attract new customers or clientele? b) Will I be more marketable to future employers? c) Will I be saving the company money today? d) Will I enhance the productivity or morale of other workers?
Questions from chapter 34
59) The author suggests method such as _____ to bring home clearly to lawbreakers that they have violated the rights of their fellow citizens. a) The BBB b) The stocks c) Waterboarding d) Public licensing board hearings
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60) The author sees spirituality/religion/faith as a _____ in which each of us acts out the way we see the universe, and others, and ourselves. a) Cocktail party b) Pensive c) Stage d) Playpen
Questions from chapter 36
61) The author states that all the following developments would be beneficial to practitioners EXCEPT a) Feedback regarding one’s career counseling skills b) Websites with artificial intelligence to help clients make choices c) Greater use of career groups d) Less reliance on standardized tests
62) The author sees all the following as possible future developments EXCEPT a) Nonprofit community career centers b) One-stop career centers c) Retail career centers for reasonable fees d) Less overlap between career counseling and psychological counseling
Questions from chapter 37
63) Which is NOT one of the five rules for dealing with change in the new millennium? In the midst of all the changes you are going through, a) Learn to keep the component parts as a coherent whole. b) Always look for the things that remain constant. c) Search for the largest context you can find for viewing those changes. d) Work constantly on developing alternatives.
Questions from chapter 38
64) The author offers the following suggestion. a) Take risks b) Meet with three professional soulmates c) Write at least one article d) All the above
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