Sta 1060 Basic Statistics Using Excel
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University of Central Florida, Department of Statistics STA1060 (3 credit hours), Basic Statistics Using Excel, Fall 2010 Section 0001 (MW 11:30– 1:20 PM) Section 0002 (MW 2:30– 3:20 PM)
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Julie Pepe
EMAIL: [email protected] (I will not open attachments from students.)
WEBSITE: (You are responsible for downloading weekly Lab Templates) WebCT may be used for additional problem distribution.
Monday: 10:30 – 11:20 AM Wednesday: 3:30 – 4:20 PM Friday: 10:30 – 11:20 AM Other hours: By appointment only
PHONE: (407) 823 – 6522 (the best way to reach me is by email)
MEDIA: Flash drive is required for lab. Size 256 MB is sufficient for this course
TEXTBOOK: CUSTOM edition for UCF of Elementary Statistics, by Larson and Farber
SCANTRON: Raspberry color with UCF logo—50 questions on the front side—you will need 5 for the semester
COURSE OBJECTIVE: No previous Excel computer experience is needed for this course. A basic introduction to Excel will be included in the beginning of the term. In this course we will use Excel extensively to organize and analyze data sets. Statistical concepts will be taught in the classroom 2 hours per week using Excel. One hour a week, you will attend a lab session to get hands on experience using the computer. A graduate assistant will be present in the labs to assist the students with technical problems. During these labs, the student will analyze and interpret real data.
TOPICS: 1. Basic introduction to using the spreadsheet format in Excel. Topics include navigating worksheets and workbooks, accessing files, entering data, editing worksheets, using formulas in Excel, saving and printing files. 2. Describing data using graphs and tables: frequency tables, pie charts, bar charts, box plots, stem-and-leaf plots, histograms, scatterplots 3. Describing data using numerical measures: mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, z-scores 4. Normal distribution, sampling distribution of the sample mean, Central Limit Theorem 5. Confidence Intervals for means and proportions 6. Determining sample sizes to estimate means and proportions 7. Testing hypotheses about means 8. Correlation and Regression 9. Goodness of fit and Chi Square Independence
REQUIREMENTS OF THE STUDENTS: Students must follow the University standards for personal and academic conduct as outlined in The Golden Rule. See for details. Students are apprised when they are accepted at UCF that they must be aware of and follow these policies of conduct. Please make sure your cell phones are turned off during exams. If your phone rings during an exam, you will receive a grade of zero (0) on the exam. COURSE GRADE CALCULATED: 600 points total Four tests (100 points each) Labs (10 points each – best 10 scores will be used) Two Computer Projects (50 points each) Optional Final (Cumulative, given during finals week, can be used to replace a low test score)
This course has a total of 600 points. An optional final (to replace any one of the 4 exams) will be given during the final exam week. Since the final is optional, there are no make-up exams. If you miss 2 exams for any reason, one grade will be a zero. NOTE: If you received a zero for a ringing phone, the final will not replace that grade. Multiple-choice exams will be given during the regular class lecture period. Exams will be closed book and closed notes, but you will be allowed to use one (1) 8.5 by 11-inch formula sheet. Your paper can contain formula and examples. You may be required to turn in your formula sheet and tables with the exam. You are expected to have and use your own scientific calculator. You must bring your own scantron. On exam days, you must bring your UCF student ID card for identity verification. If you do not have an ID card with you, you will receive a grade of zero. You will not be allowed to enter the exam room if you are more than 10 minutes late for the exam and will receive a grade of zero for the exam (this includes the final). Headphones of any type are not allowed during any test. Cell phones cannot be used as a calculator.
Exam grades will be posted within 1 week of the exam (usually sooner) via MyGrades (through the MyUCF portal). You will have a two-week period following each exam in which you can see me to go over your exam. You will not be allowed to copy/keep your exam. Grade discrepancies after this two-week period will not be adjusted.
Academic dishonesty will result in a grade of ‘0’ for the exam and possibly removal from the class. Providing information to another student or receiving information concerning exam content during the exam or to another student in a later section is considered cheating. This is a serious offense. Additionally, the incident will be reported to the University student judicial officer for disciplinary action.
LABS: It is your responsibility to print the lab off of my website each week and bring it to lab. If you do not have the lab from my website you will receive a grade of 0 for the lab. Each week you will hand in the lab sheet from the internet with all questions answered and your flash drive. Please check that the files are saved on your disk! If the files cannot be graded, you will receive only one point for attendance. Because the templates are available prior to lab, it is your responsibility to practice the lab so that you can complete the lab in 50 minutes. For every lab it is your responsibility to sign in with your lab instructor. Make sure you arrive on time to lab and sign in. Each lab will be handed back during the next lab. The graduate assistants will conduct and grade the labs; they will not teach you the material covered in lab! They will also hold office hours to assist you with the course. My website lists their name, email address, phone number, office location, and office hours. (NOTE: No voicemail on phones)
LAB Grades: Lab work is the equivalent of one test grade, consider lab to be a quiz grade. It is very important to attend all labs. There will be 12 labs this semester and I will keep your best 10 lab grades (for a total of up to 100 points). You will only have lab time to work on these assignments and time will not be extended. Since I will drop 2 labs, there are absolutely no make-up labs. If you have a school sanctioned conflict (athletes) you must come to me one week prior to the lab. If there is a grade discrepancy (i.e., no grade for the lab), the lab sign in sheet will be used for documentation. Each lab will be handed back during the next lab with a grade of 0 – 10 so that you may keep track of your lab grade. If your lab grade at the end of the semester is below 70, you will receive an F in the course.
Projects: Projects will be turned in to your lab assistant. Late work will not be graded. These projects will consist of an Excel analysis part and a written analysis. There will be two projects this semester worth 50 points each. A grading rubric will be available to assist in project composition.
Grading: A 600 – 540 points (100-90%) B+ 539 – 528 points (89.9 – 88%) B 527 – 480 points (87.9 – 80%) C+ 479 – 468 points (79.9 – 78%) C 467 – 420 points (77.9-70%) D 419 – 360 points (69.9-60%) F Below 360 points (59.9% or below) Email: I will respond to all email during office hours only. Please make sure to identify yourself and class you are taking. The official email for contacting students is now your knights email account – I cannot respond to other addresses.
THE BEST ADVICE I CAN GIVE YOU: Come to class, work the problems done in class and homework problems, practice using Excel, join a study group and go see the graduate assistants or the instructor for help.
WITHDRAW DEADLINE: The deadline to withdraw with a grade of W is Friday October 15, 2010. ***DISCLAIMER: Changes in evaluation procedure may be made at the discretion of the instructor***