How to change the Withdraw Code in a Student’s record to receive the 50% refund

When a student calls or comes to the Front Desk and states that they dropped all of their classes before the 50% refund deadline and want their refund, you need to ask them if they received any type of scholarships or Financial Aid. If they state that they have, then direct them to Frazier Hall Front Desk to pick up the Withdraw From Classes Form. Tell them that they need to take the filled out form to the Financial Aid Office (located on the 2nd Floor of the Student Services Complex) to be signed and returned to the Front Desk. ALWAYS, ALWAYS ask a student who is considering dropping any class after the 100% drop date if they are on any type of scholarship that requires that they maintain a certain credit load. This is also true if the student is considering changing from credit to audit. This could mess up their scholarship so they need to be counseled by a Financial Aid Counselor.

If the student states they did not receive Financial Aid, then do the following:

1. Open up the student’s record. 2. Check to see if the student has made any type of payment by checking the ABAL screen. If the student has not made a payment, then inform the student that if they don’t drop the classes they will be purged and will not owe the tuition fee. If they have already withdrawn and not made any payments toward their tuition balance, then print out the STIM screen where it states that all classes have been withdrawn. Print out the ABAL screen to show that the student did not make a payment and give both print outs to Karen Calder. She will make sure that the student is purged from the classes.

If the STIM screen show ‘Withdraw’ next to every class listed and ABAL shows that a payment (even partial) has been made towards their tuition bill then proceed to the following steps:

3. Type RMEN in the Function field 4. Hit enter. 5. Type 2 in the Function field 6. Hit enter. 7. Change the “WD” code under the ACT OVER column to “WH” (without the quotation marks)C 8. Hit enter

Put a note in the NOTE screen (under REG) that you changed the code from WD to WH as the student dropped all classes before 50% drop date and made payment. Also note that the student stated he/she was not on any type of financial aid.