Stettler Minor Hockey Minutes
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Stettler Minor Hockey Minutes August 11 th , 2011
Veronica Anderson Kevin Burkard Len Hoac Fran Sharpe Crystal Marshall Katie Bainbridge Dave Deaver Christa Cornelssen Sandra Schell Jason Hegberg Jason Bridge
The Meeting was called to order at 7:09 pm by Jason Bridge. The last meeting minutes were reviewed and Kevin Burkard moved to adopt as read and Veronica seconded.
Jason Bridge welcomes new members Lenny Hoac as VP Admin and Jason Hegberg as Secretary.
Kevin Burkard confirmed that DYMY is a new Jersey Sponsor and was going to call all other Sponsors to confirm Jersey Sponsorship. Jason Bridge said that CSI will sponsor more than just the Midget B team, using United Tank Inspection. Potential Sponsor is Schwartz Home Building Center. Was brought up that Cindy Zimmerman wanted to sew on name bars for Volunteer Hours, need to look into an hourly wage. Confirmed Rebels game for September 17th, still looking for Sponsors.
Jason Bridge attended the Hockey Alberta AGM on June 11th. Concussions were a major topic of discussion at the meeting, there is supposed to be a new clinic coming to Calgary for concussion specific treatment and diagnosis. Hockey Alberta debating on bringing in no hit hockey at non elite levels. Hockey Alberta is also really pushing development and looking at a shorter season with less games. Jason spoke at the AGM in regards to the girl program that SMHA put on at the end of last season.
Alix Minor Hockey declined on moving the boundary, Jason Bridge was going to contact Hockey Alberta to find out the next step in the process. There is a $300 fee to appeal the decision.
Treasurer – Christa Cornelssen
• Finishing up the paperwork for the changes in signing authority • Christa is going to confirm SMHA’s two investments, $35,000 and $20,000 • Kevin is going to email results of Sponsors • CSI has paid • 1 NSF check from Registration Registrar – Sandra Schell
• Early registration went well and there was some positive feedback • Payments are done, 105 registered at this time • Sandra would like to see early registration mandatory as it helps in planning the tryouts in advance and it helps Dave Deaver get a head start on Hockey Canada Registrations • Kevin Burkard suggested we have a payment plan set up for parents or allow for checks to be post dated for September, Christa agreed.
VP Admin – Lenny Hoac
• New member – nothing to report
VP Operations – Dave Deaver
• Not present at this time – nothing to report
VP Development – Glen Morbeck
• Jason Bridge talked to Glen, need to set dates for coaches clinics, need to talk about Goalie clinics, looking into a Christmas time Goalie clinic • Jaosn Bridge also talked to glen about putting on some clinics for the coaches, trying to teach the coaches how to teach. Brad Robbins is willing to help out.
VP Programs – Kevin Burkard
• Applied for tournament Sanction #’s, Christa is going to look into getting a license for all of SMHA
Equipment Director Still Needed
Website Coordinator – Andrea DeYoung
• Andrea is looking for Survey questions for the website • She is trying to get all the necessary forms onto the website
Referee/Ice Allocator – Fran Sharpe
• Tryouts and Tournaments are done, Fran will submit September Schedule to Jackie • Need to know when there will be a Ref Clinic Fundraising Chairperson – Lenny Hoac
• Sandra and Brent Kranzler were looking at dates for a golf tournament next summer. • Lenny Hoac is going to take the lead in organizing the Rebels Game • Jason Bridge is going to call Lori Anne Niehouse for the Rebels Game Checklist •Veronica Anderson is going to find out the award winners from last season, they will be presented at the Rebels Game. • Still looking for an official puck dropper for the Rebels Game, Roan Heck’s name was brought up.
Tryout Committee – Sandra Schell
• Schedule is done • New tryout format to be posted on website: NEW - $60 fee only guarantees players one skate. •Players to be informed by letter but there is some discussion about talking to each player on a personal level after the skate. • There will be another tryout committee meeting as soon as the coordinators are in place.
Mites Director - Needed Novice Director - Needed Atom Director - Needed Pee Wee Director - Needed Bantam Director - Katie Bainbridge Midget Director - Needed Female Director - Needed • Female Provincial tournament date is double booked with Figure Skating, Fran Sharpe was going to call Cindy Savage to see what could be done.
Open Discussion
With so much trouble finding Board Members, do we need to look at incentives to find Directors, Jason Bridge suggested volunteer hours.
Need to have some sort of incentive program for Referees. Sandra motioned to waive $25 fee for returning refs in our Association Boundaries, which also includes Big Valley. Dave Deaver Seconded, All in Favor.
Next Meeting September 8th, 2011 Meeting Adjourned at 9:12 pm.