“Freaks and Geeks”

Name: ______Date: ______

Directions: As you watch this episode of “Freaks and Geeks: Episode 1”, think about the situations below as if you were each sociologist mentioned. Write your analysis as you think they would, explaining the interactions from either the functionalist, conflict, or symbolic interactionist point of views. You have to understand each sociologist and what HE believed first. Refer to your outline notes!

Karl Marx: Allen vs. the geeks Emile Durkheim: why Lindsey’s parents want her to go to the school dance

George Herbert Mead: Sam’s desire to Herbert Spencer: Which of the “freaks” be with Cindy Sanders will be most and least successful in life and why (Ken, Nick, Kim, or Daniel) “Freaks and Geeks”

Directions: Now ,analyze the scenarios mentioned, using a perspective of your choosing:

1. Why does Lindsey want to be a part of the new social circle the “freaks” and avoid her past friends like Millie? (label your perspective first, then explain you opinion with supporting examples)

2. Why does Lindsey go out of her way to help and include Eli? (label your perspective first, then explain you opinion with supporting examples)