Name: Date: Period : UNIT 4: a New Republic

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Name: Date: Period : UNIT 4: a New Republic

Name: Date: Period : UNIT 4: A New Republic GEORGE WASHINGTON’S PRESIDENCY Washington’s first ______as president was to establish a ______to advise him on the nation.

WASHINGTON’S FAREWELL ADVICE 1. Stay clear of entangling ______, ______2. Weary of ______

WHISKEY REBELLION A 1794 protest against the government’s ______on whiskey by backcountry ______. Why did GW send troops? 1) Troops were sent to stop the ______of backcountry farmers 2) Showed the ______of the new ______government under the ______

ALEXANDER HAMILTON’S ECONOMIC PLAN 1. Pay off all ______2. Raise government ______3. Create a ______Hamilton wanted to improve the nation’s ______and to strengthen the ______government. He believed the ______government should pay off the war debts of the states. One way to do this was to _____imported goods.

PINCKNEY’S TREATY Pinckney’s Treaty was an agreement with ______which gave Americans the right to freely travel on the ______River.

ELECTION of 1796 What Constitutional issue arose at Election of 1796? Person with ______votes would be President and runner up would be _____President

JAY TREATY- an agreement that ended the dispute with Britain over American ______during the French Revolution.

XYX AFFAIR- In 1797, an incident when ______officials demanded a _____ from U.S. Diplomats. ALIEN AND SEDITION ACT 1) ______period for immigrants wanting to become American citizens went from 5-____years 2) Freedom of ______and the _____ was limited. Did not want people to say anything harmful or false about the govt.

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison looked for a way to ______the Alien and Sedition Acts.

Nullification- States could nullify, or ______, any act of Congress that it considered ______. States could decide which laws of the government they wanted to obey.

In the Presidential election of 1800, two political parties going head to head - ______- Democratic-______

RADICAL – people who take ______political positions. The Federalists were afraid radicals were getting ready to _____the United States.

Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr were tied with 73 ______college votes The House of Representatives voted to break the tie and it stayed tied until the 36th vote in which Jefferson was elected President

Jefferson’s many talents and interests included: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Jefferson wanted a calm America. He thought U.S. would be better off with a nation of ______. Jefferson wanted to make government ______– less ______, less federal employees, less government programs

JOHN MARSHALL – a ______appointed Supreme Court judge, was judge for over 30 years. The Federalists retained power after they were defeated because President Adams appointed many Federal ______before he left office. Marbury vs. Madison JUDICIAL REVIEW – Supreme Court has the final say in interpreting the ______.


In 1800’s the ______border of the United States was the Mississippi River. France, Spain, England, and Russia all had claims on lands in the ______. Jefferson believed the port city of ______was the key to controlling North America.

LOUISIANA PURCHASE was huge tract of land in the ______of North America sold by ______to the United States in 1803 for $______million.

______wanted to sell the land because he was worried about colonies and needed money to fight the war with England.

The Louisiana Purchase was bought for $15 million – about ____cents an acre (about a ______field). Jefferson chooses MERIWETHER ______and WILLIAM ______to lead an expedition into the unknown territory.

The CORPS OF DISCOVERY set out from ______in the summer of 1804. The expedition includes about ______people.

Jefferson gave the Corps 3 main goals:

1) Discover if there is a ______to the Pacific through the Missouri River.

2) Set up good relations with the ______in the area.

3) ______and take ______on the animals and wilderness of the area

SACAGAWEA SACAGAWEA was a ______year-old woman who helps the Corps as an ______on the expedition. The Corps found there was ______Northwest Passage, they formed good relationships with some of the Native Americans and did record the ______and ______.


______did not want the U.S. supplying their enemies with supplies and food. The Americans wanted to trade with both the English and the ______.

IMPRESSMENT - is ______, in this case from a ship on the ocean.

EMBARGO ACT OF 1807 - stated no American ships could ______to foreign ______and all American ports were closed to ______ships.

The Embargo Act was a ______- it hurt the U.S. economy very badly.

JAMES MADISON wins the ______of 1808.

TECUMSEH -Shawnee chief that organized local ______against the U.S. government. The Native Americans and the ______join forces after the Battle of Tippecanoe.

WAR HAWKS wanted war with ______.


1. The ______of American sailors 2. The British stopping their ______at sea 3. British have joined forces with the ______

On June 18, 1812 the United States declares war on .


1) 1812 to 1814 – England concentrated on defeating the ______, pay little attention to ______. 2) April of 1814 and on - after the British have defeated the French

The American ______and ______was very weak at the start of the war. OLIVER HAZZARD PERRY was an American ______commander in charge of U.S. ships in the ______Lakes.

BATTLE OF THAMES was an important ______for the Americans for two reasons. 1) Put an end to the British threat in ______United States 2) Tecumseh was ______in the battle

FRANCIS SCOTT KEY wrote the as he watched the attack on Fort McHenry.

The ______of the BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS was GENERAL ______.

TREATY OF GHENT ______the War of 1812 Basically there was no clear ______and many ______disputes were still unsettled.

Consequences of the War of 1812 1) Increased American ______2) ______the strength of Native Americans toward the government of the United States 3) American trade was ______and more manufacturing followed the war 4) America proved it could ______itself against a ______world power. NATIONALISM / SECTIONALISM

In the early 1800’s the United States is starting to grow into it’s own. We had defeated England in the War of 1812 - more feelings of patriotism


NATIONALISM – feeling of ______, ______and protectiveness as a country AMERICAN SYSTEM 3 Part plan President Madison presented to make the U.S. self-sufficient 1. Establish a protective tariff – tax on ______goods to make U.S. products easier to buy 2. Establish a ______bank – allows there to be only _____ currency 3. Improve the country’s ______system – build more roads, canals

JAMES MONROE – 5th president of the United States, won the ______election

SECTIONALISM-People begin to become more concerned with their individual ______or ______than the nation as a whole North vs South and East vs West. Loyalty to the interests of your own ______rather than to the nation as a ______.

Each time a new state is ______to the United States there is a big controversy about whether it will be a ______state or a ______state. When Missouri is ready to enter as a state there is much debate because Missouri has a number of slaves and yet is considered by some to be in the north

MISSOURI COMPROMISE – 1820, stated that Missouri would enter as a ______state and Maine would enter as a _____ state and slavery was to be banned north of parallel 36 degree, 30 minutes

The United States is also starting to flex it’s _____ a little with Europe and wants to put an end to the creation of ______in North and South America

McCulloch vs. Maryland: In 1819 the court ruled that ______had the right to establish the _____ and states cannot tax the federal government “The power to tax involves the power to destroy” This promoted national unity.

Ogden vs. Gibbons: Strengthened the federal government by ruling that ______commerce could be regulated only by the federal government, not the______governments.


(1823) – states that the Americas are closed to ______and the United States is a protector of ______America.

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