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LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment

Division: Health Sciences Discipline/Program: Nursing

Course Number and Name: Nursing 301C – Success Strategies for Nursing

Program Contact Person: _Carole Stevenson______Phone: _310-233-4520______

Reviewed by: Lora Lane, SLO Assessment Coordinator Date: December 2011

This course has not been offered since Fall 2010 semester Institutional Course Intended Means of Assessment and Summary of Data Collected Use of Results Learning Outcomes Outcomes Criteria for Success 1. Identify and Means: Test with 15 multiple Fall 2010 Further evaluate the missed test questions to see if 1 utilize the 5 steps choice questions. Test was given to 34 students in a there are certain of the nursing face to face classroom. questions/concepts that were commonly missed. process. Criteria: 80 % of students will get a C or better on the test. Results: 76% achieved a C or better Develop better testing strategies as needed. on the test. Change instruction on any identified concepts. Test according to the 75% passing rate for the Breakdown: School of Nursing. A= 29% B=32% C=15% D=18% F=6% 2 2. Describe the Means: Test with 30 multiple Fall 2010 Prior to the final, students were asked to write the nursing process as choice questions as final exam. Test was given as the final exam in a amount of time they spend studying, reading and a basis for critical face to face classroom setting. preparing for the 301C class. An average amount thinking in nursing. Criteria: 80% of the students of preparation time was 1 hour for studying and will get a C or better on the test. Results: 73% achieved a C or better. reading the chapters. Chapters were typically “skimmed”.

Breakdown: A=9% B=29% C=35% D=21% F=6%

1 3. Identify blocks Means: Essays Fall 2010 These assignments, due on week 2 and 3 of the of communication. 1.Physical Cues to Behavior Students wrote essays to questions class, were much more professional and showed 2.Personal Response to Conflict prepared and in the syllabus. The good to excellent work habits. 3. Responding Assertively essays all involved the students’ communication style. Essay #3, due at class 4, showed very little effort. Criteria: 80% of students will 18% of the essays were incomplete, sloppy, and 2 get C or better on each Results: students turned in no work at all. assignment. 1.Physical Cues to Behavior 94% achieved a C or better. Finals were during this week which impacted on study and preparation time as many students work Breakdown: and go to school. A=91% B=3% F=6%

Results: 2.Personal Response to Conflict 100% achieved an A.

Results: 3.Responding Assertively 84% achieved a C or better.

Breakdown: A=75% B=6% C=3% D=9% F=6%

1 4. Develop Means: Use the same homework Results: These two assignments were given for weeks 2 techniques to assignment assignments as #3. 2.Personal Response to Conflict and 3 of class. Essays #2 showed completeness enhance 1.Personal Response to Conflict 100% achieved an A. and critical thinking. interpersonal 2.Responding Assertively communications. Results: Essay#3 was sloppy, incomplete, and poorly Criteria: 80% of students will 3.Responding Assertively developed in 18% of students. This assignment get a C or better on each 84% achieved a C or better. was due at the last class which was also the day assignment. of the final exam. More than half of the 301C Breakdown: students are also in microbiology, anatomy, A=75% physiology and chemistry. Finals for these B=6% classes are at the same time as 301C. C=3% This time of year is stressful, and very D=9% demanding. Little effort was expended for 301C. F=6%

1 5. Describe the This SLO was not measured and was not an four essential parts integral part of the class. It will be replaced with of the a more meaningful objective for Spring 2011. communication process. 1 6. Identify and Means: Complete 4 nursing care Fall 2010 Students completed the care plan at home using apply the plans and correct them in class. Four nursing care plans were set criteria given each week. During class, using a components of the complete prior to class and then different colored pen, the student made changes nursing care plan Criteria: 90% of students will corrected, for full credit, during the so that the care plan is correct and can be used as complete the care plans at home class. a model during the nursing program. and correct them in class.

Results: #1. Care Plan: 100% completed the care plan satisfactorily.

#2 Care Plan: 100% completed the care plan satisfactorily.

Breakdown: A=97% B=3%

#3 Care Plan: 100% completed the care plan satisfactorily.

Breakdown: A=97% B=3% 1 7. Identify three Means: Essay question on the Fall 2011 Students completed the essay questions and test taking final exam. showed understanding of the test taking strategies strategies and and interpretation of m/c questions. No further describe the three Criteria: 80% of students will Results: action is needed for this objective. step method used identify a minimum of 3 39 students completed the essay for interpreting strategies and 3 of the steps used question. multiple choice test for interpreting multiple choice . questions. test questions. . Breakdown: 6 points A=92% 5 points B=1% C=0 4 points D=1% 3 points F=1%

92 % achieved an 80% or greater.

December 2010 Institutional Course Intended Outcomes Means of Assessment Summary of Data Use of Results Learning Outcomes and Criteria for Success Collected 1. Identify and utilize the 5 Means: Test with 15 Fall 2010 Further evaluate the missed 1 steps of the nursing process. multiple choice Test was given to 34 test questions to see if there questions. students in a face to face are certain classroom. questions/concepts that were Criteria: 80 % of commonly missed. students will get a C or Results: 76% achieved a better on the test. C or better on the test. Develop better testing strategies as needed. Change Breakdown: instruction on any identified A= 29% concepts. Test according to B=32% the 75% passing rate for the C=15% School of Nursing. D=18% F=6% 2 2. Describe the nursing process Means: Test with 30 Fall 2010 Prior to the final, students as a basis for critical thinking in multiple choice questions Test was given as the were asked to write the nursing. as final exam. final exam in a face to amount of time they spend face classroom setting. studying, reading and Criteria: 80% of the preparing for the 301C class. students will get a C or Results: 73% achieved a An average amount of better on the test. C or better. preparation time was 1 hour for studying and reading the chapters. Chapters were typically “skimmed”. Breakdown: A=9% B=29% C=35% D=21% F=6%

1 3. Identify blocks of Means: Essays Fall 2010 These assignments, due on communication. 1.Physical Cues to Students wrote essays to week 2 and 3 of the class, Behavior questions prepared and in were much more professional 2.Personal Response to the syllabus. The essays and showed good to excellent Conflict all involved the students’ work habits. 3. Responding communication style. Assertively Essay #3, due at class 4, Results: showed very little effort. Criteria: 80% of 1.Physical Cues to 18% of the essays were students will get C or Behavior incomplete, sloppy, and 2 better on each 94% achieved a C or students turned in no work at assignment. better. all.

Breakdown: Finals were during this week A=91% which impacted on study and B=3% preparation time as many F=6% students work and go to school. Results: 2.Personal Response to Conflict 100% achieved an A.

Results: 3.Responding Assertively 84% achieved a C or better.

Breakdown: A=75% B=6% C=3% D=9% F=6%

1 4. Develop techniques to Means: Use the same Results: These two assignments were enhance interpersonal homework assignment 2.Personal Response to given for weeks 2 and 3 of communications. assignments as #3. Conflict class. Essays #2 showed 1.Personal Response to 100% achieved an A. completeness and critical Conflict thinking. 2.Responding Assertively Results: 3.Responding Essay#3 was sloppy, Criteria: 80% of Assertively incomplete, and poorly students will get a C or 84% achieved a C or developed in 18% of better on each better. students. This assignment assignment. was due at the last class Breakdown: which was also the day of the A=75% final exam. More than half B=6% of the 301C students are also C=3% in microbiology, anatomy, D=9% physiology and chemistry. F=6% Finals for these classes are at the same time as 301C. This time of year is stressful, and very demanding. Little effort was expended for 301C. 1 5. Describe the four essential This SLO was not measured parts of the communication and was not an integral part process. of the class. It will be replaced with a more meaningful objective for Spring 2011. 1 6. Identify and apply the Means: Complete 4 Fall 2010 Students completed the care components of the nursing care nursing care plans and Four nursing care plans plan at home using set plan correct them in class. were complete prior to criteria given each week. class and then corrected, During class, using a Criteria: 90% of for full credit, during the different colored pen, the students will complete class. student made changes so that the care plans at home the care plan is correct and and correct them in class. can be used as a model Results: during the nursing program. #1. Care Plan: 100% completed the care plan satisfactorily.

#2 Care Plan: 100% completed the care plan satisfactorily. Breakdown: A=97% B=3%

#3 Care Plan: 100% completed the care plan satisfactorily.

Breakdown: A=97% B=3%

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