President Gives Approval to Rule Changes Class of 1966 Elects Kay
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Madison College Library Harrisonburg, Virginia President Gives Approval To Rule Changes President G. Tyler Miller has Permission is also obtained from Often, boys arrive late Saturday approved the recommendations of the Dean of Women. evenings and would appreciate an the Student-Faculty Relations The freshmen dating rule has extra thirty minutes with their Committee concerning the baby been changed to read: She may dates whom they do not get to see sitting rule, freshmen dating rules, have three nights per week off very frequently. Many freshmen and the sophomore dating rules. campus until 10:30 p.m. with or double date with sophomores, and would enjoy the privilege of stay- Baby sitting is permitted in fac- without a date; on Friday she may ing out until 11:30 p.m. ulty homes and in minister's date until 11:30 p.m. and on Satur- homes; however, the following time day she may secure late permis- The proposed change for sopho- regulation must be observed: fresh- sion once a month until 11:30 p.m. more dating rules are: She may men and those on academic proba- Method to be used: The fresh- date any five nights during the tion may stay out any night until men may secure late permission week until 10:30 p.m. and on Fri- 11:30 p.m. (this is included in three from Alumnae from the social • day and Saturday until 11:00 p.m. nights per week off campus for directors on any day for Saturday She may remain until 12 midnight these students). Sophomores may night. When she signs out in in the dating center with her date, stay out any night until 11:30 p.m. Alumnae on Saturday night, she (p. 46, rule #3) leaves the white off-campus date and once a month until 12:00 mid- slip there. After she has signed To Read: She may date any five night (not to take the place of late out in Alumnae, the social director nights during the week until 10:30 permission with a date). Juniors will call the dormitory hostess tell- p.m. and on Friday and Saturday may baby sit any night until 12:00 ing her of the girl's late permis- until 11:30 p.m. She may, en Sat- midnight and twice a month until sion. The next morning, she will urday night, remain in the dating 1:00 a.m. (not to take the place go to Alumnae and sign in on the center with her date until 12 mid- of late permission with a date). white off-campus slip. night. Seniors may baby sit any night Reasons: This will allow the until 1:00 a.m. Juniors and seniors Reasons for change: There is freshmen to go to the Rocket not enough distinction between the will be allowed to sit until 1:00 Room and Crafton's, if only for a dating rules for members of the Graves, Danforth Lecturer, To Speak a.m. and must be brought back to short period of time rather than freshman and sophomore classes. the dormitories by 1:15 am. fol- to a movie downtown which can This extra bit of time allows stu- Here At Noon Assembly, April 22 lowing a formal dance at Madison. become boring after one does it dents to attend Rocket Room, Freshmen and sophomores who enough. Many boys come from Crafton's, and other places of this Dr. Jose Maria Chaves, Latin ficial guest lecturer of the French serve as baby sitters must return out-of-town to see freshmen and nature with less fear of an auto American lawyer, diplomat, educa- Government, he was invited to the tor and authority on Cervantes, University of Paris. to their dormitories by 12:30 a.m. wish to spend a longer time with accident because of rushing back their date than the 11:00 curfew to school. Mary Washington al- will present a Danforth lecture to Between 1955 and 1958 Dr. on nights following a formal dance. allows. This curfew, also, limits lows freshmen to have unlimited the student body at Madison Col- Chaves was director general of the Parental permission is necessary lege, Wilson Auditorium, Wednes- the places to which they may go 12:00'sl where as Madison does not National University Fund in Bo- for students who wish to baby sit. to those within Harrisonburg. allow but one 12:00 a month. day, April 22, 12:00 noon. gota. He planned and conducted A native of Colombia, Dr. Chaves university reform programs and attended the Institute de la Salle, •"promoted higher standards of re- and the Superior Normal School search and teaching, as well as in Bogota, where he studied an- faculty exchanges in all 25 Colom- thropology. He holds a degree of (Continued on Page 2) Doctor of Jurisprudence from the lB»WKf;';ftf(" Bogota-, aed. Master t^^-^^^mum -of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy Musicians Plan degrees from Columbia University. Joint Recital In this country Dr. Chaves has Vol. XLI Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va., Wednesday, April 22, 1964 No. 2 represented Colombia as a diplo- Miss Janet Massey and Miss mat in Washington and at the Sally Seabright of Madison College United Nations. As Embassy May 1 will present a joint senior recital Counselor he negotiated several in- on Friday, April 24, in the An- M^en Choose Fifteen Representatives ternational treaties with the United thotry-Seeger Auditorium at 8:00 Madison To Hold States, promoted closer relations p.m. To Student Government, Student Court in atomic energy, capital invest- The program for Miss Massey is ments, cultural exchanges and agri- as follows: "Grasie, sorelle" (Ce- 1st Parents' Day Representatives to the Men's the son of . Mr. and Mrs. Earl cultural surpluses. cilia, Act III), Und Gestern'hat Student Court and the Men's Stu- Younkins. He, is from Harrison- As an educator he helped estab- er mir Rosen Gebracht, L'heure The first annual Parents' Day dent Government Organization have burg and has been President of the lish the first public high school in Silenuse, Extase, "Recitative and will be held on the Madison Col- been elected for the 1964-65 school Y.M.C.A. Bogota in 1941, and the first pri- Air di Lia" (L'enfant Prodigue), lege campus May 1, 1964. This session. The son of Mr. Carl B. Lively, vate university in Colombia — the "The Wild Flower", "Black Swan", will be a day in which parents Those who were elected for Bill is a Library Science and His- University of Andes — in 1948, "Slumber Song", and "Lad's may visit classes, confer informally Men's Student Court as senior rep- tory major from Harrisonburg. becoming its first dean of the fac- Dance." with faculty and administrative resentatives are: Ronnie Sours, His activities include Sigma . Delta ulty. Miss Massey, daughter of Mr. officers, and tour the dormitories John Younkins, and Bill Lively. Rho and Alpha Beta Alpha. Since 1948 Dr. Chaves has been and Mrs. H. A. Massey of Mar- and academic buildings. Eldon Taylor, Donald Kuhns, and Eldon Taylor, a chemistry and president of the Institute Israel- tinsville, studied voice under Miss A highlight of the day will be John Younkins are senior represen- psychology major, is the son of Iberoamerica in New York. - He Dorothy Devans before entering: an organizational meeting of par- tatives to the Men's Student Gov- Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Taylor, was cited by the National Confer- Madison. She is now under the ents to develop a permanent group erment Organization. Junior repre- Jr. of Harrisonburg, Virginia. ence of Christians and Jews for direction of Edythe Schneider for to work* closely with the adminis- sentatives are Dennis Early and Taylor is a member of Student his successful intervention on be- voice. tration of the College in matters Ellis Matheny. Sophomore repre- (Continued on Page 3) half of Protestants in Latin Amer- Gantiga de Ninar, SonirJna in G of interest to all. sentatives are Richard Kingree and ica in 1953. Op. 100 by Dvorak with Allegro The program for the day will Andy Shifflett. The Executive Dr. Chaves has served as a direc- Risoluto, Larghetto Scherzo: Molto be: Committee of the Men's S.G.O. are The annual May Day Dance tor of the American Foundation Vivace, and Finale: Allegro will be 9:30-10:30 Registration, Alumnae Ellis Matheny, Marshall Cook, of Madison College will be held for Cultural Popular Action, an in- the program for Miss Seabright Hall Wayne Brown, and Bill Corwin. Saturday, May 2, 1964, from ternational private organization that Miss Seabright, daughter of Mr. Ronnie Sours, son of Mrs. Ray- 8:30 p.m.-12:00 midnight in Kee- promotes literacy and fundamental and Mrs. Glenn W. Seabright, was 10:30-11:15 Orientation and Organ- zell Gymnasium. The theme i ization, Wilson Hall mond Buchanan, is from New Mar- education. In 1957 he visited Eng- a student at Handley High School ket. He has been a member of will be "Shangri-La" and music lish and Scottish Universities at the in Winchester. As a violin major 11:15-12:30 Conferences with Fac- the Student Court and is a member will be provided by Dan Ram- invitation of the British Council she is now studying under J. Ed- ulty of Sigma Delta Rho and Sigma sey and his orchestra. Admis- as guest lecturer in international gar Anderson. 1:00- 2:00 Luncheon, Bluestone Phi Lambda. sion is $3.50 per couple Dress law, principally at Oxford and Accompanists for Miss Massey IDining Hall John Younkins who is majoring is formal.