Bay County Transportation Planning Organization (Tpo)
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BAY COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION (TPO) June 25, 2014 MEETING MINUTES West Florida Regional Planning Council (Designated staff) Bay County Government Center 840 West 11th Street Panama City, Florida
Members attending: Commissioner Mike Nichols, Vice Chairman City of Panama City Commissioner Bill Dozier Bay County Commissioner Mike Nelson Bay County Commissioner Pamn Henderson City of Callaway Commissioner Melba Covey City of Callaway Mayor Walter Kelley City of Lynn Haven Mayor Greg Brudnicki City of Panama City Mayor Gayle Oberst City of Panama City Beach Councilman John Reichard City of Panama City Beach Councilman Mike Miller City of Parker
Others attending: David Haight Atkins Dale Cronwell Atkins Angela Bradley Bay County Marc Mackey Bay County Ken Schnell Bay County Sandy Culbreth Bay County John Lincoln CAC Member Lynn Cherry Carpe Diem Brian Cathey Cathey Construction Mark Callahan CH2M Hill Bryan Russell CH2M Hill Nancy Rowell City of Parker John Alaghemand City of Panama City Beach James Newsom FDOT Jared Perdue FDOT Alan Vann FDOT Bryant Paulk FDOT Nancy Lohr First Transit Inc. W.C. Henry TPO Attorney Brittany Ellers TPO Staff Gary Kramer TPO Staff Mary Bo Robinson TPO Staff Mary Beth Washnock TPO Staff Brian Youpatoff TPO Staff
A. CALL TO ORDER /PLEDGE/ INVOCATION Vice Chairman Nichols chaired the meeting in the absence of Chairman Friend. Chairman Nichols called the meeting to order; he asked Commissioner Dozier to lead the invocation and Councilman Reichard to lead the pledge.
Chairman Nichols took this opportunity to welcome the new member, Commissioner Melba Covey, of the City of Callaway.
C. PUBLIC FORUM There were no public speakers.
A. CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Approval of April 23, 2014 TPO Meeting Minutes
2. Consideration of Membership Certification for the Bay County Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) Coordinating Board
3. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-22 Authorizing the Filing of the Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) Trust Fund Planning Grant Application with the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged
4. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-11 Approving Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District Secretary or Designee as a Non-Voting Advisor to the Bay County Transportation Planning Organization (TPO)
Commissioner Dozier moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Mayor Brudnicki seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
E. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-06 Adopting the Bay County TPO FY 2015 - FY 2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) The Draft Bay County TPO FY 2015-FY 2019 Transportation Improvement Program was posted online and the link was emailed to the TPO, advisory committees, and review agencies on April 21, 2014 with comments requested by May 9, 2014. Based upon these comments, the Draft Bay County TPO FY 2015-FY 2019 TIP was revised and is accessible at the WFRPC website. Chairman Nichols opened the public forum and seeing no speakers closed it. Both advisory committees recommended approval of this item.
Commissioner Dozier moved to approve Resolution BAY 14-06 adopting the Bay County TPO FY 2015 - FY 2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Mayor Brudnicki seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously by roll call vote.
2. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-14 Amending the FY 2014 - FY 2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Adding #4254362, SR 30 (US 98) Over St. Andrews Bay Bridges #460112 and #460113 Mr. Paulk presented this item to the board. This TIP amendment includes Design/Build to replace/rehabilitate specific joint components on Hathaway Bridge in FY 2013/FY 2014 for a total amount of $662,873. Mr. Paulk explained that the freezing weather this past year caused some damage to the bridge. Both committees recommended approval of this item.
Mayor Kelley moved to approve Resolution BAY 14-14 amending the FY 2014 - FY 2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) adding #4254362, SR 30 (US 98) Over St.
Andrews Bay Bridges #460112 and #460113. Mayor Brudnicki seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously by roll call vote.
3. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-15 Amending the FY 2014 - FY 2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Adding #4213671, Bay County TPO Transit Section 5339 Capital Rural Mr. Paulk presented this item to the board. This TIP amendment is for Transit Section 5339 Capital Rural for Bay County TPO in FY 2013/FY 2014 for a total amount of $ 1,178,624. Both committees recommended approval of this item.
Commissioner Dozier moved to approve Resolution BAY 14-15 amending the FY 2014 - FY 2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) adding #4213671, Bay County TPO Transit Section 5339 Capital Rural. Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously by roll call vote.
4. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-12 Amending the 2035 Bay County TPO Long Range Transportation Needs and Cost Feasible Plans Regarding Updated Costs, Project Advancements, Resegmentation, and Lane Calls for the Following Projects: (1) US 98/23 rd Street Interchange; (2) SR 22 (Wewa Highway) from Business 98 to Star Avenue; (3) SR 390 (St. Andrews Boulevard) from 23rd Street to Baldwin Avenue; (4) SR 390 (St. Andrews Boulevard) from Baldwin Avenue to Jenks Avenue; (5) SR 390 (St. Andrews Boulevard) from Jenks Avenue to SR 77; and (6) US 231 from US 98 to SR 20 Mr. Kramer presented this item to the board. The Bay County TPO directed staff to begin the process to amend the 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) for changes to the six following projects: (1) US 98/23rd Street Interchange; (2) SR 22 (Wewa Highway) from Business 98 to Star Avenue; (3) SR 390 (St. Andrews Boulevard) from 23rd Street to Baldwin Avenue; (4) SR 390 (St. Andrews Boulevard) from Baldwin Avenue to Jenks Avenue; (5) SR 390 (St. Andrews Boulevard) from Jenks Avenue to SR 77; and (6) US 231 from US 98 to SR 20. Commissioenr Dozier pointed out that these are tremendous changes. Mayor Kelley brought up the state taking over CR 390 from SR 77 to SR 231. Mr. Paulk informed him that FDOT is looking into that, as well as trying to make it a SIS corridor. FDOT would like to do road transfers exchanging CR 30 for roadways. Both advisory committees recommended approval of this item.
Mayor Brudnicki moved to approve Resolution BAY 14-12 amending the 2035 Bay County TPO Long Range Transportation Needs and Cost Feasible Plans regarding updated costs, project advancements, resegmentation, and lane calls for the following projects: (1) US 98/23 rd Street Interchange; (2) SR 22 (Wewa Highway) from Business 98 to Star Avenue; (3) SR 390 (St. Andrews Boulevard) from 23 rd Street to Baldwin Avenue; (4) SR 390 (St. Andrews Boulevard) from Baldwin Avenue to Jenks Avenue; (5) SR 390 (St. Andrews Boulevard) from Jenks Avenue to SR 77; and (6) US 231 from US 98 to SR 20. Commissioner Dozier seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously by roll call vote.
5. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-13 Approving the Federal Functional Classification Map for the Adjusted Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Panama City Urbanized Area for Bay County based on the 2010 Census Mr. Newsome presented this item to the committee. The Adjusted FHWA Urbanized Area Boundary Map is used to establish the boundary between urban and rural areas for Federal Highway Functional Classification purposes and is reviewed every 10 years after the decennial Census. The changes provided by the local governments were as follows: Thomas Drive from just south of Grand Lagoon to U.S. 98 upgraded to Urban Minor Arterial; C.R 390 from S.R. 77 to
U.S 231, upgraded to an Urban Minor Arterial; and 12th Avenue from S.R. 77 to C.R. 390 downgraded to an Urban Major Collector. Both committees recommended approval of this item.
Commissioner Dozier moved to approve Resolution BAY 14-13 approving the Federal Functional Classification Map for the Adjusted Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Panama City Urbanized Area for Bay County based on the 2010 Census. Mayor Kelley seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
6. Consideration of Approval of Contract Between the Bay County TPO and First Transit, Inc. for First Transit Inc. to Serve as the Operator/Manager of the Bay Town Trolley Mr. W.C. Henry presented this item to the board. At the April 23, 2014 Bay County TPO meeting the TPO approved Mr. W.C. Henry, TPO attorney, and First Transit, Inc. to begin contract negotiations for First Transit, Inc. to serve as manager/operator of the Bay Towne Trolley (BTT), a deviated fixed-route service. Atkins and TPO staff were also approved to aid in the contract development. The Draft contract was emailed to the board members for review. Chairman Nichols, who worked very closely on this item, thanked all staff and parties involved in making the process as smooth as possible. Mr. Henry briefly reviewed some of the benefits included in the contract. Mayor Brudnicki asked if there was a possibility that local match would not be increased due to cost savings with this contract. Ms. Bradley spoke on the subject in detail, ultimately informing him that it will not necessarily affect the local match. Commissioner Dozier spoke in regard to the fuel clause in the contract, requesting that the equation be simplified. There was lengthy general discussion on the subject. Mr. Henry suggested that staff be directed to further negotiate the fuel clause. Councilman suggested Commissioner Dozier work with staff to modify the clause.
Mayor Brudnicki moved for staff, with the insight of Commissioner Dozier, further negotiate the fuel clause, then bring the contract back to the TPO Chairman for signature. Mayor Kelley seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
7. Consideration of Approval of Contract Between the Bay County TPO and Recommended Construction/Contractor to Serve as the Contractor/Builder for the Bay County TPO Operations and Maintenance Complex Project An invitation to Bid (ITB) was advertised May 29 and June 2, 2014. A mandatory Pre-Bid meeting was held June 9, 2014. Bid documents were available starting June 2, 2014. Bid delivery/deadline was 2:00 p.m. (CST), June 23, 2014. Bids will be publicly opened immediately following the bid delivery/deadline. The list of contractors recommended for approval in priority order was distributed. Cathey Construction & Development, LLC. was the lowest bidder for the contract. Mr. Henry explained that the second bidding company, Cleming Group filed a bid protest stating that Cathey Construction neglected to submit their bid on time, neglected to include a required certificate with submission, and did not properly execute the bid form. Mr. Haight confirmed that Kelley Construction & Development, LLC submitted their bid at exactly 2:00 p.m.; therefore eliminating the first accusation of the bid protest. Mr. Henry's legal opinion was that the minor irregularities should be waived due to the overall bid price not being affected.
Mayor Brudnicki moved to deny the bid protest of the minor irregularities. Councilman Miller seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Mr. Henrey explained that the funds to be used should cover the cost of the base price and the obligatory additives. There was further lengthy discussion regarding the base price and additives.
Mayor Brudnicki moved to approve TPO attorney, W.C. Henry, to complete a contract with Cathey Construction & Development, LLC and once an acceptable agreement is reached, the contract be entered into between the Bay County TPO and Cathey Construction & Development, LLC to serve as the contractor/builder for the Bay County TPO Operations and Maintenance Complex Project. Commissioner Nelson seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
8. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-23 Authorizing Execution of an Interlocal Agreement between Bay County Health System, LLC and Bay Medical Center Sacred Heart Health System. Ms. Bradley explained that Bay County and Bay Medical Center Sacred Heart Health System have an Interlocal agreement for a Career Connector Route. This item is to approve the agreement for renewal with updates. Commissioner Dozier asked if the riders that are not employees that use the route pay regular prices. Ms. Bradley said that she would look into it, but that she believes that is the case.
Mayor Brudnicki moved to approve Resolution BAY 14-23 Authorizing Execution of an Interlocal Agreement Between Bay County Health System, LLC and Bay Medical Center Sacred Heart Health System. Commissioner Dozier seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
9. Appointment of an Elected Official Serving as the Bay County Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinating Board Chair. Ms. Robinson presented this item to the board with a brief explanation of the roles of the Bay County Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinating Board and its relation to the TPO. Mayor Brudnicki, Chairman of the Bay County Transportation Coordinating Board for four years, resigned his position to allow other members of the board to participate.
Commissioner Dozier moved to appoint Commissioner Pamn Henderson as the Bay County Transportation Coordinating Board Chair. Mayor Kelley seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
F. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) UPDATE Mr. Youpatoff presented the two motions made by the CAC. The first of the motions was to increase the speed limit on Panama City Beach Parkway from Hills Road to the Hathaway Bridge to 55 miles per hour. Mr. Paulk suggested that if the TPO agreed to make a motion directing staff to proceed.
Mayor Brudnicki moved for staff to proceed in requesting FDOT increase the speed limit on Panama City Beach Parkway from Hills Road to the Hathaway Bridge to 55 miles per hour. Councilman Reichard seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
The second motion made by the CAC was to request FDOT look at the intersection crowning at R. Jackson Boulevard and Back Beach Road. Mr. Paulk explained that the construction in that area is still underway. Though FDOT will look into the intersections crowning, a motion of the TPO is not needed.
Mr. Bryant informed the board that there were no updates to report. He took this opportunity to thank TPO and staff for modifying the LRTP in a timely manner allowing projects to move forward.
G. REVIEW / INFORMATION ITEMS: 1. Review of Draft Scope of Services for the 2040 Bay County TPO Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Mr. Kramer presented this item to the committee; he explained that the Draft Scope of Services for the 2040 Bay County LRTP will be brought for approval at the August TPO meeting.
2. Discussion Regarding Process of Requesting Local Contributions for the Para and Fixed Route Transit Systems Ms. Bradley presented this item to the board. Every Year TPO staff conducts an analysis of existing grant funds, requested grant funds, and required matching funds. The local contributions, used for the required matching funds, are necessary to maintain the para and fixed route transit grant program. Once the program budget is drafted, the required matching funds will be calculated and requests will be sent and/or a presentation will be conducted on behalf of the TPO. Commissioner Nichols praised staff on their hard work. He suggested staff give presentations to local municipalities for better understanding of the para and fixed route transit systems.
3. Announcement of Project Kickoff for West Bay Parkway Extension Corridor Feasibility Study Mr. Mark Callahan of CH2M presented this item to the board. FDOT is initiating a Corridor Feasibility Study to evaluate the extension of the West Bay Parkway from S.R. 77 to S.R. 75(U.S. 231) in Bay County, Florida. The factors being considered include: traffic and regional mobility; social and economic factors; environmental impacts and enhancements; and engineering feasibility. The purpose of the presentation is to introduce the study and the study team, obtain and provide input and answer questions.
4. Overview of 2nd Annual Emerald Coast Transportation Symposium The Bay County CAC representative that attended the 2nd Annual Emerald Coast Transportation Symposium was Marty Kirkland, who praised the staff and speakers for the event. Commissioner Friend and Commissioner Dozier were also in attendance. Commissioner Dozier commended staff on their work on the event. Mr. Youpatoff explained that there was a large attendance with a plethora of great speakers. The 2nd Annual Emerald Coast Transportation Symposium sparked conversation of change in the transportation world. Mr. Youpatoff also shared staff's gratitude for FDOT support. The videos of the event will be posted on the WFRPC website. Staff is looking forward to hosting the 3rd Annual Emerald Coast Transportation Symposium in Bay County.
5. Announcement of Bay County TPO Project Priority Workshops Mr. Youpatoff informed the committee that the Bay County TPO Project Priorities Workshops will be held on the following dates at the following locations: July 15, 2014 form 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the Lynn Haven City Council Chambers; July 15, 2014 form 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the Panama City Beach City Council Chambers.
6. Bay County TPO Public Transportation Coordinator Items Ms. Lohr informed the committee that staff has started an inventory of TPO assets; the results will be presented at the next meeting. She went on to state that the transition from Pensacola Bay to First Transit Inc. as the para transit operator went very well. The Transit Yard is moving along at a quick, steady pace. She then brought up vehicles that are being disposed of being sold to Non-Profit Organizations; the vehicles will be accessed to make sure the need to be disposed of. Bay Town Trolley participated in the national Dump the Pump Day which offers free rides to encourage those that don’t normally use transit to start. She followed up on the bus pull off at navy base, saying she did see the buses were not using it. She committed to follow up further as to why the pull off is not being used. Mr. Haight gave a very brief update on the ADA
improvements to the Bay Town Trolley stops, there was general discussion regarding trolley stop placement procedure. Ms. Lohr closed by stating that she welcomes any questions or comments on what the committee would like to see out of the transit system.
H. INFORMATION ITEMS (No Presentation Necessary) Attached are the following items: TPO Meeting Schedule Advisory Committee Minutes
Approved by TPO DATE: August 27, 2014 INITIALS: ______