Pco 530: Marriage and Family Counseling s1
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PCO 620 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY COUNSELING Spring 2012 ▪ 3 Credit Hours Tuesday 6:00 – 10:10 pm.
Professor: Douglas A. Spears, Ph.D. PCC/s (Ohio & Kentucky) Office Location: Counseling & Family Studies Department Email: [email protected] Phone: 244-8193 Class Location: TBD
This course provides an introduction to the theory, research, and practice of marriage and family counseling. Students will gain an understanding of healthy marriage/family systems, the therapeutic process, and the practice, marriage and family counseling. (Graduate Student Status Required)
This course is designed to meet Ohio Law 4757-13-01 (A) (1) (e) (iv) (c) Methods of intervention and prevention of mental and emotional disorders: includes studies of the: Intervention strategies used in different situations such as marriage and family problems.
As a result of this course, students will be able to:
* demonstrate knowledge concerning major developmental transitions in marriage/families and the types of stressful symptoms that accompany these transitions.
* identify characteristics of healthy marriage and families, healthy family structures, and strengths of each marriage and family.
* demonstrate an understanding of "joining," "engagement," and "assessment" in marriage and family therapy in order that a therapeutic system might be developed.
* demonstrate knowledge of trends in marriage and family life and problems idiosyncratic to the family structure; i.e., blended families, divorce, etc.
* develop insight and awareness of their own personal assumptions relative to marriage and families.
* a personal theory of marriage and family counseling emanating from the course.
* identify types of marriage and family counseling strategies and techniques. * develop marriage and family counseling programs and referrals in the local church ministry.
1. Models Project- 20 Points
2. Marriage & Family Counseling Lab Project – 30 Points
3. Final Exam (Movie) or Family Case Study - The family case study will be an analysis of a family applying systems and family life cycle concepts recommending techniques, interventions and strategies to assist the particular family. – 45 Points
4. Attendance, Participation & Reading Assignments 5 Points
Grade Scale
This class will use the seminary grading scale. Please refer to the CBC & S Catalog.
Your attendance in class is important. You have 2 (or four hours) days that are excused without penalty unless you miss an in-class paper or exam. If you miss more than 4 hours an additional assignment will be added or your grade adjusted. If you miss more than 4 hours you will be dropped from the class and will be required to apply for readmission to the class. A decision about your request to return to the class will be decided by the graduate school and the counseling academic committee. If you are 15 minutes late for a class you will receive a ¼ day absence, if you are 30 minutes late you will be counted as absent for ½ day, and over 45 minutes late will equal a one- day absence. This policy will be enforced to encourage students to make their education a priority.
IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF THIS IS THE RIGHT TIME TO TAKE THIS COURSE. The classroom and course assignments are planned to support your learning and none of them should be dismissed as unimportant.
Reading Assignments and Due Dates (See Class Schedule)
Policy on Academic Integrity
If you cheat on an exam or turn in work that is not your own you will receive a 0 (zero) for that work, and the counseling academic committee and academic standards committee may take additional action. Please refer to your seminary handbook for complete details on the seminary policy on academic integrity. Guidelines on Missed Work or Exams
Written assignments will be accepted late, but there will be a 10% per day penalty on all late work. Exams will not be given late unless there is a personal medical emergency or a family emergency. When the student is ill on the day of an exam he or she will have one week to make arrangements with the professor for taking the exam. The professor reserves the right to reduce the grade for the exam.
Required Texts:
Gladding, S. (2002). Family Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice. New Jersey: Merill/ Pearson. ISBN-0-13-016720-7
Gottman, J. (1999). Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work. Crown Publishers Inc., New York ISBN-0-609-60104-0
Methods and Procedures:
Lecture, Class Participation, Readings, Students will conduct marriage and family counseling sessions with "simulated" families. The instructor will assist in establishing the simulated family from among the class members and provide supervision for the student counselor (via modeling and directives).
Disclaimer: The professor in agreement with the MAC Academic Committee, reserves the right to change or amend any part of this course plan as deemed necessary to offer the best possible educational experience for students.
Throughout this course we will evaluate the material presented from a Christian perspective. We expect that you will evaluate all readings, lectures, assignments, and class discussions from a Christian perspective and work to integrate biblical truth into your life, thought, and work. We will strive to provide a biblically based approach to ministry.
Class Outline:
Week 1
Overview of Course Foundations of Marriage and Family A Theology of Marriage Handling Conflict and Preserving Oneness The Family as a System Miscommunication and Filters Expressing Criticism Constructively Status of Marriage/Family Today First Session Gottman Chapter One Week 2
Solving Problems and Disagreements Expectations of Marriages and Families Marriage Life/Cycle Development Hidden Issues/Themes in Marriage and Family Healthy and Dysfunctional Characteristics of Families Family Life Cycle and Development Commitment in Marriage and Family Forgiveness
Gottman Chapters Two-Four; Gladding Chapter One – Three
Week 3
Blessings in Marriage and Family: Fun, Friendship, Intimacy Spirituality History of Marital and Family Therapy Overview of Marriage & Family Counseling - Strategies and Techniques
Gottman Chapters Eight & Eleven
Week 4
Models/ of Marriage Counseling Models Project *
Gladding Chapters Five – Ten Gottman Chapters Five & Seven
Week 5
Models/ of Marriage Counseling Models Project * (Continued)
Gladding Chapters Five – Ten
Week 6
Working with Single-Parent Families Working with Remarried Families Working with Substance Abuse Marriage & Family Counseling Lab * Gladding Chapters Eleven, Twelve & Fourteen Week 7
Research in Marriage and Family Ethical Practice of Marriage and Family Counseling Legal Issues in Marriage and Family Counseling Assessment in Marriage and Family Counseling Marriage & Family Counseling Lab *
Gladding Chapter Thirteen, Fifteen & Sixteen
Week 8 Group Projects
Week 9 Final Exam