Representative Payee Proposed Regulation Addition of 14 NYCRR Section 633.9 and Amendments to 14 NYCRR Section 633.15


Effective Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2017

OPWDD has filed a proposed regulation that amends 14 NYCRR Part 633 by adding a new section 633.9 concerning representative payees for individuals receiving services in residential facilities operated and/or certified by OPWDD, and by making conforming changes to existing regulations in section 633.15 concerning the management of personal allowance of residents who reside in such facilities. The proposed regulations are necessary to satisfy provisions of sections 29.23 and 33.07 of the NYS Mental Hygiene Law that require OPWDD to promulgate regulations regarding the management and protection of individuals’ funds where a facility director is appointed or may be appointed as an individual’s representative payee.