Chapter 19 - Section 1: on the Eve of the French Revolution

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Chapter 19 - Section 1: on the Eve of the French Revolution

Name:______Mr. Smith Date:______Global II

Chapter 19 - Section 1: On the Eve of the French Revolution – World History: Connections to Today pages 468 – 472

1. TRUE or FALSE? Incidents like the Réveillon riots of 1789 bothered the aristocrats who became concerned that the peasants were suffering because of the economic crisis.

2. Match the class (Estate) with the people in it: On the paper write both the letter and the Estate. C First Estate A. king D Second Estate B. peasants and rest of population B Third Estate C. clergy D. nobility

3. ___ By 1789, the French clergy ______. Circle the letter for all that apply. A. were members of the Second Estate. B. owned 10% of French land. C. collected tithes. D. paid heavy taxes.

4. TRUE or FALSE? All clergy came from the noble class or Second Estate.

5. ___ Nuns, ____, and priests ran the schools, hospitals, and orphanages. A. abbots B. bishops C. clergy D. monks

6. ___ During the Enlightenment, philosophes had all of the following complaints against the Church EXCEPT____. A. it provided social services. B. it was intolerant of dissent. C. it interfered in politics. D. some clergy were idle.

7. ___ Which estate did the titled nobility of France belong to? A. First Estate B. Second Estate C. Third Estate D. Fourth Estate

8. ___ During the 1600s, King Louis XIV and Cardinal Richelieu crushed the military strength of the nobles but granted them strictly controlled rights which included top jobs in all of the following EXCEPT _____. A. government. B. the army. C. the Church. D. amusement parks.

9. Some///many nobles lived at Versailles while many///some lived far from court.

10. TRUE or FALSE? Most of the nobles owned land with little money income.

11. ___ One of the biggest fears for most of the nobles was _____. A. the middle class taking their positions. B. losing freedom from taxation. C. losing their freedom of speech. D. absolutism. 12. TRUE or FALSE? The First Estate was the most populated class.

13. TRUE or FALSE? The Third Estate only consisted of peasants.

14. ___ Another name for the French middle class was ____. A. bourgeoisie B. autocrats C. Philosophes D. Physiocrats.

15. ___ The poorest members of the Third Estate were the _____. A. peasants. B. middle class. C. clergy. D. city workers.

16. There was a growing discontent among the Third Estate. Circle the letters that corresponds to their complaints. A. The highest jobs were reserved for nobles. B. Urban workers were well paid. C. Rising prices of bread. D. Limited items were taxed. E. Re-imposition of manor dues. E. They had to kill rabbits. F. They were forced to repair bridges. G. They were paid to repair bridges.

17. TRUE or FALSE? Those who paid the highest taxes were those who owned the largest plots of land.

18. ___ The financial crisis was partly caused by the government spending more than it took in. This is called ____. A. natural rights. B. bourgeoisie . C. deficit spending. D. social contract.

19. ___ All of the following EXCEPT ___ helped lead France into debt. A. Henry VIII’s spending B. money borrowing C. wars D. Louis XIV’s spending

20. TRUE or FALSE? The nobles and the clergy were unwilling to pay higher taxes to end France’s debt.

21. ___ What happened during the 1780s that caused an increase in food prices? A. A flood B. Bad harvests C. Fire D. Bread Riots

22___. Which suggestion of King Louis XVI’s financial advisor, Jacques Necker, got him fired? A. Abolishing tariffs B. taxing the First and Second Estate C. Reducing court spending D. Reforming government

23. ___ The wealthy and powerful classes demanded that the King call the ______? A. Parliament B. Congress C. General Estates D. Estates General

24. The Estates General had not been called for 75///175///275.

25. ___ The kings refused to call the Estates General because they were afraid the nobles would try to regain power lost by the kings practice of which form of government? A. monarchy B. democracy C. theocracy D. autocracy 26. Louis XVI asked the three estates to prepare cahiers or laws///notebooks listing their grievances.

27. There were many items listed in the cahiers. Circle the letter of the items listed. A. fairer taxes B. freedom of the press C. regular meetings of the Estates General D. regulations on leather E. right to kill animals F. removal of the king G. right to leave service when they wanted

28. TRUE or FALSE? Everyone who attended the Estates General could vote.

29. In the Estates General, each estate met together///separately and voted individually///as a group. Therefore each estate had 1////2////3 vote(s).

30. ___ Because of the above procedure, which estate was always outvoted? A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth

31. Because the voting procedure led to stalemates, the first///second///third Estate, claiming they represented the king///people transformed themselves into the National Assembly.

32. ___ The goal of the National Assembly was to ____. A. remove the king. B. write a constitution. C. kill the king. D. have a revolution.

33. TRUE or FALSE? King Louis XVI became enraged and locked the door to the National Assembly’s meeting place.

34. ___ The Tennis Court Oath was a vow by the National Assembly not to disband until they had created a constitution///democracy.

35. ___ The storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789 became a symbol of the French Revolution. The Bastille was a _____. A. church. B. prison. C. factory. D. palace.

36. TRUE or FALSE? The Parisians who stormed the Bastille were unsuccessful in that they located neither weapons nor gunpowder.

37. TRUE or FALSE? The storming of the Bastille was loud, chaotic, yet bloodless.

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