WOW What a Busy Week We Have Had in Such a Short Period of Time

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WOW What a Busy Week We Have Had in Such a Short Period of Time

Newsletter No 35 (09/11/12)

WOW!! What a busy week we have had in and parents who helped co-ordinate the such a short period of time. games with the different groups of students.

Yesterday we celebrated our 40th No doubt there were many tired children and Anniversary with the children and parents of parents last night! the school, which was a great success. Bishop Vincent Long, celebrated Mass, A reminder that we are holding a Parish along with Fr Ranson and Fr Longinus. celebration on Sunday, commencing with

Our children put on a terrific performance of Mass at 10.00 am, followed by a walk “St Martin De Porres this is your life!”. Thank through of the school at 11.00 am for those you to Mrs Di Lorenzo and to our who want to reminisce and to see the performers, you made us proud! changes that have been made over time.

This was followed up by an afternoon of Tabloid Sports. Again, thank you to the staff 2013 Planning, Parent Meetings & School Please be mindful that when you deviate Closure Days - REMINDER from these arrangements you are placing others in danger. As adults we have a As mentioned in previous newsletters St responsibility to ensure that we not only act Martin de Porres is Transforming Our responsibly in this area, but that we should Pedagogy. This means that there will be a always be modelling courtesy to children. number of organisational changes to the way in which we organise our learning and In the mornings we encourage parents to mix teaching to meet the needs of the 21st with other parents and families, however century learner. there is limited parking available in the school. Therefore we ask that you please park in one Please note that we are inviting of the side streets and walk in. It only takes (requesting!!!!, expecting!!!!) all families to a minute to walk in and eases the congestion attend our information sessions on Tuesday and possible dangerous situations. Evening 13th November 6.15pm – 8.00pm (Dinner & Babysitting provided) & Thursday Swimming Term Four

th Morning 15 November 9.00am-11.00am Swimming will run every Friday from12th (morning tea & Babysitting provided) to October to 30th November. discuss the changes and what they mean to your child’s learning. Term 4 - Rules of the canteen. In addition to these meetings-you only need to attend one- there will be two school New days for canteen are as follows from closure days on Monday 12th November & 1.30 pm – 2.30 pm – Monday, Wednesday, Wednesday 5th December to plan both the Thursday and Friday’s. A reminder that only restructure and the inquiry units for 2013. a total amount of $2.00 per day may be spent at the canteen. 40th Anniversary Makeover Our canteen is only stocked with ice creams, This process incorporates the previously icy-poles, rice and noodle snacks. mentioned changing of asphalt to synthetic grass as well as the remodelling of the We have sent home a request for Volunteers entrance garden to incorporate a for Canteen for Term 4. We do at this stage paved/grassed seating area. This week the still need more volunteers for Monday, first stage of soundproofing the hall as well Tuesday and Thursday, any help would be as the installation of the Hall blinds has been appreciated as to keep canteen up and completed. Other works to be completed running. before 2013 are the news shade sails for the Canteen Rooster outlined below for next junior playground. In 2013 it is hoped that we fortnight: can refurbish the girls toilets and provide a Canteen “quiet” gathering area with seating for Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday children to chill out in. 12-11-12 13-11-12 14-11-12 15-11-12 16-11-12

Remembrance Day S/Closure K Buttigieg A Sepulveda C Byrne

On behalf of the Werribee RSL, St Martins Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday de Porres are selling Poppies for .20 cents. 19-11-12 20-11-12 21-11-12 22-11-12 23-11-12 Please come to the office and help support R Mulliet S Kannan J Hurstfield the cause!!

Car park

The school has a Traffic Management policy Website that clearly sets out the entry and exit You can access the website by entering: arrangements for cars and pedestrians. Safety of children as well as adults is the The email address for school inquiries and main purpose of this policy. information is: [email protected] people putting money into the treasury, and many of the rich put in a great deal. A poor widow came and put in two LAVERTON PLAYGROUP FUN DAY small coins, the equivalent of a penny. Then he called to his Come and find out about the Laverton Fun disciples and said to them, ‘I tell for Kids Playgroup and other the playgroups you solemnly, this poor widow and programs for children in Laverton. has put more in than all who There will be an animal farm and many more have contributed to the treasury; fun and free activities for the children. for they have all put in money Tuesday 27th November 9.30-12.30 they had over, but she from the St. Martin de Porres Primary School, Bellin little she had has put in Street, Laverton everything she possessed, all Please bring a sunhat and snack for your she had to live on.’ child. Gospel Reflection We would normally hear or read the second Fun for Kids Playgroup half of this week’s gospel as a stand alone Tuesday 20/11/12 at 9.30 – 11.30 example of generosity and faith – often without the section that immediately Starting out Safety precedes it. Whilst the actions of the widow Child restraint information sessions are certainly worthy of comment, when we read it in the context of the condemnation Playgroup Fun Day that immediately precedes it, the widow’s Tuesday 27/11/12 at 9.30 – 11.30 offering is placed in a different light. Jesus condemns the scribes who parade their Playgroup Vic bus and Tracey’s animal farm wealth and seek trappings of earthly power and glory: being recognised and greeted as For any parent that may be interested in the they walk the streets; taking the front seats above two sessions feel free to attend. in synagogue; and expecting to be seated in the place of honour at banquets. Whilst

parading their wealth and feasting at SUNDAY GOSPEL – THIRTY SECOND banquets, they are also swallowing up the SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B property of widows – taking advantage of those in need. We often hear widows and Gospel orphans named in the scriptures as those in Mk 12:38-44 need. Widows and orphans (and strangers in A reading from the holy Gospel the land) are marked out for special attention according to Mark in the Torah. They are named as deserving This poor widow has put more of special care – the lost and broken of in than all who contributed. society. So despite holding a special place in Jewish Law and tradition, the widows are In his teaching Jesus said, being taken advantage of by the scribes, ‘Beware of the scribes who like who are taking over their property for their to walk about in long robes, to own gain. One of the duties of the scribes be greeted obsequiously in the was to administer the proper payment of market squares, to take the front Temple taxes. The treasury referred to in the seats in the synagogues and the passage is the Temple treasury. Rather than places of honour at banquets; a great act of generosity, we can now see these are the men who swallow the widow’s payment of Temple tax as a the property of widows, while burdensome, heart-wrenching obligation to making a show of lengthy pay the very last coins she had to a corrupt, prayers. The more severe will uncaring system. We usually read praise into be the sentence they receive.’ Jesus’ comments about the widow’s offering, He sat down opposite the but it can also be read as moral outrage at treasury and watched the the system that demands this woman pay all year old girls and boys at Arndell Park, that she possesses to the Temple. corner of Forsyth Road and Federation Boulevard.

Girls and boys aged 9 to 13 progress to COMPULSORY PARISH CONTRIBUTION junior baseball at Williamstown Baseball 2012 Club through the under 12 and under 14 teams. Training is held for these teams at Invoices for the 2012-year have been Greenwich Reserve, The Strand, distributed to families by the Parish Office. Newport each Tuesday from 5.30PM to 6.30PM with games held on Fridays from This is a Parish Contribution therefore and 6.30PM until 8.00PM. all enquiries should be directed to myself You do not need to have played the game through the Parish Office on 9369 6877. before! New Players are always welcome so Fr Ian W Ranson. come along and enjoy the fun.

St Vincent de Paul Society Mass Parents can call the Junior Coordinator on 0419 750 916 for further details. On Tuesday 27th November 2012, St Martin De Porres will be celebrating Mass to “kick off” the Christmas Appeal for the St Vincent de Paul Society for 2012. SCHOOL CALENDER 2012 We ask that you contribute to Christmas Hampers that will be distributed to the needy in our local community. NOVEMBER We are asking for non-perishable food items that are suitable for Christmas Hampers.

Collection of items for the Hamper will not th Sunday 11th St Martin de Porres commence until Tuesday 27 November, Primary School – 40th with items to be left in the Office Foyer. Feel Anniversary – Parish free, however, to bring in items prior to this Celebration date. 10.00am Mass Active After School Sports Monday 12th School Closure – Teacher PD Mrs Klein has requested that all children bring a “Sun Smart” hat from home, to be Tuesday 13th Active After School used during the Active After School Sports Basketball – week 4 sessions. These hats can be left in their Children to be bags during the week. collected NO later than 4.30 A reminder to all parents, that you when you Grade 6 transitions arrive to collect your child, that you park and week 1 - 11.30am – walk over to Mrs Klein. Children are not 1.30pm Queen Of permitted to walk through the car park Peace. unescorted. Parent Information A further reminder that if your child does not Evening for 2013 participate in the Active After School Sports 6.15pm – dinner sessions for a consecutive 2 week period, provided (pizza) their position may be reviewed. There are 7-8pm – information children on a wait list eagerly awaiting their session spot. Thursday 15th Parent Information Aussie T-Ball games take place each Morning for 2013 Friday from 6.30PM to 7.30PM for 5 to 8 9.00 – 11.00am Morning Tea provided Friday 30th Swimming

Active After School DECEMBER Softball – week 4 Children to be Tuesday 4th SMDP School Concert collected NO later than – Queen of Peace 4.30 Primary School – More details to follow Friday 16th Swimming Active After School Monday 19th Life Education 2.30 – Basketball – week 7 3.30pm Children to be collected NO later than Tuesday 20th Grade Six Transition 4.30 – FINAL Day – Week 2 Lumen SESSION Christi 10am – 1.00pm Wednesday 5th School Closure Day – Active After School Planning for 2013 Basketball – week 5 Children to be Thursday 6th Active After School collected NO later than Softball – week 7 4.30 Children to be collected NO later than Thursday 22nd Foundation Transition 4.30 – FINAL Morning 9.30 – SESSION 11.00am Grade 6 Graduation Wednesday 12th Active After School Mass – 6pm followed Softball – week 5 by supper Children to be collected NO later than Grade Six Transition 4.30 Week 4 – Werribee Cinemas – time to be Friday 23rd Swimming advised

Tuesday 27th Grade Six Transition Grade 6 Fun day – Monday 17th Day – Week 3 Lumen more details to follow Christi 10am – 1.00pm Whole School End of Tuesday 18th Active After School year Mass Basketball – week 6 Children to be collected NO later than End of Term 4 – Wednesday 19th 4.30 Children finish normal time – 3.20

Thursday 29th Foundation Transition Morning 9.30 – Life Education 11.00am As part of our drug and health education this Active After School term we are having the Life Education Softball – week 6 mobile classroom visit our school from this Children to be Monday 19th 2012 from 2.30 – 3.30. collected NO later than Life Education has been visiting our school 4.30 for many years and is always a highlight of the children’s year, and helps to facilitate the development of the life skills in students to prevent and minimize the harm of drug misuse.


Parent Line provides a telephone advisory and information service for parents and children in Victoria. As well as providing a helpline, the service also offers a TTY (teletypewriter) service for those people with hearing difficulties.

Ph: 13 2289 TTY Service: 136388

HOW TO ACCESS DENTAL SERVICES FOR VICTORIAN CHILDREN School Dental Service Contact details: Enquiries re location, etc. to Dental Health Services Victoria Enquiries Hotline 1300 360 054

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