Baltimore Stake Family History Workshop in September

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Baltimore Stake Family History Workshop in September


Baltimore Stake Family  Board of the Civil War Trust  The International Council on Archives’ History Workshop in Automation Committee. September He has also co-authored articles on Planning and Decision Processes for Information Technology The annual Baltimore [Maryland] Stake in Archives and Archival Preservation of Family History Workshop will be held Magnetic Media. Click green link above for a on Saturday, Sept. 13. That’s not too far more complete biography. off. Plan now to attend. For additional information, please go to 10:00 - 3:50 -- Six 50 min. classes http://www.baltimorefamilyhistorywo Bring your own bagged lunch. Bottled water will be provided. Saturday, September 12, 2009

This workshop is FREE and sponsored FAMILY HISTORY MISSIONARIES by Baltimore Maryland Stake The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day To: Family History Consultants in North Saints America 120 Stemmers Run Road Essex, Maryland, 21221 As we prepare to release the new FamilySearch Web site to Church Schedule members in Utah and Idaho, we have a 8:00 - 8:45 -- Pick up information need for more Church Service packet and syllabus (if ordered), missionaries to serve part-time in view displays in the gymnasium answering family history questions from the convenience of their own home. 8:45 - 9:50 -- Opening session with FamilySearch Support missionaries assist with any of the following family Keynote Speaker -- L. Reynolds history products and resources: (Ren) Cahoon --  The New Family Search  Family History Re-born:  Internet Indexing and Name Progress, Perils and Extraction Possibilities  Record Search Ren is currently a commissioner for the International Commission for the Accreditation  Family History Center Support of Professional Genealogists. He has also served on:  Research Support and the Research Wiki  Executive Committee of the Federal CIO Council. OUR DECISION TO SERVE 1 all the training sessions are recorded, so Do you recall that Jack and I published if needed, you could listen to them the letter above in a previous newsletter? evenings and weekends. You work the It came at a time that Jack and I had lessons similar to those for consultants in decided to look at serving a mission. the Help Center pretty much on your Jack turned 65 on August 5. It’s funny own. During the live sessions you can how things happen. Just as we were ask questions and intetract with the ready to serve, along came the instructors--kind of like Go to Meeting. opportunity to serve a part-time, stay-at- We use Adobe and Oracle for this. home family history mission. In addition, our friend Sandy Young in After the initial training you are assigned York 1st Ward and our friend Nell Parker to a Training Assistant who helps you of Utah had already embarked on this with hands-on practice answering emails opportunity. Elders Norm Drasher and and telephone calls. It really helps if Art Reid in our stake are also serving trainees have good computer skills. this type of mission. The timing was also right for us. We have worked a Then after the training, you are assigned long time to gain knowledge about to a specific Mission Leader (ML) who family history, and we like to share that shepherds about 10 to 12 missionaries. knowledge. The fact that we have a ten- This group meets weekly for online day trip scheduled to see General discussion and to pass on instruction Conference in Utah delayed our starting from the Team Leads (TLs) and Church date, but in November, we will begin the employees. MLs give additional one-on- 8 weeks of training, approx. two hours a one help as needed. When on duty, all day. Then in January 2010 we will have access to one or more Skype begin to work for the Family History groups where they can call for help if Department. they get stuck. These Skype groups are Our service will involve answering monitored by MLs and TLs who can join questions for members worldwide about your call or take over completely if family history. Jack’s and Nell’s field is needed. Research Support. Sandy will work in Family History Center Support, and You pretty much choose your own Sylvia will work in the new Family schedule. They would like at least 12 Search Support. Jack and I will serve 15 hours of phone/email time each week hours each a week and also continue to and up to 20 if you can do it. There are 4 work at the Family History Center. We inservice meetings each week which are are looking forward for this wonderful also recorded, so if you miss something opportunity and hope to still be available you can listen to it on your own time. to our patrons of the FHC. They like us to attend all the meetings, but ask for at least 1 per week. You can DETAILS OF WHAT A TYPICAL DAY schedule time off for vacations and other WOULD BE LIKE AS AN AREA family matters if you need to. I find it is SUPPORT MISSIONARY best to set a schedule and try to stick to it as closely as possible. You can commit What's a typical day like? Can you set to 6 to 18 months and renew if you want your own hours? I still work full time. Is to go more. They need people weekends. that a problem? I babysit a granddaughter week days and serve evenings and weekends. We have Area Support Missionaries go through 8 almost 24/7 service. In the evenings you weeks of training on the Internet, about may get calls from Australia or New 20 hours a week for those weeks. I think Zealand, or from English-speaking 2 persons in Asia; and Saturday mornings THE WORK IS MOVING FORWARD I have had calls from Ireland. The phone system is all on the Internet. Temples pull down names directly from the nFS/patron submitted pool? This There is a lot to learn and remember procedure WILL be interesting to see (which is hard for seniors, but many do how it impacts the speed of getting it) and things are constantly changing as temple file names processed. I asked you know. But it is a very rewarding recently how many endowments the service. Those with family history Provo Temple completes per day. The experience and good computer skills, family file desk ladies smiled at me and would have no problem at all. said they really didn't look at the More questions? Please contact: numbers that way. However, they felt confident in saying that 1500 to 2000 a Elder Arnold Davis day would probably be typical. They Family History Department were recording as we talked, and they hit Joseph Smith Memorial Building about 800 at 11:00 in the morning. 15 East South Temple Street It's time to move this work forward! Salt Lake City, UT 84150-0403 Thanks to Jill Crandell for this insight.

I am a missionary in FamilySearch SYMBOLS IN GENEALOGY Support. I am having a wonderful time answering support phone calls and Have you ever seen a symbol or initial feedback emails. I get to speak with the on an old family document and greatest people in the world who are wondered what it meant? This list will trying to do their duty to their families help you understand just what they were through Family History work. In my 38 talking about! years serving in the church, I have never felt the spirit assisting me as I have in this calling. In the words of my grandson AMERICAN BATTLE It Rocks! MOMUMENTS COMMISSION

However, with Utah and Idaho rolling If you have military ancestors buried in out, it is getting busy. If you have US cemeteries abroad, this is the place to moderate computer skills and are willing find them. The site covers 24 overseas to learn, we will give you 2 months of military cemeteries with almost 125,000 peer assisted, on-line training. Then you American war dead, plus Tablets of the will be further guided by a Mission Lead Missing that memorialize more than and a Team Lead who will ensure your 94,000 US servicemen and women. success. Reported in Family Tree Magazine's "10 Best Websites to See Dead People." If you know anyone who might be able to help us please give a call to 1-866- 406-1830 and ask for a missionary application. We need you now. Else what shall they do which are I will be happy to answer any questions baptized for the dead, if the dead rise about the mission that I can. not at all? Why are they then baptized for the dead? Corinthians 15:29 Elder Allan Hale------FamilySearch Support

3 Compare with letters and words that are SKETCHES OF YOUR familiar to you. ANCESTRAL HOMETOWN Source: "Guidelines for Reading Old Documents" by Kip Sperry Read the full article While not strictly an artifact of your family history, it can be nice to add some context to your story by including an image or photo of the town / village / BOOKMARK AN region where your family once resided, INDIVIDUAL IN NEW especially in cases in which you now FAMILY SEARCH live far away, or the place has been modernized extensively. Seeing the town Have you ever wished you didn't have to as your ancestor may have seen it can navigate your whole pedigree each time give you some insight into their world. you wanted a specific individual you Source: Family History Tips, June 23, work with frequently? With the 2009 Individual in the primary position in new MARRIAGE BANNS AND FamilySearch, click Favorites (Internet INTENTIONS Explorer) or Book Marks (Firefox), then click Add to Favorites (or Bookmarks) Church records often list the date on and enter a name such as "nFS-Bill which a couple makes the announcement Jones". Click Add. The next time you that they intend to marry. These are want to use new FamilySearch, select called marriage banns. In addition, you the "Favorite" or "Bookmark" you can find marriage intentions, which were created in your browser. Sign in and new non-religious public announcements of FamilySearch takes you directly to that the couple's intention to marry. Don't person (rather than to your own record). misinterpret the dates of marriage banns and marriage intentions as the actual wedding date. ETERNAL FAMILIES Source: "Tips for Reading Old Records: Dangerous Dates and Word Meanings" by Read the full article I promise you that if you will keep at: your journals and records, they will indeed be a source of great 5_read ing.html inspiration to your families, to your children, your grandchildren, READING OLD and others, on through the HANDWRITING generations. Each of us is important to those who are near One of the most important fundamental and dear to us and as our posterity principles in reading old handwriting is that it is always necessary to compare: read of our life's experiences, they, compare and match unknown letters, too, will come to know and love characters, or doubtful words in the us. And in that glorious day when same document to determine if they are our families are together in the the same. Compare with words on the eternities, we will already be same page, and then look on the pages acquainted. before and after the one in question.

4 ---by Spencer W. Kimball, New History Consultant, Las Vegas Beverly Era, December 1980, pg 26 Glen Ward.


Do you remember how frustrated you In a world where we can click and add a felt to acquire a stack of family photos record to our tree, it's easy to lose track only to find no one had identified them? of all the details we find in a record. As How sad were you that Grandpa Charles we continue to gather records, a lot of didn't leave a journal or a biographical clues get lost along the way. Periodically sketch of his life? Do you wish someone it's important to go back and do a in the family had archived all of the comprehensive review of what we have important documents you need to prove accumulated. If we look at the big your research? Decide this summer to picture, we're going to spot a lot more BE the kind of ancestor you wish you opportunities for further research, and had. Make a goal to remember the we may find that the clue you've been Beverly Glen mantra: "Family History is searching for has been sitting in your doable, half an hour a day, little by files all along. Read the whole article by little." That's how we eat elephants. clicking the link below to learn more tips That's how we achieve family history for reviewing what has been found for goals. Go for it! an ancestor. Source: Family History Tip of the Source: 24-7 Family History Circle Week, 7/5/05, Ohana Software, Blog, 23 Jan 2990, by Juliana Smith Contributed by Adele Austin, Family History Consultant, Las Vegas Beverly SIMPLIFY FINDING Glen Ward DISTANCES BETWEEN LOCATIONS PERSONAL HISTORIES ARE DOABLE Not long ago I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how far my ancestor You can work on a "time-line" history a lived from the cemetery that I believe he few minutes per day or 1 hr. per week. A is buried in "as the crow flies." I could time-line history takes your life year by locate both locations on a map, but didn't year and includes a simple one-sentence know where roads might have been on statement of a major event along with the frontier. I have since found a free the date of the event. It will serve to be a website for joggers and bikers very reminder when you get around to useful for getting distances. GMaps enlarging on the event in a longer history Pedometer allows you to get straight line or - at the very least - it creates an distances (manual) between two or more outline history for your descendants points. Distances on current roads are even if nothing else ever gets written! available taking into account curves and Check out the following fun website turns onto other roads (automatic). This which allows you to patch your own will be useful to get an exact driving life's adventures into the happenings of distance from a landmark to a cemetery the world around you. Go to or other location. The cyclist route will and play around. not let you go down a one-way street the Source: Ohana Software, " Family wrong way like the runner route would. History Tip of the Week", 7/5/9, Contributed by Adele Austin, Family 5 Gerald M. Graves, Van Meter, Iowa , also helpful. You do not to have to eat an "Your Quick Tips", 05 Jan 2008, 24/7 entire elephant at once. Family History Circle Blog


A treasure trove for Badger State history If the suggestion "Let's do our of all kinds- including Civil War genealogy" is met with glassy-eyed records, images and 150,000 names in expressions at your house, why not try biographical sketches, obituaries and some of the following suggestions that newspaper articles-this site also lets you can make genealogy fun. Remember, search 1 million births, 1 million the essence of genealogy is binding the marriages and 400,000 deaths, all pre- past to the present. Only one facet 1907. involves huddling over a microfilm, reader and searching through hard-to- ogy/ read documents in a musty courthouse HOW TO EAT AN ELEPHANT (activities, by the way, that some OR HOW TO DO FAMILY genealogists have a special liking for). HISTORY There are countless other ways to acquaint your family members with their ancestors. Begin by analyzing your In May I was asked to give the 5th family's special skills and interests. Take Sunday presentation for RS and into consideration their age levels. Then Priesthood on NFS and family history. approach the activities you select with enthusiasm- and you will soon find your A while before it was scheduled, I family members developing new talents started to think about how to present it - and growing closer to each other as you to make it "eatable" for the Members. learn and work together.

I had one of our talented Young Women 1. A family member with an artistic draw an elephant on the blackboard. flair would probably enjoy designing a family tree for your Tip of the trunk = registering on NFS family-room or living-room wall. It could be done in oils, acrylics, Trunk = bigger than usual because of a felt, or embroidery, and could be 4-generations pedigree. Around styled to reflect your family's 3rd-4th generations a line called 1900's ethnic heritage. downward over the trunk. 2. Pool your musical talents and collaborate in writing a ballad - a With some few inches between simple song-telling the story of a downward lines indication 1800's till prominent (or not-so-prominent) about 1500/1400's before the head ends. progenitor. If the song has a The rest we have to leave to be done rousing chorus, it will quickly during the Millennium - or it HAS been become a theme song for the done. The elephant ends with Adam and family, and new verses can be Eve and their children, as the elephant's added over the years. Family tail. ballads are great for giving sparkle to family reunions. Some members found it pretty funny but

6 3. Family dramatists can star on of records and has a fairly easy to use Sunday afternoons and at interface. reunions in skits based on family history. Even reenacting the day Source: grandma and grandpa met can be "Miles Genealogy Tips", 2/5/09, fun. Invite them to see the play and be sure to give them a NEW YORK PUBLIC chance to tell the story the way it really happened. LIBRARY DIGITAL IMAGES 4. Learn a heritage craft to gain a You don't need a library card to access greater appreciation for the life- this site's half-million images and style of your pioneer forefathers documents, covering American Indian and mothers. Woodworking, portraits, African-American history and shingle-making, spinning thread, migration, historical photographs, weaving, and quilting were surveyors of the American West, important parts of their lives. Holocaust memorial books and much 5. Turning the names and dates on a more. family group sheet into a brief Source: Family Tree Magazine, 10 Best written history can be one of the Virtual Library Web Sites, most enlightening things you and your family have ever done. library-web- sites Your family members can work together almost like detectives to figure out the story behind the A FREE GENEALOGICAL dry facts on the chart. Writing TOOL BAR out such histories will turn your ancestors into real people. The Manchester and Lancashire Family Putting names and dates into History Society (MLFHS) in the UK has story form may even make you announced the release of its own realize things you didn't think of (completely free) genealogy toolbar before. You may see gaps in the which integrates with your browser (IE, research, and you may be Firefox, Safari) and provides direct prompted to complete the story access to over 120 genealogy sites. by writing for information. The range of sites provided is especially strong for GB and Irish research and will Source: Ohana Software Family History continue to be expanded in the light of Tip of the Week, (1/7/05), Ginger users comments and suggestions. Hamer, "Family Fun with Genealogy," Ensign, Sept. 1984, 64. Users can turn on/off individual menus via the options menu, and they can also THAT’S MY FAMILY choose to add items from a selection of non-genealogy links. ) is a The toolbar can be downloaded via the site run by the National Archives of MLFHS home page uk Quebec. This search tool leads to or from http://MLFHS. OurToolbar. genealogy and family history databases com/ Amendments to the toolbar are hosted by federal, provincial and made centrally and can be automatically territorial archives and libraries as well reflected in each user’s browser. as other partners. This is a very useful search tool since it covers a wide variety The toolbar is completely free to 7 download and use and has been developed by Family Historians for use GeneralMenu/ and see what all is by Family Historians. available.

Regards, Ken Wogan AQ Message Board FAMILY TREE UNIVERSITY 10 Best Web Sites to See Dead People Sylvia and I have had a subscription to FAMILY TREE MAGAZINE since it American Battle Monuments first started. We get a lot of good Commission information, ideas and helps from it. If you have military ancestors buried in It is now presenting an online set of US cemeteries abroad, this is the place to classes for genealogists. It’s called find them. The site covers 24 overseas Family Tree University. military cemeteries with almost 125,000 Have you wanted to trace your family American war dead, plus Tablets of the tree or learn about your ancestry, but Missing that memorialize more than you're not sure where to begin? Have 94,000 US servicemen and -women. you hit a brick wall in your research, and need a boost from an expert? Now, with AncientFaces $ Family Tree University, you can gain the This collection of nearly 50,000 old skills and techniques in our online family photos also offers family stories courses, taught by some of the best and recipes, plus Family Spaces Web minds in the genealogy field. pages on which to share them (starting at In each class, you’ll get guidance from $29.95 a year). an experienced instructor and be able to interact with other students. You’ll Cemetery Surveys complete exercises that will help you View nearly 240,000 burial records, make new discoveries about your many with photos of the actual family’s past. And you’ll have access to headstones; the site is richest in coverage a library of resources and how-to for the southeastern United States. You material to expand your knowledge can even import your finds into Google during and after the class. Earth. SAMPLE OF UPCOMING DeadFred $ COURSES A longtime favorite, this genealogy photo archive has helped more than Start Tracing My Family Tree 1,400 people reunite with pictures of Find My Immigrant Ancestors their ancestors. It's free to search the Research My Family From the archive of more than 92,000 records Old Country representing more than 16,000 surnames. Use Google Tools for My Paying members ($19.95 a year) get Ancestry Search customization options and enhanced Track Down My Living Relatives photo posting. Courses and details will be coming Find a Grave soon – sign up today for our free This simple-yet-powerful cemetery newsletter and find out more! database has grown to more than 31 million grave transcriptions. You can Go to search by name (with options for maiden 8 names and partial surnames), birth date, Paying members ($7.95 per month, death date or cemetery location, or $39.99 per year) can save searches and a browse a cemetery for people you think "cemeteries of interest" list, get might be your ancestors. There's also a automated- search notifications and surname index and the Social Security receive discounts on "virtual gravestone Death Index. décor." Only about a dozen states are represented to date, but this one's worth watching. Though smaller than Find a Grave, Nationwide Gravesite Locator is likewise worth a look— This Department of Veterans Affairs its user-submitted gravestone records Web site—a domestic counterpart to the cover cemeteries that no longer exist, aforementioned American Battle along with graveyards beyond the Monuments Commission site—searches United States. Special collections cover burial locations of veterans and their veterans' cemeteries, flooded cemeteries, family members in VA National California mission graveyards and Cemeteries, state veterans cemeteries Woodmen of the World burials. and various other military and Department of Interior cemeteries. It Kentucky Historical Society also includes veterans buried in private In addition to a searchable catalog and cemeteries where the grave is marked digital collections, this handsome site with a government grave marker. serves up the Kentucky Cemetery Family Tree Magazine June 2009 Records Database—hundreds of thousands of names transcribed from ACCESS TO YORK COUNTY, gravestones across Kentucky, from PA, CEMETERY PHOTOS urban cemeteries to rural plots. For Harry Senft’s York County cemetery web sites, check out Kathy Don't you just hate it when you find an Francis’ web sites; some of inconsiderate ancestor who died right these cemeteries are posted there: before the next census? Now you can track him or her with the help of this site: It provides free transcriptions of the yccemeteries.htm and 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880 census mortality schedules, in which enumerators recorded information on all cemet.htm people who perished within the 12 months preceding the census. cemeteries/mt-olivet- Names in Stone $ latimore/mt.olivet.htm Not nearly as data-rich—yet—as more established cemetery sites, this newcomer nonetheless has a great concept: You can search for a grave and This newsletter is compiled by Jack get a map showing where it is in the and Sylvia Sonneborn, family history cemetery and whose plots are nearby. consultants of the York 2nd Ward, for Searching is free, and you get not only use within the ward. It is also e- the information on a tombstone but also mailed to parties interested in family the grave's location, the cemetery name, history, but it is not an official a cemetery map, the address, GPS publication of The Church of Jesus coordinates and driving directions. Christ of Latter-day Saints. 9 printed the family ordinance [email protected] cards. The system reminds [email protected] you to destroy duplicate cards. Also under "Help" there is much additional "Help ROOTSMAGIC BLOG regarding new system". Beverly NEW FAMILYSEARCH Another interesting site is the RootsMagic Blog, and while you UPDATES may not have this program, the Several changes have been made to the new blog has a lot of interesting family FamilySearch Web site. For a list of all changes history information. Access at made to the new FamilySearch Web site since its either of the two addresses below. first release in July 2007, see Appendix H of A User’s Guide to the New FamilySearch. Corrections and additions to A User’s Guide to RootsMagic Blog the New FamilySearch are marked with the following symbol: New Features as of August 2009 The August 2009 release of the new ------FamilySearch Web site introduces many changes. The biggest change is a new temple ordinances list.

Temple Ordinances List For copies of Genealogy News, go The temple ordinances list helps you do the to following: • See the ordinances that you have reserved. • Print and reprint Family Ordinance Requests and family ordinance cards. m/~payork/York2Ward/ • Monitor the completion of the ordinances. • Remove individuals from your temple ordinances list. This cancels your reservation for Thanks to Don and Jeanine all ordinances Hartman of Utah for posting not yet complete so that other Church members can do them. (Previous releases of the new the newsletter online for us. FamilySearch Web site did not allow you to cancel ordinance reservations.) You can sort the individuals in the temple What’s New in the ordinances list, change the width of the columns, Are you aware that on the New and change FamilySearch Home Page (page the order of the columns. you sign in on) under "News and Updates," after clicking Reserving Ordinances The process and screens for reserving ordinances on, there is a new document have changed. These are the significant changes: dated August 2009 --titled • You must reserve all of an individual’s What’s New in the New ordinances. If you do not want to do all of them, FamilySearch Web Site (11 do the ones that you want. You can then either assign the pages). remaining ordinances to the temple or remove Page 1, Reprinting Family the individual Ordinance Cards. You can now from the temple ordinances list. reprint a Family Ordiance • You must now go to the temple ordinances list Request after you have in order to print a Family Ordinance Request. This makes 10 it much easier to print one request containing all printed before the temple was changed to the of the individuals whose ordinances you want to new system. do.

Reprinting Family Ordinance Cards Options on the Home Page The See Temple Information (Schedules, You can now reprint a Family Ordinance Driving Directions, etc.) link has been moved to Request after you have printed the family the ordinance cards. The Home page. system reminds you to destroy duplicate cards. The Families and individuals that are reserved The New FamilySearch Web Site August 2009 1 for temple ordinances (see list) link displays the new temple ordinances list. Displaying and Printing a Family Group Record New Certified Affiliates

When you display or print a family group record, The following products are now certified for use the sources no longer appear automatically. with the new FamilySearch Web site: Instead, you • Issues from Armidale Software see a Source Information link for each ( individual. Click the link to display the • AllMyCousins from GeneSys Foundation individual’s sources in a ( pop-up. • LiveRoots from Genealogy Today LLC This change allows the system to display a ( family group record more quickly than when it In addition to having their previous also has to display certifications, the following products are now the sources. also certified to reserve ordinances and print Family Ordinance Solving Problems Related to Family Ordinance Requests: Cards • Ancestral Quest from Incline Software To resolve problems with family ordinance ( cards, you often had to take the card to the • FamilyInsight from Ohana Software temple and ask that ( the ordinances on the card be deleted from the For a complete list of affiliates, go to system. For example, this was recommended if you found .html. out that the ordinances were already done or that the individual’s gender was incorrect. System Requirements As of the August 2009 release, you can simply In previous releases, the use of Adobe Reader remove the individual from your temple and Flash was optional. You now need Adobe ordinances list and Reader 8.0 or destroy the card. higher and Flash Player 9.0.115 or higher. Your computer now also needs at least 512 MB RAM Converting a TempleReady Submission File to and a screen a Family Ordinance Request resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels. If you are registered with FamilySearch Support 2 The New FamilySearch Web Site August 2009 as a family history consultant or family history center Find a Family History Consultant and Family director and if you sign in as a helper, you can History Center convert a TempleReady submission file to a In the Help Center, you can find your local Family Ordinance family history consultant and family history Request. center. After you sign in to help someone else, the 1. On the Home page, click Help Center. Home page contains an option called Add a 2. Click the Local Assistance tab. TempleReady Submission File. Use this option If you are a family history consultant and your when a Church member prepared a name does not appear on this screen, you need to TempleReady submission file before register the new FamilySearch Web site was available, as a family history consultant at but then he or she could not get the family ordinance cards

11 If your name appears in the list of consultants link for every topic of every and you are not a family history consultant, ancestor; I think one per individual please contact FamilySearch Support to have your information would be sufficient. We can discuss updated. Go to the differing birthplace and the possible for a list death date all in one forum. of support numbers for your area. Shanna Jones SOME IDEAS TO INCORPORATE NEWEST RELEASE OF FAMILY IN NEW FAMILY SEARCH INSIGHT

Have you looked at the person pages that The newest release for FamilytInsight is has set up? I like available and includes the Ordinance how they have it set up. Here are some Tracker feature. It was released last links: week. We were out of town with limited Internet access, so the auto updates have 1_val_a_browning/ or not been engaged yet. This will happen shortly. If you would like to get this 6_jonathan_browning/ update immediately, you can do so by going to the download tab at It has incorporated the same timeline and selecting concept as NFS and the same map. Then FamilyInsight. Then click on the it has a place for facts, stories, images download. and comments. It also has a place for suggested searching. I think something This version does include the Helper similar to that concept would be great feature, the ability to reserve ordinances, for the discussion of ancestors, would print Family Ordinance Requests, help with the sourcing, and be an Assign to temple, un reserve, etc. excellent place for long term placement of the life histories and images. It also You have to purchase Family Insight has the Watch feature, and so it would from if you let you know if someone added to it or don't have it. It costs $25.00. If you are changed anything. It has a bookmarking using PAF instead of one of the other ability, a sharing ability and even a genealogy programs that you have to facebook application. Of course you buy anyway, it is a great deal. I use it would need a review committee to every day. It replaces PAF Insight, and approve images. if you have that and are in the free upgrade time allotment, you can get it Making all of those things available to free. each ancestor in the tree in NFS would be quite the task, but it would be I used the new temple reserving part awesome, and I think it would really today and it is awesome! I really love add a spark and interest to those ordinary the place editor and the synchronization members who aren't as enthusiastic process as well; it saves so much time about family history as some of us are. It and allows me to keep track of what I would allow for the cross have synchronized in my PAF files. It is referencing of the sources because once one of the FamilySearch certified an individual was located on a products approved to work in census, it could be added to the facts conjunction with new FamilySearch. group. You could do the link from Shanna Jones the census to the individual or the St. George individual to the census. I don't think you need a different discussion 12 Yea, verily I say unto you, I gave unto documentation. It is up to the researcher, you a commandment that you should professional or not, to prove their build a house, in the which house I lineage. Most of the church members are design to endow those whom I have just starting out. Most have to be taught chosen with power from on high. documentation. And they also have to be Doctrine and Covenants 95:8 taught to NOT submit what they find on the AF or the internet, etc. without ANCESTRY EXPANDS making sure it is correct. Most are doing JEWISH COLLECTION their genealogy because the spirit moved them to do so. And if they have PROVO, Utah, August 2, 2009 -- someone to help them, it is almost like, the world's largest online the blind leading the blind. So many resource for family history, today FHC VOLUNTEERS are just warm announced an addition to its Jewish bodies and have no idea how to research family history record collection through and document. But they try, and for that collaboration with two leading I will be eternally grateful. Others that organizations committed to the do know how may be so busy they don't preservation of Jewish heritage. Read have time to help. It takes time -- about it at years!-- to learn to do proper research and documentation. der/2009/08/03/AncestrycomExpandsJe We are commanded to seal ourselves to wishRecordsCollection.aspx Adam and Eve so far is possible. Some of us would like to be sealed to the VALIDITY OF FAMILY correct person. Others are just going HISTORY RECORDS through the motions of trying to obey the commandments. And there are many Most professional researchers, at least in degrees in between, with most of the the USA, know that the LDS programs church members not even doing family are NOT to be used for research and history. (gasp! gasp!) documentation. They are like a road map to the original records that YOU Of course, if you are reading this, I am need to be looking for to prove or preaching to the choir, as you already disprove your lineage. know all of this. But, I just had to put in my nickel’s worth this time. If I have The IGI is just simply what it states: an offended anyone, please forgive me. I INDEX to the records submitted for am just as frustrated as the rest of you, temple work. but mine is mostly directed toward those The AF is a copy of the pedigree charts that want to take short cuts in not doing sent in by members -- at whatever stage their own research and documentation of work they were in at the time -- in and then complaining about the indexes answer to the call to send in our 4- and guides we as members of the church generation charts, and so forth. (My AF have worked to put out there for them to file has errors I have since corrected use to help them find their needed almost as the chart was sent in, but the documentation. AF still remains20+ years later!) Annette Womack At no time has anyone (I As I have been told: hope) claimed any of the INDEXES A family chart/fgs without (IGI, AF, etc.) are to be used for documentation is just a fairy tale! Anyone can make those up... 13 3. David Rencher, Chief Genealogical Most people that do family history agree Office of the Church, gave an interesting that they experience something more keynote address about FamilySearcdh than mere coincidence that happens in and the information explosion, products their search for their roots. Crash that are nearing the end of their life Course in Family History, p. 21 cycle, others that are at the beginning of their lifecycle, and directions for SHORT SUMMARY OF BYU FamilySearch and how to use it; there GENEALOGY AND FAMILY were also a couple of other talks by FH HISTORY CONFERENCE Dept people on the history and how to use FamilySearch and the FamilySearch Wiki and what's happening at the FH 28-31 Jul 2009 Library If you want more information on any of 4. Several announcements about new these topics, they have copies of the 632- FamilySearch and affiliate program page syllabus with notes for nearly all updates that sync with it, e.g. Ancestral classes for sale - printed in hard copy Quest, Family Insight, RootsMagic, ($45) or pdf on CD ($25) from Legacy ; hard copy was two spiral-bound halves with the 5. Presentation of new teaching materials halves fastened together (I've never seen for FH Sunday School classes - that before, but it made it easier to open.) Instructor's Manual, new DVD with helps, hope to have them mailed to 1. 135 talks - Conference organized by priesthood leaders and in Distribution tracks -- Schedule is online at Centers by end of Aug 2009 -- see the Deseret News report about the talk - cfm (1) Basic Research Methodologies 57699/Flexibility-teaching-doctrine-and- (2) Computers/Internet/Tecnology focusing-on-the-Spirit.html (3) Records Available at the Harold B. Lee Lib on BYU Campus 6. Good discussions of ways to publish (4) International Research for Beginners online and in hard copy (5) Methodology (6) British 7. Several talks on what's available at the (7) Beginner Track BYU Library, both online and hard copy (8) Writing the Narrative FH (9) United States & Canada 8. Lots on searching newspapers, both (10) Family History Consultants/Family on- and off-line, with many URL's History Library (11) FamilySearch 9. Lots on software, instructions for (12) Colonial America using it, and comparisons (13) Professional 10. Lots about online resources and 2. Many prominent FH speakers were URL's and how to search them there, but some I expected to see didn't speak, e.g. Alan Mann and Kip Sperry 11. Several talks on LDS Records (I didn't speak; LDS Church FH Dept was didn't present, but see my online notes represented, but seemed like fewer on LDS and Utah Records at speakers from there this time .) 14 12. Lots on how to write narrative, Re: designing exercises--would the stories, details to include, how to make it exercises in the Help Center meet that interesting need? Have you discovered a specific need that isn't addressed by Help 13. Good presentations on research in Center documents or e-learning each of areas listed in the racks above modules? (Incidentally, there is a fantastic training center in Utah--see 14. Very little on DNA -- only one talk, I _http://www.familyhistorytraining.org_ think ( . (I recommend it whenever I can.) 15. Not as many vendors as in past, but a couple of new ones that I don't For those who might want to create their remember seeing there before own e-learning modules, check out Jing, made by TechSmith 16. Dates for next year's conferences -- (_www.jingproject.com_ BYU 2010 Computerized FH ( and Genealogy conference - 12-13 Mar It's free software that lets you record 2010 and BYU 2010 Conference on your voice and actions on the FH and Genealogy - 27-30 Jul 2010 screen (the result is a Flash [.swf] file Elder Groberg's keynote talk, Jesus Is which you can post on a web the Key, is posted online now at site--TechSmith's or your own). The free . I version's limitation is that you can't overheard John Best asking Dave made a video longer than 5 minutes, but Rencher if he would let the BYU Cont for quick training modules, it works Ed post his PowerPoint online, and really well, particularly for the price :) Dave said he would ask for permission. John told me later that if they get In my experience, IT at the church has permission, they will post it on the BYU been very responsive to feedback. Cont Ed website. The presence and comments of Ron Tanner on this list is just one evidence of Information reported by Donald R. Snow, recently returned from that. Suggestions made at the England London Mission, are monitored and responded to London Family History Centre regularly. I think things will only Retired Professor of Mathematics, improve as we continue to share ideas Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah and collaborate. [email protected] Kathy Grant Memphis TN USA FHC CREATING A SANDBOX FOR NEW FAMILY SEARCH _Re: nFS practice database. _ ( A "sandbox" is standard practice at T/message/25152;_ylc=X3oDMTJyYjE many companies (it is at mine). That's zazc5BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE1BGdycElk basically what beta nFS is in AzM5MzQ3NTcEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxN principle. Why not also create a sandbox zA1MDQwODM3BG1zZ0lkAzI1MTUy copy of production nFS? It could be BHNlYwNkbXNnBHNsawN2bXNnBH populated with far less data and open to N0aW1lAzEyNTA1ODQyNjc-) all registered nFS users. NEW INDEXING PROJECTS

15 Indexing projects added in July: and system management software maker SolarWinds, both of which floated in  Italy, Trento—Baptisms, 1784- May, ending an almost year-long dearth 1924 [Part 2] of technology listings on the US  New Zealand—Passenger Lists, markets. 1871–1915  Perú, Lima—Registros Civiles, does not make its money 1910–1930 [Part 2] from advertising, but instead charges  U.S.—Freedmen Marriages, users a monthly membership of between 1861–1869 $19.95 and $29.95.  U.S., Delaware—Birth Records, 1861–1922 Membership allows users to create  U.S., Georgia—Deaths, 1930 profiles, compile family trees, and share  U.S., Indiana, Carroll County— pictures, birth certificates and audio files Marriages, 1811–1959 with others.  U.S., Oklahoma—1920 U.S. Federal Census The largest investor in is  U.S., Tennessee—1920 Federal private equity house Spectrum Equity Census Investors, which bought a majority stake  U.S., Virginia—1920 U.S. for $300m in 2007. Federal Census  The website counts the Mormon's among its main rivals. FROM TELEGRAPH.CO.UK

Family history website to GENEALOGY SOCIAL NETWORK float for $75m. SITE Haven't heard anything about this until The technology boom is back. today, as it does not seem to have fully, a genealogy website that hit the radar. It's a social networking site allows users to trace their family trees, is (similar to Facebook), with a number of hoping to raise $75m (£44.3m) by interesting features, including discussion becoming the latest US tech-based groups for everything from ancestors to company to float. software. By James Quinn, US Business Editor Published: 8:32PM BST 04 Aug 2009 James W. Anderson allows users to create It is listed with numerous general profiles, compile family trees, and share and genealogy specific sites at: pictures, birth certificates and audio files Archives and Knowledge Management: with others. Scholarly Online Resource Evidence and Records for use by Genealogists and is planning to float on Family Historians either the Nasdaq stock market or the http://www.academic- New York Stock Exchange in the next few months, with the help of Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Morgan Pedigree & Lineage Networking: Family Stanley as its lead underwriters. Trees http://www.academic- The float will follow in the footsteps of restaurant booking website OpenTable 16 Social Networking - General Those are processed by high-speed machines at the post office, and the thickness with the cards is likely to get Social Networking with Family Trees stuck in the machines. My solution has been to mail them in 6x9 envelopes, and so far, none have been lost or destroyed. V. C. Tinney Jill Crandell PRINTING NEW FAMILY SEARCH FORS THE REMOVE BUTTON

If you want to clear baptisms and In New FamilySearch, with the new confirmations only, go to the "assigned Temple Tab - they have added a to" column and click on your name. "Remove" button. Read the new - Aug You will be given a screen to select who 2009 documentation carefully. What the will do each ordinance. Even if you want "Remove" button does is remove the to do them all, if you only want to print request for Temple work for that person. the B&C, leave those two ordinances set So - if you remove the person from your to yourself and set everything else to go reserved list - it not only does that - but to the temple. Do this for the number of removes the request for Temple people you want to clear and create the work.The person then goes back to the FOR. As soon as you finish the FOR, go "Ready" position and waits for another back to the names you set to the temple relative to submit their name. and toggle them back to you. This will keep these names in holding until the So - do not use the "Remove" button to baptisms are completed. As soon as the simply reduce the size of your list. work is done, you can clear your next batch for initiatories, even if the cards Tom Kemp have not been returned to you! As long as the B&C are done, the program will SURNAME DISTRIBUTION let you print the next cards. Again, select MAPS AT only the ordinances that you want to print, set the rest to temple, and after Hamburg, August 11, 2009 – The family creating the FOR, set them back to network features maps you.It's worth a try! for showing the distribution of one's Yes, it's extra work, but it will make the surname for eight countries at the program do what you need. As the moment. Such maps are not only programmers continue working, we'll available for the US, Canada, the UK, have the capability to select which but also for Spain, France, Germany, ordinances to print. Austria, and Switzerland. Versions for the Netherlands and Argentina will Also, remember that you can email an follow soon. The free map service, FOR and not have to mail the actual which shows the absolute and relative cards. The person you send the work to distribution of surnames for the can print the cards without waiting for respective countries, is based on data the mail and without any destruction. from telephone books and address The problem with mail destruction (at databases. One can very easily and least in my experience) has been in quickly get an overview of the sending the cards in #10 envelopes. geographical distribution and origin of one's own surname. The name of interest 17 only has to be entered into a search field Consultants are the ones who work one to view the corresponding map. Statistics on one with the members in their homes. about the number of persons with the Consultants are called by the Bishop and same name are shown for single counties answer to the HPGL. The Family or regions. The relative display of the History center is a branch of the Family distribution also factors in the distortion History Library. It is a research facility. caused by metropolitan areas.Renee’s Anyone (including those not members of Blog – Subscribe at FeedBlitz the LDS Church) can locate a Family [[email protected]] History Center from or The center director is a stake calling and answers to a high HOW TO GET HELP councilor. Only local members can see the names of their local FH consultants FH Consultants in the US and Canada after they sign in to new FamilySearch. are automatically added to the Local It seems very illogical to think that a Assistance Tab IN New FamilySearch. If consultant would refuse to display their they do not wish to have contact contact information from the ward information displayed there, they need to members they are called to serve. call FamilySearch Support at 1-866- 4061830 and "opt out.” Support can pull The Local Assistance tab information in up your FH Consultant registration the Help Center of record and click the "opt out" check box. is for members who have registered in Then contact information will no longer nFS to contact the family history be displayed in the Local Assistance consultants in their ward or branch. The Tab. local consultant is known as Tier 1 (one) support. If the displayed information is It is important to remember that only the incorrect or needs to be removed, the members of your own ward will see your individuals themselves or a Priesthood contact information. If you opt out, you leader can contact Tier 2 support at need to make sure your ward members [email protected]. know how to contact you. Terry Mason In other countries, all FH consultants are opted out to begin with, and if they want Get Birth, Marriage, or Death their names to show in the Local Certificates for Your English and Assistance tab they need to call Welsh Ancestors Since 1837 FamilySearch Support and "opt in". If you’re looking for a birth, marriage, or death Ileen certificate for your English or Welsh ancestor, you’re in luck. Since July 1, 1837, the English MORE ON FAMILY HISTORY and Welsh governments have kept records of all these events in one, centralized location. CONSULTANTS (If only every country was so organized!)

Family History Consultants serve the We have just recently completed indexes—or members of their ward. The director master lists—of all the birth and marriage serves the FH Center and the staff of that records, and are close to completing the index center only as it applies to their serving for the death records. These indexes include in the center. Only FH consultants are information about your ancestors as well as displayed as a resource to local members the information you need to order an original who sign on to new FamilySearch. certificate from the government office where they are held in London. 18 I just heard that FamilySearch finally has These comprehensive online indexes are a RootsMagic available on LANDesk for remarkably valuable tool for family historians. FHC's! For those that don't know, Before the indexes were transcribed, you had RootsMagic is a FamilySearch certified to visit the General Register Office in London, desktop genealogy program and is or a library that had a copy of the indexes, and certified to reserve temple ordinances scroll through rolls of microfilm to find the and print FOR's. You can see more information you needed. Now you can search all the names in these indexes in minutes and information at order a copy of an original certificate without ever leaving your home. FAMILY HISTORY CONSULTANT If your center doesn't have LANDesk, TRAINING you can still request your free license at Consultant Training used to be the responsibility of the Stake Family Michael History Consultant. In the Fall of 2006, that position was removed from the WEBINARS stake, and the Consultant's Website (where all leadership and consultants are Ohana is now offering free Family to register) was created. Then the E- History Training Webinars (web Learning Courses came along with the seminars). Most of our webinars cover "Training and Resources" tab in nFS. general Family History Topics, but we This is where the training for consultants also like to throw in a couple designed is to take place. Each individual is especially for Family History Centers. responsible for his own training. For example, next month we will be having a webinar on "How to light a fire Additional training is available in the under your ward." Family History Consultants Guide to Temple and Family History Work (only Other upcoming webinars are: available online at nFS at the same tab mentioned above). Two additional Using FamilySearch Record Search resources are coming out the end of this (guest presenter Merlin Kitchen) month or beginning of next month, Ordinance Reservation 101 (using through Priesthood Leaders (please ask FamilyInsight's Ordinance Tracker) your HPGL)-- the new Members Guide Synchronizing your PAF file with the to Temple and Family History Work and new FamilySearch website the Instructor's Guide to Temple and Family History Work. The Member's For more information or to register, Guide is available, as a PDF, at the same visit: tab, under "New FS Overviews and and click on the Webinars box at the left. Guides". Look at all of the Guides and You may also sign up to have the new print them out (the short ones) for webinar calendar emailed to you each reference. month.

Mark E. Gower Aloha, Mesa, Arizona, USA John Vilburn


19 Indexes for Irish research are Irish Civil queries about research problems, and not Registration, Births, Marriages and only are there people at the FHL, but Deaths. others throughout the world that can The whole country is there until 1921, answer research questions. then only the South is there after that, when the South became a Republic. James W. Anderson They can be accessed through Record Search at That is I urge all of the people…to write their journals, the site that posts all the indexed records and let no family go into eternity, without having as volunteer members get them indexed. left their memoirs for their children, their grandchildren, and their posterity. Spencer W. Kimball 1978 Ens. UTAH IS ROLLING OUT

We received an E-mail notice this morning from Family Search Support stating that "Beginning on Monday, August 25, 2009 August 31, 2009, Church members in New Research your stake may begin using the Training Available Web site..." To: Family History Consultants I am a member of the Canyon View Stake in Cedar City, Utah. I have As part of our ongoing initiative to also heard that the Cedar City North stake was notified. We are in make training available throughout the St. George Temple District. the world, we are pleased to announce that several new training Don Blanchard materials have been added to the Cedar City Research Series Classes Online page of the FamilySearch website. These FAMILYSEARCH FORUMS include the following: Reading German Handwritten Records, Italy Research, Principios básicos para la FamilySearch Forums, at investigación genealógica en has a Hispanoamérica (México), Russian number of new forums. History, Geography, Records and Resources and three U.S. Military There's now a section for new Records classes. FamilySearch, a section for the main FamilySearch site, a section for Reading German Handwritten indexers, and even one for FHC support, Records includes two lessons taught plus a couple of others. You can post within a self-paced, interactive issues about problems with registering experience that includes narration for nFS, the data found there, etc., same and several learning and practice for just about anything else related to FamilySearch itself there. activities.

This began as a forum related to the The Italy Research class introduces wiki, but the intention was to build it out the major record types available for to other things. You can even post researching Italian ancestors, as well as how to find and use such records. 20 It also addresses historical events p? that affected the record keeping PAGE=education_research_series_on practices in Italy. line.asp%3FActiveTab=2

The Principios básicos para la Sincerely, investigación genealógica en FamilySearch Hispanoamérica (México) series is [email protected] given in Spanish and includes an introduction to the key sources for U.S. and Canada: 1-866-406- family history as well as instruction 1830 regarding Parish Registers and Civil Registration.

Russian History, Geography, Records and Resources is a great introduction to the peoples and events important SWEEDISH CHURCH to genealogists researching RECORDS ancestors in Russia. On the home page for The U.S. Military Records classes there is a link to cover the Revolutionary War, the an announcement which might be Civil War and Pre-World War I interesting to many researchers of Pension Applications. The first two Swedish ancestry. classes introduce the many types of "Volunteers to Bring Historic Sweden military records, their relevance to Church Records Online" explains the the particular war, and how to use indexing process and the historical and find them. The last class challenges for Swedish research. The discusses the value of military announcement is available in both pension records, the many records Swedish and English. included in pension applications, and how to find or acquire pension The Church is now indexing the Swedish applications. Church Records from the earliest years to 1860. We invite you to visit, view these classes, When I was on the website for and then give us your feedback by FamilySearch Indexing, I noticed that using the feedback links. We also there were three sets of Swedish records. encourage you to use these with the I was very excited because this will members of your wards or branches improve Swedish research for so many and those you assist in Family of us. History Centers as appropriate for Thanks to Mary Scott of the Northville their research needs. Ward, Westland Michigan Stake.

Simply click on the link below or Volunteers to Bring Sweden copy and paste it into your browser. Church Records Online Two groups have unveiled plans to engage Swedish-speaking volunteers throughout the ary/education/ world to help create a highly searchable, free online index to the parish registers of 21 Sweden — 200 years of recorded Swedish I have a 3rd great-grandfather named history — comprising more than 400 million Carl Nilsson. For a while I had him names. By the LDS Newsroom confused with another Carl Nilsson in the same village. It took time and effort but I was finally able to know which facts and records belonged to my Carl SWEEDISH ANCESTORS Nilsson. By the way, BYU's free independent For my own research, my Swedish study courses have some family history ancestors have been the hardest lines for courses available online for Swedish me to trace. At the same time I have research. I haven't worked on them for a had many "little miracles" occur which while but think I will review them again. opened up the doors to further research. Many benefits from learning more about the Church records. It has only been within the past five years that I had success finding my It seems that family history and temple Swedish great-grandfather's ancestry and ordinances for Swedish ancestry will be submit them for temple ordinances. It able to advance much faster now that the has been very difficult but now indexing projects are being done. possible because I found the correct family. Mary Scott Northville Ward I use GenLine and like it a lot. However, Westland Michigan there are a lot of steps in finding family If you have not looked lately, members with the Church records has added more (births, marriages, deaths, confirmations, Kirkeboger--some down to as late as clerical surveys, moving in and moving 1935 now. out). Steve Kelsey NORWAY While it is possible to do the Swedish research with the microfilms, There is the Norway Project being done microfiche, and Genline, it is going to by a group at the Family History Library move a lot quicker with the indexing plus volunteers. They have not put projects for Sweden. anything online yet but are working hard and always willing to take new For one thing it will help us pull up the volunteers. family members as groups -- at least when the names of the parents are Online I use recorded properly. which has digitalized parish, census and assorted The indexing projects will also help us other records for Norway. Records are narrow down our searches for people in Norwegian but some of the lead in with the same names. pages can be accessed in English. Very good website by the Norwegian National It is possible to have a lot of Swedish Archives. relatives in a family database with the same names. This can really cause the There are bygdebøker online by various brain cells to be overtaxed. sites, so if you Google for your area, you might find what you need extracted or at least online to read. 22 Paula This site needs to be updated (and I'm the one who's supposed to do the If we do our part, our genealogies updating, but I haven't found the time will be unfolded to us – sometimes lately), but it has a lot of the links to in one way, sometimes in another. current research sites: So I want to suggest to you, my DenmarkFAQ/index.html brethren and sisters: let us do our Paula Goodfellow part.

The kirkeboger are at George A. Smith Sharing the Gospel with others, p. The census is at 179 Steve Kelsey SUBMITTING GENEALOGY FAMILY HISTORY TO FHL TEACHING MANUAL

Individuals often want to contribute If you go online and type "byu261" only in the URL (address) line, genealogies, scrapbooks, old bibles, and press enter, it will take you the boxes of loose genealogy. Not all things the lessons Don Ward are acceptable to the Family History Library in Salt lake City. Look at this New family history manuals and link. It will answer your questions about materials are now available from what the FHL will accept: the Distribution Center. From a talk by Robert Millet sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=2&url=ht given at BYU: %2Feng%2FSearch%2FRG%2Fimages %2FFamilySearch_Donation_Guideline In an address to Church educators in s_rev_1- 1977, President Boyd K. Packer stressed 06.pdf&ei=NtWVSrzYB4masgPMqZWXDA&u that we live in a day of great events sg=AFQjCNG- relating to the scriptures. He reminded QnF0ZKJHXUJ6qTkWD6bDLbv83g&sig2=wN us that it has only been a short time since pyr15ZRcGfZgQG6okHQw two revelations were added to the Alan Whitcomb standard works, both of which have salvation for the dead as a central theme. ANTI-VIRUS SOFTWARE IN FHC President Packer continued: "I was surprised, and I think all of the Brethren In the near future, anti-virus software in were surprised, at how casually that family history centers will be announcement of two additions to the automatically changed from Symantec to standard works was received by the Sophos. This update will occur through Church. But we will live to sense the the LANDesk program; computers in the significance of it; we will tell our centers must have LANDesk installed to grandchildren and our great receive this update. Please contact your grandchildren, and we will record in our stake technology specialist if you have diaries, that we were on the earth and questions. remember when that took place."

Lance McIntosh 23 [ In 1977 Elder Packer gave a talk to the time. Certain groups, such as women and regional reps in which he prophesied that children, were exempt in early years. we were on the threshold of great After 1862, those who were honorably advancement in the area of 'turning our discharged from U.S. military service hearts to our fathers,' namely that we were excused from this first step. would see this happen in terms of 2. Petition (Second or Final Papers). technology. He said in a football analogy Naturalization petitions were formal that in our goal to do temple work for applications submitted to the court by the dead, we had gone about l/4 inch on individuals who had met the residency a football in number of individuals with requirements and who had declared their ordinances completed compared to the intention to become citizens. (See a 100 yards to go on the football field.] portion of Bela Lugosi’s post-1906 Marcia Green petition for citizenship below.) 3. Certificates of Naturalization. Most certificates of naturalization contain the name of the individual, the name of the GENEALOGY NEWS BLOGS court, and the date of issue. Ancestry AND TWITTERS LDS Church Indefinitely Closes Nigeria Temple Holly T. Hansen: Blog, Twitter Scott Taylor - Deseret News Back to Headlines Anastasia Tyler: Blog

The Ancestry Insider: Blog, Twitter

Arlene H. Eakle: Blog, Twitter

Gena Philibert Ortega: Blog, WVR Blog, Twitter, and WVR Twitter.

Jean Wilcox Hibben: Blog

Lee R. Drew: FamHist Blog and Lineage Keeper Blog, Twitter The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has indefinitely Lisa Alzo: Blog, Twitter closed its Aba Nigeria Temple as a precautionary measure because of recent violence and has evacuated temple workers Lisa Louise Cooke: Blog, Twitter Read older to other areas. posts for how to blog family history "The safety of our temple visitors and Renee Huskey: Blog, Twitter workers is always our first concern," said LDS Church spokesman Scott Trotter. "Incidents of violence in recent months in the area Renee Zamora: Blog, Twitter where the temple is situated are not necessarily related to the temple but could There were three steps to the put church members at risk. As a precautionary measure, temple workers have naturalization process: been moved to other areas, and the temple has been closed while the situation is being 1. Declarations of Intention (or First addressed." Papers). Normally the first papers were completed soon after arrival in the U.S., Click here to read the full story. depending on the laws in effect at the

24 AN OCTOBER ACTIVITY TO Search. I'd called the mother of one of BRING FH TO LIFE FOR the children ahead of time and got PRIMARY CHILDREN the name of one of their ancestors.

Dear Friends, I had that child sit at the computer while we all stood around it. On the I wanted to share my experience in Search tab, he typed in the name his Primary today in case it's helpful to mom had given me and searched, and someone else. This month's Primary then we checked the ordinances screen theme is "Temple blessings unite to see if his ancestor's temple work was families." It was my turn for Sharing done. The kids really seemed to enjoy it! Time today and I wanted to help the One of them pointed to a blank children understand, at their level, the spot on the nFS pedigree and asked, "So importance of family history and temple how would we find this person?" :) work. (Our Junior [ages 3 - 8] and Great question! So I showed them the Senior [ages 9 - 11] children meet census and explained what it was, and separately for Sharing Time.) also briefly about indexing, then showed them how they could search for For both groups, I made the points that indexed names using Record Search. 1) many people have died without The same boy asked, "How would you the opportunity for baptism; 2) baptism learn to do all of this?" I told him family is needed to return to Heavenly history consultants were called to do Father; 3) because Heavenly Father exactly that--help members learn to do loves his children and wants them all to family history. return to him, living people can be baptized for those who have died, and There was a wonderful spirit there, Jesus accepts that just as if those people particularly when I bore my testimony had been baptized when they were of family history work. I felt like some alive. 4) Heavenly Father has asked us to great seeds were planted with the help find those who have died without help of the Spirit today, and maybe some being baptized and be baptized for them of these kids will prompt their in the temple. parents to move forward! These kids aren't too young to develop a love for Then for the Junior children, I gave them family history. a simplified three-generation pedigree chart where they could write their Kathy names, their parents' names, and FHC in Memphis TN USA their grandparents' names. By each name was an oval where they could also FAMILY GROUP SHEET FOR draw a picture. They got the PRIMARY CHILDREN concept quickly and seemed to enjoy it! You can access this file at the URL: Even more fun, for the Senior children we went on a field trip to the FHC, T/files/primary_pedigree_chart.pdf which fortunately is two doors down from the Primary room in our building :) I'd gone in ahead of time and opened 3 EARLY SALT LAKE DEATH browser windows, one with nFS, RECORDS one with a census record in the indexing program, and one with FS Labs Record

25 If you are looking for early Salt Lake As many of you may recall, our email City death records, try the online list had a discussion about unnamed cemetery index? Also, you can search children this past spring. the Deseret News for death notices online (however the scans aren't always At that time we learned we were the greatest, so some results might have supposed to put "son" and "daughter" in been missed.) Take a look here for the place of a name when the children had papers: died nameless. and here for the cemetery index: Since I was working on a ward newsletter about adding children, I ute/cemeterylist looked up the document again and it has changed. Ancestry's index might be more complete, but I'm not sure. The state Here is what the document states now index only takes records done by an (as of 25 Aug 2009): official source. So, there's an index to the Trenton, Utah, cemetery online at "Sealing ordinances for children are rootsweb that I did, but the state site valid when the children died in infancy won't use it since it's unofficial. Paula before being named. In such cases it was MORE ON SALT LAKE CITY previously the approved practice for DEATHS that child to be referred to as "son" or “daughter" with the father's family name Salt Lake City Deaths go back to 1848. added, but only if the father was Early ones are on a register ledger type uniquely identified. This has been book. They are microfilmed and changed, and when the words "son" or available through Family History "daughter" are included with a name, it Centers. restricts the record and adds the text "NEEDS MORE INFORMATION" The other one is before the ordinance can be prepared. It is recommended that instead of the ute/searchburials words "son" or "daughter" that the for those buried in the Salt Lake City folllowing instructions for the sealing of Cemetery. Burials go back to 1849. children over eight be followed, being very careful to include birth and death David Samuelsen dates (that is, use the term "Mister" or "Miss", even for an unnamed child under INSTRUCTIONS ON SEALING the age of eight years). CHILDREN TO PARENTS "In lieu of a given name that is Apparently there has been another unknown, the term “Mister" for a male revision to Document ID: 106565 ("New child or “Miss" for a female child over FamilySearch: Instructions for names for eight years of age may be used with the ordinances when the given name is not family name when that child is uniquely known). The revision date is 25 Aug identifed, but the sealing to parents may 2009. be done only if the father is also uniquely identified. The term Type in 106565 in the search box after "Mister" may also be used for the opening up the Help Center in New father's given name if only the surname FamilySearch. is known. In all cases, a record date and place or other unique identification must 26 be included that will identify the We're finally almost there.... unnamed woman as the wife of the husband and the unnamed child as a Legacy Family Tree is now child of the parents. FamilySearch Certified. The software will be available, free of charge, in both Note: The above instructions relative to Deluxe and Standard editions of Legacy. the use of the terms "son" or It is not yet available for download. Full "daughter" will be in effect until details are in today's LegacyNews at otherwise instructed."

We are now to put in titles (Mister and Thanks to everyone for their patience Miss) for these unnamed children and with us and for your encouragement. not relationships (Son and Daughter). We're excited about how it's coming....

One of the primary keys is that the father Thanks, needs to be uniquely identified in order Geoff Rasmussen for these little ones to be sealed to the Millennia Corporation parents. [email protected] Please note the information about a CONTRIBUTE YOUR father having an unknown given name FAMILY HISTORY STORIES (bottom of second paragraph). When the father's given name is unknown, the term Mormon Channel, the official radio "Mister" might be used for the given station of the Church, posted an item to name (ex. Mr. Petersson, Mr. Smith). their Facebook page this afternoon.

So a baby "Miss Petersson" (without a They are asking if anyone has interesting given name) might be sealed to her family history stories. If you do, contact parents, "Mr. Petersson" and her mother, them at [email protected] Greta -- if that information is all a researcher has. You can hear what Legacy is about by going to the programs tab, and selecting The document also discusses names in Legacy from the dropdown list, mp3 relation to spouses. There are minor files of the program are on that page too. changes in that regard too. You can listen online to them at Mary Scott Northville Ward Westland Michigan Stake James Anderson OPINION ON SOFTWARE MILES’ BLOG In response to the different programs out there that sync with New FamilySearch. Miles Meyer I have tried them all, and my program of Jacksonville, FL choice is RootsMagic. I teach 4 days a week family history, LEGACY NOW genealogy and digital scrapbooking. FAMILYSEARCH Because RootsMagic is so user friendly, easy to learn and has so much to offer, CERTIFIED my students have caught on very

27 quickly. It has been an easy transition program, you might now want to try out for each student to learn and get going four new programs. If you want to try a quickly. The Church even awarded program that syncs, another approach them the award for Cleanest dashboard can be if someone you know is using one and easiest to sync with NFS. of the programs that syncs and is willing Give it a try; you will like it. Oh, and to teach you how to use it, using one you you can write a note on one person and can be tutored in may be the best choice share that note with multiple people; it is for you. Or you can keep using PAF. so quick and easy. Say you have a Your choice. census that lists 10 people, Write the Doris Bateman information on the father, (everything in A DREAM the census) and then choose the other 9 I had this dream after sitting on line one night looking in vain for records on my Hake family. I people to copy that note too. It is a had prayed for guidance, but was still frustrated wonderful feature. and on the verge of just giving up. I decided to shut the computer off for the night and go to bed. This dream came upon me in the night. Cathie Owens @ [email protected] I was in a place full of light and warmth with people I knew and felt akin to. I knew them but cannot tell you who they were. As I looked around, it was as if we were in a long glass front ANOTHER PREFERENCE FOR building which seemed to go on forever in each direction. As I looked through the windows, I saw ROOTSMAGIC a pristine shore line with the beautiful blue waves lapping at the beach. It offered a sense of calm. If you choose to keep using PAF with We were told to have a seat upon the long bench which lined the windows. As I looked for mine, newFamilySearch or choose to use one names appeared below each seat. Mine was not of the programs that sync with it, it with my friends. It was further up the row and depends on your learning style and what between two people whom I did not know. One looked okay and did not stress me, but the other is comfortable to you. People who one on my right was rather already use Legacy rather than PAF are alarming. With his long braided hair and scruffy excited that it can now sync with NFS. facial hair, I wondered to myself if he was Jamaican. He offered his greetings and was There are now four excellent programs actually very kind and joyful to see me. I thought out there that will sync with it. I have to myself, Why? I brushed it off and was back to found that I can correct/combine/ feeling upset that I didn't get to stay with my friends. What had I done to deserve this? download from NFS about 4 times as As I sat there observing my surroundings, I could fast using the program I have chosen as see there was a sort of hearing taking place. going back and forth between PAF & Although, I could see them, I could not hear them. The man beside me was soon called, and NFS; which is why it is a better choice when he rose, two assistants of the court came to for me than sticking with PAF. put a red robe over this man. It was edged in I haven't used Legacy much, and was a gold and was quite beautiful. As he stood before the three judges, he pleaded great fan of PAFInsight, have used his case to the opposing sides. I watched and Ancestral Quest some, and I have chosen noticed how joyful he was in his presentation. I Roots Magic as the program I prefer, then realized he was pointing at me. My name was called, and as I rose, the attendants put a because I really like how it syncs, as white robe on me. Nothing fancy, I thought to well as many other features it has, and it myself. As I approached the court, which had no has been very easy for me to learn. jury, I was able to hear as the man in the red robe praised me for what I had done. I had no Other people are equally as excited recollection of this man nor of what I had done to about the other programs. All but save his life, as he claimed I had. It did not matter Legacy have free trials at their websites, if I remembered whatever small act it was, this man felt I deserved his praise. and I would expect it probably will also, With that, my alarm went off and I was to compete. But if you are having a hard awakened to ponder what I had just experienced. time thinking about learning a new I realized several things.

28 First, It was not a punishment that I was moved to sit beside this man. It was a blessing. For I was the most important person in his life. I was the one who brought about the biggest change in his life. Perhaps it was just a kind word to someone who was feeling so down trodden, maybe it was just recognition of his existence. Perhaps it was having HIS work done?

Second, shame makes sure we remember the bad things we do. But we do nice things often for those we know and don't know, and we often dismiss them because they seem so small to us. So when we are feeling we don't measure up, we need to take heart in knowing we've done more good than we can ever remember. Good or bad, someone will account for it. I'm sure there is some significance to the robes, and one day it will dawn on me.

Take from this what you will. I just wanted to share this amazing dream.

Sister Melissa Hake Fitzkee

That’s All Folks!


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