Teaching & Learning Policy

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Teaching & Learning Policy


It was approved by the governing body SpringTerm 2016

This policy will be reviewed in the academic year 2017 Teaching & Learning Policy


At Oakfield Primary School we believe in the concept of lifelong learning and the idea that both adults and children learn new things every day. We maintain that learning should be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for everyone; it should be fun. Through our teaching we equip children with the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to be able to make informed choices about the important things in their lives. We believe that appropriate teaching and learning experiences help children to lead happy and rewarding lives encouraging them to become lifelong learners and successful citizens in an ever changing and evolving society.

Aims and Objectives

We believe that people learn best in different ways. At our school we provide a rich and varied learning environment that allows children to develop their skills and abilities to their full potential. We consider the raising of standards of achievement, social, moral and spiritual development to be the foundation of good teaching. We believe that each individual child should be given the opportunity to achieve their full potential. This can be achieved through good teaching practice and planned learning, targeted at the children’s needs. All staff take responsibility for raising standards in basic skills. We value every member of our learning community; governors, parents, staff and the children who attend the school.

We acknowledge that children come to school with diverse knowledge and from different social and cultural backgrounds. At Oakfield all children are valued and supported.

This policy clearly sets out the principles of learning that the staff consider to be important for Oakfield Primary School.

Children learn best when:

 They are happy, confident and independent in a secure caring environment to which they feel they belong.  We endorse the philosophy of the Growth Mindset and encourage all our children to achieve their full potential.  They know and understand the learning targets and objectives.  They have a sense of self worth, feel confident in asking questions and are encouraged to use thought processes as part of their learning.  The assessment procedures are supportive, positive, diagnostic and constructive based on the recognition of the child’s efforts and achievements.  They are valued as individuals and their work is positively assessed, with appropriate feedback, by the teacher, their peers and themselves, dependent upon their age, aptitude and ability.  There are opportunities to work in a variety of situations; as individuals, or groups, with the teacher on a one to one basis, in a small group or whole class.  We have invested in whole school training in Kagan strategies, which promote co-operative group work  The needs of individuals are assessed and supported through planned learning, advice and support from all staff and other external agencies.  There are clear monitoring procedures.  Clearly defined policies on behaviour and discipline are in place and consistently implemented by all members of staff.  The children are respected and respectful and have a sense of ownership about their learning and community.  An environment exists which enables children to feel happy, safe, secure, stimulated, motivated and healthy.  We use restorative practice is used as a key part of our behaviour strategy and policy.  The teachers are reflective and enjoy a collegiate relationship with colleagues, which enables them to consider their own teaching pedagogy and its strengths and weaknesses through training and development of all staff within the school.  The school and parents work in partnership and the parents are actively involved in their children’s learning.  The children have access to a variety of teaching approaches, experiences and challenges.  We have begun to adopt the Mastery approach in Maths and Literacy, which enables all chidren to achieve their full potential and progress beyond ARE or are scaffolded to achieve ARE  The children are equipped with the skills necessary to become independent learners.  The classroom structure is made explicit and routines, expectations and targets are clear.  The children experience consistency in all aspects of discipline and behaviour.  The children value themselves and others regardless of race, culture, colour, gender, religion or ability.  There is a shared understanding of high expectations to ensure that all children achieve their full academic potential.  They have access to a wide variety of resources to aid them in their work.

Effective Learning

We acknowledge that people learn in many different ways and we recognise the need to develop strategies that allow all children to learn in ways that best suit them. The psychologist Howard Gardner identifies seven main areas of intelligence: linguistic, logical/mathematical, visual/spatial, kinaesthetic, musical, interpersonal/group working, and interpersonal/reflective. We take into account these different forms of intelligence when planning teaching and learning styles.

We offer opportunities for children to learn in different ways. These include:

 investigation and problem solving;  research and finding out;  collaborative group work structured by Kagan strategies;  a mastery approach  paired work;  independent work;  whole-class work;  asking and answering questions;  use of the ICT;  fieldwork and visits to places of educational interest;  visitors to school  creative activities;  use of digital material;  debates, role-plays and oral presentations;  designing and making things;  participation in athletic or physical activity.

We encourage children to take responsibility for their own learning, to be involved as far as possible in reviewing the way they learn, and to reflect on how they learn – what helps them learn and what makes it difficult for them to learn.

Effective Teaching

When teaching we focus on motivating the children and building on their skills, knowledge and understanding of the curriculum. We use the school long term curriculum plan to guide our teaching. This sets out the aims, objectives and values of the school and details what is to be taught to each year group in line with the National Curriculum 2014.

We base our teaching on our knowledge of the children’s level of attainment. Our prime focus is to develop further the knowledge and skills of the children. We conduct all our teaching in an atmosphere of trust and respect for all. To this end as a community we have developed nine key principles which should be evidenced in all areas of our school to maximise the impact of teaching and learning across school these being :

 Children are respected and respectful and have a sense of ownership about their learning community.  An environment exists which enables children to feel happy, safe, secure, stimulated, motivated and  healthy.  The teachers are reflective and enjoy a collegiate relationship with a colleague, which enables them to consider their own teaching pedagogy and its strengths and weaknesses through training and development of all staff within the school.  The school and parents work in partnership and are actively involved in their children’s learning.  The children have access to a variety of teaching approaches, experiences and challenges.  The children are equipped with the skills necessary to become independent learners.  The classroom structure is made explicit and routines, expectations and targets are clear.  The children experience consistency in all aspects of discipline and behaviour.  The children value themselves and others embracing all i.e. races, cultures, colours, genders, religions or abilities. An environment exists which enables children to feel happy, safe, secure, stimulated, motivated and healthy. Learning Environment Child’s Learning Experience Teaching Strategies to Promote Learning Children have access to adult Children feel able to access support A mastery approach ensuring that all support within and outside of the from classroom teacher, teacher children are scaffolded and challenged classroom. assistant, peers and lunchtime to achieve their full potential. supervisors. Classroom and corridor displays, which To show work is valued through reflect work from children of all Enabling students from all classes appropriate displays, e.g. use of abilities. to appreciate other student’s work. mounting, redrafting and ICT.

Displays of reward charts etc. Children participate enthusiastically Merit certificates reflect a range of in all aspects of school life. achievements. The building is secure, well signed and the staff and children are aware of The children will aspire to do their The teacher is aware of the medical emergency procedures. very best. and emotional needs of the children.

Appropriate sized furniture and well Children know who to go to if they Teachers refer children to outside ventilated rooms. have a problem. Adult talk buddies agencies where special help is needed. are assigned to each child in school. Ample drinking water available. Teacher shows a positive, caring and The children will feel comfortable in enthusiastic approach to their Information and promotion of healthy their learning environment. children. (“Accepting that children are lifestyles are displayed. children!”) Children will take up the opportunity to drink water. Use of class dojo.

Children will have a knowledge base of The benefits of exercise and healthy what a healthy lifestyle entails and living are promoted within the will be aware of the consequences of curriculum. unhealthy living. A highly skilled pastoral team led by a full time learning mentor ensures childrens safety and wellbeing in school and works with parents and outside agencies. The children are respected and respectful and have a sense of ownership about their learning community. Learning Environment Child’s Learning Experience Teaching Strategies to Promote Learning Adults model appropriate behaviour. Children feel appreciated by the Encourage children to listen to each adults that they work with. other and promote a balance of Well organised classroom and gender, ethnicity and ability. resources. Children are encouraged to value the classroom equipment. Teachers keep the classroom Clear expectations of behaviour/work. organised and tidy, well labelled and Display a positive attitude in their accessible to all children. Mutual respect. work and behaviour. Teachers set the standard of All children’s work valued and Problems dealt with by negotiation appropriate care of resources by displayed throughout the school. and talk through the restorative explanation and modelling. programme framework Marking of work shows appreciation of Teachers have a high expectation of effort put in. The school councillors/children will achievement and behaviour. Praise model correct behaviour. and encouragement are given where An appreciation for the whole appropriate. I.e. age, ability. learning environment. Children agree and abide by the class and school rules. Teachers encourage the ownership To have a positive sense of whole of the rules by the children and use school community/ achievement. Working together collaboratively and the rules consistency. co-operatively using Kagan strategies Teachers value the learning that Value opinions. children can come to the classroom, realising that they are not just empty Children give their best work all the vessels waiting to be filled. Time and are aware of how to improve through focused feedback. Displays will be of a high quality to ensure children appreciate that their Children value the good work of work is valued. others and are constructive in how their peers can improve. The teacher will mark the children’s work in accordance to the school Children will know that their next marking policy. step of learning maybe in the marking of their work and realise that the Teachers will encourage the children teacher is encouraging them to move to become involved in various forward. projects and to take part themselves where time and energy permits. Children are encouraged to give their ideas and opinions as to how we can The teachers encourage a positive improve the school both internally and opinion of the school as a whole and externally. its achievements.

The children will be proud of their Encourage children to wear the school and their role within the correct school uniform. school and also of their teachers. The children will want to wear their school uniform. The teachers are reflective and enjoy a collegiate relationship with a colleague, which enables them to consider their own teaching pedagogy and its strengths and weaknesses through training and development of all staff within the school.

Learning Environment Teaching Strategies to Promote Management SMT Support and Development Development Staff development: Teachers evaluate and review their Evaluate effectiveness of projects. own projects. LA Courses Ensure staff awareness of initiatives Co-ordinators will support and and current philosophies. Staff led training related to learning evaluate development. experiences from CPD courses. Development linked to Whole school Staff disseminate knowledge development plan. Critical self evaluation. information and ideas from courses. Organisation of staff meeting and NQT statutory training. Reflective practitioners. group meetings.

Classroom climate evaluation. Commit to whole school improvement Through formal and informal and self development. discussions teachers are encouraged Planning structure. to constructively reflect and improve Building children’s’ confidence and their own practice. Afa support. self-esteem to promote learning. Ensure through discussion observation Share curriculum specialism or and negotiation appropriate steps/ personal interest with whole staff. training/targets are set with individuals ensuring ongoing progress Teachers will carry out classroom of all staff. climate evaluation and act on the information gathered. Examine outcomes for whole school trends and respond accordingly. Teachers will plan and evaluate according to school policy. More Monitor and evaluate the informed classroom practice through effectiveness in line with teaching self evaluation and team leader and learning order to raise standards feedback. of achievement.

Sharing ideas, good practice, sharing Phase leaders support SLT of workload, subject knowledge widening and team support. The school and parents work in partnership and are actively involved in their children’s learning. Learning Environment Child’s/Parents Learning Teaching Strategies to Promote Experience Learning Open door policy. Positive attitude towards the school Appropriate organisation of groups/ and work with high expectations. individuals to work with parents. Regular contact with parents on yard/ gates etc. Keen interest in extra-curricular Teachers are approachable and are activities. visible in the playground at the Traffic Light Tracker sent home half beginning and the end of the day termly Parents/family helping in the Homework and independent research classroom, outings and extra supported. Teachers encourage parental support curricular. within the classroom. Regular attendance. Good attendance at Parent’s Evenings Teachers set appropriate homework and class assemblies. Interest and support in the child’s for children. work and continuing development. Utilising skills of parents in school. Teachers pass on a positive Sharing resources from home. expectation that children will attend High level of response to letters/ everyday. information sent home. Uptake of workshops and opportunities by parents. Child/family participation is Parents are aware of opportunities encouraged for fundraising functions. available for their development within Parents and children have a positive the school. attitude to the school. Staff point parents to the relevant advice document. Document rack to offer advice for Parents will acknowledge receipt of parents. reports. Teachers will report positively, focussing on actions for development/ Pastoral team led by full time learning Children and parents to abide by the improvement. mentor to work with families and home/school agreement. outside agencies. Teachers will abide by the home/ Parents and children can share their school agreement. concerns. Teachers to make relevant referrals or sign post to Learning Mentor/ SENCo

The children have access to a variety of teaching approaches, experiences and challenges. Learning Environment Child’s Classroom/ Learning Teaching Strategies to Promote Experience Learning Within the classroom there will be Children will access learning as part of Teacher will plan for and organise a variety of whole class, group and whole class and groups as well as learning groups for whole class, individual teaching incorporating open individual targeted work and support independent and supported work and closed questioning in discussion when requested. (teacher and L.S.A.) demonstrating work as well as direct teaching. differentiation according to ability. Children will take part in lessons Children have access to a variety of where activities include practical, Teacher will use a variety of media media and learning resources, written and verbal tasks, linked where (e.g. I.C.T. video, pictures) to engage including visitors and visits. appropriate to I.C.T. pupils utilising cross-curricular links.

The classroom atmosphere is Children will be interested, motivated Teacher will be aware of “where the purposeful. and confident. child is at” and will set appropriate tasks. Teachers will use a variety of learning All children will be able to access styles in order to ensure that all their learning. Teachers appreciate that within their children have access to their learning. class there will be visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners.

The children are equipped with the skills necessary to become independent learners. Learning Environment Child’s Classroom/ Learning Teaching Strategies to Promote Experience Learning Children are able to access Children will recognise and select Teacher/adult to model appropriate resources independently. appropriate equipment to use to aid use of resources. learning. Teachers are able to work with Children are given tasks that require focus group/individuals without Children will develop strategies that independent individual/ group interruption. allow them to work independently of organisation skills. Realistic tasks and the teacher; using reference books, time limits will encourage Create an atmosphere where asking a friend etc. persistence. constructive criticism is accepted and acted upon. Children are encouraged and Feedback whether written or verbal taught to constructively evaluate form adult or peer should appreciate The atmosphere in the classroom their own and others work. the child’s efforts and move them on. encourages risk taking. All opinions and ideas are valued. Children are taught to question and enquire confidently.

The classroom structure is made explicit and routines, expectations and targets are clear. Learning Environment Child’s Classroom/ Learning Teaching Strategies to Promote Experience Learning Classroom rules displayed. Child will know what to do, how to Plan in setting up/tidying up times. do it, when to do it, where to do it, Resources clearly labelled and where to get resources and how to Daily ordered routines are taught and returned correctly. look after these. maintained throughout the year.

Calm and ordered atmosphere.

Consistency in behaviour and discipline throughout the school.

The children experience consistency in all aspects of discipline and behaviour. Learning Environment Child’s Classroom/ Learning Teaching Strategies to Promote Experience Learning Class rules on display. Children collaborate on writing of Support children’s ideas and promote rules. ethos of school while writing rules. Children are responsible for their behaviour and care of their Children are caring and supportive Model caring, supportive and environment. They welcome visitors of each other and adults and respectful behaviour in dealings with and show good manners when accepting of sanctions when they do adults and children. addressing each other and adults. misbehave. All staff should be aware of Behaviour modifications/sanctions are Expected behavioural standards are expectations and consistently praise consistent throughout the school/ reinforced constantly in classrooms good behaviour/special effort, classrooms/ playground/dining hall and and assemblies. individual, class or whole school with in line with school policy. reference to school behaviour policy.

Consistency with display policy being followed. The children value themselves and others embracing all i.e. races, cultures, colours, genders, religions or abilities. Learning Environment Child’s Classroom/ Learning Teaching Strategies to Promote Experience Learning Reflects the diversity of society and Appropriate books, music, posters, Awareness of the necessity for: challenges existing stereotypes and artefacts etc. books challenging stereotypes, promoting tolerance and empathy. questions are aimed at all, equal Where artefacts are of special access to all activities. Welcoming and accessible to all. significance they should be given respect. A positive approach is taken to both All children are expected to achieve work and behaviour. This is reflected their full potential. Reflects the positive ethos of the in the school marking policy. school. All staff model appropriate behaviour. Children respond and grow when Ownership of classroom and whole praised. The school discipline policy reflects school areas. this principle. Planning is specific to the needs of Physical needs are appropriately the individual. Support systems are in Opportunity is given for children to catered for. place, such as the use of TA’s. discuss the principle. Curriculum should be accessible to all. Teachers deal with intolerance in a sensitive fashion. The children should see that the adult supports the child’s concerns The images we present and the regarding antisocial behaviour. language that we use. will develop a respect for positive differences. Classroom and school rules are displayed and discussed frequently. All staff use the strategies in place to counter all forms of harassment and Effective listening to all members of bullying. the school community develops a safe and secure atmosphere. The children are positively encouraged to think, talk about and question the issues within this principle.

Circle time discussions and activities, SEAL, PHSE scheme, Citizenship and assembly times.

Oakfield Primary School’s SENCO supports the children and staff at Oakfield; offering additional support to pupils and ideas for intervention to the teaching staff.

The Role of Governors

Our governors determine, support, monitor and review the school policies on teaching and learning. In particular they:

 support the use of appropriate teaching strategies by allocating resources effectively;  ensure that the school buildings and premises are best used to support successful teaching and  learning;  monitor teaching strategies in the light of health and safety regulations;  monitor how effective teaching and learning strategies are in terms of raising pupil attainment;  ensure that staff development and performance management policies promote good quality teaching;  monitor the effectiveness of the school’s teaching and learning policies through the school selfreview processes. These include meetings with subject leaders, governors monitoring and the termly headteacher’s report to governors as well as a review of the in-service training sessions attended by our staff.

The Role of Parents

We believe that parents have a fundamental role to play in helping children to learn. We do all we can to inform parents about what and how their children are learning by:

 holding parents’ evenings to explain our school strategies for teaching English, maths and health  education;  sending information to parents at the start of each term in which we outline the topics that the children will be studying during that term at school;  sending regular reports to parents in which we explain the progress made by each child and indicate how the child can improve further;  explaining to parents how they can support their children with homework. We suggest, for example, regular shared reading with very young children, and support for older children with their projects and investigative work.

We believe that parents have the responsibility to support their children and the school in implementing school policies. We would like parents to:

 ensure that their child has the best attendance record possible;  ensure that their child is equipped for school with the correct uniform and PE kit;  do their best to keep their child healthy and fit to attend school;  inform school if there are matters outside of school that are likely to affect a child’s performance or behaviour at school;  promote a positive attitude towards school and learning in general;  fulfil the requirements set out in the home/school agreement.

Monitoring and Review

We are aware of the need to review the school teaching and learning policy regularly so that we can take account of new initiatives, changes in the curriculum, developments in technology or changes to the physical environment of the school. We will review our policy during the Summer Term 2016-17.

Appendix 1 Non Negotiables as developed by staff

 High expectations for all pupils regardless of ability  Children are clear about the schools motto of respecting and inspiring children and understand what this means.  All staff act as clear role models to children in all areas and at all times demonstrating a ‘Can Do’ attitude.  Children are happy as there is staff put care, guidance and support at the heart of the curriculum.  Progress for all children is good or better.  Clear expectations in relation to behaviour and learning only the best is good enough  An engaging curriculum that motivates, interests children and reflects individual starting points and is clearly routed in assessment for learning  Pupils are actively engaged and encouraged to take responsibility for their learning  Pupils receive constructive feedback linked to the whole school marking policy  Children are given time to reflect and understand their next steps  Behaviour is good and managed in line with the schools policy. Low level behaviour is consistently  challenged  Specific praise is used to ensure children know exactly what they have done well.

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