Prairie View Ladies Retreat Was a Success!

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Prairie View Ladies Retreat Was a Success!

GOOD NEWS MESSENGER May 2016 Prairie View United Methodist Church 28309 Sunny Brook Road Smithwick, SD 57782 605-424-2080

Prairie View Ladies Retreat was a Success! It’s the Little Things! The Friday evening event was led by Robin, Rita and Ruth. The Ladies enjoyed great Faith, food and fellowship. Like a butterfly we learned to REST IN TH SON!

Second Sunday POT LUCK + PLUS! – THIS MONTH LANDS ON MOTHER’S DAY! Youth and some Dad’s will be providing a Mother’s Day Brunch after worship on Sunday May 8th. No need to bring a dish. Mom’s get the day off! A Free Will Offering will be taken for Youth Ministries. *Committees – meetings will be re-scheduled for May 15th.


After Worship Mother’s Day April 8th! Instead of the 2nd Sunday Pot Luck Plus you are invited to join us for Brunch! Mom’s deserve a treat on Mother’s Day So… Youth and Dads will provide a meal of Scrambled Eggs with Diced Ham, Pancakes and Fresh Fruit. Everyone is invited to attend! Free will donation – Funds support Youth Ministries.

Prairie View – It’s where you belong! Not a member yet? Want to become one? There will be a potluck Saturday May 14th at 6pm at PVUMC for those of you who want to take the next step. Contact Pastor Mark for more information. New members will be introduced on Sunday May 15 th during worship. July 26, 27 and 28th 10am-1pm Adult Volunteers Needed to Lead Games, Crafts, Music, Story Time, and Lunch. Youth are encouraged to Lead a Crew! Contact Robin Tierney 605-424-6192

Prairie View Bell Garden Flowers are Blooming! Take time and check out the garden next time you visit the church. It’s a living, growing, work of art! If you love to garden or are just a beginner you are welcome to join the crew! There is space available. Please contact Judy Cox if you want to participate in this ministry.

SUMMER SPECIAL MUSIC MINISTRY Choir and Praise Team are taking the Summer off so Prairie View is in need of YOUR talent! Starting June 5th through August. Sign up to sing or play an instrument – Contact Pastor Mark


May 1 – Colleen and Ed Bowker May 15 – Mick and Edie Jenniges May 18 – Orval and Debra Frahm May 23 – Bob and Jacquie Pinnt May 28 – Dave and Avis Jennings

BIRTHDAYS!! BIRTHDAYS!! May 3 – Wesley Greenough May 18 – Kristopher Tubbs May 4 – Dollie Spencer May 18 – Jan Ortloff May 6 – Sophia Nathan May 22 – Leona Brown May 7 – Kyle Sanders May 22 – Ron Trent May 9 – Adam Rickenbach May 30 – Cindy Trent May 13 – Debra Frahm May 31 – Paul Tierney Pastor’s Corner I just wanted to update everyone in the church to let you know that we have established a Hospitality Team. One of the main tasks of this group will be ensure that we as a church are putting our best foot forward in terms of welcoming folks (both current constituents and those who will join us in the future). We will be working to strategize ways that we may better connect with each other, as well as those outside our walls. Some of the near term things we will be discussing are; our website, a new church directory, church signage, and greeter/usher training. Together, we desire to be a congregation which extends radical hospitality to all with whom we may come in contact. So….. one of the extensions of hospitality is how we serve each other on Sunday mornings. We have a number of volunteers who serve in the capacities of playing piano and organ, leading music, running multimedia, greeting, ushering, sharing children’s message, teaching Sunday school, and hosting fellowship after worship. Some of you who serve in certain capacities (such as those playing piano and leading music) are fulfilling those roles every other week; while those serving in other areas may be less frequent. And some of these service opportunities require advance planning (such as children’s message, Sunday school, and fellowship food) while others (such as greeting and ushering) do not. So the best way for us to extend hospitality to each other is for all of us to participate in those areas of service which we have ability. We may not all have the ability to play a piano or an organ; but we all have the ability to greet, and usher, and provide food for our fellowship time. Now for those of you who have been around for a while, you know that we used to have people sign up for these service opportunities on a clipboard that was passed around during worship. Well, the reason that system worked poorly, is that even after the clipboard went around 3 or 4 weeks out of the month, there were still gaps in every area. And there was no system in place to fill in those gaps (especially in the areas that require advance preparation). In addition, even after signing up for a certain Sunday, folks would occasionally not show up, or forget they signed up. So over the last half a year or so, we have developed a rotating calendar which you see in this newsletter, consisting of those folks who have volunteered to serve in each of these areas. We are aware there are some folks who have been hesitant to volunteer to serve in some capacities because of not having control of when they are inserted into this rotating calendar. We understand this concern; but are simply asking that folks call someone else on the list and switch a Sunday with them if necessary. In addition, if you know that you will be out of town on a certain date during the next month, please contact the church secretary (i.e. my wife Lisa) to let her know, and she will adjust the rotation. Knowing that some of your fellow parishioners are carrying an unbalanced share of the load in many of these capacities, I pray that each of you will prayerfully consider helping in each of these service areas. If we can’t increase the number of people volunteering in each of these areas to the point that it’s not an undue burden for just a few; then some things like our fellowship meal, or even Sunday School may disappear. So if your name is not on one or more of these lists, please email the office today and let us know how you are willing to share radical hospitality with your brothers and sisters within our church.

Blessings, Pastor Mark

Prayer Request Cards : Need a special prayer? “Pray Without Ceasing” cards are available at the back of the sanctuary for your use. Complete a card and place it in the offering plate and we will be sure to pray for you or your request.

Welcome Visitor Cards : If you bring a guest(s) to a church service, please encourage them to complete a “Welcome Visitor” card located by the guest book in the Entryway. We would like to send them a “Thank You” for visiting Prairie View UMC.

Worship attendance in April: 341 Giving for April: Total $10,724.74 Avg. PP: $31 Prairie View Appreciates People Willing to Serve!

WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS for May 1 Greeters: Brad & Becky Richardson Ushers: Carl & Russ Sanders Special Music: Choir Acolytes: Ray Sanders; Clancy Koupal Children’s Time: Petra Wilson Accompanists: Cindy Trent; Ron & Sue Olofson; Lois Putnam Fellowship Hosts: Robin Tierney; Cathy Nelson; Deb Frahm Media: Glen Flowers: Willie Miller Sunday School: Rowdy Hughson; Mindy Rickenbach WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS for May 8 Mothers DAY! Greeters: Peggy Sanders and Carl Sanders Ushers: Megan and Russ Sanders Special Music: Praise Team Acolytes: Caleb and Rachel Rickenbach Children’s Time: Mindy Rickenbach Accompanists: Cindy Trent, Ron and Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam Fellowship Hosts: YOUTH and DADS Mother’s Day Fund Raiser for Youth Media: Rita Flowers: Sunday School: Kari Sanders and Jamie Sanders WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS for May 15 New Member Day! Volunteer Appreciation Day! Greeters: Pat and Loren Seegrist Ushers: Deb and Orval Frahm Special Music: Choir Acolytes: Sophia Nathan, Reina Wilson Children’s Time: Morris Nelson Accompanists: Cindy Trent, Ron and Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam Fellowship Hosts: Petra and Brian Wilson, Brad and Becky Richardson, Nancy and Larry Renz Media: Linda Flowers: WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS for May 22 Greeters: Stephanie and Carletta Anderson Ushers: Dave and Colton Koupal Special Music: Praise Team Acolytes: Ryan and Clancy Koupal Children’s Time: Lisa Johnsen Accompanists: Cindy Trent, Ron and Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam Fellowship Hosts: Misty and Mark Walton, Kari and Carl Sanders, Stephanie Anderson Media: Flowers: WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS for May 29 Greeters: Deb and Gene Russell Ushers: Kyle Sanders and Megan Sanders Special Music: Choir Acolytes: Ray Sanders and Kyle Sanders Children’s Time: Kari Sanders Accompanists: Cindy Trent, Ron and Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam Fellowship Hosts: Deb and Gene Russell, Diane and Curt Westby, Chad and Amanda Huber Media: Flowers: WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS for June 5 Greeters: Irene Beard, Helen Anderson Ushers: Sara Beard, John Beard Special Music: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Acolytes: Zachary and Reina Wilson Children’s Time: Robin Tierney Accompanists: Cindy Trent, Ron and Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam Fellowship Hosts: John and Irene Beard, Sara Beard, Cathy and Morris Nelson Media: Flowers: WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS for June 12 Greeters: Deb and Orval Frahm Ushers: Zachary Wilson, Brian Wilson Special Music: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Acolytes: Sophia Nathan, Reina Wilson Children’s Time: Petra Wilson Accompanists: Cindy Trent, Ron and Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam Fellowship Hosts: POT LUCK + Pot Luck People help with clean up and set up Media: Flowers: WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS for June 19______Greeters: Mike and Patti Schommer Ushers: Steve and Colleen Alexander Special Music: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Acolytes: Caleb Rickenbach Children’s Time: Joel Rickenbach Accompanists: Cindy Trent, Ron and Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam Fellowship Hosts: Mike and Patti Schommer, Joel and Ann Rickenbach, Avis and Dave Jennings Media: Flowers: WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS for June 26 ___ Greeters: Dollie Spencer Ushers: Dave and Colton Koupal Special Music: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Acolytes: Ryan and Clancy Koupal Children’s Time: Lisa Johnsen Accompanists: Cindy Trent, Ron and Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam Fellowship Hosts: Anna Spaect, Ron and Cindy Trent, Ron and Cindy Olofson Media: Flowers: WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS for July 3 Greeters: Peggy and Kari Sanders Ushers: Carl and Russ Sanders Special Music: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Acolytes: Ray, Kyle and Megan Sanders Children’s Time: Robin Tierney Accompanists: Cindy Trent, Ron and Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam Fellowship Hosts: Robin and Paul Tierney, Deb and Orval Frahm, Lisa and Mark Johnsen Media: Flowers: WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS for July 10 Greeters: Emarie and Koryn Hughson Ushers: Rowdy and Gordon Hughson Special Music: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Acolytes: Cy Hughson Children’s Time: Tami Hughson Accompanists: Cindy Trent, Ron and Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam Fellowship Hosts: POT LUCK SUNDAY – Potluck People help with Kitchen Media: PVUMC May Events:

Tuesday May 3 Morning Bible Study – “What is Love” 930am Wednesday May 4 Praise Team Practice and Youth Group Saturday, May 7 1st Saturday Breakfast 7:30 – 9:30 AM; Sunday, May 8 Mother’s Day Youth Fundraiser – Mom’s Day Fellowship. Choir Practice 9:30 AM; Worship 10:00 AM Praise Team Baby’s Baptized. Tuesday, May 10 Morning Bible Study – “What is Love” 9:30AM Call Judy Cox for more info. Wednesday, May 11 Wrapped in Love 10AM Praise Team Practice 5:30 PM; Youth Group 6:30 – 7:45 PM; *Youth Wear Paint Clothes* Youth Paint and Clean up Day at PVUMC* Thursday, May 12 Tiny Angels 10AM Bible Study 7pm “What is Love” Saturday, May 14 New Member Pot Luck info Night. PVUMC 101 Sunday, May 15 Choir Practice 9:30 AM; Worship 10:00 AM Choir; New Members Introduced! Committees meet following Worship as needed. Tuesday, May 17 “What is Love” 9:30AM Wednesday, May 18 Praise Team Practice 5:30 PM; Youth Group 6:30 – 7:45 PM; United Methodist Women 7pm Sunday, May 22 Choir Practice 9:30 AM; Worship 10:00 AM Praise Team; ONE THING – CONCERT at PVUMC 2PM Invite a Friend! Monday, May 23 Deadline for NEWSLETTER Articles and Announcements Wednesday, May 25 Praise Team Practice 5:30 PM; United Methodist Women 7:00 PM Thursday, May 26 “What is Love” Bible Study 7PM Sunday, May 29 Choir Practice 9:30 AM, Worship Service 10:00 AM Choir Monday, May 30 Memorial Day Tuesday, May 31 “What is Love” Bible Study 930AM

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2Corinthians 5:17

Reminder for Newsletter Reports and Announcements Please have items for the June newsletter either emailed or in writing to the office by 11:30 AM on May 23, for distribution on May 26th. All email communications can be sent to the church email address: [email protected] Administrative Assistant Office Hours: Wednesday’s 10a.m.-6p.m. Administrative Assistant’s Lisa Johnsen cell 605-440-3200 [email protected]

Be sure to check out our website at and our Facebook Pages!

Do you have photos that have been taken at the Prairie View UMC? Please e-mail them to the Administrative Assistant at [email protected] for submission on the church’s website. Very Important Reminders If you know of someone who needs a pastoral visit, be sure to let Pastor Johnsen know. His cell is 605-440-3200. ONE THING MAY

The Outreach committee has organized a concert to be held at Prairie View Church on May 22nd at 2pm. The group who will be performing is called “The Crooners” and their music is a combination of old time Country and Gospel.

The concert is free, but there will be a freewill offering available to support this endeavor. So please invite your friends (especially those who may have never been to our church) to this event. As with all the Outreach activities we do; if those who are not a part of our congregation are able to visit our church building at a time other than Sunday morning, they may be more comfortable joining us for worship as well!

So once again; Invite, Invite, Invite! Financial Update

The finance committee has some good news and some not so good news as we enter the 2nd quarter of the year.

First the good news. The Parsonage loan was paid in FULL in February!!! This was two years ahead of our mortgage due date and saves us over $700 in monthly payments! Thank you for your pledges and contributions. Any more pledge money that we receive will be used to replenish our capital outlay fund that we used in the down payment for the parsonage.

Now for the not so good news. Our monthly giving is not keeping up with our expenses. Since the first of the year we have fallen behind about $2000 per month. Some of this is due to when some of our bigger expense is paid, like insurance and some is due to the increase of electricity. The Board of Trustees is working with the electric company to help reduce some of our peak demand usage.

The other side of the budget problem is we need more income. In a church, this has to come from more money in the offering plate. With 90-100 people in church on a Sunday, this is not a real shortfall. An additional $10 or $20 per month would go a long way in balancing the budget. Prairie View has enough of a positive balance to make up some of the shortfall in the near term, but if this negative cash flow continues we will be forced to cut programs and administrative expenditures.

Russ Sanders

Chair, Finance Committee

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