Structural Funds Programme 2007-2013

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Structural Funds Programme 2007-2013

European Fisheries Fund 2007 – 2013 Investing in Sustainable Fisheries

Project Description

Title of the Project: (max 10 words)

Name of Applicant Organisation:

[For office use only - Ref No. RCEFF004_November2012]

Fisheries Operational Programme 2007-2013 Part-financed by the European Union European Fisheries Fund (EFF) Co-financing rate: 75% EU Funds; 25% National Funds

Investing in sustainable fisheries Executive Summary

Project Title [Maximum 10 words]

The Applicant – Name of organisation

Non-Technical Short Summary of the Project/Project Phase

In the box below, give a short description of the Project. [Maximum 60 words]

Project Time Frame

Start date: ______/quarter of 20______

Closure date: ______/quarter of 20______


Total eligible cost: € ______

Total non-eligible costs: € ______

Total project costs1: € ______

Grant Requested: € ______

1 The summation of eligible and non-eligible costs European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 i Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Table of Contents

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 ii Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Executive Summary i Section 1 Information on the Applicant 1 1.1 Organisation’s Details 1 1.2 Type of Organisation 2 1.3 Legal Status 2 1.4 VAT Status 2 1.5 Involvement of any Other Local Organisation 3 1.6 Institutional Framework 3 1.7 Experience in EU Funded Projects 4 1.8 Coordinating Body/Line Ministry 4 Section 2 Operational Programme 5 2.1 Priority Axis 5 2.2 Measure 5 2.3 Specific Objectives 5 2.4 Links with the Priority Axis and Measure 5 Section 3 Project Details 6 3.1 Title and type of promotional campaign 6 3.2 Project Phases 6 3.3 Project Aims & Objectives 6 3.4 Background and justification 7 3.5 Activities 7 3.6 Target audience 8 3.7 Date(s) of implementation: 9 3.8 Project Duration 9 3.9 Place (s) of implementation: 9 3.10 Results 10 3.11 Other Related Activities 10 Section 4 Performance Indicators 11 4.1 Output and Result Indicators 11 4.2 Verification of Output/Result Indicators 11 4.3 Other Indicators 11 4.4 Verification of Indicators’ targets 12 4.5 Other Indicators not listed in the OP 12 Section 5 National Priorities 13 Links to the Strategic Guidelines and Malta’s National Strategic Plan for Section 6 13 Fisheries (2007 – 2013) 6.1 Strategic Guidelines 13 6.2 Malta’s National Strategic Plan for Fisheries (2007 – 2013) 13 Section 7 Horizontal Priorities 14 7.1 Equal opportunities 14 7.2 Sustainable Development 14 Section 8 Financial Details 15 8.1 Estimated Budget Breakdown 15 8.2 Revenue generation 15 European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 iii Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 8.3 Other Community financing sources 16 Section 9 Contracting and Implementation 17 9.1 Indicative Public Procurement Table 17 9.2 Indicative Employment Contracts 17 9.3 Implementation schedule 18 9.4 Contracting and Disbursement Schedule 19 Section 10 Planning and Environmental Permits 20 Section 11 State Aid 20 Section 12 Publicity 22 12.1 Obligatory Publicity measures as per Regulation 22 12.2 Other Publicity measures 22 12.3 Justification 24 Section 13 Added value 24 Section 14 Readiness 25 14.1 Current Level of Implementation of Project 25 Section 15 Sustainability of the project 26 Section 16 Data Protection 26 Section 17 Retention of Documents 26 Section 18 Conditionality and risks 26 Section 19 Additional Information 27 Section 20 Declaration 28 Section 21 Checklist of Attachments 29 Annex I The Compilation of the Estimated Budget Breakdown in Section 8.1 30

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 iv Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Section 1 – Information on the Applicant

1.1 Organisation’s Details

Name of Organisation

Postal Address

Post Code

Project Leader

Position within organisation

I.D. Card No.

Phone number

Fax number

E-mail address

VAT number (if any)

Contact Person

Position within organisation

I.D. Card No.

Phone number

Fax number

E-mail address

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 1 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 1.2 Type of Organisation

Choose from the list below: - Government Ministry or Department  - Government Entity/Authority/Commission/etc  - Local Council  - Non-Governmental Organisation  - Producer Organisation  - Other (please specify)______

1.3 Legal Status  Public sector organisation   Non-Governmental Organisation   Public equivalent body   Other (please specify) ______In case of a public equivalent body kindly, provide the equivalent Legal Act by which the entity is constituted.

1.4 VAT Status

1.4.1 Does the organisation has any sales on which VAT is charged or any zero rated sales (exempt with credit)?

Yes  No 

If NO, the organisation does not have a right to recoup VAT from the VAT Department. If YES, please provide a short description of the Sales on which VAT is charged:

1.4.2 Please identify whether the project is:

Yes No Partial  either related to the sales on which VAT is charged     or sales which are zero rated (exempt with credit)   

If YES to either option, the organisation cannot charge VAT to the project but can recoup VAT from the VAT Department.

If NO to either option, the organisation can charge VAT as a cost to the project but does not recoup VAT from the VAT Department.

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 2 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 If Partial to either option, the organisation cannot charge VAT to the project but can recoup VAT from the VAT Department.

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 3 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 1.5 Involvement of any Other Local Organisation

Will any organisation other than the applicant be involved in the implementation of the project? –Yes  No 

If YES, fill in the details below:

Name of Organisation Contact person Position within organisation I.D. Card No. Phone number Fax number E-mail address Legal status - Public sector organisation  - Public equivalent body  - Non-governmental Organisation - Other (please specify) ______

In the box below, (1) describe the role of the Partners in the project, (2) indicate whether the partner/s will be receiving any EFF funds (if this is the case, the exact amount and a brief description of the activities to be carried out by the partner/s should be provided); and (3) the exact amount being financed by the partner/s, and the source of co-financing (e.g. own funds, bank loan, guarantees, etc.) [Maximum 200 words]

NB: If other partners are involved please replicate this section for each of the partners.

1.6 Institutional Framework

In the box below, clearly describe the institutional framework within which the project will have to operate. [Maximum 100 words]

Institutional Framework

Kindly provide details of the tasks to be assigned to the project manager/ administrator (if one is to be contemplated for the project) and the source of funds to be used. [Maximum 100 words]

Project Management

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 3 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Please provide Project Organisational Framework

1.7 Experience in EU Funded Projects

In the table below identify and summarise any experience in EU funded projects.

Name of Details of Name of Reference Funds Year of Status of Programme awarding Project Number Received Award Project body (€)

1.8 Coordinating Body/Line Ministry

Ministry Director (Programme Implementation) Phone number Fax number E-mail address EU Fund Manager/ EU Officers (and/or equivalent position) Phone number Fax number E-mail address

Section 2 – Operational Programme

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 4 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 2.1 Priority Axis

Kindly indicate whether the Project will be contributing towards the following Priority Axis. Applicants should note that this call is restricted to Priority Axis 3.

Priority Axis 3 – Measures of common interest 

2.2 Measure

Kindly indicate whether the Project will be contributing towards the following Measure. Applicants should note that this call is restricted to Measure 3.2.

Measure 3.2 - Development of New Markets and Promotional Campaigns 

2.3 Specific Objectives

The Project must contribute towards the specific objective/s (more than one objective can be selected) within the Measure indicated hereunder.

Measure 3.2 – Development of New Markets and Promotional Campaigns

To create more awareness of the nutritional benefits of consuming fish  To create or improve the demand for underutilised fish and aquaculture species  To develop new markets  To obtain market data concerning the consumption of fish 

2.4 Links with the Priority Axis and Measure

In the box below, give a brief description of how the Project fits within the Priority Axis, and Measure, its overall objective, and the specific objective/s selected. [Maximum 200 words]

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 5 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Section 3 – Project Details

3.1 Title [Maximum 10 words] and type of promotional campaign



3.2 Project Phases

Where the project is a phase of an overall project, provide a description of the proposed stages of implementation (explaining whether they are technically and financially independent and where possible please provide a Gantt Chart.

3.3 Project Aims & Objectives

What are the aims referred to in Article 40(3) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 to which the proposed promotional campaign contributes?

- Conducting regional, national or transnational promotion campaigns for fisheries and aquaculture products;  - The supply to the market of surplus or underexploited species which are normally discarded or of no commercial interest;  - Implementation of a quality policy for fisheries and aquaculture products;  - Promotion of products obtained using methods with low impact on the environment;  - Promotion of products recognised under the terms of Regulation (EC) No 510/2006;  - Quality certification, including label creation and the certification of products caught or farmed using environmentally friendly production methods;  - Campaigns to improve the image of fisheries and aquaculture products and the image of the fisheries sector;  - Implementation of market surveys. 

In the box below, state clearly what the Project is intended to achieve.

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 6 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 3.4 Background and justification

Within each of the sub-sections below, provide information relating to the project being proposed:

A. Problem Identification

B. Demand/Gap Analysis

C. Options Analysis

D. Baseline (Research and Quantitative Assessment):

E. Selection of Option

3.5 Activities

In the box below, give a breakdown and description of the activities to be carried out and the means to achieve them.

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 7 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Please describe and enclose a draft programme/timetable in the case of seminars and conferences and the content in the case of publications and audio-visual productions, taking care to specify, the various subjects to be dealt with (please provide as many details as possible).

What are the means of communication to be used and how will they be used?

 Multimedia material  Online press (please specify)  Website  Press  Audio-visual media  Specialist press  Other (please specify)

It will be for applicants to demonstrate which channel or channels of communication they believe are most appropriate in this field for the various issues and the various target audiences, and why.

3.6 Target audience

In the box below, state the main expected target audience and the direct benefit of the publicity campaign for the main target audience. [Maximum 100 words]

How many people will benefit directly from the publicity campaign (number of participants in a seminar, number of readers of a publication, etc.) and how is this number calculated?

How representative are the direct beneficiaries of the publicity campaign, and what is their status?

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 8 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Status of direct beneficiaries:  Members of the general  Representatives of public (please specify) industry  Consumers and members  Local elected of consumer organisations representatives  Fishers  Members of Parliament  Managers of cooperatives  Civil servants  Trade unionists  Journalists  Representatives of  University lecturers business  Students  Others (please specify)

Who are the possible indirect beneficiaries of the publicity campaign, how many of them are there and how is this number calculated? How do you estimate the multiplier effect of the publicity campaign?

3.7 Date(s) of implementation

Date on which preparation of the information measure will begin

Date(s) on which the information measure will take place

Date on which follow-up of the promotional campaign will end

3.8 Project Duration

Please indicate the duration of the project, together with its start date and date of closure.

Start Date: ______/quarter of 20____

Closure Date: ______/quarter of 20____

3.9 Place (s) of implementation

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 9 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 3.10 Results

In the box below, describe what will be achieved by the end of the project. Please note that the results are NOT outputs (e.g. aired 12 TV spots) or indicators but what will be achieved by the end of the project. Results (e.g. % increase in the national per capita consumption of fish) are to be expressed in bullet format and quantified with baselines.

NB: Results are binding and contribute to the selection of the project. If they are not met, there may be the case for full or partial recovery of funds.

3.11 Other Related Activities

Identify and summarise any related activities being undertaken and/or that have already been undertaken by the applicant organisation and/or other parties in connection or in support of the same project or policy. Please also identify which funds have been utilised for related activities.

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 10 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Section 4 - Performance Indicators

4.1 Output and Result Indicators

Applicants have to choose at least one Output Indicator and one Result Indicator. Applicants must also provide the quantification for each indicator.

P.A. 3 Output Indicators Target

Operational Number of marketing and promotional campaigns Objectives 

Result Indicators Target

% increase in the national per capita consumption of fish 

In the box below, please provide an explanation of how the proposed targets for ‘outputs’ and ‘results’ have been calculated.

4.2 Verification of Output/Result Indicators

In the box below, please provide an explanation on how the data for the indicators will be collected/monitored and how it will be verified. Please also include whether this or similar data is already available (indicating whether it is available for free or at a cost including the amount and source of funding if data needs to be procured). If data is unavailable, please indicate how Applicant intends to generate the required data and how this will be financed.

4.3 Other Indicators

Please identify other indicators (if any) of the Programme and the respective targets that will be achieved by this project.

In the box below, please provide an explanation of how the proposed targets have been calculated.

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 11 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 4.4 Verification of Indicators’ targets

In the box below, please provide an explanation on how the data for the indicators will be collected/monitored and how it will be verified. Please also include whether this or similar data is already available (indicating whether it is available for free or at a cost including the amount and source of funding if data needs to be procured). If data is unavailable, please indicate how the Applicant intends to generate the required data and how this will be financed.

NB: Indicators are binding and contribute to the selection of the project. If they are not met, there may be the case for full or partial recovery of funds.

4.5 Other Indicators not listed in the OP

Please identify any other indicators, additional to the ones mentioned in the list of indicators provided in the OP, that are envisaged to be achieved by this project.

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 12 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Section 5 – National Priorities

In the box below, please indicate whether the Project will be contributing towards National Priorities for Malta. If YES, kindly identify the contribution to national priorities and relevant policies by showing how the planned work fits within these strategies/programmes. It is important for the Applicant to refer to documents such as Pre-Budget documents and budget speeches as well as sectoral strategies. When referring to a document, please provide direct citation (title, year, chapter and page numbers).

Section 6 – Links to the Strategic Guidelines and Malta’s National Strategic Plan for Fisheries (2007 – 2013)

Article 6 (3) of Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 states that “Operations financed by the EFF shall comply with the provisions of the Treaty and of the acts adopted thereunder.”

6.1 Strategic Guidelines

Please indicate the Strategic Guidelines towards which the project will contribute. Please select from the following (Applicants may choose more than one):

. Achieving a sustainable fishing effort  . Diversification of the fisheries product  . Increase in competitiveness of the sector  . Enhancement of the fishing skills  . Safeguarding of current jobs as well as the creation of new ones  . Improved working conditions  . Application of increased innovation 

6.2 Malta’s National Strategic Plan for Fisheries (2007 – 2013) (NSPF)

In the box below, please indicate how the Project will contribute towards the NSPF Targets. Specific reference should be made to the NSPF. [Maximum 200 words]

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 13 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Section 7 – Horizontal Priorities

7.1 Equal opportunities

Projects should make a positive contribution to equality for all. Outline how equal opportunities have been integrated into the Project’s design and implementation. Please mention any specific components and explain how the applicant will ensure that equal opportunity will be integrated in the project. The Applicant should not limit the effort to the legal obligations. [Maximum 200 words]

7.2 Sustainable Development

How will the project support sustainable development (development that can be maintained) in terms of:

 Protecting the environment   Careful use of natural resources   Progress which recognizes the needs of everyone   Maintaining high and steady levels of economic growth and employment 

Please explain in the box below how sustainable development will be supported. Reference should be made to the National Sustainable Development Strategy. [Around 100 words]

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 14 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Section 8 – Financial Details

8.1 Estimated Budget Breakdown 2

Other Items of expenditure NET (€) VAT (€) Total (€) Costs (€) Project Management/Administrator Costs

Interpretation Costs

Translation Costs

Consultants’ and Speakers’ Fees

Rent of venues

Hire/leasing of equipment

Mailing Costs

Production Costs

Market Surveys/Research

Evaluation Costs


Other Costs (please specify)

Other Costs (please specify)

Other Costs (please specify)

Sub Total eligible expenditure

Other ineligible expenditure

Other Costs (please specify)

Grand Total

8.2 Revenue generation

8.2.1 Is the project expected to generate revenue? Yes  No 

If YES, please specify how revenue will be generated:

. Participation Fees  . Copyright charges on publications  . Other ______

2 See Guidance Notes for Information on the compilation of the detailed breakdown (to be produced as Annex I to the Application Form). This must include the Total Investment Cost.

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 15 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 . Other ______ . Other ______

Indicate the revenue estimated amount below:

8.3 Other Community financing sources

8.3.1 Has an application been made for assistance from any other Community source for this project, any part thereof or for any earlier phase of this project (including feasibility and preparatory phases)?

 Yes  No

If YES, please give details:

8.3.2 Is this project complementary to any project already financed or to be financed by the ERDF, Cohesion Fund or other source of Community finance?

 Yes  No

If YES, give details:

8.3.3 Has an Application been made for loan or equity support from EIB/EIF or any other banks or financial institutions for this project?

 Yes  No

If YES, please give details (financial instrument concerned, reference number/s, dates, amounts requested, amounts granted, etc.):

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 16 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Section 9 – Contracting and Implementation

9.1 Indicative Public Procurement Table

State the expected number of tenders/calls and total value of each tender/call for quotations in EUR. VAT should be quoted separately.

Name of Type of Procedure Estimated VAT Other Total Tender/Call Tender Value Costs (Including VAT) (€) (€) (€) (€)


9.2 Indicative Employment Contracts

State the expected calls for employment costs and its total value for each call in EUR. Social Security contributions should be quoted separately.

Name of call Duration of Estimated Social Total employment Value Security contract Contribution (€) (€) (€)


European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 17 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 9.3 Implementation schedule

In the table below, indicate the stage of the tender/calls for quotation/calls for employment contracts per quarter. Please use the following acronyms:

D = Design3 P = Tender Published E = Evaluation I = Implementation C = Closure

Year Nth Year* N+1 N+2 N+3 (please specify the Nth year) 20…. 20…. 20… 20…. Quarters 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Tender/Call 1 (please specify) Tender/Call 2 (please specify) Tender/Call 3 (please specify) Tender/Call 4 (please specify)

Note: The Public Contracts Regulations 2010 (and any subsequent amendments) should be consulted in order to establish realistic timeframes.

* N represents the starting year of the project. Applicants should consult the expected end date of the evaluation process as stated under Chapter 1 section 1.4 of the Guidance Notes if the schedule or any part of it is dependent on a positive decision of the EFF grant.

3 Design refers to whole period prior to the launch of the Tender on the market

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 18 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 9.4 Contracting and Disbursement Schedule

(a) If the tender(s) has/have been advertised, please indicate: i. Advertisement number ______ii. Date (please supply a copy of the advert) ______

(b) If NO, please provide reasons and details of the tendering arrangements anticipated.

Year Nth Year* N+1 N+2 N+3 TOTAL (please specify 20… 20… 20… 20… the Nth year) Quarter 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Tender 1 (Eligible costs Contracting excl VAT) (€) Disbursement Tender 2 (Eligible costs Contracting excl VAT) (€) Disbursement Employment Call (Eligible Contracting costs excl VAT) (€) Disbursement Total eligible costs Contracting (Excl VAT) (€) Disbursement Total non-eligible costs Contracting (Excl VAT) (€) Disbursement VAT (€) Contracting Disbursement Grand Total (€) Contracting Disbursement * N represents the start year of the project.

NB: Applicant must include all contracts (works/supply/services as well as employment contracts). The total in this section must tally with the total in Section 8.1.

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 19 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Section 10 - Planning and Environmental Permits

10.1 Do any of the activities or purchases envisaged within the project require a planning or an environmental permit?

Yes  No 

If YES, please specify below:

If YES, has MEPA already been contacted at this stage?

Yes  No 

If YES, what was the outcome of discussions with MEPA? Please also indicate reference to any official correspondence with MEPA, including permit numbers.

If you have answered ‘NO’ to both questions, please indicate how the Applicant reached its conclusion that no components of the project require MEPA approval.

10.2 Application of the Strategic Environment Assessment Directive 2001/42/EC (SEA-Directive)

Does the project result from a plan or programme falling within the scope of the SEA Directive?

Section 11 – State Aid

The Applicant should ideally include the State Aid Monitoring Board (SAMB) position with the Application. In any case, the Applicant must submit the state aid position from SAMB within one month of the closing date of the submission of the Application.

11.1 Does the project involve State Aid?

Yes  No 

11.2 Have discussions with the State Aid Monitoring Board (SAMB) been held?

Yes  No 

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 20 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 11.3 If you have answered YES to question 11.2, please outline the outcome of the discussions held with SAMB and any reference to correspondence with SAMB:

11.4 If you have answered NO to both questions 11.1 and 11.2, please explain how it has been concluded that the project does not involve state aid.

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 21 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Section 12 – Publicity

12.1 Obligatory Publicity measures as per Regulation4

The Applicant needs to identify the tools that will be used to publicise the project, the audience that will be targeted and the indicative budget allocation for each tool. Applicants should exercise restraints and ensure that any publicity activities beyond obligatory are necessary for the project to reach its results and objectives.

Tool/Action Access Presentation Audience Method of Quantity5 Reason Budget Points Mode Procurement for in €6 opting for this method of publicity Press n/a Release/ Launch Event Posters/Signs On site Stickers7 On physical items Subtotal

12.2 Other Publicity measures

The project should be promoted as much as possible in particular through free publicity, (see Manual of Procedures). In proposing publicity measures which are over and above the obligatory requirements and are at an additional cost the Applicants should bear in mind that any publicity activities beyond obligatory are necessary for the project to reach its results and objectives.

Reason for opting Tool/ Presentation Method of Budget Access Points Audience Quantity8 for this Action Mode procurement in €9 method of publicity Billboards On site Plaques On site Print Media Newspapers10 Industry/ Business/ Organisation

4 NB: It is a condition of the grant that the EFF contribution is publicised in accordance with EC Regulation 498/2007. The forms of publicity identified above are indicative and may not be appropriate to all types of projects. Please indicate those that will be used for this project. 5 E.g. 7 newspapers 6 The total budget must be in line with the budget allocation proposed under Section 8 above. 7 Projects involving purchase of physical items/ equipment / furniture or other objects should have stickers or plastic plaques attached to each smaller or portable co-financed item 8 E.g. 7 newspapers 9 The total budget must be in line with the budget allocation proposed under Section 8 above. 10 Adverts for the Publishing of Tenders/ Quotations

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 22 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Journals and Magazines International

Publications Broadcast TV Media Radio Internet Local Websites and International

Websites Websites Sectoral

business groups Organised ad Seminars, hoc Conferences Participation Or during trade Workshops exhibitions, fairs, national events, etc Supplied during national events or events Promotional focused at

Material different target groups (ex: pens, note pads, etc) Distribution to Direct Mail households on a

Actions national or regional basis Sectoral, Posters business groups or interests Other Sub total

Total Publicity Budget11 - €______

12.3 Justification

In the box below please provide a justification for the publicity measures proposed (why it needs to be undertaken12). Indicate how the publicity measures chosen are needed for the effective implementation of the project and are also proportionate to the operation (project). The

11 This amount should include the sum of Obligatory and Other Publicity Measures 12 In cases where this is merely to inform general public of EFF contribution it should be stated as such.

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 23 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Applicant should also indicate who will bear the cost of the different publicity actions identified in Section 12.1 and 12.2.

Section 13 – Added value

13.1 Will the project take place without EFF support?

13.2 Will the project fund more activities better or earlier provision? - more activities  - better provision  - earlier provision 

13.3 In the box below, please give reasons why the project cannot be implemented with own/other resources.

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 24 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Section 14 – Readiness

14.1 Current Level of Implementation of Project

The Applicant should indicate the state of readiness of the project (particularly in relation to public procurement and any approvals/permits required from other entities e.g. MEPA before the project can start). The Applicant should clearly specify the status of tenders at the stage of submission and whether work is expected to be undertaken before approval of the project by the MA.

In the table below, please indicate at which stage the project is in the design and tendering process.

Tender Name Status (Please tick one of the boxes reflecting the current status for each Tender/Call. Please repeat for each Tender)

Tender Name 1 / Call 1. Design 2. Drafted 3. Launched Name 1    4. Evaluated  5. Contracted  6. Appeals 

Tender Name 2 / Call 1. Design 2. Drafted 3. Launched Name 2    4. Evaluated  5. Contracted  6. Appeals 

Kindly indicate whether any further preparation/implementation work will continue regardless of the grant decision or whether further progress is dependent on the outcome of the Grant Decision.

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 25 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Section 15 – Sustainability of the project

Describe how the benefits of the project will continue to be delivered after grant support comes to an end. Kindly attach estimate of annual recurrent costs (for at least the first five years after completion of the project) and indicate source of funding. In cases where the Government is not financing the project, applicants are expected to provide proof and guarantees as to how the project will be sustained.

Section 16 – Data Protection

Personal data transmitted to the Funds and Programme Division within the scope of implementation of projects being co-financed by the European Fisheries Fund Programme are processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act, 2001 by FPD and by other stakeholders and competent authorities mandated to implement, monitor, execute payments, control and audit the project/contract. For any data protection queries e-mail on [email protected].

Section 17 – Retention of Documents

Kindly describe procedures already in place or yet to be set up by the Applicant to ensure that all documents regarding expenditure and audits [required to ensure an adequate audit trail] are held in accordance with the requirements of Article 87 of Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006.

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 26 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Section 18 – Conditionality and risks

Conditionality and risks are issues pertaining to the project, which could jeopardise its timely and effective implementation. These should be indicated clearly highlighting what could be done, by when and by whom. Conditionality not within the control of the project is/are deemed to be risks and should also be included. If the Applicant fails to identify risks or the extent of the risks, projects, which receive approval, may have the grant agreement withdrawn by the Managing Authority at a later stage when the risks become apparent. Please state if there are conditions and/or risks associated with the project and its effective implementation.

Risk Consequence Probability Impact Response Description (High, (High, Strategy Medium, Medium, Low) Low)

Technical Risks

Financial Risks

Legal Risks

Capacity Risks

Public Procurement Risks Implementation Risks13

Section 19 – Additional Information

Please use this section to supply any additional information relating to previous sections, which you feel is relevant. Please head your information using the numbers and heading within this form.

13 Implementation Risk can include, lack or no expertise in a particular area, change of service providers, lack or no project applicants etc.

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 27 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Section 20 – Declaration

I declare that the entries in this form and the details in the Application Form and any other annexes enclosed are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct. I also confirm that the EU Funds applied for is the minimum required for the project to proceed as described.

I can also confirm that I am not aware of any reason why the project may not proceed or be delayed other than those reasons declared and the commitment can be made within the timescales indicated in the Operational Programme to which this project relates.

I acknowledge that the application will be subject to regular monitoring/auditing and undertake to keep adequate records for this purpose, in line with the instructions received from the Managing Authority and according to the Manual of Procedures.

I declare to abide to the durability clause enshrined in Council Regulation (EC) 1083/2006 which states that, an operation retains the contribution of the funds, only if that operation does not, within five years of the date of the financing decision of the competent national authorities or the managing authority undergo a substantial modification in line with said article. I also declare that if equipment is damaged, stolen or becomes obsolete during these five years, it will be replaced through the funds of the organization implementing the project to be able to sustain the financing.

I declare that this project or parts of the project is not being supported through other Community Funding and I will abide by the principle of good governance on matters related to procurement. I also declare that I will use fair, transparent and competitive procedures in any employment contracts.

I also declare that by submitting this application, I am hereby giving my consent for the publication of information related to the organisation and the project (including budget) as required by the relevant Council and Commission Regulations on the European Fisheries Fund.

I understand that if the information included in the Application Form is found to be not factually correct, the project application may be rejected. I understand that if the application is not complete in all relevant detail and every aspect, including this section, it may also be rejected.

Project Leader (Name in Block Letters) Signature and stamp

CEO/Head of Applicant Organisation Signature and stamp Legal Representative of the Organisation14 (Name in Block Letters)

Permanent Secretary (Name in Block Capitals) Signature and stamp (only in case of Public Sector Organisation)


14 In case of voluntary organisations, endorsement should be sought from the Executive Head of the voluntary organisation, while, in the case of Local Councils, the Mayor and Executive Secretary must approve the application.

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 28 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Section 21 - Checklist of Attachments

The following is the list of possible supporting documents mentioned elsewhere in this form or in the guidance notes. It is the responsibility of the Applicant to ensure that all the documents that apply to this application form are enclosed. It is also the responsibility of the Applicant to ensure that all documentation presented is properly bound. The Managing Authority will not be held responsible for the misplacement of any unbound documents.

1 Bound, Original, Signed, Dated and stamped application form (including supporting documentation) (obligatory) 1 Soft copy (on CD - in both Word and PDF format) of the Application Form (including a scanned copy of any supporting documentation and annexes) (obligatory) 5 bound copies of the Application Form in paper format (including supporting documentation and annexes) (obligatory) Annex I to the Application Form – The compilation of the estimated budget breakdown in Section 8.1 (obligatory) Calculation of annual operational costs for the expected lifetime of the project and a breakdown of the operating costs of the project for not less than 5 years following the completion of the project Estimate of annual recurrent costs (for at least the first five years after completion of the project) (obligatory). Copy of certificate of enrolment as a voluntary organisation showing the identity number of the organisation (where applicable) or copy of application and acknowledgement (where applicable) Copy of Legal Act (e.g. the deed of foundation) by which the entity was constituted (obligatory in case of non-public entities) Copy of official correspondence with MEPA (where applicable) Copy of official correspondence with the SAMB (where applicable)

Detailed Plan/Report for the Publicity Campaign (obligatory)

Evidence of Readiness (where applicable) Gantt Chart (where the project is a phase of an overall project) Letter/s of intent endorsed by the CEO/Head of Applicant Organisation or Legal Representative of the Organisation as a proof of commitment to the project (in case of partnership) Organigram / Organisation Chart highlighting which are the units/sectors that will be involved in the implementation of the project and the interaction between each unit/sector and the Project Leader (obligatory) Draft programme/timetable (in the case of seminars/conferences) Proof from the VAT Department showing whether the project is eligible to recover VAT from the VAT Department or whether it can be considered as an eligible cost in terms of the project (where applicable) Relevant organizational procedure for recruiting Project Management / Administrator (where applicable) Content (in the case of publications and audio-visual productions) taking care to specify the various subjects to be dealt with Other supporting documents - please specify below

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 29 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2 Annex I to the Application Form

The Compilation of the Estimated Budget Breakdown in Section 8.1

Kindly list a detailed breakdown of each cost centre identified in Section 8.1:

Items of expenditure Workings

Project Management/Administrator Costs Interpretation Costs

Translation Costs

Consultants’ and Speakers’ Fees

Rent of venues

Hire/leasing of equipment

Mailing Costs

Production Costs

Market Surveys/Research

Evaluation Costs


Other Costs (please specify)

Other Costs (please specify)

Other Costs (please specify)

Sub Total

Other ineligible expenditure

Other Costs (please specify)

Grand Total

European Fisheries Fund 2007 - 2013 30 Open Call under Priority Axis 3 Measure 3.2

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