Allerton Bywater Parish Council Minutes No 54
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Allerton Bywater Parish Council Minutes No 139 ALLERTON BYWATER PARISH COUNCIL
Minutes of meeting held at Old School, Vicars Terrace, Allerton Bywater
Thursday 10 March 2011 PRESENT Councillor S Murray ( Chairman ) Councillor K Asprey Councillor J Taylor Councillor J A Coe Councillor L Tomlinson Councillor M Weaver Councillor R Fletcher
1. Apologies for Absence Councillor A M Jabin Working Councillor S Bassett Ill
2. Minutes of meeting 10 February 2011 (138) Minutes of meeting 10 February 2011 (138), these were accepted as being a true record. Proposed by Councillor Asprey, seconded Councillor Weaver – accepted by council.
3. Matters arising from these minutes Environment Agency – Councillor Asprey stated that he had asked the Environment Agency to place a piece of fence in the gap at the side of the Murco site. Councillor Asprey stated that the Environment Agency cannot place the fencing there as they do not own the land. Councillor Asprey has been asked to provide a letter about our satisfaction to the work carried out to the path etc; The Environment Agency have also confirmed that the roadside hedge will be removed. Litter Bin – the lining has been returned and is now back in place. The bins have been attached to the fences. St Aiden’s Site & Spillway – Councillor Murray stated that the Environment Agency will attend in April to discuss this at the next meeting. New Builds on Brigshaw Drive – Councillor Murray stated that Planning have contacted the Parish Council about some concerns about the parking for the church. They seem unaware the Church is no longer in use. Planters – The planters for the old people’s bungalows on Leeds Road have all been completed. Churchyard Wall – Councillor Tomlinson confirmed that the replacement fence is being supplied by the builders. Church Floodlights – Councillor Tomlinson stated that the lights are now working only on a morning. Councillor Asprey is to look at this to see whether the timer is faulty. Overgrown Land between 18 to 20 Leeds Road – Councillor Weaver to contact the enforcement officer dealing with this. Probation Service – A meeting has been arranged for next week to talk to the new team leader. 4. Declaration of Interests Members were informed interests could still be declared as agenda progressed.
5. Finance Report i. Balance to date Petty Cash £ 93.08 Current account £ 2,590.10 Instant account £ 6,756.52 14 day account £ 10,413.02 Total £ 19,852.72
ii. Reconciliation of accounts carried out by Councillor Asprey
iii. Audit of stamp book and petty cash carried out by Councillor Asprey
iv. Consider any requests for donations and approval. Request for Donation of £380 to Bramwell Road, Allotments. Request is for building blocks for a retaining wall.
Proposed by Councillor Fletcher and seconded by Councillor Weaver. Agreed by other councillors.
v. Payments for approval All payments for approval, list attached to these minutes.
Councillor Asprey gave an update on the budget. The budget was £29,000 and the Parish Council are still within budget. Although a donation was agreed for the cricket club they have not contacted the Parish Council.
6. To close meeting for 10 minute public involvement, then reopen meeting Not minuted
7. Reports from:
Council Surgery Councillor Taylor attended however no residents from the village attended.
YLCA Good Councillors Guide (third edition) is available and has been emailed. If Councillors would like a hard copy they should contact the Parish Clerk.
Planning Sub Group All plans are up to date.
Councillor Murray has spoken to a resident about their planning issues.
Allerton In Bloom Councillor Asprey stated that no money has been spent from the account during the past month. 8. Planning applications / planning matters No planning applications have been received.
9. Walkways, Recreation and small schemes within village Councillor Murray stated that the footpaths will not be resurfaced in the village.
10.Police Matters Councillor Tomlinson asked about security labels and smart water. Councillors stated that this can be obtained on the internet.
11.Highway Matters Councillor Asprey stated that in December he spoke to Highways about the money allocated to complete the roads. He was told that the footpaths would all be completed after January 2011. The roads were due to commence in March. Highways have stated that the paths are complete and no further work will be undertaken.
Councillor Asprey has also contacted Highways about the roads. Work will commence at the bottom of the village and will be done 200m sections. Diversion will be around through Kippax. Access for emergency vehicles will be available at all times. Footpaths will remain open. Dustbin lorries will be able to access the village. Cars parked on the road will be towed away. Buses will be diverted.
Councillor Murray is to discuss this issue with Councillor Parker.
Councillor Asprey also complained about the surface at the entry to Manor Park where a substandard surface repair has been undertaken. The Parish Council consider that this is dangerous and have reported this issue to Leeds City Council.
The Parish Council have contacted enforcement and reported a resident who is driving across the pavement, path and grass verge to their house. Enforcement have written to the owner.
12.Correspondence Attached to these minutes.
Councillor Asprey read the NALC update on the pay offer for the Parish Clerk. There is no pay offer for 2011 – 2012.
13.Discussion change in HMRC rules re: employment of Parish Clerk Councillor Asprey updated the Parish Council about changes to the taxation rules for the Parish Council. Previously the clerk was self employed but the rules changes mean that this can no longer be the case. Both village caretakers will be affected by this change as they can no longer be self employed. The Parish Council must register as an employer with HMRC. This has already been completed by the Parish Clerk.
The Parish Council will have to discuss payments for the village caretakers. All employees will require a contract of employment. The Parish Clerk is to contact the YLCA for model contracts for the village caretakers and Parish Clerk.
14.Discuss and Action Pedestrian Crossing at The Lines/Edward VII Club Councillor Taylor stated that he had received requests from residents about whether it would be possible to have a crossing at The Lines. Councillor Asprey stated that there will be problems on the highway due to the bus stops and overtaking. Councillor Fletcher stated that there will be problems with not being able to see the crossing due to the hill. Councillor Asprey stated that funding for this should initially be sought from St Aidans Site Fund as this will link into their footpaths. Alternatively to Sustrans as it links the footpaths. Councillor Tomlinson stated that there were problems generally in the area due to parking problems. There were also problems with horses at the junction and families crossing the road. Councillor Murray stated that this was previously refused due to the fish shop parking and due to overtaking approaching the crossing caused by the bus stops.
Councillor Taylor is awaiting Katherine Skinner confirming whether she can obtain funding for this crossing. Depending on the outcome other sources will then be approached.
15.Discuss and Action Allotment Association interest in taking over Village in Bloom Councillor Asprey stated that he, Councillors Taylor and Murray met with the allotment association. They approached the allotment association with the same agreement that had previously been considered by the village in bloom group.
Councillor Murray stated that the allotments needed to be cleared up, they are already working on this. All current allotment holders have been asked to tidy their allotments.
The committee want to be involved in village in bloom and they will grow their own plants. They want to purchase a small dumper truck to move soil around the allotments and village if required. They want to be more involved with the community including the elderly and children. The group will also sell plants to residents at cheaper rates.
Money for village in bloom will be retained by the Parish Council and accounts with companies will be set up in the name of the Parish Council. This will enable the Parish Council to have tax back.
The group will be self funding from the planter advertising. If they wish to undertake projects the Parish Council will consider funding these upon receipt of the project plans and costings. The planters for the church were delayed by the building at the church but will be considered in the forthcoming year. There are also other planters which could be considered within the village.
The allotment association are going to advertise their activities and improvements in the Allertoner. 16.Discuss and Action Council Members Commitment to Removal of the Pasture Hedge The Parish Council agreed that they are committed to the removal of the pasture hedge. This should begin in March 2011.
17.Matters for Discussion only Parish Council Elections – Councillor Taylor asked about the election papers. These are delayed at the moment. Planning Rules changes – Councillor Tomlinson asked about the planning changes for garages and sheds as due to the Methodist Church as the groups moving across will need storage space. The church are considering using their shed to store the equipment for the play groups. Social Housing – Councillor Weaver stated that he declared an interest in this. There are properties remaining [3] on the Millennium Village site the rest have been let. Councillor Murray stated that there is an agreement for this housing to be allocated first to those from Allerton Bywater which was agreed with the Managing Director Yorkshire Housing, Parish Council, LCC and Ward Councillors along with Aire Valley Homes at a meeting at the one stop shop Garforth. It would appear that this agreement is once again being overlooked by the developers.
Councillor Asprey gave his apologies for the next two meetings. Councillor Tomlinson gave apologies for the next meeting. Councillor Fletcher stated that he will be unable to attend due to work commitments.
18.Date of Next Meeting – 14 April 2011 at 7pm
Signature…………………………………… Date……………………….. (Chairman)