Toghcheantar An Uaimh - Navan Area Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Navan Electoral Area Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 16 th April 2008 at 9.30am in the Council Chamber , Town Hall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath

Cllr J Mangan presided

In attendance Cllr J Reilly, J Holloway, T Reilly , P O’Neill, S Cassells & C Reilly Apologies from Cllr J Darcy

Officials present: Mr. E Cummins, Navan Area Manager Mr. S Donnelly, Navan Area Administrator Ms. F Fallon, Navan Area Engineer Mr J McGarvey, A/Senior Executive Engineer Mr M English, Senior Executive Engineer Ms B Carry Environment Awareness Officer Mr. J Young, Senior Staff Officer

Others Andrew Jackson RPS Patricia Gilbert Scott Wilson Paula Hartness Scott Wilson

1. Confirmation of Minutes

On the proposal of Cllr S Cassells seconded by Cllr J Mangan the Minutes of the March Monthly Meeting of Navan Electoral Area Committee held on the 12th March 2008 at 9.30 am were adopted by the Members.

2. Correspondence & Matters Raised by the Area Manager

Letter from EPA regarding Knockharley Landfill

The Members received and noted correspondence from the EPA dated 28th March 2008 regarding the Knockharley Landfill. The Members expressed dissatisfaction with the response received and requested that the Area Administrator write to the EPA again and request them to attend a meeting of the Council.

QBN Approval of funding

The Members received and noted correspondence in relation to the approval of funding for the QBN network. The Members raised follow issue - will proper bus shelters be provided on the Forfas road. - Issue of tax ranks in Johnstown

The Area Engineer responded that proper bus shelters would be provided and would facilitate wheelchair access to buses.

Minutes April Monthly Meeting NEAC 16 04 08 Page 1 of 5

Navan Town Council and Area Office, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, Email: [email protected], web: Toghcheantar An Uaimh - Navan Area Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes The Area Administrator responded that the Council may be able to apply for funding to the taxi regulator to provide taxi ranks in Johnstown.

3. To receive a presentation in relation the Navan Town Park Project.

The Members received and noted a presentation from Patricia Gilbert & Paula Hartness of Scott Wilson regarding the Navan Town Park Project.

Following the presentation the Members raised the following issues

- welcome for presentation - are so many play areas & pitches required - welcome for diversity of facilities - Security for park is an issue - how to manage park best - funding for the project - cost of first phase - caters for all ages

Patricia Gilbert responded that - Require a manager or ranger for managing the park. - € 5 million plus fees for actual contract works of Phase 1

Area Manager responded that - Comprehensive submission made to Dept Arts, Sport & Tourism and expecting a substantial contribution - Making other submissions for funding for roadworks.

4. To receive an update in relation the Swan Flood Relief Scheme.

The Members received and noted a presentation from Mr A Jackson of RPS in relation to an update on the Swan River Flood Relief Scheme.

Following the presentation the Members raised the following issues.

- there is a sewerage problem at Kilcarn Court - what is timescale for realignment of Springfield Glen link road - ponding of water within LAP 3 - can copy of presentation be circulated to Members

The Area Manager responded

- Council are in close contact with the OPW - In respect of the realignment of Swan River there are issues to be addressed in level of Springfield Glen road - CCTV work in area of Balreask proposed - Consultants engaged on LAP 1 and LAP2 and link road - Satisfied that Swan river is capable of receiving waters . - Consultants only asked to deal with surface water not sewerage

Minutes April Monthly Meeting NEAC 16 04 08 Page 2 of 5

Navan Town Council and Area Office, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, Email: [email protected], web: Toghcheantar An Uaimh - Navan Area Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes - Publishing the CPO re Springfield Glen Link Road after some issues resolved and will talk to landowners also.

5. To receive an update in relation to Meath Local Authorities Anti – litter Campaign.

The Members received and noted an update from Ms Bernadine Carry, Environment Awareness Officer in relation to Meath Local Authorities Anti – Litter Campaign.

B Carry outlined - there are 2 Environmental Patrol Officers - council received 2,000 complaints - people are reluctant to go to Court - Council are placing a notice in paper re illegal signage to be removed. - Council willing to assist communities to clean up areas eg Emlagh Bog. - Signage is on order for , dog fouling, littering - Environmental Patrol Officers are targeting dumping hot spot areas - CCTV in past was not good enough , however UK company has new system

Following the presentation the Members raised the following issues.

- there is a cultural attitude towards waste - much of the waste could be recycled - national phone number for complaints re dumping should be on signage - Council should name & shame those taken to Court for dumping - amount of rubbish on Hill of Tara - dumping at Blackcastle House - Emlagh Bog as bad as ever with dumping. - large scale dumping in ditches, plastic caught in bushes.

B Carry responded that - CCTV will be provided at Hill of Tara - will email national phone number to Members

6. To receive an update in relation to proposed Anti-social behaviour prevention measures at the Ramparts, Navan, Co Meath.

The Area Engineer outlined that it was proposed to erect lockable bollards in an effort to prevent unauthorised access to the Ramparts and also signage outlining the times when it will be opened and closed. The area engineer indicated that it was hoped to have this work completed within 3weeks.

7. Notice of Questions

Question to the Manager – Cllr J Holloway What is the up to date situation in relation to the CPO process for Distributor Road from Dublin Road N3 at Springfield Glen to Trim Road R.161; specifically, what comprises the CPO process itself, the various stages of the process and at what stage is the process currently at?”

Minutes April Monthly Meeting NEAC 16 04 08 Page 3 of 5

Navan Town Council and Area Office, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, Email: [email protected], web: Toghcheantar An Uaimh - Navan Area Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes Cllr Holloway acknowledged that this question had been dealt with already by the Area Manager.

8. Notices of Motion

Notice of Motion – Cllr J Holloway

“That in the Context of the re-alignment of the Athboy Road (N510 at Moatville and the development of a major Retailing Park in the area, and in the context of flooding that has already occurred in the area at this stage of development, Meath County Council will put in place an effective system for the collection and discharge of surface and storm water resulting from these developments”

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr T Reilly and seconded by Cllr C Reilly.

Notice of Motion – Cllr J Holloway

“That in consideration of the very heavy traffic volumes on Trim Road out of Navan along a stretch of road that is highly populated with multiple entrances, Meath County Council provide continuous white line from Balreask Manor to entrance to Soccer Club at MDL”

The Area Engineer responded that this could be carried out.

Notice of Motion – Cllr T Reilly

“To cease installing flashing lights at primary schools in rural areas and install ramps”.

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr T Reilly and seconded by Cllr C Reilly.

The Members raised the following issues - Other counties like Kildare installing ramps outside primary schools - Ramps required to reduce speed of vehicles at schools - Provision of ramps may not be best option due to lorries hitting ramps at night - This motion should not include that Council should cease installing flashing lights - Report should be obtained on the provision of ramps in Kildare for the next meeting - How many locations approved for installation of flashing lights in 2008

The Area Manager responded - Council made a decision to install flashing lights at schools two years ago and should at least finish this. - Each case should be looked at individually to determine what is best way to slow down traffic - This motion could be brought up at the Planning & Economic Development SPC - Gardai have a role to play also - Will not have a report on the provision of ramps in Kildare for the next meeting.

The Area Engineer responded - 6 locations approved for installation of flashing lights in 2008

1.0 Any Other Business

- Condition of roads in the Navan Area

Minutes April Monthly Meeting NEAC 16 04 08 Page 4 of 5

Navan Town Council and Area Office, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, Email: [email protected], web: Toghcheantar An Uaimh - Navan Area Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes - Can a yellow box be provided outside Athlumney Abbey housing development as traffic is backing up from the new bridge - Manhole at Farganstown requires repairing - Kentstown footpath – Railing

- Council Compound adjacent to Claremont Estate used for anti social behaviour. Entrance lane off Centra. Can it be cleaned up. - Thank Management of Council for their work in helping to secure the hospital for Navan. - What is position on CPO at Kentstown. The Area Manager responded that he would give a more detailed response on the current position at a later meeting.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

Minutes April Monthly Meeting NEAC 16 04 08 Page 5 of 5

Navan Town Council and Area Office, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, Email: [email protected], web: