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St Anne S College s1

St Anne’s College Oxford OX2 6HS England Tel: 0044 (0) 1865 274840 Fax: 0044 (0) 1865 274826

Visiting Student Application Form 2014/2015 Please ensure you choose course topics from the material on our Website. Failure to choose courses listed on our website will result in your application being returned to you. Course information is currently being updated. If you have any queries or need any clarification please contact [email protected]

All Visiting Student applications must be accompanied by the following supplementary materials: i. Academic references Applicants should nominate two referees. Each reference should then be returned to the applicant in a sealed envelope to be sent in with the rest of the application material to the Academic Office at St Anne’s College. At least one of these references should be from an individual who has a working knowledge of the applicant’s current education, indicating the standard achieved wherever possible. Subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998, references marked “Strictly Confidential” will be treated as such. We are unable to return references once they have been submitted to the Academic Office at St Anne’s College. ii. Transcript or other official detailed record of education In order to comply with United Kingdom Border Agency (UKBA) requirements, applicants should send a certified copy of their transcript as a record of their academic history and achievement at university-level up to the present, including courses taken and standards achieved. Transcripts of pre-university qualifications are not required. iii. Written work Two Term Papers or other pieces of work in the subject you wish to study at Oxford should be included with your application. For Arts and Social Science subjects, these can be pieces from your current degree in essay format of approximately 2,000 words, typed and written in English. For Science subjects, a report or any piece of work from your current degree will suffice. Students who do not have written work in English are responsible for translating it themselves. iv. Evidence of proficiency in English English is the language of instruction, and applicants whose native tongue is not English, or who have not been taught in English at university level for two years prior to application (not arrival in Oxford), are required to provide evidence of their proficiency in English. For a list of countries the UKBA consider as majority English-speaking countries click on Are you a national of a majority English-speaking country? at language/ Please note that the English Language requirements for Oxford University are higher than the UKBA requirement. You need to meet the University requirements detailed at: nglish_language.html v. Academic statement

1 Applicants should include on a separate piece of paper a statement detailing their reasons for wishing to study the proposed course at Oxford. This statement should be no longer than one side of paper and it should have a clear academic focus. The Tutors assessing this Academic statement will want to see your intellectual passion and curiosity about your subject of study. vi. Completed Disability Disclosure form

The closing date for applications is 5.00 pm on Friday 21 February 2014. Applications will be considered in a gathered field and decisions should be communicated to you by 28 March 2014. Applications received after 21 February will be considered, if we have space, after 27 March.

2 St Anne’s College Please attach a Oxford Passport-size photo OX2 6HS England Tel: 0044 (0) 1865 274840 Fax: 0044 (0) 1865 274826

Visiting Student Application Form 2014/2015 1. FAMILY NAME as it appears in your 3. GENDER 4. TITLE passport 2. FIRST NAME(S):

MALE Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms It is important that you supply your full name as it appears in your passport. FEMALE other: ______

6. NATIONALITY as shown in 5. DATE OF BIRTH (day/month/year) 7. COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE your passport

8. ADDRESS (for correspondence) 9. ADDRESS (permanent, if different from 8.)

Please write your address clearly.



Please include the international dialling code (where applicable).

3 REFERENCES: Please give the names and institutions of your two referees.





I wish to study for:  the full 2014–15 academic year  Hilary and Trinity Term 2015 Priority is given to full-year applicants.

EDUCATION HISTORY: Please provide details of all your current Higher Education.

NAME AND FULL ADDRESS OF Date due to Level: including GPA if available. Date entered CURRENT INSTITUTION OF HIGHER complete Courses you are currently taking EDUCATION WHICH YOU ARE ATTENDING Mont Yea Mont Yea h r h r

EDUCATION HISTORY: Please provide details of all your previous Higher Education. NAME AND FULL ADDRESS OF HIGH Mont Yea Mont Yea Qualification and Subject SCHOOL ATTENDED h r h r


Courses at Oxford Our full-year Visiting Students, just like our regular full-time undergraduates, normally take 6 courses (called “papers” in Oxford) over 3 terms. Applicants should list 8 courses (“papers”) in order of preference from the list provided on our website at students/programmes-of-study. When considering the application the Tutors will specify which of the eight courses will be offered.

Many Visiting Students are used to a Major-Minor system at their home university/college. This is possible at St Anne’s. We can accommodate sensible requests so long as these have been properly discussed and approved by faculty/advisers in the home university. Of course, we believe that it is in your best interests to pursue your studies at Oxford in ways which make academic sense. Learning at Oxford is all about the “deep dive” into a topic over a sustained period of weeks. Minor courses are workable in some areas of literature but we strongly encourage you to “go native” while here!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Full-year students take, on average, 30–36 hours of teaching across the year (3 terms). These hours can be distributed unevenly, depending on the courses being taken, and some elements of the programme of study may be taken over a few hours. Teaching hours can be made up of tutorials, classes and seminars. Each of these is very specialised and specific to the individual student. Like tutorials, classes and seminars require significant preparation in terms of reading, and students produce written work. Classes and seminars, where taken, are indicated on the transcript provided at the end of the year and, like tutorials, must be awarded credit.

VERY IMPORTANT: Once your course choices are approved, you will not be able to change. As stated above, tuition is organized specifically for you and once we confirm your choices, academic faculty will be expecting you and will have committed their time to you. For these reasons, please discuss your choices seriously and well in advance with appropriate faculty at home and with Dr Mullen here, before making a formal application.

Name: ______

Subject: ______

Courses (please state the title of the paper as given on the website). If you list titles that are not on the website your application will be returned to you and will only be considered if changes are made and the application is received by the closing date (i.e. 5.00 pm 21 February 2014).








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Disability has many forms. St Anne’s College has an excellent reputation for welfare and support of students with disabilities and we promote an open and positive attitude to disability. The College and the University have a responsibility to ensure that your needs as a disabled student are adequately met and to this end it is very important that you disclose to us the details of your disability as early as possible. Such information is treated confidentially and shared with relevant staff with your permission.

The University Disability Office will ask you to complete a Disclosure of Disability Form, which requires more information. Please do complete this form also.

Why you should disclose You want to enjoy to the full the exciting year/terms ahead of you at St Anne’s and Oxford and so, by disclosing in confidence the nature of your disability and by discussing your needs with professional staff, we can put in place reasonable measures to assist you.

Who can assist you? Here at St Anne’s we have a Student Disability Adviser, Ms Zoe Sparrowhawk, who liaises with the College Nurse, the doctors at our local Health Practice, and the College Counsellor. She also works closely with the Senior Tutor and College Registrar on academic matters. Ms Sparrowhawk also liaises with the University Disability Office. We have excellent staff on the domestic side of College life who ensure that the necessary living and dining arrangements for students with disabilities are taken care of. To help you we need you to help us.


0 No disability 1 Dyslexia/Dyspraxia or another specific learning disability 2 Visual impairment 3 Hearing impairment 4 Mobility difficulties 5 Personal care support 6 Mental health difficulties 7 An unseen disability e.g. diabetes, epilepsy, asthma 8 Multiple disabilities 9 A disability not listed above or which you do not wish to specify 10 Autistic Spectrum Disorder or Asperger Syndrome

If you list a disability our Student Disability Adviser will contact you to discuss your support needs.

Please provide full information overleaf so that we can prepare in the best way possible. Please contact Ms Sparrowhawk if you have any questions: [email protected], Tel. 01865 284685


Other Names:

Signed: Date

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