From: dominic wy kanak To: Committee, Environment (REPS) Subject: Prerequisites for nuclear energy in Australia, Standing Ctee Environment and Energy, Inquiry Submission Date: Tuesday, 20 August 2019 1:24:01 PM STANDING COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY PO Box 6021 Parliament House CANBERRA Canberra ACT 2600 Phone: +61 2 6277 4580 Fax: +61 2 6277 8463
[email protected] Submissioner: CR Dominic WYKanak, Deputy Mayor, boondiboondi Bondi Ward, Waverley Council INQUIRY INTO THE PREREQUISITES FOR NUCLEAR ENERGY IN AUSTRALIA, 2019 August 20 Dear Standing Committee on Environment and Energy 1. This Submissioner asks that the Committee apply an Aboriginal First Nations Indigenous ‘Sovreignty’ lens to all the Committee’s Terms of Reference for this Inquiry (listed below), and seek as a fundamental prerequisite the views and Approval of the First Nations Peoples of Australia. As Custodians, Descendants of Our Commonwealth’s First Nations Peoples should decide if there should be any change to the moratoriums currently preventing an expansion of the nuclear industry in Australia. 1.1 Inquiry Terms of Reference: a. waste management, transport and storage, b. health and safety, c. environmental impacts, d. energy affordability and reliability, e. economic feasibility, f. community engagement, g. workforce capability, h. security implications, i. national consensus, and j. any other relevant matter. 1.3 The Terms of Reference, ToR, impact on the lives of all Australians, but in recent Times it is the Aboriginal Islander First Nations KomMuNitYs that have had to deal with the resource extractions and potential waste dumps for the nuclear industry, so without First Nations Consensus the National Consensus mentioned at ToR I is void.