Lea and Garsdon Primary School 2 Year Rolling Programme (Hist + Geog 4 Year Rolling Programme)

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Lea and Garsdon Primary School 2 Year Rolling Programme (Hist + Geog 4 Year Rolling Programme)

Lea and Garsdon Primary School 2 Year Rolling Programme (Hist + Geog 4 Year Rolling Programme) Year 5/6 Year A Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Life in the Stone Age We are Architects Mayan Mahem English Recounts Adventure Story Short stories Shakespeare Classic fiction Short stories Hamilton set A Biographies and Instructions and Argument and Journalistic writing Debate poetry Non-chron reports Autobiographies Explanations debate Poetic style Persuasive writing Power of imagery Monologue poetry Slam poetry Classic poetry Maths Science -2 year Y6 Electricity Y6- Evolution and Y5 – Properties and Y5 Living things and Y5 – Animals inc cycle inheritance changes of their habitats Humans (heart, Teach all strands materials (plants, mammals, circulation) to whole class reptiles amphibians) History I have learned about the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron I have learned about a non-European Age. This could include: society either: 1. Late Neolithic hunter-gatherers and Early Islamic civilisation Skara Brae or: A study of Bagdad AD 900 2. Bronze Age religion, technology and or: Mayan civilisation AD 900 travel, eg; Stonehenge or: Benin (West Africa) AD 900-1300 3. Iron Age hill forts, tribal kingdoms, farming art and culture Geography Skills and Fieldwork Locational knowledge (North and South Location  I can use some basic Ordnance Survey America) knowledge/ map symbols. • I know where North and south America Field skills each  I can use grid references on a map. and know: year  I can use an atlas by using the index to • the environmental regions, find places. • key physical and human characteristics, I can answer questions by using a map. • countries  I can use maps, aerial photographs, • major cities plans and e-resources to describe what Physical geography: a locality might be like. I can describe and understand key aspects of:  I can use Ordnance Survey symbols and • Climate zones 6 figure grid references. • Biomes  Vegetation belts Updated July 2017 Lea and Garsdon Primary School 2 Year Rolling Programme (Hist + Geog 4 Year Rolling Programme) Year 5/6 Music Our Community Solar System Life Cycles Keeping Healthy At The Movies Celebration *Exploring performance / composition. *Structure – using new techniques and music *Composition – music from the 1920s. Animation Music inspired by the local community. inspired by the human life-cycle. and soundtracks. *Listening – a musical journey through *Beat, exploring Body-Popping, gospel *Performance – a lively assembly, concert or SPACE. Composers inspired by our singing in an invigorating performance. fete. universe. Art An Artist Study Sculpture Drawing (pencil, charcoal, Painter Picasso An architect study Gaudi Study of a designer Otl Aicher paint, clay etc) DT Design and build a teepee Bridge building Cooking and nutrition Each project to Understand the principles of a healthy diet follow: Prepare and cook savoury dishes Design, make, evaluate E safety Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact 7 lessons in PSHE Computing Computer science:  Scratch IT and Digital  How Digital Literacy:  spreadsheets Design, write and debug programs Counting literacy the Select, use and 4wks that accomplish specific goals, Machine 1-2 Understand computer Interne combine a variety of  Databases 4 Year 5 program including controlling or simulating wks networks inc. the net t software (including wks physical systems solve problems  Scratch Crab how they can provide Works the internet) on a  3D modelling by decomposing them into smaller Maze 3 wks multiple services such 6 wks range of digital 4 wks parts  Scratch as the WWW; and the  Web devices to design Perimeter 2-3 opportunities they researc and create a range Use sequence, selection, and wks offer for h 6 wks of programs, repetition in programs; work with  Scratch random communication and systems and variables and various forms of word 1 wk collaboration content that input and output Use sequence:  Scratch Toilet Use search accomplish given Fan 2 hours technologies goals, including Use logical reasoning to explain  Scratch Car effectively, appreciate collecting, analysing how some simple algorithms work Park Barrier 2 how results are evaluating and and how to detect and correct hours selected and ranked, presenting data and

Updated July 2017 Lea and Garsdon Primary School 2 Year Rolling Programme (Hist + Geog 4 Year Rolling Programme) Year 5/6 errors in algorithms and programs 13 lessons and be discerning in 12 lessons information 12 lessons evaluating digital content

What do different What makes some books sacred, Who has How does the Easter Why is pilgrimage Why is people believe God how are they used and why do they made a story teach forgiveness important to some pilgrimage is like? matter to believers? difference and sacrifice? religious believers? important to to the some religious RE world believers? Christianity because of their faith? How and why? 1. What do 3. What makes some books sacred, how are they 16. Justice and poverty: different people used and why do they matter to believers? Can religions help to 9. Why is pilgrimage important to some believe God is Islam build a fair world? religious believers? Islam like? Islam (Islam and Hinduism) RE 17. Who has made a Other religions difference to the world because of their faith? How and why? (Islam and Sikhism) PSHCE Witshire ‘Learn for life” PE Hockey/Tag Rugby Gymnastics Dance Netball/Football Athletics Cricket/Rounders Athletics Real PE Cognitive Skills Creative Social Skills Applying Physical Health and Fitness Personal Skills Skills Skills

Year B Updated July 2017 Lea and Garsdon Primary School 2 Year Rolling Programme (Hist + Geog 4 Year Rolling Programme) Year 5/6 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 To Infinity and Beyond! Rampaging Romans Anglo Saxons English Modern classic Stories with Instructions and Tales from other Hamilton Set B fiction Historical stories flashbacks Classic fiction explanations cultures Recounts (Neil Persuasive writing Chronological Information texts Significant authors Journalistic writing Armstrong) Free form poems reports Dialogue poems Choral poetry Narrative poems Classic poems Emily Dickinson Maths Science Y5 Earth and Y6 All living things Y6 Animal inc Y6 Light Y5 Forces Space (classification) Humans History • I have learned about the Roman • I have learned about Britain’s Empire and its impact on Britain setlement by the Anglo Saxons and including: Scots. This could include: 1. Julius Caesar’s attempted invasion • Roman withdrawal 2. Roman Empire AD42 and the power • Scots invasion of the army • Anglo Saxon invasions 3. Successful invasion by Claudius • Anglo Saxon art and culture including Hadrian’s wall • Christian conversion 4. British resistance including Boudica • I have carried out a local history 5. Romanisation of Britain and early study of the above (malmesbury)(9) Christianity Geography Skills and Fieldwork Physical geography Locational knowledge ( UK) Location knowledge  I can collect and accurately measure  I can describe and understand key  I can name and locate counties and Field skills information (e.g. rainfall, aspects of: cities of the UK temperature, wind speed, noise levels  Volcanoes  I can name and locate geographical etc).  Earthquakes regions and their identifying and human and physical characteristics,  I know key topographical features including hills, mountains, coasts and rivers  I understand land-use patterns  I understand how some of the above has changed over time

Updated July 2017 Lea and Garsdon Primary School 2 Year Rolling Programme (Hist + Geog 4 Year Rolling Programme) Year 5/6 Music World Unite Journeys Growth Roots Class Awards Moving On *Step-Dance performance. Beat *Street Dance performance. Rhythmical *Awards show / performance. Celebrating syncopation, pitch and harmony. mime, songs and instrumental our musical achievements. *Song-Cycle performance, around the accompaniments. *Musical memories and hopes for the theme of challenging journeys. *Mini-Musical performance, based around future. the slave trade and Anansi the Spiderman. (Multi-media). Art Painter Sculpture (pencil, charcoal, paint, Study of a designer - sign writing An Artist Study (Aitchl Otl) An architect study Vitruvius/Paladio clay etc) DT Rocket Building (instead of bridges) Each project to follow: http://www.wikihow.com/Build-a-Bottle- Roman viaducts/structures Design, make, evaluate Rocket E safety Use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact 7 lessons Computing Computer science:  Scratch Times IT and Digital  Web Digital Literacy:  Using Design, write and Tables Game 2-3 literacy research 6 Select, use and spreadsheet debug programs that wks Understand wks combine a variety of s 6wks (DL) Year 6 program accomplish specific  Scratch Coin computer networks Animation software (including  Prezi v goals, including Counter 2 wks inc. the net how 6wks the internet) on a PowerPoint controlling or  Scratch Create a they can provide range of digital 3-4wks (DL) simulating physical Clock 2 wks multiple services devices to design  Class web systems solve problems  Scratch such as the WWW; and create a range site using by decomposing them  Design own game and the of programs, Google Sites into smaller parts  Scratch Cartesian opportunities they systems and 6-8wks Coordinates 1-2 offer for content that Use sequence, wks communication and accomplish given selection, and  Scratch collaboration goals, including repetition in programs; Coordinates Use search collecting, analysing work with variables and Translation technologies evaluating and various forms of input Enlargement 1-2 effectively, presenting data and and output Use wks appreciate how information  Updated July 2017 Lea and Garsdon Primary School 2 Year Rolling Programme (Hist + Geog 4 Year Rolling Programme) Year 5/6 sequence:  Scratch Tilt results are selected Switch 2 hours and ranked, and be Use logical reasoning to discerning in explain how some 13 lessons evaluating digital simple algorithms work content and how to detect and 12 lessons correct errors in algorithms and 12 lessons programs RE 10. Why do some 12. Can religious Christianity 6. What are the What does the Bible What do the 8. Where, how and people believe in life teachings help us deeper meanings of teach us about the Gospels teach us why do people after death and decide what the festivals? Harvest birth of Jesus? about Easter? worship? (Prayer) what difference best way to live is? does it make? RE 6. What are the deeper 5. Who was Guru Nakah? Why 10. Why do some people believe 8. Where, how and why do Other religions meanings of festivals? and how do people follow these in life after death and what people worship? (Prayer) Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and leaders? (Sikhism) difference does it make? Hinduism and Sikhism Islam (Hinduism) PSHCE Wiltshire ‘Learn4Life’ PE Hockey/Tag Rugby Gymnastics Dance Netball/Football Athletics Cricket/Rounders Athletics Real PE Cognitive Skills Creative Skills Social Skills Applying Physical Health and Fitness Personal Skills Skills

Updated July 2017 Lea and Garsdon Primary School 2 Year Rolling Programme (Hist + Geog 4 Year Rolling Programme) Year 5/6 Year C Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Kingdom Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Ancient Greece Take one Picture Kensuke’s Kingdom A Study of British life beyond 1066 Geography English Classic fiction Biographies Short stories- Classic fiction Drama Short stories Hamilton set A Recounts Instructions and mystery Persuasive writing Reports and fantasy Slam poetry Explanations Argument and Debate poem journalistic writing Non-chron reports Classic poetry debate Poetic style Power of imagery Classic narrative Maths Science -2 year cycle Y6 Electricity Y6- Evolution and Y5 – Properties and Y5 Living things and Y5 – Animals inc Teach all strands to inheritance changes of their habitats Humans (heart, whole class materials (plants, mammals, circulation) reptiles amphibians) History I have learnt about: I have learnt about: Ancient Greece- a study of Greek life and An aspect of British History that extends achievements and their influence on the pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond western worlds 1066: The changing power of monarchs Or: Legacy of Greek or roman culture art, architecture or literature Geography Place knowledge: Skills and Fieldworks Locational knowledge (Global) Location knowledge/ I understand the geographical Using Maps I can identify the position and Field skills each year similarities and differences through the  I can use some basic Ordnance Survey significance of: study of human and physical geography map symbols. • Latitude of:  I can use grid references on a map. • Longitude • a region in the UK,  I can use an atlas by using the index to • Equator • a region in a European country find places. • Northern hemisphere • a region within North and South  I can answer questions by using a map. • Southern hemisphere America  I can use maps, aerial photographs, • The Tropic of Cancer plans and e-resources to describe what • The Tropic of Capricorn a locality might be like. • Arctic Circle  I can use Ordnance Survey symbols • Antarctic circle and 6 figure grid references. • The Prime/Greewich Meridian Updated July 2017 Lea and Garsdon Primary School 2 Year Rolling Programme (Hist + Geog 4 Year Rolling Programme) Year 5/6 • Time zones including day and night Place knowledge: • I understand the geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of: • a region in the UK, • a region in a European country • a region within North and South America

Music Our Community Solar System Life Cycles Keeping Healthy At The Movies Celebration *Exploring performance / composition. *Structure – using new techniques and music *Composition – music from the 1920s. Music inspired by the local community. inspired by the human life-cycle. Animation and soundtracks. *Listening – a musical journey through *Beat, exploring Body-Popping, gospel singing *Performance – a lively assembly, concert SPACE. Composers inspired by our in an invigorating performance. or fete. universe. Art Sculpture Painting Drawing (pencil, charcoal, paint, Clay Pots Artist study Study of a designer clay etc) DT Design and build an electrical toy Cooking and nutrition Each project to follow: Understand the principles of a healthy Design, make, evaluate diet Prepare and cook savoury dishes E safety Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact 7 lessons in PSHE Computing Computer science:  Scratch IT and Digital literacy  How Digital Literacy:  spreadsheets Design, write and debug Counting Understand computer the Select, use and 4wks programs that Machine networks inc. the net how Intern combine a variety of  Databases 4 Year 5 program accomplish specific goals, 1-2 wks they can provide multiple et software (including the wks including controlling or  Scratch services such as the WWW; Works internet) on a range of  3D modelling simulating physical Crab and the opportunities they 6 wks digital devices to 4 wks

Updated July 2017 Lea and Garsdon Primary School 2 Year Rolling Programme (Hist + Geog 4 Year Rolling Programme) Year 5/6 systems solve problems Maze 3 offer for communication and  Web design and create a by decomposing them wks collaboration resear range of programs, into smaller parts  Scratch Use search technologies ch 6 systems and content Perimeter effectively, appreciate how wks that accomplish given Use sequence, selection, 2-3 wks results are selected and goals, including and repetition in  Scratch ranked, and be discerning in collecting, analysing programs; work with random evaluating digital content evaluating and variables and various word 1 wk presenting data and forms of input and  Scratch information ( graphs output Use sequence: Toilet Fan maths?) 2 hours 12 lessons Use logical reasoning to  Scratch 12 lessons explain how some simple Car Park algorithms work and how Barrier 2 to detect and correct hours errors in algorithms and 13 lessons programs What do different What makes some Who has made a How does the Why is pilgrimage Why is people believe God books sacred, how difference to the world Easter story important to some pilgrimage RE is like? are they used and because of their faith? teach religious believers? important to Christianity why do they matter How and why? forgiveness and some religious to believers? sacrifice? believers? 1. What do different people believe God is 16. Justice and poverty: Can religions help like? Islam to build a fair world? (Islam and Hinduism) 9. Why is pilgrimage important to some RE 3. What makes some books sacred, how 17. Who has made a difference to the world religious believers? Islam Other religions are they used and why do they matter to because of their faith? How and why? believers? Islam (Islam and Sikhism) PSHCE Witshire ‘Learn for life” PE Hockey/Tag Rugby Gymnastics Dance Netball/Football Athletics Cricket/Rounders Athletics Real PE Cognitive Skills Creative Skills Social Skills Applying Physical Health and Fitness Personal Skills Skills

Updated July 2017 Lea and Garsdon Primary School 2 Year Rolling Programme (Hist + Geog 4 Year Rolling Programme) Year 5/6

Year D Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Ancient Egypt Chang Dynasty Fairgrounds History Ancient civilization – Ancient Egypt and The Chang Dynasty of Ancient China Achievements of earliest civilisations Geography Water cycle (link to history Sumer – fertile crescent etc.) Rivers and mountains – physical geo – extension from river civilisation (Sumer) Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

English Modern classic Instructions and Tales from other Stories with fiction Historical stories Classic fiction explanations cultures flashbacks Recounts (Neil Persuasive writing Information texts Significant authors Journalistic writing Chronological reports Armstrong) Free form poems Dialogue poems Choral poetry Narrative poems Classic poems Maths Science Y5 Earth Space and Y6 All living things Y6 Animal inc Humans Y6 Light Y5 Forces Magnetism (classification) (sex-ed) History • I have learnt about: The achievements of the earliest civilisations -Sumer Or Ancient Egypt The Indus Valley Shang dynasty of Ancient China

Updated July 2017 Lea and Garsdon Primary School 2 Year Rolling Programme (Hist + Geog 4 Year Rolling Programme) Year 5/6 Geography Physical geography: Human geography Skills and Fieldwork Location knowledge I can describe and understand key I can describe and understand key aspects  I can collect and accurately measure Field skills aspects of: of: information (e.g. rainfall, temperature, • Rivers • Settlement wind speed, noise levels etc). • Mountains • Land-use  • Water cycle • Economic activity including: Locational knowledge(general): • Trade-links • I can locate the world’s continents • distribution of natural resources and countries including: • I know the where Russia is, • Energy • I know the countries that make up • Food the European Union. • Minerals • I can name and locate the capital • water cities of neighbouring European countries. Music World Unite Journeys Growth Roots Class Awards Moving On *Step-Dance performance. Beat *Street Dance performance. Rhythmical *Awards show / performance. Celebrating syncopation, pitch and harmony. mime, songs and instrumental our musical achievements. *Song-Cycle performance, around the accompaniments. *Musical memories and hopes for the future. theme of challenging journeys. *Mini-Musical performance, based around (Multi-media). the slave trade and Anansi the Spiderman. Art Painter Sculpture (pencil, charcoal, Study of a designer - sign writing An Artist Study An architect study paint, clay etc) DT Each project to Rocket Building (instead of bridges) follow: http://www.wikihow.com/Build-a-Bottle- Roman viaducts/structures Design, make, Rocket evaluate E safety Use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact 7 lessons

Updated July 2017 Lea and Garsdon Primary School 2 Year Rolling Programme (Hist + Geog 4 Year Rolling Programme) Year 5/6 Computing Computer science:  Scratch Times IT and Digital  Web research Digital Literacy:  Using Design, write and debug Tables Game 2- literacy 6 wks Select, use and spreadsheets programs that 3 wks Understand Animation 6wks combine a variety of 6wks (DL) Year 6 program accomplish specific  Scratch Coin computer software (including  Prezi v goals, including Counter 2 wks networks inc. the the internet) on a PowerPoint 3- controlling or simulating  Scratch Create net how they can range of digital 4wks (DL) physical systems solve a Clock 2 wks provide multiple devices to design and  Class web site problems by  Scratch services such as create a range of using Google decomposing them into  Design own the WWW; and programs, systems Sites 6-8wks smaller parts game the opportunities and content that  Scratch they offer for accomplish given Use sequence, selection, Cartesian communication goals, including and repetition in Coordinates 1-2 and collaboration collecting, analysing programs; work with wks Use search evaluating and variables and various  Scratch technologies presenting data and forms of input and Coordinates effectively, information output Use sequence: Translation appreciate how  Enlargement 1- results are Use logical reasoning to 2 wks selected and explain how some simple  Scratch Tilt ranked, and be algorithms work and how Switch 2 hours discerning in 12 lessons to detect and correct 13 lessons evaluating digital errors in algorithms and content programs 12 lessons RE 10. Why do some 12. Can religious Christianity 6. What are the What does the Bible What do the Gospels 8. Where, how and people believe in life teachings help us deeper meanings of teach us about the teach us about why do people after death and what decide what the best festivals? Harvest birth of Jesus? Easter? worship? (Prayer) difference does it way to live is? make? RE 6. What are the deeper 5. Who was Guru Nakah? Why and 10. Why do some people believe 8. Where, how and why do Other religions meanings of festivals? how do people follow these in life after death and what people worship? (Prayer) Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and leaders? (Sikhism) difference does it make? Hinduism and Sikhism Islam (Hinduism) PSHCE Wiltshire ‘Learn4Life’ Updated July 2017 Lea and Garsdon Primary School 2 Year Rolling Programme (Hist + Geog 4 Year Rolling Programme) Year 5/6 PE Hockey/Tag Rugby Gymnastics Dance Netball/Football Athletics Cricket/Rounders Athletics Real PE Cognitive Skills Creative Skills Social Skills Applying Physical Health and Fitness Personal Skills Skills

Updated July 2017

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