Northern California Child Development, Inc
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GOVERNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES 220 SYCAMORE STREET, SUITE 200 RED BLUFF, CA 96080 February 25, 2015 12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. Chelsey Davis, Governing Board Chairperson brought the February 25, 2015 meeting to order at 12:15 p.m. 1. ATTENDANCE Members in attendance: Chelsey Davis, Teresa Curiel, Sandy Burkett, Araceli Martinez, Linda J. Lucas, Dago Bobadilla, Arthur Bergenn Members that were missed: Marianne Willard, Natalie Beeman, Tessa Briggs A quorum was met.
Guests: None Staff: Tori Prest, Paige Davison, Rosie Flores-Wilfong, Beth Janes, Tina Robertson, Ashley Williams, Kelly May, Brian Heese Chelsey welcomed everyone and introductions were made. 2. NCCDI MISSION MOMENT A Mission Moment was not presented this month. 3. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA No additions to the agenda this month. 4. REVIEW PLANNING CYCLE CALENDAR Brian reviewed the Planning Cycle Calendar. 5. ACTION ITEMS *Approval of Minutes – Linda J. Lucas made a motion to approve the January 2015 Meeting Minutes, Sandy Burkett seconded; the motion carried. *Revised Bank signature Cards for Signing Checks – Brian requested that Tina (Christina) Robertson be added to the bank signature cards to allow her to sign company checks. Sandy Burkett made a motion to approve adding Tina to the bank signature cards, Teresa Curiel seconded; motion carried. *CACFP Meal Counts Report- Paige reviewed the report. There were 7,735 meals and snacks served with reimbursement of $16,644.95 in the month of January 2015. Teresa Curiel made the motion to approve the January 2015 CACFP Meal Count Report, Linda J. Lucas seconded; motion carried. *Tracking / File Monitoring Report – Paige reported that Jeanne, the Program Monitor, will be visiting the centers to recheck the children’s cumulative binders. The number of children that have completed health requirements
N:\Governing Board\GB MINUTES\14-15 GB Mins & Ags\f February 2015 Page 1 of 3 has increased. Linda J. Lucas made a motion to approve the Tracking/File Monitoring Report, Sandy Burkett seconded; motion carried. * Self-Assessment Process – Near the end of every school year NCCDI does a Self-Assessment. In the past there has been a tool like the one used for the Federal Reviews. The old tool is not recommended since the changes to the review process have come into effect. Each content area will be looking at data sources and whether or not we are getting the desired outcomes. Are we doing the right things not are we doing things right. Teresa Curiel made a motion to approve the Self-Assessment Process, Linda J. Lucas seconded; motion carried. *Fiscal Report – Kelly reviewed the Fiscal Report. She reviewed the narrative, check register, statements of activity for Head Start and Early Head Start, the credit card statement and the In-Kind summary report. Teresa Curiel made a motion to approve the Fiscal Report for January 2015, Araceli Martinez seconded; motion carried.
*Fiscal Year Audit Report – Scotty from Randolph Scott and Company teleconferenced into the Governing Board Meeting. He stated that NCCDI received a clean opinion with no scope of limitations. Our Statement of Assets has improved and we are in good condition where unrestricted funds are concerned. Printed copies of the audit will be distributed at the March meeting. Araceli Martinez made a motion to approve the Fiscal Year Audit Report, Teresa Curiel seconded; motion carried. *ERSEA Report – Brian gave the report in Jennifer’s absence. He reported the program is 98% enrolled. He reviewed the waitlist numbers, the number of children with IEPs or IFSPs, and attendance. Most absences were due to illness. He also shared the number of EHS home visits that have been completed. Brian shared the updates to the Eligibility Guidelines mandated by the Office of Head Start. ERSEA recruitment for the 2015-2016 school year has begun. Araceli Martinez made a motion to approve the ERSEA Report, Sandy Burkett seconded, the motion carried. 6. DIRECTOR’S REPORT – Brian shared the status of the Early Childcare Partnership Grant. There is still a chance that we will receive a portion of the grant. He shared that there is a new bill in congress regarding a Birth to 5 Grant that would allow an EHS child to transition into HS without reapplication. He stated that we just completed our CLASS review and results should be back within 30 days. The Environmental Health and Safety Federal Review will be held in the next couple of months. Brian’s written report is included for your review.
7. SERVICE AREA REPORTS *Head Start/ Preschool Director Report: Rosie gave details about the CLASS review and the reviewers. The Staff felt really proud of themselves. *Health & Safety Services Director Report: Paige gave the CACFP & Tracking/File Monitoring Reports. *Family & Community Outreach Director Report: Tina gave kudos to Marcelino Rodriguez for the collaboration with the Red Bluff Unified Elementary School District for a class on relationships and communication that was very much a success. He will be holding another class in March at Vista Preparatory School. NCCDI hosted Corning in the Evening at the Corning Head Start Center. There was good attendance, good food, and community members were enlightened about what NCCDI is all about. Tina announced the winner of the Show the Love Media Contest is Tadpoles to Toads Center. This was a contest to get as many people as possible to like our Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. *Parent /Father Engagement Report: Tina invited the Tehama County Library to the Pancakes with POP. Now other centers are inviting the TCL Librarian to their parent meetings to give presentations. Child Abuse Prevention council is holding a Child Abuse Reporting Workshop on February 26, 2015 at the Red Bluff Community Center. Mike’s written report is included in the packet for your review. *Personnel Report: No report this month. 8. CORRESPONDENCE/ANNOUNCEMENTS – Brian reviewed the scoring letter from CDE for the California State Preschool Program Expansion Funds Request Application. 9. POLICY COUNCIL REPORT - Araceli shared the Policy Council Parent Engagement Committee meeting minutes that are included in your packet for your review. Araceli reported about her trip to Los Angeles for the CHSA Conference. She learned a lot of good information as a parent and as a future employee. She really enjoyed it. N:\Governing Board\GB MINUTES\14-15 GB Mins & Ags\f February 2015 Page 2 of 3 10. COMMUNITY AWARENESS INFORMATION Child Abuse Prevention Council will hold a reporting workshop on Thursday, February 26, 2015, 6-8 p.m. 11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Chelsey Davis, Governing Board Chairperson, will be resigning her position due to her family moving out of state. Linda J. Lucas, Vice Chairperson, has graciously accepted the position of Chairperson for the remainder of this year. A new Vice Chairperson will be elected at the March Governing Board meeting 12. NEW BUSINESS No new business at this time.
13. ANNOUNCEMENTS No announcements at this time. 14. CLOSED SESSION No closed session this month. 15. ADJOURNMENT Chelsey Davis, Chairperson, adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m.
Submitted by,
Beth Janes Administrative Assistant
Governing Board meetings are usually held on the 4th Wednesday of each month.
THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR: Wednesday, March 25, 2015.
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