Workshop on European Futures: key themes from postgraduate research

Call for Proposals – EXTENDED DEADLINE

The University of Warwick, the Midlands Graduate School (bringing together the ESRC Doctoral Training Centres of Warwick, Birmingham and Nottingham) alongside Belgium based Universities are organising a two-day workshop in Brussels entitled ‘European Futures: key themes from postgraduate research’. Framed by keynote addresses from EU policymakers and specialist academics, the event will feature short presentations from 12 doctoral students on how their research responds to potential policy or institutional futures in and for the European Union. Participants will also be taken on a tour of the European Parliament.

The University of Nottingham invites student proposals to bid for one of three places in this event from Nottingham DTC students. The proposal must take the form of a one-page summary of a presentation of no more than 20 minutes which addresses the theme of ‘European futures’ as linked to the student’s doctoral research and this theme is to be interpreted broadly.

The workshop will take place from Tuesday 12th July to Wednesday 13th July at the University of Warwick Brussels Office, hosted by the Greater Birmingham and West Midlands Brussels Office:

The University of Warwick European Strategy team will cover the costs of participants’ accommodation, lunches and evening dinner, and the Nottingham ESRC DTC will cover the costs of student’s travel to and from Brussels.

All proposals should be emailed to (a) Lila Tennent, Centre Administrator, Warwick ESRC DTC ([email protected]) copying in (b) the Nottingham ESRC DTC administrator in your institution (Lydia Wallman [email protected]).

Deadline for proposals – Monday 13th June 2016

Draft Programme

‘European Futures: key themes from postgraduate research’

12 – 13 July 2016

Warwick Brussels Office, Greater Birmingham and West Midlands Brussels Office Avenue d'Auderghem 22-28, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium

Tuesday 12 July

12.45 Arrive and lunch at Warwick Brussels Office 13.45 Welcome and Introduction (Michael Saward, Warwick ESRC DTC Director) 14.00 George Christou (Associate Professor of European Politics, University of Warwick) 14.30 Student Presentations (with break) 17.45 Day 1 Close (Michael Saward) 19.30 Evening dinner

Wednesday 13 July

08.00 Meet in hotel lobby and walk to Parliament 08.30 Tour of European Parliament 10.00 Return to Brussels Office from Parliament 10.15 Refreshments 10.30 Student Presentations 13.30 Lunch 14.00 Daniel Dalton, MEP for the West Midlands 14.30 Event Close (Michael Saward) 15.00 Depart Brussels


Thon EU Hotel Rue de la Loi 75, 1040 Brussels, Belgium