Questions for Chp. 12 Services with ANSWERS
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Questions for Chp. 12 Services with ANSWERS
1. What is a service? any activity that fulfills a human want or need and returns money to those who provide it.
2. What is a settlement? permanent collection of buildings where people reside, work, and obtain services.
3. What are the 3 services in MDCs? consumer, business, public
4. What is the purpose of consumer services? to provide services to individual consumers who desire them and can afford to pay for them.
5. What are the 4 main types of consumer services? retail, education, health, and leisure
6. What is the purpose of business services? To help other businesses
7. What are the 3 kinds of business services? financial, professional, transportation and information services
8. What is the purpose of public services? provide security and protection for citizens and businesses
9. What is one main change in the status re: the number of employees in public services in 2014? Jobs in retailing has not increases - more stores are opening all the time, but they do not need as many employees as in the past - technology advances
10. What caused the Recession in the USA? rapid rise in real estate prices; poor judgment in lending financial institutions that allowed too many people to get mortgages; too many people could not pay their mortgages; government decided to reduce or eliminate regulation of financial institutions that allowed too many people to buy homes;
11. Which buildings in early settlements were often the tallest structures in a community? religious
12. Give examples of early public services. soldiers, forts, walls
13. Where did ancient urban settlements begin? Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Indus River Valley
14. Ancient settlements were called city-states in Athens. What is a city-state? independent, self- governing communities that included the settlement and nearby countryside
15. Most of the Middle Ages' largest cities were located where? Asia - Istanbul, Kyoto, Agra, Cairo, Canon, Isfahan
16. Rural settlements main service is what? for agriculture
17. What are reasons for establishing a settlement? religion, politics, manufacturing, protection 18. How can urbanization be analyzed? looking at the # and % of people living in city/urban
19. What is the relationship between urbanization and the Industrial Revolution? I.R. promoted/led to urbanization
20. What is the difference between a clustered rural settlement and a dispersed rural settlement? clustered rural: place where a number of families live in close proximity to each other, with fields surrounding the collection of houses and farm buildings; dispersed rural: type of North American rural landscape, is characterized by farmers living on individual farms isolated from neighbors rather than alongside of other farmers in settlements
21. What is the advantage of having linear rural settlement called "long-lot" once common in France? Everyone has access to a river.
22. Clustered rural settlements in Colonial America were found predominately in what region? New England
23. What is the history behind dispersed rural settlements in the USA in the early years? Land opened for settlers due to the Louisiana Purchase by President Jefferson. There was plenty of land and for a cheap cost. Men/women from the Middle Atlantic States started crossing the Appalachian Mountains. Because men/women could afford more land, they had large farms and the next neighbor might be a mile or two away.
24. What is the Enclosure Movement and where did this happen? Great Britain between 1750 and 1850. British government destroyed village life, confiscated small farmers' land, and consolidated many small farmers' land to rich landowners. The Gov't believed larger farms would produce more food for Great Britain. Small farmers had to move to urban places like London and Dublin and Edinburgh to find work. This caused Great Britain to have large, dispersed farmsteads like in the USA west of the Appalachian Mts.
25. Explain the 3 principles of Louis Wirth's Model/Theory of urban settlements. 1. large size (relationships are contractual - meet people mostly at work or at service like a doctor, lawyer, etc.) 2. high density: causes social problems - survival, groups compete for land 3. social heterogeneity - large settlements have a greater variety of people - good and bad -- find more people with the same interests cluster together in a city - but there is also loneliness.
26. Explain the Gravity Model as it applies to services in cities. the potential use of a service at a location is related directly to population and inversely to distance
27. What are periodic markets? helps LDCs that have only 1 major, primate city. Vendors travel to all the small hamlets and villages of an LDC country and provide supplies, food, clothing, etc. at a certain time each week or month. Poor rural people cannot afford to travel to the primate city; they count on vendors to come to them. Works in MDCs but on a smaller scale with farmers' markets. 28. What is urbanization? an increase in the percentage of the number of people living in urban cities
29. What are the 2 outcomes of urbanization? 1. increase in the number of people living in cities and an increase to the percentage of people living in cities.
30. Central Place Theory by Christaller
Define central place: market center for the exchange of goods and services by people attracted from the surrounding area - also centrally located to maximize accessibility.
Define market area/hinterland: area surrounding a services from which customers are attracted - nodal region - functional region
Define range: maximum distance people are willing to travels to use a service - measured in time in 2014, also in miles, but most people talk about the time it takes to reach a place rather than the exact miles
Define threshold: minimum number of people needed to support the service
31. What are the 3 steps to Market Analysis - finding the right place to start a store/business? Computer the range, compute the threshold, draw the market area
32. Hierarchy of Settlements according to Christaller is: hamlet, village, town, city, conurbation
33. Define a the rank-size rule distribution of cities: a pattern of settlements in a country that is the from the smallest to the largest: the 2nd largest city is 1/2 the size of the largest; the 3rd largest city is 1/3 the size of the largest, etc. Most common in USA and Canada
34. Define the primate city rule distribution of cities: often in poor LDCs and also Europe like France. Largest settlement has more than twice as many people as the second-ranking settlement. The largest settlement is the primate city.
35. Which distribution of cities is the most advantageous or goal? rank-size rule because a country has services evenly distributed in various large cities, not just in one primate city.
36. What are the four types of urban settlements? world cities, command and control centers, specialized produce service centers, and dependent centers
37. What services are provided in world cities? Flow of info and money
38. What are the 3, dominant world cities? Tokyo, NYC, and London
39. What are the 2 types of business services in LDCS? Offshore financial services & Back-office functions
40. What are the two benefits of Offshore Financial Services? taxes and privacy 41. Name a couple of Offshore financial places? British dependences, independent island countries, and other independent countries (Barbados, Bahamas, Samoa, Belize, Bahrain, Netherlands Antilles, and some MDCs like Liechtenstein and Monaco.
42. What do Back Offices do? payroll management, processing insurance claims, billing inquiries for credit cards, shipments, and claims
43. Why have LDCs attracted back offices? low ages and ability to speak English
44. What is an economic base? a collection of basic industries in a community
45. What is the difference between basic and nonbasic industries? basic industries- sell their products or services primarily to consumers outside of the settlements; nonbasic industries: industries that sell their products primarily to consumers in the community.
46. Why is a settlement's economic base important? Because exporting by the basic industries brings money to the local economy thus stimulating the provision of more nonbasic consumer services to a settlement, and they bring their families with them.