Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
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Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies College of Education and Health Professions Master of Education and Superintendent Certification Candidate Handbook August 2010
Note: This handbook is subject to change without prior notification. Updates will be available in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies office. This handbook does not constitute a catalog and does not carry catalog privileges.
Welcome Candidate------3
Mission, Core Values and Professional Dispositions------6
Masters Program------8
Program Standards------9
Admissions Process------13
Completion Requirements------14
Graduate Advising------14
Program Options------15
Certification Examination ------15
Masters Level Classes------16
Course Descriptions------18
Program Locations------22
Internship Classes------22
Superintendent Certification------26
State Standards------27
Course Descriptions------29
Certification Examination------30
Welcome to the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (ELPS) of the College of Education and Health Professions. You have chosen one of the best educational leadership programs in the state of Texas. Our graduates have attained administrative positions in public, private, and charter schools in the Fort Worth-Dallas area, the state of Texas, and through out the United States. The faculty and staff of ELPS are committed to properly preparing you for leadership roles in education of students.
This Guidebook will provide information that should be helpful as you progress through your program. Some pages will provide links to access documents that you will need as well as links to key personnel in the advising and certification office.
Educational administration courses have been offered at UTA since the fall of 1993. The Department of Educational Leadership was established in 1997. The department was renamed the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy studies in 2001 when we became the College of Education. We have had more than 1,000 students successfully complete our principal certification program since the first classes were offered in 1993. Many of the superintendents in the state of Texas received their certification through the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies.
3 ELPS Leadership Personnel
Dr. Adrienne Hyle, Department Chair [email protected]
Dr. Ernest Johnson, Assistant Department Chair and Advisor for Academic Partnerships [email protected]
Dr. Rhonda McClellan and Dr. Barbara Tobolowsky, Advisors for Ph. D. Program [email protected] [email protected]
Dr. Ava Munoz, Advisor for Masters Degree with Principal Certification [email protected]
Dr. Harold L. Smith, Advisor for Principal Certification Only [email protected]
Dr. Adrienne Hyle, Advisor for Higher Education Emphasis [email protected]
Dr. Ron Caloss, Director Superintendency Program [email protected]
Office: 105A Trimble Hall PO Box 19575 701 Planetarium Place Arlington, Texas 76019 817-272-2841 Web Site:
4 Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Faculty and Adjunct Instructors
Amah, Ifeoma, Assistant Professor Ausbrooks, Carrie; Associate Professor; Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Caloss, Ronald; Lecturer; Special Assistant to the Dean, Director of Superintendency Casey, Patricia; Assistant Professor Davis, Dannielle; Assistant Professor Funkhouser, Charles; Professor Gardner, Kent; Senior Lecturer Gerlach, Jeanne; Professor; Associate Vice President for K-16 Initiatives / Dean, College of Education and Health Professions Green, Kenneth; Adjunct Instructor Hardy, James; Associate Professor Hyle, Adrienne; Professor; Department Chair Johnson, Ernest; Senior Lecturer; Assistant Department Chair Kron, Mary Lynn; Adjunct Instructor McClellan, Rhonda; Associate Professor Morgan, Janet; Adjunct Instructor Muñoz, Ava; Assistant Professor Otto, Douglas; Adjunct Instructor Smith, Harold; Clinical Lecturer Tobolowsky, Barbara; Assistant Professor Wasserman, Lewis; Associate Professor
The University of Texas at Arlington College of Education
5 Mission, Core Values and Professional Dispositions Mission: To promote a collaborative culture of excellence in research, teaching, and service. The College is committed to fostering critical, creative thinkers prepared to engage meaningfully in a dynamic society.
The Educator and Administrator Preparation units’ collaboratively developed shared vision is based on these CORE VALUES, dispositions and commitments to: Excellence Diversity Learner-centered environment Technology Research-based Field Experiences Collaboration Life-long Learning
Each candidate in the Educator and Administrator Unit of the College of Education of UT-Arlington will be evaluated on PROFESSIONAL DISPOSITIONS by faculty and staff. These dispositions have been identified as essential for a highly-qualified educator. Instructors and program directors will work with candidates rated as “unacceptable” in one or more stated criteria. The candidate will have an opportunity to develop a plan to remediate any deficiencies.
Demonstrates excellence • Meets stated expectations of student performance. • Keeps timelines. Arrives on time for class and other activities. • Produces significant artifacts of practitioner evidence. • Possesses a willingness to set goals. • Attends all classes/trainings and practicum experiences. • Completes activities as assigned. • Has appropriate personal appearance and/or hygiene for professional setting.
Participates in a learner centered environment and shows respect for self and others
6 • Uses appropriate and professional language and conduct. • Supports a "high quality” learning environment. • Shows respect and consideration for the thoughts and feelings of others. Research-based pedagogy • Has an awareness of and willingness to accept research-based concepts. • Identifies important trends in education. • Demonstrates interests in learning new ideas and strategies. • Relates class discussions and issues to current events in education. Participates in on-going collaboration with peers and professionals • Demonstrates kindness, fairness, patience, dignity and respect in working with peers, staff and instructors. • Works effectively with others. • Assists others in the university classroom or practicum setting. • Demonstrates an openness to assistance from others. • Receives feedback in a positive manner and makes necessary adjustment. Exhibits stewardship of diversity • Shows appropriate stewardship and tolerance to diverse people, environments, and situations. Advocates use of technology • Uses and applies existing technologies sufficiently in work. • Shows a willingness to use and apply emerging technologies in work. Shows interest in the learner and the learning-process • Demonstrates significant learning improvement over time. • Shows interest in the learning process and demonstrates the necessary amount of time, energy, and enthusiasm for becoming better learners, teachers, and practitioners.
Program Standards for Principalship The Principalship program is developed to meet the standards of the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), the
8 standards of the Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC), and the Texas Education Agency Domains and Competencies for Principal Certification. The University of Texas at Arlington is also accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).
This handbook addresses the Master of Education program and the principal and superintendent certification programs.
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)
Standard 1 - CREATING THE VISION OF A COLLABORATIVE LEARNING COMMUNITY. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a district vision of learning supported by the school community. (1) Develop a vision; (2) Articulate a vision; (3) Implement a vision; (4) Steward of a vision; (5) Promote community involvement in the vision.
Standard 2 - CULTURE THAT VALUES ENHANCED PERFORMANCE. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by promoting a positive district culture, providing effective instructional programs, applying best practice to student learning, and designing comprehensive professional growth plans for staff. (1) Promote positive school culture; (2) Provide effective instructional program; (3) Apply best practice to student learning; (4) Design comprehensive professional growth plans
Standard 3 - FACILITATING THE ORGANIZATION AND OPERATION OF LEARNING COMMUNITY RESOURCES. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by managing the organization, operations, and resources of a district in a way
9 that promotes a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. (1) Manage the organization; (2) Manage operations; (3) Manage resources
Standard 4 - THE STRENGTH OF COLLORBATIVE PARTNERSHIPS. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by collaborating with families and other community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. . (1) Collaborate with families and other community members; (2) Respond to community interest and needs; (3) Mobilize community resources
Standard 5 - THE MORAL DILEMMA. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairly, and in an ethical manner. 1) Acts with integrity; (2) Acts fairly; (3) Acts ethically
Standard 6 - THE POLITICS OF ADMINISTRATIVE LEADERSHIP. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. (1) Understand the larger context; (2) Respond to the larger context; (3) Influence the larger context
Standard 7 – INTERNSHIP. The internship provides significant opportunities for candidates to synthesize and apply the knowledge and practice and develop the skills identified in Standards 1-6 through substantial, sustained, standards-based work in real settings, planned and guided cooperatively by the institution and school district personnel for graduate credit. (1) Substantial; (2) Sustained; (3) Standards-based; (4) Real setting; (5) Planned and guided cooperatively; (6) Graduate credit
Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) STANDARD 1: VISIONARY LEADERSHIP. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by facilitating the development,
10 articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a school or district vision of learning supported by the school community. STANDARD 2: INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by promoting a positive school culture, providing an effective instructional program, applying best practice to student learning, and designing comprehensive professional growth plans for staff. STANDARD 3: ORGAINZATIONAL LEADERSHIP. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by managing the organization, operations, and resources in a way that promotes a safe, effective, and effective learning environment. STANDARD 4: COLLABORATIVE LEADERSHIP. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by collaborating with families and other community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. STANDARD 5: ETHICAL LEADERSHIP. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairly, and in an ethical manner. STANDARD 6: POLITICAL LEADERSHIP. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by understanding, responding to and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural context. STANDARD: 7 – INTERNSHIP. The internship provides significant opportunities for candidates to synthesize and apply the knowledge and practice and develop the skills identified in Standards 1-6 through substantial, sustained, standards-based work in real settings, planned and guided cooperatively by the institution and school district personnel for graduate credit.
State of Texas Domains and Competencies—Building Leadership:
11 DOMAIN: 1) SCHOOL COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP (School community includes students, staff, parents/caregivers, and community members.) COMPETENCY: 001) The principal knows how to shape campus culture by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. COMPETENCY:002) The principal knows how to communicate and collaborate with all members of the school community, respond to diverse interest and needs, and mobilize resources to promote student success. COMPETENCY: 003) The principal knows how to act with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical and legal manner.
DOMAIN: II) INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP COMPETENCY: 004 The principal knows how to facilitate the design and implementation of curricula and strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning: ensure alignment of curriculum, instruction, resources, and assessment: and promote the use of varied assessments to measure student performance. COMPETENCY: 005 The principal knows how to advocate, nurture, a sustain an instructional program and a campus culture that are conductive to student learning and staff professional growth. COMPETENCY: 006 The principal knows how to implement a staff evaluation and development to improve the performance of all staff members, select and implement appropriate models for supervision and staff development, and apply the legal requirements for personnel management. COMPETENCY: 007 The principal knows how to apply organization decision-making, and problem-solving skills to ensure an effective learning environment.
DOMAIN: III) ADMINISRATIVE LEADERSHIP COMPETENCY: 008 The principal knows how to apply principles of effective leadership and management in relation to campus budgeting, personnel, resource utilization, financial management, and technology use. COMPETENCY: 009 The principal knows how to apply principles of leadership and management to the campus physical plant and support systems to ensure a safe and effective learning environment.
12 Admissions Process The admission process begins with an online application. The following link provides information about programs, requirements and supportive materials you will need.
Unconditional Admission
2 of 3 current GRE minimum score conditions
verbal score of 500 (not less than 400) analytical writing score of 4.0 3.0 GPA during the last 60 hours of undergraduate coursework AND a 3.0 average on all graduate work 3 letters of reference on file Probationary Admission Applicants failing to meet the unconditional admission GRE criteria or having a GPA less than 3.0 may be considered for probationary admission in which case the following criteria will also be considered by the Graduate Studies Committee: Professionally relevant experience Writing sample Terms of Probation upon Acceptance: All students admitted under probation status will be required to earn a 3.5 GPA during the first 12 hours of graduate coursework in the program. Provisional Admission An applicant unable to supply all required documentation prior to the admissions deadline, but whom otherwise appears to meet admissions requirements may be granted provisional admission.
Deferred Admission An applicant's admission may be deferred when a file is not complete or when denying admission is not appropriate.
Denied Admission
13 An applicant may be denied admission if the conditions for unconditional and probationary admission have not been met.
In addition, if a student has been suspended from The University of Texas at Arlington or any other university or program for reasons other than academic reasons, that student may not be admitted or readmitted to an educator preparation program in the College of Education and Health Professions.
Coursework and Completion Requirements Coursework that is more than six years old at the time of graduation or teacher/administrator certification program completion cannot be used toward meeting the requirements for a master's degree or graduate-level certification. Master’s degree and graduate level certification programs must be completed within six years (time in military service excluded) from initial registration in the Graduate School. Appropriate state exams and application to the State Board for Educator Certification for a standard certificate must be made within six months of completion of residency/practicum/program. If a candidate allows the six month period to go by without passing all state exams and applying for certification, additional coursework and/or state exams will be required. Graduate Advising The College of Education and Health Professions has a web site all students will need. Students can view important dates including deadline for applying for graduation. This site links you to your advisor, frequently asked questions, and other information that will be helpful to you. The following link is one you will need while enrolled at UTA. h ttp:// This site also provides information for those that are current students as well as for prospective students. There is a link available, COED ListServ, you may join to receive information emailed to you.
Program Options
Master of Education with Principal Certification 36 semester credit hours (10 academic courses + 2 internships)
14 Master of Education with Principal Certification with Dual Language Emphasis 36 semester credit hours (10 academic courses + 2 internships) Four classes (12 hours) will be in the Center for Bilingual and ESL Education
Principal Certification Only Program 24 semester credit hours (6 academic courses + 2 internships) Candidates must have a Master’s Degree
Master of Education in Higher Education 36 semester credit hours (11 academic courses + 1 internship)
Certification Examination All programs require the candidates to score 80% or above on the principal or superintendent certification practice test that will be administrated in the first internship class. There is a fee to take the practice test. The test may be taken more than one time if necessary. The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) has a web-site where you will find information about certification tests. Preparation materials for the principal and superintendent tests are at Test 068 is the principal study material. Test 064, two sessions, is the superintendent study material.
Texas Teacher/Administrator Certification Exams Texas law requires all individuals seeking educator certification to pass examinations in the areas which they seek certification. The purpose of these examinations is to ensure that each educator has the necessary academic content and professional knowledge to perform in Texas public schools. The Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES) program was developed for this purpose. IMPORTANT NOTE: UTA students are allowed to take only one test per test date.
The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) approved a “universal test fee” of $120 that took effect September 1, 2008. This means that $120 will be charged for a test regardless of whether it is delivered via computer or paper. The Principal Certification test and the Superintendent Certification test are not
15 available as a computer exam. The Superintendent test is a two-session test and is $240.
Candidates for the Master of Education in Higher Education will not be required to take a practice test or state certification exam since the program does not lead to state certification. Principalship Classes for Master’s Degree and Certification Required: EDAD 5302—Educational Technology Planning EDAD 5322—Research and Evaluation EDAD 5330—Leadership in the Instructional Setting EDAD 5380—Diversity in Educational Settings EDAD 5381—Political and Legal Aspects of Education EDAD 5382—Foundations of Educational Administration EDAD 5383—The Principalship EDAD 5384—Resource Management in Education EDAD 5389—Administrative Internship EDAD 5399—Capstone Internship Electives:—Must take one EDAD 5305—Curriculum Design EDAD 5309—Advanced Instructional Strategies Electives:—Must take one EDAD 5376—Educational Governance EDAD 5377—Contemporary Issues in Education EDAD 5388—Educational Policy in the Public Schools EDAD 5395—Futuristic Leadership Roles in School Administration
Principalship Classes for Master’s Degree and Certification with Dual Language Emphasis Required: BEEP 5318 —Foundations of Bilingual Education BEEP 5365—Organization and Administration of Dual Language Programs BEEP 5366—Enhancing Spanish Proficiency EDAD 5302—Educational Technology Planning EDAD 5322—Research and Evaluation
16 EDAD 5330—Leadership in the Instructional Setting EDAD 5376—Educational Governance EDAD 5381—Political and Legal Aspects of Education EDAD 5382—Foundations of Educational Administration EDAD 5383—The Principalship EDAD 5384—Resource Management in Education EDAD 5399—Capstone Internship
Principalship Classes for Principal Certification Only Required: EDAD 5330—Leadership in the Instructional Setting EDAD 5381—Political and Legal Aspects of Education EDAD 5382—Foundations of Educational Administration EDAD 5383—The Principalship EDAD 5384—Resource Management in Education EDAD 5389—Administrative Internship EDAD 5399—Capstone Internship Electives: Select one EDAD 5380—Diversity in Educational Settings EDAD 5322—Research and Evaluation EDAD 5305—Curriculum Design EDAD 5309—Advanced Instructional Strategies EDAD 5376—Educational Governance EDAD 5377—Contemporary Issues in Education EDAD 5388—Educational Policy in the Public Schools EDAD 5395—Futuristic Leadership Roles in School Administration Master’s Degree Higher Education Emphasis Required: EDAD 5302—Educational Technology Planning EDAD 5322—Research and Evaluation EDAD 5351—Student Affairs EDAD 5352—Higher Education Law EDAD 5353—Higher Education Finance EDAD 5354—American Community College EDAD 5355—Higher Education Curriculum
17 EDAD 5356—History, Principles and Philosophy of Higher Education EDAD 5376—Education Governance EDAD 5380—Diversity in Educational Settings EDAD 5382—Foundations of Educational Administration EDAD 5395—Higher Education Administration Internship
Master Level Courses Course fee information is published in the online Student Schedule of Classes. Please refer to for a detailed listing of specific course fees. EDAD5190- SELECTED TOPICS IN EDUCATION (1 - 0) An examination of different topics related to education. This seminar may be repeated for credit as the topic changes. EDAD5191- INDEPENDENT RESEARCH (1 - 0) Research for thesis substitute or equivalent over topic agreed upon between student and instructor. Can be repeated for credit with permission. EDAD5199-PROBATIONARY CERTIFICATION INTERNSHIP (1-1) Designed to provide assistant principals on Probationary Certification ELPS assistance as they meet the requirements of full certification. EDAD5290- SELECTED TOPICS IN EDUCATION (2 - 0) An examination of different topics related to education. This seminar may be repeated for credit as the topic changes. EDAD5291- INDEPENDENT RESEARCH (2 - 0) Research for thesis substitute or equivalent over topic agreed upon between student and instructor. May be repeated for credit with permission. EDAD5301- CURR APP TEC ED (3 - 0) (Catalog has this as 5301 not 5302) EDAD5305- CURRICULUM DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION, AND EVALUATION (3 - 0) An examination of theory and research in curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation. Emphasis on current trends in the content areas. EDAD5309- ADVANCED INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (3 - 0) A study of advanced models of teaching, including concept attainment, inductive thinking, inquiry, cognitive growth, non-directive group investigation, laboratory training, simulation and the training model. Research in teacher effectiveness and demonstration of various models will be required. EDAD5315- RESEARCH PRACTICUM (3 - 0) Examination of basic concepts and procedures necessary for empirical research
18 investigations within classroom contexts, experimental design, data collection and interpretation, and statistical analysis. EDAD5321- EDUCATIONAL RES (3 - 0) EDAD5322- EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND EVALUATION (3 - 0) An overview of basic concepts and procedures necessary for analyzing, designing, and conducting quantitative and qualitative educational studies. Topics include familiarization with educational journals, associations, funding agencies, accreditation procedures, program evaluation, sampling procedures, data collection, and statistical analyses. EDAD5330- LEADERSHIP IN THE INSTRUCTIONAL SETTING (3 - 0) Examination of current research on effective instructional organizations and classroom instruction in today's schools, on characteristics of school leadership, and on the role and function of the teacher as instructional leader. Topics include the essential components of instruction, developing instructional-management systems, evaluating student and teacher performance, assisting colleagues to monitor and improve instructional skills, school climate and leadership styles as they impact on school improvement. (This class leads to the Instructional Leadership Development certificate.) EDAD5363- ADVANCED EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (3 - 0) An in-depth coverage of selected topics in the design of research and the collection and analysis of data. Topics include multivariate analyses, experimental and quasi-experimental designs, development and selection of data collection instruments, focus group interviewing, observational research, the Delphi method, and interpretive analysis. EDAD5376- EDUCATIONAL GOVERNANCE (3 - 0) Focus on the appointed and elected entities and bureaucracies that determine and implement policy in public education. EDAD5377- CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN EDUCATION (3 - 0) An exploration of selected controversial issues in contemporary education. Symposium/seminar/lecture format. EDAD5380- DIVERSITY IN EDUCATIONAL SETTINGS (3 - 0) Effective leadership, instruction, and management strategies for work in diverse educational settings. Designed to provide increased self-awareness and insight into issues of diversity such as culture, ethnicity, exceptionality, gender, language, and socioeconomic status. Demographic issues along with urban and suburban educational settings will also be addressed. EDAD5381- POLITICAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS OF EDUCATION (3 - 0) Focus on the legal foundation of public education, political theory, and application
19 of political skills in working with school personnel, students, parents, and community organizations. The role of the law, court rulings, and the politics of school governance at the federal, state, and local levels will be addressed. EDAD5382- FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION (3 - 0) Will address the various aspects of instructional leadership roles and responsibilities of central office as well as building level administrators and supervisors. Topics included will be history of educational administration, educational philosophy, the global understanding of administrative roles in urban and rural settings, and professional organizations, as well as an overview of educational reforms, site-based management, governance, instructional management, evaluation, exchanging ideas, making changes, coaching beginning teachers, mentoring of teachers and peers, and a diverse community. EDAD5383- THE PRINCIPALSHIP (3 - 0) The Principalship will address the role of the campus leader in the leadership, organization and administration of schools. The importance of campus culture, climate, vision and ethics will be stressed throughout standards-based instruction, case studies, developmental activities, readings, reflections and field experiences. The importance of appropriate principal induction will be stressed along with the concepts of the principal as scholar-practitioner and proactive leader. An emphasis will be placed on continuous school improvement and a commitment to professional development. EDAD5384- RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATION (3 - 0) School finance, as well as auxiliary areas of resource management, will be addressed. The emphasis will be on the use of technology, alternative models of financing and budgeting, and sources of revenue from the federal, state, and local levels as well as from private sources. The course is designed to assist administrators in developing an understanding of the functions, operation, and evaluation of auxiliary services which support the educational program. EDAD5388- EDUCATIONAL POLICY ISSUES IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS (3 - 0) Examination of positions on policy issues of importance in public education. EDAD5389- ADMINISTRATIVE INTERNSHIP (1 - 15) Designed to provide prospective educational administrators job-related experiences under supervision in an appropriate educational setting. An approved professional study is designed in relationship to the intern's interest and past experiences. May be repeated for credit with approval of advisor. EDAD5390- SELECTED TOPICS IN EDUCATION (3 - 0) An examination of different topics related to education. This seminar may be repeated for credit as the topic changes.
20 EDAD5391- INDEPENDENT RESEARCH (3 - 0) Research for thesis substitute or equivalent over topic agreed upon between student and instructor. May be repeated for credit with permission. EDAD5395- HIGHER EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION INTERNSHIP (1 -15) Successful completion of the Higher Education Administration will fulfill the comprehensive examination requirements for the graduate degree and/or certification. Requirements of EDAD 5395 will include, but not be limited to, those collaboratively established by University faculty and school administrative personnel. EDAD5399- CAPSTONE INTERNSHIP IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND POLICY STUDIES (1 - 15) Successful completion of the Capstone Internship will fulfill the comprehensive examination requirements for the graduate degree and/or certification. Requirements of ELPS 5399 will include, but not be limited to, those collaboratively established by University faculty and school administrative personnel. Program Locations The classes for the Master’s Degree in Education with Principal Certification and the Certification Only Program are taught at three locations: the main campus in Arlington, the Santa Fe Campus in Ft. Worth and University Center of Dallas.
The Master’s Degree in Education with Dual Language Emphasis, the Master’s Degree in Higher Education and the Superintendent Certification Programs are taught only on the main campus in Arlington.
Internship Classes
EDAD 5389—Administrative Internship and EDAD 5399—Capstone Internship classes require applications and other forms be submitted for the classes. Forms may be downloaded by connecting with the following link. Form #1 is the application form for EDAD 5389. Form #2 is the application form for EDAD 5399. These should be completed and submitted to your instructor the first night of class. Your instructor will give you instructions for other forms.
EDAD 5199—Probationary Certification Internship is for individuals that are serving as an assistant principal but do not have full certification. There is not an application form for 5199.
21 A student enrolled in EDAD 5389 will register for the principal practice test. Select the date of August 31 as the date for the test. The date is generic since each instructor will select her/his date. Students that need to take the test the second or third time will register with Dr. Smith. [email protected]
Application Procedures for Principal Certification The Texas Education Agency (TEA) require a candidate for principal certification to have an earned master’s degree, passing score of 240 points or more on the state certification examination and two or more years of teaching experience. The candidate is responsible to contact the Department of Personnel or Department of Human Resources for her/his district to request a copy of her/his service record be mailed to Patty Motlagh, Assistant Dean for Certification and Testing at UT- Arlington, Box 19026, Arlington, TX 76019. A hand delivered copy will not be accepted. A fax copy will not be accepted. 1. Go to TEA website at 2. Left menu select State Board for Educator Certification 3. Select Educator Certification 4. Select Certification Information 5. Select APPLY FOR MY CERTIFICATION 6. Follow the instructions. 7. TEA may require a national criminal background check. 8. UTA will process your application after being contacted by TEA. 9. You will receive an email confirmation from SBEC after UTA has completed its recommendation 10. The certificate will be issued and placed on the TEA. 11. Go to State Board for Educator Certification and select Certificate Lookup 12. Effective September 1, 2010, the Texas Education Agency will no longer mail printed certificates. A candidate that has not completed all of the requirements for full certification may request a Probationary Certificate according the guidelines below.
22 What is the Probationary Certificate for Principal Professional Service? It replaces the Temporary Certificate for both Assistant Principal and Principal.
What is the purpose of a Probationary Certificate? To certify a prospective principal employed in an assistant principal/principal position while the candidate is enrolled in the certification program.
When does the new Probationary Certificate go into effect? Effective June 1, 2005. A candidate who has completed (grades posted) all requirements (EDAD 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384) and is enrolled in 5389 Internship or 5399 Capstone Internship may apply for the Probationary Certificate.
What employment assignment is required to be eligible for a Probationary Certificate? According to TEA, in order to recommend a candidate for the Probationary Certificate, the candidate must have a district assistant principal/internship employment assignment and maintain continuous enrollment in a certification program and internship course during the one-year probationary certificate. To apply for a Probationary Certificate extension, candidate must continue program enrollment, internship course and employment.
How long is the Probationary Certificate effective?
A certificate may be extended for no more than two annual terms following expiration of the initial term. A probationary certificate may be extended for an annual term only if the Texas educator preparation program recommends extension and certifies that the holder is making satisfactory progress toward standard certification.
Who made this decision? The Texas State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC) amended the Texas Administrative Code Chapter 230, Subchapter J relating to Certification Requirements for Educators other than Classroom Teachers and
23 Educational Aides to delete the “temporary" certification and add a “probationary” certification.
How do I apply for a Probationary Certificate?
1) Obtain application form by emailing Patty Motlagh, Assistant Dean for Certification and Testing, [email protected] 2) Complete candidate portion in its entirety 3) Have hiring district complete portion in its entirety (SBEC requires district name and employment/internship beginning date) 4) Obtain $35.00 MONEY ORDER (ONLY acceptable payment form) payable to UTA Department of Educational Leadership 5) Return completed form and money order to Certification and Advising Services (UT-Arlington, Box 19026, Arlington, TX 76019 or deliver to 5th Floor Carlisle Hall) 6) Apply directly to SBEC online and pay required SBEC fee.
Who is the UT-Arlington contact for additional certification information? Assistant Dean, Patty Motlagh, [email protected]
Certification Web sites
TExES Certification Exams: Overview Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) TExES Schedule and Deadlines Practice Test Dates | Register » Bilingual/ESL Approval for State Certification Exams
Graduate advising portal which includes the link for Status Letters
Certification & Advising:
Admission Requirements
24 Applying to SBEC for Certification Staff and Scheduling Certification: Undergrad | Grad Scholarships and Grants TExES Undergrad | Grad
25 Dr. Ron Caloss, Director Superintendency Program [email protected]
UTA Graduate School web address (for online application):
Superintendent Certification Program 15 semester credit hours (4 academic courses + 2 internships) Candidates must have a Master’s Degree, Principal Certification and be employed in a school administrative position.
In addition to the national NCATE and ELCC Standards, the following standards apply to superintendent certification.
Texas State Domains and Competencies:
26 DOMAIN: 1 LEADERSHIP OF THE EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY COMPENTENCY: 001 The superintendent knows how to act with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner in order to promote the success of all students COMPENTENCY: 002 The superintendent knows how to shape district culture by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the educational community COMPENTENCY: 003 The superintendent knows how to communicate and collaborate with families and community members, respond to diverse community interest and needs, and mobilize community resources to ensure educational success for all students. COMPENTENCY: 004 The superintendent knows how to respond to and influence the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context, including working with the board of trustees, to achieve the district’s educational vision.
DOMAIN: II INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP COMPETENCY: 005 The superintendent knows how to facilitate the planning and implementation of strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning; ensure alignment among curriculum, curriculum resources, and assessment; and promote the use of varied assessments to measure student performance. COMPETENCY: 006 The superintendent knows how to advocate, nurture, and sustain an instructional program and a district culture that are conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. COMPETENCY: 007 The superintendent knows how to implement a staff evaluation and development system to improve the performance of all staff members and select appropriate models for supervision and staff development.
DOMAIN: III ADMINISTRATIVE LEADERSHIP COMPETENCY: 008 The superintendent knows how to apply principles of effective leadership and management in relation to district budgeting, personnel, resource utilization, financial management, and technology use. COMPETENCY: 009 The superintendent knows how to apply principles of leadership and management to the district’s physical plant and support systems to ensure a safe and effective learning environment.
27 COMPETENCY: 010 The superintendent knows how to apply organizational, decision-making, and problem-solving skills to facilitate positive change in varied contexts.
Superintendent Certification Coursework (COHORT Only) Required: EDAD 6179—Superintendent Internship EDAD 6279—Superintendency Internship EDAD 6371—Administration of Staff Personnel and Advanced School Law EDAD 6373—The Superintendency EDAD 6374—Advanced School Business Administration EDAD 6378—Advanced Curriculum and Program Assessment
EDAD6179- SUPERINTENDENCY INTERNSHIP (0 - 1) Provides experiences in the various roles and responsibilities of a superintendent of schools under the direction of a school district mentor and a university supervisor. An internship project will be developed in consultation with public school and university personnel. EDAD6279- SUPERINTENDENCY INTERNSHIP (0 - 2) Provides experiences in the various roles and responsibilities of a superintendent of schools under the direction of a school district mentor and a university supervisor. An internship project will be developed in consultation with public school and university personnel.
28 EDAD6371- PERSONNEL & SCH LAW (3 - 0) Focuses on understanding the relationship between motivation and the management of human resources; articulate the basics of team management and group facilitation; identify proper procedures for recruiting, assignment, and inducting personnel; and recognize the legal requirement for suspension, transfer, reduction in force and dismissal of professional personnel. EDAD6373- SUPERINTENDENCY (3 - 0) Focuses on the many facets of the superintendence with a focus on the challenges facing the superintendent today. Topics include: exercising collaborative leadership, developing a strong organizational culture, dealing with the politics of education, building strong superintendent-board relations, managing the problems of school reform, and planning. Instruction is problem oriented and includes field-based experiences. EDAD6374- ADV SCHOOL BUS ADMINISTRATION (3 - 0) Survey principles of public school finance at the local, state, and federal levels. Examines the school budgeting process, methods of school funds accounting and techniques of school business management. EDAD6378- ADV CURRICULUM & PRG AST (3 - 0) Focuses on the processes of implementing district-wide curriculum, programs, and other innovations in school systems. Topics include: recent research on the implementation of change in curriculum and instruction, trends in education, strategic and contextual planning, program and student assessment and accountability, and national curriculum projects. Certification Examination
9. All programs require the candidates to score 80% or above on the principal or superintendent certification practice test that will be administrated in the first internship class. There is a fee to take the practice test. The test may be taken more than one time if necessary. The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) has a web-site where you will find information about certification tests. Preparation materials for the principal and superintendent tests are at Test 064 (two sessions) is the superintendent study material. (Beginning with the April 16, 2011 testing date, the superintendent test will be 195 and will be a five hour test.)
Texas Teacher/Administrator Certification Exams
29 Texas law requires all individuals seeking educator certification to pass examinations in the areas which they seek certification. The purpose of these examinations is to ensure that each educator has the necessary academic content and professional knowledge to perform in Texas public schools. The Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES) program was developed for this purpose.
10. The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) approved a “universal test fee” of $120 per test took effect September 1, 2008. This means that $120 will be charged for a test regardless of whether it is delivered via computer or paper. The Superintendent Certification test is not available via computer. The Superintendent Certification test is a two-session test and is $240.00. (Beginning with the April 16, 2011 testing date, the superintendent test will be 195 and will be a five hour test.)
Application Procedures for Superintendent Certification The State Board Educator Certification (SBEC) and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) require a candidate for superintendent certification to have an earned master’s degree, passing score of 240 points or more on the state certification examination and have a standard principal certificate. 1. Go to TEA website at 2. Left menu select State Board for Educator Certification 3. Select Educator Certification 4. Select Certification Information 5. Select APPLY FOR MY CERTIFICATION 6. Follow the instructions. 7. TEA may require a national criminal background check. 8. UTA will process your application after being contacted by TEA. 11. You will receive an email confirmation from SBEC after UTA has completed its recommendation 12. The certificate will be issued and placed on the TEA. 13. Go to State Board for Educator Certification and select Certificate Lookup 14. Effective September 1, 2010, the Texas Education Agency will no longer mail printed certificates.
30 15. Beginning with the April 16, 2011 testing date, the superintendent test will be 195 and will be a five hour test.
Addendum-1 (Updated 6/20/2010) Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES) Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies The University of Texas at Arlington Principal Certification Exam (Exam 068)
Principal Practice Test Policy and Procedures for TExES Principal Exam Registration
Principal Practice Test (approximately 5 hours)
1. All ELPS Principal Certification candidates will take the Principal Practice Test for the first time in EDAD 5389 (The Administrative Internship). The tests will be administered by Harold Smith. All candidates must go on-line to the College of Education web page,, click on TExES Exam link and then click on Practice Test Dates Register link. A $10.00 administrative fee will be posted to the students’ MyMav account. Candidates register for the date of August 31, 2011 which is obviously a non-testing day.
2. Test Dates: (Year 2010-2011)—All Saturday Dates State Exam Dates Work session dates Practice Test Dates October 2, 2010 September 18, 2010 August 21, 2010
January 29, 2011 January 15, 2011 November 20, 2010
April 16, 2011 April 2, 2011 March 5, 2011
June 25, 2011 June 11, 2011 May 7, 2011 Other dates as needed
3. Candidates that do not make an 80% on the practice test are required to take the practice test again, and if an 80% is not met, they will take the test a third time.
31 Students will contact Dr. Harold L. Smith, [email protected] to schedule work session attendance and/or practice test attendance.
4. Practice re-takes will be proctored by faculty or staff members designated by the Department Chair. Booklets, Scantron answer sheets and answer keys will be secured and returned to the office of the Assistant Dean for Certification and Testing or designee. 5. Candidates that fail to score 80% on the third practice test will schedule an appointment with designated faculty for item analysis tutoring. The faculty member will determine whether the candidate should retake the practice test or will recommend to the Assistant Dean for Certification and Testing that the candidate should be given permission to take the TExES Principal’s Examination (068).
Assistant Dean for Certification and Testing has 40 Principal Practice Test booklets. All sessions will be limited to 40 candidates or a combination not to exceed 40.
Prerequisites for TExES Principal Test Approval
In addition to successful completion of the practice test, the following five courses (15 semester credit hours) must be successfully completed and grade posted before candidate will be approved to take the TExES Principal’s Exam: EDAD 5330, 5381, 5382, 5383, and 5384. The other option is that a candidate is enrolled in or has successfully completed EDAD 5399 and successfully completed the practice test.
TExES Registration Process
1. Dates for the TExES exam and various deadlines may be found at 2. Candidates must seek approval from the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies before registering to take the TExES Principal Exam. After receiving permission from the Department of Educational leadership and Policy Studies, candidates must go to and submit the required information to receive approval to test. 3. Once approved by the Department, the Assistant Dean for Certification and Testing will send the required information to TEA and send an email to the candidates with instructions on how to register. Candidates can then go the TEA/SBEC website ( and create an educator log-in username and password and profile if they have not done so already. 4 After information is verified, candidates may click on “SBEC-View Examinations”, then under the heading Approved Tests, look to see if the Principal Test is listed. If
32 they do not see the Principal the “Approved Tests” heading, they will not be able to register at the ETS website.
5 When candidates register at:, all the information they enter in the ETS site as personal information must be the same as in their TEA/SBEC educator profile.
Requirements for Certification
Before the UTA College of Education and Health Professions Assistant Dean for Certification and Testing can recommend to the Texas Education Agency that a candidate has completed all the requirements for a Texas Principal Certification, the Assistant Dean for Certification and Testing must have on file a Texas Teacher Service Record sent by the school district showing at least two years of acceptable teaching service. Please go to for certification information.
Each candidate is responsible for having her/his Service Record sent from her/his district to:
Assistant Dean for Certification and Testing
College of Education
P.O. Box 19026
Arlington, TX 76019
Hand delivered or faxed copies of the service record will not be accepted.
Completion of Certification
College of Education and Health Professions policy requires all candidates to complete the certification process (e.g., taking and passing required certification exams and applying for certification with TEA within six months of program completion. Failure to meet the six month requirement could result in additional coursework or tests. This applies to candidates completing work in the summer of 2006 and thereafter.
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33 UTA » College of Education and Health Professions » Certification and Advising » TExES » TExES Schedule and Deadlines The TExES Bulletin specifies certain deadlines regarding registration; however the College of Education and Health Professions must receive your TExES registration application at least three working days prior to regular, late, or emergency registration deadlines in order to have sufficient time to process the application. 2010-11 TEST DATES AND REGISTRATION DEADLINES TExES, ExCET, and TExMaT Paper-Based Test (PBT) Deadlines ONLY
Test Date UT Arlington UT Arlington UT Arlington Registration Late Registration Emergency Deadline Deadline Deadline 10/02/10 08/31/10 09/07/10 09/21/10 01/29/11 12/15/10 01/04/11 01/19/11 (all tests offered except TExMaT) 04/16/11 03/15/11 03/22/11 04/05/11 06/25/11 05/24/11 06/01/11 06/14/11 (all tests offered except TExMaT)
NOTE: Monday testing is on the Monday following the regular administration. Computer-Administered Tests (CAT) Dates and registration information is found at,, click on TExES CAT.
Updated: May 27, 2010 UT Arlington College of Education and Health Professions Certification and Advising Services 501 Carlisle Hall Phone: 817-272-2956 | Directory [email protected]