Minutes of 2Nd CPG-15 Meeting
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Minutes of 2nd CPG-15 meeting
22-25 January 2013
1. Opening
Mr Steve Bond, Ofcom UK, Chairman of the CPG, opened the meeting and welcomed delegates to Luxembourg for the 2nd CPG-15 meeting.
Mr Francois Biltgen, Minister of Communications and Media, welcomed delegates to snowy Luxembourg. Mr Biltgen congratulated Mr Bond for being elected to lead CEPT towards WRC-15, and Mr Eric Fournier for his excellent leadership for WRC-12 and explained the challenges that we face within the CEPT, EU and ITU in future years.
The Chairman thanked Mr Biltgen for his kind words and the Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation for hosting the meeting.
Mr Roland Thurmes from the Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation provided some practical information regarding the meeting.
The list of participants can be found in Annex 1.
2. Adoption of Agenda
The draft agenda, Document (13)001, was approved without further amendments. This can be found in Annex 2.
3. Election of CPG-15 Vice Chairmen
As previously informed, the Chairman announced that there are three candidates for the two CPG- 15 Vice Chairmen positions. These candidates were Mr Alexander Kühn (Germany), Mr Gerlof Osinga (Netherlands) and Mr Victor Glushko (Russian Federation). The Chairman thanked the three candidates Administrations for putting them forward for the position.
In accordance with Article 14 of the ECC Rules of Procedures, the Chairman announced that a secret ballot would take place where Administrations were called to submit their vote for two of the three candidates. This was managed by the Chairman, Mr Steve Bond, the Secretary, Mr Wesley Milton and an independent observer, Mrs Stella Lyubchenko from the ECO. The results of the secret ballot were that Mr Alexander Kühn (Germany) and Mr Gerlof Osinga (Netherlands) were elected as Vice Chairmen of the CPG. The Chairman congratulated them both and expressed his thanks to Mr Glushko for standing and looked forward to working with him in his capacity as CPG PTB co-chairman and therefore part of the CPG-15 management team.
Mr Kühn and Mr Osinga both expressed their thanks to the meeting participants for their support and looked forward to the challenge ahead for WRC-15. Mr Glushko expressed his well wishes to the two vice-chairmen and looked forward to continue working closely with the CPG management team.
4. Report of activities in other organisations
Mr Philippe Aubineau, ITU, introduced Info Doc 3 which contained information on the main steps towards WRC-15, where the work is being completed and the time frames involved. Updated information/documentation on the ITU-R Preparatory Studies for WRC-15 are available at http://www.itu.int/ITU-R/go/rcpm-wrc-15-studies. The Chairman requested that all CEPT coordinators put this link into their draft briefs under ‘List of Relevant Documents’.
Ms Darlene Draznovich, CITEL representative, informed the meeting that the CITEL management team has now been set-up, with coordinators in place for most WRC-15 agenda items. Some initial positions have been developed and further information will be circulated directly to the CPG Project Team Chairmen. The next CITEL meeting will take place in April in Columbia.
Mr Edoardo Marelli, on behalf of EUMETNET, introduced Document (13)002 which contained the current positions from Europe’s meteorological community.
Dr Axel Jessner, CRAF representative, introduced Document (13)007rev1 which contained the current positions from Europe’s radio astronomy community.
Mr Edoardo Marelli, ESA representative, introduced Document (13)006, which provided the Space Frequency Coordination Group (SFCG) preliminary positions on the WRC-15 agenda items as developed at the SFCG annual meeting in June 2012. These positions will be further refined at future SFCG meetings.
The Chairman urged the CEPT coordinators to include the information received from CITEL, EUMETNET, CRAF and ESA when developing their CEPT briefs and thanked the speakers from other regional groups and organisations for their updates.
There was also further discussion on the position of other organisations in the CEPT briefs. The CPG PTD chairman mentioned that, when initially discussing the draft Brief on AI 1.1 and 1.2, CPG PTD received requests from EBU to be listed as a regional organisation and UMTS forum, GSM Association and Digital Europe as international organisations in the draft Brief. CPG PTD invited CPG to provide guidance on that matter.
The CPG chairman confirmed that there is no constraint by the CPG procedure and working methods on that matter. During the discussion, it was mentioned CEPT should encourage transparency and in this context there should be an opportunity for those organisations to express their position in the brief.
The CPG agreed the CPG Project team chairmen and the relevant coordinators should consider the addition of positions from organisations to be added in the Brief. The text should be reasonable and concise. At this stage, CPG confirmed that the list of organisations included in the template should be considered as a starting point. CPG granted permission to the project teams to possibility add additional positions from additional regional and international organisations. The ECO will record the proposed additions in order to ensure consistency between groups. CPG recalled that all document have to be agreed by consensus. In case of no consensus, the issue should be reported to CPG to be consider where appropriate.
5. Reports from CPG Project Teams
The meeting noted that the full text of all draft CEPT briefs is subject to further development, where these documents contain square brackets, this is to indicate areas that are in particular need of attention. The meeting further noted the need that in the further evolution of the documents the issue and the position text is developed into a consise, easy to understand format.
5.1- Report from CPG PTA
Mr Alexander Kühn, Chairman of CPG PTA introduced Document (13)003 which contained the meeting report of the 1st CPG PTA meeting, as well as a first draft of the CEPT briefs for the WRC-15 Agenda items.
Mr Kühn reported that PTA had, as planned by CPG15-1, one meeting in September 2012 in London. Overall PT A will continue its efforts to present in short time first draft Briefs to the Agenda items 1.3, 2, 9.1 (issues 9.1.4 and 9.1.7) and 10.
WRC-15 Agenda item 1.11 to consider a primary allocation for the Earth exploration-satellite service (Earth-to-space) in the 7-8 GHz range, in accordance with Resolution 650 (WRC-12);
CPG PTA submitted to CPG15-2 the draft preliminary CEPT positions in the draft Brief (003 Annex 1rev1) for endorsement and approval of its course of action. The Russian Federation expressed its view that the spectrum requirements and its possible limitation should be clearly indicated in the Draft Brief. The Coordinator explained that this is part of the on-going ITU-R studies in WP 7B and will be taken into account in the forthcoming work.
The draft CEPT brief was approved and can be found in Annex 3.
WRC-15 Agenda item 1.12 to consider an extension of the current worldwide allocation to the Earth exploration-satellite (active) service in the frequency band 9 300-9 900 MHz by up to 600 MHz within the frequency bands 8 700-9 300 MHz and/or 9 900-10 500 MHz, in accordance with Resolution 651 (WRC 12);
CPG PTA submitted to CPG15-2 the draft preliminary CEPT positions in the draft Brief (003 Annex 2) for endorsement and approval of its course of action. The Russian Federation and France had some concerns regarding the preliminary CEPT position as well as the List of relevant documents, so the Brief has been slightly modified and approved. The draft CEPT brief can be found in Annex 4.
WRC-15 Agenda item 1.13 to review No. 5.268 with a view to examining the possibility for increasing the 5 km distance limitation and allowing space research service (space-to-space) use for proximity operations by space vehicles communicating with an orbiting manned space vehicle, in accordance with Resolution 652 (WRC 12);
CPG PTA submitted to CPG15-2 the draft preliminary CEPT positions in the draft Brief (003 Annex 3) for endorsement and approval of its course of action. The draft CEPT brief was approved and can be found in Annex 5.
WRC-15 Agenda item 1.14 to consider the feasibility of achieving a continuous reference time- scale, whether by the modification of coordinated universal time (UTC) or some other method, and take appropriate action, in accordance with Resolution 653 (WRC 12);
CPG PTA submitted to CPG15-2 the draft preliminary CEPT positions in the draft Brief (003 Annex 4) for endorsement and approval of its course of action. It was suggested that the future work of CPG PTA on the agenda item shall also encompass the other implications than just technical ones, needed to be taken into account to enhance the understanding of the Agenda item. CPG PTA was requested to bring possible results to the attention of CPG at the next meeting. ESA informed the meeting of the results of ITU-R WP 7A meetings in Manta (Ecuador), which may contain useful information. The draft CEPT brief was approved and is found in Annex 6.
WRC-15 Agenda item 4 - in accordance with Resolution 95 (Rev.WRC 07), to review the resolutions and recommendations of previous conferences with a view to their possible revision, replacement or abrogation.
The chairman of PTA presented the draft Brief on WRC-15 A.I. 4 (003 Annex 5rev1) and drew the attention on the table in Annex to the draft Brief. He reported that this extensive table is again available at this early stage and there was agreement to dedicate each meeting of PTA to analyse a certain number of WRC-Resolutions and Recommendation. The next meeting is therefore dedicated to WRC-Resolutions 1-114. The draft CEPT brief was approved and is found in Annex 7.
WRC-15 Agenda item 8, to consider and take appropriate action on requests from administrations to delete their country footnotes or to have their country name deleted from footnotes, if no longer required, taking into account Resolution 26 (Rev.WRC 07); The chairman of PTA presented the draft Brief on WRC-15 A.I. 8 (003 Annex 6). Administrations are invited to consider a correct representation of their country footnotes or their country name in footnotes and bring any mistake or intention of changes to the attention of the Coordinator.
Concerns were raised by Sweden on preliminary CEPT position and background section on issue B (adding country footnotes and country names to footnotes). PTA is tasked to work out a common position on issue B and create a brief and concise background section. Administrations were encouraged to contribute on the further development on that issue in particular those who are of the opinion that adding country names and/or new country footnotes could be done under AI 8. The Chairman of PTA is tasked to report the different views and solutions to the next meeting of CPG for decision. The draft CEPT brief was approved and is found in Annex 8.
WRC-15 Agenda item 9, to consider and approve the Report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau:
The chairman of PTA presented the template draft Brief on WRC-15 A.I. 9 (003 Annex 7) to be used by PTA and PTB. The chairmen of PTB endorse the proposed template. The template draft CEPT brief was approved and is found in Annex 9.
The draft CEPT briefs are also available for Issue 9.1.6 (Annex 10) and 9.1.8 (Annex 11)
The CPG Chairman thanked Mr Kühn and the CPG PTA participants for the good start made in this group and looked forward to further developments in this area.
5.2- Report from CPG PTB
Mr Alexandre Vallet and Mr Victor Glushko, Co-Chairmen of CPG PTB, introduced Document (13)004 which contained the 1st meeting report of PTB as well as the first drafts of the CEPT briefs.
The CEPT briefs were introduced and due to them being at a development stage, there were only minor editorial changes suggested. The draft briefs can be found in Annex 12.
France introduced Document (13)008 which discussed improving CEPT coordination of regulatory/procedural cases affecting specific satellite systems. The paper proposes that CEPT administrations who face difficulties in supporting the CEPT positions regarding agenda items 7 or 9 because of cases related to specific satellite systems, bring them to the attention of CPG PTB at the earliest opportunity. It was clarified that such a proposal aims at improving the WRC-15 preparation and solidarity between CEPT countries, this would enable a solution to be found before WRC-15 and future conferences. Luxembourg, Netherlands and the CEPT Coordinator for Agenda item 7 supported this proposal but it was noted that Administrations always have the right to present their own views during WRCs.
CPG invited CEPT administrations that may face regulatory difficulties related to one of their specific satellite networks or systems, in particular when it may affect their positions with regards to a CEPT proposal related to WRC-15 agenda items 7 or 9 to bring them to the attention of CPG PTB and tasked CPG PTB to take into account these specific cases in advance of WRC-15 so that a complete solution can be elaborated in advance to WRC-15.
The CPG Chairman thanked Mr Vallet and Mr Glushko and the participants of CPG PTB for the good work and looked forward to continued cooperation within CEPT in the run up to WRC-15.
5.3- Report from CPG PTC
Mr Gerlof Osinga, Chairman of CPG PTC introduced Document (13)005 which contained the meeting report of the 1st CPG PTC meeting as well as a first draft of the CEPT briefs.
Mr Osinga informed the meeting that PTC has held one meeting and that they developed the first set of Draft CEPT Briefs for all Agenda Items. 4 of them have an initial Preliminary Draft CEPT position.
On the organisational side, the following coordinators were proposed by their Administrations, for AI 1.15 Mr Richard Reese (UK), for AI 1.16 Mr Hans-Karl von Arnim (Germany) and for AI 1.17 Mr Uwe Schwark (Germany). PTC has also agreed a deadline for contributions at future meetings, where submissions should be sent in at least one week before the start of the meeting.
The meeting was further informed about the coming PTC meeting, in London on 16-19 April 2013, invited by OFCOM UK and in Bucharest on 8-11 October 2013 invited by ANCOM.
Mr Osinga introduced the following draft CEPT Briefs:
Agenda item 1.4: to consider possible new allocation to the amateur service on a secondary basis within the band 5 250-5 450 kHz in accordance with Resolution 649 (WRC 12);
The first Draft CEPT Brief was reviewed. A Preliminary CEPT position could not be agreed during the PTC meeting. This was adopted by CPG and can be found in Annex 13.
Agenda item 1.5: to consider the use of frequency bands allocated to the fixed-satellite service not subject to Appendices 30, 30A and 30B for the control and non-payload communications of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in non-segregated airspaces, in accordance with Resolution 153 (WRC 12);
The interest to this agenda item is significant. Of concern is that this agenda item is still lacking a CEPT coordinator. Based on the received contributions PTC developed a framework to approach this agenda item and have agreed on a Preliminary Draft CEPT position. The draft brief was adopted by CPG and can be found in Annex 14.
Agenda item 1.15; to consider spectrum demands for on-board communication stations in the maritime mobile service in accordance with Resolution 358 (WRC 12); The PTC Chairman draw the attention of the Administrations to the section “Action to be taken” of the Draft CEPT Brief, where some questions need to be answered prior to the next PT C meeting, in order to clarify the usage and the loading of the existing UHF frequencies for on board communications. The Draft CEPT Brief was reviewed at PTC but the Preliminary CEPT position could not be agreed. The draft brief was adopted by CPG and can be found in Annex 15.
Agenda item 1.16; to consider regulatory provisions and spectrum allocations to enable possible new Automatic Identification System (AIS) technology applications and possible new applications to improve maritime radiocommunication in accordance with Resolution 360 (WRC 12);
The first Draft CEPT Brief was reviewed where the VHF data exchange (VDE) concept was introduced. This concept addresses both the terrestrial and the satellite component. The channels which are proposed to be used in this concept are not firmly decided and need further justification. It was noted that this concept is dependent on IMO outcomes. The brief was adopted by CPG and can found in Annex 16.
Agenda item 1.17; to consider possible spectrum requirements and regulatory actions, including appropriate aeronautical allocations, to support wireless avionics intra-communications (WAIC), in accordance with Resolution 423 (WRC 12);
The first Draft CEPT Brief was reviewed by the meeting. It was noted that the total spectrum demand of 239 MHz in the Preliminary CEPT position will be verified and therefore appears in square brackets. The draft CEPT brief can be found in Annex 17.
Agenda item 1.18; to consider a primary allocation to the radiolocation service for automotive applications in the 77.5-78.0 GHz frequency band in accordance with Resolution 654 (WRC 12);
Discussion emerged on the limitation to automotive in the proposed footnote. It was the opinion of the meeting that the progress of this agenda item needs to be in line with the ECC principle of flexibility. The meeting agreed to put the footnote in square brackets. It was further noted that the aeronautical industry has interest in this agenda item. The draft CEPT brief can be found in Annex 18.
The CPG Chairman thanked Mr Osinga and the participants of CPG PTC for their hard work so far and looked forward to further developments in this group.
5.4- Report from CPG PTD
Mr Didier Chauveau, Chairman of CPG PTD, introduced Document (13)009 the CPG PTD report to CPG highlighting the main activity of the project team focusing on the current development of draft Brief for Agenda Items 1.1 and 1.2.
Mr Chauveau introduced the WRC AI 1.1 draft CEPT brief (13)009 Annex 1, where discussion centred around the preliminary CEPT position in particular the list of frequency bands considered. CPG discussed the need for a European strategy for the 470-694 MHz as reported by the CPG PTD and agreed to inform the ECC on that issue. The CPG debate revealed a general support for the benefit of an overall strategy for the future use of UHF band. It has been noted that this has to include considerations on GE 06.
. CPG agreed that this strategy is outside the scope of CPG and CPG PTD and broader than the WRC preparation. It has been noted that some administrations intend to submit contributions at further ECC meetings. The ECC Chairman confirmed that a relevant agenda item will be identified for discussion at next ECC meeting.
. CPG agreed that this issue will not impact the progress of work on AI 1.2 focusing on 700 MHz channelling arrangements and relevant sharing issues. The meeting further discussed the refinement of the lower band edge and confirmed that it will be the results of studies on those above issues. CPG encouraged CPG PTD to contribute on the lower band edge issue to the next JTG and noted that the Russian Federation is of the view that the lower edge of the possible allocation for mobile service under AI 1.2 shall not be below 694 MHz.
. Moreover concerning AI 1.1, CPG confirmed that a background on the European strategy will be helpful due to the possible impact on a longer term. Nevertheless CPG invited to CPG PTD to focus on technical background so as to progress on the development of the CEPT position.
Finland expressed some needs for clarification on any overlapping activity in CEPT due to the fact that the 1452-1492 MHz frequency band is subject harmonization measures under development for MFCN SDL and this band is also identified among the frequency bands in L band where administrations are invited to provide sharing studies under AI 1.1. The ECC chairman provided clarifications on the work under development in this frequency band due the decision of the last ECC meeting and the agreed time schedule for the approval of ECC Decision by WG FM. In the context of WRC 15, CPG noted that this frequency band, which benefits already from a mobile allocation, could be a possible suitable candidate for identification to IMT. The ECC chairman confirmed that there is no difficulty or contradiction to progress these two activities in parallel.
Agenda item 1.1;
Further to these discussions, CPG considered the draft CEPT Brief on AI 1.1 as submitted by CPG PTD and agreed on some improvements in "preliminary CEPT position" and on "background" sections (see Annex 19) . Moreover, CPG PTD has been invited to refine as appropriate in particular the preliminary CEPT position section.
Statement from Austria - Austria has some major concerns on the feasibility of some sub-bands of the L-Bands as CEPT candidates for the identification for IMT without prior evaluation of respective sharing studies. The bands 1350 - 1400 MHz, 1427 - 1452 MHz, 1492 - 1518 MHz are used for long range fixed links operated by governmental services. Austria also wants to point out that the band 1300 - 1350 MHz is used for military and civil radars, in some cases as the last exclusive band within the whole L-Band, providing air surveillance and flight safety. Statement from the Russian Federation
The Russian Federation does not support consideration of the following frequency bands 470-694 MHz, 2700-2900 MHz and 3600-4200 MHz as a candidate bands for identification for IMT due to sharing difficulty between IMT and other applications used and/or planned to be used in the Russian Federation.
Statement from Romania
Romania expresses the same concerns on the feasibility of some sub-bands of the L-Bands as CEPT candidates for the identification for IMT without prior evaluation of respective sharing studies.
Statement from Luxembourg
The Luxembourg administration express its concern regarding the identification of the band 3600 - 4200 MHz as a candidate band for IMT under agenda item 1.1 due to extensive use of band by different FSS applications (Radionavigation systems such as Galileo, meteorological applications, emergency and governmental use, etc)
Statement from Hungary
Hungary would like to point out that the bands 1300 - 1350 MHz, 1350 - 1375 MHz, 2700-2900 MHz, 3400-3410 MHz are used for military services and the identification of these bands for IMT can be difficult in Hungary and some other countries.
Agenda item 1.2;
Mr Chauveau introduced the draft CEPT brief for WRC AI 1.2 (13)009 Annex 2. The meeting noted that the "issue" section would be refined at the next CPG PTD meeting in order to reduce and refine the text. Further discussion took place on the CEPT preliminary position and CPG agreed on a revised section "refinement of lower band edge allocation" and additional improvement of the draft text (see Annex 20).
CPG noted that CPG PTD had two meetings since the last CPG. The CPG PTD chairman thanked the administrations which hosted such meetings with large number of participants or which planned to host it in 2013 and 2014. It was mentioned that, except the next meeting in May, the next CPG PTD will be held in conjunction with ECC PT1 due to the fact that most of participants of ECC PT1 are also participants to CPG PTD. The CPG chairman confirmed that project team have the freedom to organise themselves.
The CPG Chairman thanked Mr Chauveau and the participants of CPG PTD for the progress made so far, and looked forward to good cooperation within CEPT in the run up to WRC-15. 6. AOB
The Chairman informed the meeting that Administrations and organisations should submit their contributions to the CPG project teams and plenary in good time to enable proper preparation for the meeting. It was noted that the project teams may adopt their own arrangements for any submission deadlines. Whilst CPG does not have a deadline for submission, the Rules of Procedure will be applied to the decision making process.
The Chairman also mentioned that Administrations are urged to consider nominating CEPT coordinators for the remaining WRC agenda items where we do not already have someone leading. This list can be found in Annex 21.
Delegates were also informed that Annex 22 contains the meeting schedule relating to the work of CPG-15.
The WGFM Chairman Mr Sergey Pastukh informed the meeting that the FM Civil-Military meeting is taking place in November 2013, and urged all CPG project teams that meet before then to submit documents to this meeting if they have identified any relevant issues.
7. Close of meeting
The Chairman thanked the Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation for hosting the meeting and providing the excellent facilities and assistance during the meeting.
The Chairman thanked the Secretary,Vice Chairmen, and project team Chairmen for their continued support and the participants for their cooperation and hard work.
The meeting was closed.