Brantford Minor Hockey Association
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WOODSTOCK MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION Board of Directors Meeting – Minutes Sept 13, 2009 8:30am Complex Meeting Room
1. ROLL CALL – 8:35pm Present: Joe Jakubowski, John Wieringa, Carl Thompson, Dave Otto, Michele Gilmar, Mike Berry, Mike Collins, Dale Ropp Regrets: Absent: Belinda Weiler, Alf Langdon (just left the meeting) Staff: Pat Langdon
2. DELEGATIONS- Brian Wabie Director of Hockey
3. MINUTES Woodstock Minor Hockey Association Board Minutes ATTACHED Recommendation THAT the minutes of the 9-Aug-2009 Board of Directors Meeting of the Woodstock Minor Hockey Association BE APPROVED. Motion: Dale R. Second: Mike B. APPROVED
Recommendation THAT the minutes of the 29-Aug-2009 Special Board Meeting of the Woodstock Minor Hockey Association BE APPROVED. Motion: Mike C. Second: Dale R. APPROVED
4. OLD BUSINESS AND OUTSTANDING ITEMS 4.1 The staff Employment Contract Agreement that had been prepared and offered a few weeks ago was turned down before the meeting. The staff person was asked to leave the meeting as she would not be needed at the meeting. Staff member stated that she will not sign contact based on advice from her lawyer.
Recommendation THAT the meeting be allowed to go in camera. Motion: Michele G. Second: Dave O. APPROVED
Recommendation THAT the meeting goes out of in camera. Motion: Michele G. Second: Dale R. APPROVED
4.2 Board discussed what happened and its options and decided that a small committee will try and begin contract negotiation process next week. If that process fails then the Board will have the lawyers correspond.
5. STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS 5.1 ADMINISTRATIVE CO-ORDINATOR 5.1.1 No Report from Administrative Coordinator 5.1.2 Volunteer Committee applications were reviewed, Board has decided to wait until tryouts are over and all the teams have been set. Chairs of the respective committees have been asked to go out and recruit.
1 5.1.3 Discussion on meeting with the Woodstock Police dept to look for ways to improve the whole volunteer police check process, the current process is time consuming to manage. 5.1.4 Out standing police checks from the Board still.
5.2 FPRESIDENT REPORT – J. Jakubowski 5.2.1 People are coming up and thanking and expressing appreciation for the changes that the new Board as made. We are still seeing a lack of interest in committee volunteerism. 5.2.2 Still looking into the breach of confidentially with WMHA e-mail.
5.3 COMUNICATION COMMITTEE – J. Wieringa 5.3.1 New website is ready to go except for the importing of schedules. Ramp is working on that and it should be ready in the next week or so. Website launch will be delayed until full schedule is able to be imported into the new website.
5.4 HOCKEY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE – B. Wabie 5.4.1 Three coaches have volunteered their hey time to the Hockey Development Committee, Tyler Klemp, John Lazarus Mark Feledi
Recommendation THAT the following coaches be approved for the Hockey Development Committee Tyler Klemp, John Lazarus Mark Feledi
Motion: Dale R. Second: Mike B. APPROVED
5.4.2 Brian’s e-mail address needs to be added to the website. 5.4.3 Brian to meet with Ryan Francke to start planning process for the power skating sessions. 5.4.4 Players sessions will focus on power skating for the Atom and Peewee ages. 5.4.5 Discussion on lack of goalie dept in our WMHA system, it was proposed to have the HL Committee meet and look at changing how we currently handle developing goalies in the Novice HL
5.5 FUNDRAISING – D. Ropp 5.5.1 WMHA is planning on selling WMHA tee shirts this year to raise funds and brand WMHA. 5.5.2 Samples of the branding text going on the t-shirts as presented. 5.5.3 To start WMHA will order 100 shirts grey only in a cross section of sizes.
Recommendation THAT the WMHA should start a t-shirt fundraiser with all the proceeds going back to general revenues.
Rationale: To raise the awareness of WMHA in the community and to help raise funds to help offset future operation costs.
Motion: Dale R. Second: John W. APPROVED
5.5.4 Discussion about having a sponsor day, meet and greet,
2 5.5.5 Discussion about WMHA starting Three $150 educational Bursaries for post secondary education for Midget HL, MD and REP players. More detail needed and also to explore if the John Jenson Fund would be suitable for this proposal..
6 DIRECTOR REPORTS 6.1 MINOR DEVELOPMENT – D. Otto 6.1.1 New Alliance games sheets are coming, the old ones need to be used up first. 6.1.2 Coaching staff numbers will no longer be needed on game sheets 6.1.3 New HTCP online injury data collecting program. 6.1.4 MD teams playing in OMHA tournament will be considered A/E tier 2 6.1.5 Coaches should be aware of the OMHA mouth guard waiver letter and carry it to all tournaments. 6.1.6 Coaches must beware of Outlaw leagues and that if any of their teams play in any Outlaw league tournaments or games with an Outlaw league teams they will be suspended by Hockey Canada.
6.2 TREASURER – C. Thompson 6.2.1 WMHA is way up in revenue from last year at this time because more members are paying by credit card. It is projected that WMHA will incur $10,000 in credit card servicing expenses for this year. WMHA needs to plan for this growing expense in next year’s budget. 6.2.2 Many tournament advances have gone out and sponsorship money is starting to come. in.Registration. costs for Tyke to Peewee will be $325 and for Bantam to Midget $335. 6.2.3 Licensing expense is on the books but will be covered by the raffle income. eOn top of registration fee each player will have a $60 cost for raffle tickets that he or she can choose to sell or entry themselves in the Dec draw. 6.2.4 Highlighted in the report is office administration is a biggest expense in the summer and our third biggest in the winter. 6.2.5 Registration is currently up to 695 and we have 30 Ingersoll holding in limbo due to the issues we are experiencing with Hockey Canada new registration. 6.2.6 A sheet has been created to send out to the respective Travel team coaches explaining the new travel team fee structure. Rep fees will increasing from last years $4,750 to $5,500 in the younger ages, $6,000 in the middle ages and $7,000 in the older ages. The new cost structure as been adjusted to truly reflect the costs associated with each program, such as game length, timekeepers, and extra referee expenses. 6.2.7 Teams have been asked to submit their first team monthly budget.
Recommendation THAT the Treasurers amended Budget presented on 7-June-2009 BE RECEIVED. Motion: Carl T. Second: Belinda W. APPROVED
6.3 REPRESENTATIVE COMMITTEE – D. Otto, D. Ropp 6.3.1 New Travel team manual was presented to the Board; it was discussed that this new travel team manual will be used by the travel team coaches for this season. Manual is not quite ready yet and the Board will revisit at next month’s meeting.
6.3.2 A Coaches meeting was held Aug 29 at 10:00am at the CAW hall. 6.6.3 At the coaches meeting the coaches voted to purchase STOP stickers for the back of player’s helmets, each team will be responsible for buying a sheet of 24 stickers at the cost of $20 per sheet. Only the teams that play body contact will be given a sheet.
3 6.6.4 An issue with access to the equipment room, a coach needed practice sweaters for his tryouts and he wasn’t able to get any until the night of the tryout. Currently only the equipment director has a key and when he is away association members must wait. 6.6.5 Alliance body checking clinic is set up and ready to go for Sept 21, at 6:30pm for the Rep and MD peewee teams. 6.6.6 Everything is going well at tryouts. 6.6.7 Hockey development director will selecting the Minor peewee team’s goalie during tryouts due to a team management conflict. 6.6.8 Independent evaluations were done along with consultations with coaching staffs regarding the player’s applying to play up.
Recommendation THAT the following players shall be allowed to tryout out up a division within WMHA. Braedon Wabie in the Bantam division. Troy Vandenbussche in the Atom division. Joshua Wright in the minor Atom division.
Rationale: To give these players an opportunity to continue to develop at a level that is appropriate to their skill level
Motion: Dale R. Second: Carl T. APPROVED
Recommendation THAT the new Affiliated Player policy be added to the M.O.O. Motion: Dale R. Second: Michele G. APPROVED
6.4 SPONSORSHIP – M. Gilmar 6.4.1 Sponsorship is almost all in place and waiting to hear back from HL Directors on final team counts 6.4.2 Door magnets are being re quoted. 6.4.3 Woodstock Renegades passes,17 passes sold so far. 6.4.4. Draw for a prize was conducted for a two free gift certificates, winner was Dan Haig. 6.4.5. E-mail will be sent out to the team coaches to promote the Renegade passes. 6.4.6 Meeting with Heart FM this week. Will be discussing the possibility of having an on air Minor Hockey house league report. 6.4.7 Tobacco Free Sports Recreation, WMHA has a chance to receive a $500 grant, if we develop a policy that we promote tobacco free playing. With the grant money we are required to buy promotional material, tee shirts etc. Policy must be in place by March 2010. 6.4.7 A couple of restaurants that have been sponsors in the past still would like to help and have offered fund raising programs though there restaurant. 6.4.8 Oxford Source for Sports has offered Woodstock Minor hockey 10% of all team apparel sales purposed through their store for the upcoming season. In return WMHA will promote Oxford SFS has the recommended place for team apparel.
Recommendation THAT the WMHA will promote Oxford SFS to all the travel teams and association members. In return Oxford SFS will donate 10 % of all team apparel sales during this hockey season.
Motion: Michele G. Second: Dave O. APPROVED
4 6.4.8 Further discussion was had on a presenting a proposal to Oxford Source for Sports for having some kind of equipment buying program with WMHA. 6.4.9 Regarding fund raising e-mails those ideas once approved could be forwarded on to the travel team coaches. 6.4.10 Recommended that next year and going forward we add into the yearly budget the cost of the H.L. Championship tournament fees.
6.5 EQUIPMENT COMMITTEE – No Report 6.5.1 Michele has offered to fill in and help out. 6.5.2. The minor Midget team has been given the minor Atom jerseys, the mistake needs to be fixed as soon as possible.
6.6 PURCHASING COMMITTEE – J. Wieringa 6.6.1 The New MD jersey was presented. 6.6.1 Two options were presented regarding attaching sponsorship to the Rep jerseys. First option was a velcro name bar and sponsor bar cost $9.50, the second option was a sewn on sponsor name plate costing $6.90 per bar. Recommendation to go with the $6.90 sewn on name bar option for the Rep jerseys.
6.7 ATOM AND PEEWEE HOUSE LEAGUE - M. Berry 6.7.1 Player evaluations are set up 6.7.2. Shortage of coaches in 3 Peewee and one short in Atom 6.7.3 Brian Wabie has volunteered to help during evaluations
6.8 BANTAM AND MIDGET HOUSE LEAGUE - M. Collins 6.8.1 Having trouble getting evaluators on the late week night. 6.8.2. Dave Otto has suggested that all HL evaluations be done by the HL coaches at the end of the regular season so the HL Directors don’t have to scramble around for player evaluations before the season starts.
7. NEW BUSINESS 7.1 Discussion on having parents pay expenses for non parent coaching staffs. It will be a pilot project this year with teams having the option. 7.2 Discussion was had on looking into team busses for next years teams. Representative Committee to study feasibility of implementing a team bus travel program for 2010/11
Recommendation THAT the meeting be allowed to go in camera. Motion: Michele G. Second: Mike B. APPROVED
Recommendation THAT the meeting goes out of in camera. Motion: Michele G. Second: Dave O. APPROVED
8 NEXT MEETING Sunday Oct 4th, 2009 7:00pm
9 ADJOURNMENT Motion: Michele G. Second: Dale R.