WIN 211 Database Criteria

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WIN 211 Database Criteria


This covers virtually all of the areas for comparison. Concentrate only on the ones that are most relevant to your organization!

Background Information Specific Questions Software A Software B

1. What is the history of the company and its current product range?

2. Programming What programming languages are used by I&R software?

3. Versions and Could you provide details of the last upgrades published version of your software with dates and major changes? Were these program-wide updates or feature-specific?

4. How many I&Rs are using the current version?

5. What are the major scheduled improvements for the software and the current timetable for implementation?

6. What are the general pricing policies for new versions and upgrades for existing users?

7. Ownership of Who has copyright of the database records database when it is on your public web site software?

8. Ownership of Who owns your I&R software source code source codes and can there be escrow-type arrangements to cover the user in case the company goes out of business?

9. Hardware required What is the ideal hardware platform on which your system operates?

10. Simultaneous users How many simultaneous users can be allowed on the system?

11. Database tables Are there limitations to the size of the database tables within the software?

12. Staffing What is your current staffing for I&R development and support?

13. Redundancy How would your system be set up to ensure automatic back-up in case the main server is down?

From the description of our preferred 14. Recommendations system, what would be your recommended configuration?

Software Mandatory Specific Questions Components

15. Has all AIRS Does it currently and fully meet the latest AIRS XSD data transfer dataset structure (2.07 currently, 3.0 in the future)? fields 16. Public Web site Does your system allow for the database to be accessed by the public? If so, can you list the URLs of some sample sites?

17. Client records Does the system allow for the creation and maintenance of client records?

18. Web-based updates Can the resource database be updated on the Internet by users on different sites?

19. Can the call contact data be updated on the Internet by users on different sites?

20. Are there passwords for various levels of on-line administrative privileges?

21. Can the system be hosted on a locally owned server or only on the server of software proprietor?

22. Automated reports Can it automatically generate reports showing the last to generate AIRS update date of all resource records? mandated data

23. Does the system register and report on (for example) information calls v. information and referral calls?

24. Can it automatically generate reports of all calls relating to (for example) food pantries within any given month within any geographic area?

25. Can you locally program any additional report categories you may require (e.g. to allow for short-term assessment of local issues)?

26. Database taxonomy Does the software use the AIRS/INFO-LINE Taxonomy? schema 27. Does your company have an up-to-date subscription to use the Taxonomy?

28. What tiers of the AIRS/INFO-LINE Taxonomy does the software use?

29. Does the software display the complete data information for each term including use references and See Also fields?

30. Supports taxonomy, Can the software search on built-in taxonomy terms? text and keyword searches

31. Can the software search on any text?

32. Can the software search on designated keywords?

33. Web interface to Can a single database be maintained via several remote assure one-time locations to ensure minimum duplication of data entry? data entry

34. If so, under what version does this operate and what agencies are currently using this in the field?

35. Consistency of key Are the key fields provided with controlled data entry (e.g. fields data types numbers, date, text)? throughout the database – numeric vs. text, etc. 36. If “Yes”, can you provide a few examples of pre-set field controls that have been created to assist the I&R provider?

37. Web will provide What ADA features does the software contain? (Or, how is self-service it ADA compliant, especially with the public version?) capabilities – ADA compliant Software Preferred Specific Components Questions

38. Vendor has a How do you handle customer complaints/problems? demonstrated record responding to product user needs and concerns

39. How do you research future development requirements?

40. What are your guidelines for how quickly you can usually respond to a customer problem?

41. Customizable fields Can the user insert additional fields? - end user can tailor product to their needs

42. If so, is there a limit on the number of fields in each of the software components (e.g. resource database and call tracking?

43. Record structure How are records structured in terms of a main record and its separate programs, locations, etc.?

44. At what level of the record does the Taxonomy indexing attach?

45. Unique record How does the system identify records that “belong” to a identifiers particular agency and ensure that they are only maintained by that agency? 46. Web-monitoring How are reports obtained on traffic statistics on the Web software to provide site? site traffic statistics at a record and query level

47. What traffic statistics can be obtained for query and retrieval data (e.g. number of unique visitors a month, total searches made, lists of attempted searches, lists of searches bringing up zero results)?

48. Specifically, can it provide statistics on how many times a certain record is viewed on the public web site (for example, 156 people viewed the record for Kitsap Mental Health in 2004)?

49. HIPAA compliant – Is the software compliant with the Health Insurance privacy protections Portability and Accountability Act? Or else how is privacy are clear and can be of users protected when call tracking details are exported customized to (e.g. what data encryption methods are used)? provide different levels of access

50. What levels of access are permitted to client data and how/where are these implemented/controlled?

51. Ability for agencies Does the system allow for agencies to directly submit on- and programs to line changes through a verification process? update their records, then send update to a gatekeeper who reviews and loads update

52. How are these changes distributed to the appropriate resource specialist and verified (for example, does the new information need to be cut and pasted into existing record)? 53. Follow-up calls How are calls designated for follow-up logged onto the system to ensure that follow-up take place?

54. Can another staff member conduct the actual follow-up and add more comments to an existing inquiry record?

55. Can a supervisor conduct quality assurance activities on whether follow-ups have been made and their results?

56. Ability to interface Is there an interface with Crystal Report Writer? If so, is with Crystal Report this a menu feature or does it require additional set-up? Writer – import/export ASCII files, etc.

57. Ability to track call How does the system through the I&R Specialist track call origination data origination (user-defined geographic areas, zip codes or both)?

58. Can the system aggregate data according to user-defined geographical hierarchy (e.g. inquiries by town and county and region and state)?

59. Publishing Can a directory be published for a local area and/or subject and what is the process?

60. Controlled Are there drop-down menus for controlled vocabulary and vocabulary correct usage (e.g. languages, geographic areas, etc.)?

61. Service gaps Can I&R specialists register gaps in service and how can these be produced as reports?

Software Optional Components Specific Questions 62. Allow partner How does the system allow for customization of the agencies to build a front-end and can different front-ends be developed by personalized “front- all of the different members of the system? end” to the web- based data

63. Supports Homeless Is the system compliant with HMIS guidelines and if Management not, what plans exist for eventual compliance? Information System requirements

64. On-line mapping Is your system integrated with any capability for on- line mapping on either the internal I&R site, the public site or both?

65. On-line translation Is your system integrated with any capability for information to be translated on the public site into Spanish and/or any other languages?

66. On-line donations Does the public software have a donations matching matching component (for example, someone looking to donate sleeping bags can locate an agency needing sleeping bags)? And if so, how does it work?

67. On-line calendar Does the software have any facility for maintaining on-line calendars for news and events?

68. On-line volunteer Does the software have a volunteer matching component component?

Software Summary / Specific Questions Additional Support

69. Conversion If data needs to be converted from existing software, assistance how can this be done?

70. Installation What options are available to provide on-site assistance installation support to ensure that the system is properly configured?

71. Additional training What options are available to provide on-site training for users?

72. Restrictions Does your software have any specific restrictions that may be applicable for the system planned by our agency?

73. Special features Does your software contain any special features that have not been highlighted within these questions?

74. Performance testing If your software is chosen for the final assessment, what is the best method of creating a testing environment for a variety of users? (Also, how much notice is required?)

75. Additional Do you have any additional information that might aid comments our decision-making process?

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