Midwest Regional Chapter Society of Toxicology

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Midwest Regional Chapter Society of Toxicology

Draft 6/3/10 2009-2010 Annual Report

Midwest Regional Chapter – Society of Toxicology

I. Time Period

This report covers the time period June 1, 2009 – May 30, 2010

II. Officers

A. The officers for the 2009-2010 year were:

President Walter C. Prozialeck, Midwestern University President-Elect Matthew Shroeder, Covance Past President Peter J. Thomford, Covance Treasurer Molly Weiler, Covance Secretary Louette J. Rausch, Akzo Nobel Chemicals, Inc. Councilor Lise Loberg, Abbott Laboratories Councilor Susan Henwood, Covance Councilor Jane A. Fagerland, Abbott Laboratories Councilor Oliver Pelz, B.P. Corporation Student Representative Ofek Bar-Ilan, University of Wisconsin Post-doc Representative Vacant

B. The officers for the 2010-2011 year are:

President Matthew Shroeder, Covance President-Elect Christina Wilson, Purdue University Past President Walter C. Prozialeck, Midwestern University Treasurer Molly Weiler, Covance Secretary Thomas Mably, Covance Councilor Lise Loberg, Abbott Laboratories Councilor Michael Biehl, University of Illinois Councilor Greg Erexson, Abbott Laboratories Councilor Susan Henwood, Covance Student Representative Tammy Elmergreen, University of Wisconsin Post-doc Representative Vacant

1 Draft 6/3/10 III. General Meetings

A. Fall Meeting 2009

The Fall Annual Meeting was held on Friday, November 20, at Covance Laboratories in Madison, WI. Approximately 85 people, from IL, WI and IN attended the meeting. President-elect Matthew Schroeder served as Program Chair for the meeting, which focused on the topic “Cardiovascular Toxicology”. Feedback regarding the program and speakers was excellent. A copy of the schedule for the meeting that includes a list of speakers and their topics is attached as Appendix I.

B. Spring Meeting 2010

The Spring Annual Meeting was held on Friday, May 21 at the Marriott Resort in Lincolnshire, IL. The day-long meeting focused on the theme “The Central Nervous System as a Target of Toxic Injury”. The program featured an outstanding panel of speakers from both academia and industry. A copy of the program is attached as Appendix II. Approximately 70 people from IL, WI and IN attended the meeting. Feedback regarding the program was extremely positive. In addition, the chapter’s annual awards were presented at the meeting (see item IV below). A copy of the minutes from the business portion of the meeting is attached as Appendix III.

C. Plans for 2010-2011 Meetings

The 2010 Fall Meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Friday, November 12 at Eli Lily Company in Indianapolis. President-elect Christina Wilson will serve as Program Chair. The topic and a program details will be finalized soon.

The 2010 Spring Meeting will be held on May 20, at the Marriott Lincolnshire (IL) Resort. The topic has yet to be determined but the facilities have been reserved.

IV. The following chapter awards were presented at the 2010 Spring Meeting

A. Kenneth DuBois – Career Achievement Award

1. William D. Atchinson, Ph.D, Michigan State University. The award was presented to Dr. Atchison by Kevin Williams, who had nominated Dr. Atchison for the award. Dr. Atchison did his training and has spent his entire professional career in the Midwest. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin and did post-doctoral work at Northwestern before joining Michigan State. His research has focused on the neurotoxic effects of agents such as methylmercury, Pb and insecticides. He has published over 90 papers in the field and has mentored numerous graduate students and post- doctoral trainees. In addition, he has served on a wide variety of NIH study sections and journal editorial boards.

2 Draft 6/3/10

B. Victor A. Drill Award (student poster presentation).

1. First Place – Matthew Schmitz, Midwestern University 2. Second Place – Tammy Elmergreen, University of Wisconsin

C. Young Investigator Award

1. Amy Irving, University of Wisconsin

V. Newsletters and Website

Chapter newsletters were published in Fall 2009 and Spring 2010. Members were notified of the publications via email and the documents were posted on the chapter’s website.

Walter Prozialeck, Chapter President, updated the information on the Chapter’s website in March 2010. An additional update is planned in June, 2010.

VI. SOT Funding and General Finances

SOT had approved the chapter’s request for up to $1500 to support travel expenses for speakers at the 2009 Fall Meeting. The actual expenses were significantly below that amount (< $400). This support from SOT is greatly appreciated. The chapter continued to maintain a modest budge surplus for the year. With additional fund raising efforts, the chapter has been able to cover expenses and keep registration fees for the 2 annual meetings under control. Monetary contributions were donated by various sponsors including: Abbott Laboratories, Charles River Laboratories, CorDynamics, Covance, Midwest BioResearch, Reid Patterson Consulting, Robin Guy Consulting, Society of Toxicology and WIL Research Laboratories. Instead of contributing cash, Midwestern University contributed services by producing program blooklets for the chapter meeting. Staff from Midwestern, Vicki Sears and Peter Lamar, also provided logistical support for the meetings. All of the contributions, both monetary and non-monetary were greatly appreciated.

VII. Other Activities

A. Other notable activities during the past year included:

1. Peter Thomford and Walt Prozialeck have been reviewing the chapters By- Laws and prepared revisions to more closely reflect current operation of the chapter. Walt will be submitting the proposed changes for a vote by the membership. 2. Walt Prozialeck, has been in discussion with the presidents of neighboring chapters, Michigan and Central States, about better coordinating topics and scheduling of the regional chapters’ meetings. 3. The executive committee has been exploring ways of increasing student and post-doctoral trainee participation in the annual meetings.

3 Draft 6/3/10 4. Robin Guy, a past president of MRC has continued to provide valuable assistance in working with the Marriott Resort in scheduling and logistical planning of our Spring Meetings. VIII. Summary

In summary, MRC-SOT has had another successful year. The organization continues to provide quality scientific programs and foster interactions among toxicologists in IL, WI and Northwestern IN. The financial status of the chapter continues to be sound. The officers are committed to continuing this success in the coming year.

Report Prepared by Walter Prozialeck, MRC-SOT President, June 1, 2010.

4 Draft 6/3/10 Appendix I

28th Annual MRC/SOT Fall Meeting Nov. 20, 2009 Covance Laboratories, Madison, Wisconsin

“New Frontier in Cardiovascular Toxicology”

Registration Lunch 9:00-9:35 AM 12:-1:15 PM

Welcome 1:15-2:00 PM 9:35-9:45 AM “Human iPS Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes: Walter Prozialeck, PhD Progress and Applications” Midwestern University Timothy Kamp, MD, PhD Matthew Schroeder University of Wisconsin Covance Laboratories 2:00-2:45 PM 9:45-10:30 AM “Contemporary Issues in Preclinical “In vivo Assessment of Cardiovascular Cardiovascular Risk Assessment” Function in Drug Development: Brian Berridge, DVM, PhD, DACVP Dusty Sarazan, DVM, PhD GlaxoSmithKline Covance 2:45-3:00 PM 10:30-11:15 AM Concluding Remarks “hERG (Kv11.1) K+ Channels and Their Walter Prozialeck, PhD Trafficking within Cells“ Midwestern University Craig January, PhD, University of Wisconsin

11:15-12:00 “Sleep Apnea: Causes and Consequences” Jerome Dempsey, PhD University of Wisconsin

5 Draft 6/3/10

Appendix II

28th Annual MRC/SOT Spring Meeting May 21, 2010 Marriott Lincolnshire “Biomarkers of Toxic Injury and Therapeutic Responses”

Registration/Breakfast 2010 Young Investigator Award 7:00-8:00 AM Presentation: Growth Inhibition of Triple Negative Breast Cancer by Welcome Dietary Phytoestrogens 8:00-8:15 AM 11:35-11:50 PM Walter Prozialeck, Ph.D. Erin Shanle and Matthew Schroeder, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison

The Blood Brain Barrier in Graduate Student Poster Session Neurodegenerative Disease 11:50-12:20 PM 8:15-9:00 AM Paul Carvey, Ph.D. Lunch Rush Medical University 12:20-1:00 PM

Understanding A Safety Margin Business Meeting/Student Poster for Convulsion Awards 9:00-9:45 AM 1:00-1:30 PM Mary Jeanne Kallman, Ph.D. Covance Laboratories Halting the Progression of Neurodegenerative Diseases: What Cyanide-induced Neurodegeneration and does Nrf2 have to do with it? Activation of Mitochondrial Mediate Cell 1:30-2:15 PM Death Jeffrey Johnson, Ph.D. 9:45-10:30 AM University of Wisconsin Gary Isom, Ph.D. Purdue University Correlation of Histopathologic Findings with Genomic and Pathway Changes in Refreshment Break Kainic Acid Induced Rat Model of 10:30-10:50 AM Epilepsy 2:15-3:00 PM Translational Non-Invasive Imagine of Alok Sharma, BVSc, MVSc, MS, Ph.D. Processes Related to Neurodegeneration Covance Laboratories and Neuroprotection 10:50-11:35 AM Concluding Remarks Rikki Waterhouse, Ph.D. 3:00-3:15 PM Abbott Laboratories Walter Prozialeck, Ph.D. Midwestern University

6 Draft 6/3/10 Appendix III

Minutes, 2010 Business Meeting, MRC-SOT

The Midwest Regional Chapter, Society of Toxicology Spring Meeting was held at the Marriott Lincolnshire resort, May 21, 2010. The spring business meeting was called to order by President, Walt Prozialeck at 1:00 PM.

I. President’s Report

Walt Prozialeck gave a brief report on the status of the chapter including the good turn out for the Fall meeting and the excellent slate of candidates for elected office. Walt emphasized that the chapter exists to serve the needs of the members and that input regarding potential meeting topics is encouraged and welcomed.

II. Treasurer’s Report

Molly Wieler reported that there is a current balance of about $22,000 in the Treasury.

III. New Council Members

Past President, Peter Thomford, presented the election results and welcomed the incoming officers for the 2010-2011 year.

President-Elect: Christina Wilson, Purdue University Secretary: Thomas Mably, Covance Councilor: Michael Biehl, University of Illinois Councilor: Greg Erexson, Abbott Laboratories

IV. DuBois Award

The award was presented to William Atchison by Kevin Williams, who had nominated Dr. Atchison for the award. Dr. Atchison, who is a Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology at Michigan State University, did his training and has spent his entire professional career in the Midwest. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin and did post-doctoral work at Northwestern before joining Michigan State. His research has focused on the neurotoxic effects of agents such as methylmercury, Pb and insecticides. He has published over 90 papers in the field. He has mentored numerous graduate students and post-doctoral trainees and has served on a wide variety of NIH study sections and journal editorial boards.

V. Victor A. Drill Award

The first place poster (Victor A. Drill) award was presented to Matthew Schmitz, from Midwestern University, who will receive a $1,500 grant for his poster entitled “Effects of Cadmium on the Phosphorylation of N-cadherin and beta-catenin in rat kidney”

7 Draft 6/3/10 The second place poster (Victor A. Drill) award was presented to Tammy Elmergreen, from the University of Wisconsin, who will receive $100 for her poster.

VI. Young Investigators Award

This award was presented to Amy Irving for her research proposal. Amy is a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

VII. Recognition of Outgoing Officers

Walt thanked Jane Fagerland, Oliver Pelz, Peter Thomford, Louette Rausch and Okef Bar- Ilan, who are completing their terms of service on the Executive Committee.

Walt thanked all of the individuals and speakers who helped with the Spring Meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 PM


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