SECTION 03 11 19 - Insulating Concrete Forming
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Note to Specifier: This MODEL (or OPEN-BID) specification lets the specifier correctly identify Insulating Concrete Forming products of R-28 or higher and their installation. The specifier can edit this document to fit the needs of specific projects. There are Specifier notes/ blue text throughout the guide specification to assist in the editing of the file to suit the project.
1.1 OVERVIEW A. Compliance with Division 1 – General Requirements. B. Supply and installation of Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) having an insulation value of R-28 or more for structural cast-in-place concrete walls; installation of reinforcing steel bars, rough openings, embedded fasteners, sleeves and conduit; and placement of concrete within the ICFs. C. Supply, install, and remove adequate temporary false work, bracing, and scaffolding complying with all applicable codes and regulations.
Furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment to perform:
A. Installation of ICFs for R-28 walls (or better), B. installation of reinforcing steel within ICFs, C. installation of rough openings, embedded anchors, conduit and similar in ICFs, D. installation, adjustment, and removal of temporary false work, bracing, scaffolding, E. placement of concrete into ICFs, and F. final cleanup & related tasks.
1.3 MATERIALS/PRODUCTS INSTALLED BUT NOT SPECIFIED OR SUPPLIED UNDER THIS SECTION A. Reinforcing steel B. Concrete C. Hold-downs and anchors D. Bolts, sleeves, inserts, and hangers E. Sleeves, conduit, utility penetrations F. Window and door opening bucks
Alternate materials are materials not complying with all the specifications within this Section. Alternate materials are to be approved by the architect and engineer of record.
1.5 RELATED SECTIONS (Specifier Note: ADD/DELETE/MODIFY the Section Numbers and Titles to correspond with specific project requirements)
A. Section 01 50 00 – Temporary Facility and Controls B. Section 03 05 00 – Basic Concrete Materials and Methods CSI-01 2016-01-08 03 11 19 INSULATING CONCRETE FORMING Name or Number of Project Page 2 of 10
C. Section 03 10 00 – Concrete Forming and Accessories D. Section 03 20 00 – Concrete Reinforcement E. Section 03 30 00 – Cast-in-Place Concrete F. Section 05 50 00 – Metals G. Section 06 00 00 – Woods and Plastics H. Section 07 10 00 – Damp-proofing and Waterproofing I. Section 07 11 00 – Damp-proofing J. Section 07 13 00 – Modified Bituminous Sheet Waterproofing K. Section 07 20 00 – Thermal Protection L. Section 07 24 00 – Exterior Insulation and Finish System M. Section 07 46 00 – Siding N. Section 07 60 00 – Flashing and Sheet Metal O. Section 08 00 00 – Openings (Doors and Windows) P. Sections 09 20 00 through 09 30 00 – Portland Cement Plaster (Stucco), Gypsum Board Q. Sections 09 70 00 through 09 80 00 – Wall Finishes / Acoustical Treatments
1.6 REFERENCES A. Acronyms & Definitions: 1. ICF or ICFs: Acronym for “Insulating (or Insulated) Concrete Form(s)” 2. EPS: Acronym for “Expanded Polystyrene” treated with a flame-retardant when referring to the foamed plastic insulation boards of the ICF system. 3. ICF Bracing System: a concrete form alignment & scaffolding system designed specifically for use with Insulating Concrete Forms. 4. Window or Door Opening Buck: a pre-manufactured or site-built frame assembly used to form a rough opening within the ICF walls by restricting concrete. If left in place, the frame also provides subsequent anchorage and attachment surfaces for doors and windows within the wall assembly. 5. ICF Installer: a installation subcontractor responsible for the ICF system installation
B. Reference Standards: 1. American Concrete Institute (ACI) a. ACI 301 - Standard Specification for Structural Concrete b. ACI 309 - Guide for Consolidation of Concrete c. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete d. ACI 332 - Guide to Residential Cast-in-Place Concrete Construction e. ACI 347 - Guide to formwork for Concrete
2. International Code Council (ICC & ICC-ES) (Specifier Note: ADD/DELETE/MODIFY the Standards to correspond to the specific requirements and jurisdiction) a. International Building Code (IBC) b. International Residential Code (IRC) c. International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) d. AC12 - Acceptance Criteria for Foam Plastic Insulation e. AC15 - Concrete Floor, Roof and Wall Systems f. AC353 - Acceptance Criteria for Stay-In-Place, Foam Plastic Insulating Concrete Form (ICF) Systems For Solid Concrete Walls
3. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) a. NFPA 286: Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Evaluating Contribution of Wall and Ceiling Interior Finish to Room Fire Growth
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4. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) a. ASTM E2634 - Standard Specification for Flat Wall Insulating Concrete Form (ICF) Systems [referencing various other ASTM Standards] b. ASTM C578 - Standard Specification for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation [referencing various other ASTM Standards] c. ASTM E84 - Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials d. ASTM E119 - Standard test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials
1.7 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Contractor shall ensure that all materials listed under sub-Section 1.03 are supplied to ICF Installer prior to starting work under this Section. B. Contractor shall ensure that footings/slabs are within specifications (especially smooth and level to within ¼-inch, step-heights in consideration of ICF’s form size, sufficient widths) and that placement, spacing, and sizes of anchor dowels from concrete footings/slab conform to design requirements and in consideration of ICF’s form size. C. Pre-Construction Meeting: 1. Prior to commencing footings/slab work, Contractor shall convene meeting(s) at the project site, to include the ICF Installer and trades responsible for installing footings/slabs, steel reinforcement, false work, scaffolding, concrete, and other trades responsible for installation work that interfaces with ICF walls (floors/roofs, windows/doors, interior and exterior finishes, damp/waterproofing, backfill) or involves ICF formwork modification (e.g. electricians, plumbers, HVAC).
1.8 SUBMITTALS (Specifier Note: ADD/DELETE/MODIFY the Section Numbers and Titles to correspond with specific project requirements)
A. Conform to requirements of Section 01 33 00 Submittal Procedures. B. Bid Submission Documents: 1. With the bid proposal for this Section, Contractor shall submit written confirmation of: a. Name of ICF Product proposed for the material & labor cost of the bid. b. Credentials of the ICF Installer which shall include that ICF Installer: i. has a minimum of 2 years experience in ICF construction of projects similar in scope and complexity; or ii. is a qualified masonry or traditional concrete forming contractor with a minimum of 5 years experience in construction of projects similar in scope and complexity. C. ICF Manufacturer’s Instructions: Contractor shall submit ICF manufacturer’s literature describing products and installation procedures.
D. Test and Evaluation Reports: 1. Contractor shall submit a copy of valid ICF Product’s evaluation report demonstrating compliance with this Section and applicable Codes. 2. Upon request, submit relevant test data and reports which validate ICF Product’s compliance with the performance criteria of this Section.
E. ICF Bracing System Engineering: 1. For unsupported wall heights of more than 12 feet (3.6m), Contractor shall submit scaffold engineering for support of the ICF assembly and ICF Bracing System or shall ensure the engineering is provided by the engineer of record for support of the ICF assembly and the ICF Bracing System during construction.
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A. Conform to requirements of Section 01 78 00 Closeout Submittals. B. Warranty Documentation: upon completion of work under this Section, ICF Installer shall submit to Contractor a written copy of specific warranties of the ICF product for subsequent provision to building owner. C. Maintenance Documentation: upon completion of work under this Section, ICF Installer shall submit to Contractor a copy of documentation pertaining to post repair, renovation, modification or service work relating to the ICF walls after occupancy (for subsequent provision to building owner).
1.10 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications: 1. Contractor shall engage the services of an ICF Installer, or of an experienced ICF Technical Consultant, who has been trained in procedures for the correct installation of the specified ICF Product, for the duration of the work under this Section. 2. ICF Installer or ICF Technical Consultant shall submit written proof of ICF training to Contractor prior to starting work under this Section.
1.11 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Keep solvents, high heat, open flames, and any other ignition sources away from ICFs at all times. B. ICF Installer shall meet with Contractor on site prior to ICF Product delivery to co- ordinate provision of access, storage areas, protection of ICFs, and space requirements for ICF Bracing System installation, reinforcing steel storage, and forming. C. Deliver ICFs in original factory packaging labeled with identification of product, manufacturer, and manufacturing batch/lot numbers. D. Handle ICFs with care not to damage or soil any of the components. E. Store ICFs in well-ventilated areas away from high heat, ignition sources, and soils that may contain insects, in manufacturer provided packaging/bundles to prevent damage & soiling and to protect ICFs from extended exposure to UV (sun)light (or provide similar protection for unpackaged ICFs). F. In actual or potentially windy conditions, store ICF packages flat or secure them adequately.
1.12 SITE CONDITIONS A. Ambient Temperatures: If construction is performed during periods when ambient temperatures are below minima specified by the applicable Building Code for concrete and masonry, Contractor shall provide adequate measures for protection and supplementary heating as required to ensure proper concrete curing conditions in accordance with manufacturer’s and concrete supplier’s recommendations.
For the ICFs to be supplied under this section, ICF manufacturer shall provide upon request written documentation by an Accredited Third Party verifying the ICF’s compliance with the applicable building code and with either ASTM E2634 “Standard Specification for Flat Wall Insulating Concrete Form (ICF) Systems” or ICC-ES AC-353 “Stay-in-place, Foam Plastic Insulating Concrete Form (ICF) Systems for Solid Concrete”.
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2.2 INSULATING CONCRETE FORMING SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. ICFs shall consist of two flame-retardant, expanded polystyrene (EPS) foamed plastic insulation boards connected by molded high-density polyethylene or polypropylene cross-ties. B. The ICF’s EPS insulation boards shall be between 2 5/8" (inches) and 3¼" (inches) thick. C. The ICF products shall be capable of forming all of the following concrete core thicknesses: 4", 6", 8", 10", or 12" (inches) D. The ICF’s cross-ties shall provide attachment points for exterior and interior wall finishes every 16" (inches) or less.
2.3 PERFORMANCE / DESIGN CRITERIA A. ICF wall assembly’s insulation levels shall be a minimum of R-28 (hr.ft2.F/Btu) as calculated using ASTM C578 values @ 75 degree F for EPS (and including R-2.66 for: inside air, ½-inch gypsum wallboard, 6-inches concrete, 5/8-inch T1-11 Finish & outside air). B. The ICF’s EPS insulation boards shall either have a flame spread index of 25 or less and smoke developed index of 450 or less (per ASTM E84) or shall have passed a NFPA 286 test. C. Finished ICF wall assemblies shall providing fire resistance ratings tested and documented by an Accredited Third Party as follows: i. for concrete core thickness of 4-inches: 2 hour fire resistance rating ii. for concrete core thickness of 6-inches: 3 hour fire resistance rating iii. for concrete core thickness of 8-inches or more: 4 hour fire resistance rating D. Finished ICF wall assemblies shall provide a minimum sound transmission class (STC) sound attenuation performance of STC 50 for concrete core thicknesses of at least 6- inches (with regular ½-inch gypsum board on one or both sides) E. ICFs’ Cross-Ties’ Fastener Withdrawal and Lateral Shear Resistance in accordance with ICC-ES AC353, Acceptance criteria for Stay-in-Place, Foam Plastic Insulating Concrete Form (ICF) Systems for Solid Concrete Walls and ASTM D1761, Standard Test Methods/or Mechanical Fasteners in Wood.
2.4 MATERIALS A. ICFs’ Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Insulation Board as per ASTM C578 “Standard Specification for Rigid Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation” (or MIL-P-19644): 1. Compressive Resistance @ yield or 10% deformation ≥ 15psi (ASTM D1621) 2. Thermal Resistance Value @ 75°F ≥ 4.0 per inch thickness (ASTM C177 or equiv./ MIL-P-19644) 3. Flexural Strength ≥ 35psi (ASTM C203) 4. Water Vapor Permeance ≤ 3.5 perm-in (ASTM E96) 5. Water Absorption ≤ 3% by Vol. (ASTM C272) 6. Dimensional Stability ≤ 2% change in dims. (ASTM D2126) 7. Oxygen Index ≥ 24.0 % by Vol. (ASTM D2863) 8. Density ≥ 1.35PCF (ASTM C1622 / C1622M or C303) B. Incompatible Materials: ICFs should not come into contact with solvents or petroleum- based liquids as they will damage or dissolve the ICFs. Ensure that all sealants, primers, and other materials in contact with EPS and plastics are compatible (water-based).
C. Concrete: Concrete supplied for ICFs under Section 06 30 00:
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1. shall have a minimum compressive strength as specified by the engineer of record or 2500 psi (measured at 28 days), whichever is higher. Recommended maximum aggregate size shall be 3/8-inch for concrete core thicknesses of 4-inches and 6-inches and ½-inch for concrete core thicknesses of 8-inches and higher, and 2. shall have a concrete slump of a minimum of 6-inches at time of placement into ICFs with a water/cement ratio less than 0.55 (subject to design revision to suit application). 3. When permitted by the engineer of record, recommended slump specification shall be met with addition of super plasticizer/mid-range water reducing agents to achieve design mix strength and adequately high concrete flow characteristics.
D. Reinforcing Steel: Reinforcing steel grade, size, placement and spacing within ICFs shall be as specified in Section 03 21 00 or by the engineer of record.
E. Sleeves, Hangers, Waterproofing, Parging, Finishes, etc.: all other materials coming into contact with ICFs in the course of construction shall be compatible with EPS foam
2.5 ACCESSORIES F. ICF Bracing System, false work: 1. ICF Installer shall supply and use an ICF Bracing System or equivalent false work to facilitate construction of the ICF walls and allow adjustments required to ensure plumbness and straightness of the ICF walls during construction, just prior to concrete placement, and immediately after concrete placement while the ICF wall is still adjustable to final finished position. 2. The ICF Bracing System (or equivalent false work) shall be compliant with OSHA and all other applicable laws and regulations. G. Anchor bolts, hangers, and other embeds H. Sleeves for penetrations, Conduit I. Window and Door Bucks: stay-in-place or removable plastic or treated lumber buck-out materials.
3.1 INSTALLERS A. ICF Installer shall meet the requirements of sub-Section 1.08 B. Bid Submittal qualifications
3.2 EXAMINATION Verification of Conditions:
A. Verify that site conditions are as set out in sub-Section 1.12 “Site Conditions”. B. Verify adequate access for workers and equipment for all phases of work C. Verify dimensions of lines, levels and centers against for-construction building plans before proceeding with formwork installation. D. Verify footings/slabs installed under Section 03 30 53 are within specifications (especially smooth and level within +/- ¼-inch, footing steps in increments of ICFs form height, sufficient width). E. Verify placement, spacing, and sizes of reinforcing steel dowels from concrete footings/slab as per design requirements and in consideration of ICFs form size. F. Ensure reinforcing steel dowels have OSHA compliant protection installed until ICFs are stacked above dowel level.
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3.3 PREPARATION A. Clean top of footings and slabs prior to starting installation of ICFs. B. Schedule installation of concrete formwork with related work specified in other Sections to ensure that ICF wall assembly, including window and door accessories, trim, utility penetrations, transition changes, and mechanical service provisions are protected against damage from weather, corrosion, and adjacent construction activity.
3.4 INSTALLATION – GENERAL A. Install ICF formwork, reinforcing steel, and concrete per design requirements and in strict accordance with ICF manufacturer’s installation manual (as supplied under sub- Section 1.08 C.) and all applicable codes and standards including, but not limited to, ACI 301, ACI 309, ACI 318, and ACI 347. B. Install and adjust ICF Bracing System and/or all false work to ensure stability and alignment of ICFs and formwork during all phases of work. Provide additional support for ICFs, Window and Door Opening Bucks and formwork where necessary. C. Ensure all required and recommended installation procedures are followed. Specifically the ICF Installer shall assure cross checks with respect to layout, level and vertical alignment are performed adequately and regularly.
3.5 INSTALLATION - FORMWORK D. Install the ICFs in accordance with ICF manufacturer’s installation instructions, in a running bond pattern assuring placement and alignment of cross-ties / attachment strips. E. Install and secure Window and Door Opening Bucks. If specified, assure that the bucks have been prepared for anchoring to concrete as specified. F. Secure bottom layer of ICFs against displacement from footing or slab. G. Install horizontal reinforcing steel, as specified, within ICFs. Assure reinforcement diameter, grade and positioning complies with engineering specifications and is installed in correct position of wall for each course placed and with lap-splices as specified. H. Install ICF Bracing System and/or other false work in strict accordance with ICF Bracing System manufacturer’s installation instructions. Regularly check everything for crew safety, anchorage to ICF system as recommended by manufacturers, and for vertical alignment. I. Install reinforcing steel for lintels, as specified, over all wall openings. J. Install all sleeves, conduit, anchor bolts, hangars, embeds, and similar as specified. K. Install vertical reinforcing steel, as specified, within ICFs. Assure reinforcement diameter, grade and positioning complies with engineering specifications and is installed in correct position of wall with lap-splices as specified. L. Secure ICF corners, angles, T-walls and similar as necessary M. Secure top layer of ICFs against lateral movement along top edges N. Clean formed cavities of all debris, snow, and ice prior to placing concrete. Flush with water above freezing-levels or use compressed air or other methods to remove remaining foreign matter. Ensure that water and debris drains to exterior through clean- out ports. O. Inspection before Concrete Placement: ICF Installer shall assure string lines are placed at top of all walls and the wall system is aligned for concrete placement; cross check and assure that all required service penetration sleeves, embed plates, anchor bolts, fittings, beam pocket preparations, as specified on drawings, are in place and secured prior to concrete placement. P. Concrete Placement: ICF Installer shall assure that slump, strength and aggregate size are as specified per sub-Section 2.04 C and that concrete tickets are retained for Contractor’s records. ICF Installer to assure truck deliveries are timed for rate of placement and that placement rate does not exceed ACI recommended practices. ICF Installer shall also assure that all concrete is mechanically and internally vibrated per ACI standards after each concrete lift to assure full consolidation of concrete. CSI-01 2016-01-08 03 11 19 INSULATING CONCRETE FORMING Name or Number of Project Page 8 of 10
Q. ICF Bracing System, false work, and scaffolding adjustment & removal: ICF Installer shall assure entire wall lengths are aligned to vertical plumb by string line and screeded to horizontal level for finished wall height as required prior to concrete set. After the initial concrete cure, Contractor shall assure that scaffolding, ICF Bracing System, and false work remain in place until the engineer of record permits removal.
3.6 CONSTRUCTION A. Interface with Other Work o Locate and set items to be cast directly into concrete. o Provide formed openings, sleeves, pockets where required for items to be embedded in or to pass through concrete work. o Coordinate with work of other trades in placing bolts, anchors, hangers, sleeves and any other inserts. o Install components for wall, roof and/or floor connections as specified o Install all accessories in accordance with their manufacturer’s instructions, straight, level and plumb. Secure items against displacement during the concrete pour. B. Site Tolerances o Construct ICFs and formwork within tolerances of ACI 301 or as otherwise specified
3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Conformance to design drawings and specifications B. Plumb, Straight, Square, and Level of all formwork and walls, before, during and after the concrete pour C. Damaged ICFs o Installer shall clearly mark and segregate any damaged ICFs or ICF components to prevent their use in the project (unless adequate remedies are used). D. Reinforcing Steel o Per Section 03 20 00 – Concrete Reinforcement o The installer shall check and document specifications and placement of all reinforcing steel placed into ICFs and how it is secured against displacement during the concrete pour E. Concrete o Per Section 03 30 00 – Cast-in-Place Concrete o The installer shall check and document specifications, age, additives, placement, and consolidation of all concrete placed into ICFs along with environmental conditions during concrete pours. o Site Tests: per Section 03 30 00 – Cast-in-Place Concrete or specify special requirements (e.g. slump tests after additives, core samples) F. Regularly inspect & verify stability of erected ICF, formwork, Window and Door Opening Bucks, ICF Bracing System, false work, and scaffolding to ensure that elements are secure and that work is in accordance with design specifications and all laws and regulations.
3.8 CLEANUP A. Clean formwork as installation proceeds and remove foreign matter within formwork. B. ICF Installer to remove ICF Bracing System and ICF related false work when permitted by the engineer of record C. Clean up and properly dispose of all debris remaining on job site related to work under this Section
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3.9 PROTECTION D. In case the final exterior finish application happens more than 8 weeks after erection of ICFs, provide temporary cover for installed ICFs to reduce EPS degradation from UV- light, or sufficiently rasp down all EPS areas affected by UV-degradation. E. For ICF walls’ intermediate concrete pours, prior to concrete placement, the tops of the ICFs shall be protected with track or tape or other means to ensure no concrete soils the ICFs’ interlocking mechanisms.
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R-28 [RSI-4.87] ICF Wall Configurations by Quad-Lock Building Systems Ltd.
Concrete Core ICF Wall Thickness Fire Resistance Thickness with EPS Rating (FRR) 4" [102 mm] 10¼" [260 mm] 2 hours 6" [152 mm] 12¼" [311 mm] 3 hours 8" [203 mm] 14¼" [362 mm] 4 hours 10" [254 mm] 16¼" [413 mm] 4 hours 12" [305 mm] 18¼" [464 mm] 4 hours