Types of Service
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[Extra table] Types of Service
Type Contents Charging system Note
FriendSearch On prior consent of the other party (friend), Volume-rate charge (WAP 120 won, WEB
FriendSearch provides the other party’s 150 won) and flat rate charge per month
(friend) current location (Cell/GPS based) (1500 won/25 uses a month)
with maps.
FriendSearch Provides such functions as
‘Download location’, ‘Find location’ and
‘Notice.’ Free GPS SOS The ‘SOS’ button on the GPS mobile phone
allows the user to call pre-assigned
parents/guardians in real-time.
After the call, user’s location is sent to
the parents/guardians
T map T map Navigation is a cutting-edge mobile Flat rate charge per month in
Navigation service providing traffic information and accordance with number of uses (18,000
Fast route navigation on the map using GPS, won, 9,000 won, 6,000 won, 5,000 won),
as well as various driving guidance features volume-rate charge
such as finding diverse facilities/landmarks
nearby, news/weather and emergency rescue
services. Through ARS access, Mobile Phones, geographic -Volume-rate charge: 150 won per use Phone Location features and wire telephones (commercial) are Navigation service: charge per use Navigation set as destinations, and navigation -Flat rate charge: 2,500 won/month information to the destination is provided by 30 times of free destination setting ARS voice service. provided -Unlimited: 10,000 won/month Unlimited free destination setting provided Ting Junior Ting Junior Safety is a service protecting Flat rate charge: 1,500 won
Safety SKT members under 18 years of age, Charge per use on some services
automatically notifying children’s location, Separate charge on DATA use
deviation from location, arrival at Separate charge on VAT
destination etc. to the parents/guardians. T-Interactive T-Interactive Application is set on the idle o Free of charge: - App. D/L, DATA use o Only users using
screen to enable convenient use of diverse fee and information use fee on mobile phones
information, mobile internet service and reinstallation featuring T-
features of the phone - DATA use fee and information use fee Interactive
o Functions: Provision of news/daily tips, on updating new information for (defined by the
use of phone features as well as various provision of basic functions Company) can use
mobile internet service through Shortcuts o Information use fee for each service this service
ㅇ Using Information: Provision of diverse Content may be charged separately o PPS and pre-paid
customized/recommended services (including service users
region-based services) cannot use this
service Lottery Service Lottery Service locates the nearest lottery Charge per use shops and recommended lottery shops based on 100∼1,000 won user’s current location
Family Safety -Using this service, users can regularly - Flat rate charge: Emergency call
Service check the other party (family, friend or 3,500 won function is only
lover)’s whereabouts, or notify the user’s (However, ‘Searching location of the provided on GPS
location and route to another person, thereby other party’ function is charged 120 enabled mobile
ensuring safety won per use separately) phones
-Free accident insurance covers up to 3
persons including the user and wards)
-Functions: Daily automatic protection,
Notification of deviation from safety zones,
Locating the other party, Notification of
nighttime danger zones, Viewing routes,
Setting SOS calls in real-time, Notification
of expected time of arrival, Notification of
subway traffic (location and time)
Child Pre-assigned parents/guardians can check -Flat rate charge on information use (4
Safety Plus current location of their children under 18 types)
years of age or any deviance from preset 1,500 won a month (charged to the user)
routes. -Volume-rate charge on information
-Functions: Automatic notification of use(1 type)
location, Notification of deviance from 120 won per use (charged to
safety zone, Checking location of a third user(guardian) on ‘confirming the
party, View routes, SOS call by SMS other party’s location’ function)
2 Safe Card When payment occurs with registered credit Flat rate charge of 600 won per month/2 * Pre-paid service (debit) card, Safe Card verifies the store’s card companies (including banks) per users cannot apply location with the current location of the each 1 membership to this service user’s mobile phone and notifies payment 200 won per registration from third information via voice, e-mail or SMS. card company
Montly charge: AdZone A program checking the user’s current - Base rate: 100,000 won location is inserted into user’s USIM card, : 4,000 Free locations -Charge on locations exceeding the free providing the location of of the user when 4,000 uses: ~under 100K (25 won) the user enters specific regions –AdZone then ~under 200K (23 won) ~under 300K (21 won) provides targeted information to the user. ~under 500K (19 won) above 500K (15 won) - AdZone is a SOHO/SMB based on Zones,
providing information such as advertisement
and promotion of local government, and
emergency and disaster alerts to users in the
ZONE Flat rate charge on information use per Twinstar Map Twinstar Map enables users to view month: information and advertisement of nearby -900 won Information use fee for other users(not stores and share stories with other users using flat rate charge): -View Map: 100 won per use nearby. -Visit : 150 won per use
Pajama5 Pajama5 is a new concept service in which Free
users can put pictures of 4 friends on the
idle screen to call and exchange SMS etc.
Sharing current status with those 4 friends
is also possible (view Location menu shows
the direction the location of and distance to
the friends set on Pajama5, up to 4.
TmapSMS - Volume-rate charge: Service &
When a POI on the map is selected on TmapSMS → Sent via MMS/100 won per sending Information use
application , the map image of the location ※ If the recipient has installed the Fee: Free
and message is delivered to the recipient via TmapSMS application, the SMS is sent Only charged on MMS
SMS. to the application (Free of charge)
Smart Tour Smart Tour provides travel information to Free
domestic/international travelers through AR
(Augmented Reality) and MAP. Travelers using
Smart Tour can schedule their trips freely
and are provided travel information/traffic
information and route navigation in
3 accordance with their scheduled travel plan.
Also, users can share their personal travel
records and information through SNS (Twitter,
Location Using Location Journal, the user writing a Free
Journal journal on the mobile phone records the
location in which the journal was written.
Beauty 114 Based on the user’s current location, Free Provided under
(Belle) information on beauty related stores such as service name
hair shops, nail salons, makeup shops, diet ‘Belle’ on Tablet
stores, massage shops, plastic surgery PC
clinics, dental clinics, ophthalmic clinics,
cosmetic shops, fashion shops and spas within
a 1~10 km radius are marked on the map
WeScore Geo Tagging: The location information at the Free
time of posting is saved with the posting and
filtered in accordance with the GEO Tag.
Postings by users in the area or postings
created by users in the area are provided
when giving search results.
Using user’s most frequent locations,
postings by users in the area or postings
created by users in the area are provided
when giving search results.
GOLD in CITY GOLD in CITY is a location based Social Free
Networking Service in which the user can view
information and coupons of nearby stores and
share tips and pictures of places visited
through “shoveling” (a button marking that
the user has visited the site)
T map HOT T map HOT provides regional information of Free specific major commercial areas through However, in case of sending location various pictures, and also provides via MMS, 100 won per sending is navigation service for pedestrians. charged Users of T map HOT can view store information
4 and events provided based on their location,
and write and post written messages and
upload pictures.
T WiFi Zone T WiFi Zone Finder provides information on T Free
Finder WiFi Zones nearby.
Yummies Based on user’s current location, Yummies Free
Recommended Recommended collects provides information on
famous restaurants within a 0.3~2km radius
based on other users’ ratings and
recommendations of bloggers and communities.
Let’s Depart! Let’s Depart! is a travel application which Free
provides information on traveling such as 100
Must See Places, This Month’s Travel, Famous
Mountains and Tracking Courses, Travel
Information Near My Location, Nearby Sites,
Nearby Famous Restaurants, Nearby
Accommodations and Traffic and Facility
Real Yummies Ta Real Yummies Talk is a service providing and Free
lk sharing credible and objective restaurant
information through Smartphone users’
participation. It provides fun and
information through consumer evaluation and
features such as Recommended Information,
Real Menu and Tiny Revenge (marking
Festivals Live Festivals Live is an application providing Festivals Live: Free,
information of regional festivals all around T map navigation service is charged in
the country accordance with T map charge system
Festivals Live provides information on
monthly festivals, regional festivals,
themes, sites, accommodations and
restaurants etc. in link with T map.
5 Mom’s Planner Mom’s Planner is an application scheduler Free
providing pregnancy-related information in
the form of daily schedule to pregnant women
or women preparing pregnancy.
Mom’s Planner provides features such as
‘Must-know facts’(Information related to
pregnancy), Mom’s Check and Search Hospital
AutoBoy AutoBoy recognizes the status or location of Free version and Pay version available
the Smartphone and activates actions set in
advance by the user.
AutoBoy enhances the Smartphone’s
performance by minimizing repetitive actions,
saving battery etc.
All that Based on user’s location, All that Premier Free
Premier provides information on theaters showing
specific movies and information on list of
movies and theaters available.
All that Premier uses the user’s location
information to obtain information on nearby
theaters or distance to the theater near you.
Smart Wallet Smart Wallet is a service in which user can Free
insert various membership cards, coupons, (However, link to some service such as
gift cards, mobile credit cards and household the ‘Household ledger’ and
ledgers to his/her mobile phone. ‘PointMore’ is charged)
Smart Wallet uses user’s location
information to search for stores & coupons
and stores nearby
CCTV CCTV enables user to view real-time video Flat rate charge per month: 3,000 won
footage of cameras installed at distant Some services charged per use
places Separate charge on DATA use
Provides search of surveillance cameras near Separate charge on VAT
user’s current location My Car Manager conveniently gathers and My Car Manager Free provides useful information and services to the driver (user). My Car Manager checks user’s current location through GPS and provides real-time traffic information (travel speed of each road), search of location and reporting accidents.
6 Ad message Based on real-time location information, Ad Free
message sends information/advertisement about (Charged on DATA use on link to some
products and services in forms of SMS, MMS information/advertisement pages)
and LMS to the users consenting to use and
outsourcing of handling location information,
for sending and receiving
information/advertisements, when entering
certain regions.
PhotoZone PhotoZone uploads various pictures taken by Free the user using Smartphone (or Tablet PC), and provides information on attractive places for taking pictures as well as My PhotoZone When user enters his/her regions of interest or PhotoZone provides notifications, PhotoZone checks user’s current location and provides information related to current location
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