A Good Job Half Done

Point No. l —Most local law enforcement officers are grossly underpaid. Point No. 2 —County and city government officials can't do much about it because of limited tax resources, and increasing demands for local government services Point No. 3 —The State can help solve the problem by paying part of the cost of urgently needed salary increases. Point No. 4 —Boosting salaries u!ill enable local law enforcement officials to keep the good men they already have, and recruit others. Point No. 5 —Better salaries will produce better law enforce!nent. These are some of the points we scored in 1970 when the established The Minimum Foundation Program for Local Law Enforcement. This landmark program which we helped to sponsor in the Legislature guarantees for local law enforce- a minimum salary of $5,400 Putnam County Sheriff Walt Pellicer ment officers; upgrades the salaries of officers who President are already above the minimum; and obligates the Florida Sheriffs Association State to bear a portion of the cost. "A good job well done, " we said, after the 1970 clean, and the cabinet has declined to release the $912,500 Legislature adjourned. appropriated by the Legislature for the 1970-71 fiscal year. Now, however, we are beginning to realize it was Unless the cabinet reverses itself, the program will be "a good job —half done", because funds appropriated by locked to the launching pad through May and June. the Legislature have not materialized, and the program And when the new fiscal year begins on July 1, what seems to be in serious trouble. happens then~ May 1 is the scheduled starting date, but the bottom The answer is in the hands of the 1971 Legislature, of the state's money barrel has apparently been scraped which goes into its annual 60-dav regular session on April 6— (Continued on page 8) Onl:-:::::~:-: -:::":::':: THE SHERIFF'S STAR SPECIAL YEARBOOK EDITION .t'i MARCH 1971 VOLUME 15, NO. I

EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR Carl Stauffer 'i& Al Hammock {jj Executive Director I ~ i Florida Sheriffs Association :.'j! CONTENTS Sheriffs Association Officers and Directors 52 f! New Look in Lsw Enforcement —FCIC ...... 56 trj) THE RANCHER —A report on the Inside Back Cover V: A' Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch j} snd Girls Villa 9 j) r! Florida's Government THE SHERIFF'S STAR is published monthly by the Florida t Executive Branch ...... 24 Sheriffs Association, a non-profit corporation, P. O. Box 1487, lji Legislative Branch ...... 34 Tallahassee, Florida 32302. The subscription rate is $2.50 per ~f': State Government Chart...... 40 year. Second Class postage paid at Tallahassee, Florida and at .0! Judicial Branch . 47 additional, mailing offices. %'ho's Who in the Florida Sheriffs Association

Officers of the Florida Sheriffs Association for 1971 are: Putnam County Sheriff Walt Pellicer, President; Duval County (Jacksonville) Sheriff Dale Carson, immediate Past President; Hillsborough County Sheriff Malcolm Beard, Vice President; Alachua County Sheriff Joe Crevasse, Secretary-Treasurer; and Polk County Sheriff Monroe Brannen, Chairman of the Board of Directors. John A. Madigan, Jr. , is employed as the Association's Attorney; and Carl Stauffer, as the Association's Executive Director.




Sheriffs serving as directors from this district are: Don Watson, Jefferson County; Raymond Hamlin, Leon County; and Bill Taff, Wakulla County. Other counties in the district: Bay, Calhoun, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Liberty, ST Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton and Washington.


Sheriffs serving as directors from this district are: Maurice Linton, Taylor County; John Whitehead, Union County; and Jennings Murrhee, Clay County. Other counties in the district: Alachua, Baker, Brad- ford, Columbia, Dixie, Duval, Gilchrist, Hamilton, LaFayette, Madison, Nassau, Putnam, St. Johns ND and Suwannee.


Sheriffs serving as directors from this district are: Monroe Brannen, Polk County; Sim Lowman, Her- nando County; and Sam Joyce, Indian River County. Other counties in the district: Brevard, Citrus, Flag- ler, Hillsborough, Lake, Levy, Marion, Orange, RD Osceola, Pasco, Pinellas, , Sumter and Volusia.


Sheriffs serving as directors from this district are: Jack Bent, Charlotte County; Flanders Thompson, Lee County; and Ross& E. Boyer, Sarasota County. Other counties in the district: Broward, Collier, Dade, DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands, Manatee, Martin, Monroe, Okeechobee, Palm Beach TH and St. Lucie.


MARC No matter where you live in Florida, there's a new "super" policeman in your community. Although you can't see him, he is constantly riding "shotgun" with Florida's law enforcement officers. He goes about his work so quickly, you may not even know he is on the job. But, give him information, and a little time to get it organized, and you can expect him to assist Florida's law enforcement officers in making life miserable for professional law breakers. W Like FDR, HST and JFK, this big chief is usually referred to by initials only: FCIC. His "super brain" is in Tallahassee, and yet J his "beat" extends across the entire length and breadth of Florida, from Pensacola to the Keys. He has a memory that's out of this world —and a gift of gab to match. He can carry on 10, 20,


THE SHERIFF'S STAR maybe 200 conversations at one time, listening totally by the state to assist law enforcement attentively and storing up information in his mem- officers in performing their jobs. He is officially ory. Almost simultaneously he can answer multiple known as the Florida Crime Information Center questions about crimes, criminals and criminal (FCIC) and is operated by the Florida Department activity. of Law Enforcement. Give him the name of a person who has We are featuring FCIC in this issue because it committed a major crime in Florida and he can promises to be one of the most revolutionary "zap" back, in seconds, a complete criminal history. developments in crime fighting in modern times. Like the historical "hue and cry" in pursuit of FCIC is a product of many years of discussion, lawbreakers, "Super" Policeman (FCIC) has a voice research and planning. Its roots reach back to as that can be heard throughout the land. Every Florida early as 1965 and extend into many agencies in- Sheriff and most of the Police Chiefs are able to cluding the Florida Sheriffs Bureau (predecessor talk with him, but he's not a blabbermouth. He of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement), will only talk to law enforcement men and certain The Florida Highway Patrol, Legislative Committees, other criminal justice officials. and local law enforcement agencies. Executives from "Super" Policeman is a "space age" comput- all levels of law enforcement participated in its erized law enforcement-criminal justice-communica- evolution. tions and information system for Florida's law Now, as it approaches full operational status, enforcement agencies and officials. He is paid for all Florida can anticipate reaping the benefits.







To an old time law enforcement man, a bit is something a horse holds in his mouth; a bite is what you take out of an apple; and INFORMATION a bawd is a shady lady. But times have changed, and with a slight alteration in spelling, these are the terms computer technicians use nowadays when someone asks: "How fast will she go, Joe?" CENTER Baud refers to bits per second, but don't ask us how many bits to a byte. Our notes were garbled at that point. Anyhow, here are some pictures from the land of baud —showing (from left) FCIC key punch operators; the computer room (with a capacity, someone said, of over 330 million bytes); and the "do not disturb" sanctuary of the FCIC programmers.


FECERAL F(; l (', coUNTY


AT LEFT—Just one "memory" unit like this will hold 20,000 "bytes" of information, which is equivalent to about 10,000,000 words.

SELOW —FCIC staff members have memories too. They can remember, a little sadly, when pretty girls on stepladders maintained the voluminous crime files. Now the files are stored in cold, inanimate computer memory banks.

Crime Information

Information about criminals is a perishable commodity. It's difficult to obtain, expensive to store, and it soon gets stale. Sometimes when you need it the most, and need it in a hurry, it's not immediately available — like when you have arrested a suspicious looking character on a minor charge and you wonder if he's wanted somewhere else for a serious crime. By the time you find out, he could be "long gone" —and frequently that's how it happens. Sheriffs and police chiefs have wrestled with the problem for centuries. Matt Dillon kept a file of "badmen" in his head. After the West was tamed, Matt got senile, the supply of "badmen" grew by leaps and bounds, and lawmen of lesser mental capacity resorted to stuffing tons of finger- print cards, photographs and criminal histories into miles of filing cabinets. For awhile this worked, but with the coming of the "jet age", criminals became more and more mobile —and filing cabinets became more and more obsolete. It was like trying to store a year's supply of perishable vegetables in an old fashioned kitchen ice box. What law enforcement men needed was a massive "walk-in cooler" that could store millions of items of information in a small space, and spit them out at lightning speed, on command. " "Computers can do the job, someone piped up. "But," said someone else, "who can afford themv" And the answer was pretty obvious. Computers were out- rageously expensive. Only the largest law enforcement agencies with the fattest budgets could afford the luxury of "instant information" served up by these electronic marvels. And that's how things rocked along, until some cerebral, if not lineal, descendant of the legendary Matt, hit upon the idea of one centralized battery of computers serving a large number of widely scattered agencies through a net- THE SHERIFF'S STAR , MEMORY —IT'S ALSO A HIGH-SPEED COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM

. ~%has~ A Perishable Commodity work of communications lines. The FBI, in Washington, D. C., put this idea into actual practice by establishing just a few years ago the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). This computerized teleprocessing system connects state, federal and local enforcement agencies all over the nation to a Washington, D. C., computer center in which the FBI stores index information on wanted persons, stolen property and stolen vehicles. Agencies on the network have terminals which enable them to talk directly to the computers and get answers in just a matter of seconds. Following the FBI's lead, Florida now has a similar system known as the Florida Crime Information Center (FCIC) which is currently connected to over 225 state, county and city law enforcement agencies —and is expected to be serving some 300 agencies by the end of 1971. FCIC is a service facility operated by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. It consists of a state-wide Data Communications Network and a computerized system for the storage and retrieval of information. Computers located in Tallahassee are capable of opera- ting a high-speed communications network over leased lines to all areas of the state. They are also capable of storing some tremendous amounts of data about crime, criminals and criminal activity. Collier County Sheriff Doug Hendry (stending) Therefore, since the state foots the bill, FCIC gives checks message from FCIC on the terminal in each participating local law enforcement agency "for free" his Naples office. The message originated at all of the benefits of having its own multi-million-dollar the FCIC terminal, in Tallahassee (top photo), computer service. and was routed to Naples through the com- puters shown in the center photo. Terminals Sheriffs and police chiefs, for instance, can crime put like the one in Sheriff Hendry's office will information into FCIC computers without going through enable Sheriff's Departments, Police Depart- any other agency. ments and other law enforcement agencies Furthermore, the agency that puts information into to communicate with each other, with FCIC, with the FBI's the computer is the only one that can take it out. NCIC, and directly with the FCIC computer. (Bottom photo by John L. (Continued on page 8) Norman, N ap les) MARCH 1971 FINGERPRINT FILES FEDERAL COUNTY Computers can't read, classify or compare fingerprints- Not yet they can' t, but, given a sophisticated, automated filing system STATS to work with, they can speed up tre- mendously, the process of comparing fingerprints for positive identification. So, to keep pace with FCIC's fast-moving computers, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement has "automated" its fingerprint and criminal history files. First step was to "store" the entire fingerprint file (over I/2 million cards) in cartridges of microfilm. Next, each fingerprint technician was provided with a high speed cartridge- fed microfilm viewer. Then each fingerprint card was given an "address" that includes the microfilm cartridge and frame numbers and this "address" was stored in the FCIC computer memory. Now that this has been done, there's no need to search through filing cabinets for an arrested person's previous fingerprints. Instead, a fingerprint techni- ABOVE —Technician checks microfilm after filming fingerprint cards. cian gives the FCIC computer the name, sex, race, date-of-birth or agc, and the BELOW—A message to the computer inquiring about the microfilm "address" of e fingerprint card brings a reply almost immediately primary ard secondary elements of the on the terminal video screen. fingerprint classification, and the com- puter searches its memory. If the arrested person has been arrested previously in Florida and his fingerprints are in the microfilm file, then in seconds the com- puter flashes a message to a video screen giving the technician the microfilm cartridge and frame numbers of "pos- sible" identifications. With this information the finger- print technician can select the proper microfilm cartridge, place it in the high speed microfilm viewer and proceed to the microfilmed fingerprint card for com- parison and positive identification. This entire process takes seconds. The old manual method took several minutes and many footsteps. After positive identification, the information on the "new" fingerprint card is automated and put in the FCIC computer, thus updating the arrested person's criminal history and making it available for the law enforcement community. The "new" card is also microfilmed and added to the master file.


One microfilm reel will hold all photos of alt of the fingerprint icards in one filing drawer. FCIC will continue to store fingerprint cards, but searches for identifi- cation will be done by microfilm reader.

Fingerprint analyst compares fingerprints of arrested person with fingerprints on screen of microfilm reader. Computer pre- viously told him the microfilm "address" of the arrested per- son's fingerprints in the FCIC files.


Automation is great, but there are some things that still have to be done in the same old fashioned way —such as classi- fying and identifying fingerprints. MARCH 1971 When Sheriff Charlie Parrish Gets Suspicious —Look Out

TRENTON —Gilchrist County Sheriff Charlie Parrish the theft of the calf, then identified the calf and took didn't have much to go on. Sheriff Parrish and Evers to the scene of the theft in La- A red calf without marks or brands had been sold to fayette County. T. O. Thomas, of Bell, by Jerry Stevens and Richard Smith, The story began to unfold. Stevens and Smith had of neighboring Lafayette County. taken the calf from a pasture in Lafayette County, and then, Stevens and Smith claimed they had bought the calf to cover up, had asked Howell Walker to say they had pur- from Howell Walker, of Lafayette County, but somehow chased the calf from him. the Sheriff's instincts, sharpened by almost 14 years of law Once the facts became clear, Stevens and Smith were enforcement work, told him there was something phony arrested by the Lafayette County Sheriff's Office and charged about the deal. with cattle theft. Walker was also arrested and charged with In fact his suspicions prompted him to call in Fred aiding and abetting a felony. Evers, an investigator for the State Department of Agricul- Later, after pleading guilty, Stevens was sentenced to ture, and together they set about investigating. five years in prison; and Smith. to two years. Walker was Howell Walker confirmed that Stevens and Smith had placed on probation for four years. bought the cow from him, but the Sheriff was still suspicious. Now the case is history, but there's an important He and Evers kept on digging; and when word got lesson for lawbreakers: Don't arouse the suspicions of Sheriff around about the investigation, Smith got worried and came Charlie Parrish, because once he becomes suspicious he to the Sheriff. keeps right on digging until he gets the answers. He said he was ready to talk. He admitted his part in

Crime Information —A Perishable Commodity (continuedfrompage5)

FCIC crime information is available to all participating entirely new, faster-than-ever communications system. The agencies in the state, and that's not all. When an inquiry is computer terminals they use to talk to the FCIC computers flashed to the FCIC computer center in Tallahassee, it is can also be used to communicate with other agencies on automatically relayed to the FBI's NCIC computer center, the system, either singly or in groups. in Washington, D. C. This new computer-operated communications system Thus local officers will have available at their finger- has replaced the former state-wide law enforcement teletype tips both state-wide and nation-wide crime information system network known as FLECS (Florida Law enforce- systems capable of responding to inquiries in just a matter ment Communications System). of seconds. It is one phase of a growing Federal-State law enforce- "Now, " said Florida Department of Law Enforcement ment information network which FBI Director J. Edgar Commissioner Bill Reed, "vital information is as near to the Hoover called "one" of the greatest advances in law enforcement 'officer on the beat' as his radio and dispatcher. " in recent times. FCIC also gives local law enforcement agencies an

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE (Continued from Inside Cover) and fortunately our lawmakers are well aware of the problem. would produce an estimated $10,000,000 annually in mini- They gave a strong indication of this during February's mum foundation funds by adding $5 per point to traffic fines. special session when they passed a resolution protesting the Other proposals are also under consideration, and we cabinet's failure to release funds. will be watching all of them with much interest. Furthermore, They also know the state needs almost $6,000,000 to the Sheriffs Association will actively support all those that carry its share of the minimum foundation program during offer a reasonable solution to the funding problem. the coming fiscal year, and they are searching for suitable I am giving this matter top priority in my plans for sources of revenue. 1971. We must finish the good job that was started last year. Senate Bill 268 introduced by Senator Lynwood Arnold

Ruling Awaited on Constitutionality of Budget Appeals

Sheriffs are awaiting a ruling on the constitutionality Smarting under the appeal board's ruling, the County of a state law which allows them to appeal their budgets Commissioners challenged the constitutionality of the budget to a state board. appeal procedure, and the matter was argued before the The appeal procedure came under attack after the District Court of Appeals, in Tallahassee, on February 10. State Board of Administration, sitting as the Board of Although not a party to the court action, the Sheriffs County Officers Budgets, gave Palm Beach County Sheriff Association has been watching with much interest. The Bill Heidtman a budget increase the Palm Beach County Association's Attorney, John A. Madigan, Jr. , of Tallahassee, Commissioners had previously turned down. represented Sheriff Heidtman at the February hearing. THE SHERIFF'S STAR u&S&TORS WG.COHB Ff.OR&C&A SHfltlfl'S BOYS RANCH &psr —povaoro ev pLoe&oa snrdlpps assoc&&&T&ON tdse Fleer dove KNROLLdd L&es PRLSBNT dNROLLP&KNT ~Vr&OIT&4 &OnR&LY 1T THE VOL&&%&Ok& CIa&i&e&&tl0%& RANCHER

MARCH 1971

Published annually by the F lorida Sheriffs Boys Ranch, P. O. Box 520, Live Oak, Florida, 32060.

1970 Was Another Year of Progress

1970 was anoth& r y & ar of progress at the Florida Sh&, riffs Boys Ranch. A $50,000 wat&. rsphcrc with a capacity of 100,000 gallons was com- pleted and put into op&.ration. The Clay Mavericks Saddle Club, of Orange Park, provided materials, labor and equipment to build a horse show and rodeo arena valued at over $2,000. Staff members continued their in-service training through professional seminars and a n&. w vo&'. ational-technical school course for cottag& parents. The Ranch, after lnany years of effort, was lie& nsed l&y th&. State to for and place youngsters adoption for Boys Ranch-Girls Villa surrey in Gov. 's Inaugural Parade, January 5, 1971. foster home care. (Photo by R. P. McLendon, Florida Division of Corrections) Outlook Bright For 1971 It's 1971, and here we grow again. lab; and facilities for handicrafts such as The first major project on the woodworking, leather work and art horizon is the long-awaited Arts and metal work. Crafts building. It will cost approximate- Also under consideration as pos- ly $100,000; and the money is already sible construction projects for the cur- in hand as the result of an anonymous rent year are: (1) A new residence gift from donors. cottage which will provide living quar- Building plans are on the drawing ters for 16 additional boys; (2) A board and actual construction is expect- "Canteen" or activity center for boys ed to begin in a few months. which will house a barber shop, a Boys Ranch Executive Director variety store, a snack bar, and an Harry Weaver said the Arts and Crafts outdoor patio. Building will not replace or duplicate The proposed Canteen will re- vocational training Ranchers are receiv- place a small rustic building which now ing in the public school system. Instead, serves the same purpose in a very he explained, it will open up new areas limited way, but is totally inadequate. of exploratory activity which will pro- One of the top priority projects vide recreation and personality develop- for 1971 is to rebuild and improve the ment. paved streets, but whether or not the The new facility will house an work is actually done depends upon New 100,000-gallon watersphere. amateur radio "ham shack"; a photo availability of funds. MARCH 1971


Ever since it was founded in J 957 the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch has been steadily growing, both in enrollment and in the quality of its program. It will continue to grow as fast as financial resources permit, and here are some of thc important future needs:

*—New residence cottages, each at a cost of $100,000. + A remedial education unit (estimated cost $60,000) Each new cottage will allow us to enroll 16 more boys. to give special tutoring to boys who come to us with inadequate educational backgrounds. *—An athletic field with lighting for night games price tag $35,000. * Additional staff members, particularly in the social service division now that the Boys Ranch has been licensed —Two staff homes a of 000 each —an absolute * at cost $20, to place youngsters for adoption. necessity because of the remote location of the Ranch.

Propose B~ Present J

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MAP OF FLORIDA SHERIFFS BOYS RANCH A—Residence Cottages G- Administration Building M —Cafetorium R —Arts and Crafts B- Farm Buildings H—Chapel and Library N —Fire Station and Repair S —Medical and Dental Clinic C—Paved Playground I—Watersphere Shop T —Baseball Diamond D—Gymnasium and Playing J- Farm Manager's Residence 0 —Staff Residences U —Ranch House Fields K—Ranch Administrator's P —Laundry and Supply V —Recreation Building E- Vocational Training Center Residence Storage Building W —Telephone Exchange Building F—Swimming Pool Snack Bar and Barber Shop 0 —Sewage Plant


At first it was just a fire house. But now the handsome building pictured on this page (from a painting by Chicago artist Richard Lewis) is also functioning as a repair shop for the growing fleet of motor vehicles at the Boys Ranch. It was planned this way from the beginning, and space for the repair shop has been available at the rear of the building ever since the fire station was completed in 1968 with funds donated by the Florida State Firemen's Association. However, the repair shop didn't come into full use until 1970 .because funds were needed to equip it, and a qualified staff member had to be found to supervise it. It's going full blast now under the supervision of Norman Bernard, and many of the boys are be- coming skilled in minor repairs and maintenance. They get a wide variety of experience too by tinker- ing with large buses and trucks, tractors, cars, jeeps, motorized go-carts and even motor scooters. Harry Weaver, Executive Director, sees the repair shop as a money-saving venture; and also as an important part of the Ranch's vocational training program. Aptitudes discovered and developed in the repair shop can be turned into future careers for many Ranchers, he explained, adding that eight of the older boys are now taking auto mechanics, farm mechanics and diversified mechanics courses at a nearby vocational-technical school.


Although it is one of the newer buildings at the Boys Ranch, the Joe and F ra nces D iaz Adminis- tration Building is already packed to the hilt with staff —and stuff. All of the record keeping, pur- chasing, planning and promotion are concentrated here. One wing is devoted to the important acti- vities of the social service depart- ment; another wing houses the staff members who plan and super- vise day-to-day activities. In effect, this is "city hall" —a very impor- tant facility in the growing Boys Ranch community. (Painting by Richard Lewis, Chicago artist) Number One Need Is Still —Operating Funds

New buildings, new streets, a new But, what good are new buildings ence and professional skill. It also athletic field, new tractors, new trucks- and equipment without cash to main- requires a higher stal'f-member-per-boy you name it, the Boys Ranch needs it. tain, staff and operate them'~ ratio to provide closer supervision. But the number one need is, and Operating funds are essential, and Problems come and go, but one always has been, operating funds —in the Ranch —like John Q. Citizen —is thing remains unchanged at the Boys other words, cash to buy the essentials constantly stretching its dollars to cover Ranch. The number one need is still, and of the boy raising business: food, cloth- the rising cost of living. probably always will be, operating funds. ing, education, shelter, professional care. Food is more expensive. Clothing Most donors, especially those who is more expensive. Staff salaries are give large gifts, want to see their money going up. The cost of education is on invested in lasting, tangible things such the rise. as buildings, equipment and new faci- Furthermore, in these troubled Scholarship les lities. times, the problems encountered in This is fine, because the Ranch is raising boys are more acute and diverse. constantly expanding, and new facilities This requires a staff with more experi- Are Needed Too are always needed. Every Rancher who qualifies for and wants a college education is going to have an opportunity to get one. This has alwavs been the policy at the Florida Sherilfs Boys Ranch, and $1 PER PERSON, PER DAY we will continue to keep it in effect. SOME VACATION! But, here's the rub. The Ranch is growing, the cost A winter vacation in the North of raising boys is going up, and the Georgia mountains for $1 per day, cost of educating boys is going up, and the number of who as per person? boys qualify "college material" is steadily increasing. Yes, it's possible when you live There are four Ranchers in college at the famous Florida Sheriffs Boys at the present time, and the Ranch is and to run into Ranch, you happen spending approximately $8,000 a year generous, hospitable people. to keep them there. Whenever possible A group of boys and their house- thcsc young mcn find jobs to help sup- parents went on the mountain trip in port themselves, but nevertheless higher late December and were provided with education is an expensive proposition. a cottage free of charge at Vogel State The Ranch has funds set aside for Park by Superintendent Alex Brock. college scholarships, but these funds are Twice during their trip they were not sufficient to meet the anticipated demands for future years. given a full tank of gas for their station There is an urgent need for scho- wagon Wilson's Gulf Service Station, by RANCHERS IN COLLEGE larship funds. at Perry, Georgia, If you would like to do your part This was only one of many trips Keith Cole, Blair Slayton and Scott Chinoweth to help keep some deserving boy in col- (left to right) are enrolled at the boys took during 1970, and it was lege, please contact Mr. Harry Weaver, Junior College, in Madison. A fourth Rancher, typical of the warm hospitality they Executive Gaston Barber, is attending Ricks College, Director, Florida Sheriffs always encounter wherever they go. in Idaho. Boys Ranch, Live Oak, Florida. MARCH 1971 13 Ranch Staff Is Constantly Being Upgraded

Thc skills and know-how of the Boys Ranch staff are constantly being upgrad&. '&l tlirough training scrninars and ~'~P vocational courses.

During the 1970-7 I scliool term staff rn& mli&. rs attended a n&'w course in ('roup Child Car» at tlii. Suwannce- llamil ton Vocational and 'I'«chnical Adult Training Center, in l, ivc Oak. Tlic course was tauglit hy Mrs. Betty Strayer, wife of I3oys Ranch Program Director Jim Strayer. Sh«has a Mast& rs Degree in Social Work from RANCH RANKS HIGH Florida State 1jniversity, and is a mi:m- IN HORSEMANSHIP b&.r of thc National Assn«ia(ion of Social Workers. is a subject Ranch- Horsemanship 'I'br&i« other members of tlic Ranch ers know something about- and they have a large collection staff liav«masters dcgr«cs in social work. of ribbons and trophies to prove Many lacking academic credentials are it. The top photo shows Farm w& II &lualificd by virtu&. of div&. rsificd Manager Lamb (standing) Jimmy ('x p&'ri&', tie&', . and some of the boys with horse Each the Rancli h&ilds a fivc- show awards won in 1970. In the year bottom picture Ranchers are try- day training seminar for stal'l' rni;rnbcrs ing out the new rodeo and horse coiiduct('. d by a leader from tli&' (Iroup show arena built for them in Child Car& Consultant S&.rvicc of the the Mavericks 1970 by Clay 1)nivi rsity of North Carolina. Saddle Club, of Orange Park. '1'lice&i seminars includ« individual confi;r«nccs with supervisors, group ses- sions with staff members, and a profes- sional evaluation of the Ranch program.

Newspaper Is By Ranchers For Ranchers The Boys Ranch has its own news- paper, "Ranch Doin' s", which is circu- lated on the Ranch and is also mailed to former Ranchers arid staff members. ln the beginning it was mimeo- RANCH HAS grapli«d. Now it is a printed periodical, IT'S OWN and the printing is done by Mid-Florida Printers, of Lakeland, a firm operated RADIO STATION Edwards and by former Rancher Wally The Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch his brother Floyd. has its own amateur radio station, Wally is employed full-time as a a "ham radio club", three licens- Polk County Deputy Sheriff and print- ed radio operators, and a number of boys in training for licenses. ing is a sideline. The license holders are (from left) Mrs. John Schmutz, staff member; Rancher Jerry Drye; and ALWAYS A WAITING LIST Ranch Executive Director Harry Weaver. The radio station, with call letters W64PHT, was official- At the end of January, 1971, ly dedicated on October 4, 1970, the Boys Ranch had 40 applications when the Boys Ranch held its for admission under consideration. 13th anniversary celebration. 14 THE SHERIFF'S STAR It Really is a Homelike Place ~~+"~R!~jf~suts"+fM+""."'-'vt":~UP~'i": Q ~K"': Boys Ranch "Homelike" is not a word we use with school homework. , and the boys loosely in describing the Florida Sheriffs call them "mom" and "pop". Board of Trustees Ranch. For occasional privacy, each set of lj 1 Boys 1 There definitely is a homelike cottage parents has a small private apart- SHERIFF JENNINGS MURRHEE 4 l il ment within the residence cottage. How- iver atmosphere. GREEN COVE SPRINGS 'I We planned it that and we ever, to all intents and purposes, they I way, CHAIRMAN are doing everything possible to keep live with the boys and are always it that available to them. la way. Sheriff Malcolm Beard. ....Tampa The live in residence cottages, boys Warm relationships develop be- Mr. Ed Blackburn ...... Tampa with married assigned to each as a couple tween boys and staff members; and Sheriff Ross Boyer...... Sarasota "cottage parents". These staff couples experience has shown they last long Sheriff Monroe Brannen ..Bartow perform all of the functions of parents, after the boys grow to manhood and Mr. B.E. Brice ...... Bronson from bandaging a cut knee to helping leave the Ranch. Sheriff R. L. Brown .... Key West Sheriff Joe Crevasse, Jr., Gainesville Mr. A. D. Davis...... Jacksonville i)%%i Mr. Bill Davis ...... Pensacola g, Mr. Syde P. Deeb ...... Tallahassee Mrs. Frances Diaz...... Tampa ~XV., Mr. R. P. Dunty...... Lake Placid U. S. Rep. Don Fuqua, Washington, D. C. ki Sheriff Don Genung .. Clearwater Mr. Eddie Graham...... Tampa Mr. John P. Hall, Jr., ig] Green Cove Springs Dr. Ed Haskell ...... Tallahassee Dr. J. W. Hayes. ;..... Jacksonville Sheriff Doug Hendry ..... Naples I)45' Sheriff Sam Joyce ....Vero Beach AT LAST —THE LONG-AWAITED ARTS 8E CRAFTS BUILDING Mr. James W. Kynes ...... Tampa . r'i

We waited a long time, and finally, through the generosity of anonymous Central Florida Dr. A. H. Lisenby. .. Panama City ssa,'l-; donors, funds are now available for this $100,000 Arts fk Crafts Building. Plans are being Mr. Arthur Lynch .....Cape Coral prepared by Harry A. MacEwen, Tampa architect, and construction is expected to be Sheriff Willis McCall ...... Tavares completed this year. +Mr. Don McLeod. ....Tallahassee Mr J L McMullen Live Oak Sheriff Newton Murdock, Wauchula aid il 'r/. ' I I Mr. Ralph Nordberg ...Valparaiso I Col. Robert Pentland, ta1l! l Hollywood Sheriff J. M. Phillips, Jr., ! Live Oak Mr. Ed Pickerill...... Orlando i l Sheriff Harry Spradley, i'd+', l 'l Lake City Sheriff Dave Starr...... Orlando : Mr. P. A. Sturdevant ... Ft. Myers t|g+l Mr. James H. Swick ...... Alachua Sheriff Flanders Thompson, Ft. Myers ,VP+P', Mr. James Towey. .St. Petersburg 'i '.sd Sheriff Dick Weitzenfeld, :I) Bradenton ,:tre Mr. Thomas D. O'Malley, State Treasurer, Tallahassee ik. Sheriff Doug Willis ...... Ocala Sheriff Leigh Wilson. ....Titusville IT'S NOT EXACTLY HOME SWEET HOMEWORK

i is No, Siree, doing homework is not a popular pastime at the Boys Ranch, but it's one of those inevitable things and the boys soon learn to accept it as a nightly routine. Staff members are Trustee Emeritus available to give them special tutoring, when necessary. Mrs. Elaine Guderyhan was in charge of this particular session. MARCH 1971 15 WITNESS THE FITNESS

Winter nights are long and dark, but physical fitness thrives the year 'round at the Boys Ranch because of the excellent facilities in the Carleton A Suzanna Tweed Gymnasium.


HEATH, Richard Henry —Colored male. Date and place of birth 12-1-33, Daytona Beach, Florida. Last known address: 628 S. Keech St., Daytona Beach. Height —5 feet, 8 inches; Weight —160 pounds. Black hair, brown eyes, dark complexion, scar on forehead. FBI No. 658 077 B. Charge: Forgery, capias issued. If apprehended, notify Sheriff/Director of Public Safety, Edwin H. Duff I I I, DeLand, Florida.


MONTERVINO, Frank Anthony —White male. Date and place of birth 6-19-22, Marsville, Pa. Height —5 feet, 7 inches; Weight —155 pounds. Black hair, brown eyes. Tattooed heart and cross, name "Edith" on left forearm. FBI No. 2 471 542. Occupation: Welder. Bench Warrant issued, charge Lewd and Lascivious Assault on a Female Child, no bond set. If apprehended, notify Sheriff Leigh Wilson, Titusville, F lorida.

Pictures and Information "Wanted" by the STAR

With the advent of the computerized Florida Crime ROBERT DOUGLAS CLARK Information Center, the Florida Department of Law Enforce- ment is no longer publishing its bulletins containing pictures CLARK, Robert Douglas —White male. Date and place of birth "wanted" of persons. 3-21-30, West Frankfort, III. Last known address: 818-18th St. "wanted , This means we will no longer be receiving Orlando, Florida. Height —5 feet, 6 inches; Weight —140 pounds. persons" information from the FDLE. Therefore we are Brown hair, brown eyes, numerous tattooes on both arms. FBI No. Sheriffs' asking Departments throughout the state to send 659 683 A. Charge: Larceny of automobile, capias issued. If appre- "wanted persons" pictures and information directly to the hended, notify Sheriff/Director of Public Safety, Edwin H. Duff III, STAR, P. O. Box 1487, Tallahassee, Florida 32302. Material DeLand, F lorida. from other agencies must be routed through a Sheriff's Department and cannot be sent directly to the STAR. We require glossy photographs. Descriptions on this page provide examples of the kind of information we want. Items must be in our hands before the 20th of the current month in order to appear in the following month's issue. In other words, material for the May issue must be in our hands before April 20. Please notify us immediately when you have a can- cellation of a wanted or missing person. Our telephone number is (904) 224-9975.


STRIFFLER, Joyce Diane —White female. Date and place of birth 11-28-50, Pittsburgh, Pa. Height— 5 feet, 10 inches; Weight —130 SYLVESTER LEON FLOWERS pounds. Brovvn hair, hazel eyes. SS No. 267-04-0051. Occupation: FLOWERS, Sylvester Leon —Alias David Hughes. Colored male. Cashier. Warrants issued, charge Date and place of birth 3-6-46; Vicksburg, Miss. Height —5 feet, Violation of Probation IFelony) 9 inches; Weight —140 pounds. Black hair, brown eyes. FBI No. and Grand Larceny, no bond. 665 416 E. Occupation: Mechanic. Bench Warrant issued, charge Will extradite. If apprehended, 8 & E of a dwelling house with intent to commit a felony, to-wit: notify Sheriff Leigh Wilson, Titus- Grand Larceny. No bond set. Will extradite. If apprehended, notify ville, F lorida. Sheriff Leigh Wilson, Titusville, Florida. MARCH 1971 17 The Attnual Mid-Winter Conference of the Florida Sheriffs Association, held in Tampa, January 24-27, was an outstand- TVT V ing success. In fact, in every vvay. .. . TRmP3. ~aS Ternf jC


A Sheriffs Association Conference is many things. At times it resembles a big family reunion with all segments of the law enforcement community get- ting together to talk shop. At other times it's like a trade fair featuring the latest in law enforcement tools and techniques.

Talking shop, apparently, were Lee County Sheriff Flanders Thompson; Florida Citrus Mutual official Larry Thompson; and Manatee County Sheriff Dick Weitzenfeld (left to right).

Lee County Sheriff Flanders Thompson (left) discusses hand- cuff improvements with R. M. Browning, of Engel's Uniforms.

Ed Bellamy (left) explains to Os- ceola County Sheriff Kayo Murphy Suwannee County Sheriff Buddy why his "bull horn" is the best. Phillips (right) wants to know about the durability of Harold Wasser's jailhouse dinnerware.

East- William Zimmer (left) from s ti, man Kodak Co. explains to Wakul- la County Sheriff Bill Taff the advantages of putting fingerprint files on microfilm.

Modern weaponry interests Major John Kirk, Jr. (left), from the Roger Simmons (right) tries to , Hillsborough Sheriff's De- interest DeSoto County Sheriff County partment; and St. Lucia County Frank Cline in buying some new Sheriff Norvell. gun belts. J. R.

18 THE SHERIFF'S STAR SPEECHWISE Attorney General Robert Shevin (photo at left) was the featured speaker at a luncheon meeting. Head table guests pictured below included (from left, top photo) State Rep. Elvin Martinez and State Sen. Louis de la Parte, Jr., both of Tampa; Hillsborough County Jail Chaplain Fred Forney; Hillsborough County Sheriff and Mrs. Malcolm Beard, the conference host and hostess; and State Rep. Quillian Yancey, of Lakeland; (from left, lower photo) State Sen. John Broxson, of GWf Breeze; State Rep. and Mrs. Ed Blackburn, Jr., of Tampa; State Rep. Paul Danahy, Jr., of Tampa; and State Sen. Ray Knopke, of Tampa.

"Red" Mitchum (left), of Ocala, delighted a banquet audience with a humorous speech. Here it's his turn to laugh at a comment made by Union County Sheriff John White- head, newly-elected Professional panel discussions on wiretapping, bomb member of the Sheriffs threats and drunken drivers were program highlights. Association's Board Sheriff Malcolm Beard (at podium) presided at all three. of Directors. FUNWISE

Highlights on the fun side included a dinner cruise on the motor vessel "Tom Sawyer" (docked and ready for boarding in the photo at right); a trip by bus to famous Busch Gardens; an outdoor steak fry at Sheriff Beard's ranch; and a brunch and cosmetics demonstration for the ladies. That's Minnie Thompson, wife of Lee County Sheriff Flanders Thompson, with the white mink stole she won at the brunch. It was awarded to her by Sarah W. Minturn, representing Koscot Interplanetary Inc.



veer@ niitF" nI

More Conference, Next Page MARCH 1971 19 AND OTHERWISE (Continued from preceding page)

AK3 From the opening of registration Iphoto at left) to the final event, installation of new officers, the Mid-Winter Conference was a winner all the way. Mrs. Walter Godfrey, Sheriffs Asso- ciation Business Manager, is pictured registering Seminole County Sheriff John Polk (left) and Highlands County Sheriff O. L. Raulerson. In the photo below Sheriffs Association Attorney Jack Madigan congratulates Putnam County Sheriff Walt Pellicer Iright), the newly-installed president.

Alachua County Sheriff Joe Crevasse, Jr., Ileft) was installed as Secretary-Treasurer; and Leon County Sheriff Raymond Hillsborough County Sheriff Malcolm Hamlin as a member of the Board of Directors. They are Beard, pictured here with Mrs. Beard, pictured with their wives at the installation banquet. was installed as vice-president.

/+~ Ijx~ &(jx~ ~i» (j» V(»

A lifetime honorary membership in the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch Builders Club was presented by Ranch Executive Much of the credit for a successful four-day meeting belongs Director Harry Weaver Ileft) to the to Sheriff Beard's "Majors", the top Hillsborough County Distilled Spirits Wholesalers of Florida, Sheriff's Department executives who teamed up with him to Inc. , represented by Dave Dick, of Talla- form a hard working, efficient conference committee. They hassee. The presentation was made in are, from left, Maj. R. D. Ramsey, Maj. John A. Salle, Maj. recognition of large gifts to the Boys Walt Heinrich, Maj. John Kirk, Jr., Maj. Jack Dempsey, and Ranch. Maj. Al Perotti.

20 THE SHERIFF'S STAR Mrs. Louise Dowidat, Pforeheim, West Boys Ranch and Girls Villa Germany; in memory of Mr. John Dowidat. Mr. and Mrs. Dillard A. Keightley, St. Petersburg; in memory of Miss Bertha Davis. Mrs. Curtis Dawes, Ponte Vedra Beach; Slemat iui 3&utths in memory of Mr. Curtis Dawes. Andy and Rosemary Bowman, Jack and The following have made contributions Mr. E. R. Barden, Jr., Ft. Myers; in Maggie Williams, Pat Mastandrea, Emmet to the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch and memory of Mrs. Annie E. Beery. and Anna Payne, Pete and Virginia Yar- Girls Villa Memorial Funds. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Wright, Cler- oslawski, all of ; Josh and Ruth mont; in memory of Carolyn Bryson. Clarke, Naples; Earl and Carol Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner, Jacksonville; J. Miss Helen M. Black, Clearwater Beach; Homestead; Bob and Anne Hull, Dick in memory of Mr. Francis Jennings Alvarez. in memory of Mr. L. M. Baker. Williams, Terry and Val Hull, Don and Robert Costui, La Mesa, Calif. in Mrs. ; Mrs. William Bernhardt, Mrs. Sarah Ta- Elinor Rae, Cliff and Betty Burgess, Charles memory of Mr. Paul Anderson. kash and Mrs. Helen E. Nelson, all of O. Allen, Luis Trinidad, all of Coral Gables; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Accursio, Homestead; Monticello; in memory of Mr. William A. Frank and Pat Martell, New Providence, in memory of Mr. James Charles Accursio. Bernhardt. N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. James L. Butler, Cush- Ms. Elizabeth H. Bragg, Williston; in Mr. W. P. White, Midland, ; in ing, Okla. ; Dick and Lee Fulton, Wayland, memory of Judge Wilbur Anderson. memory of Mr. R. C. Bigby. Mass. ; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Grubbs, Glen Mr. Andrews, Lakeland; in mem- George Mr. and Mrs. Clinton R. Tobey, St. Ellyn, III.; in memory of Mr. C. W. ory of the Rev. Mr. Frank E. Andrews. Petersburg; in memory of Mr. John H. Edington. in memory Mr. Robert Hasson, Tampa; Baker. Lee and Ann Everett, Dade City; in of Mrs. Ann Ackley. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fowler, Winter memory of Mrs. Blossom H. Everett. V. F. W. Post 4271 and Ladies Auxil- Garden; in memory of Mr. Clarence Barnes. Mr. James D. Sparks, Ft. Walton Beach; iary, Brooksville; in memory of Mr. Joseph Mrs. Richard F. Warner, Clearwater; in in memory of Mr. Hugh Ellis. Paul Astrab. memory of Mrs. J. B. Bennet. Mr. Buford L. Cooper, Lutz; in memory Miss Lorene Hazel Campbell and Miss Mr. Arthur A. Binswanger, Port Char- of Mr. John S. Eden. Ophelia Campbell, DeFuniak Springs; Hardee lotte; in memory of Mrs. Vera H. Bins- Mr. William H. Engelmann, Ft. Lauder- Com- County Sheriff's Dept. , Wauchula; wanger. dale; in memory of Mrs. Eisa B. Engelmann. munity of Napier Field, Dothan, Ala. , in Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gaffney, Ft. Pierce; Mrs. Robert R. English, Titusville; in memory of Sheriff Andy Anderson. in memory of Mary and Charles Curtiss. memory of Mr. Robert R. English. Mrs. Ralph H. Tate, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Mrs. Bernard Carier, Nokomis; in mem- Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Goodwin, Louise Sleeter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Stritzinger, ory of Mr. Bernard Carier. Phillips and Family, Faculty and Staff of Mr. Richard M. Udall, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mrs. Estahiio Costellaneta, Ft. Pierce; Central Adult School, all of Jacksonville; McMillan, all of Largo; Mrs. Carl Otto in memory of Mr. Estahiio Costellaneta. in memory of Mrs. Rollie L. Eernisse. Berger, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Stiles, Mr. and Mrs. Lucille La Fountain, Lakeland; in Mr. Scott Linder, Lakeland; in mem- Mrs. Maurice R. Denny, Mr. and Mrs. memory of Mrs. Bess Cottier. ory of Mr. Ralph R. Fletcher. Mrs. Carl G. Eicker, all of Belleair Bluffs; Mrs. Louise W. Chase, Orange City; Mrs. Edwin J. Ford, Oklawaha; in mem- Maru G. Johnson, Clearwater; Mr. and Mrs. in memory of Mr. Harold G. Chase. ory of Mr. Edwin J. Ford. Wendell Fathers, Dunedin; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Broward Coker, Tallahassee; Mrs. Halsey L. Ford, St. Petersburg Mrs. William Martin, Tampa; in memory of in memory of Mr. Jehu Coker. Beach; in memory of Mr. Halsey L. Ford. William Boykin. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Evans, Silver Springs; Mrs. Fred A. Wenz, Crescent in Jackson- City; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Allen, in memory of Mr. J, C. Courtney. memory of Mr. Jules Ferman. ville; in memory of Mr. Robert S. Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin W. Guynn, Fairfield; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Henderson, Venice; Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Clark, Tampa; in memory of Mr. Clyde J. Cone. in memory of Mrs. Chester Fullagar. in memory of Mr. Joseph Baldez. Mr. and Mrs. George Langsner, Sacra- Mrs. C. Elizabeth Furry, Zephyrhills; in Palm Mrs. J. E. Hardwick, Jr., West mento, Calif. ; in memory of Lt. Col. Ray memory of Mr. Jesse Ferguson. Bos- Beach; in memory of Mr. Leon C. E. Chance. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Keefe, Jr. Lake- well, Sr. , Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Thomas, Sr., Green land; in memory of Mr. Fritz C. Forkel. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hansard, Lake- Cove Springs; in memory of Mrs. Marie Cox. Mrs. Dudley C. Goodwin, Dunedin; in land; in memory of Mr. Clyde Barton. Mrs. W. L. Alley, Col. and Mrs. Edward memory of Mr. Dudley C. Goodwin, Sr. Mrs. Myrtle Baumgartner, Jacksonville; Oliver, all of Clearwater; in memory of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Spangler, Winter in memory of Mr. Robert H. Baumgartner. Nancy Constantine. Haven; in Mr. Charles Frederick Muller, Palm Beach memory of F. Mayor O. Mr. and Mrs. Bakken, Parker, Colorado; Grazier. Shores; in memory of Mr. R ichard D. in memory of Mr. W. J. Connolly. Batson and Mr. Clarence A. Edwards. (Continued on next mem- page) Curry, Theresa and Jeff Baker, all of Ms. Linda E. Lewis, Gainesville; in Mrs. Dover; in memory of Gary Baker. ory of Frances N. Clayton. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Schulte, Ft. Lauder- Mrs. W. B. Perkins, Mr. Edward M. Sieber, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Grum, dale; in memory of Mrs. Zella Bremer and D. Mrs. E. L. Southwell, Sr. Mrs. E. H. Alford, all of Tallahassee; Mr. Lewis M. in Mr. and Mrs. Stan Williams, Mr. O. W. Dreibelbis, Anamosa, lowe; memory of Mr. Bryan M. Crutcher. Spahr, Jr. all of Bradenton; in memory of , Confidential Tam- Commander Fred W. Beltz. Loan & Mortgage Co., pa; in memory of Mr. Edward D. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Blackburn, Jr., Temple Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Cox, Ft. Myers; in Terrace; in memory of Mr. C. C. "Hap" memory of Mr. Carter. Pollard, Mr. Oscar S. Gower, Sr. Mr. Robert Gary , Mr. T. Stroud, Jr. Lakeland; in mem- Fred Durant, Mr. Fredrich Wayne Pearce, J. , ory of Mr. I. B. Davis. Mr. Dick A. Greco, Sr. Mrs. Winifred , Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey L. Waff, Panacea; Mary Taylor and Mr. Joe Tanner. in memory of Mr. C. C. Durren. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Edwards, St, Peters- Mr. and Mrs. Dwyer, Lecanto; in mem- burg; in memory of Mr. Frank M. Bennett. ory of Mr. Rudolph DeLutio. Mrs. Albert H. Brown, Oneco; in mem- Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Soncrant, Tarpon ory of Mr. Albert H. Brown. Springs; in memory of Mr. Alexander Dakis. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Boston, Jr. Braden- , St. Vincent DePaul Society of St. Pat- ton; in memory of Mr. Roswell Boston. rick's Catholic Church, Largo; in memory Mrs. Viola Zephyrhills; in mem- GIFT OF SURREY Battye, of Mr. Joseph P. Doyle. ory of Mr. William Battye. Ms. Elizabeth C. VanderVoort, Mr. and IS PUT TO USE Mrs. Loyal Frisbie, Bartow; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Fred P. Hays, all of Clearwater; in Walt Freeman, Atlantic Beach; in memory memory of Mr. Robert DeGreeff. JACKSONVILLE — donating a valuable of General A. H. Blanding. For Mr. Charles Lauderdale; in Major General K. B. Bush, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn, Ft. surrey wagon and harness to the Florida Sher- memory of Mr. Don Dye. Joseph Kisela, all of Lake Worth; in mem- iffs Boys Ranch, Woodrow W. Edmondson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burns, Quincy; ory of Mr. Fred W. Boese. (left) was made a Lifetime Honorary Member in memory of Mr. H. A. Dean. Sheriff and Mrs. Ross E. Boyer, Sara- of the Florida Sheriffs Association by Duval Mrs. Richard Daily, Clearwater; in mem- sota; in memory of Mr. Tyson B. Boyer. ory of her Mother and Mr. John E. Rogers. County Sheriff Dale Carson, seen above pre- Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Long, DeLand; senting Edmondson with his engraved plaque. in memory of Mr. Pete Besom. Mrs. Emilie D. Falk, DeLand; in memory Boys Ranch Executive Director Harry Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. W. Daub, Fairless of Mr. Arthur Dobbroudt. has plans for the surrey and use it in Hill, Pa. , in memory of Mr. Charles E. Mrs. Merritt G. Davis, Jacksonville; in may Burgoon. memory of Dr, Merritt G. Davis. parades to promote the Boys Ranch. MARCH 1971 21 Ms. Elaine K. Gavigan, Ms. Georgia Mrs. M. H. Beck, Mrs. A. Bychinsky, Reynolds, both of Plantation; Mrs. Homer both of Clearwater; in memory of Mr. Hftmartul 3&tttths Hooks, Leesburg; in memory of Mr. Homer Clinton J. Morse. (Continued from page 21) Hooks. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Spring, Pompano Mr. Arthur Hattendorf, Zephyrhills; in Beach; in memory of Patrick Moynihan. Mr. A. Tritschler, Deerfield Beach; in memory of Mrs. Kathryn W. Hattendorf. Mr. and Mrs. F red memory of Mr. Henry Gohde. Hays, Clearwater; Mr. W. E. Causey, Jacksonville; in mem- in memory of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schmitt, Orlando; Samuel Maples. ory of Mrs. Georgia Mae Hildebrand. Mr. and Mrs. in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Gold. Kenneth B. Thurstone, Mrs. Myrtle L. Ivey, Lehigh Acres; in Snyder, N. in Mr. David A. Potter, Brooksville; in Y:; memory of Mr. Fred memory of Mr. Gordon J. Ivey. A. Macnutt. memory of Mr. Howard R. Goldner. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert S. Wadford, Crest- Mrs. Victor Mrs. Walter P. Day, New Smyrna Fandrich, Dunedin; in mem- view; in memory of Mrs. Laura M. Ireland. ory of Mrs. Thomas Beach; in memory of Mr. Frank Golsner. J. Milne. Mr. Richard M. White, Miami; in mem- Belvedere Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGlashan and Apartments of Clearwater, ory of Mr. Robert W. Ingalls, Jr. Inc. in daughters, Clearwater; Tampa Branch of ; memory of Mr. Alfred A. Mallory. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Feldman, Capt. and Mr. and the American Assn. of University Women, Mrs. John L. Burchfield, Westel, Mrs. W. L. Cain, all of Tampa; Mr. D. N. Tenn. in memory of Mrs. Ida in memory of Mr. Robert B. Grubbs, Jr. ; Ladd Marney. Lapp, Melbourne; in memory of Mr. Roland Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dieselhorst, Sara- N. Dreazen, Jacksonville; T. Jones. in memory of Mr. Roy Miller. sota; in memory of Kyle Goodman. Mr. Albert P. Davis, Ft. Lauderdale; Mr. George C. Roussos, Plantation; in Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Anderson, Jr., in memory of Mr. William L. Jones. memory of Sister Anne Michelle. Bowling Green; in memory of Mr. J. D. Mr. and Mrs. Lucian L. M. May, Quincy; Ms. Elsie Osbonlighter, Albany, N. Y.; Grimes. in memory of Mr. Randolph Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Dexter McCaskill, Mari- in memory of Mrs. Grace D. Myers. Mrs. M. R. Stapleton, Bradenton; in Mr. and Mrs. anna; in memory of Mr. Emmett Gardner. F. F. Rhode, Arcadia; memory of Mrs. Sharlie B. Jeffery. in memory of Dr. Palm Gardens Mobile Court, Mr. M. J. M. Morqus. Mrs. Chester M. mem- M. Smith, all of Tavares; in of Mr. C. H. Kingsbury, DeLand; in mem- Wright, Miami; in memory ory of Mr. Mr. E Idon Gaberdiel. ory of Mr. Charles J. Johnson. George H. Maines. Mrs. Sara L. Deadwyler, Cornwell; in Mr. P. B. R ichardson, Mr. Henry L. Mr. Roger C. Davis, Chipley; in mem- memory of Mr. Herbert Miller. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Y. Hammond, ory of Mr. W. O. Johnson. E. Mrs. John B. Matthews, Mr. Axel Enholm, Mrs. Jane W. Hawson, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Purcell, Largo; in St. Petersburg; in of Dr. John all of Clearwater; Mr. and Mrs. Terence memory of Mr. John N. Johnson. memory B. Matthews. Ms. Loua Bedell Hooker, Coconut G. Farley, Mr. and Mrs. F. David Chadwick, Mr. and Mrs. Mina Feldmann, Brooklyn, Grove; in memory of Hand Grove Norris. Mr. George S. Smitzes, all of Tarpon N. Y.; in memory of Mr. James Kurz. Mrs. Robert G. Nicolson, Springs; Mr. Frank T. Balke, North Reding- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brunner, Baldwin, Hollywood; in memory of Mr. Robert G. Nicolson. ton Beach; Mr. Percival C. Brown, Largo; N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Roland Frederick, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Watson, Tallahas- Mr. Albert A. May nard, Mr. C. George Quakertown, Pa. ; in memory of Mr. Theo- see; in memory of Mr. M. Nelson. Benzon, both of Dunedin; in memory of dore L. Kurz. F. Mr. Roy C. Gurley. Mrs. Martin Roehr, Clearwater; in mem- Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt A. Barnett, Lake- ory of Mr. Ben Kling. land; in memory of Mr. John Garster. Mrs. Margaret Krause, Clearwater; in Mrs. M. J. Gresh, St. Petersburg; in memory of Mr. Richard Krause. In Memory of memory of Mr. Michael J. Gresh. Mr. William Karlan, Jensen Beach; in Mr. and Mrs. Clinton M. Crabtree, Jr., memory of Mrs. Constance Karlan. A. Mack Wing Brandon; in memory of Mr. Clarence Mr. and Mrs. William H. Anderson, Hampton. Sarasota; in memory of Marion Kebbe. E. The following donations to the Florida Mrs. Alice Foster, Cape Coral; in mem- Administrators of High Noon Affiliated Sheriffs Boys Ranch Memorial ory of Mr. A. R. Henderson. Blood Bank, Clearwater; in memory of Fund were Mr. and Mrs. John E. Carroll, Kissim- Mrs. George H. Kenney. received in memory of A. Mack Wing of mee; in memory of Mr. Russell G. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Ray Green, Tallahassee; in St. Petersburg who in 1957 became one of and Mrs. Mildred Bronson. memory of Mrs. H. N. Kirkman and Mr. the original Honorary Members of the Flo- Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper, Ft. Pierce; Frank Merrin. rida Sheriffs Association. in memory of Mr. Earle Hutchinson. The Florida Council of 100, Tampa; in Mr. P. K. Carman, Madeira Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hines and Family, memory. of Mrs. James M. Lykes, Sr. Krauss Pinellas Gainesville; in memory of Mr. Howard Mr. Edward M. Lister, Sarasota; in mern- Company, Park; Mr. and Allen Hedges. ory of Mrs. Gladys C. Lister. Mrs. William W. Watson, Seminole; Mrs. Mr. Ray C. Hoiseington, Eustis; in mem- Katherine Mr. William Gus Belcher, North G. Heiser, Largo; Mrs. W. P. ory of H. Lea Hoiseington. Ft. Myers; in memory of Sheriff Joe D. Keene. Prentiss, Redington Beach; Mr. J. P. John- Mrs. Lethel W. Hurley, Inverness; in Mr. son, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Belcher, Mr. memory of the Rev. Mr. L. Z. Hurley. and Mrs. Walter Harms, Sopchoppy, and Mrs. James Craig, Mr. L. Chauncey Mrs. Grace M. Hirst, Christiana, Pa. in memory of Mr. Gilbert J. Langston. ; Brown, Dr. and in memory of Mr. Charles T. Hirst. J. Ormond Wilson School Fund, Hos- Mrs. J. W. Pilkington, Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Adams, Holly- pitality Committee, Washington, D. C.; in Miss Anita F. McMillen, Dr. and Mrs. of Mr. wood; in memory of Mr. Robert E. Houston. memory Edwin Lester. Howard H. Curd, St. Petersburg Bat Boys, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Mrs. A. H. Farber, Sanford; in mem- Hundley, Jr., Mrs. Fred S. Seaborne, Riley, Davis Schowe Mr. Wallace S. Hundlay, al I of Tampa; ory of Mr. Robert Gordon Hartwig. and Saltsman, Mr. Seward S. Merrell, Mr. in memory of Mrs. F lorence Lonergan, Mr. Curt Vittahi, West Palm Beach; and Mrs. Walter C. Gregory, Mr. and Iylrs. in memory of Mrs. Carl Hahn. Mr. H. O. Jones and Mrs. H. O. Lyne, Sr. Mr. Mrs. Charles Donald Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mrs. Benton Hammond, Bradenton; in and John S. Lentz, Sr., St. Harvey, Mr. Gurlie Karlson, Mr. and Mrs. memory of Mr. Benton Hammond. Petersburg; in memory of Mr. John S. Horace Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Nell Barden, Ft. Myers; in memory Lentz, Jr. , Edward of Mrs. Gertrude S. Hendry. Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Hickman, Mrs. Turville, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hicks, Lawrence Surber, Mrs. Erna Mr. Louis Nagy, Jr., Seminole; in mem- B. Harmon, all Charles H. Hicks 5 Company, Mr. and ory of Mrs. Peter Hoffmann. of St. Petersburg; Jay and Eddie Brown, Mrs. Dean C. Houk, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newport Va. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gignac, Largo; in News, ; in memory of Mr, V. Workman, Barnett National Bank, Leo R. Lawson. Mr. memory of Mr. John C. Hults. and Mrs. Garnette J. Stollings, Dr. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Henderson, Venice; and Mrs. J. C. Hughey, Tampa; in memory Mrs. William D. Futch, Harris Barrett of Mr. J. C. Hughey. in memory of Mrs. Hoyse McGowan. 5 Dew, Mr. Tom Hennessy, Mr. Kell Hen- Mrs. T, D. Leslie, Jasper; in memory Mr. and Mrs. E. M. McClelland, Largo; of Mr. James Hinton. in memory of their parents. nessy, Mrs. Weyman Willingham, Sr., Dr. and Ms. Viola T. Chartrand, Bartow; in Judge O. P. Johnson; St. Cloud; in Mrs. Edward V. Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. memory of Mr. Randell Hutto. memory of Mr. Frank McCloskey. Wilbert R. Canning, Dr. James R. NaIetean, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fowler, Winter Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Camp, Jr., Mrs. T. D. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Mooreficld, Mr. and Garden; in memory of Frank Monroe Hall. Leslie, all of Jasper; in memory of Mrs. E. Mrs. George Morrison, Union Trust National J. McCall. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Thibodeau, Mr. Bank, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Tucker, Harvard and Mrs. William T. all Ms. Lolita M. Dickinson, Inverness; in Ayres, of Tampa; & Jolly A.I.A. Architects, Mrs. John 1. in memory of Judge W. Marion Hendry. memory of Mr. John D. McColm. Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Grace C. Hall, Lakeland; Ben and Mr. and Mrs. John H. Shanahan, Or- Fonda Jackson, Carol Libby, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Houtana, lando; in memory of Benson Keith Mad- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Barrett, Mrs. D. C. Jr., Mr. William C. Gailey, all of Green dox, Jr. Robertson, Mr. J. C. Gracy, E. Schradieck, Cove Springs; in memory of Mr. J. P. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Marino, Ft. Lauder- Mrs. Louise Ainsworth, all of St. Peters- Hall, Sr. dale; in memory of Mary Marino. burg; in memory of Mr. A. Mack Wing. 22 THE SHERIFF'S STAR Ruth B. Kirby, all' of St. Petersburg; in memory of Mr. John The Memorial Fund will perpetuate the memory of deceased relatives and S. Taylor, Jr. Mrs. George M. Baker, Ms. Marilyn financing for a Boys Ranch Chapel; and it will be used in friends. It provided the Thomas, Mr. Frank Timmons, Ms. Margaret the future for similar projects of enduring significance. C7 Boys Ranch Carter and Ms. Mary Sue Timmons, all of Daytona Beach; in memory of Major B. Enclosed find contribution of $ For: C3 Girls Villa G. Timmons. MAIL TO: In Memory of Mrs. Mary E. Hutchons, Gulfport; in Send Acknowledgment to: memory of Ms. Ada M. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. James Soisson, Mr. and MEMORIAL FUND Name (Next of Kin) and Mrs. Arthur Welker, Mr. and Mrs. P. O. BOX 520 Address Craig Spangenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair, Mr. and LIVE OAK, Mrs. Howard Stevens, all of Chagrin Falls, From (Donor's Name) Ohio; in memory of Mr. Isaac Tripp, Jr. FLORIDA Mrs. Katherine G. Heiser, Mrs. George Address Tagg, Mrs. Betty Casper, Mr. and Mrs. Arvel 32060 G orden, Mr. and Mrs. Omar G ilbreath, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Hull, Mrs. John E. Busch, Mrs. Nancy Stone, Mr. Kenneth Risedorph, Mrs. Eleanor Shisler, all of Largo; Mr. Mrs. ~ Mrs. Edgar W. Dr. and T. J. Mohr, Ft. Myers; Sherwood, Tarpon Springs; and Mrs. Louis Shermerhorn, New Port in memory of Mr. Fred Nordenholt. in memory of Mr. Edgar W. Sherwood. Richey; in memory of Mr. Walter Traut. Mr. Forest R. Crutchfield, Sarasota; in Mr. J. H. Dowling, Tallahassee; in mem- Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Anderson, Jr. memory of Mr. Eastman W. Nuckolls. ory of Mr. Eugene A. Stanley. , Bowling Green; Mr. James W. Harrison, Dr. and Mrs. Edward V. Pollard, St. Mrs. C. S. White, Tallahassee; in mem- Robert ory of Frank and Bill Simmons. Wauchula; in memory of Mr. Ernest Petersburg; in memory of Mrs. Turnipseed. Oxford. Mr. Morris Gary, Qcala; in memory of W. Mrs. George E. Dunn, Mrs. Jessie Waud- Mrs. Charles O' Toole, Naples; in mem- Mrs. Louise Swift. both of Gulfport; in memory of Mrs. Mr. Charles A. O' Toole. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Johnson, Jr., Mr. by, ory of Marcella D. Thissen. Mr. and Mrs. George Sterchi, Crystal Dallas P. Johnson, Sr., all of Tallahassee; Friends and Neighbors in Clearwater River; in memory of Dr. J. B. Oliphant. in memory of Mr. David Stuart. made a donation in Mr. William Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kelley, Chattahoo- Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Scott, Largo; in memory of Thornton. chee; in memory of Mrs. Susie Pace. memory of Lawrence C. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Harry Straus, Vera Beach; in mem- Mr. Joe Bradley, Chattahoochee; in mem- G. J. Crews, District Heights, Md. in memory of Lavada and ory of Mr. Frederick Guy Prince. ory of Mr. L. J. Stephens. ; Le R oy Vogt. Mrs. Marjorie B. Pollard, Sarasota; in Mr. and Mrs. Michael Allen, Jacksonville; Mr. and Mrs. Leon D. Braddock, Sr., memory of Mr. James R. Pollard. in memory of Mr. Carl Holt Smith. Tampa; in memory of Mr. W. V. Wilson, Jr. Mrs. Allen Mills Powell, Boynton Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Talla- Leppman, Mr. Ranny Tucker and Mr. W. in memory of Mr. Allen Mills Powell. N. Horne, hassee; in memory of Mr. Silverman. both in Arvilla M. Pease, St. Petersburg; in mem- of Ocala; memory of Mr. Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Clinton R. Tobey, St. G. Willis. ory of Mr. Earl E. Pease. Petersburg; in memory of Mr. Frank Setear. Mr. Albert M. Groves, Minneola; and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dobosz, Sebring; Mr. and Mrs. R ichard Kessler, Lake Mr. James Albert Groves, Leesburg; in in memory of Mr. Hobson Parnell. in of Wales; memory Mrs. Helen Schroeder. memory of Mr. Johnny Workman. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin W. Guynn, Fairfield; Mrs. Stevens, in F. J. St. Augustine; Mrs. Leslie C. Weiss, West Palm Beach; in memory of Mrs. Mytle Phillips. memory of Mr. William H. Stevens. Mrs. G. Pemberton, Tallahassee; in in memory of L. W. Weiss II. P. Mr. A. G. Stefurak and Family, Rock- memory of Mr. P. G. Pemberton. Superior Paving, Inc. , Mr. Scott Linder, ledge; in memory of Mr. W. A. (Josh) Spier. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Purvis, Arcadia; Lakeland; Ms. Edith F. Perkins, Williston; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holopirek, Daytona in memory of Lewis Edward Purvis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Waff, Panacea; Mr. Beach; in memory of Mrs. Stella Stickle. Ms. Viola T. Chartrand, Bartow; in and Mrs. Fred A. Lesueur, Ocala; J. H. Mrs. William E. Spicer, Langley Park, memory of Mr. Lewis Powe. Dowling, Inc. , Tallahassee; Mr. Perry R. Md. in memory of Mr. William E. Spicer. Ms. Carol Harding, Mrs. R. V. Stor- ; Gibbons, Brandon; in memory of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Leonard, Boca mont, both of St. Petersburg; Mr. W. G. William J. Whitehurst II. Raton; in memory of Mr. Raymond Strick- Spicer, Ottawa, III.; Mrs. Elisabeth Spicer, Col. and Mrs. Robert J. Knight, Clear- I and. Marseilles, III. in memory of Mr. Donald water; in memory of Arzier Wolfe. ; Mrs. D. D. Morrison, Willingboro, N. Pierson. J.; Mr. Joseph E. Wendel, Lakeland; in M. of Michael Sanders. Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Coats, Chicago, in memory Robert memory of Mrs. Maxine Irvin Wendel. Mr. William Schiffer, Orlando; in mem- III.; in memory of Mr. David Bleakley Mr. Buford L. Cooper, Lutz, in mem- Roberts. ory of Teresa Ann Schiffer. ory of Mrs. Sadie Walker. Mr. Harold M. Mottram, Lauderhill; in Mrs. Robert S. Salter, Clearwater Beach; Mrs. Clara B. Hollins, St. Petersburg; memory of Mr. Paul Stewart Robcke. in memory of Mr. Robert S. Salter. in memory of Mrs. G. H. Whiting, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. F. P. Moersch, Ft. Lauder- Helen, Jule and Eugene, Dunedin; in Dade City Chapter No. 395, N.A. R.F.E., dale; in memory of Mrs. Harold Rasmussen. memory of Mrs. F lorence Schurr. in memory of Mrs. Alice C. Witte. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil D. Frazier, Clear- Mrs. William P. Favorite, Detroit, Mich. ; Mr. James W. White, Jacksonville; in water; in memory of Mr. Lee Rogers, Sr. in memory of Mr. Victor L. Simon. memory of Joey Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Rehor, Clear- Mr. and Mrs. John A. McCabe, Pom- Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bullock, Kissimmee; water; in memory of Lt. Robert Rettor pano Beach; in memory of Mr. Daniel B. in memory of Mrs. Lyde A. Wall. and Pfc. Ernest Rettor. Seaver. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Sowell, Quincy; Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Long, Tallahassee; Mrs. Jane C. Sherman, Albany, N. Y.; in memory of Mrs. Y. L. Watson. in memory of Mr. Nels Revell. in memory of Mr. Theodore D. Sherman, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Leckron, Sebring; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hertel, Gainesville; Mrs. Helen D. Moore, Ormond Beach; in in of "Pat" memory Danny Wolfe in memory of Mr. Lannie C. Rowland. memory of Mrs. Edward M. Simon. Mrs. Walter R. Woodard, Capitol Heights, Mr. W. W. Rose, Nokomis; in memory Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Clibbon, Hobe Md. ; in memory of Mr. Walter R. Woodard. of Ms. Margaret Redwine. Sound; in memory of Scott Alan Sylvester. Mr. and Mrs. James Mishey, Mansfield, Mr. Bill Shields, Tampa; in memory of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Richelieu, Jr., Largo; Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Dwight L. Mishey, St. Mrs. Evelyn Rodene. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Gause, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Petersburg; in memory of Mrs. Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sullivan, Orlando; in ,George A. Hayes, all of Tarpon Springs; Wi liard. memory of Mrs. Minnie Ann Russell. in memory of Mr. Henry S. Stansell. Mrs. Violet Warrick, St. Petersburg; in Mrs. Erric T. Bell, Jr., Tallahassee; in Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Stoddard, Mr. memory of Mr. Walter Warrick. memory of Stephen Howard Riley. and Mrs. Rene J. Tritschler, all of Sarasota; Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Clark, Tampa; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Brown, Major in memory of Mr. Harry D. Stanton. in memory of Mr. James White. Felie W. Clark, all of Gainesville; in mem- Mr. and Mrs. Allen Stewart, Dunedin; Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Gates, St. Peters- ory of Mr. Charles "Ben" Riddick. in memory of Mr. Jack Towns. burg; in memory of Mrs. Mettie Mae Mrs. L. G. Roberts and Randy, both of Ms. Elizabeth Dreyfus, Jackson Heights, Whitaker. Wauchula; in memory of Mr. L. G. Roberts. N. Y.; in memory of Mr. Ernest Tetaz. Employees of Bureau of Alcoholic Re- Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gilson, Mrs. Marie Mr. James H. Turner, Ft. Lauderdale; habilitation, Avon Park; Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Byers, Mrs. Maude M. Fleming, Mr. and in memory of all the boys killed in the C. Clayton III, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ziesen- Mrs. Ray J. Knipe, all of St. Petersburg; war. heim, all of Sebring; in memory of Col. in memory of Mr. Frank Reock. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Spake, Ms. Joseph R. Ziesenheim. MARCH 1971 23 Reubin O'Donovan Askew

The Hon. Reubin O'Donovan Askew was elected the 37th Governor of the State of Florida on November 3, l970, at the age of 42. Governor Askew entered the 1970 Democratic Primary as a decided underdog against Senate President John E. Mathews, Attorney General , and Miami Mayor Chuck Hall. Surviving the primary, he defeated Mathews in the second primary and went on to oust incumbent Republican Governor Claude R. Kirk, in the November General Election. Governor Askew was born in Muskogee, Oklahoma on September 11, 1928. He was one of six children. In 1937, his family moved to Pensacola, where he entered the Escambia County Public School System. After school hours he learned to assume responsibility by working to help support himself and the family. He was only nine years old then. When he graduated from high school at 17, he entered the Army as a private in the paratroopers and advanced to the rank of sergeant. At he continued his military career by joining the ROTC; and launched his political career by getting elected president of the student body. He gradu- ated with a BS degree and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the Air Force. After two additional years of active duty in the Air Force, Captain Askew was admitted to the Law School. In 1956 he received his I,LB degree. He began his public service career by accepting an appointment as Assistant County Solicitor of Escambia County. He was elected to the Florida House of Repre- sentatives in 1958; and to the Senate in l 962. He con- tinued to serve in the Senate until he was elected Governor. His many honors include selection by Florida Jaycees as "One of Florida's Five Outstanding Young Men, " 1960; and selection by the Legislative Press Corps as "One of the Tom Adams —Florida's The Hon. Tom Adams, Florida's second modern-day Lieutenant Governor, is a native Floridian, born in Jackson- ville on March 11, 1917; and was graduated from the public schools of Jacksonville, and later The Hill Preparatory School, in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. In l940 he received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in pre-law from thc University of Michigan and later attended law school at the University of Detroit and the University of Florida. While at Michigan, he was elected to many positions of leadership and received many honors and awards. He was awarded honorary doctorate dcgrecs by Florida Institute of Technology in 1962, and Trinity Collcgc in 1964. Hr holds honorary memberships in Alpha Kappa Psi, Phi Theta Pi, Omicron Delta Kappa, Gold Key at Florida State University and Blue Key at the University of Florida. Sine» 1965, he has been a Trustee of the Florida Institute of Technology. In l967, Lt. Gov. Adams was awarded the Order of San Carlos by the Republic of Colombia, the highest award that nation bestows upon a foreigner. He is a member of the Baptist Church and has served as deacon, Sunday School superintendent and teacher. Prior to his eh.ction to thc in 1956, l.t. Gov. Adams operatetl a large dairy and later was engaged in THE SHERIFF'S STAR 37th Governor of Florida Ten Outstanding House Members, " l961; "One of the Four Outstanding Senators" in l 965 and again in 1967. He was runner-up in the St. Petersburg Times Poll for "Most Valuable Member" in the 1965 Senate. Governor Askew was (."hairman of the Senate Appro- priations Committee, and thc (."ommittee on Constitutional Amendmcnts and Revision; and worked for fair apportionm«nt in both thc House and Senate. He was President pro tempore of the Senate in I969 and l970. He. is a past president of the Western Division of Children's Home Society of Florida. He also served on the Boards of Directors of the Florida Association for Retarded Children, the Farm Bureau, Escambia County Tuberculosis and Health Association, YMCA, American Legion, Heart Association and United Fund. He is a Mason and Rotarian. I le is married to the f'orrner Donna Lou Harper of Sanford, Florida, and they have two children, Angela Adair and Kevin O'Donovan. Governor Askew served as an elder in the First Pres- byterian Church of Pensacola.

Governor's Staff James W. Apthorp ...... Senior Executive Assistant Harvey Cotten Executive Assistant R. Bernie Parrish, Jr...... Special Assistant Don Pride Press Secretary Maurice Harling Special Assistant Horry Hair...... Director, Administrative Services Alex M. Steverson . Director, Finance and Development William D. Owens...... Local Government Coordinator Robert A. Hugli ...... Administrative Assistant Lorna Allen Ex&.cutivc Secretary to the Governor OFFICE LOCATION CAPITOL BU II.DING TELEPHONE NUMBER 222- l 900 Lieutenant Governor timber brokerage, farming and property managerncnt. While serving in the Senate, he was voted by his colleagues as the "Most Outstanding Freshman Senator" during the 1957 session. In the 1959 legislative, session, he was honored as the "Most Valuable Member of the Legislature. " During both sessions Senator Adams was named as the "Senator Contributing Most to Agriculture. " In 1960, he was elected Florida's 15th Secretary of State. After that, for three consecutive biennia, he was selected by the Legislature to receive the Allen Morris Award as the "Most Effective Administrator of a State Agency. " Ile is married to the forn&er Helen Frances Brown of Jacksonville. They have three daughters: Carolyn Adams DeHaven, Augusta Adams Bird, and Frances Lee Adams, as well as two granddaughters, Carolyn Lee DeHaven and Abigail Bird.

Lt. Governor's Staff James C. Smith Executive Assistant J. W. Landers .. Coordinator, Cabinet Affairs Eleanor M. Donnell Executive Secretary OFFICE LOCATION ...... CAPITOL BUILDING TELEPHONE NUMBER 222-1900 MARCH 1971 25 STATE CABINET The Executive Branch of Florida's government administers and enforces laws. Its top officials are the Governor, Lt. Governor and six cabinet officials. Each cabinet member is elected state-wide and given specific duties. Commissioner of Agriculture OFFICE LOCATION ...... CAPITOL BUILDING TELEPHONE NUMBER...... 599-7345 (D) Jaycees, 1961;considered the Dean of the Florida Cabinet; Born —Starke, Fla. , December President of the National Association of State Departments 17, 1928 of Agriculture', Past President of Southern Association of I, Education graduated Bradford ) State Departments of Agriculture; first President of High School, 1947; received Latin-American Florida Agricultural Organization; is a BS degree in Agriculture President of the University of Florida Alumni Association; from the University of Florida, elected state's 7th Commissioner of Agriculture in 1960, 1952 reelected in 1964, 1966 and 1970 without opposition. Wife's name —Johnnie (Kitten) Children —three EXECUTIVE STAFF Church affiliation —Baptist Honors —at age 21, elected to Harold H. Hoffman...... Assistant Commissioner Florida House of Represen- Jack Shoemaker and Richard F. Kelly ...... Cabinet and tatives, from Bradford Legislative Liaison County, while attending Hayes B. Wood ...... Director, Administrative Services the University of Florida; served five terms; in 1957, at Wallace R. Ortiz . . Coordinator, Agricultural Advisory Council' age 28, became state's youngest Speaker of the House; "One C. Douglas Shelby . Personnel Director of the Nation's Outstanding Youths" by Outdoor Writers Richard A. Morrow ...... Director, Finance and Accounting of America, 1947; National President of Future Farmers Terry C. Lee, Jr. Data Center Director of America, 1948-49; "One of the Five Outstanding Edwin R. Howard ...... Director, Information Services Young Men in Florida" by State Jaycees, 1950; "One of Robert A. Chastain ...... Chief Counsel the 10 Outstanding Young Men in the Nation" by the U. S. Malcolm C. Hartsfield ...... Purchasing Agent

Commissioner of Education


FLOYD T. CHRISTIAN (D) Florida Education Association, 1955; named to Florida — Born Bessemer, Ala. , Decem- Educational Television Commission, 1955; life member, ber 18, 1914 National Education Association, Florida Education Education —graduated St. Association, and the Congress of Parents and Teachers; Petersburg'High School, 1933; listed in Who's Who in American Education and Who's Who received AB degree, Univer- in America; President, Council of Chief State School Offi- sity of Florida, 1937; Master' s cers; member, Executive Board of National Association of degree in education, Univer- Educational Broadcasters; appointed State Superintendent sity of Florida, 1950; advanc- of Public Instruction, 1965; elected to four-year term, ed studies at Peabody College 1966; reelected in 1970. — (Title changed to Commissioner Prior occupation teacher, of Education in 1969.) school administrator and superintendent of public EXE(.UTIVE STAFF instruction in Pinellas County Wife's name —Margaret John Scay ...... Deputy Commissioner Children —three ,James Campbrll . .Associate Commissioner for Administration Church affiliation —Methodist Herman Mycrs...... Associate Commissioner for Military service —First Lieutenant, U. S. Army, WW Il; Budget Planning and Development Cecil Golden Battalion Commander of Field Artillery unit; five major ...... Assoriate (.'ommissioner for battles in southern Italy; five decorations; discharged as Planning and Coordination .ilu liny Boone Colonel, 1946 Director, Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Honors —state's first appointive county superintendent, Rolicrt Mautz...... (".liancellor, Board of Regents, Pinellas County, Commissioner 1957; appointed of Division of Universities Education, October 14, 1965; Chairman, Superintendents Carl Prochl ...... Director, Division of Vocational Education Work Conference, Columbia University, 1954; President, Inc lleriilrrson. ... Director, Division of Community Colleges 26 THE SHERIFF'S STAR State Comptroller

OFFICE LOCATION . . CAPITOL BUILDING TELEPHONE NUMBER 222-5790 FRED O. "BUD" DICKINSON, EXECUTIVE STAFF JR. (D) Born —West Palm Beach, B.J. Mawhinney .. Assistant Comptroller March 28, l 922 V. Carroll Webb .. General Counsel Education —public schools Vernon E. Bradford Executive Assistant of West Palm Beach; Harry J. Fcrrcll ...... Cabinet Coordinator attended the University of Charles G. Leonard Internal Auditor Florida; graduated with W. A. Maddox . . Administrative Assistant honors from the John B. Carl W. Barber, Jr. . Accounting/Auditing Division Director Stetson University School Ed J. Lee ...... Deputy Banking Commissioner of Law Willie L. Norred Securities Division Director Prior occupation —practiced A. Doug Teal, Jr. Financial Division law in West Palm Beach Ben H. Pridgeon Administrative Division Director Wife's name —Mildred Vernon C. Atkinson ...... County Finance Director Children —five Charlie E. Bell...... Agency Accounting Director Church affiliation —Methodist W. Bradley Bevis . Accounting Director Military service —Marine Corps, WW 11, decorated for Cecil J. Blanton ...... Copy Services Director bravery in South Pacific action ,Jack R. Butler Purchasing Director Honors —elected to the Florida House of Representatives, Harry Burn Small Loan Director 1954; elected to Florida Senate, 1957, reelected l 958; Cabot J. Corbett Supply Director organizer and first chairman of the Florida Council of Billy J. Givens. ... County Affairs Director 100; special counsel to Senate Education Committee, R. Walter Harper, Jr ...... Payroll-Withholding Director l 965; served as trustee of the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ray G. Higgins ...... Bureau-Auditing Director Ranch; organized Florida's Apollo Memorial Commission; Jim L. Hollis Data Center Director named "Outstanding Young Man of the Year, " in 1956 N. Broward Jackson Records-Reconciliation Director by West Palm Beach Jaycees; Legion of Honor in Govern- M. Jack McDaniel. . Expense-Vouchers, Contracts- ment Award —Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay. ; Transfers Director Annual Ben C. Williard Award as Outstanding Lawyer of James D. McEachern, Jr ...... Cemetery Director the Year from Stetson University, 1966; listed in Who' s W. K. (Bill) McKeown Personnel Director Who in Banking; served on Board of Directors of National Charles V. Page, Jr...... Accounts-Benefits Director Association of Supervisors of State Banks; appointed' Henry S. Rawls Mail Director Comptroller September I, l 965; elected Comptroller, 1966; Ronnie Thomas Mortgage Brokers, Retail Installmen ts, made voting history by receiving more votes than any other Motor Finance Director opposed primary election candidate in state's history— James Vaughan ...... Abandoned Property Director winning all Florida counties with 82.81 per cent of the vote; reelected 1970

Secretary of State


RICHARD (DICK) STONE (D) of Miami, 1966-67; elected to the Florida Senate, 1967, Born —New York City, for a one-year term; reelected to four-year term, 1968; September 22, 1928 selected by his colleagues, first runner-up, "Most Out- Education —high school at standing Freshman Senator, "elected 16th Secretary Georgia Military College, of State, 1970. Milledgeville, Ga. , 1945; EXECUTIVE STAFF BA degree. curn laude, Harvard University, 1949; Eli M. Feinberg Deputy Secretary of State LLB degree, Columbia Ben Ervin ...... Office Manager University, 1954 Jim Purks Press Secretary Prior occupation —attorney I,arry S. Brock. .. . Division Director, Administrative Services Wife's name —Marlene W. Robert Williams .. . Division Director, Archives R History Children —three Roy Allen ...... Division Director, Corporations Church affiliation —Jewish Dorothy W. Glisson ...... Division Director, Elections Honors —President of Sherwood Kirk . .. . . Division Director, Library Services Columbia Law School Forum; City Attorney for City Beverly F. Dozier ...... Division Director, Cultural Affairs MARCH 1971 27 Attorney General

OFFICE LOCATION .. CAPITOL BUILDING TELEPHONE NUMBER 222-3440 ROBERT L. (BOB) SHEVIN (D) Florida Jaycees; "One of Four Most Valuable Members of Born —Miami, Fla. , January 19, 1969 Senate, "St. Petersburg Times; Allen Morris Award, 1934 "One of Most Effective in Debate, " 1969;Winner of 1969 Education —graduated Miami Intergovernmental Award, U. S. Department of Housing Senior High School; Univer- and Urban Development; elected 31st Attorney General sity of Florida, BA degree of Florida, 1970. 1955; University of Miami, rill Juris Doctor, 1957, magna EXECUTIVE STAFF

curn laude i"'ll' Prior occupation —attorney Stuart L. Simon ...... Deputy Attorney General Wife's name —Myrna Daniel S. Dcaring ...... Head of Civil Law Division Children —three Reeves Bowen. . .. . Head of Criminal Law Division Church affiliation —Jewish Military service —Captain, U. S. FIELD OFFICE HEADS Army Reserve Honors —Southern Collegiate Debate Champion; president, Philip A. Pacyna Lakeland Office Student Bar Association; president, Bar and Gavel Legal James P. LaRussa. . Tampa Office Society; State Moot Court Champion; Florida House of Barry S. Richard Miami Office Representatives, 1964-66; elected to Senate 1966; Charles W. Musgrove . . . . West Palm Beach Office reelected 1967, 1968; Allen Morris Award, "Most Out- standing First Session Member of 1965 House", St. Peters- STAFF ASSISTANTS burg Times Award," "One of Ten Most Valuable Members of the House, 1965; "One" of Ten Most Valuable Members James T. Flack...... Director, Division of Administration of Florida Legislature, Florida Newspaper Editors' Poll, Louie L. Wainwright, Jr...... Executive Assistant 1965; "Outstanding Young Man of Florida, " 1968-69, James T. Barrett ...... Director of Public Affairs

State Treasurer

OFFICE LOCATION .. CAPITOL BUILDING TELEPHONE NUMBER . . . . . 599-0209 THOMAS D. O'MALLEY (D) member of the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch Board of Born —Washington, D. C., 1933 Trustees; elected Florida's 18th State Treasurer, 1970. Education —public schools of attended Illinois; Loyola EXECUTIVE STAFF University of Chicago; received bachelor's degree O. L. Evans. . . Executive Assistant in business administration E. A. Faire. loth Executive Assistant from the University of Thomas R. Brown. Acting Assistant Insurance Commissioner Miami; received LLB from Irwin R. Lippman...... Director of Administration the University of Miami Law Thomas A. Waddell .. General Counsel Schoolin 1962 Jack D. Kane ...... Executive Assistant Prior occupation —attorney Wife's name —Mary Children —three TIME FOR A CHANGE Church affiliation - Catholic Military service —enlisted in Marine Corps 1951;served as As public officials get older, and the ravages of time sergeant in Korea at age 18 play havoc with their statesmanlike profiles, they become Honors —served as president of Phi Alpha Delta law more and more reluctant to give us up-to-date photographs fraternity; was vice president of the Student Bar for this special yearbook edition. Association; member of the Bar and Gavel legal Consequently, it was a pleasant surprise when one of society; represented his school at the 1961 National these "old pros" voluntarily, out of a clear blue sky, sent our Convention of the American Law Student's "to editor a new picture" take the place of the one from my Association; received Roger Sorino Memorial high school annual." Award as the outstanding graduating senior of the "I think, he added, "this might be an appropriate Miami Law School; elected Dade County Commissioner time to tell you about the fellow who stopped me on the 1964; reelected in 1968 and served as Vice Mayor of street the other day and said: 'Ed, while I have never met Metropolitan Dade County; Good Government Award your son, I voted for him in the last election'. " from Miami Jaycees, 1967-68; named outstanding club Ed, it just so happens, has no son, but he has had some president of Young Democrats in Florida, 1962; is a thoughts about that old picture he's been using. 28 THE SHERIFF'8 SIAR FLORIDA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION An independent agency within the Executive Branch, thc Public Service Commis- sion is composed of three commissioners elected state-wide. It regulates railroads; common carriers; canal companies; telegraph companies; telephone companies; motor vehicle common carriers; privately owned electric, natural gas, water and sewer companies; freight forwarders; transportation brokers and privately owned toll bridges. Created in 1807 as The Florida Railroad Commission, it became The Florida Railroad and Public Utilities Commission in ]947 and the name was changed to Florida Public Utilities Commission in 1963. The present title was established by the 1965 Legislature. Each commissioner is elected for a four-year term.

CHAIRMAN JESS YARBOROUGH (D) body, University of Tennessee; received Southeastern Born —Chester, S. C., Conference Jacobs Blocking Trophy two years; captain December 30, 1906 of Volunteer team in the Rose Bowl; former City Commis- Education —BS degree, Clemson sioner and Mayor of Ft. Meade; Chairman of the Ft. Meadc University, 1930; also Public Library; past president of the following: Lions, attended Furman University, Quarterback Club, American Legion, Ft. Meade Chamber Peabody College and of Commcrce and Westminster Presbytery Men of the "Ft. Meade's University of Florida Church (covering "central Florida); named Prior occupation —high school Man of the Year, 1964; served as Chairman of the County- football coach; zoning wide Library Study Committee; State Director, Southern consultant; real estate Scholarship and Research Foundation; President of Peace Wife's name —Louise River Valley Historical Society; elected to Florida House Children —three of Representatives, 1967, reelected 1968; Chairman, Citrus Church affiliation —Baptist Committee of House; elected to first term on Public Military service —Major, Service Commission in 1970. U. S. Air Force, WW II Honors Director of Public Welfare, Miami; Dade County Commissioner; Dade County School Board; member, first Turnpike Committee, appointed by Gov. ; Gov. WILLIAM T. MAYO(D) member, Tax Study Committee, appointed by LeRoy — Collins; member Florida House of Representatives, 1963- Born Surnmerfield, Fla. , December 10, 1917 68; past president of the following: Miami Kiwanis Club, — Orange Bowl Committee, Florida High School Coaches Education graduated Ocala High School, attended Assn. , State Assn. of County Commissioners, and Florida University of Florida Advisory Council; elected to Public Service Commission '$v — I in 1968; presently serving his first four-year term; elected Prior occupation automobile Chairman of the Commission for 1971-72. dealer Wife's name —Elizabeth Children —four Church affiliation —Methodist — WILLIAM H. BEVIS (D) Honors Mayor of Tallahas- see, 1953-54; city com- Born —Two Egg (Jackson missioner 10 years; member County) Fla. , March 20, 1920 of State Road Board and Florida Education —public schools of Administrator of Interstate Highway System; recognized for "Exceptional Marianna; degree in account- 1961-64; Achievement in Public Works, " Kiwanis Clubs of Tallahassee; ing, University of Tennessee appointed Commission Prior occupation citrus to Public Service September 1,1964; elected to four-year term in 1966; reelected, without grower, motel owner opposition, in 1970. Wife's name —Nancy Children —three Church affiliation —Presbyterian Military service —U. S. Air Force, WW II Honors —President of student MARCH 1971 29 Reorganization "The Big Squeeze" The Reorganization Act of l969, required by Florida's 1968 Constitution, completely restructured the executive branch of state government by squeezing almost 200 old boards and agencies into 23 new departments. To answer the question "Who Went Where'" we have cross-indexed the old and the new. In Index A the new departments have been given code numbers. In Index B the old boards and agencies are listed in alphabetical order with code numbers designating the new departments to which they were transferred. INDEX B FUNCTIONS, BOARDS AND AGENCIES BEFORE REORGANIZATION

21 Accounting, Board of 13 Electronic Data Processing 24 Board 16 Administration, Division of (Board of Management Board 16 Parks & Historic Memorials, Board of Conservation) 7 Elevator Inspection Law, Enforcement of 1 Pensacola Historical Restoration 10 Aging, Commission of 21 Engineer Examiners, Board of & Preservation Comm. 5 Agriculture, Department of 5 Fire Control District 22 Pensions, Board of 5 Agricultural Advisory Council 12 Excise Taxes on Documents 22 Personnel Board 5 Agricultural & Livestock Fair Committee 5 Fertilizer Technical Committee 10 Pest Control Commission 17 Air & Water Pollution Control 19 Finance Committee 5 Pesticide Technical Committee Commission 9 Fire College, Board of Trustees 21 Pharmacy, Board of 17 Air & Water Pollution Control 16 Flood Control & Water Management 21 Pilot Commissioners, Boards of (Board of Health) Districts, Supervision of 22 Planning & Budget Commission 14 Airports, Licensing of 5 Foliage Advisory Committee 5 Plant Industry Technical Committee 10 Alcoholic Rehabilitation Program 21 Foresters, Board of Registration 21 Podiatry Examiners, Board of Alcoholic 10 Rehabilitation Advisory 5 Forestry, Board of 9 Police Standards Council Council 21 Funeral Directors & Embalmers, Board of 23 Probation & Parole Commission A na tom 6 i ca I Boa rd 16 Game & Fresh Water Fish Commission 20 Processors Advertising Committee Animal 5 Industry Technical Committee 12 Gas & Oil Production, Tax on 6 Professional Practices Commission 19 Appeals of County Budgets, Board of 16 Geology, Division of 21 Psychology, Board of Examiners 8 Apprenticeship Council 13 Governor's Mansion Commission 1 Public Records Screening Board 16 Aqueduct Commission, 10 Health Officer, State 15 Public Safety, Department of 1 Archives & History, Board of 10 Health, Board of 6 Public School Board 21 Architecture, Board of 14 Highway Secondary Trust Fund, Board of 10 Public Welfare, Department of 1 Arts Commission 10 Hospital & Other Institutions, 14 Aviation Advisory Council 21 Barbers Sanitary Commission 7 Hotel & Restaurant Commission 16 Beaches & Shores, Division of 9 Housing Board 7 Beverage Department 8 Industrial Commission 10 Blind, Council for 6 Industry Services Advisory Board 19 Bond Review Board 12 Inheritance & Estate Tax 13 Building Construction & Maintenance 4 Insurance, Department of (Board of Regents) 12 Insurance Premiums or Assessments, 16 Canal Authority Collection of Taxes 20 Canned Juice Quality Committee 12 Intangible Personal Property Tax, 1 Canvassers, Board of State Supervision of 22 Career Service Council 18 Internal Improvement Trust Fund, 13 Capitol Building & Grounds Trustees of 13 Capitol Center Planning Committee 6 Junior College Board 13 Capitol Safety Committee 7 Labor Business Agents Licensing Board 5 Celery Advisory Council 7 Labor Organizations, Regulation of 20 Chilled Juice Quality Committee 7 Land Sales Board 21 Chiropractic Examiners, Board of 21 Landscape Architects, 20 Citrus Commission Board of 11 Law Enforcement, Department of 9 Civil Defense Advisory Board 2 Legal Affairs, Department of 9 Civil Defense Council 1 Library & Historical Commission 9 Civil Defense, Department of 9 Local Planning Assistance 10 Community Hospitals & Medical 16 Marine Sciences & Technology, Facilities, Division of Commission on 20 Concentrate Quality Committee 21 Massage, Board of 21 Construction industry Licensing Board 21 Medical Examiners, Board of 5 Consumer Council 10 Mental Health, Division of 5 Consumer Services, Office of 10 Mental Retardation, Division of 21 Cosmetology, Board of 15 Motor Vehicles, Department of 10 Correction, Division of 12 Municipal Tax Assessment & Collection, 6 Course of Study Commission Supervision of 10 Crippled Children's Commission 21 Naturopathic Examiners, Board of 5 Dairy Industry Technical Committee 16 Navigations Districts 6 Deaf & Blind, Florida School for 8 Nuclear & Space Commission 21 Dentistry, Board of 21 Nursing, Florida State Board of 8 Development Commission 12 Occupational Licenses 16 Drainage Commissioners, Board of 21 Opticians, Board of Dispensing 9 Economic Opportunity, Division of 21 Optometry, Board of 6 Education, Board of 21 Osteopathic Medical Examiners, Board of 6 Education, Department of 16 Outdoor Recreational Development Council

30 THE SHERIFF'S STAR 3 Securities Commission 6 Textbook Purchasing Board INDEX B 7 Shorthand Court Reporters, Regulation of 14 Transportation Authority (:ontinued 22 Social Security for Public Employees 14 Transportation Commission 5 Soil & Water Conservation Board 14 Transportation Department 13 Purchasing Commission 13 State Buildings, Design, Construction 10 Tuberculosis Board 7 Racing Commission & Maintenance of 14 Turnpike Authority 12 Railroad Assessment Board 10 State Hospitals, Survey of 9 Veterans' Affairs, Department of 12 Railroad & Telegraph Taxes, 13 State Institutions, Board of Commissioners 21 Veterinary Medicine, Board of Pullman & Express Gross Receipts Tax 1 Stephen Foster Memorial Commission 6 Vocational Education, Board of 6 Regents, Board of 6 Student Scholarship Loan Commission 10 Vocational Rehabilitation, Division of 21 Real Estate Commission 12 Surtax on Documents 21 Watchmakers Commission 22 Retirement Systems 16 Suwannee River Development Authority 16 Water Resources & Conservation, 13 Revenue Bond Department 5 Sweetcorn Advisory Council Division of 12 Revenue Commission 12 Tangible Personal Property Tax, 12 Water & Sewer Tax 'I Ringling Museum of Art, Board of Supervision of 5 Watermelon Advisory Committee Trustees 12 Tax Assessors (County) Budgets, 16 Waterways, Division of 14 Road Board Approval of 17 Weather Modifications Permits, 14 Road Department 12 Tax Assessors, Uniformity of Issuance of 1 St. Augustine Historical Restoration Assessments, Supervision of 7 Yacht & Ship Brokers, Licensing & Preservation Commission 12 Tax Redemtions & Regulation of 16 Salt Water Fisheries, Division of 12 Taxation, Court Proceedings Relating to 10 Youth Services Advisory Committee 21 Sanitarians Registration Board 6 Teacher Education Advisory Council 10 Youth Services, Division of Florida's Directory of Government Executive Branch STATE AGENCIES

ADMINISTRATION, STATE BOARD OF Robert J. Bishop, Director Vincent Giglio, Director E. O. Rolland, Executive Director Division of Consumer Services Division of Inspection 135 Carlton Building Center Building Mayo Building Tallahassee, 32304 Tallahassee, 32304 Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 222-1684 Telephone, 599-7284 Telephone, 599-7414

ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF Jack P. Dodd, Director John D. Stiles, Director L. Kenneth Ireland, Jr., Secretary Division of Dairy Industry Division of Marketing Capitol Building Collins Building Mayo Building Tallahassee, 32304 Tallahassee, 32304 Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 224-4111 Telephone, 599-7411 Telephone, 599-7431

Wallace W. Henderson, Director Harold Hoffman, Director Halwin L. Jones, Director Division of Planning and Budgeting Division of Administration Division of Plant Industry Capitol Building Capitol Building P. O. Box 1269 Tallahassee, 32304 Tallahassee, 32304 Gainesville, 32601 Telephone, 224-4111 Telephone, 599-7345 Telephone, 904-372-3505

Jay McGlon, Director Dr. C. L. Campbell, Director Sydney Andrews, Director Division of Personnel and Retirement Division of Animal Industry Division of Standards Carlton Building Mayo Building Mayo Building Tallahassee, 32304 Tallahassee, 32304 Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 224-7121 Telephone, 599-7245 Telephone, 599-7333

Joseph P. Cresse, Chief Dr. V. E. Stewart, Director Bureau of Budgeting Division of Chemistry AIR AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL, Division of Planning and Budgeting Mayo Building DEPARTMENT OF Center Building Tallahassee, 32304 Vincent D. Patton, Executive Director Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 599-7311 Tallahassee Bank and Trust Building Telephone, 224-4111 Room 300 Tallahassee, 32301 Homer Still, Chief John Bethea, Director Telephone, 224-9151 Bureau of Planning Division of Forestry Division of Planning and Budgeting Collins Building BANKING AND FINANCE, 725 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, 32304 DEPARTMENT OF Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 222-3650 Fred O. Dickinson, Jr. Telephone, 222-0428 Comptroller H. M. Riley, Director Capitol Building AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER Division of Fruit and Vegetable Tallahassee, 32304 SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Inspection Telephone, 222-5790 Doyle Conner P. O. Box 1072 Commissioner of Agriculture Winter Haven, 33880 BUSINESS REGULATION, Capitol Building Telephone, 813-294-3511 DEPARTMENT OF Tallahassee, 32304 Charles Jackson, Executive Telephone, 599-7345 Director MARCH 1971 31 304 Carlton Building Col. G. L. Robinson, Director Robert B. Mautz, Chancellor Tallahassee, 32304 Division of Emergency Government Division of Universities Telephone, 222-2562 1045 R iverside Avenue 210 Collins Building Jacksonville, 32204 Tallahassee, 32304 George D. Johnson, Director Telephone, 904-356-852'I Telephone 599 5416 Division of Pari-Mutuel Wagering 1350 Northwest Twelfth Avenue Melvin T. Dixon, Director Dr. Carl Proehl, Director Room 510 Division of Veterans Affairs Division of Vocational Education Miami, 33136 P. O. Box 1437 204 Knott Building Telephone, 305-379-4507 St. Petersburg, 33731 Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 813-898-4443 Telephone, 599-5714 J. H. Louchheim III, Director Division of Hotels and Restaurants William Clark, Chief GENERAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF 304 Carlton Building Bureau of State Fire College Chester F. Blakemore, Executive Tallahassee, 32304 Division of Training and Professional Director Telephone, 222-1980 Development 115 Larson Building P. O. Box 785 Tallahassee, 32304 Lowell W. Steve, D irector Ocala, 32670 Telephone, 222-8856 Division of Florida Land Sales Telephone, 904-622-4616 P. O. Box 4448 Arnold L. Greenfield, Director Tampa, 33607 Jack Ledden, Bureau Chief Division of Bond Finance Telephone, 813-877-8301 Bureau of Police Standards 432 Larson Building Division of Training and Professional Tallahassee, 32304 Raymond E. Beary, Director Development Telephone, 222-8741 Division of Beverage 309 Office Plaza 315 Carlton Building Tallahassee, 32301 J. L. Larkin, Director Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 877-7161 Division of Building Construction Telephone, 222-1880 and Maintenance Joseph K. Mooney, Director 325 East Gaines Street Stokely Hays, Director Division of Technical Assistance Tallahassee, 32304 Division of General Regulation 309 Office Plaza Telephone, 222-8912 304 Carlton Building Tallahassee, 32301 Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 877-7134 William H. Corbett, Director Telephone, 222-1880 Division of Electronic Data Processing John K. Arnold, Jr., Director 2204 South Monroe Street CITRUS, DEPARTMENT OF Division of Migrant Labor Tallahassee, 32304 Edward A. Taylor, Executive Director 309 Office Plaza Telephone, 222-3850 P. O. Box 148 Tallahassee, 32301 Lakeland, 33802 Telephone, 877-3185 Telephone, 813-682-0171 Homer G. Hutchinson, Jr., Director Division of Motor Pools Harry B. Douglas, Director 325 East Gaines Street COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF Human Relations Commission Tallahassee, Lt. Governor Tom Adams 309 Office Plaza 32304 Telephone, 222-8621 Secretary of Commerce Tallahassee, 32301 510 Collins Building Telephone, 877-3185 Tallahassee, 32304 Donald Allen, Director Division of Communications Telephone, 224-1215 John Fred Shreve, Director 309 East Gaines Street Fire Fighters Standards Council Tallahassee, 32304 Division of Commercial Development 309 Office Plaza Telephone, 224-0682 510 Collins Building Tallahassee, 32301 Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 877-7161 Telephone, 224-1215 John J Hittinger Director Division of Purchasing 112 8loxham Building Division of Labor and Employment EDUCATION, STATE BOARD OF Tallahassee, 32304 Opportunities Governor Reubin Askew Telephone, 224-8171 Caldwell Building President Tallahassee, 32304 Capitol Building R. C. Covington, Director Telephone, 599-8211 Tallahassee, 32304 Division of Surplus Property Telephone, 222-1900 509-B Collins Building Industrial Relations Commission Tallahassee, 32304 Caldwell Building Telephone 224-7179 Tallahassee, 32304 EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF Telephone, 599-8234 F loyd Christian, Commissioner of GOVERNOR Education Honorable Reubin Askew Division of Administrative Services Capitol Building Capitol Building 510 Collins Building Tallahassee, 32304 Tallahassee, 32304 Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 599-5731 Telephone, 222-1900 Telephone, 224-1215 Dr. Lee Henderson, Director HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF Division of Community Colleges SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Mrs. M. Athalie Range, Secretary 523 Knott Building Dr. James A. Bax, Secretary 309 Office Plaza Tallahassee, 32304 618 Larson Building Tallahassee, 32301 Telephone, 599-5191 Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 877-3185 Telephone, 224-9497 Shelley Boone, Director W. D. Duncan, Director Division of Elementary and Secondary Louie L. Wainwright, Director Division of Economic Opportunity Education Division of Adult Corrections 225 West Jefferson Street 155 Knott Building 301 Bryant Building Tallahassee, 32301 Tallahassee, 32304 Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 222-1306 Telephone, 599-5812 Telephone, 224-1269 32 THE SHERIFF'S STAR Oliver J. Keller, Jr., Director HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR Ney C. Landrum, Director Division of Youth Services VEHICLES, DEPARTMENT OF Division of Recreations and Parks Tallahassee Bank and Trust Building Ralph Davis, Executive Director 601 Larson Building Tallahassee, 32301 Neil Kirkman Building Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 224-0181 Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 224-8102 Telephone, 877-4151 Dr. W. D. Rogers, Director Dr. O. E. F rye, Jr., Director Division of Mental Health Colonel Raid Clifton, Director Division of Game and Fresh Water Fish Larson Building Division of Florida Highway Patrol 101 Bryant Building Tallahassee, 32304 Neil Kirkman Building Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 222-8007 Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 224-0115 Telephone, 877-4151 Robert Eaton, Acting Director Division of Environmental Division of Retardation Arch Livingston, Director Research and Protection 460 Larson Building Division of Motor Vehicles 515 Larson Building

Tallahassee, 32304 Collins Building Tal I ahassee, 32304 Telephone, 224-9149 107 West Gaines Street Telephone, 224-7141 Tallahassee, 32301 Craig Mills, Director Telephone, 222-1420 Division of Vocational Rehabilitation PAROLE AND PROBATION COMMISSION 725 South Bronough Street Major C. W. Keith, Director Paul Murchek, Director Room 254 Division of Driver Licenses 235 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Tallahassee, 32304 Neil Kirkman Building 32304 222-2620 Telephone, 599-5349 Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, Telephone, 877-4151 Members of E. Douglas Endsley, Director Commission Division of Family Services Audry Carter, Director Roy W. Russell P. O. Box 2050 Division of Administration J. Hopps Barker Jacksonville, 32201 Neil Kirkman Building Francis R. Bridges Telephone, 904-725-3080 Tallahassee, 32304 Cale R. Keller Telephone, 877-4151 Raymond B. Marsh

Dr. Wilson T. Sowder, Director INSURANCE, DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL Division of Health Thomas O' Malley REGULATION, DEPARTMENT OF P. O. Box 210 Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer Louis H. Ritter, Secretary Jacksonville, 32201 Capitol Building 108 West Pensacola Street Telephone, 904-354-3961 Tallahassee, 32304 Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 599-0209 Joseph C. Ziesenheim, Chief Telephone, 224-0426 Bureau of Alcoholic Rehabilitation INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND P. O. Box 1147 Elliot Building REVENUE, DEPARTMENT OF Avon Park, 33825 Tallahassee, 32304 J. Ed Straughn, Executive Director Telephone, 813-453-3151 Telephone, 224-2101 102 Carlton Building Tallahassee, 32304 Murdock Martin, Chief LAW ENFORCEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF Telephone, 222-8027 Bureau of Blind Services William L. Reed, Commissioner Johns Building Room 201, 620 South Meridian Street STATE, DEPARTMENT OF Tallahassee, 32304 or P. O. Box 1489 Richard Stone, Secretary of State Telephone, 599-5247 Tallahassee, 32302 Capitol Building Telephone, 222-3789 Tallahassee, 32304 Commission on Aging Telephone, 224-2171 P. O. Box 3144 LEGAL AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF Ta I la hassee, 32303 Robert L. Shevin TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF Attorney General Edward A. Mueller, Secretary Bureau of Crippled Children Capitol Building Haydon Burns Building 107 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, 32304 Tallahassee, 32304 Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 222-3440 Telephone, 599-6424 Telephone, 222-4063 NATURAL RESOURCES, Tom B. Webb, Jr., Director State Board of Tuberculosis DEPARTMENT OF Administration 207 Avant Building Randolph Hodges, Executive Director Haydon Burns Building Tallahassee, 32302 515 Larson Building Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 224-7141 Telephone, 599-6436 Art Forehand, Chief Bureau Community Medical Facilities Harmon Shields, Director Jay W Brown Director 908 South Bronough Street Division of Marine Resources Road Operations Tallahassee, 32304 526 Larson Building Haydon Burns Building Telephone, 224-2133 Tallahassee, 32304 Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 224-7141 Telephone, 599-6434 Paul L. Skelton, Director Division of Administrative Services J. V. Sollohub, Director Ray G. L'Amoreaux, Director 618 Larson Building Division of Interior Resources Transportation Planning Tallahassee, 32304 501 Larson Building Haydon Burns Building Telephone, 224-9497 Tallahassee, 32304 Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 224-7141 Telephone, 599-6261 J. N. Conger, Chief Bureau of Comprehensive Mrs. Betty Scanlan, Director Earl M. Star nes, Director Health Planning Division of Administrative Services Mass Transit Operations 908 South Bronough Street 660 Larson Building Haydon Burns Building Tallahassee, 32304 Tallahassee, 32304 Tallahassee, 32304 Telephone, 224-2116 Telephone, 224-7141 Telephone, 599-6325 MARCH 1971 33 y . The Lawmakers

The Florida Legislature, composed of the Senate and House of Representatives, is the lawmaking branch of our government. It meets annually in the Capitol, in Tallahassee, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in April. The Legislature also holds extraordi- nary or special sessions. The Governor can call one of these sessions; or the Legislature can call itself into one of these sessions. Senators are elected for four-year terms. Representatives for two years.


THE SHE R I F F 'S STA R t ' Hon. Wilbur H. Boyd, President pro Tempore Hon Jerry Thomas President of the Senate SENATE OFFICIALS WHO'S WHO IN THE SENATE

Members of the Florida Senate are listed in two ways — first in alphabetical order by name; and then in numerical order by districts. If you are looking for a Senator and you don't know his name or his district number, perhaps you can identify his district by consulting the map on the next page. For more detailed information about Elmer O. Friday, Jr. " Secretary members of the Senate consult "The Florida Handbook, by Alien Morris. It is available in book stores, or it can be ordered from Peninsulhr Publishing Co., P. 0. Box 2275, Tallahassee, Florida.


Secretary...... 222-2425 President ...... 224-9232 Sergeant-at-Arms . 224-1678

Leroy Adkison Sergeant-at-Arms







NUMBER OF PASC 0 OI OISTR I CTS COUNTIES SENATORS C 2 ~OSEEOLA 'P rR +r 1- 2 Escambia and Santa Rosa r 0 Ol 0 3- 5 Okaloosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington, INDIAN Calhoun, Leon, Gadsden, Bay and Jackson 3 RlvER

Columbia, Suwannee, Hamilton, Madison, MANATEE HIROEE OKIECHOBEE S T. Wakulla, Franklin, Taylor, Jefferson, Lu c I E. Gulf and Liberty HIEIIL IN CIS MARTTN Gilchrist, Alachua, Bradford, 'Ti+ De so To Levy, Dixie and Lafayette CHARLOTTE 8-12 Duval, Baker, Union, St. Johns and Nassau 5 GLADES

13 Clay, Putnam, Flagler and Marion LEE HEHONY PALIUI BEAcH 14-15 Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Sumter and Volusia 2 i I 16-18 Orange and Seminole

19-22 Pinellas and Pasco BROIArAFIO COLLIER 23-26 Hillsborough

27-28 Osceola and Polk

29-30 Brevard, Indian River, Martin, DADE Okeechobee and St. Lucie

31 Manatee, Hardee and Highlands

32 Charlotte, DeSoto and Sarasota

33-35 Glades, Hendry, Lee and Palm Beach

36-39 Broward, Collier and Monroe

40-48 Dade

36 THE SHERIFF'6 STAR FLORIDA SENATORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER ARNOLD, LYNWOOD (Elsie) DANIE L, C. WE LBORN (Carol Sue) HORNE, MALLORY E. (Anne) 9th District 15th District 5th District 1504 Harbor Oaks Rd. 755 Oak Drive 2410 Killarney Way Jacksonville 32207 Clermont 32711 Tallahassee 32303 AC 904 Ph 398-4332 AC 904 Ph 394-4347 AC 904 Ph 385-6507 House 1963-70 House 1956-62 House 1955-63 Elected to Senate 1970 Senate 1964-66 Speaker 1963-64 Reelected 1968 Senate since 1966 BARRON, DEMPSEY J. (Louverne) 4th District DEEB, RICHARD J. (Katy) JOHNSON, BETH 22nd District 224 Woodlawn Dr. 29th D istr&ct Panama City 32401 5750 Seventh Ave. , N. 489 South Atlantic Ave. AC 904 Ph 234-2897 St. Petersburg 33710 Cocoa Beach 32931 House 1956-60 AC 813 Ph 347-2766 AC 305 Ph 783-3483 Senate since 1960 House 1963-65 Senate since 1966 President pro Tempore 1967-68 Senate since 1966

BARROW, WILLIAM DEAN (Marguerite) de la PARTE, LOUIS, JR. (Helen) JOHNSON, TOM (Audrey) 3rd District 26th District 34th District P. O. Box 702 8003 North Rome 1272 Yacht Harbor Dr. Crestview 32536 Tampa 33604 Riviera Beach 33404 AC 904 Ph 682-4640 AC 813 Ph 935-7259 AC 305 Ph 844-4818 Senate since 1966 House 1963-65 Elected to Senate 1970 Senate since 1966 BEAUFORT, C. W. "Bill" (Toddle) KARL, FREDERICK B. (Faye) 11th District DUCKER, JOHN L. 14th District 5548 Fair Lane 17th District 1510 Crescent Ridge Jacksonville 32210 2810 W. Fairbanks Ave. Daytona Beach 32018 AC 904 Ph 384-1693 Winter Park 32789 AC 904 Ph 253-4794 Elected to Senate 1968 AC 305 Ph 644-8260 House 1956-64 House 1960-68 Elected to Senate 1968 BELL, JOHN W. "Jack" Elected to Senate 1968 38th District KNOPKE, RAY C. (Virginia) 2512 Barcelona Dr. FINCHER, DICK 23rd District Fort Lauderdale 33301 47th District 515 Riverhills Dr. AC 305 Ph 523-1654 1800 West 24th St. Temple Terrace 33617

House 1963-66 ,Sunset Island No. 3 AC 813 Ph 988-2341 Senate since 1967 Miami Beach 33140 House 1963-65 AC 305 Ph 531-9918 Senate since 1966 BISHOP, W. E. (Virginia) House 1963-65 6th District Senate since 1966 LANE, DAVID C. (Benita) Columbia City Rd. 36th District Lake City 32055 GONG, EDMOND J. (Sophie) 1233 N. Rio Vista Blvd. AC 904 Ph 752-3820 40th District Fort Lauderdale 33301 House 1954-56 7751 S. W. 78th Ct. AC 305 Ph 522-6585 Senate 1956-58 Miami 33143 Senate since 1967 Reelected 1968 AC 305 Ph 271-1567 House 1963-66 LEWIS, GERALD A. BOYD, Wll BUR H. (Fay) Senate since 1966 43rd District 31st District 2629 South Bayshore Dr. 2117 Seventh St. GRAHAM, D. ROBERT (Adele) Miami 33133 Palmetto 33561 48th District AC 305 Ph 443-5114 AC 813 Ph 722-2122 16141 Aberdeen Way House 1966-70 House 1958-66; Senate since 1966 Miami Lakes 33014 Elected to Senate 1970 President pro Tempore AC 305 Ph 821-0631 House 1966-70 LEWIS, PHILIP D. (Maryellen) BRANNEN, BOB (Barbara Jean) Elected to Senate 1970 33rd District 28th District 317 Edmor Rd. 4215 Old Mulberry Rd. GUNTER, BILL West Palm Beach 33401 Lakeland 33803 18th District AC 305 Ph 833-7196 AC 813 Ph 646-1045 3206 Inverness Ct. Elected to Senate 1970 House 1968-70 Orlando 32806 Elected to Senate 1970 AC 305 Ph 425-1113 McCLAIN, DAVID H. (Leslie) Senate since 1966 24th District BRANTLEY, LEW (Catherine) 125 Baltic Circle 8th District HAVERFIELD, ROBERT M. (Shirley) Tampa 33606 5757 Cherry Laurel Dr. 41st District AC 813 Ph 255-0924 Jacksonville 32210 10701 S. W. 62nd Ave. Elected to Senate 1969 AC 904 Ph 388-0720 Miami 33156 House 1966-70 AC 305 Ph 667-9654 MYERS, KENNETH M. (Ursula) Elected to Senate 1970 Senate since 1965 45th District 2451 Brickell Ave. BROXSON, JOHN R. (Christina) HENDERSON, WARREN S. (Polly) Miami 33131 1st District 32nd District AC 305 Ph 371-2838 Delmar Isle Golden Beach Blvd. House 1965-68 Venetian Isle Venice 33595 Elected to Senate 1968 Gulf Breeze 32561 AC 813 Ph 488-5941 AC 904 Ph 932-4398 House 1966 OTT, T. TRUETT (Nita) House 1962-64 Senate 1963-66, 67-70 25th District Senate since 1966 614 South Oregon Ave. HOLLAHAN, GEORGE L, JR. (Anne) Tampa 33606 CHILDERS, W. D. (Ruth) 44th District AC 813 Ph 257-1261 2nd District 5409 Riviera Dr. Senate since 1966 5900 Chicago Ave. Coral Gables 33146 Pensacola 32506 AC 305 Ph 661-5859 AC 904 Ph 456-4260 House 1957-61 Elected to Senate 1970 Senate since 1963 (Continued) MARCH 1971 37 Florida Senators in Alphabetical Order (continued) PLANTE, KENNETH (Sandra) SAYLER, HENRY B. (Wyline) WARE, JOHN T. (Doris) 16th District 21st District 19th District 1217 Wakefield Dr. 220 Rafael Blvd. , N. E. 211 Sunset Dr. , N. Altamonte Springs 32701 St. Petersburg 33704 St. Petersburg 33710 AC 305 Ph 831-0242 AC 813 Ph 894-5749 AC 813 Ph 343-6680 Senate since 1967 Senate since 1966 House 1964-66; 1968-70 Elected to Senate 1970 POPE, VERLE A. SCARBOROUGH, DAN (Virginia) 10th District 12th District WEBER, CHARLES H. (Elaine) 55 Dolphin Dr. 4538 Ortega Farms Circle Jacksonville 37th District St. Augustine 32084 32210 AC 904 Ph 771-4347 2408 Northeast 26th Ave. AC 904 Ph 829-3245 Fort Lauderdale 33305 Senate since 1948 House 1966-68 Elected to Senate 1968 AC 305 Ph 563-1819 President pro Tempore 1965-66 Senate since 1967 President 1967-68 STOLZENBURG, CHESTER W. "Chet" (Roberta) WE POSTON, RALPH R. (Carolyn) 39th District ISSENBORN, LEE (Esther) 42nd District 46th District 4781 Northeast 16th Ave. 922 Lake Park 6282 S. W. 133rd St. Oakland Park 33308 Ave. Miami 33162 Miami 33125 AC 305 Ph 771-2260 AC Ph AC 305 Ph 666-0465 House 1963-64 305 945-2516 House 1964-66 Senate since 1966 House 1963-65 Senate since 1966 Senate since 1966 THOMAS, JERRY (Jeannie) PRESIDENT RE "Cliff" UTER, C. S. 35th District WILLIAMS J. H. "Jim" (Louise) 30th District Beach Road, Route 1, Box 19960 13th District P. O. Box 38 33458 450 Southeast 15th Place Sharpes 32959 Jupiter AC Ph 746-5502 Ocala 32670 AC 305 Ph 631-0982 305 House 1960-64 AC 904 Ph 622-6542 Senate since 1967 Senate since 1964 Elected to Senate 1968

SAUNDE RS, BOB (Milly) TRASK, ALAN WILSON, HAROLD S. (Mary Ellen) 7th District 27th District 20th District 1705 Northwest 26th Way P. O. Box 823 1406 Maple Forest Rd. Gainesville 32601 Fort Meade 33841 Clearwater 33515 AC 904 Ph 376-6285 AC 813 Ph 285-9170 AC 813 Ph 531-1926 Elected to Senate 1968 Elected to Senate 1968 Senate since 1966


ESCAMBIA - SANTA ROSA CITRUS - HERNANDO - LAKE - SUMTER- MANATEE - HARDEE - HIGHLANDS 1. John R. Broxson, Gulf Breeze (D) VOLUSIA 31. Wilbur H. Boyd, Palmetto (D) 2. W. D. Childers, Pensacola (D) 14, Frederick B. Karl, Daytona Beach (D) 15. C. Welborn Daniel, Clermont (D) OKALOOSA - WALTON - HOLMES- CHARLOTTE - DeSOTO - SARASOTA - - 32. Warren S. Henderson, Sarasota WASHINGTON CALHOUN LEON- ORANGE - SEMINOLE (R) - - GADSDEN BAY JACKSON 16. Kenneth A. Plante, Oviedo (R) 3. William Dean Barrow, Crestview '(D) 17. John L. Ducker, Orlando (R) GLADES - HENDRY - LEE - PALM BEACH 4. Dempsey J. Barron, Panama City (D) 18. , Orlando (D) 33. Philip D. Lewis, West Palm Beach 5. Mallory E. Horne, Tallahassee (D) (D) 34. Tom Johnson, Riviera Beach (R) 35. Jerry Thomas, Jupiter COLUMBIA - SUWANNEE - HAMILTON- PINELLAS-PASCO (D) MADISON - TAYLOR - JEFFERSON- 19. John T. Ware, St. Petersburg (R) WAKULLA - FRANKLIN - GULF- 20. Harold S. Wilson, Clearwater (R) BROWARD - COLLIER - LI BE RTY 21. Henry Sayler, St. Petersburg (R) MONROE 22. Richard 36. David C. Lane, Fort 6. W. E. Bishop, Lake City (D) J. Deeb, St. Petersburg (R) Lauderdale (R) 37. Charles H. Weber, Fort Lauderdale (R) 38. John W. Fort GILCHRIST - ALACHUA - BRADFORD- HILLSBOROUGH Bell, Lauderdale (R) 39. Chester LEVY - DIXIE - LAFAYETTE 23. Ray C. Knopke, Tampa (D) W. Stolzenburg, Fort Lauderdale 7. Bob Saunders, Gainesville (D) 24. David H. McClain, Tampa (R) (R) 25. T. Truett Ott, Tampa (D) DUVAL - - - 26. Louis de la Parte, Jr. Tampa (D) BAKER UNION ST. JOHNS- , DADE NASSAU 40. Edmond J. Gong, Miami (D) 8. Lew Brantley, Jacksonville (D) OSCEOLA - POLK 41. Robert M. Haverfield, Miami (D) 9. Lynwood Arnold, Jacksonville (D) 27. Alan Trask, Fort Meade (D) 42. Lee Weissenborn, Miami (D) 10. Dan Scarborough, Jacksonville (D) 28. Bob Brannen, Lakeland (D) 43. Gerald A. Lewis, Miami 11. C. William Beaufort, Jacksonville (D) (D) 44. George L. Hollahan, Jr., Miami (D) 12. Verle A. Pope, St. Augustine (D) - - BREVARD INDIAN RIVER MARTIN- 45. Kenneth M. Myers, Miami (D) - OKEECHOBEE ST. LUCIE 46. Ralph R. Poston, Miami (D) - - - CLAY FLAGLER PUTNAM MARION 29. Beth J. Johnson (R) 47. Dick Fincher, Miami (D) H. Williams, Ocala 13. J. (D) 30. C. S. Reuter, Sharpes (R) 48. Robert Graham, Miami Lakes (D) 38 THE SHERIFF'S STAR Hon. Eugene F. Shaw, Speaker pro Tempore Hon. Richard A. Pettigrew, Speaker HOUSE OFFICIALS WHO'S WHO IN THE HOUSE

Members of the Florida House of Representatives are listed in two ways —first in alphabetical order by name; and then in numerical order by districts. If you are looking for a House member and you don't know his name or district number, perhaps you can identify his district by consulting the map on one of the succeeding pages. For more detailed Hon. Allen Morris information about members of the House consult "The Florida Hand- Clerk book" by Allen Morris. It is available in book stores, or it can be ordered from Peninsular Publishing Co., P. 0. Box 2275, Tallahassee, Florida.


Speaker...... 222-8327 Clerk...... 224-2929 Sergeant-at-Arms .. 224-9261

Hon. Claude Wingate Sergeant-at-Arms




HOUSE — I ON SENATE D V IS I S: AD V ISO R Y CO UN C I LS: Board of Business Regulation Economic Opportunity Community Affairs DI V IS I OI'JS: Emergency Government Inter-Departmental Pari-Mutuel Wagering Veterans Affairs Coordinating Council Hotels and Restaurants Training & Professional On Community Services Installment Land Sales Development Board of Trustees of Beverage Bureau of Police Florida Fire College General Regulation STANDING COMMITTEES Standards Veterans Affairs Bureau of State Fire College Migrant Labor Technical Assistance Bureau of Urban JOINT LEGISLATIVE Planning MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE CITRUS Florida Citrus Commission TRANSPORTATION LEGISLATIVE PROFESSIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEES: SERVICE BUREAU DI VISIONS: AND OCCUPATIONAL Chilled Juice Quality Administration Concentrate Quality REGULATION Canned Juice Quality Legislative Transportation Drafting Planning Processors Advertising Statute Revision DI VISIONS: Road Operation Professions Research and Information Mass Transportation Occupations Reference Library Operation General Services "Fla. Legislative Service"


FISCAL ACCOUNTING D I V ISIONS: DI VISION AIR & WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Administration Air & Water Pollution Control Board Commercial Development Labor & Employment Opportunities LEGISLATIVE DIVISIONS: Apprenticeship Advisory Council Operations PURCHASING DIVISION Industrial Relations Commission Planning Bureau of Human Resources Nuclear & Space Advisory Council LEGISLATIVE DATA PROCESSING SERVICE A D M I IIJ I STR AT I 0N HEALTH & REHABILITATIVE SERVICES DIVISIONS: DIVISIONS: AD V I SO R Y BOA R DS AND CE RT I F I E D Personnel Retirement Administrative Services & PUBLIC COUNCILS: Management Improvement ACCOUNTANT Adult Corrections Commission On Aging Planning & Budgeting Youth Services Crippled Children Bureau of Budgeting Mental Health Public Welfare Bureau of Planning C L I N I C Bureau of Alcoholic Hosp ita Is Rehabilitation State Board of Health Retardation Youth Services Vocational Rehabilitation Alcoholic Rehabilitation LEG IS LAT I V E Bureau of Blind Florida Council for the P R I NT I N G CO MM I TTEE Services Blind Administration Career Family Services Commission Service (Other management Commission Bureau of Aging divisions as deemed Health Governor advisable and by Joint Crippled Children Committee) Cabinet


BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION is under the Governor, Treasurer and Comptroller. Functions are as follows: Finance Committee, Bond Review Board, and Board of Auditor General Appeals of County Budgets. GOVERNMENT

DEPARTMENTS DEPARTMENTS UNDER CABINET MEMBERS UNDER THE SUPREME GOVERNOR & COURT CABINET COMMISSIONER OF COMPTROLLE R AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT OF BANKING AND AGRICULTURE & F I NANCE DI VISIONS: CONSUMER FUNCTIONS: Administrative SE R VICES Retail installment DISTRICT COURTS Intelligence Sales Administration D I VIS I ON S: OF APPEAL Operations Standards Motor Vehicle Sales Training and Inspection Administration Administration Staff Services Marketing Mortgage Brokers Dairy Industry Banks Fruit and Vegetable Building, Loan and GENERAL SERVICES Savings Assns. Inspection DIVISIONS: Inspection Small Loan Companies CIRCUIT COURTS Animal Industry Credit Unions Purchasing Cemetery Registration Electronic Data Chemistry Plant Industry Abandoned Property Processing Consumer Services Securities Building Construction Forestry and Maintenance Bureau of Everglades Communications Fire Control JUDICIAL COUNCIL Bond Finance SECRETARY OF STATE Motor Pool TREASURER Bureau of Vehicles DEPARTMENT OF Bureau of Aircraft DEPARTMENT OF STATE Surplus Property INSURANCE DI VISIONS: Elections JUDICIAL F UNCTI ONS: ADMINISTRATION NATURAL RESOURCES Fire Marshal Archives, History Insurance And Records DI VISIONS: Financial Management Administrative Services Corporations Responsibility Marine Resources Library Services Interior Resources COUNCILS: Game & Fresh Water ATTORNEY GENERAL State Library and Fish DEPARTMENT OF Historical BOARD OF Fine Arts Recreation and Parks LEGAL AFFAIRS LAW EXAMINERS

HI G H WAY SA FET Y DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND The head of the Department of Education is the State MOTOR VEHICLES Board of Education composed of the Governor and Cabinet. The Governor is Chairman of the Board, and the FLORIDA LAW D I V IS I ON S: Commissioner of Education (a Cabinet member) is the REVISION Patrol Florida Highway Secretary and Executive Officer. COMMISSION Drivers Licenses Motor Vehicles D I V IS I 0NS Administrative Services Elementary —Secondary Universities Education (Board of Regents) (Public School Advisory Community Colleges REVENUE Council) (Junior College Vocational Education Advisory Council)

BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT FUND DI V ISI ONS: Land Records Land Management LT. GOVERNOR shall perform such duties pertaining to the Field Operations office of Governor as shall be assigned to him by the Governor and such other duties as may be prescribed by law. He was appointed Secretary of the Department of Commerce. PAROLE AND PROBATION

COMM ISSI ON PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION is composed of three Com- missioners elected state-wide. It is not under the Governor or PARDONS Cabinet. REPRESENTATIVES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER ALVAREZ, TED (Virginia) CLARK, DICK (Diane) ELMORE, HENTON D. 19th District 93rd District 6th District 10218Shoreview Dr., N. 45 Giralda Ave. 1278 North Main Jacksonville 32218 Coral Gables 33134 Crestview 32536 AC 904 Ph 764-4090 AC 305 Ph 233-1616 AC 904 Ph 682-2170 House since 1966 House since 1968 House since 1966 FEATHERSTONE, HAROLD G. (Ruth) ANDREWS, WILLIAM C. (Dodie) CLARK, JOHN R. (Geneva) 101st District 31st District 55th District 700 East Eighth Ct. 2219 N. W. 23rd Terr. 3118East Henderson Cir. Hialeah 33010 Gainesville 32601 Lakeland 33803 AC 305 Ph 887-1370 Ph 372-3004 AC 904 AC 813 Ph 688-1402 House since 1966 House since 1966 House since 1966 FIRESTONE, GEORGE (Addie) BAKER, MAXINE E. (John) 92nd District 90th District CONWAY, WILLIAM R. (Dianne) 2424 South Dixie Highway 1782 Opechee Dr. 35th District Miami 33133 Coconut Grove 734 John Anderson Dr. AC 305 Ph 666-9262 Miami 33133 Ormond Beach 32074 House since 1966 AC 305 Ph 446-1392 AC 904 Ph 677-2498 House since 1963 House since 1966 FLEECE, WILLIAM H. (Ellen) 53rd District BAUMGARTNER, GEORGE I RA (Doris) CRABTREE, GRANVILLE H. (Paulette) 107th District 1208 79th St., S. 119th District St. Petersburg 33707 13250 Bisc ay ne 8 ay D r. 4308 Camino Real AC Ph 347-5998 Keystone Pt. Sarasota 813 33579 House since 1966 North Miami 33161 AC 813 Ph 924-4992 AC 305 Ph 891-7023 House since 1966 FORBES, JOHN R. (Elfreda) House since 1968 23rd District 1401 Aletha Dr. BIRCHFIELD, BILL (Anne) CRAIG, A. H. (Margie) 34th District Jacksonville 32211 21st District AC Ph 61 Miruela Ave. 904 721-1482 7025 San Sebastian Elected to House 1970 Jacksonville 32217 St Augustine 32084 AC 904 Ph 733-7532 AC 904 Ph 824-3083 Elected to House 1970 House 1958-64 FORTUNE EDMOND M (Ruthie) R eel ected 1966-67-68-70 5th District BLACKBURN, R. ED JR. (Frances) 1275 Cedar St. Pace 32570 60th District CRANE, DONALD R. JR. (Bevelle) 312 Glen Ridge Ave. 52nd District AC 904 Ph 623-4983 House since 1966 Temple Terrace 33617 2520 Madrid Way, S. AC 813 Ph 988-1798 St. Petersburg 33712 House since 1968 AC 813 Ph 867-2211 FULFORD, W. E. (Mary) Elected to House 1970 40th District BROWN, L. E. "Gene" (Billigene) 3221 Alamo Dr. 32nd District CULBREATH, JOHN R. (Barbara Jean) Orlando 32805 503 West First St. AC 305 Ph 843-6893 Tavares 32778 69th District Route 4, Box 70 House November 1966-March 1967 AC 904 Ph 343-3995 Reelected 1968-70 Elected to House 1970 Brooksville 33512 AC 904 Ph 796-3175 BURKE, JACK JR. (Betty) House since 1967 GALLEN, TOM (Linda) 14th District 116th District Highway 98 West 5506 Ninth Ave. Drive West D'ALEMBERTE, TALBOT "Sandy" (Lyn) Bradenton O'Steen Rd. 98th District 33505 AC 813 Ph 746-7681 Perry 32347 1414 First National Bank Bldg. House since 1966 AC 904 Ph 458-5432 Miami 33131 Elected to House 1970 AC 305 Ph 666-6062 House since 1966 GAUTIER, JEFF D. (Ann) CALDWELL, GEORGE L. (Jean) 109th District 84th District DANAHY, PAUL W. (Georgia) 6200 S. W. 82nd Ave. 1369 S. E. 14th St. 67th District 2902 Miami 33130 Ft. Lauderdale 33315 Bayshore Ct. AC 305 Ph 271-9224 AC 305 Ph 524-5764 Tampa 33611 House since 1966 House since 1967 AC 813 Ph 837-1614 House since 1966 GIBSON, WILLIAM L. (Ocie) CHAPMAN, JOSEPH F. III (Jeannette) 45th District 9th District DIXON, R. EARL (Louise) 1432 K nollwood Cir. 412 Magnolia Ave. 25th District Orlando 32804 Redbud Lane Panama City 32401 4848 AC 305 Ph 423-2965 AC 904 Ph 785-2767 Jacksonville 32207 House since 1967 House since 1968 AC 904 Ph 398-3995 House since 1968 CHERRY, GWEN SAWYER (Jim) Gl LLESPIE, WILLIAM M. (Sally) 96th District DUBBIN, MURRAY H. (Helene) 37th District 2545 Northwest 46th St. 95th District 610 N. Peninsula Ave. Miami 33142 6015 S. W. 64th Pl. New Smyrna Beach 32069 AC 305 Ph 634-0455 South Miami 33143 AC 904 Ph 428-2900 Elected to House 1970 AC 305 Ph 667-8828 House since 1966 House since 1963 CLARK, DAVID C. (Ethel) 81st District EARLE, LEWIS S. (Marilyn) GLISSON, JAMES A. (Flora) 326 Pan American Bldg. 43rd District 33rd District West Palm Beach 33401 630 S. Lake Sybelia Dr. Pine Tree Dr. , New Colony Estates AC 305 Ph 842-4569 Maitland 32751 Eustis 32726 House since 1968 AC 305 Ph 647-5642 AC 904 Ph 357-6554 House since 1968 House since 1968




L E.Vy NUMBER OF MAP, ION l. DISTRICTS COUNTIES REPRESENTATIVES (o AKE m C 1-4 Escambia C ITRO 3 m I NOL 5-7 Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, ERNAN Holmes and Washington ORAN G E X PASCO Im 8-9 Bay, Gulf and Calhoun OSCEOLA 'P 10-1 1 Liberty, Jackson and Gadsden a POLK 12-13 Franklin, Wakulla and Leon INDI A RIVER 14 Jefferson, Madison, Taylor o~ and Lafayette ST MANATEE HARDEE og Luc IE 15 Suwannee, Dixie, Hamilton, HISHLANO Gilchrist and Levy DeSOTO SARASOT MART IN 16-17 Nassau, Baker, Columbia, CHARLOTTE Bradford, Union and Clay GLADES PALM 18-28 Duval BEACH HENDRV 29-31 Alachua and Marion LEE

32-34 Putnam, Flagler, Johns and St. BRoWARD Lake CPLLlER 35-37 Volusia

38-45 Orange and Seminole

46-54 Pinellas DADE 0a 55-59 Polk and Sumter

60-70 Hillsborough, Citrus, Pasco and Hernando

71-74 Brevard, Osceola, Indian River and Okeechobee

75 St. Lucie

76-81 Martin and Palm Beach

82-89 8roward 90-108 Dade 19

109-111 Dade, Monroe

112-113 Collier, Glades, Hendry, Lee

114 Monroe, Dade

115-116 Hardee and Manatee

117-119 DeSoto, Highlands, Charlotte and Sarasota MARCH 1971 43 Representatives in Alphabetical Order (continued)

GORMAN, WILLIAM D. (Harriet) HOLLOWAY, VERNON C. (Roberta) MATTOX, RAY (Dorothy) 42nd District 102nd District 57th District P. O. Box 305 6255 Montgomery Dr. 749 Avenue M, S. E. Tangerine 32777 Miami 33156 Winter Haven 33880 AC 904 Ph 383-6500 AC 305 Ph 661-4186 AC 813 Ph 293-3564 House since 1967 House since 1966 House 1956-68 Reelected 1970 GRAINGER, HUGH J. JR. (Jeannine) JOHNSON, ROBERT M. (Patricia Ann) 18th District 118th District McDONALD, DENNIS (Lois) 7004 Andalusia Ave. 2250 Oriole Dr. 54th District Jacksonville 32207 Sarasota 33579 6696 27th Way, N. AC 904 Ph 733-0290 AC 813 Ph 958-1218 St. Petersburg 33702 Elected to House 1970 Elected to House 1970 AC 813 Ph 525-2343 Elected to House 1970 GRIZZLE, MARY R. (Ben) JONES, FRED (Nita) 47th District 59th District MELVIN, J. G. "Jerry" (Pat) 7th 120 Gulf Blvd. , Belleaire Shore 504 Arneson Ave. District Indian Rocks Beach 33535 Auburndale 33823 840 Santa Rosa Ct. AC 813 Ph 595-5597 AC 813 Ph 967-4507 Ft. Walton Beach 32548 House since 1963 Elected to House 1970 AC 904 Ph 243-3739 House since 1968

GUSTAFSON, JOEL K. (Judyth) KENNELLY, JOE (Carolyn) MIERS, MILEY (Patricia) 87th District 24th District 12th District 1636 S. E. 12th Ct. 3547 Park St. 614 Short Street Ft. Lauderdale 33316 Jacksonville 32205 Tallahassee 32303 AC 305 Ph 524-4912 AC 904 Ph 384-4265 AC 904 Ph 224-5801 House since 1967 House 1966-68 House since 1966 Reelected 1970 HARLLEE, JOHN (Kathleen) MILBURN, ROBERT C. (Helen) 115th District KERSHAW, JOE LANG (Mamie) 44th District 7307 18th Ave. , N. W. 1921 Taylor Ave. Bradenton 33505 99th District 2539 N. W. 46th Winter Park 32789 AC 813 Ph 742-6901 St. Miami 33142 AC 305 Ph 671-5000 Elected to House 1970 AC 305 Ph 634-0248 Elected to House 1970 House since 1968 HARRIS, MARSHALL S. (Harriet) Ml XSON, WA YNE (M erg ie) 11th 108th District LANCASTER, District HOWELL E. (Virginia) Caverns Park 4725 P inc D r. 15th District Rd. Marianna 32446 Miami 33143 P. O. Box 66 AC Ph 482-4454 AC 305 Ph 667-7333 Trenton 904 32693 Elected to House 1967 House since 1966 AC 904 Ph 463-2015 House 1948-66 Reelected 1968-70 MOONEY, EUGENE C. (Vicki) HARTNETT, ROBERT C. 38th D istrict 106th District LANE, JULIAN B. (Frances) 2115 Cree Trail 1721 S. Bayshore Lane 64th District Casselberry 32707 Miami 33133 3001 Euclid Blvd. AC 305 Ph 831-7183 AC 305 Ph 445-7581 Tampa 33609 Elected to House 1970 House since 1966 AC 813 Ph 833-2231 House 1970 May MOUDRY, RAYMOND J. (Virginia) HAZELTON, DONALD F. (Teddie) Reelected 1970 79th District 78th District 119 East Inlet LIBERTORE, LARRY (Maria) Dr. 410 34th Palm Beach St. 56th District 33480 West Palm Beach 33406 AC 305 Ph 848-3990 5312 Sandra Way AC Ph 848-1193 House 1962-64 305 Lakeland Elected to House 1970 33803 Reelected 1968-70 AC 813 Ph 646-4369 HECTOR, ROBERT C. (Alice) Elected to House 1970 104th District MURPHY, JACK (Rose) 7830 S. W. E rwin Rd. MacKAY, KENNETH H. JR. (Anne) 49th District Miami 33143 30th District 1305 Wood Ave. AC 305 Ph 665-5343 1232 S. E. 8th Ave. Clearwater 33516 House since 1966 Ocala 32670 AC 813 Ph 446-0373 AC 904 Ph 629-5881 House since 1966 House since 1968 HESS, ROY L. (Joan) 1st District NEASE, J. WERTZ (Anna) MARTINEZ, ELVIN L. (Sylvia) 26th District 2403 Bayou Blvd. 63rd District Pensacola 32503 7031 Salamanca Ave. 2117 Ferris Dr. Jacksonville 32217 AC 904 Ph 432-0520 Tampa 33603 House since 1968 AC 904 Ph 737-2436 AC 813 Ph 877-6230 House since 1968 House since 1966 HODES, RICHARD S. (Marjorie) 68th District MATTHEWS, CAREY (Barbara) NERGARD, CHARLES L. (Catherine) 116 Ladoga 110th District 75th District Tampa 33606 40 West Rivo Alto Dr. 405 Abeto Lane AC 813 Ph 253-5944 Miami Beach 33139 Ft. Pierce 33450 House since 1966 AC 305 Phi 531-0161 AC 305 Ph 461-9229 House since 1960 House since 1967

HOLLINGSWORTH, WAYNE (Paulette) MATTHEWS, HARVEY W. (Mary) NICHOLS, DONALD G. (Betty) 17th District 39th District 27th District Route I, Box 30 4277 Kendrick Rd. 4606 Argonne Lane Lake City 32055 Orlando 32804 Jacksonville 32210 AC 904 Ph 752-5109 AC 305 Ph 644-6520 AC 904 Ph 387-1976 Elected to House 1970 Elected to House 1970 House since 1966 44 THE SHERIFF'S STAR OGDEN, CARL (Dorothy) RYALS, JOHN L. (Jeanne) SWEENY, JAMES H. JR. (Tena) 20th District 66th District 36th District 1107 Lido Rd. 623 South Sylvan Dr. 777 Stratford Dr. Jacksonville 32216 Brandon 33511 Country Club Estates AC 904 Ph 724-5748 AC 813 Ph 689-4900 DeLand 32720 House since 1968 House since 1966 AC 904 Ph 734-2761 House since 1948 PETTIGREW, RICHARD A. (Ann) SACKETT, WALTER W. JR. SPEAKER 100th District SYKES, RUSSELL E. (Mary Jo) 97th District 3911 Crawford Ave. 80th District 7700 S. W. 52nd Ct. Grove Coconut 142 A D r. Miami 33143 nc ho rage Miami 33133 North Palm Beach 33403 AC 305 Ph 661-6320 Ph 445-5581 AC 305 AC 305 Ph 842-9281 House since 1963 since House 1966 Elected to House 1970 POOLE, VAN B. (Sandra) SANTORA, JOHN E. JR (Barbara) 22nd District THOMAS, JON C. (Judy) 88th District 86th District W. 37th Ave. 1212 Brookwood Rd. 5801 S. 4810 N. E. 27th Ave. Lauderdale 33312 Jacksonville 32207 Ft. Ft. Lauderdale 33308 Ph 981-1422 AC 904 Ph 398-3174 AC 305 AC 305 Ph 771-7418 Elected to House 1970 Elected to House 1970 Elected to House 1970 POORBAUGH, JACK M. (Patty Sue) SAVAGE, JOHN J. (Mary Francis) 77th District 46th District TILLMAN, JIM K. (Mary) 829 Palmer Rd. 16919 First St., E. 117th District Delray Beach 33444 North Redington Beach 33708 Route 2, Box 355 AC 305 Ph 732-6552 AC 813 Ph 391-7657 Sarasota 33577 House since 1966 House since 1965 AC 813 Ph 322-1212 House since 1967 WILLIAM E. (Deanna) POWELL, SESSUMS, T. TERRELL (Neva) 74th District 65th District TITTLE, FRED (Winnie) 2140 Todd Lane 1113Dunbar Ave. 114th District Indialantic 32901 Tampa 33609 P. O. Box 535 AC 305 Ph 727-0366 AC 813 Ph 877-3319 Tavernier 33070 House since 1967 House since 1963 AC 305 Ph 852-8482 RANDELL, TED (Mary) Speaker pro Tempore 1969-70 Elected to House 1970 112th District 1453 Lynwood Ave. SHAW, EUGENE F. (Betty Lou) Ft. Myers 33901 TOBIASSEN, TOM (Audrey) 16th District Ph 334-6051 3rd District AC 813 1329 Bessent Rd. House since 1964 811 Woodbine Dr. Starke 32091 Pensacola 32503 REDMAN, JAMES L. (Ruby Jean) AC 904 Ph 964-5205 AC 904 Ph 433-8942 61st District House since 1966 House since 1968 605 North Johnson St. SPEAKER pro Tempore Plant City 33566 TROMBETTA, EDWARD J. (Elaine) AC 813 Ph 752-2431 SHREVE, JACK (Alice) 89th District House since 1966 71st District 4830 N. E. 28th Ave. Ft. Lauderdale 33308 265 Bel Air Dr. , S. REED, DONALD H. JR. (Carole) Merritt Island 32952 AC 305 Ph 771-8781 76th District AC 305 Ph 632-2666 Elected to House 1970 755 Hibiscus Elected to House 1970 Boca Raton 33432 (Carole Ann) AC Ph 395-3579 TUBBS, F. EUGENE 305 SIMS, WALTER (Gail) 72nd District House since 1963 41st District 2195 Mango Place 3712 South Summerlin St. Merritt Island 32952 REEVES, JAMES J. (Frances) Orlando 32806 4th District AC 305 Ph 632-2954 AC 305 Ph 424-4220 Elected to House 1970 2300 North Osceola Blvd. Elected to House 1970 Pensacola 32503 AC 904 Ph 432-0560 TUCKER, DONALD L. (Donna) House since 1966 SINGLETON, CARL A. (Dorothy) 13th District 103rd District 1203 Kenilworth RENICK, RICHARD R. (Valerie) 235 Antilla Ave. Tallahassee 32303 91st District Coral Gables 33134 AC 904 Ph 385-6632 13440 S. W. 80th Ave. AC 305 Ph 448-9302 House since 1966 Miami 33156 House since 1966 Ph 235-2145 AC 305 TURLINGTON, RALPH D. (Ann) House November 1966-March 1967 SMITH, DAVE (Faye) 29th District Reelected 1968-70 82nd District 625 Northwest 19th St. RISH, WILLIAM J. (Carol) 311 S. W. 18th Ct. Gainesville 32601 8th District Pompano Beach 33060 AC 904 Ph 376-7578 Ph 1017 Marvin Ave. AC 305 781-8282 House since 1950 Port St. Joe 32456 Elected to House 1970 Speaker 1967-68 AC 904 Ph 229-3341 Elected to House 1970 SPICOLA, GUY (Bonnie) 62nd District TYRRELL, GORDON W. (Anibel) 2nd District ROBINSON, A. S. "Jim" 725 East Kennedy Blvd. 51st District Tampa 33602 2 Apache Trail Pensacola 1600 Park St. N. AC 813 Ph 988-6135 32506 , AC 904 Ph 455-3793 Petersburg 33710 House 1966-May 1970 St. House since 1968 AC 813 Ph 347-0456 Reelected 1970 House since 1966 STEVENS, TOMMY WALKER, JAMES LORENZO (Marguerite) ROBINSON, JANE W. (George) 70th District 113th District 73rd District 405 East Church Ave. 720 Banyan Blvd. 1425 Fiddler Ave. Dade City 33525 Naples 33940 Merritt Island 32952 AC 904 Ph 567-5681 AC 813 Ph 642-2742 AC 305 Ph 452-4208 House 1962-66 House since 1956 Elected to House 1970 Reelected March 1967-68-70 Speaker pro Tempore 1967-68 MARCH 1971 45 WILLIAMSON, GEORGE 4595 North Meridian Ave. Representatives (continued) 83rd District Miami Beach 33140 WESTBE R RY, HAR R Y (Elizabeth) 2881 N. E. 33rd Ct. AC 305 Ph 374-6262 28th District Ft. Lauderdale 33306 House since 1963 152 Tallulah AC 305 Ph 564-6803 Jacksonville 32208 Elected to House 1970 WOGDWARD, ROBERT D. JR. (Julia) AC 904 Ph 765-4712 10th District House 1952-66 WILSON, ROGER H. Woodward Rd. Reelected 1968-70 48th District Quincy 32351 17 37th Street, S. AC 904 Ph 627-8484 WHITSON, ED S. JR. St. Petersburg 33711 House since 1968 50th District AC 813 Ph 862-6953 1566 Ridgewood St. House since 1968 YANCEY, QUILLIAN S. (Norma) Clearwater 33516 58th District AC 813 Ph 4462514 WINN, SHERMAN S. (Roslyn) 1825 Staunton Ave. House since 1966 105th District Lakeland 33803 35 Northeast 131st St. AC 813 Ph 686-2226 WHITWORTH, LEWIS B.JR. (Virginia) North Miami 33161 House since 1966 94th District AC 305 Ph 681-5842 7330 Poinciana Ct. Elected to House 1970 ZINKIL, WILLIAM G. SR. (Carolyn) Miami Lakes 33012 85th District AC 305 Ph 822-1790 WOLFSON, LOUIS II (Lynn) 2814 Madison St. House since 1968 111th District Hollywood 33020 AC 305 Ph 922-6110 Elected to House 1970 REPRESENTATIVES IN NUMERKAI. ORDER —BY DISTRICTS ESCAMBI A 36. James H. Sweeny, Jr., DeLand (D) 79. Raymond Moudry, West 1. Roy L. Hess, Pensacola (D) J. Palm 37. William M. Gillespie, New Smyrna Beach (R) 2. Gordon W. Tyrrell, Pensacola (D) Beach (D) 80. Russell E. Sykes, North 3. Tom Tobiassen, Pensacola (R) Palm Beach (R) 81. David C. Clark, North 4. Jim Reeves, Pensacola (D) ORANGE - SEMINOLE Palm Beach (R) SANTA ROSA - OKALOOSA - WALTON 38. Eugene C. Mooney, Orlando (R) BROWARD HOLMES - WASHINGTON 39. Harvey W. Matthews, Orlando (R) 82. Dave Smith, Pompano Beach (R) 5. Edmond M. Fortune, Pace (D) 40. Bill Fulford, Orlando (D) 83. George Williamson, Fort Lauderdale (R) 6. Henton D. Elmore, Crestview (D) 41. Walter Sims, Orlando (R) 84. George L. Caldwell, Fort Lauderdale 7. Jerry G. Melvin, Fort Walton 42. William D. Gorman, Winter Park (R) (R) Beach (D) 43. Lewis S. Earle, Maitland (R) 85. William G. Zinkil, Sr., Hollywood (D) 44. Robert C. Milburn, Winter Park (D) 86. Jon C. Thomas, Fort Lauderdale BAY - - (R) GULF CALHOUN 45. William L. Gibson, Orlando (R) 87. Joel K. Gustafson, Fort Lauderdale 8. William J. Rish, Port St. Joe (D) PINE L LAB (R) 9. Joe Chapman, Panama City (D) 88. Van B. 46. John J. Savage, Redington Beach (R) Poole, Fort Lauderdale (R) 89. Edward J. Trombetta, Fort Lauder- LIBERTY - JACKSON - 47. Mary R. Grizzle, Clearwater (R) GADSDEN dale (D) 10. R. D. Woodward, Jr., Quincy (D) 48. Roger H. Wilson, St. Petersburg (R) 11 , Marianne (D) 49. Jack Murphy, Clearwater (R) DADE 50. Ed S. Whitson, Jr., Clearwater (R) 90. Maxine E. Baker, Miami (D) FRANKLIN - WAKULLA - LEON 51. A. S. Robinson, St. Petersburg (R) 91. Richard R. Renick, South Miami (D) 12. Miley Miers, Tallahassee (D) 52. Donald R. Crane, Jr., St. Peters- 92. George Firestone, Coral Gables (D) 13. Donald L. Tucker, Tallahassee (D) burg (R) 93, Dick Clark, Coral Gables (D) 53. William H. Fleece, Petersburg 94. Lew Whitworth, Miami Lakes - - St. (R) (D) JEFFERSON MADISON TAYLOR- 54. Dennis McDonald, St. Petersburg (R) 95. Murray H. Dubbin, Miami (D) LAFAYETTE 96. Gwendolyn S. Cherry, Miami (D) 14. Jack Burke, Jr., Perry (D) POLK - SUMTER 97. Richard A. Pettigrew, Miami (D) SUWANNEE - DIXIE - HAMILTON- 55. John R. Clark, Lakeland (D) 98. Talbot D'Alemberte, Miami (D) GILCHRIST- LEVY 56. Larry Libertore, Lakeland (D) 99 Joe Lang Kershaw, Miami (D) 57. Ray Mattox, Winter Haven 15. Howell Lancaster, Trenton (D) (D) 100. Walter W. Sackett, Jr., Miami (D) 58. Quillian S. Yancey, Lakeland (D) 101. Harold G. F cathe NASSAU - - COLUMBIA- rstone, H ialeah (D) BAKER 59. Fred Jones, Auburndale (D) 102. Vernon C. BRADFORD - UNION - CLAY Holloway, Miami (D) 103. Carl A. Singleton, Coral Gables 16. Eugene F. Shaw, Starke (D) - - (D) HILLSBOROUGH CITRUS PASCO- 104. Robert C. Hector, Miami (D) 17. Wayne Hollingsworth, Lake City (D) HERNANDO 105. Sherman S. Winn, North Miami (D) Ed Blackburn, DUVAL 60. Jr., Tampa (D) 106. Robert C. Hartnett, Miami (D) James 18. Hugh J. Grainger, Jr., Jacksonville (D) 61. L. Redman, Plant City (D) 107. George Ira Baumgartner, North Miami 19. Ted Alvarez, Jacksonville (D) 62. Guy Spicola, Tampa (D) (D) 20. Carl Ogden, Jacksonville (D) 63. Elvin L. Martinez, Tampa (D) 108. Marshall S. Harris, Miami (D) 21. Bill Birchfield, Jacksonville (D) 64. Julian B. Lane, Tampa (D) 22. John E. Santora, Jr. Jacksonville 65. T. Terrell Sessums, Tampa (D) , (D) DADE - MONROE 23. John R. Forbes, Jacksonville 66. John L. Ryals, Brandon (D) (D) 109. Jeff D. Gautier, Miami 24. Joseph G. Kennelly, Jr. Jackson- 67. Paul W. Danahy, Jr., Tampa (D) (D) , 110. Carey Matthews, Miami Beach ville (D) 68. Richard S. Hodes, Tampa (D) (D) 111. Louis Wolfson II, Miami Beach 25. R. Earl Dixon, Jacksonville (R) 69. John R. Culbreath, Brooksville (D) (D) Wertz Nease, Jacksonville (R) 70. Tommy Stevens, Dade City (D) 26. J. COLLIER - GLADES - HENDRY - LEE 27. Don Nichols, Jacksonville (D) - - 112. Ted Randell, Fort Myers (D) 28. Harry Westberry, Jacksonville (D) BREVARD OSCEOLA INDIAN R IVE R- OKEECHOBEE 113. James Lorenzo Walker, Naples (D) ALACHUA - MARION 71. Jack Shreve, Merritt Island (D) 29. Ralph D. Turlington, Gainesville (D) 72. F. Eugene Tubbs, Rockledge (R) MONROE-DADE Jane 30. Kenneth H. MacKay, Jr., Ocala (D) 73. W. Robinson, Merritt Island (R) 114. Fred Tittle, Tavernier (D) 31. Bill Andrews, Gainesville (D) 74. William E. Powell, Indialantic (R) HARDEE - MANATEE PUTNAM - FLAGLER - ST. JOHNS - LAKE ST. LUCIE 115. John Harllee, Bradenton (D) 32. L. E. Brown, Tavares (D) 75. Charles Nergard, Fort Pierce (R) 116. Tom Gallen, Bradenton (D) 33. James A. Glisson, Eustis (R) 34. A. H. Craig, St. Augustine (D) MARTIN - PALM BEACH DeSOTO - HIGHLANDS - CHAR LOTTE- 76. Donald H. Reed, Jr., Boca Raton (R) SARASOTA VOLUS I A 77. Jack M. Poorbaugh, Delray Beach (R) 117. Jim K. Tillman, Sarasota (R) 35. William R. Conway, Ormond 78. Donald F. Hazelton, West Palm 118. Robert M. Johnson, Sarasota (R) Beach (D) Beach (R) 119. Granville H. Crabtree, Jr., Sarasota (R) 46 THE SHERIFF'S STAR SUPREME COURT

CHIEF JUSTICE B. K. ROBERTS Born —Sopchoppy, Fla. , February 5, l907 Education —public schools of Wakulla County; LLB degree, University of Florida, l 928; LLD,

University of Miami, 1954, I, (honorary) Wife's name —Mary Children —two Church affiliation —Presbyterian Career highlights —Past President, Tallahassee Bar Association; practiced law in Tallahassee from 1928 to 1949; Past Vice President, Florida Bar Association; Chairman, Judicial Council of Florida; member, Executive Committee, National Conference of Chief Justices; official court representative American Bar Association (ABA) meeting in London, 1957; member, ABA team at International Bar Associa- tion meetings, Salzburg, Austria, 1960, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1962, and Lausanne, Switzerland, 1964; member, Florida Constitution Revision Commission, 1966; member, awards jury, Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, 1962; Past President, Florida Heritage Foundation; Board of Counselors, Florida Presbyterian College; received Stetson Law College "Distinguished Citizen" award; has served on the Supreme Court since his appointment on July 7, 1949; serving his third two-year term as Chief Justice.

RICHARD W. ERVIN Born —Carrabelle, Fla. , January 26, 1905 Education —public schools of Citrus, DeSoto, Leon, Orange and Marion counties; graduate, University of Florida, College of Law. , 1928 Wife's name —Frances Children —two Career highlights —attorney for State Road Depart- ment; Assistant Attorney General; Secretary of Florida Railroad Commission; attorney for Overseas Road and Toll Bridge District; named "Outstanding Public Official" in Florida by Jaycees, 1951;Florida's Attorney General for 15 years, taking office in 1949; Past President, National Association of Attorneys General; served as Vice President and Chairman, Southern Regional Group, Attorneys General; has served on Supreme Court since January 17, 1964; served as Chief Justice, 1969-70. 47 JOSEPH A. BOYD Judge Advocate for Headquarters, 30th Air Division Born —Hoschton, Ga. , Career highlights —Fort Pierce City Attorney; served on November 16, 1916 Fort Pierce Civil Service Appeals Board; former member, Education —attended Pied- Board of Governors, State Junior Bar; served as member, mont College, Mercer Inter-Agency Law Enforcement Planning Council; Judge, University, and University Fourth District Court of Appeal, 1967-1970;appointed to of Miami; received Juris Supreme Court, effective December 14, 1970. Doctor degree, University of Miami; honorary Doctor of Laws, Piedmont VASSAR B. CARLTON College Born —Alachua County, Fla. , Wife's name —Ann November 13, 1912 Children —five Education —public schools of Church affiliation —Baptist Alachua, Polk, Hardee, Military service —U. S. Hillsborough and Brevard Marine Corps, WW II counties; — pre-med student at Career highlights Hialeah City Attorney, Dade County University of Florida; trans- Commissioner; received National Top Hat award, National ferred to Stetson University; Business and Professional Womens Federation; past Florida received LLB degree from Commander, American Legion; elected to the Supreme Stetson Law College, 1937 Court in 1968, serving his first term. Wife's name —Grace Ch&ldren —four Church affiliation —Baptist Career highlights —County Judge JAMES C. ADKINS — in Brevard County for 13 years; Circuit Court Judge, Born Gainesville, Fla. , 1954-68, (former 9th, now 18th Judicial Circuit); two-time January 18, 1915 recipient, Jaycee Good Government Award; Past President, Education — schools public of Cocoa Jaycees; past Exalted Ruler, Cocoa Elks Club; Past Gainesville; received LLB President, Titusville Kiwanis Club; elected to Supreme degree, University of Court for first term, 1968. Florida, 1938 Wife's name —Ethel Children —two Church affiliation —Methodist HAL P. DEKLE Military service —U. S. Army Born —Marianna, Fla. , Infantry, WW II November 21, 1917 Career highlights —research Education Jackson County assistant, Florida Supreme High School, 1935;gradu- Court; general practice of law, ate, Stetson University, 20 years; Assistant Slale AI. lorney, 8lh Judicial Circuit; DeLand, Fla. ; graduate, Assistant Attorney General of Florida; Judge, Court of Stetson Law School, St. Record, Alachua County; Circuit Court Judge, 8th Judicial Petersburg, Fla. , 1940 Circuit; author of "Florida Criminal Law and Procedure, " Wife's name —Dorothy and "Florida Real Estate Law and Procedure"; received Children —three James W. Day award from John Marshall Bar Association, Church affiliation —Methodist University of Florida, for contributions to legal education, Military service —U. S. Army, 1966; Good Government Award, Gainesville Jaycees, 1968; WW II; Army Reserve two elected to his first term on the Supreme Court in 1968. years; Florida N ational Guard two years Career highlights —President of student body, Stetson Law School; Board of Overseers, Stetson Law School, 1965-66; DAVID L. McCLAIN Alumni Director, l 964-66; practicing attorney in Miami Born —Sebastian, Fla. , and Tallahassee, 17 years; former Special Assistant U. S. July 23, 1931 District Attorney, Southern District of Florida; member Education —graduated from of Judicial Council for Florida Courts and proposed consti- Vero Beach High School tutional changes, 1957-58; appointed to Civil Court of (Valedictorian) 1949; BA Record, Dade County, 1957; elected to that post 1958; degree, University of Florida; appointed Dade County Circuit Judge, 1960; reelected LLB degree, University of without opposition in 1962 and 1966; rated "Exceptionally Florida, 1955 Well Qualified" as Judge, in poll of 2400 Dade County Wife's name —Helen lawyers, 1958; received highest rating in poll of 3000 Children —eight Dade County Lawyers, 1967; twice honored with — American Church affiliation Baptist Trial Lawyers "Award of Merit for Leadership in Judicial Military service —Captain, U. S. Administration, " 1965 and 1970; received Florida Air Force; served as Judge Jaycees Good Government Award, 1970; elected to Advocate; Assistant Staff Supreme Court, 1970. 48 THE SHERIFF'S STAR FLORIDA'S DISTRICT COURTS OF APPEAL

DIS'I'RICT — FIRST APPELLATE Alachua, Baker, Bay, Group D. . . . .William C. Pierce ...... Tampa Bradford, Calhoun, Clay, Columbia, Dixie, Duval, Escam- Group E. ... .Woodie A. Liles Plant City bia, Flagler, Franklin, Gadsdcn, Gilchrist, Gulf, Hamilton, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Leon, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Marion, Nassau, Okaloosa, Putnam, St. Johns, THIRD APPELL, — Santa Rosa, Suwannec, Taylor, Union, Volusia, Wakulla, ATE DISTRICT Dade and Monroe Walton and Washington Countics. Counties.

Group A. .. . . Tillman Pearson...... Miami Group A. . . . John T. Wiggrinlon...... Tallahassee Group B. . . . . Richard H. M. Swann...... Miami Carroll Group B .. . . Donald Kingcry .. .. .Tallahassee Group C. ... . Charles A. Carroll...... Miami Group C . . .. Sam Spector...... Tallahassee Group D. ... . Thomas H. Barkdull, Jr. . . .. Miami Group D. ... John Rawls...... Tallahassee Group E. ... . Norman Hendry Miami Group E. . . . Dewey M. Johnson...... Quincy

FOURTH APPELLATE DISTRICT — Brevard, Broward, DIS'I'RIOT — SECOND APPELLATE Charlotte, Citrus, Col- Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Palm lier, DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Hernando, Highlands, Beach, St. Lucie and Seminole Counties. Hillsborough, I.ake, Lee, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Sarasota and Sumter Counties. Group A. .. ..Spencer C. Cross .. ., Ocoee Group B.....John A. Reed, Jr. .... West Palm Beach Group A. . . . .Robert T. Mann . .. .. Tampa Group C. .. . .James H. Walden .. . . . Ft. Lauderdale Group B. ....Joseph P. McNulty .. Largo Group D. . . ..William C. Owen, Jr. . West Palm Beach Group C. ....T. Frank Hobson, Jr. . ...St. Petersburg Group E. . . . .Gerald Mager .....Tallahassee


First Third

FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Columbia, Dixie, Hamilton, and Walton Counties Lafayette, Madison, Suwannee and Taylor Counties

Circuit Judges ...... William Frye III, Pensacola Circuit Judges ...... Samuel S. Smith, Lake City Woodrow M. Melvin, Milton Royce Agner, Perry Charles A. Wade, Crestview State Attorney...... Wm. Randall Slaughter, Live Oak Ernest E. Mason, Pensacola Public Defender . ....Don Dansby, Perry Ralph M. McLane, Pensacola Thos. D. Beasley, DeFuniak Springs Gillis E. Powell, Crestview State Attorney...... Curtis A. Golden, Milton Fourth Public Defender ... ..James Ron Shelley, Pensacola FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Clay, Duval and Nassau Counties Second Circuit Judges .. Charles A. Luckie, Jacksonville John M. McNatt, Jacksonville SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Franklin, Gadsden, Jefferson, Roger J. Waybright, Jacksonville Leon, Liberty and Wakulla Counties Martin Sack, Jacksonville Henry F. Martin, Jr., Jacksonville Circuit Judges . . .. W. May Walker, Tallahassee Sam Goodfriend, Jacksonville Hugh M. 'I'aylor, Quincy Marion W. Gooding, Jacksonville Ben C. Willis, Tallahassee Frank H. Elmore, Jacksonville Guyte P. McCord, Jr., Tallahassee Albert W. Graessle, Jr., Jacksonville William State Attorney. .. .. D. Hopkins, Tallahassee Lamar Winegeart, Jr., Jacksonville Public Defender . .Richard W. Ervin III, Tallahassee MARCH 1971 49 FLORIDA'S JUDICIAL CIRCUITS

Charles Cook Howell, Jr., State Attorney. . . T. E. Duncan, Gainesville Jacksonville Public Defender ..Robert A. Green, Jr., Gainesville Major B. Harding, Jacksonville Thomas J. Shave, Jr., Fernandina Beach Ninth State Attorney...... T. Edward Austin, Jacksonville NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Orange and Osceola Counties Public Defender . . . . .Louis O. Frost, Jr., Jacksonville Circuit Judges ...... Richard H. Cooper, Orlando Murray W. Overstreet, Kissimmee Fifth Claude R. Edwards, Orlando FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Marion B. C. Muszynski, Orlando and Sumter Counties Parker Lee McDonald, Orlando Roger A. Barker, Orlando Circuit Judges ...... W. Troy Hall, Jr., Tavares George E. Adams, Orlando John W. Booth, Bushnell State Attorney...... Robert Eagan, Winter Park D. R. Smith, Ocala Public Defender . ....Louis R. Bowen, Jr., Winter Park E. R. Mills, Jr., Ocala State Attorney...... Gordon G. Oldham, Jr., Leesburg Public Defender . . . . .Robert E. Pierce, Leesburg Tenth TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Hardee, Highlands and Polk Sixth Counties SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Pasco and Pinellas Counties Circuit Judges . . A. H. Lane, Bartow William K. Love, Lakeland Circuit Judges ...... B.J. Driver, Clearwater J. H. Willson, Bartow Richard Kelly, Zephyrhills Gunter Stephenson, Winter Haven Charles M. Phillips, Jr., Clearwater Clifton M. Kelly, Sebring Ben F. Overton, St. Petersburg StateAttorney. .. . . Glen Darty, Bartow Robert E. Beach, St. Petersburg Public Defender . .Lee R. Horton, Jr., Lake Wales Robert L. Williams, St. Petersburg William A. Patterson, St. Petersburg Clyde M. Kissinger, St. Petersburg Mark R. McGarry, Jr., St. Peters- Eleventh burg ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Dade County Allen C. Anderson, St. Petersburg C. Richard Leavengood, Circuit Judges .. Francis J. Christie, Miami St. Petersburg William A. Herin, Miami Charles R. Holley, Clearwater Raymond G. Nathan, Miami State Attorney...... James T. Russell, St. Petersburg James W. Kehoe, Miami Public Defender .....Robert E. Jagger, Clearwater Gene Williams, Miami George E. Schulz, Miami Harvie S. DuVal, Miami Seventh Thomas E. Lee, Jr., Miami SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Flagler, Putnam, St. Johns Francis X. Knuck, Hialeah and Volusia Counties Milton A. Friedman, Miami Marshall C. Wiseheart, Miami Circuit Judges ...... Howell W. Melton, St. Augustine Grady L. Crawford, Miami W. L. Wadsworth, Bunnell J. Fritz Gordon, Miami James T. Nelson, Daytona Beach Thomas A. Testa, Miami Springs Robt. H. Wingfield, DeLand Shelby Highsmith, Miami Horace D. Riegle, Daytona Beach Arthur E. Huttoe, Miami State Attorney...... Stephen L. Boyles, Palatka Rhea Pincus Grossman, Miami Public Defender ... . .Robert P. Miller, Holly Hill Joseph Nesbitt, Miami Harold R. Vann, Miami John J. Kehoe, Miami Eighth Ralph O. Cullen, Miami EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Alachua, Baker, Bradford, David Popper, Miami Gilchrist, Levy and Union Counties Henry L. Balaban, Miami Jack A. Falk, Miami Circuit Judges .. George L. Patten, Starke J. Gwynn Parker, Coral Gables John J. Crews, Gainesville State Attorney. .. . . Richard E. Gerstein, Miami John A. H. Murphree, Gainesville Public Defender ..Phillip Hubbart, Miami 50 THE SHERIFF'S STAR Twelfth Seventeenth


Circuit Judges . . . . John D. Justice, Sarasota Circuit Judges .. Ot&s Farnngton, Ft. Lauderdale Robert E. Willis, Bradenton George W. Tedder, Jr., Ft. Robert E. Hensley, Bradenton Lauderdale Lynn N. Silvertooth, Sarasota James F. Minnet, Ft. Lauderdale Roy E. Dean, Venice L. Clayton Nance, Ft. Lauderdale State Attorney. .. .. Frank Schaub, Bradenton Stephen R. Booher, Ft. Lauderdale Public Defender . .Walter R. Talley, Bradenton Louis Weissing, Ft. Lauderdale Lamar G. Warren, Ft. Lauderdale Jose A. Gonzalez, Jr, Ft. Thirteenth Lauderdale Stewart F. LaMotte, Jr. Ft. THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Hillsborough County , Lauderdale Circuit Judges .. Roger D. Flynn, Tampa John H. Moore II, Ft. Lauderdale I. C. Spoto, Tampa George Richardson, Ft. Lauderdale James A. Lenfestey, Tampa Arthur J. Franza, Hollywood John G. Hodges, Tampa C. Lavon Ward, Ft. Lauderdale Robert W. Patton, Tampa State Attorney. . . Philip S. Shailer, Ft. Lauderdale Public Defender Jas. D. Bruton, Jr., Tampa . .Leonard L. Stafford, Ft. Lauderdale James S. Moody, Tampa Oliver C. Maxwell, Brandon Neil C. McMullen, Tampa Carl C. Durrance, Tampa Eighteenth State Attorney. .. . . Joseph G. Spicola, Jr., Tampa EIGIITEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Brevard and Seminole Public Defender ..Robert W. Rawlins, Tampa Counties Fourteenth Circuit Judges . . .. Roger F. Dykes, Titusville Tom Waddell, Jr., Melbourne FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Volie A. Williams, Jr. Sanford Holmes, Jackson and Washington Counties , Wm. G. Akridge, Cocoa Circuit Judges ...... Robert L. McCrary, Jr., Marianna Dominick J. Salfi, Longwood Joseph W. Bailey, Panama City Richard B. Muldrew, Melbourne W. L. Fitzpatrick, Port St. Joe Clarence T. Johnson, Jr., Merritt State Attorney...... J. Frank Adams, Blountstown Island Public Defender .....Virgil Q. Mayo, Blountstown State Attorney. .. . . Abbott M. Herring, Melbourne Public Defender ..Robert G. Ferrell III, Indialantic Fifteenth FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Palm Beach County Nineteenth Circuit Judges ...... Hugh MacMillan, West Palm NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Indian River, Martin, Beach Okeechobee and St. Lucie Counties James R. Stewart, Jr., West Palm Beach Circuit Judges . . . . D. C. Smith, Vero Beach James R. Knott, West Palm Beach Wallace Sample, Ft. Pierce Joseph P. Metzger, West Palm C. Pfeiffer Trowbridge, Stuart Beach State Attorney. .. . . John T. Brennan, Ft. Pierce Culver Smith, West Palm Beach Public Defender . .Irvin Frank, Jr., Ft. Pierce James C. Downey, West Palm Beach Robert S. Hewitt, West Palm Beach State Attorney...... Zell Davis, Jr., West Palm Beach Twentieth Public Defender .. . . .Walter N. Colbath, Jr. West , TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT — Palm Beach Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry and Lee Counties

Sixteenth Circuit Judges . . . Lynn Gerald, Fort Myers SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRTUIT —Monroe County Harold S. Smith, Naples Thomas Shands, Fort Myers Circuit Judge ...... Aquilino Lopez, Jr., Key West Charles T. Carlton, Ft. Pierce State Attorney...... J. Edward Worton, Key West State Attorney...... Joseph D'Alessandro, Fort Myers Public Defender ... . Tom O. Watkins, Key West Public Defender. . ... Douglas M. Midgley, Fort Myers MARCH 1971 51 U.S. SENATORS

EDWARD J. GURNEY (R) Born —Portland, Maine, January 12, 1914 Education —public schools of Skowhegan and Waterville, Maine; BS degree from Colby College, 1935; LLB degree, Harvard Law School, 1938; LLM degree, Duke University Law School, 1948 Prior occupation —attorney Wife 's name —Natalie Children —two Church affiliation —Congre- gational Military service —Lt. Colonel, 8th Armored Division; WW II; serving in France, Luxemburg, Belgium, Holland, and Germany; received Purple Heart and Silver Star Career highlights —City Attorney, City of Maitland; Mayor and City Commissioner, Winter Park; elected to the U. S. House of Representatives in 1962; reelected in 1964 and 1966; presented Watchdog of the Treasury award three times, by National Associated Businessmen; chosen Freshman Congressman of the Week by 88th Club, 1964; elected to the U. S. Senate in l968.

LAWTON MAINOR CHILES, JR. (D) Born —Lakeland, Fla. , April 3, 1930 Education —Lakeland High School, BS degree, University of Florida, l952; LLB degree, University of Florida School of Law, 1955 Prior occupation —attorney Wife's name —Rhea May Children —four Church affiliation —Presbyterian Military service U. S. Army, Korea Career highlights —Chairman, Lakeland March of Dimes, 1964; Chairman, United Fund of Greater Lakeland, 1967; Chairman, Polk County Cancer Crusade, 1968; Legislative Counselor to Boys' State (First Boys' State participant to return to Boys' State as a State Legislator and Counselor); Chairman, Florida Law Revision Commission; Agriculture Commendation Award, Florida Agriculture Council, 1965; United Fund Award of Special Merit, 1966; Distinguished Service Award, Florida Assn. for Retarded Children, 1968; Governor's Award for Conservation)1968; Wildlife Conservation Award by National Wildlife Federation, 1968; Victory Crusade Award, American Cancer Society, 1968; Meritorious Public Service Award by Legislative Poll, 1959; "One of Ten Most Out- standing Representatives, "St. Petersburg Times, 1959; Jaycee's "Outstanding Young Man, "1959; served in Florida House of Representatives, 1958-66; served in Florida Senate, 1966-70; elected to U. S. Senate in Nov. , 1970. THE SHERIFF'S STAR U.S. REPRESENTATIVES 1st District 1958-61;named "One of the Most Valuable Members of the Legislature, " 1961;named "One of Five Outstanding Santa 8'alton, Escambia, Rosa, Okaloosa, Holmes, Young Men in Florida, "Florida Jaycees, 1963;elected 8'ashington, and Jackson, Bay Gulf Counties. U. S. Representative from the Second District in 1962; ROBERT L. F. SIKES (D) reelected in 1964, 1966, 1968 and 1970. Born —Isabella, Ga. , June 3, 1906 3rd District Education —BS degree from Duval County less the following numbered pre- University of Georgia, 1926; cincts as the same existed on January 1, 1966: Master's degree University J$"" 36-A, 36, 31, 31-A, 31-B, 34-A, 35, 30, 30-A, of Florida, 1929 29-E, 29-J, 29-K, 28-C, 28-I, 29-H, 29-G. Wife's name —Inez CHARLES E. BENNETT Children —two (D) Born Canton, New Church affiliation —Methodist York December 1910 Military service —holds rank of 2, Education —AB and JD degrees, Maj. Gen. , U. S. Army Reserve University of Florida Retired; awarded Legion of Prior — Merit occupation attorney — Wife's name —Jean Career highlights served in — Florida House of Representatives, 1937 and 1939 sessions; Children four Church affiliation — Vice President and Director of National Rivers and Harbors Christian Military service —Captain, U. S. Congress, 1959 to 1967; received Young Democratic Clubs' WW leader of Florida Award, 1961;Guatemalan Order of Merit, 1961; Army, II; guerrillas in Northern Luzon Defender of Free Enterprise Award, Life Underwriters, mountain and jungle fighting; 1966; Man of the Year Award, Reserve Officers Associa- awarded Silver Star, Bronze UPI's Florida Public Service Award, 1968; t tion, 1967; Star, Legion of Honor and Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws, Stetson University, the ' Gold Cross 1969; Honorary Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, Career highlights —served in 1941 Florida House of Repre- St. Leo College, 1969; Amvets Special Meritorious Com- sentatives; author of "Laudonniere and Fort Caroline, " mendation, 1969; member, Board of Directors, Florida 1964 and "Settlement of Florida, "1968; member, Historical Society; elected to Congress from the First Board of Trustees, Lynchburg College; received Honorary District in 1940; currently serving his 16th term; holds Degree, Doctor of Humanities, University of Tampa, 1950; the record of length of service in Congress from Florida. University of Florida, Distinguished Alumnus Award, 1969; received Distinguished Service Award, President's Commit- 2nd District tee on Employment of the Handicapped, 1969;Jacksonville Good Government Award, 1952; Freedoms Foundation Liberty, Clay, Gadsden, Leon, Franklin, Wakulla, awards, 1951 and 1955; elected to Congress in 1948; serv- Jefferson, Madison, Taylor, Levy, Hamilton, Calhoun, his 12th consecutive term; holds all-time record in Con- Suwannee, Lafayette, Dixie, Columbia, Gilchrist, ing gress for not missing a roll call vote in 18 years. Alachua, Union, Bradford, Baker, Putnam and Nassau Counties. DON FUQUA (D) 4th District Born —Jacksonville, Fla. , St. Johns, Flagler, Citrus, Hernando, Sumter, Marion, August 20, 1933 Lake, Volusia and Seminole Counties; that part of Education —public schools of Duval excluded from the Third Congressional Dis- I Calhoun County; dcgrcc in trict; and. the following precincts in Brevard County Agricultural Economics, as the same existed on January 1, 1966; 1, 14, 16, University of Florida, 1957 24 and 36. Prior occupation —dairying WILLIAM V. CHAPPELL, JR. (D) Wife's — name Doris Born —Kendrick, Fla. , Children —two February 2, 1922 Church affiliation —Presbyterian Education —BA degree, Military service —U. S. Army University of Florida, 1947; Medical Corps, LLB degree, 1949 Career highlights —Star FFA Prior occupation —attorney Dairy Farmer in Florida, Wife's name —Marguerite 1949; Danforth Scholarship recipient to American Youth Children —four Foundation, 1951-52; received American Farmer Degree Church affiliation —Methodist (highest honor of National Future Farmers of America), Military service —U. S. Naval 1952; named Outstanding Young Democrat, Third Con- aviator; Captain, U. S. gressional District, 1959;member Florida Sheriffs Boys Naval Reserve Ranch Board of Trustees, Rodeheaver Boys Ranch Board Career highlights —Marion of Trustees; served in Florida House of Representatives, County Prosecuting Attorney, MARCH 1971 53 1949-1954;served in Florida House of Representatives, 1952-58; Florida Senate, 1958-62; named one of top ten 1954-64, 1966-68; Speaker of the House, 1961;Allen members of Florida House and Senate; named Tampa's Morris awards "Most Valuable Member of the Florida Outstanding Young Man of the Year, 1954; elected to House, "and "Most Outstanding Member of the Florida U. S. House of Representatives from the Sixth District House in Debate, "1967;elected to the U. S. House of in 1962; reelected subsequently. Representatives from the Fourth District in 1968; reelected in 1970. 7th District Lee, Charlotte, DeSoto, Hardee, Sarasota, Manatee, and all of Polk County except precincts listed in 5th District Sixth District. Orange, Indian River, Osceola, and all of Brevard JAMES ANDREW HALEY (D) County except precincts listed in Fourth District. Born —Jacksonville, Ala. , January 4, 1899 LOUIS FREY, JR. (R) — — Education University of Born Rutherford, N. J., Alabama January 11, 1934 Wife's name —Aubrey Education — schools public of Church affiliation —Methodist New Jersey; graduated curn Military service —U. S. Ariny, laude from Univer- Colgate WW I sity; LLB degree, Univer- Career highlights —accountant, sity of Michigan School 1925-33; General Manager, of Law, 1961 John Ringling estate, 1933- Prior occupation —attorney 43; First Vice President, Wife's name —Marcia Ringling Circus, 1943-45; Children —four President and Director, Church affiliation —Lutheran Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus, 1946-48; Military service —Lt. , U. S. President, Halcoe Printing Co. Chairman, Democratic Navy; presently Lt. Com- ; Executive Committee, Sarasota County, 1932-52; mander, Naval Reserve Delegate to National Democratic Conventions, 1952 and Career highlights —assistant editor, University of Michigan 1960; served in Florida House of Representatives, 1948-52; Law Review', member, Board of Directors, Winter Park elected to U. S. House of Representatives, from the Youth Center; past Vice President and Director, Winter Seventh District, in 1952; reelected to consecutive Park Jaycees; State Republican Executive Committeeman terms since then. for Orange County; Treasurer, Republican State Executive Committee; Chairman, Florida Federation of Young Republicans; Assistant General Counsel, National Federa- 8th District tion of Young Republicans; Assistant County Solicitor Pinellas and Pasco Counties. of Orange County, 1962-63; General Counsel, Florida C. W. "BILL"YOUNG State Turnpike Authority, 1967; elected to U. S. House (R) Born —Harmarville, Penna. of Representatives, from the Fifth District, in 1968; , December 16, 1930 reelected in 1970. Prior occupation —insurance executive 6th District Wife's name —Marian Children —three Hillsborough and the numbered precincts folloiving Church affiliation —Methodist in Polk County as the same existed on January 1, Military service —Florida 1966: 56 and 4, 5, S, 9, 17, 55, 57. National Guard SAM M. GIBBONS (D) Career highlights —former State Born —Tampa, Fla. , Chairman and National Com- January 20, 1920 mitteeman, Florida Federa- Education —public schools of tion of Young Republicans; Tampa; LLB degree, Univer- Assistant Sergeant at Arms, sity of Florida, 1947 GOP National Convention, 1956 and 1960; delegate to Prior occupation —15 years as 1968 Republican National Convention (Nixon floor attorney in Tampa manager for Florida); Florida member, 1968 Electoral Wife's name —Martha College; American Legion award for Meritorious Service, Children —three 1963; U. S. Jaycee award, "One of the Outstanding Young Church affiliation —Presbyterian Men of America, " 1964; Distinguished Service Award of Military service —Maj. , U. S. National American Veterans of WW II; Award of Merit, Army, WW II; 501st Para- President's Commission on Employment of the Handicap- chute Infantry, 101st ped; served in the Florida Senate, 1960-70; member Florida Airborne Division; awarded Constitution Revision Commission; press corps award, Bronze Star "One of Four Most Valuable Senators, " 1967; received Career highlights —President, University of Allen Morris award, "Effectiveness in Debate, " 1967; Foundation; served in Florida House of Representatives, elected to U. S. House of Representatives in 1970. 54 THE SHERIFF'S STAR 9th District lith District Collier, Palm Beach, Hendry, Martin, St. Lucie, A portion of Dade County south of the Tenth Highlands, Oheechobee, Glades, and the following District. (Legal description boundary lines totals numbered precincts in Broward County as the same of almost 500 words and has been deleted existed on January 1, 1966: 1, 1-A, 1-B, 2, 2A, from 2-B, 2-C, 3, 4, 4-A, 11-A, 11-B, 11-C, 11-D, 11-F, this list. ) 12-A, 12-B, 12-C. CLAUDE PEPPER (D) PAUL G. ROGERS (D) Born —Dudleyville, Ala. , Born —Ocilla, Ga. , June 4, 1921 September 8, 1900 Education —public schools of Education —AB degree, Univer- Florida; AB degree, Univer- sity of Alabama, 1921;LLB sity of Florida, 1942; George degree, Harvard Law School, Washington University and 1924 University of Florida for LLB Prior occupation —attorney 4' degree, 1948 Wife's name —Mildred (Irene) Prior occupation —attorney Church affiliation —Baptist Wife's name —Rebecca Career highlights —instructor Children —one of law, University of Church affiliation —Methodist Arkansas, 1924-25; Florida Military service —Maj. , U. S. State Democratic Executive Army; Battalion Commander Committee, 1928-29; served of Field Artillery; two Battle Stars and Bronze Star in Florida House of Representatives, 1929-30; Florida Career highlights —President, University of Florida Society; State Board of Public Welfare, 1933-34; elected to U. S. National Debate Champion, Tau Kappa Alpha Debate" Senate, 1936, reelected in 1938 and 1944; U. S. Senate Fraternity; named "Outstanding Man of the Year, Delegate, Interparliamentary Union at the Hague, 1938, West Palm Beach Jaycees, 1953;Distinguished Service and Dublin, 1950; LLD honorary degree, McMaster Award, Florida Jaycees, 1956; elected to U. S. House of University (Canada), 1941;LLD honorary degree, Univer- Representatives, from the Ninth District, in a special sity of Toronto, 1942; LLD honorary degree, University election in 1955; reelected in 1956 and subsequently. of Alabama, 1942; former member, Board of Directors, Chamber of Commerce of the Americas; Chairman, Florida Delegation, Democratic National Conventions, 1940, 1944; 10th District officer and director, Washington Federal Savings and Loan; Broward County except that part enumerated by served on State Board of Law Examiners; member, Execu- precincts in subsection and that Dade (9), part of tive Council, Florida Bar Assoc. ; has been serving in U. S. County included within the following numbered House of Representatives since 1962. precincts as the same existed on January 1, 1966: 2, 3, 240, 239, 241, 12, 4, 5, 6, 215, 7, 242, 211, 212, 213, 214, 8, 315, 9, 246, 247, 216, 10, 243, 15, 245, 249, 250, 251, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 12th District 248, 44, 217, 253, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 254, Monroe and those 255 and 263. County precincts in Dade County J. HERBERT BURKE (R) lying south of the southern boundary line of the Eleventh Congressional District. Born —Chicago, Ill. , January 14, 1913 DANTE B. FASCELL (D) Education —attended North- Born —Bridgehampton, Long western University, 1934-35; Island, N. Y.; March 9, 1917 AA degree, Central YMCA Education —public schools of College, 1936;LLB degree, Miami, LLB degree, Univer- Kent College of Law, 1940 sity of Miami, 1938 Prior occupation —attorney Prior occupation attorney Wife's name —Evelyn Wife's name —Jeanne-Marie Children —two Children —three Church affiliation —Catholic Military service —U. S. Army, Military service —Captain, U. S. WW II; saw action in African, Army, WW II; awarded Purple Sicilian an'd Italian campaigns Heart, Bronze Star Career highlights —legal attache, Career highlights —member, Broward County Commission, Dade County state legislative 1952-66; Commission Chairman, 1956-58; Republican delegation, 1947-50; served in State Committeeman, 1954-58; member, Advisory Board Florida House of Representatives, 1950-53; named "One of Small Business Administration, 1956-60; Honorary of the 10 Most Outstanding Members of the House, "1951 Doctorate of Commercial Science, Drake College, 1967; and 1953; named by Florida" Jaycees as "One of Five Out- advisor, National Rivers and Harbors Congress, 1958; standing Men in State, 1951;Past President, Dade County Watchdog of the Treasury award, National Assoc. of Young Democratic Club; Past President, Italian-American Businessmen, 1967, 1968; Meritorious Commendation Club; has been serving in U. S. House of Representatives by Amvets, 1969;U. S. Representative, Tunis Trade Fair, since 1954; appointed by President Richard Nixon, as a 1969; elected to U. S. House of Representatives in 1966, member, Delegation, 24th General Assembly reelected subsequently. of the United Nations. MARCH 1971 55 ~ ~

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THE SHERIFF'S STAR ALACHUA Military service —U. S. Army, WW H; three battle stars Honors —served as Macclenny City (."ommissioner four County Seat —Gainesville years; Baker County Commissioner for four years.

SHERIFF OTHER BAKER COUNTY OFFICIALS JOE M. CREVASSE, Jr. (D) Burnsed Born —Tampa, Fla. , December County Judge B. R. 19, 1915 Juvenile Court Judge. . .. B. R. Burnsed Education —public schools of Clerk of Circuit Court Joe Dobson Hillsborough County, BS Tax Assessor L. W. Douberly degree from University of Tax Collector T. J. Raulerson Florida, 1941;MA degree School Superintendent . . Alan Harvey in Agriculture from Univer- Supervisor of Elections . . Johnney Lauramore sity of Florida Wife's name —Margaret SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI 0 NE RS Children —two Church affiliation —Episcopal Joe B. Crews Roy H. Harvey Law enforcement background— Lucille Rewis B. H. Rowe head of University of Florida Frank D. Kilgo Cecil Horne Police and Security System, 1947-1955;appointed J. C. Lyons, Jr. Claudell Walker Sheriff in 1955; elected in 1956; reelected in 1960, 1964, Betty June Raulerson G. N. Kirkland and 196B Honors —Secretary-Treasurer of the Florida Sheriffs Association; Chairman of the Florida Police Standards Board; former president of the Gainesville Boys Club, BAY Salvation Army and Alachua County Riding Horse County Seat —Panama City Association; a director of the Alachua County Tuberculosis Association. SHERIFF TUI, I,IS D. EASTERLING (D) — OTHER ALACHUA COUNTY OFFICIALS Born Clro, Ala. , July 29, 1910 Education —Public schools in Court of Record Judge .... Ira Carter, Jr. J. Clio, Alabama; LLB degree, Court of Record Solicitor . A. Z. Adkins, Jr. University of Alabama, 1937 L. Connell County Judge John Wife's name —Carolyn . Connell Juvenile Court Judge. .. . . John L. Children —two Clerk Circuit Court A. Curtis Powers of Church affiliation —M ethodrst Pierce Smith Tax Assessor J. Law enforcement background— Tax Collector . . . Shellie McKinney Practiced law for three years School Superintendent. ... William S. Talbot in Ozark, Alabama; Special Supervisor of Elections. ... Alma K. Bethea Agent, FBI, 1941-67; Retired from FBI in 1967 SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI ONE RS and became undersheriff in Bay County Sheriff's Office; E. D. Manning, Jr. Ralph W. Cellon, Jr. resigned from Sheriff's Office position July, 1970, to Edwin Eugene Todd B. Turlington become head of law enforcement program at Gulf Coast W. F. Enneking James S. Martin Community College (and is still involved); appointed Durrance Ben Samuels Jack Slreriff of Bay County February 6, l97l, to fill a vacancy N. Howe G. M. Davis R. created by the death of Sheriff M. J. "Doc"Daffin; since l947 he has been in all phases of police instruction. BAKER OTHER BAY COUNTY OFFICIALS County Seat —Macclenny County Judge Joseph I. Mathis County Prosecutor ...... Clinton E. Foster SIIERIFF Juvenile Court Judge...... Joseph I. Mathis PAUL T. THRIFT (D) Small Claims Court Judge ...... Wm. H. Sapp Born —Moniac, Georgia, Clerk of Circuit Court ...... Bruce Collins August 4, l9l6 Tax Assessor ...... Gerald Conrad Education —public schools of Tax Collector...... Donnell Brookins St. George, Georgia School Superintendent ...... Thomas C. Todd Wife's name —Willa Mae Supervisor of Elections...... Gladys A. Chapman Children —three SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Church affiliation —Baptist Law cnl'orcement background— A. Crawford Mosley George B. Gainer elected Sheriff 1966 for a Andy C. McNeil W. V. Peeke two-year term; reelected William L. Glenn Zollie W. Young attended Florida Law 1968; Deane Bozeman Isaac W. Byrd Enforcement Academy James M. Mowat Wilmont Pete Edwards MARCH 1971 57 BRADFORD County Judge . Virgil B. Conkling County Solicitor ...... Jerry Bross County Seat —Star ke Magistrate's Court Judges .. Robert B. McGregor SHERIFF James W. Woodson P. D. REDDISH (D) Juvenile Court Judge...... Virgil B. Conkling Born —Bradford County, Fla., Clerk of Circuit Court Curtis R. Barnes September 15, 1909 Tax Assessor Clark Maxwell Education —public schools of Tax Collector . Rudy Underdown Bradford County School Superintendent . B. Frank Brown Wife's name —Ruth Supervisor of Elections . . ~~aeaa t) ilH & Children —seven Church affiliation —Primitive SCHOOL BOARD COMM ISSI0 NE RS Baptist Law enforcement background— Clark Maxwell, Jr. Andrew J. Hurst elected Sheriff in 1948; cur- Anna Rose T. Keegan Mrs. Lori B. Wilson rently serving sixth term S. K. Baker, Jr. Val M. Steele Honors —County Commissioner G. W. Hedman Lee Wenner from 1939 to 1948; School Louise M. Taylor Hugh Macauley Evans Trustee eight years; served on Board of Directors, Florida Sheriffs Association; Past President of the Association. 8ROWARD OTHER BRADFORD COUNTY OFFICIALS County Seat —Fort Lauderdale SHERIFF County Judge . Theron A. Yawn, Jr. EDWARD STACK Juvenile Court Judge. .. . Theron A. Yawn, Jr. J. (R) Born —Bayonne, New Clerk of Circuit Court Inman D. Green Jersey April 29, 1910 Tax Assessor Gene Long Education —public schools of Tax Collector . J R. Kelly Brooklyn, New York, AB School Superintendent . . Thomas L. Casey, Jr. degree, Lehigh University, Supervisor of Elections . . Jeneva M. Flynn MA degree in Public Law R Government, Columbia SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI 0 NE RS University, LLB degree, University of Pennsylvania Seeber D. Goodman D. L. (Dave) Shuford Law School H. A. Lawson Ralph P. Bryan Wife's name — Charles Sawyer Z. W. Hamilton Jean Children — Rodney P. Hall George W. Roberts, Jr. two Johnnie Blaine Thompson Eddie Allen Church affiliation Roman Catholic Law enforcement background —elected Sheriff 1968 Military service —Coast Guard 1941-46, Navigator of USS BREVARD Admiral Hughes; Commanding Officer, USS Pueblo (not — County Seat Titusville the ship held by North Korea) SHERIFF Honors —Member, Florida Inter-Agency Law Enforcement LEIGH S. WILSON (R) Planning Council; President of Broward County Narcotics Born Brooklyn, New York, Guidance Council; former Commissioner-Mayor of Pom- April 4, 1909 pano Beach: Director of the First National Bank of Ft. Education —public schools of Lauderdale; served as State Chairman for Nixon-Agnew. Brooklyn, N. Y. Wife's name —Elizabeth OTHER BROWARD COUNTY OFFICIALS Children —two Court of Record Judges. . John G. Ferris Law enforcement background- M. Daniel Futch Delehanty Police Training Humes Truitt Lasher Institute; New York City Police Academy; Police James Reasbeck Nels Pearson College of New York City; various FBI courses; 20 years Robert W. Tyson with New York City Police Wm. Clayton Johnson (17 as a detective); 5 I/2 as Chief of Police in Melbourne Russell E. Seay, Jr. Beach; elected Sheriff 1962 for a two-year term; reelected James A. McCauley Court of Record Clerk in 1964 and 1968 Clyde L. Heath Court of Record Solicitor . . . James W. Geiger OTHER BREVARD COUNTY OFFICIALS County Judges. Paul Marko III Court of Record Judges. . . Anthony Hosemann, Jr. Joe Easthope Joseph A. Cowart, Jr. Juvenile Court Judges Richard Alan Radis Franklin Orlando Court of Record Clerk John A. Miller THE SHERIFF'S STAR Small Claims Court Judges . . Barbara Bridge CHARLOTTE Lawrence Meyer County Seat —Punta Gorda Stanton S. Kaplan Clerk of Circuit Court Jack Wheeler SHERIFF Tax Assessor William Markham JOHN PRESTON (JACK) BENT Tax Collector ...... W. H. Meeks, Jr. (R) School Superintendent . Ralph N. Staten Born —Peterborough, New Supervisor of Elections . Jane Carroll Hampshire, February 13, 1937 ' — ;, SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI 0 NE RS Education public schools of Milton, Massachusetts Robert Charles Fuller R. S. Whalen Wife's name —Karen Milton Brantferger J. W. Stevens Children —three Lyle E. (Tim) Anderson F. R. Humphries Church affiliation —Methodist Laura C. Jones Robert B. Barkelew Law enforcement background— H. Don Moore Robert E. Heubner investigator for the Florida Forest Service; five years with Florida Highway Patrol; De- CALHOUN puty Sheriff, three years; Florida Highway Patrol Train- County Seat —Blountstown ing School; Florida Law Enforcement Academy; FBI Training Sessions; appointed Sheriff 1967; elected 1968 SHERIFF Military service —U. S. Air Force W. C. REEDER (D) Honors —Chairman of Region V Planning Council; member of Born —Clarksville, Fla. , July the Florida Sheriffs Association's Board of Directors. 29, 1921 Education —public schools of OTHER CHARLOTTE COUNTY OFFICIALS Calhoun County County Judge John T. Rose, Jr. Wife's name —Estelle — County Prosecutor D. Frank Smoak, Jr. Children one Juvenile Court Judge...... John T. Rose, Jr. Church affiliation —Baptist r&' Small Claims Court Judge . . Allen J. Levin Law enforcement background— Clerk of Circuit Court . J. T. Lawhorne Florida Game and Fresh Tax Assessor . . Claude Roberts Water Fish Commission; Tax Collector Mrs. E. B. Yeager Deputy Sheriff three years; School Superintendent. . . James Longstreth elected Sheriff 1956, and Supervisor of Elections. .. Mrs. Jack Hindman currently serving fourth term Military service —U. S. Army, WW II SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Honors —served on Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch Board of Trustees. Paul Giroux Robert K. South Donald Birrell Robert W. Neal OTHER CALHOUN COUNTY OFFICIALS Floyd L. Pfeiffer H. W. Thompson County Judge J. L. Godwin Claire Reilly Howard V. Barr Juvenile Court Judge...... J. L. Godwin Donald J. Harris Maurice H. Bigelow Small Claims Court Judge . . James H. Berray Clerk of Circuit Court James A. Peacock, Jr. Tax Assessor Emory Bridges Tax Collector W. A. Ray School Superintendent. . . Howard Johnson CITRUS Seat —Inverness Supervisor of Elections. . . Mrs. Lucille Aultman County

SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIO NE RS SHERIFF BURTON R. QUINN (D) — Raymond Branton Grady Burkett Born Inverness, Fla. , June 8, 1921 Teddie Attaway James M. Dillard — Artie Hall E. G. Shelton Education public schools of William D. Price Mrs. Nadine H. Stone Citrus County Wife's — Bill Peacock D. M. Cox name Maryann Children —two Church affiliation —Methodist Law enforcement background— elected Sheriff 1952 and currently serving fifth term Military service —32nd Infantry Division, WW II, Philippine Liberation Ribbon with one Bronze Star. MARCH 1971 59 OTHER CITRUS COUNTY OFFICIALS COLLIER County Judge James E. Nick Connor County Seat —Naples Juvenile Court Judge. .. . James E. Nick Connor Clerk of Circuit Court Walter Connors Sl IERIFF Tax Assessor Edgar E. Tolle, Jr. E- A DOUG HENDRY (D) Tax Collector E. Van Anderson Born —Ft. Myers, Fla. , May 13, School Superintendent . . Roger Weaver 1924 Supervisor of Elections . . Mrs. Wilma Anderson Education —public schools of Ft. Mycrs SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Wife's name Margie Ruth Children —three — Horace Allen Ralph Rooks Church affiliation Methodist M. F. Zellner Ronald L. Dumas Law enforcement background Richard Kaufman Wilbur H. Langley, Sr. policeman in Ft. Myers and Wayne Rolph Owen Stephenson Naples Police departments; John F. Hodgkins Scy Hibbard, Jr. Collier County Deputy Sheriff four years; graduate of the FBI Academy; elected Sheriff 1956 and currently serving fourth term Military service —5th Infantry Division of the Third Army Honors —past president of the Florida Chapter of FBI Academy Associates; member of the Florida Sheriffs Boys CLAY Ranch Board of Trustees. County Seat —Green Cove Springs SHERIFF OTHER COLLIER COUNTY OFFICIALS JENNINGS MURRHEE (D) County Judge Richard M. Stanley Born —Green Cove Springs, County Prosecutor James H. McConnell Fla. , October 14, 1925 Juvenile Court Judge. .. . Richard M. Stanley Education —public schools of Small Claims Court Judge ...... Lynn D. Hixon Green Cove Springs Clerk of Circuit Court Margaret T. Scott Wife's name —Georgia Tax Assessor Sam J. Colding Children —two Tax Collector A. P. Ayers Church affiliation —Baptist School Superintendent .. John R. Murphy Law enforcement background- Supervisor of Elections . . Edna Cribb Santa elected Sheriff 1964 and currently serving second term; SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS attended Florida Law Enforcement Academy Lillian Miller A. C. Hancock Military service —U. S. Army, Doyle E. Kopp Lester Whitaker, Sr. WW II Jessie M. N. Stuebner Jack Kurke Honors —Chairman of the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch Board William H. Gracely Clifford W. Wenzel of Trustees; member of the Florida Sheriffs Association's Charlotte L. Olroyd Ewell F. Moore Board of Directors.

OTHER CLAY COUNTY OFFICIALS County Judge Thomas J. Rivers COLUMBIA Juvenile Court Judge...... Thomas J. Rivers County Seat —Lake City Small Claims Court Judge ...... James Norton Clerk of Circuit Court George L. Carlisle SHERIFF Tax Assessor Louise G. Smith HARRY J. SPRADLEY (D) Tax Collector E. Wayne Geiger Born —Lake City, Fla. , Septem- School Superintendent .. Jesse P. Tynes, Jr. ber 23, 1916 Supervisor of Elections .. Samuel D. Saunders Education —public schools of Lake City; Lake City Junior SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS College Wife's name —Katie Lee Robert M. Paterson Homer L. Newell Children —four R. T. Lovorn Elbert D. Saunders Church affiliation —Methodist Louise Knowles Olin S. Howard, Jr. Law enforcement background— J. Glenn Allred O. J. Murrhee, Sr. Lake City Police Department; Leon A. Baxley L. H. Lancaster Chief Deputy Sheriff of Columbia County for 13 years; elected Sheriff 1968 Honors —member of the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch Board of Trustees 60 THE SHERIFF'S STAR OTHER COLUMBIA COUNTY OFFICIALS County Judges. Frank B. Dowling John R. Blanton McDavid County Judge Terry George T. Clark William Haley County Attorney...... J. Arthur W. Primm Court ...... Terry McDavid Juvenile Judge. . Juvenile Court Judges Donald E. Stone Court . . Dale C. Ferguson Small Claims Judge Sidney M. Weaver Court W. E. Crews Clerk of Circuit Mrs. Dixie Herlong Theo Kirby Tax Assessor J. Chastain Alvin C. Hosford Tax Collector John V. Ferguson School Superintendent ... Silas Pittman Small Claims Court Judges .. James S. Rainwater Elections. . . Ethel MacDonald Supervisor of Sidney L. Scgall Morton L. Perry BOARD COMMISSI 0 NE RS SCHOOL Clerk of Circuit Court E. B. Leatherman Tax Assessor W. Wirt Culbertson B. Hunter June N. Epperson J. Tax Collector . Robert Overstreet H. Deas, Clifton J. Little John Jr. School Superintendent Dr. E. L. Whigham Maxwell Robert W. Capell David Supervisor of Elections Martin Braterman H. C. Pope Cline Feagle D. D. Weiffenbach Robert F. Bedenbaugh SCHOOL BOARD CONIMISSI ONE RS

William Lehman Harold A. Greene G. Holmes Braddock Earl J. Carroll Ben J. Sheppard Ben Shepard DADE Anna Brenner — Meyers Joyce Goldberg County Seat Miami Ethel Koger Beckham Alexander S. Gordon Crutcher Field Harrison Stephen P. Clark PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR William H. Turner S. A. Dansyear E. WILSON PURDY E. M. Starnes Born —State of Michigan, R. Hardy Matheson April 24, 1919 Education —BS degree in Police Administration, Michigan DeSOTO State University County Seat —Arcadia Wife's name —Jane SHERIFF — Children three FRANK E. CLINE (D) Church affiliation —Christian Born Arcadia, Fla. , Novem- Science ber 3, 1930 Law enforcement background— Education —public schools of FBI for 12 years; St. Peters- Arcadia burg Police Chief five years; Wife's name —Donna Jo Commissioner of Pennsyl- Children —four vania State Police three years; faculty member, Michigan Church affiliation —Baptist State University School of Police Administration; Law enforcement background— faculty member St. Petersburg Junior College, Police former Florida Highway Administration; appointed Public Safety Director- Patrolman and city policeman; Sheriff, Dade County, 1966 Deputy Sheriff for nine years; Military service —Captam, Military Police WW II, four elected Sheriff 1966 and years currently serving second term. Honors —National Council on Crime and Delinquency; appointed to President's Advisory Committee on Organized OTHER DeSOTO COUNTY OF F I C IALS Crime; member, Florida Inter-Agency Law Enforcement County Judge . Vincent T. Hall Planning Council (and Region VII Planning Council County Prosecutor William W. Dishong Chairman). Juvenile Court Judge...... Vincent T. Hall Clerk of Circuit Court Leslie E. Avant OTHER DADE COUNTY OFF ICIALS Tax Assessor Margaret McAnly Civil Court of Record Judges . . Boyce F. Ezell, Jr. Tax Collector Quitmon Brown Edward S. Klein School Superintendent...... Margaret R. Murphy James Hix Earnest Supervisor of Elections...... David Thornton Leland B. Featherstone John Red Lake SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Criminal Court of Record Judges ..Alfonso C. Sepe Murray Goodman James Westberry Harold D. Garner Jack M. Turner Robert Bevis William R. Avant Paul Baker Howard E. Sorrells R. L. (Bob) Wertz Ellen James Morphonios Aurin Collins Bruce Carlton Criminal Court of Record Clerk ..J. F. McCracken James D. Brewer Calvin C. Boggess MARCH 1971 61 DIXIE Planning Council); appointed to the Florida Police Standards Board; in 1968 became chief law enforcement County Seat —Cross City officer in a new local government structure that consoli- SHERIFF dated Duval County and City of Jacksonville. AL PARKER (D) Born —Cross City, Fla. , October :,jiiIiIi(k*' OTHE R 0 F F I C I ALS 17, 1912 CONSOLIDATED OF — CITY JACKSONVILLE Education public schools of (Duval County) Dixie County Wife's name —L. V. Mayor ...... Hans G. Tanzler, Jr. Law enforcement background— Criminal Court of Record Judges. ... .Everett R. Richardson elected Sheriff 1956 and R. Hudson Olliff currently serving fourth term Warren A. Nelson Military service —U. S. Army, Criminal Court of Record Clerk . ... John P. King WW II; Military Police Municipal Court Judges...... John E. Santora, Jr. Ambrose Olliff, Jr. County Judges...... McKenney J. Davis Page Haddock DIXIE OTHER COUNTY OFFICIALS Juvenile Court Judges Major B. Harding County Judge ...... Ike C. Harmon Gordon A. Duncan Juvenile Court Judge. . .. . Ike C. Harmon Small Claims Court Judges...... Cliff Sheppard Small Claims Court Judge ...... E. P. Greene John T. Trekell Clerk of Circuit Court .. .. .Cauley C. Copeland .. . . Clerk of Circuit Court ...... S. Morgan Slaughter Tax Assessor Hal Chewning Tax Assessor ...... , . . Robert A. Mallard Tax Collector ...... Grady Hires Tax Collector ...... H. School Superintendent . . H. F. Jones, Sr...... S. Albury School Supervisor of Elections .. Melba Lee Underhill Superintendent...... Dr. Cecil Hardesty Supervisor of Elections...... Harry M. Nearing SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI 0 NE RS SCHOOL BOARD

Earl Allen C. W. Stephenson Robert R. Storey Mrs. Gene W. Miller C. C. Johnson, Jr. L. E. Hatcher Cecil H. Jones Charles Bassett J.D. Cannon E. R. Sheppard C. C. McAllister Wendell P. Holmes, Jr. Gene Van Aernam Edward R. Osteen William E. Carter Roscoe Hurst John Obe Osteen COUNCILMEN

Jake M. Godbold I. M. Sulzbacher DUVAL Joe Carlucci Lynwood Roberts (Consolidated City of Jacksonville) Earl M. Johnson Walter Dickinson SHERIFF Don MacLean Jack Carter Wallace P. DALE CARSON (D) Covington John F. Lanahan Born —Amsterdam, Ohio, Johnny Sanders Oscar N. Taylor Mathis January 16, 1922 Sallye B. J. Earl Huntley K. .L. Moore Education —Criminology degree, (Bobby) Mary L. Singleton W. Ohio State University, 1949 E. Grissett, Jr. Homer H. Humphries, Jr. Wife's name —Doris Walter Williams, Jr. Children —three Church affiliation —Presby- ESCAMBIA terian County Seat —Pensacola Law enforcement background— SHERIFF FBI agent; Columbus, Ohio, ROYAL J. UNTREINER (D) Police Department; B K 0 Born —Roanoke, Indiana, Railroad detective; appointed November 8, 1905 Sheriff 1958, elected in Education —public schools of 1960, reelected 1964 and 1967 Pensacola, Fla. ; University of Military service —U. S. Army, WW II Florida, BA-Juris Dr. (LLB) Honors —served on the Florida Sheriffs Association Board of 1930 Directors and Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch Board of Wife's name —Ann Trustees; received Jacksonville Junior Chamber of Children —one Commerce "Good Government Award" 1964; Good Church affiliation —Methodist Government Award of 1967 from Arlington Civitan Club; Law enforcement background— immediate Past President of the Florida Sheriffs Associ- FBI National Academy, ation; member, Florida Inter-Agency Law Enforcement Washington, D. C., 1934-35; Planning Council (serving as Chairman of the Region III FBI Special Agent three years; 62 THE SHERIFF'6 STAR from 1938 to 1956, Special Agent in Charge of FBI offices SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS in Pittsburgh, Pa. ; El Paso, Texas; Newark, N. J.; Phila- delphia, Pa. ; Huntington, W. Va. ; Jackson, Miss. ; Little Raymon F. Tucker Louis M. Steflik Rock, Ark. ; Mobile, Ala. ; FBI Instructor; Escambia County Harold Emery C. H. Cowart Chief Deputy, 1957; appointed Acting Sheriff, August, Ernest W. Williams Otis S. Hunter 1970 Hershel King Thomas W. Durrance Military service —U. S. Army Tank Corps, 1930-35 J. D. Perritt Walton M. Kinney Honors —Assistant County Solicitor, Escambia County, 1932-33;State Representative 1933-34;appointe'd Escambia County Commissioner, Nov. , 1958; elected to FRANKLIN four-year term, Nov. 1960. County Seat —Apalachicola OTHER ESCAMBIA COUNTY OFFICIALS SHERIFF Court of Record Judges...... M. C. Blanchard JACK TAYLOR, JR. (D) . — Kirke M. Beall Born Washington County, Fla. , January 31, 1931 1,' Juvenile Division of the Court — of Record Judges...... Theodore F. Bruno Education public schools of Joseph M. Crowell Apalachicola Wife's name —Jeanette Court of Record Clerk Ernie Lee Magaha — Court of Record Solicitor . . . Carl H. Harper Children three County Judge William S. Rowley Church affiliation— Small Claims Court Judge . .. John G. O'Brien Methodist Clerk of Circuit Court Joe A. Flowers Law enforcement background— elected Sheriff 1968 Tax Assessor Jno. R. Jones — Tax Collector E. J. Gibbs, Jr. Military service U. S. Army, School Superintendent . . E. Hall 7 I/2 years . . J. — Supervisor of Elections. . . . Joe Oldmixon Other public offices Frank- lin County School Board mern ber. SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS OTHER FRANKLIN CO UNTY OFFICIALS County Judge . Eldon F. McLeod A. P. Bell, Sr. Sherman Barnes County Prosecutor C. H. Bourke Floyd Richard S. Leeper Jack Kenney Juvenile Court Judge...... Eldon F. McLeod Peter R. Gindl Grady Albritton Small Claims Court Judge ...... V. J.Allen, Jr. Carl West C. Henry C. Lane Clerk of Circuit Court Robert L. Howell L. D. McArthur Sam G. Armour Tax Assessor Fred W. Richards Tax Collector . Gerald S. Watkins FLAGLER School Superintendent...... Curtis McLean County Seat —Bunnell Supervisor of Elections...... Norma Lea Smith SHERIFF SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS P. A. EDMONSON (D) Born —Russelville, Kentucky, R. C. Watkins Ikie D. Wade February 18, 1922 B.W. Neel Cecil Varnes Education —public schools of Carl D. Prd C. C. Land Bunnell F. B.Mayson C. D. Galloway, Jr. Wife's name —Frances Photis Nichols Tommy Jack Massey Children —two Church affiliation —Baptist GADSDEN Law enforcement background- County Seat —Quincy Flagler County Deputy Sheriff; Chief of Police and Constable; Sher- appointed Gadsden County Sheriff Robert L. iff 1965; elected in 1968 Martin died February and Military service —U. S. Army, 27, 1971, WW II I James Mitchell, his former chief deputy, Honors —served as member of the Florida Sheriffs Boys was serving as acting Sheriff at the time Ranch Board of Trustees. this issue of The Sheriff's Star went OTHER FLAGLER COUNTY OFFICIALS to press. Appointment of Sheriff Martin' s successor will be made County Judge T. K. McKnight by Governor Juvenile Court Judge...... T. K. McKnight Reubin Askew, and will be reported Small Claims Court Judge ...... Cora L. Buckles in the next issue. Clerk of Circuit Court ...... George M. Moody Tax Assessor Donald R. Moore Tax Collector Dale B.Brown, Jr. School Superintendent...... James O. Craig Supervisor of Elections...... Mary E. Smith MARCH 1971 63 OTHER GADSDEN COUNTY OFFICIALS GLADES County Judge H. Y. Reynolds County Seat—Moore Haven County Prosecutor ...... William D. Lines SHERIFF Juvenile Court Judge...... H. Y. Reynolds ROY D. LUNDY (D) Clerk of Circuit Court Edwin Baur Born —Moore Haven, Fla. , Tax Assessor De Vane Mason March 23, 1927 Tax Collector . W. A. Summerford Education public schools of School Superintendent. ... . M. D. Walker Glades County Supervisor of Elections. . . . Love Hutchinson . J. Wife's name —Irene Children —two SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Church affiliation— Methodist Cecil V. Butler Fred Shelfer G. Law enforcement background— E. H. Fletcher Lamar Massey Deputy Sheriff, Glades C. W. Harbin, Jr. Murray Spooner County; elected Sheriff Norman McMillan Thomas L. Maxwell 1956; currently servmg his Will Sr. I. Ramsey, Ben S. Duncan fourth term — GILCHRIST Military service U. S. Navy County Seat —Trenton OTHER GLADES CO UNTY OFFICIALS SHERIFF County Judge . A. E. Wells CHARLIE PARRISH (D) Juvenile Court Judge...... A. E. Wells Clerk of Circuit Court Born —Gilchrist County, Fla. , James H. Dilley March 21, 1910 Tax Assessor J. C. Sealey Education —public schools Tax Collector . W L Brooks of Gilchrist County School Superintendent...... L. E. Strope Wife's name —Iris Supervisor of Elections...... Esther B. Klutts Church Affiliation —Church of Christ SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Law enforcement background— D. Witt Chief Deputy Sheriff for Loyd John R. Langdale R. Wendell Click 10 years; appointed Sheriff Sam Farabee Johnson 1967, elected in 1968 Joanna W. H. Peeples Elizabeth Crews James O. Woodward Warren Brown Tommy Bronson OTHER GILCHRIST COUNTY OFFICIALS County Judge . Miller Lang Juvenile Court Judge...... Miller Lang Small Claims Court Judge ...... William O. Clifton GULF Clerk of Circuit Court Horace Thomas County Seat —Port St. Joe Tax Assessor D. Ray Harrison, Jr. Tax Collector . M. J. Hall SHERIFF School Superintendent...... Eli M. Read BYRD E. PARKER (D) — Supervisor of Elections...... Willie Mae Jones Born Opp, Alabama, May 22, 1894 — SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Education public schools of Opp Wife's name —Alma Roy M. Wilson Addy Jones — Elvin Mathews Cecil Corbin Children one Law enforcement background— Roosevelt Stalvey W. B. (Bud) Mathis elected Sheriff is Robert Lindsey H. E. Douglas 1936, currently his ninth Clyde Townsend Eudell Watson serving term, which makes him the SHERIFF MURRHEE HEADS RANCH TRUSTEES "Dean" of Florida Sheriffs Military service —U. S. Army, Sheriff Murrhee of Green Cove WW I Clay County Jennings — Springs, is the new chairman of the Florida Sheriffs Boys Other public offices served as member of Gulf County Ranch Board of Trustees. School Board. He succeeds the late Bay County Sheriff M. J. "Doc" OTHER GULF COUNTY OFFICIALS Daffin, of Panama City, who died January 29, 1971. County Judge . Sam P. Husband Officers serving with Sheriff Murrhee on the Board County Prosecutor ...... Cecil G. Costin, Jr. include Alachua County Sheriff Joe Crevasse, Jr., of Gaines- Juvenile Court Judge...... Sam P. Husband ville, Secretary; Boys Ranch Executive Director Harry K. Small Claims Court Judge ...... Roy F. Irwin Weaver, Assistant Secretary; and J. L. McMullen, of Live Clerk of Circuit Court ...... George Y. Core Oak, Treasurer. Tax Assessor Samuel A. Patrick 64 THE SHERIFF'S STAR Tax Collector ...... Harland O. Pridgeon Department of Education, Florida Peace Officers Associ- School Superintendent .. R. Marion Craig ation and Civil Defense; completed course with the Supervisor of Elections .. Mrs. Dessie I,ee Parker Institute of Applied Science; elected Sheriff 1964 and is currently serving his second term SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI 0 NE RS Military service —Florida National Guard Honors —member, Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch Board of William Roemer, Sr. F. R. Pippin Trustees. Gene Raffield A. L. Davis J. K. Whitfield S. C. Player OTHER HARDEE COUNTY OFFICIALS B.J. Rich, Sr. Leo Kennedy County Judge...... Clyde Maddox Way Ion Graham Walter Graham County Prosecutor John J. Nedza Juvenile Court Judge...... Clyde Maddox Clerk of Circuit Court Ben Coker HAMILTON Tax Assessor D. Reid Stewart — County Seat Jasper Tax Collector ...... Curtis Ezelle SHERIFF School Superintendent...... Dr. James G. Smith CHARLIE C. RHODEN (D) Supervisor of Elections...... Lorne Yetter Born —Hamilton County, Fla. , April l5, l925 SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Education —public schools of Hamilton County J A Albritton Jr Tom B. Cooper Wife's name —Nell Nell K. Barlow Ralph Sm-ith Children —two Ronnie Gilliard Conrad Moye Church affiliation Methodist R. L. Fisher Luke Waldron Law enforcement background Doyle Knight James Cowart elected Sheriff 1956, is currently serving his fourth term Military service U. S. Army, WW II; Army Reserve, HENDRY County Seat —LaBelle Military Police. SHERIFF 'j'* OTHER HAMILTON CO UNTY 0 F F I C I ALS EARI. S. DYESS, SR. (D) — County Judge ...... John H. McCormick Born LaBelle, Fla. , July 3, Juvenile Court Judge...... John H. McCormick l92l Clerk of Circuit Court J. R. Miller Education public schools of Tax Assessor F. Kenneth Tuten Hendry and Palm Beach Tax Collector ...... Ulma Braswell counties .... James L. Dunaway Wife's name —Dorothy School Superintendent. — Supervisor of Elections. .. . . Ann C. Malpas Children two Law enforcement background— and SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI ONE RS elected Sheriff 1960 currently serving third term — Ts Johnny Butler Joel C. Selph Military service U. S. Navy, WW 11 J. Lane Bullard Henry Bembry — Bill A. Smith Maurice Bennett Honors Hendry County Clinton S. Mitchell Jerry B. Smith Commissioner four years; president AFL-CIO Union of W. M. (Matt) Marable L. A. Edenfield Hendry County. OTHER HENDRY COUNTY OFFICIALS HARDEE County Judge ...... Broward N. Parsons County Seat —/Vauchula County Prosecutor ...... H. P. Johnson SHERIFF Juvenile Court Judge...... Broward N. Parsons NEWTON H. MURDOCK (D) Small Claims Court Judge ...... H. P. Johnson Born —Ashford, Alabama, Clerk of Circuit Court ...... Dorothy M. Clark January 24, 1934 Tax Assessor ...... Lucille Small Education —public schools in Tax Collector ...... T. E. Hedges Winter Haven School Superintendent ...... Clarence J. Chapman Wife's name —Christine Supervisor of Elections...... Elizabeth J. Foote Children —three Church affiliation —Baptist SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Law enforcement background— Florida Highway Patrol Elsie Y. Futch Sammy Langford Trooper; attended Florida Beauford Davidson Donald Davis Law Enforcement Academy; Thermon L. O'Bannon Donald E. Pratt completed courses offered by Abner H. Vann R. R. Hooks Florida State University, State Raymond Pittman Gratton H. George MARCH 1971 65 HERNANDO OTHER HIGHLANDS COUNTY OFFICIALS County Seat —Brooksville County Judge Mervin Rehrer SHERIFF Juvenile Court Judge...... Mervin Rehrer Small Claims Court Judge ...... David F. Lanier SIM L. LOWMAN (D) Clerk of Circuit Court Earl Rich Born —lstachatta, Fla. , Septem- Tax Assessor W. (Billy) Martin ber 13, 1912 J. Tax Collector W. H. Prescott Education —public schools of School Superintendent. . . .. George Douglass Hernando County Supervisor of Elections. . . .. Roland X. Droit Wife's name —Eleanor Children —four SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Church affiliation —Methodist Law enforcement background— E. Ray Wells Cecil P. Skipper wildlife officer with Florida John W. Wirick, Jr. Norman Heston Game and Fresh Water Fish Henry G. Bailey Andrew B.Jackson Commission; elected Sheriff Ted R. Cason Ben H. McGee in 194I1 and is currently G. Franklin Ward Robert Skipper serving sixth term Military service —WW 11 veteran Honors —Lifetime member of the National Rifle Association; served as a trustee of the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch; President of the Sheriffs Association, 1965; currently a HILLSBOROUGH member of the Association's Board of Directors. County Seat —Tampa OTHER HERNANDD COUNTY OFFICIALS SHERIFF Monroe W. Treiman County Judge . MALCOLM BEARD (D) County Prosecutor E. S. MacKenzie Born —Moultrie, Georgia, Juvenile Court Judge Monroe W. Treiman February 21, 1919 Clerk of Circuit Court Norman Paul Hinchman Education —public schools of Tax Assessor Thelma Wimberley Tampa; University of Tampa Tax Collector . Irene B. Kilpatrick Wife's name —Mary Ellen School Superintendent . .... James Kenneth Austin Children —two Supervisor of Elections. . . . . Agnes M. Goethe Church affiliation —Christian Church SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Law enforcement background- Det. Sgt. Tampa Police Frank W. Springstead Murray Grubbs Department; Special Investi- H. E. Coburn Charles R. Smith gator, Hillsborough County Wilbur Messer James T. Stenholm Solicitor's Office; Super- "Mac" Angus McKinnon J. R. Underwood visor, State Beverage Department; Chief of Police, Tampa; Leland P. McKeown John W. Rice Constable, Hillsborough County; FBI National Academy; elected Sheriff in 1964; reelected in 1968 Military service —U. S. Navy, WW Il Honors —Past President, Justices of the Peace and Constables Association; Past President, FBI National Academy Asso- ciates of Florida; member, Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch HIGHLANDS Board of Trustees; Vice President of the Florida Sheriffs Association, and member of the Board of Directors; County Seat —Sebring President of Boys Clubs of Tampa; served on State SHERIFF Commission on Human Relations; a past State Director O. L. RAULERSON (D) of National Sheriffs' Association; recipient of the Born —Okeechobee, Fla. , August Governor's Medal; received Optimists International 17, 1941 (Florida District) Law Enforcement Award. Education —public schools of Okeechobee OTHER HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY OFFICIALS Wife's name —Judy Court of Record Judges ...... Walter N. Burnside, Jr. Children —two Harry Lee Coe III Church affiliation —Baptist Civil Court of Record Judge ...... Henry O. Wilson Law enforcement background— Court of Record Clerk L. D. Simmons several FBI training sessions; County Judges. William C. Brooker Florida Highway Patrol for Harry McDonald six years; Highlands County Nick Falsone Deputy Sheriff; Chief Deputy County Solicitor ...... E. J. Salcines Sheriff; appointed Sheriff in Juvenile Court Judges ...... O. D. Howell, Jr. September, 1970 after death of Sheriff Joe D. Keene James P. Calhoun Military service —U. S. Air Force. Phillip L. Knowles

THE SHERIFF'S STAR Clerk of Circuit Court James F. Taylor, Jr. INDIAN RIVER Tax Assessor R. R. (Bob) Walden County Seat —Vero Beach Tax Collector K. C. Bullard Superintendent . . 0. Shelton SHFRlrF School Raymond 'I'. Supervisor of Elections . . James A. Scbesta SAt&I JOYCE (D) Born Canal Point, Fla. , March SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI 0 NE RS 25, l921 Education —public schools of Bob Bondi Clarence E. Prevatt Palm Beach County Wife's name Carl L. Carpenter, Jr. Rudy H. Rodriguez Betty Church affiliation —Baptist Hugo Schmidt Frank Neff Law enforcement background— Cecil&. Waterman Essrig Ellsworth G. Simmons Florida Highway Patrol Roland H. I,ewi» R. F. Campo Trooper; Deputy Slrcriff; James Ray Thomlrson appointed Slreriff in 1954; Bill H. Hill, Jr. el&.cted to a two-year term in / 1954, reelected in 1956; HOLMES currently serving his fourth full term County Seat —Bonifay Military service —WW 11 veteran Honors —President of Vero 13eaclr Kiwanis Club, 1959; SHERIFF Junior Chamber of Commerce "Good Government HARVIE J. BEI.SER (D) Award, " 1960; President of Vero Beach Shrine Club, Born —l,eonia, Fla. , June 3, l 964; member of Florida Slreriffs Boys Ranch Board I ') 17 of Trustees; Clrairman, Region VI Law Enforcrmcnt Education Campbell's Busi- Planning Council. ness College; prr-law at ('rorge Waslrington Univer- OTHER INDIAN RIVER COUNTY OFFICIALS sity; I.LB drgr«. ;, National County Judge Miles B. Mank II Univ&;rsity, l947 County Prosecutor Frank M. Appleby Wife's name —Nancy Caroline Juvenile Court Judge...... Miles B. Mank II Children —five Small Claims Court Judge ...... Chester E. Clem, Jr. Church affiliation —Baptist Clerk &&I'(."ircuit C&rurt Ralplr Harris Law &.nforcemcnt background— Tax Assessor Homer C. Fletcher 1J. S. (.'apitol and Senate Tax Collector Gene E. Morris Police Forces; el&.cted Slreriff School Superintendent ...... J. A. Thompson in l96(3 Supervisor of Elections...... Mrs. Rosemary Richey Military se&rvice —U. S. Air Force. , WW 11 Honors —County Prosecuting Attorney, Holmes County, SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI ONE RS five years; Florida House of Representatives, four years; ol' Florida Senate, four years; attorney, Board Public Rivers Anderson Edward J. Massey Instruction, Holmes County, two years; has practiced D. K. Richardson Richard P. Bogosian criminal and civil law in Florida and Federal trial and L. D. Baker Alma Lec Loy appellate courts for past 20 years; listed in Marquis Who' s Warren T. Zeuch, Jr. Jack U. Dritenbas Who in the South and Southwest and World Wlro's Who R. G. DuBose D. B. McC, ullers, Jr. in Commerce and Industry; served on Board of Governors of tire Florida Bar Association; past president of the l4tlr Judicial Circuit Bar Association. OTHER HOLMES COUNTY OFFICIALS JACKSON County Judge . Louis K. Hutchinson County Seat —Marianna County Attorney...... A. P. Drummond SHF RlrF Juvcnilc Court Judg»...... Louis K. Hutchinson W. BARKLEY GAIiSE Clerk of Circuit Court Jack Faircloth (D) Born —Marianna, Fla. June Tax Assessor William R. Slay , 3, 1900 Tax Collector . W. C. (Ben) Jones Education —public schools of School Superintendent . . Gerald Commander Jackson County Supervisor of Elections . . Julius W. Phillips Wife's name —Bertie Children —three SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI 0 NE RS Church affiliation —Mormon Law «rrforcement background- Hubert Hendrix Jesse 13urgess J. elcctcd Sheriff 1940; reelec- William E. Faircloth (."harlcs Q. Padgett ted in 1944, 1960, 1964 and Glynn T. Meadows James H. King I ')6B Russell Dean Will R. Saunders George Lewis T. A. Russ. MARCH 1971 67 OTHER JACKSON COUNTY OFFICIALS LAFAYETTE County Judge R. Robert Brown County Seat —Mayo County Prosecutor John E. Roberts Juvenile Court Judge...... R. Robert Brown Small Claims Court Judge ...... R. Rush Cowherd III Lafayette County Sheriff J. W. "Sue" Clerk of Circuit Court Raymond R. Bruner Pridgeon was suspended by Governor Tax Assessor Harvey E. Sexton Reubin Askew, and Stanley Cannon Tax Collector . Olin Brewer was serving as acting Sheriff when this School Superintendent. .. . Robert E. Childs issue of The Sheriff's Star went to of Elections. . Pitman Supervisor .. Alyne McQuagge press. Appointment of Sheriff Pridgeon's successor will be made by the Governor SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS and will be reported in the next issue. E. D. Patterson, Jr. Neal Carter R. B. Beall C. B. Sapp, Jr. Hubert F. Brock Lester Sims J. Milton Pittman M. A. Schack W. H. Neel Fred Williams


JEFFERSON County Judge Foye W. O'Steen County Seat —Monticello Juvenile Court Judge. .. . Foye W. O'Steen Clerk of Circuit Court Paul Trawick SHERIFF Tax Assessor G. W. Hicks, Jr. DON R. WATSON (R) Tax Collector Thetis F. Dees Born —Winston-Salem, North School Superintendent . . Philip A. Clark Carolina, October 9, 1942 Supervisor of Elections . . Bermice Dees Education —public schools of Jefferson County; BS degree SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS in Criminology from Florida State University; corres- J. A. Broughton Talmadge Lawson pondence courses from the Albert Land Norman E. Jackson Institute of Applied Science J. C. Hurst Lewin Jones Wife's name —Rebecca A. D. Jackson Hayward Folsom Children —three Dale Buchanan Sidney Adams Church affiliation —Baptist Law enforcement background- supervisor for the State Parole Commission in Hendry and Glades counties; Classification Officer with State Division of Corrections; appointed LAKE Sheriff 1967; elected in 1961I County Seat —Tavares Ilonors —member of the Sheriffs Association's Board of Directors. SHERIFF WILLIS V. McCALL (D) Born —Umatilla, Fla. , July 21, OTHER JEFFERSON COUNTY OFFICIALS 1909 Education —public schools of County Judge Kenneth E. Cooksey Umatilla County Prosecutor Henry Chester Hamilton Wife's name —Doris Juvenile Court Judge...... Kenneth E. Cooksey Children —three Small Claims Court Judge . J. Birney Linn Church affiliation Methodist Clerk of Circuit Court Mrs. Eleanor B.Hawkins Law enforcement background— Tax Assessor Steve C. Walker, Jr. Federal and State Inspection Tax Collector Letty H. Flewellen Service with Florida Depart- School Superintendent. .. Desmond Bishop ment of Agriculture; elected Supervisor of Elections. . . Ed Ritter, Jr. Sheriff 1944; currently serving his seventh term SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Honors Past President of Florida and Lake County Horse- men's Associations; Past President of Florida State Elks Walter Ouida M. Anderson B. Edwards, Jr. Association; member and former Chairman of the Harry- James Boland, Jr. W. T. Anderson Anna Hospital Board of Directors; Past President of the Virgil J. Davis William W. Bullock Florida Sheriffs Association; served on the Association's William H. Harrell T. B. Walker Board of Directors, and the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch C. J. Reams Norman H. Hartsfield Board of Trustees. 68 THE SHERIFF'S STAR OTHER LAKE COUNTY OFFICIALS SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS County udges. William A. Milton, Jr. J Morton A. Goldberg Bruce Scott L. R. Huffstetler, Jr. J. Mrs. Rayma Page James Sweeney County Prosecutor . . . John C. Williams, Jr. Dr. Robert Anderson Kenneth Daniels Juvenile Court Judge...... William A. Milton, Jr. Howard DeVore Julian L. Hudson Small Claims Court . . . Ernest C. Aulls, Jr. Judge Michael C. Tice Walter Shirey Clerk of Circuit Court Frank E. Owens Tax Assessor R. G. Cassady Tax Collector Paul H. Reed School Superintendent . .. Clyde E. Stevens Supervisor of Elections. . . Katherine L. Baker

SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS LEON M. O. Williams C. A. Deems County Seat —Tallahassee K. Barbara Wyckoff James R. Carson, Jr. Paul William Bryan J. M. Hoskinson SHERIFF Donald L. Berry Thomas J. Windram RAYMOND HAMLIN, JR. (D) Richard H. Langley Kenneth Van Auken Born —LaFayette County, Fla. , October 16, 1923 Education —public schools of LaFayette, Highlands and Leon counties; Lively Voca- tional and Technical School, LEE Tallahassee; attended Florida State University, Tallahassee County Seat —Fort Myers Wife's name —Iris Children —four SHERIFF Church affiliation —Baptist FLANDERS G. THOMPSON (D) Law enforcement background— Born —Swainsboro, Georgia, Clerk, Municipal Court of 1915 April 25, Tallahassee; Sergeant, Tallahassee Police Department; Education —public schools of Chief Criminal Investigator, Leon County Sheriff's Lee County Department; licensed and bonded private investigator; Wife's name —Minnie elected Sheriff in 1968. Law Enforcement Training; Children —two — Florida Police Academy; University of Florida Church affiliation Methodist Traffic Institute Law enforcement background— Military service —Sgt. , Infantry, WW II Florida Patrol, nine Highway Honors —cited for bravery in Line of Duty, as police officer, years; elected Sheriff 1948; by the Tallahassee City Commission; Chairman of Region I his sixth currently serving Law Enforcement Planning Council; appointed to the term State Division of Youth Services Advisory Council, 1969; service — Infantry Military 91st Past Master, Jackson Lodge F R AM; Past District Deputy Division, WW II — Grand Master, Fifth Masonic District of Florida; member, Honors Boards of Directors of: Lee County Mental Health Florida Sheriffs Association Board of Directors. Association, Lee County Association for Retarded Children, United Fund, Lee County Health and Welfare Council, OTHER LEON COUNTY OFFICIALS American Cancer Society; District Committeeman for Boy Scouts of America; Civilian Advisory Board of the Salvation County Judge James C. Gwynn Army', Past President of the Florida Sheriffs Association; County Prosecutor John A. Rudd former Chairman of the Sheriffs Association's Board of Juvenile Court Judge...... Rufus O. Jefferson Directors; currently a member of the Board of Directors. Small Claims Court Judge . Robert C. Dean Clerk of Circuit Court Paul F. Hartsfield OTHER LEE COUNTY OFFICIALS Tax Assessor John P. Brown Tax Collector Roy E. Lett Court of Record Judge ... William Lamar Rose School Superintendent . . . F. W. Ashmore County Judge . Thomas W. Shands Supervisor of Elections. . . Wilma S. Sullivan County Prosecutor John Savage Juvenile Court Judge...... SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Small Claims Court Judge . Joseph C. Adderly Clerk of Circuit Court D. T. Farabee Billy F Ketcham Jack Levins Tax Assessor Harry Schooley Barbara Phillips J. B. McCollum Tax Collector . Dawson McDaniel Peter W. Everett Jack G. Whiddon School Superintendent. .. Ray L. Williams Mike Beaudoin William C. Holley III Supervisor of Elections. .. Mrs. Clarence Clutz Broward P. Davis Tom I. Brown, Jr. MARCH 1971 69 LEVY SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS County Seat —Bronson Lee Copeland Bill Minton SHERIFF Willie Linwood Williams Tony N. Grantham PAT HARTLEY (D) Ras B. Hill Richard Phillips Born —Morriston, Fla. June 18, , Robert Walden 1925 Raymond Kever Jack E. Summers Joe Edd Ward Education —public schools of Levy County and Plant City Wife's name —Mora MADISON Children —seven County Seat —Madison — Church affiliation Baptist SHERIFF enforcement Law background— SIMEON H. (SIMMIE) Florida Law Enforcement MOORE (D) command Academy course; Born —Rock Hill, South Caro- elected Sheriff in 1964 and lina, January 10, 1911 is currently serving his Education —public schools of second term Rock Hill; attended Clemson Military service —U. S. Army Engineers, WW II College, Clemson, South OTHER LEVY COUNTY OFFICIALS Carolina Wife's name —Monteen County Judge ...... Albert C. Simmons Children —two County Prosecutor H. S. Wilson, Jr. Church affiliation —Methodist Juvenile Court Judge...... Albert C. Simmons Law enforcement background— Small Claims Court Judge . . S. E. Wasson Florida Highway Patrol Clerk of Circuit Court Ernest Stephens Trooper; elected Sheriff in Tax Assessor Dogan S. Cobb 1948; currently servrng his sixth term. Tax Collector ...... C. D. Tummond, Jr. OTHER MADISON COUNTY OFFICIALS School Superintendent. . . Lee Martin Supervisor of Elections . Artha Spillane County Judge...... Donald Wayne Davis County Prosecutor ...... Edwin B. Browning, Jr. SCHOOL BOARD CO MMISSI 0 NE RS Juvenile Court Judge ...... Donald Wayne Davis Small Claims Court Judge ...... Arthur C. Colson Wayne Beauchamp Donald Holmes Clerk of Circuit Court ...... Dale M. Leslie R. H. Ross Charles Hardce Tax Assessor ...... Wilbur G. Rutherford Richard A. Lynch Sam L. Standridge Tax Collector ...... Pat Millinor Floyd Taylor R. B. Davis School Superintendent ...... Griffin Bishop L. H. Arrington L. K. Blitch Supervisor of Elections...... Mrs. J. C. Burnett LIBERTY SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI ONE RS County Seat —Bristol H. Phillips Krrk Prttman '„1sj, *, J. SHERIFF A. W. Waldrep Grover C. Cone LINK C. RANKIN (D) — Homer E. Bailey Coleman Richardson Born Bristol, Fla. , January 8, Pat Buie Clyde King 1916 James Owen Lester Ratliff Education —public schools of Liberty County Wife's name —Vella MANATEE Children —four County Seat —Bradenton Church affiliation —Baptist SHERIFF Law enforcement background— RICHARD W. WEITZENFELD Deputy Sheriff; elected ',"'„'j Sheriff in 1956 and is (R) Born —Chicago, Illinois, currently serving his fourth November 1919 term 24, Education —graduated Morgan Military service —U. S. Army, Park Junior College, 1939; WW II. attended Purdue University, OTHER LIBERTY CO UNTY OFFICIALS 1940; received BS equivalent County Judge ...... J. Rayburn Peddie from U. S. A. F. Institute of Juvenile Court Judge...... J. Rayburn Peddie Technology, 1948 Clerk of Circuit Court W. A. Woodward Wife's name —Phyllis Tax Assessor Wilford M. Deason Church affiliation —Jewish Tax Collector ...... Lester W. Summers Law enforcement background— School Superintendent...... O. B. Shuler appointed Sheriff in 1967; Supervisor of Elections...... Clara Belle Revcll elected Sheriff in l 968 70 THE SHERIFF'S STAR ( Military service —21 years U. S. Air Force; combat squadron SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS WW II; decorations include Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross with Oak Leaf Cluster, Bronze Star Medal, Van E. Staton L. V. Curry Air Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, and the French Harold G. Floyd Ned Folks Croix de Guerre; retired as a Lt. Col. Carl C. Freimuth J. G. Kirkland Honors —Senior Member, U. S. Power Squadrons; Honorary Leslie Turner Paul Melin Member Royal Thai Air Force; listed in "Who's Who in Gerald Anderson George M. Rou, Jr. Yachting"; member of Florida Inter-Agency Law Enforce- ment Planning Council; member of Florida Sheriffs Boys MARTIN Manatee Ranch Board of Trustees; Vice Chairman, County Seat —Stuart District, Sunnyland Boy Scout Council. OTHER MANATEE COUNTY OFFICIALS SHERIFF Court ot Record Judge . Robert H. Schultz ROY C. BAKER (D) — County Judge...... Claflin Garst, Jr. Born Micanopy, Fla. , Decem- County Prosecutor R. J. Marshall ber 4, 1909 — Juvenile Court Judge. ... Claflin Garst, Jr. Education public schools of Clerk of Circuit Court M. T. McInnis Alachua and Palm Beach Tax Assessor Hiram Strickland counties; attended University Tax Collector ...... Gilbert E. Johnson of Florida — School Superintendent . Jack L. Davidson Church affiliation Methodist Supervisor of Elections . Mable W. Davis Law enforcement background— Assistant Chief of Police, SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI 0 NE RS Delray Beach, for 5 I/2 years; Chief of Police, Stuart, for C. W. Lacy Charles K. Burton six years; elected Sheriff in Robert C. White Dan P. McClure l952; currently serving his Theodore H. Griffin Lawrence Fortson, Jr. fifth term Alan Pledger Murray Kenneth D. Dierks Military service —U. S. Army, Mili tary Police. Hutches Mary Yelvington Robert C. OTHER MARTIN COUN TY OFFICIALS County Judge Mallory L. Johnson MARION County Prosecutor ... William A. Oughterson County Seat —Ocala Juvenile Court Judge...... Mallory L. Johnson Small Claims Court Judge ...... Harold W. Long, Jr. SHERIFF Clerk of Circuit Court Dorothy Pierce DOUG WILLIS (D) Tax Assessor . . Ellsworth Schnurbusch Born —Gloucester, North Tax Collector Alvin N. Andrews Carolina, April 22, 1907 School Superintendent...... Vincent J. Navitsky Wil'e's name —Florence Supervisor of Elections...... Isabel Evans Smith Children —one Church affiliation —Methodist SCHOOL BOARD C OMMISSI 0 NE RS Law enforcement background— Florida Patrol; Highway Barbara Britton Paul Bryant Sheriff; various law Deputy Charles E. Covington Frank A. Wacha enforcement schools present- Joseph S. Greenlees William G. Myers the Florida Police ed by FBI, Frank DeStefano William E. Owens Academy and Florida Sher- Howard M. Way Timer E. Powers iffs Bureau; elected Sheriff in 1960; currently serving MONROE his third term County Seat —Key West Military service —U. S. Marine Corps, WW II Honors —Past Chancellor Commander of Knights of Pythias; SHERIFF member of the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch Board of ROBERT L. (BOBBY) BROWN Board's Trustees, Chairman of the Executive Committee; (D) Enforce- Chairman of the Region II Inter-Agency Law Born —Key West, Fla. , April 13, ment Planning Council. 1931 OTHER MARION COUNTY OFFICIALS Education —Catholic and public County Judge J. Elwyn Leak schools of Monroe County; County Prosecutor ...... E. G. Musleh Deck Officers' School, U. S. Juvenile Court Judge...... J. Elwyn Leak Maritime Service Small Claims Court Judge ...... Victor Musleh Wife's name —Betty Clerk of Circuit Court ...... John F. Nicholson Children —six Tax Assessor Charles Fleming Church affiliation —Catholic Tax Collector . Porter Priest Law enforcement background— School Superintendent...... R. M. Dunwoody detective, Key West Police Supervisor of Elections...... Fannie R. Pasteur Department; criminal inves- MARCH 1971 71 chief tigator and investigator, Monroe County Sheriff's SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI 0 NE RS Department; chief probation officer, Monroe County Juvenile Court; graduate of police science and administra- Lee Draper, Jr. Harry Poole tion course, Southern Police Institute, University of W. D. Rodeffer J. W. Jones Louisville (Ky.); various police schools including FBI Walter J. Murray James S. Stevens Fingerprint Classification and Firearms Training sessions; Hubert N. Vanzant David H. Buchanan, Jr. elected Sheriff in 1968 Norman M. Ogilvie John F. Armstrong, Sr. Military service —U. S. Merchant Marine, Korean War Honors —Junior Chamber of Commerce, "Outstanding Law OKALOOSA Enforcement Officer of the Year", 1959; named "Honor- County Seat —Crcstvieiv Citizen", of New Orleans, Louisiana, ary 1960, for SHERIFF outstanding cooperation in the field of police work; Past RAY WILSON (D) Exalted Ruler and Honorary Life Member of the Elks; Education —graduate of Past President, Monroe County Juvenile Council; Crestview High school Neighborhood Commissioner, Boys Scouts of America; Wife's name —Virginia member of the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch Board Children —four of Trustees. Church affiliation —Baptist OTHER MONROE COUNTY OFFICIALS Law enforcemcnt background— Criminal Court of Record Judge. . . . Jack A. Saunders elected Sheriff in 1956; Criminal Court of Record Clerk .. . . Louis Carbonell currently serving his fourth Criminal Court of Record Solicitor . . Nathan E. Eden term County Judge . Helio Gomez Military service —Seventh Juvenile Court Judge...... Bill G. Chappell Infantry Division, Korea Small Claims Court Judge ...... Paul E. Esquinaldo Honors —served on Florida Sher- Clerk of Circuit Court ...... Earl R. Adams iffs Boys Ranch Board of Tax Assessor Joe Allen Trustees and Florida Sheriffs Association Board of Tax Collector . Harry F. Knight Directors. School Superintendent...... Armando J. Henriquez OTHER OKALOOSA COUNTY OFFICIALS Supervisor Elections...... William Billy Freeman of County Judge Joe Livingston SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI 0 NE RS County Prosecutor ...... C. LeDon Anchors Juvenile Court Judge...... Joe Livingston Sydney E. Mathews John W. Parker Small Claims Court Judge ...... Voncile W. Fratangelo Enoch H. Walker William A. Freeman, Jr. Clerk of Circuit Court...... Cecil L. Anchors Wilhelmina G. Harvey Harry S. Pritchard Tax Assessor Rhett E. Cadenhead Robert A. Dion William Carter Tax Collector Joseph G. Stokes Ruth Alice Campbell Harry Harris School Superintendent ...... Max Bruncr, Jr. Supervisor of Elections...... Elsie B.Garrett NASSAU SCHOOL BOARD CONIMISSIONE RS Seat —Fernandina Beach County Charles P. Ferdon Dan T. Merrill SHERIFF Mrs. Raymond H. Mitchell Leon R. Greene James H. Etheredge H. S. McKENDREE (D) Olen Williams Foster Born —Woodbine, Georgia, Jack Robert Echols Andrew F. Gicsen July 5, 1914 Dee W. Parkton Education —public schools of Camden County, Georgia OKEECHOBEE and Nassau County County Seat —Okeechobee Wife's name —Bernice SHERIFF Children —one JOHN W. COLLIER Church affiliation —Baptist (D) Born —DeLand, Fla. Law enforcement background— , May 7, 1924 elected Sheriff in 1968 Education —public schools of Honors —served as a Nassau De Land County Commissioner Wife's name —Mary for 16 years. Chil dren —th ree NASSAU-:. CO UNTY OFFICIALS OTHER Church affiliation —Baptist County Judge J. E. Weatherford Law enforcement background— Juvenile Court .. Weatherford Judge...... J. E. Florida Highway Patrol Small Claims Court ...... Albin C. Judge . . . Thompson, Jr. Trooper; Deputy Sheriff in Clerk of Circuit Court D. O. Oxley Glades and Volusia counties; Tax Assessor Eddie McKendree Chief Deputy in Okeechobee Tax Collector Ira W. Hall County five years; elected School . Melton Superintendent...... G. Revell Sheriff in 1964; reelected in 1968 Supervisor of Elections. . . Dorothy . . . . Jcffreys Balogh Military service —U. S. Navy, WW 11. 72 THE SHERIFF'S STAR OTHER OKEECHOBEE COUNTY OFFICIALS SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS G. E. Bryant, Jr. County Judge Mrs. Lee Collison J. C. Martin Prosecutor Lester Jennings County Roy Earl Berryman, Jr. Joseph W. Magee, Sr. G. E. Bryant, Jr. Juvenile Court Judge Raymond H. Bassett Paul E. Pickett Court . Edward Curran Small Claims Judge Lee Kadel Davies Ben Benham Court Haynes E. Williams Clerk of Circuit Stewart Shaffer Ralph Poe W. C. Sherman Tax Assessor Harley Tompkins Athleon Alderman Tax Collector William D. LaRue School Superintendent. . . . Carl T. Durrance Supervisor of Elections. ... Rowena Parkerson


Jay A. Hardy Charlie O. Lawrence Billie Jean Riedel Clyde R. Durrance OSCEOLA Thomas Frank H. Platt Oscar County Seat —Kissimmee Charles W. Harvey Hiram H. Raulerson, Sr. Joseph V. Jones Jack H. Williamson SHERIFF ERNEST P. (KAYO) MURPHY (D) Born —Brookeland, Texas, December 24, 1916 ORANGE Education —public schools of County Seat —Orlando Kissimmee, Fla.; St. Leo College Preparatory School, SHERIFF St. Leo, Fla. Wife's name —Virginia S. D. (DAVE) STARR (D) "I — Children —four jIIAg', Born Savannah, Georgia — Education —public schools of Church affiliation Episcopal background— Georgia; attended Benedictine Law enforcement Chief Deputy of Osceola College in Savannah — Wife's name —Doris County from 1953 1967; National various courses Church affiliation —Presby- 1958 graduate of FBI Academy; conducted FBI and Florida Law terian on law enforcement by Law enforcement background— Enforcement Academy; elected Sheriff in 1968 — WW discharged 1st Lt. Orange County Deputy Military service paratrooper, II; ; Reserve; decorations Sheriff, 1926—1933;elected holds rank of Lt. Col. in U. S. Army American Defense Sheriff in 1948; currently include Silver Star, Purple Heart, Medal, French and Dutch Fourragere, servmg his sixth term Medal, Victory Citation Medal with two bronze clusters, Honors —Past President and Presidential Unit with three bronze stars, eight Campaign Honorary Lifetime Member of the National Sheriffs' Parachute Wings Association; Past President of Kiwanis Club; President of Stars. Forest Park School for Retarded Children; Director of United Cerebral Palsy and Boy's Clubs of Orlando; Past President of Florida Sheriffs Association; served as member OTHER OSCEOLA COUNTY OFFICIALS of the Association's Board of Directors; member of the Ranch Board of Trustees& Florida Sheriffs Boys County Judge O. P. Johnson Colonel in Orlando JayCees. County Prosecutor .. Phillip R. Kelley Juvenile Court Judge...... O. P. Johnson Small Claims Court Judge . . Clyde H. Faust COUNTY OFFICIALS OTHER ORANGE Clerk of Circuit Court Harris G. Daniel Wade H. Criminal Court of Record Judges. ... W. Rogers Turner Tax Assessor Lanier, Jr. Warren H. Edwards Tax Collector Murray A. Bronson W. "Bill" Stephens Criminal Court of Record Clerk . . . . Randall P. Kirkland School Superintendent ... B. 1Vlrs. Norma Smith Criminal Court of Record Solicitor . . Rom W. Powell Supervisor of Elections. . . County Judge . Richard B.Keating COMMISSI NE RS Juvenile Court Judge...... J. Chester Kerr, Jr. SCHOOL BOARD 0 Small Claims Court Judge ...... Sylvan McElroy Clerk of Circuit Court Ken Kienth Donald S. Brown Oren Brown Tax Assessor Ford S. Hausman Craig T. Bell Emmett E. Lockhart Tax Collector . Earl K. Wood Sam L. Lupfer III Bill Beck School Superintendent...... James M. Higginbotham William C. Journigan Carl Holloway Supervisor of Elections...... Dixie Barber Tom S. Heyward, Jr. Clement Tesauro

MARCH 1971 73 PALM BEACH PASCO — County Seat 8'est Palm Beach County Seat —Dade City SHERIFF SHERIFF WILLIAM R. HEIDTMAN (R) BASIL GAINES (D) Born —Lansing, Michigan, Born —Elfers, Fla. , December May 27, 1916 16, 19)2 Education —public schools of Education —public schools of Endicott, New York; IBM Pinellas and Hillsborough school three years; Adjutant counties General O. C. S. and Military Wife's name —Mary Intelligence School Children —one Wife's name —Eleanor Church affiliation —Baptist Children —one Law enforcement background— Church affiliation —Episcopal Chief Deputy Sheriff, Pasco Law enforcement background- County Sheriff's Department; was appointed Sheriff in appointed Sheriff in 1963 1967; elected Sheriff in 1968 and served'until 1965; served Military service — Veteran of WW II, discharged with rank of as Deputy Sheriff in Hernando County; elected Sheriff in Major AGD; now holds the rank of Lt. Colonel, honorary 1968;various law enforcement courses from the Florida retired Law Enforcement Academy and FBI Training sessions. Honors — Board of Directors, Palm Beach Philharmonic Military service —U. S. Navy, WW II; received Asiatic and Orchestra; Palm Beach County Republican Executive Pacific Ribbon and European Theatre of Operations Ribbon. Committee; Board of Directors, Palm Beach Military Academy; Executive Board of Florida Inter-Agency Law OTHER PASCO COUNTY OFFICIALS Enforcement Planning Council; named 1968 National Lawman of the Year the National Sheriffs' by Association; County Judge William H. (Bill) Seaver President of Clubs Boys of Palm Beach County; National County Prosecutor E. David Tyner Council on Crime and Delinquency; Educational Advisory Juvenile Court Judge...... William H. (Bill) Seaver Committee for Law Enforcement Programs, Palm Beach Small Claims Court Judge . Michael Bilirakis Junior College; Member - Board of Directors, Palm Beach Clerk of Circuit Court Stanley C. Burnside County Chapter, Epilepsy Foundation of America. Tax Assessor Ted Williams Tax Collector . Cecil Lee Smith School Superintendent. . . . Chester W. Taylor, Jr. Supervisor of Elections. . . . Mary A. McMahon OTHER PALM BEACH COUNTY OFFICIALS SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Criminal Court of Record Judges .. . . .Russell H. McIntosh Vaughn J. Rudnick P. H. Murphy, Jr. Robert K. Butler Criminal Court of Record Solicitor Marvin . . U. Mounts, Jr. Robert L. Hartzell Robert K. Rees County Judges...... Paul T. Douglas Leon E. Milton Arthur H. Stevens Joseph W. Humphrey Harley C. Gilmore Louie E. Holt Juvenile Court Judges Emery J. Newell Jay B. Starkey Walter Miller Voorhees Lewis Kapner Small Claims-Magistrate Court Judges J. L. Tyson, Jr. F. A. Currie PINELLAS Donald P. Kohl County Seat —Clearwater Howard Harrison, Jr. SHERIFF W. C. Williams III DON GENUNG Clerk of Circuit Court John B.Dunkle (D) Born — Tax Assessor David L. Reid Norwich, New York, Tax Collector . C. E. McGehee April 2, 1917 Education — School Superintendent .. Athelstan Spilhaus public schools of Teaneck, New Supervisor of Elections . . Horace E. Beasley Jersey and St. Petersburg Wife's name — SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Florence Children —one Church affiliation —Methodist Thelma S. Wymer Lake Lytal, Sr. Law enforcement background- Arthur H. Bougae Robert F. Culpepper Sgt. , Det. Capt. , Asst. Chief, Daniel W. Hendrix Robert C. Johnson Clearwater Police Dept. ; Chief C. Errol Hicks George V. Warren Criminal Deputy, Pinellas William M. Corven E. W. (Bud) Weaver County; appointed Sheriff in George R. Blanck February, 1958; elected in 1958; reelected in 1960, 1964 Ann B. McKay and 1968; graduate of FBI National Academy in 1966 74 THE SHERIFF'S STAR Military service —U. S. Air Force, WW II; seven battle stars; OTHER POLK COUNTY OFFICIALS holds a Colonel's commission in Air Force Reserve Criminal Court of Record Judges. ... .Roy H. Amidon Honors —President Florida Sheriffs Association, 1969; Vice Thomas M. Langston President, 1968; member Board of Directors prior to 1968; Criminal Court of Record Clerk ... . Earnest D. Dixon Valley Forge Freedoms Foundation, George Washington Criminal Court of Record Solicitor . . Gordon MacCalla Award from National Honor Medal, 1969;J. Edgar Hoover County Judge Richard A. Bronson Officer, VFW as nation's Outstanding Law Enforcement Juvenile Court Judge. . .. G. Bowdon Hunt Information Center 1967; appointed to National Crime Small Claims Court Judge ...... Irvmg W. Wheeler ! Sheriffs Advisory Policy Board, 1969; member Florida Clerk of Circuit Court Paul Vaughn Boys Ranch Board of Trustees (former Chairman). Tax Assessor James L. Roden Tax Collector Hobson Strain COUNTY OFFICIALS OTHER PINELLAS School Superintendent . . W. W. "Bill" Read Supervisor of Elections .. Blanche M. Work Civil k Criminal Court of Record Judges . Robert A. Freeze Robert F. Michael, Jr. SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Seth Walker County Judges. David "Bubba" Richard A. Miller W. H. Watson Frank Smith Walter O. Gibson, Floyd Woods Juvenile Court Judges William L. Walker Jr. Simmers Jack A. Page Robert J. Estes Jack Robert A. Buccino B. Thornhill, Jr. Clerk of Circuit Court Harold Mullendore J. W. Aldine Combee Tax Assessor Mac S. Haines James Gray, Jr. Tax Collector . O. Sanford Jasper School Superintendent . . Thomas B. Southard Supervisor of Elections .. Wilda J. Cook PUTNAM County Seat —Palatka SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS SHERIFF A. Oliver McEachern Jane S. Manson E. W. PELLICER (D) W. E. Taylor Calvin A. Hunsinger Born —Bunnell, Fla. , May 30, Charles J Crist Charles E. Rainey 1925 Arthur Libby Albers George R. Brumfield Education —public schools of Ron Fisher William D. Dockerty Flagler County Wm. H. Williams Wife's name —Pauline Mrs. Katherine F. Prowse Children —two Church affiliation —Baptist Law enforcement background-- Deputy Sheriff for six years; elected Sheriff in 1954 (two- year term); currently serving his fourth full term POLK Honors —President of the Flo- rida Sheriffs Association; member of the National Sheriffs' County Sea t —Bartou Association Board of Directors; received the Palatka Junior Award", SHERIFF Chamber of Commerce "Good Government 1966; County Unit of the Salvation MONROE BRANNEN (D) Chairman of the Putnam member of the Board of Directors of the Florida Born —Lake Butler, Fla., Army; November 27, 1914 Mental Health Association. Education —public schools of OTHER PUTNAM COUNTY OFFICIALS Butler Lake County Judge Wm. E. Warren Wife's name —Leitha County Prosecutor ...... Earl G. Nicholson —two Children Juvenile Court Judge...... Wm. E. Warren affiliation —Baptist Church Small Claims Court Judge ...... Samuel V. Holch background— Law enforcement Clerk of Circuit Court ...... A. W. Nichols, Jr. 13 Lakeland Police Dept. Tax Assessor Clinton R. Snyder District Constable years; 5th Tax Collector G. D. Bogue Sheriff in eight years; elected School Superintendent...... Carey E. Ferrell, Jr. is currently serving 1960 and Supervisor of Elections...... Jessie T. Carswell his third term; attended FBI School; Florida Peace Officers Training School and SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI 0 NE RS Florida Sheriffs Bureau School Franklin Gautier Military service —U. S. Army, WW II; Purple Heart George C. Miller, Jr. James Tavel Honors —member of the Board of Directors of Lakeland Eleanor H. Miller Evelyn D. Bush Boys Club; Chairman of the Florida Sheriffs Association's Kenneth E. Wdkmson Jack R. Board of Directors, and member of the Florida Sheriffs James Alton Brown C. W. Hancock Leland R. Beckham Boys Ranch Board of Trustees. Quincey H. Masters MARCH 1971 75 ST. jOHNS Sheriffs Boys Ranch Board of Trustees and Florida County Seat —St. Augustine Sheriffs Association Board of Directors. SHERIFF OTHER ST. LUCIE COUNTY OFFICIALS DUDLEY GARRETT, JR. (D) Born —Gainesville, Fla. , County Judge Jack L. Rogers December 9, 1930 County Prosecutor B. A. Bittan, Jr. Education —public schools of Juvenile Court Judge...... Jack L. Rogers Alachua County; Central Small Claims Court Judge . William G. Tye Florida Jr. College, Ocala; Clerk of Circuit Court Roger Poitras Sante Fe Jr. College, Gaines- Tax Assessor James W. Bass ville; Florida Jr. College, Tax Collector Daniel N. Knowles, Jr. Jacksonville; St. Johns River School Superintendent. .. J. Walter Hebb Jr. College, Palatka; Florida Supervisor of Elections. . . Glenn S. Huff, Sr. State University, Tallahassee Wife's name —Betty SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI ONE RS Children —two Church affiliation —Methodist Mrs. Frank Wouters W. R. McCain Law enforcement background —University of Florida Police W. E. Raikes E. E. Green A. Gerald Dept. , two years; Alachua County Sheriff's Office 13 years; Weatherington John B. Park Intelligence Officer, State Beverage Dept. , one year; Inves- T. H. Bruhn George D. Price tigator, State Attorney's Office, 7th Judicial Circuit, one Sam Paylor Edward G. Enns year; U. S. Treasury Law Enforcement Officers Training School, Washington, D. C.; Basic Investigators School, State Division of Beverage; Florida Police Academy; appointed Sheriff in April of 1970 Military service —U. S. Marine Corps, 1948-1951;served as guard at Little White House, Key West, Fla. ; during visits of President Harry S. Truman. SANTA ROSA OTHER ST. JOHNS COUNTY OFFICIALS County Seat —Milton SHERIFF County Judge Chas. C. Mathis, Jr. LEON HINOTE (D) Juvcnilc Court Judge...... Chas. C. Mathis, Jr. Born —Milton, Fla. , March 17, Small Claims Court Judge . . Robert A. Andreu 1921 Clerk of Circuit Court Oliver Lawton Education —public schools of Tax Assessor Harold M. Wayne Milton; law enforcement Tax Collector ...... R. D. Hill seminars School Superintendent ... W. Douglas Hartley Wife's name —Kathryn Marie Supervisor of Elections. .. Mrs. T. F. Ellzey Children —three Church affiliation —Baptist SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Law enforcement background— elected Sheriff in 1968 Allen D. Nease Donald R. Hurd Military service —WW II C. Charles Stanton, Jr. Richard L. Parks, Jr. Honors —served two terms on William S. Green H. L. Wiles the Milton City Commission. Walter H. Slater Dan F. Mickler Arthur D. Powers, Sr. H. F. Green OTHER SANTA ROSA COUNTY OFFICIALS ST. LUCIE County Seat —Fort Pierce County Judge M. M. Gibson SHERIFF County Prosecutor George E. Lowrey JOHN R. NORVELL, SR. (D) Juvenile Court Judge. . . . M. M. Gibson Born —Henderson, North Caro- Clerk of Circuit Court Ray C. Helms lina, August 15, 1900 Tax Assessor F. M. (Bubba) Fisher Education —public schools of Tax Collector ...... Archie Glover Vance County, North Caro- School Superintendent . . Radford M. Locklin lina Supervisor of Elections . . David E. McDonald Wife's name —Estelle — Children six SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Church affiliation —Baptist Law enforcement background— Doris Melvin Kingry Jim H. Howell Chief of Police, Ft. Pierce; James W. Ward John S. Pittman elected Sheriff 1952; current- Billy Wallace Wayne Godwin ly serving his fifth term Joe L Salter — Clifford Wilson Honors served on Florida Francis Leo Johnson Leroy Johnson 76 THE SHERIFF'S STAR SARASOTA OTHER SEMINOLE COUNTY OFFICIALS County Seat —Sarasota County Judge Wallace H. Hall SHERIFF County Prosecutor Kenneth W. McIntosh Juvenile Court Judge...... Wallace H. Hall ROSS E. BOYER (D) Monroe Born —Stone Harbor, New Small Claims Court Judge . Kenneth R. Circuit Court Arthur H. Beckwith, Jersey, January 30, 1914 Clerk of Jr. Tax Assessor D. Allen Education —public schools of Guy Tax Collector G. Dade County; Denison Troy Ray, Jr. School Superintendent. . Angel University, Granville, Ohio . John Camilla Bruce Wife's name —Catherine Supervisor of Elections. .. D. Children —one SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Church affiliation —Methodist Law enforcement background— Allan F. Keeth Edward Yarborough Florida Highway Patrol, five Mrs. Jean Bryant Greg N. Drummond years; elected Sheriff in 1952, Pat Buie John Kimbrough currently serving his fifth Slayton Al Davis term Ray Stuart P. Sidney Vihlen, Honors —President of Sarasota Kiwanis Club, 1965; Past Culpepper Jr. Exalted Ruler of Sarasota Elks; Past President of Florida Sheriffs Association and presently serving as member of the Association's Board of Directors, President of the National Sheriffs' Association in 1969-70. OTHER SARASOTA COUNTY OFFICIALS SUMTER Court of Record Judge . . . Marvin E. Silverman County Seat —Bushnell County Judge . Roy E. Dean County Prosecutor Robert H. Stahlschmidt SHERIFF E. Dean Juvenile Court Judge...... Roy FRED ROESEL (D) Small Claims Court . William M. Hereford Judge Born —Bushnell, Fla. , October Clerk of Circuit Court Robert W. Zinn 1, 1911 Tax Assessor William N. Stuart Education —public schools of 'Tax Collector . Miss Charlie Hagerman Sumter County School Superintendent . .. Thomas W. Guilford Wife's name —Irene Orr Supervisor of Elections. . . Mary J. Children —two Church affiliation —Baptist SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Law enforcement background— Special Investigator for Richard W. Ehlers Irving G. Snyder Sumter Electric Cooperative, Mary Margaret McAdoo John M. Saba, Jr. Inc. ; Chief Deputy Sheriff, Kenneth Ronald L. Britton D. Brumbaugh Sumter County for 12 years; Daniel R. Howe William A. Muirhead law enforcement schools and Rhodes Dr. Rudolph C. Garber Larry training courses; elected Sheriff 1968 Military service —U. S. Army, WW II; received Purple Heart, two Battle Stars.

SEMINOLE OTHER SUMTER COUNTY OFFICIALS County Seat —Sanford County Judge James W. West SHERIFF County Prosecutor T. Richard Hagin JOHN E. POLK (D) Juvenile Court Judge...... James W. West C. Born —Tampa, Fla. , December Small Claims Court Judge . . . John Comgho 3, 1931 Clerk of Circuit Court . . .C. Burton Marsh Education —public schools of Tax Assessor Joe Caruthers Tampa; University of Tampa Tax Collector Curtis Beville Wife's name —Dorothy Jean School Superintendent. . . Herbert Simmons Children —two Supervisor of Elections. . . Lois Kinard Church affiliation —Baptist Law enforcement background— SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Florida Highway Patrol for 10 years; elected Sheriff in John W. Wallace J. H. "Bill" Nichols 1968 Sherman G. Wilson Frank Wade Military service —U. S. Army C. Aubrey Caruthers William C. Wing Honors —Past Master of Sanford Erwin Bryan, Jr. Howard Beville F. R A. M. Lodge. Joe D. Merritt Melvin E. Carlton MARCH 1971 77 SUWANNEE Boys Ranch Board of Trustees; currently a member of the Florida Sheriffs Association Board of Directors; Past County Seat —Live Oak President, Perry Shrine Club; Past Master, Perry Lodge SHERIFF F. 5 A. M. J. M. "BUDDY" PHILLIPS (D) OTHER TAYLOR COUNTY OFFICIALS Born —Live Oak, Fla. , February 7, 1939 County Judge . Ben Lindsey Education —Suwannee County County Prosecutor ...... John Weed public schools; South Geor- Juvenile Court Judge...... Ben Lindsey gia College; North Florida Small Claims Court Judge ...... Judson B. Faircloth Junior College Clerk of Circuit Court ...... Charles Ralph Carlton Wife's name —Mary Jo Tax Assessor A. J. Ezell Children —two Tax Collector L. A. Smith Church affiliation —Baptist School Superintendent ...... Alan E. Hart Law enforcement background— Supervisor of Elections...... Ernest Wayne Parker five years with Suwannee County Sheriff's Dept. ; FBI SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI ONE RS National Academy graduate; certified as a police instructor by Fla. Police Standards Byron Freeman W. D. Wilson, Jr. Council; elected Sheriff in 1968 A. L. McLeod Ray Drexel Agner Military service —three years with U. S. Army Military Police Helen N. Panebianco W. N. Wood Honors —Past President of Live Oak Jaycees; served as John R. Lundy W. Bert Fife President of Suwannee County Chapter, American Cancer Willie J. Wilder Bob Millinor Society; member of Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch Board of Trustees; Board of Directors, Suwannee County Chamber of Commerce. UNION County Seat — OTHER SUWANNEE COUNTY OFFICIALS Lake Butler

County Judge . Recce Brown SHERIFF Juvenile Court Judge. .. . Recce Brown JOHN H. WHITEHEAD (D) Clerk of Circuit Court Lavaughn A. Sessions Born —Lake Butler, Fla. , Tax Assessor Wm. Hubbard Gray October 25, 1924 Tax Collector . Sara B. Rawls Education —public schools of School Superintendent .. Spessard Boatright Union County Supervisor of Elections .. Marjorie Carmichael Wife's name —Vivian Children —three SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS Church affiliation —Christian Church Clyde Bass Warren Howard Law enforcement background— Eustace A. Collins Bill K. Thompson Constable of Union County; Alvin M. Brown Kenneth M. McLeod elected Sheriff in 1952; cur- James N. Shields Lamar Hancock rently serving his fifth term Henry Mangels Lee C. Willis Military service —U. S. Navy, WW II Honors —served on Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch Board of Trustees; member, Florida Sheriffs Association Board TAYLOR of Directors. County Seat —Perry OTHER UNION COUNTY OFFICIALS County Judge A. L. SHERIFF Driggers County Prosecutor . . Hal Y. Maines MAURICE S. LINTON (D) Juvenile Court Judge...... A. L. Driggers Born —Thomasville, Georgia, Clerk of Circuit Court Robert A. D November 11, 1910 riggers Tax Assessor Wilford Croft Education —public schools of Tax Collector Josephine Addison Taylor County .School Superintendent . James H. Cason III Wife's name —Pearl Supervisor of Elections . I.ottie Lee Shaw Children —four Church affiliation —Baptist Law enforcement background— SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSIONERS elected Sheriff in 1952 and is currently serving his fifth Thomas L. Mobley J. Felton Smith term Donald G. Dukes Shelton Arnold Honors —served four years as Ray Powell Gerald Griffis member of the Taylor County Marvin H. Pritchett S. Morris Brown Democratic Committee; has served on the Florida Sheriffs Ray Crawford Royce Shaw 78 THE SHERIFF'S STAR VOLUSIA OTHER WAKULLA COUNTY OFFICIALS County Seat —DeLand County Judge George L. Harper Juvenile Court Judge...... George L. Harper SHERIFF Small Claims Court Judge . . Gladys M. Adams EDWIN H. DUFF II (D) Clerk of Circuit Court Moody Pearce Born —,Bronx, New York City, Tax Assessor Emmett C. Ferrell, Jr. New York, March 14, 1911 Tax Collector M. Gwin Education —public schools of J. School Superintendent ... William Payne Rockville, Maryland and Supervisor of Elections. .. Newman R. Harper Washington, D. C.; attended George Washington Univer- SCHOOL BOARO sity for pre-law; received COMMISSI 0 NE RS LLB degree from Columbia Kenneth G. Roberts University in 1940 J. D. Turner Bobby C. Wife's name —"Ducky" Posey Hugh McCallister Warren McRae Crum Children —three Sam Smith Lowell Raker Church affiliation —Catholic James Taylor C. Kyle, Law enforcement background— J. Jr. D. L. Strickland FBI Agent for 27 years; rated by the FBI as an "Outstanding Criminal Investigator"; Senior Resident Agent for the FBI in Daytona Beach from April, 1947 till his retirement in December of 1967; also served as FBI Instructor specializing in Judo and defensive tactics for 20 years; electerl Sheriff in 1968. OTHER VOLUSIA COUNTY OFFICIALS WALTON Felony Court of Record Judge .... Uriel Blount, Jr. County Seat —DeFuniak Springs County Judge . J. Robert Durden Juvenile Court Judge...... Robert E. Lee, Jr. SHERIFF Small Claims Court Judge ...... Philip H. Elliott, Jr. L. S. "SAM" CAMPBELL Clerk of Circuit Court ...... Jess Mathas (R) Born —Newton, Alabama, Tax Assessor Warren L. Greenwood July 14, 1907 Tax Collector . Dorothy Mott Mills Education —public schools of School Superintendent...... Raymond G. Dunne Midland City, Ala. Supervisor of Elections...... Katherine S. Odham Wife's name —Liza Children —four SCHOOL BOARD COUNCILMEN Church affiliation —Methodist Law enforcement Ed Smotherman Joseph Benedict III background— appointed Sheriff in Decem- J. Boyd DeLoach J. R. Spell ber, 1970 following death L. W. Summerlin III Glenn L. Smith of Sheriff Howard "Andy" G. Bosang, Jr. George D. Dunn II J. Anderson James B. Clayton .Alphonsus M. McCarthy Honors —State Representative Russell L. Saxon from Walton County for two terms; Deane Smith Lay Leader and treasurer of Methodist Church; Master Robert L. Strickland Mason, Worshipful Master twice, District Deputy Grand Marshal Harris Saxon once. WAKULLA OTHER WALTON COUNTY OFFICIALS County Seat —Cratvfordville County Judge Joe Dan Trotman County Prosecutor SHERIFF W. Paul Thompson Juvenile Court Judge...... Joe Dan Trotman WILLIAM R. TAFF (D) Small Claims Court Judge . Odell O. Thompson Born —Arran, Florida, July 28, Clerk of Circuit Court 1900 Philip A. Anderson Tax Assessor Hubert R. Adkinson Education —public schools of Tax Collector Jack Little Wakulla County School Superintendent. . . John E. Baldwin Wife's name —Estelle Supervisor of Elections. . . Odell O. Thompson Children —one Church affiliation —Baptist Law enforcement background— SCHOOL BOARO COMMISSI 0 NE RS elected Sheriff in 1956 and is currently serving his Glenn A. Parker Marvin Bishop fourth term D. C. Gandy Jack Donald Adair Honors —member of the Florida J. H. Dugger Coy Burgess Sheriffs Association Board Roy G. Anderson Conley Martin of Directors. Myles Ray Sam Pridgeon MARCH 1971 79 O'ASHINGTON Washington County Sportsman's Club; served as treasurer of the Florida Sheriffs Association in 1967. County Seat —Chipley OTHER WASHINGTON COUNTY OFFICIALS SHERIFF BRYANT THURMAN (D) County Judge . A. K. Shuler Born —Geneva County, Juvenile Court Judge. . . A. K. Shuler Alabama, June 8, 1915 Clerk of Circuit Court J. L. Miner Education —public schools of Tax Assessor Roland B. Walsingham Washington County; com- Tax Collector . H. T. Wailer pleted a two-year post- School Superintendent . Al Lowe graduate course in accounting Supervisor of Elections . Q. L. VanLandingham Wife's name —Hazel Children —three SCHOOL BOARD COMMISSI ONE RS Church affiliation —Baptist Law enforcement background- James A. Boswell Dannie Kolmetz elected Sheriff in 1964; Farrell L. Nelson Bernard McWilliams currently serving his second Buford Land Tillman Pippin term Leon L. Owens Keener Gilbert Honors —Past President of the Chipley Shrine Club and the C. J. Porter T. D. Smith

+0+++ IN MEMOR I AM +++++++


Four Sheriffs have answered the "final Sheriff Howard (Andy) Anderson, of De- summons" since the last special yearbook Funiak Springs, who died October 28, 1970; edition was published. They are: Gadsden and Bay County Sheriff M. J. (Doc) Daffin, County Sheriff Robert L. Martin, of Quincy, of Panama City, who died on January 29, who died February 27, 1971; Highlands 1971. All of them had distinguished careers County Sheriff Joe D. Keene, of Sebring, and the loss of their talents will be a great who died September 6, 1970; Walton County detriment to law enforcement.

Population of Florida Counties (All figures rounded to nearest l00)

COUNTIES 1960 1970 GLADES 3,000 3,700 OKALOOSA 61,200 88,200 CENSUS CENSUS GULF 9,900 10,100 OKEECHOBEE 6,400 1 1,200 HAMILTON 7,700 7,800 ORANGE 263,500 344,300 ALACHUA 74, 100 104,800 HARDEE 12,400 14,900 OSCEOLA 19,000 25,300 BAKER 7,400 9,200 HENDRY 8,100 1 1,900 PALM BEACH 228, 100 348,800 BAY 67,100 75,300 HERNANDO 11,200 17,000 PASCO 36,800 76,000 BRADFORD 12,400 14,600 HIGHLANDS 21,300 29,500 PINE LLAS 374,700 522,300 BREVARD 111,400 230,000 HILLSBOROUGH 397,900 490,300 POLK 195,100 227,200 BROWARD 333,900 620,100 HOLMES 10,800 10,700 PUTNAM 32,200 36,300 CALHOUN 7,400 7,600 INDIAN RIVER 25,300 36,000 ST. JOHNS 30,000 30,700 CHARLOTTE 12,600 27,600 JACKSON 36,200 34,400 ST. LUCIE 39,300 50,800 CITRUS 9,300 19,200 JEFFERSON 9,500 8,800 SANTA ROSA 29,500 37,700 CLAY 19,500 32,100 LaFAYETTE 2,900 2,900 SARASOTA 76,900 120,400 COLLIER 15,800 38,000 LAKE 57,400 69,300 SEMINOLE 54,900 83,700 COLUMBIA 20,100 25,200 LEE 54,500 105,200 SUMTER 11,900 14,800 DADE 935,100 1,267,800 LEON 74,200 103,100 SUWANNEE 15,000 15,600 DeSOTO 11,700 13,100 LEVY 10,400 12,800 TAYLOR 13,200 13,600 DI XI E 4,500 5,500 LIBERTY 3,100 3,400 UNION 6,000 8,100 DUVAL 455,500 528,900 MADISON 14,200 13,500 VOLUSIA 125,300 169,500 ESCAM8 I A 173,800 205,300 MANATEE 69,200 97,100 WAKULLA 5,300 6,300 FLAGLER 4,600 4,500 MARION 51,600 69,000 WALTON 15,600 16,100 F RANK LIN 6,600 7,100 MARTIN 16,900 28,000 WASHINGTON 11,200 11,500 GADSDEN 42,000 39,200 MONROE 47,900 52,600

G I LCHR I ST 2,900 3,600 NASSAU 17,200 20,600 F LO R1DA Tota I 4,951,600 6,789,400 80 THE SHERIFF'S STAR DIRECTORY OF SHERIFFS' TELEPHONE NUMBERS

COUNTY COUNTY SEAT SHERIFF AREA OFFICE JAIL CODE A, LACHUA Gainesville, 32601 .. JOE CREVASSE, JR. . . (904) 378-1641 378-1641 PAUL 259-2231 259-3161 BAKER McC I enny, 32062 . . T. THRIFT ..(904) BAY . Panama City, 32401...... TULLIS D. EASTERL ING. .... (904) 785-7071 785-4351 BRADFORD...... Starke, 32091 P. D. REDDISH ...... (904) 964-6280 964-6161 BREVARD .Titusvi lie, 32780...... LEIGH S. WILSON ...... (305) 267-2121 267-2121 BROWARD .Fort Lauderdale, 33301...... EDWARD J. STACK .. (305) 525-4321 525-4321 CALHOUN .8lountstown, 32424...... W. C. REEDE R . (904) 674-5449 674-5449 CHARLOTTE . Punta Gorda, 33950...... JOHN P. BENT (813) 639&101 639-2101 CITRUS Inverness, 32650...... B. R. QUINN...... (904) 726-1121 726-1121 CLAY...... Green Cove Springs, 32043...... JENNINGS MURRHEE. . . (904) 284-9709 284-3379 COLLIER...... Naples, 33940 E. A. HENDRY . (813) MI 9-3232 MI 9-3232 COLUMBIA ...... Lake City, 32055 .. HARRY J. SPRADLEY. .. . . (904) 752-3222 752-3581 DADE...... Miami, 33125 WILSON PURDY . .(305) 377-7831 377-7681 DeSOTO ...... Arcadia, 33821 FRANK E. CLINE (813) WA 8-5331 WA 8-1331 DI XIE...... Cross City, 32628 .. AL PARKER...... (904) 498-3383 498-3383 DUVAL Jacksonville, 32202...... DALE CARSON...... (904) 356-1931 356-1931

ESCAM8 I A Pensacola, 32501...... ROYAL UNTREINER . . (904) 4334)371 4334)371 ~ FLAGLER .Bunnell, 32010 P. A. EDMONSON . . (904) 437-3343 437-3381 FRANKLIN .Apalachicola, 32320...... JACK TAYLOR, JR. . . (904) 653-5271 653-5271 GADS DEN .Quincy, 32351 (Appointment by Governor Pending) (904) 627-9234 627-6310 GILCHRIST ...... Trenton, 32693 ...... CHARLIE PARRISH . . (904) 463-2245 463-2119 GLADES...... Moore Haven, 33471 .. ROY D. LUNDY...... (305) WH 6-2982 WH 6-3711 GULF...... Port St. Joe, 32456...... BYRD E. PARKER ...... (904) 227-2311 227-2321 HAMILTON ...... Jasper, 32()52. . CHARLIE RHODEN . . (904) 792-1001 792-1410 HARDEE...... Wauchula, 33873 . . N. H. MURDOCK . . (813) PR 3%144 PR 3-4144 HENDRY...... LaBelle, 33935 EARL S. DYESS...... (813) OR 5-3801 OR 5-3811 HERNANDO...... Brooksville; 33512 . . .. SIM L. LOWMAN...... (904) 796-3541 796-3541 HIGHLANDS...... Sebring, 33870'...... O. L. R AU LE RSON...... (813) 385-8141 385-8445 HILLSBOROUGH Tampa, 33602 . ...MALCOLM BEARD...... (813) 228-731 1 228-7311 HOLMES...... ,. Bonifay, 32425 . .. . HARV IE BELSE R . . (904) 547-3681 547-3681 INDIAN RIVER. .. .. Vero Beach, 32960 . ... . SAM T. JOYCE . .(305) 562-5495 562-4151 JACKSON . Marianne, 32446 . . . BARKLEY GAUSE...... (904) 482-2132 482-3313 JEFF ERSON...... Monticello, '32344 . . DON WATSON . (904) 997-1414 997-1414 LAFAYETTE Mayo, 32066 (Appointment by Governor Pending) (904) 794-2651 794-3301 LAKE...... Tavares, 32778 WILLIS V. McCALL . . (904) 343-2101 343-2101 LEE . Fort Myers, 33901 . .. F. G. THOMPSON . .(813) 334-4551 334-1191 LEON...... Tallahassee, 32301 .... RAYMOND HAMLIN .. (904) 222-4740 576-3121 LEVY...... Bronson, 32621 ....PAT HARTLEY...... (904) 486-2321 486-2/21 LIBERTY...... Bristol, 32321 L. C. RANKIN . (904) 643-3532 643-3532 MADISON .Madison, 32340 SIMEON MOORE...... (904) 973-2313 973-6331 MANATEE Bradenton, 33505 . .. . R I C HA RD WE I TZ EN F ELD. .. . (813) 746-7121 746-7121 MARION...... Ocala, 32670 DOUG WILLIS . (904) 622-4630 622-8181 MARTIN ...... Stuart, 33494 ROY C. BAKER...... (305) 287-2666 287-5424 MONROE ...... Key West, 33040...... R. L. BROWN ..(305) 296-2424 296-2424 NASSAU...... Fernandina Beach, 32034 .. . .H. S. McKENDREE...... (904) 261-3675 261-3231 OKALOOSA. ... v...... Crestview, 32536 . .. . RAY WILSON . (904) 682-2788 682-2788 OKEECHOBEE Okeechobee, 33472 .... JOHN W. COLLIER. . . . . (813) 763-3117 763-3318 ORANGE...... Orlando, 32801 . . . S. D. STARR...... (305) 241-1531 241-1531 OSCEOLA Kissimmee 32741 .... ERNEST P. MURPHY (305) 847-5121 847-5121 PALM BEACH . West Palm Beach, 33402 . . ..WILLIAM HEIDTMAN. . . (305) 833-7481 833-7474 PASCO . Dade City, 33525 . ... BASIL GAINES...... (904) 567-5131 567-5131 PINELLAS .Clearwater, 33516 .. . . DON GENUNG . (813) 447-4511 447-4511 (Operational Office) 531-5811 POLK...... Bartow, 33830 MONROE BRANNEN .. (813) 533-1181 533-1181 PUTNAM...... Palatka, 32077 E. W. PELLICER...... (904) 328-3401 328-3401 ST. JOHNS St. Augustine, 32084 DUDLEY GARRETT . . (904) 829~91 829-6494 ST. LUCIE Fort Pierce, 33450 . . .. J. R. NORVELL...... (305) 461-7300 461-7301 SANTA ROSA . . Milton, 32570 LEON HINOTE ...... (904) 623-3691 623-5551 SARASOTA . . . . Sarasota, 33578 . . ... ROSS E. BOYER .. (813) 958-3193 958-3193 SEMINOLE ..Sanford, 32771 JOHN E. POLK ...... (305) 322-5115 322-5115 SUMTER...... Bushnell, 33513...... FRED ROESEL...... (904) 793-2621 793-2671 SUWANNEE. .. Live Oak, 32060. .... J. M. PHILLIPS, JR. .. (904) 362-2222 362-2222 TAYLOR...... Perry, 32347 M. S. LINTON . (904) 458-1361 457-2161 UNION . . Lake Butler, 32054 ...... JOHN WHITEHEAD . . (904) 496-2501 496-2501 VOL USIA . .DeLand, 32720 ....EDWIN H. DUFF II...... (904) 734-3441 734-3441 (Daytona Beach) 252-0485 WAKULLA ..Crawfordville, 32327 . . . W. R. TAFF . . (904) 926-3401. 926-5741 WALTON...... DeFuniak Springs, 32433 . . . .L. S. CAMPBELL ..(904) 896-2721 896-7431 WASHINGTON . .. Chipley, 32428 BRYANT THURMAN . . (904) 638-0610 638-0611

FLORIDA DEPARTMENT P. O. Box 1489 WILLIAM REED OF LAW ENFORCEMENT Tallahassee, 32302 Commissioner (904) 222-3789 FLORIDA SHERIFFS P. O. Box 1487 CARL STAUFFER ASSOCIATION Tallahassee, 32302 Executive Director (904) 224-9975

ASSOC I AT I 0N ATT0 R NE Y P. O. Box 669 JOHN A. MADIGAN, JR. (904) 222-3730 Tallahassee, 32302 FLORIDA SHERIFFS P. O. Box 520 HARRY K. WEAVER Boys Ranch & Girls Villa Live Oak, 32060 Executive Director (904) 842-5501