High Halden Parish Council

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High Halden Parish Council


HIGH HALDEN PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 12th June 2017 at 7.00pm in the Memorial Hall

81/17 Present and Apologies Cllr Audsley (JA) (Chairman), Cllr Mrs Mitchell (MM) (Vice-chairman), Cllr Mrs Morgan (JM), Cllr Dr Taylor (RT) and Mrs S Wood (SW) (Clerk). Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs Burlton (KB) (indisposed), Cllr Mrs Baldock (SB) and Cllr Pickering (AP) (prior commitments). Forty seven members of the public were present.

82/17 Declarations of Interest Cllr Audsley: DPI agenda item 86/17 planning application 17/00809/AS

83/17 Minutes of the meeting of 8th May 2017 Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 8th May be approved and confirmed as a true record.

84/17 Matters Arising 84/17-1 Planesfield (67/17-3) The appeal was allowed, with a temporary permission granted until 30th September 2021. 84/17-2 Willow Paddock (67/17-4) The appeal decision is awaited. 84/17-3 Herwish (67/17-5) The planning application is awaited. 84/17-4 Warning letters (67/17-7) Pavement parking continues to be a problem. 84/17-5 Village confines exercise (67/17-10) The exercise is underway and the Vice- chairman will meet ABC on 19th June. A public consultation will be carried out and regular updates given at Parish Council meetings. 84/17-6 Pop-up cafe [Communities in Rural Kent Coffee and Information project] (67/17-11) 25 residents were at the cafe, which returns on 16th June. Positive feedback was received. 84/17-7 Unused/dilapidated garages in Tilden Close (68/17) Raised with ABC, and will be included in the borough-wide survey of ABC-owned garages. 84/17-8 Planning application 17/00679/AS (69/17) Withdrawn on ABC’s advice and a further application submitted with a changed description. 84/17-9 Bishop’s Close (71/17-3) The approved name is Bishop Close. 84/17-10 Supply of dog waste bags (71/17-4) These will no longer be provided free of charge by the Parish Council; the shop has been asked to consider laying-in stocks of bags for sale. 84/17-11 Football field drainage (75/17) £47,000 will be given towards the project, from Kent Highways depot development S106 monies. 84/17-12 Herald printing (77/17) Printed by ABC at a cost lower than if the photocopier had been used.

85/17 Open Session The Chairman suspended the meeting to allow members of the public to raise items with the Council.

There was criticism that the meeting began at 7pm, rather than 7.30pm as given in the May Minutes, late arrivals were at risk of not being able to participate in the Open Session: the Clerk advised that the earlier start time had been advertised on the website and noticeboards and was because no Planning Committee meeting was going to be held.

Church field: The Parish Council was asked to confirm its opposition to any development on the Church field site. A lengthy debate followed during which the floor expressed its objection to any development on the Church field site in the strongest terms. It was felt that the Parish Council had been dismissive of the petition submitted to the developers and was asked to restate its opposition to the proposals. Comments that the reach of the petition was limited were not accepted by residents, citing the time constraints for those circulating it. The Chairman stated that the Parish Council’s opposition had been to the inadequate display, noting that no application had been submitted, and regretted that remarks had been taken out of context which suggested his support. The Chairman was asked how residents would be consulted if a planning application were submitted, he replied that all planning applications are discussed at public meetings and given the interest in this site it would likely be discussed at an extra meeting. The site is not in the revised draft of the Local Plan, however a developer could submit an application for any site but ABC would not support an application on an unallocated site. The attempt to engage the community was welcomed in another comment, given that there had been none for the other sites in the Local Plan; concerns were acknowledged, hence the development of the village strategy. It was suggested that the soliciting of comments at the presentation was phishing and would allow the developer to assert that it had consulted/engaged the community. The lack of an adopted Local Plan was thought to be a weakness, and the Parish Council was asked to affirm its objection to the proposal in order that the developer could not claim it was supportive. The Parish Council had sought feedback from the developer on the presentation but none had been received.

Ransley Farm: Representatives from Cala Homes outlined proposals for a development on land at Ransley Farm for 50 homes, which would include 35% affordable. Pre-application advice was being sought from ABC and a planning application would likely be submitted later in the year, notwithstanding that the site had not been included in the draft Local Plan to 2030. If the development went ahead the affordable homes would be acquired by ABC and a Housing Association (the registered provider), and would then be offered for sale or rent at a cost to be decided by ABC and the registered provider. Other properties on the site would be sold at market value by the developer. Assurances were sought that the affordable element would not be removed. Concerns re infrastructure, in particular traffic impact on the A28, were expressed. Cala Homes confirmed that a more detailed presentation on the proposals would be given, likely in the hall, and all households would be notified by letter.

Other matters raised included clarification of various agenda items, and how S106 money from the Kent Highways Depot had been allocated – the Clerk replied that expenditure was restricted to a number of categories, which included improvement of sports facilities. Comments were made on the planning applications on the agenda, including concerns re access and commercial viability of the venison enterprise.

The Chairman reconvened the meeting.

86/17 Planning applications SW Planning applications: 17/00699/AS Summerhill, Ashford Road, High Halden Replacement of five windows & front door to front elevation The replacements would be in keeping with the existing. It was proposed that the application be supported. A vote was taken, Cllr Mrs Mitchell abstained. Resolved: That the application be supported.

Cllr Audsley having declared a DPI, he left the room and Cllr Mrs Mitchell took the chair.

17/00809/AS Land at rear and west of Little Hookstead Farm, Wrens Nest Lane, High Halden Proposed change of use of land for the siting of a temporary agricultural workers mobile home to supervise a venison enterprise and the erection of a proposed agricultural building Concerns were expressed re vehicular access to and across the site, commercial SW viability of the operation and flood risk. It was proposed that the following comments be submitted on the application: No decision should be made until a flood evaluation on the site has been carried out. A traffic impact assessment should be submitted by KCC Highways. If the officer is minded to permit, the Parish Council proposes that this be a temporary permission for 3 years, after which the commercial viability of the operation should be assessed. If not commercially viable the operation should cease, the structures removed and the land put back to the condition before commencement of the operation. 3

Resolved: That no decision should be made until a flood evaluation on the site has been carried out. A traffic impact assessment should be submitted by KCC Highways. If the officer is minded to permit, the Parish Council proposes that this be a temporary permission for 3 years, after which the commercial viability of the operation should be assessed. If not commercially viable the operation should cease, the structures removed and the land put back to the condition before commencement of the operation

Cllr Audsley returned to the room and resumed the Chair.

Planning applications received after distribution of the agenda: None.

Approvals: 16/01653/AS Summer Farm, Biddenden Road, Tenterden Demolition of garage and rebuild to form 2no. self catering holiday lets with associated parking

Prior approval refused: None to date

Refusals: None to date

Withdrawals: 17/00679/AS Land at rear and west of Little Hookstead Farm, Wrens Nest Lane, High Halden Proposed temporary dwelling to supervise venison rearing enterprise 17/00677/AS Proposed Agricultural Building land at rear and west of Little Hookstaed Farm, Wrens Nest Lane, High Halden Application for prior notification of proposed agricultural development to support deer enterprise for storage, handling facilities and winter housing 17/00317/AS Forge Bungalow, Tilden Close, High Halden Outline planning application with all matters reserved for replacement of existing 2 bed bungalow with 2no. 2 bed semidetached bungalows

87/17 Financial report 87/17-1 To agree payments in accordance with the Budget Resolved: That the following payments be made in accordance with the Budget.

Cheque Details £ 001255 S Wood (salary) 479.00 001256 S Wood (expenses) 43.71 001257 J Audsley (expenses) 70.05 001258 Southern Water (pavilion – sewerage) 27.72 001259 South East Water (water) 23.35 001260 B Croucher (caretaking services) 47.10 001261 J & K Business Machines (photocopier charges) 215.71

Receipts: Details £ NatWest interest 0.23 Brewmasters (pitch fee) 200.00 Lloyds Bank (goodwill compensation) 250.00 SW Balances as at 12th June 2017 £ 62956.22 (cheque and deposit accounts) £ 932.83 (HHVEC cheque account) £ 0.17 (HHVEC deposit account) 87/17-2 To agree payment of the invoice for printing the Halden Herald Councillors had been unavailable to help print the Herald without undue delay, SW therefore the Print Room at ABC had produced it at a cost of £142.46 + VAT (which is recoverable) (see also 84/17-12). It was proposed that the invoice be paid. Resolved: That the invoice of £142.46 + VAT from ABC for printing the Halden Herald be MM paid.

Cllr Dr Taylor suggested that the photocopier contract be discussed at the next meeting, if the ABC prints all future editions of the Herald.

88/17 Reports 88/17-1 Community Warden The Youth Bus would be coming to High Halden on 20 June for 6 weeks on a Tuesday evening from 6pm to 7.30pm. It would park up by Hookstead Green and was for 10-16 year olds. The pop-up cafe would be at Tilden Close again on Friday from 10am to 12noon, PCSO Paul Moorey had been asked to attend. 88/17-2 PCSO PCSO Burden will be asked to continue giving out warning letters KB (see 84/17-4). 88/17-3 Ward member Cllr Pickering’s report was published in the Herald. 88/17-4 Environmental See 84/17-10. 88/17-5 Safety and Security Safety advice in the aftermath of the recent terrorist attacks will be uploaded to the website. 88/7-6 Highways The pothole at London Beach was repaired after a recent accident. Overgrown hedges have been reported to KCC; residents were encouraged to report similar problems via the KCC website. SW 88/17-7 Marketing/projects Nothing to report in Cllr Mrs Baldock’s absence. 88/17-8 Finance The Finance Committee will meet to review Quarter One. 88/17-9 KALC A presentation by Simon Cole on the 5-year housing land supply was given. An additional 1200 more homes must be delivered in the borough following a revised housing projection.

89/17 Information item – HHVEC update HHVEC will meet on 19th June to plan the Christmas event. A village calendar for 2018 is being prepared.

91/17 To consider signing Shadoxhurst Parish Council’s lobbying letter to the Minister of State with regard to national planning policy Shadoxhurst PC had invited all PCs to sign a letter of protest against planning policy and the pressure to build. It was proposed that High Halden Parish Council supports the letter. Resolved: That High Halden Parish Council supports the letter of protest from Shadoxhurst KH Parish Council against planning policy.

Cllr Dr Taylor noted that the letter was a general objection asking the government to reconsider the policy, and not that no more housing should be built.

92/17 To consider purchase of a village defibrillator (AED) Research by Kristina Hoath (KH) was presented. The Heart Foundation would offer JM funding but with the criteria that the PC contributed £600, met the cost of the external cabinet (£576) and the cabinet should be of the unlocked type. KALC was again offering AEDs at a discounted rate. The equipment should be sited at a convenient location, eg the pub, and would require a power supply. Training could be offered. Comparative total costs were: Heart Foundation (£1200 incl VAT); KALC (£1700 incl VAT) Running costs and insurance premium would be approx £12/year. Cllr Dr Taylor proposed that £2500 be allocated from the Budget to cover the cost of the AED and cabinet. It was proposed that the equipment be purchased and sited at the Chequers on the Green Kristina Hoath was thanked for the information and asked to follow-up with the Heart Foundation. 5

Resolved: That the equipment and cabinet be purchased and that £2500 be allocated for this purpose from the budget. SW 93/17 Removal of spoil arising from ditch clearance Cllr Mrs Morgan stated that rolling the spoil may obviate the need for it to be cleared by a contractor, however the remaining litter should first be cleared. A working party would be organised and Cllr Mrs Morgan to follow-up costs of hiring a roller.

94/17 Election of representative to the Village Strategy Committee SW Resolved: That Cllr Mrs Mitchell be elected as the Parish Council’s representative on the Village Strategy Committee.

95/17 Parish Council budget SW Cllr Dr Taylor circulated the budget showing an excess of income over expenditure of £10,000, but not accounting for the cost of the defibrillator or football field drainage. It was hoped that the latter would be met from S106 monies (see 84/17-11).

96/17 Warning signs re littering on the playing field A request had been received to put up warning signs re litter on the playing field, the problem persisting notwithstanding efforts by a volunteer. It was proposed that the Clerk obtain warning signs: ‘Take your litter home’ to be fixed on the pavilion and near the children’s play area. Resolved: That the Clerk obtains warning signs re littering, for the playing field.

97/17 Police speed checks in High Halden Speeding at the St Michael’s end of the village was of concern. The Clerk to make a formal request to Kent Police for speed checks.

98/17 To consider the Parish Council’s safeguarding policy ABC would no longer give grants to organisations that did not have a safeguarding policy. A draft Policy was circulated, for adoption at the next meeting. The Clerk to obtain copies of the football clubs and Memorial Hall safeguarding policies.

90/17 Local Plan to 2030: sites in High Halden The revised draft had been published and would go to ABC Cabinet for approval on 15th June. After approval it would go out for a 6-week public consultation period and would then be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination for soundness. 3 sites in High Halden were in the draft, compared to 1 in the first draft, arising from the need to allocate an additional 1200 houses: 35 houses on land near Hope House (an increase of 10) 50 houses at Pope House Farm 50 houses on the Stevenson Brothers site. Cllr Dr Taylor advised that the sites were suggested sites for potential development; the PC would be able to comment, and if a planning application were submitted there would be a further opportunity to comment.

[Post-meeting note: the draft can be downloaded here: https://secure.ashford.gov.uk/committeesystem/ViewAgenda.aspx?MeetingId=3147

Scroll down to agenda item 10 and click on View. The sites are on the following pages: Hope House S33 page 40 Pope House Farm S60 page 121 Stevenson Brothers S58 page 115]

99/17 Parish Council view of development on Church field site See the Open Session: the Parish Council was asked to object to all future development on the Church field site. Cllr Dr Taylor acknowledged that this was an emotive subject, noting that the PC has an accepted and well-established procedure for dealing with applications to build in the parish. Each application was judged on its merits, the PC having no power or authority other than to comment, and the decision was made by ABC. There was a need to ensure that the PC’s assessment and judgement were respected and due protocols followed. A key factor was that the PC must come to the discussion with an open mind. For example, the protocol stated that if a PC said “wind farms are blots on the landscape and it will vigorously oppose each and every one that comes before it”, it would be perceived to have a closed mind on such an application, so that it should not participate in decision-making; whereas a PC which said “many people consider wind farms ugly and noisy and we will need some persuading that any more should be allowed in this area” would probably be able to participate in decision-making. Cllr Dr Taylor stated that this should be borne in mind re the Church field site. Cllr Dr Taylor stated that for these reasons he could not support the proposal to reject all planning applications on the site. The PC must be able to comment, object where appropriate and comment on the impact on the church, the village confines and that the site had not been included in the Local Plan. If the PC were unable to comment, it would be inferred that the PC had no view. Residents were urged to make their own comments known, and the PC must be able to comment. Cllr Dr Taylor cautioned against prejudicing the PC’s ability to comment. The Vice-chairman stated that having been part of the community for 40 years, she understood the concerns expressed. However, as a holder of public office she had to adhere to the Nolan Principles and act impartially and fairly without emotion or bias. The Vice-chairman noted that the site was not being considered by ABC, and the village confines were to be defined. Were an application to be submitted residents’ views would be taken into account. Cllr Mrs Morgan agreed that the subject was emotive, and agreed with the Vice- chairman and Cllr Dr Taylor’s comments. If an application were submitted it should be discussed at an additional meeting. The Chairman noted that the PC may jeopardise future input if development on the site now and in the future were rejected. He further noted that no planning application had been submitted, the site had been excluded from the Local Plan and the village confines exercise was underway – this would draw a line around contiguous areas of habitation in the village, all open spaces would be reviewed and a decision made as to where the line should be drawn – should the Church field site be included? There would be village agreement on the confines. The PC could not therefore object to all future development on the site, but would look at any application openly and objectively, and continue with the village confines process.

100/17 Any other business 101/17-1 Dog bin at Tilden Close: the post has rotted, Cllr Mrs Morgan to report. 101/17-2 Village signs: are dirty [Post-meeting note: these will be cleaned by the Xbox volunteers.]

101/17 Items for next Parish Council meeting 101/17-1 Review of photocopier contract 101/17-2 Adoption of Parish Council’s safeguarding policy 101/17-3 Fencing on the children’s playing field

102/17 Date of next meeting Monday 10th July 2017 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall (start time to be confirmed)

The meeting closed at 9.40pm

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