: great quiz on the geography of Canada with click on interactive play. Only 13 simple questions on the location of the provinces and territories. : general quizzes about everything . Most questions are on single details , the quiz is OK for fun but cannot serve as a course quiz. : free data, lots of maps, some on PDF which I have downloaded category=4 : shapes of Canada : a great little quiz, fun : geogratis : toporama : maps for the visually impaired : interesting as such but not directly for our class : age pyramids with Flash animation to see the trends in demography : trivia quiz : funny and a good way to start your class : for bettter or for worse : also a funny and good way to look at essential differences between the US and Canada : Canada, a people’s history : I wonder why I’m doing this online course anyway…. So comprehensive !!! And you have tons of interactive games, crosswords, puzzles, audio and video , just FANTASTIC, but videos are no longer available on line . Check if the complete series is in your library. : the mother of all Canadian pages. Takes you directly to the yellow pages. LBS/10/11/98 CANADA/FACT SHEETS GEOGRAPHY DIMENSIONS OF THE COUNTRY

Canada’s geography challenges the imagination. Imagine a country where Newfoundlanders live closer to Africans in Gambia than they do to fellow Canadians in British Columbia.

Or a country with an island (Ellesmere island) that has a glacier bigger than Ireland.

A country of 2 million lakes and the world’s longest coastline - but that shares a border with only one nation, the United States.

The country totals nearly 7% of the world’s surface.


The weather is often extreme, with temperatures reaching 45°C in the prairie in the Summer, and -63°C in Yukon in the winter.

Most regions have a long cold winter, virtually no spring and a hot summer.

CANADA IS THE WORLD’S... Canada is the world’s largest producer of zinc and uranium, and the second largest producer of cobalt, and many other minerals . Canada also leads the world in exports of forestry products.

TOEFL Practise on Canadian topics

1 Listening comprehension :

Question N°1 : A That all Canadians and Americans are alike B That Americans like Canadians C That English is the only thing in common between Americans and Canadians D That Americans cannot be told apart from English-speaking Canadians

Question n°2 A He is a journalist B He is a teacher of English in French-speaking Canada C He teaches in Canada and the United States D He teaches Canadian history in the United States

Question N°3 A That of Poland and Germany B To making films in Russia C To Ireland and England D To Wales and England

Passage N°2 What is the main idea of the passage ? Explain the word strip (give two equivalents) What were the different impressions for the immigrant coming to Canada and for the immigrant coming to the United States ?