Geographic Understandings of Southern and Eastern Asia Study Guide

Fill in the blank.

1. The Ganges River is the most sacred river in ______.

2. An ______group is a group of people who share cultural ideas and beliefs that have been a part of their community for generations.

3. The countries North Korea and South Korea are located on a ______.

4. China’s longest river is the ______River.

5. The two deserts that are found in China are the ______and ______.

Circle the correct answer.

6. Hinduism/Shinto is one of the oldest religions in the world.

7. The Huang He flows into the Sea of Japan/Yellow Sea.

8. Literacy/GDP is the ability to read and write.

9. The founder of Buddhism was Confucius/Siddhartha Gautama.

10. The major cause of death is India and China is respiratory disease/AIDS.

Explain the following.

11. What are the Five Pillars?

12. What are the Four Noble Truths?

13. How do monsoons affect eh people of India?

14. What is the Three Gorges Dam?

15. What is the caste system? True/False. Rewrite the entire sentence if the underlined statement is false.

16. The Hindu sacred text is called the Vedas. ______

17. The Ganges River flows into the Yellow Sea. ______

18. India’s most important natural resource is fish. ______

19. Reincarnation is the belief that one’s actions determine one’s fate. ______

20. Polytheism is the belief in many gods. ______

21. Indonesia is a peninsula. ______

Multiple Choice.

22. What was the purpose of the Ganges Action Plan in the 1980’s?

a. To try and clean up the river

b. To bring an end to the cremations

c. To end using the river for drinking water

d. To slow down the building of new factories

23. Why are India’s urban areas having a problem with air pollution?

a. Few people in India feel air pollution is a problem

b. There are no government efforts to control air pollution

c. There is really no effective way to control air pollution in the world today

d. The rapidly growing population, heavy industry, and thousands of automobiles have caused the problem

24. Which contributes to the air pollution problems in China?

a. The shrinking population

b. Use of coal-burning power plants for energy

c. The gradual drop in the number of factories d. Lack of automobiles and trucks in rural areas

25. Which has a major effect on the climate of Japan?

a. Ocean currents

b. Monsoon rains from India

c. Winds coming off the desert

d. Cold air sweeping off large glaciers

26. Which describes a religious group?

a. People that like to grow food

b. People that like to read books

c. People who share the same religious beliefs

d. People with a shared, language, or culture

Short response

27. If you practice Islam, what are you called? ______

28. Siddhartha Gautama is also known as what? ______

29. What country was Shintoism founded? ______

30. What are divine spirits that Shinto followers believe live in nature? ______

31. The belief in only one God is? ______

32. What is the sacred text of Islam? ______

33. What is the one-child policy?

34. What is a nomadic herder?

35. What are causes of the Asian Brown Cloud? 36. What are causes and effects of pollution in the Ganges River?

37. What is nirvana?

38. Why are rivers so important?

39. Confucius believed there were five basic relationships among men. What were they?

40. What is literacy rate?

41. What is Gross Domestic Product?

42. What is GDP per capita?

Describe the climate of these countries.




Japan- North Korea-

South Korea-
