State Fire Prevention Commission s1

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State Fire Prevention Commission s1

S T A T E O F D E L A W A R E S T A T E F I R E P R E V E N T I O N C O M M I S S I O N D E L A W A R E F I R E S E R V I C E C E N T E R (302) 739 – 3160 146 3 C H E S T N U T G R O V E R O A D F A X (302) 739 – 443 6 D O V E R , D E L A W A R E 1990 4


Monthly Meeting

May 16, 2006


Kenneth H. McMahon, Chairman W. (Bill) Betts, Jr., Vice Chairman Francis J. Dougherty Marvin C. Sharp Raymond T. Stevens Daniel W. Magee

Mike Kernan, Director State Fire School Willard F. Preston, III, State Fire Marshal Sherry Lambertson, Executive Secretary


Grover P. Ingle, Assistant State Fire Marshal Richard R. Ward, Assistant State Fire Marshal R.T. Leicht, S.F.M.O. Kim Robinson, D.S.F.S. James Cubbage, Jr., D.V.F.A. Steve Blessing, O.E.M.S. Bob Dillon, O.E.M.S. Ross Megargel, M.D., O.E. M.S. SFPC Minutes May 16, 2006 Page 2


Vice Chairman Betts called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.




It was moved by Commissioner Sharp, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty that the minutes of the April 18, 2006 Commission meeting be approved as amended. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Magee did not vote due to his absence at the April meeting.


Vice Chairman Betts called for additional agenda items. Fire Marshal Preston added an Executive Session to the agenda. It was moved by Commissioner Ricker, seconded by Commissioner Stevens to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.


Agency’s Activity for the month of March is as follows: investigations 101– (criminal 42- /accidental 44– undetermined 15-); arrests 17-: inspections 608– (health care 3-/deputy 76/tech services –217 “QAP-312”); complaints-44; plan reviews 444-; PRUF revenue collected (Apr.) $173,424 year to date $1,941,638; total overtime hours worked (enforcement) 203.5-; time off in hours (Deputies) 544.5 (vacation 210.0- /compensatory leave 151.0- /sick leave 26.0- /holiday 135.0- /compassionate 22.5)

Personnel Issues

The posting for the Fire Protection Specialist I position for Kent/Sussex County is now closed. Testing for this position will be scheduled through State Personnel. Fire Marshal Preston anticipates having a name for the Commission in June.

Bob Borkowski has undergone major surgery and will be out of the office until further notice.

Laura Echavarria, Administrative Specialist in New Castle County remains out of the office on medical leave. SFPC Minutes May 16, 2006 Page 3

Personnel Issues cont.

Fire Marshal Preston hired Scott King as a part-time inspector in New Castle County.


DFIRS Update

The following fire companies are delinquent in DFIRS requirements.

 New Castle County Aetna March Belvedere January – March Christiana March Cranston Heights March Odessa July 2005 & February 2006 Port Penn March Talleyville March

 Kent County Citizens’s Hose March Houston February & March Little Creek January - March Marydel March South Bowers March

 Sussex County Delmar March Milton March (partial)

Hardwired Smoke Detectors

Fire Marshal Preston reported that the Hardwired Smoke Detector program is running fairly constant. Contacts are being made with different organizations to promote the program. Commissioner Magee asked if it was time to request more funding for the hardwired smoke detector program? Fire Marshal Preston will check into the funding and report back to the commission.

False Fire Alarms

Fire Marshal Preston has instructed his Deputy Fire Marshals to make personal contact with the Fire Chief’s that are not reporting false fire alarms. SFPC Minutes May 16, 2006 Page 4

Kent County Office Water Issue/Well Issue

Fire Marshal Preston reported that the water issue in the Kent County office was cleared up, but the water began to show color again a few days ago. A call has been placed and the issue will be looked into. An update will be given to the Commission at the next meeting.

Fire Safe Cigarette Legislation

Fire Marshal Preston presented the Commission with a copy of the fire safe cigarette legislation. It has been written to support model legislation so the different states do not give the tobacco companies ammunition due to confusion. A copy of the legislation has been given to Representative Lee. The legislation will be introduced in January.

Burning Ban

Fire Marshal Preston reported that the burning ban has been lifted in New Castle and Kent County in March. Sussex County remains under a burn ban because they have not received the same amount of precipitation as up north. The ban was initiated statewide in April because of needed precipitation. After this ban was lifted, the wind blew for days and has dried the land out once again. Beginning in June, DNREC will have a burn ban in effect. The State Fire Marshal’s Office keeps in touch with DNREC and the Forestry Department twice a week to keep, working in conjunction with them in monitoring the conditions statewide.

NFPA Fire Marshal’s Forum

Fire Marshal Preston attended the NFPA Fire Marshal’s Forum in Quincy, Mass. He stated that it was a good program this year. He spoke to a lot of different fire marshals and feels Delaware is ahead of the curve on some issues. The fire safe cigarette was a topic of discussion as well as the life expectancy of a smoke detector. Fire Marshal Preston stated that the life expectancy of a smoke detector is reported to be ten years. There is no difference in the life expectancy between a battery and hardwired smoke detector. This presents concern because people feel once a smoke detector is in their home everything is okay. The misconception of once a smoke detector is present in a home, it will always work could give people a false sense of security and will cost lives. Fire Marshal Preston would like to see some extensive test done to find out what the life expectancy is for a smoke detector. A big problem with them is dust build up. It is important that people check their smoke detectors after they are installed. Fire Marshal Preston suggested date stamping all smoke detectors on the outside of the unit s they can be replaced on a ten year basis. SFPC Minutes May 16, 2006 Page 5

Beach Bar Meeting

Fire Marshal Preston reported that there will be a meeting with the beach bar owners at the Georgetown Office on Wednesday, May 24, 2006. A meeting with the beach bar owners prior to the season has taken place on an annual basis since 1992. Enforcement laws are reviewed as well as the number of people allowed in a place of business. This year the office is offering a program to go and meet their staff to give them a crowd management class.

Large Loss Fire Selbyville

Assistant State Fire Marshal Ward gave a report on a large loss fire in Selbyville. Saturday, May 6th at 4:42 an alarm was called in where Selbyville Vol. Fire Company was involved. An entire complex burned. The fire company did a good job. When they arrived the fire was already fully involved. It caused approximately $4 Million in damage and put at least 50 people out of work. The cause of fire has not yet been determined.

Waiver Request

Fire Marshal Preston presented the commission with correspondence from Daniel Delcollo requesting a waiver from the State of Delaware Nicet element.

It was moved by Commissioner Ricker, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty to deny the request from Daniel N. Delcollo for a waiver from the Nicet testing. The State Fire Prevention Commission regulations clearly state minimum qualifications. The Commission may not give a waiver for basic qualifications. Motion carried unanimously.


No report at this time.


No report at this time.


No report at this time. SFPC Minutes May 16, 2006 Page 6



Director/Staff Activity

Deputy Director Martin attended the IFSAC Conference in Ohio.

Director Kernan attended the FDIC Conference in Indiana. Jerry Brennan, Chuck Bradley and Mike Lowe also attended the conference from the Fire School.

Director Kernan is working on bringing a firefighter safety program into Delaware based on the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation’s Life Safety Initiatives Program.

The Pipeline Safety Program will be distributed shortly by the Fire School to each fire company in Delaware. The materials have been ordered. Firefighters and pipeline companies wrote this course.

The Fire Officer I Teleconference Course was completed last week. All of the instructors worked hard to make it work and Director Kernan appreciates this. This is a new way of learning and won’t be without some struggles. Out of the 16 students that started the course, 13 of them finished.

Maintenance issues/Projects

Two new vehicles have been added to the Fire School fleet. These are the first vehicles to be purchased and maintained under the control of fleet maintenance as the law requires.

Director Kernan discussed replacing the computers and projectors in the classrooms, the training kits, and some of the offices.

The new phone system is up and running in the Fire School.

Director Kernan discussed blended learning. The class will be part online and part hands on. He met with a group at FDIC about blended learning to make training more accessible. They offered a pilot course for Firefighter I through a grant to the Fire School. This is currently the direction that a lot of EMS training is going. The Fire School is exploring the possibility of offering this. SFPC Minutes May16, 2006 Page 7

Augmented Reality Trailer

Director Kernan stated that the augmented reality trailer is booked through July and has been well received. It went to Indianapolis (FDIC) where over 2000 people saw it.

AHA Updates

The American Heart Association has changed their guidelines. Sandy Hypes will be teaching all of the instructors these updates to bring to the students. Almost all of the instructors have completed training with these updates.

Financial Update

The Commission received an update of the Fire Schools financial status. The Fire School remains in good financial standing.

Director Kernan discussed the Bond Bill Hearing.

Director Kernan met with the state grant writer to discuss possible grants for the Fire School.

Upcoming Events

The Pro Board will be doing a site visit at the Fire School in the near future.

Risk Watch is sponsoring the Blue Rocks game this weekend. Kim Robinson and Mike Lowe will be attending the event.

Sussex County Chiefs have talked about getting the recent graduates of the Basic Firefighting class off to a good start with celebrating their accomplishments. All three counties have agreed to award these graduates at the chief’s meetings by inviting their families and giving them a certificate.

August 5th and 6th is the National Fire Academy at Emmetsburg. This is a great opportunity for training.

A retreat has been scheduled for the Training Administrators from the Fire School. This meeting will take place at Dover Downs over a week in June.

Legislators have been invited to the Fire School for a tour.

Sandy Hypes will be attending the National EMS Registry training. SFPC Minutes May 16, 2006 Page 8

Upcoming Events cont.

Mike Lowe will attend the NFPA meeting in Orlanda, Florida.

Biff Newnam will be attending a Haz Mat Seminar at Hunt Valley.

A.I. DuPont Hospital Meeting

Vice Chairman Betts and Director Kernan met with Kay Holbrook of A.I. DuPont to discuss the Risk Watch position currently held at the Fire School.

It was moved by Commissioner Magee, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty to enter into Executive Session for personnel reasons. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission entered Executive Session at 3:22 p.m.


It was moved by Commissioner Dougherty, seconded by Commissioner Magee to go out of Executive Session. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission exited the executive Session at 4:40 p.m.


No report at this time.


No report at this time.


Fire Safety Activity Report

Mike Lowe presented a Fire Safety Activity report. He is very busy and has an impressive schedule. SFPC Minutes May 16, 2006 Page 9

Risk Watch

Kim Robinson presented her schedule for Risk Watch. Commissioner Magee asked Ms. Robinson if she coordinates events with Mike Lowe of the Fire School. She stated that she has not done that to date since she usually addresses safety issues other than fire safety. The Commission feels that it could be a stronger effort if they work together on children’s safety issues so they do not overlap efforts.



No report at this time.



BLS Medical Director

At the latest Medical Director’s meeting, Draft #7 of the BLS protocol revisions was completed. Dr. Bailey is working on editing the document. The document will be sent to the commission for review in June.

The Mark I Kit program is now being overseen by Diane Hainsworth in the Office of EMS. Any requests for inclusion in the program should be made to her.

EMT Testing

Commissioner Magee asked the medical directors and commissioners to discuss the possibility of psychological testing for EMT-B’s. Paramedics are not required by the state to have psychological testing, but the county governments require them. It is an individual employer requirement. Commissioner Magee stated that he was not looking for any decisions on this today but asked that everyone think about it for future discussion. Although some may disagree with him, he does not feel that the EMT-B system is any longer a volunteer system. It has been forced to move to a paid system by the sheer number of people moving into the state and the increase of EMS calls. EMS calls have increased by 50% in the last five years. Jim Cubbage, D.V.F.A. stated that this is not a requirement for a state license and if the commission requires this, the DVFA will not support it. The medical directors stated that psychological concerns have come up in recently in several cases concerning EMT’s. SFPC Minutes May 16, 2006 Page 10

EMT Testing cont.

These issues are more so burn out related than actual psychological. There may be over a thousand EMT-B’s in the state, but how many of them are active? We are dealing with a limited number of active EMT’s working multiple jobs and are over worked. Fatigue plays a big part of a person’s psychological being. If someone has worked multiple shifts or multiple jobs, they become less effective. Commissioner Sharp suggested considering a work log to track on duty time.

Discussion of Bird Flu and BLS Strategy

Commissioner Magee asked that the commission work on a strategy to support the BLS service in the case of a bird flu epidemic. The medical directors are concerned with EMT-B’s that work for multiple companies becoming infected by exposure and spreading the virus to others through travel.

If the virus infected 18% of the population, it is probable that 18% of the providers would be infected. A plan is needed if the providers are out of work by illness.

The avian flu is transmitted from bird to bird and occasionally from bird too human. The fear is this will happen in Asia here people live with their chickens. Or where people have free-range chickens that are in and out of their houses and have close human contact.

Director Blessing encourages the commission to keep this at the forefront of the agenda to preserve the work force at an ALS and BLS level. The nation has planned for the Avian Flu at an organizational level, but not at the individual provider level. This raises some significant concerns. Dr. Megargel stated that over planning for this Avian Flu would not be a waste of time on anyone’s part if it does not materialize. The country will always have an infectious disease that will require the same level of care, concern and education.

Emily Falone, Division of Health and Social Service is holding a tabletop exercise for the Avian Flu that the commission should be actively participating in. examination. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Dougherty recused himself because he was on the interview panel.

SFPC Minutes May 16, 2006 Page 11

Fire Marshal

It was moved by Commissioner Ricker, seconded by Commissioner Magee to authorize Fire Marshal Preston to proceed with the next step in the hiring process of the Deputy Fire Marshal I position in Kent County, by tentatively offering the position to the successful candidate contingent upon the passing of a physical and psychological It was moved by Commissioner Ricker, seconded by Commissioner Magee to authorize Fire Marshal Preston to hire Sheilia Alexander for the Administrative Specialist I position. Motion carried unanimously.

It was moved by Commissioner Dougherty, seconded by Commissioner Ricker to enter into Executive Session for personnel reasons. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission entered Executive Session at 11:28 a.m.


It was moved by Commissioner Sharp, seconded by Commissioner Stevens to go out of Executive Session. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission exited the executive Session at 12:09 p.m.



No report at this time.


No report at this time.


No report at this time.


Chairman Kenneth H. McMahon

Chairman McMahon reported that he attended the Monthly Fire Prevention Commission Meeting, New Castle County Fire Chief’s Meeting and M.I.S.C. Meeting in Dover.

SFPC Minutes May 16, 2006 Page 12

Commissioner Marvin Sharp

Commissioner Sharp reported that he attended the Monthly Fire Prevention Commission Meeting, Kent County Firemen’s Association Meeting, Sussex County Firemen’s Association Meeting, FDIC in Indiana and Governor’s Breakfast.

Commissioner Francis J. Dougherty

Commissioner Dougherty reported that he attended the Monthly Fire Prevention Commission Meeting, Brandywine Hundred Fire Company Meeting, New Castle Chief’s Meeting, Fire Marshal Interviews in Dover, New Castle County Firemen’s Association Meeting and Lunch with Governor.

Vice Chairman Willard Betts, Jr.

Vice Chairman Betts reported that he attended the Monthly Fire Prevention Commission Meeting, Governor’s Prayer Breakfast, Bond Bill Hearing, Kent County Chief’s Meeting and A.I. DuPont Hospital Meeting.


June 20, 2006 Commission Chamber Delaware Fire Service Center 1463 Chestnut Grove Road Dover, DE 19904


It was moved by Commissioner Dougherty, seconded by Commissioner Magee that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 4:41 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry R. Lambertson Executive Secretary sl/

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