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Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 6th Grade Thematic Unit: Environments and Animals Time frame: May & June Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that human activity modifies and affect physical environments and species around the world. Essential questions: 1. How are environments different around the world? 2. Why are there environmental problems around the world today? 3. How are the different environments in target countries connected with environmental problems they are facing? Objectives: Students will identify different types of environments and animals around the world and analyze environmental problems the earth if facing today.
NJ Standards/Progress Indicator: Novice Mid: 7.1: A1, 2, 3, 5, 6 7.1 B1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1C2, 3, 4
Scope and Sequence Content Grammatical Teacher Instructional Activities Culture Connections Structure Assessment Resources Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 6th Grade Thematic Unit: Environments and Animals Time frame: May & June Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that human activity modifies and affect physical environments and species around the world. Essential questions: 1. How are environments different around the world? 2. Why are there environmental problems around the world today? 3. How are the different environments in target countries connected with environmental problems they are facing? Objectives: Students will identify different types of environments and animals around the world and analyze environmental problems the earth if facing today.
NJ Standards/Progress Indicator: Novice Mid: 7.1: A1, 2, 3, 5, 6 7.1 B1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1C2, 3, 4
Environments around the world: Contrast the Science: Vocabulary Formative: PowerPoint on *Teacher will introduce different Environments Jungle, desert, rainforest, 1. Quiz on Environments environments around the world environments arctic, ocean, river, stream, environments Visuals (Jungle, desert, rainforest, north pole, in target Language lake, pond, mountain etc). Teacher will use pictures and countries and Arts: choral repetition to enhance their Labeling Questions: Technology retention. differences vocabulary. 1. What are the (7.1 A4, B4, 5) from the USA. different environments on earth? Sentence Structure: 1. Some environments around the world are jungles, oceans, deserts, etc. *Teacher will use TPR to ask Science: Vocabulary Visuals students what kind of weather is their Different types Jungle, desert, rainforest, Vocabulary cards in each environment. Teacher will of weather arctic, ocean, river, stream, Review games review weather vocabulary for within each lake, pond, mountain students to be able to construct environment. It’s hot, cold, warm, windy, sentences describing different cool, snows, rains, there is environments. Weather thunder/lightning. Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 6th Grade Thematic Unit: Environments and Animals Time frame: May & June Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that human activity modifies and affect physical environments and species around the world. Essential questions: 1. How are environments different around the world? 2. Why are there environmental problems around the world today? 3. How are the different environments in target countries connected with environmental problems they are facing? Objectives: Students will identify different types of environments and animals around the world and analyze environmental problems the earth if facing today.
NJ Standards/Progress Indicator: Novice Mid: 7.1: A1, 2, 3, 5, 6 7.1 B1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1C2, 3, 4
Questions: 1. What is the weather like in the different environments?
Grammar 1. Verbs: “To be.” 2. Adjectives
Sentence Structure: 1. In the Jungle, it is very hot.
Formative: *Students are to create a chart in Language Vocabulary Chart which they will categorize each Arts: Jungle, desert, rainforest, Chart on Visuals environment according to their Categorizing arctic, ocean, river, stream, environments and weather. lake, pond, mountain weather. (7.1 A4, 5, B2, 4, 5, C3) It’s hot, cold, warm, windy, cool, snows, rains, there is thunder/lightning Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 6th Grade Thematic Unit: Environments and Animals Time frame: May & June Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that human activity modifies and affect physical environments and species around the world. Essential questions: 1. How are environments different around the world? 2. Why are there environmental problems around the world today? 3. How are the different environments in target countries connected with environmental problems they are facing? Objectives: Students will identify different types of environments and animals around the world and analyze environmental problems the earth if facing today.
NJ Standards/Progress Indicator: Novice Mid: 7.1: A1, 2, 3, 5, 6 7.1 B1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1C2, 3, 4
Objects within each environment Analyze Science: Vocabulary Formative: PowerPoint Environmental *Teacher will introduce vocabulary environmental Trees, plants, animals, Quiz on objects Visuals Issues of objects or material found in each issues in the waterfalls, snow, sand, Matching games environment (waterfalls, trees, plants, USA and other water, lakes, rivers, rocks, medicine, animals, snow, sand, etc). target medicine, canyons, Students are to write these countries. (The mountains. vocabulary words in their chart. use of trees) Students will participate in memory Questions: games to reinforce vocabulary. 1. What can I find in (7.1 A4, 5, B4, 5, C3) each environment?
Grammar: 1. Verbs: To have Sentence Structure: In the jungle, there are tress, plants, waterfalls, and animals.
*Students will create a poster in Language Vocabulary Formative: Poster which they create one Arts: Jungle, desert, rainforest, Poster on Crayon/Markers environment along with all the Identifying and arctic, ocean, river, stream, environment Extra Material such as Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 6th Grade Thematic Unit: Environments and Animals Time frame: May & June Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that human activity modifies and affect physical environments and species around the world. Essential questions: 1. How are environments different around the world? 2. Why are there environmental problems around the world today? 3. How are the different environments in target countries connected with environmental problems they are facing? Objectives: Students will identify different types of environments and animals around the world and analyze environmental problems the earth if facing today.
NJ Standards/Progress Indicator: Novice Mid: 7.1: A1, 2, 3, 5, 6 7.1 B1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1C2, 3, 4 objects in it. Students must label labeling lake, pond, mountain cotton, aluminum, sand, etc. everything and also include the It’s hot, cold, warm, windy, Rubric type of weather. Science: cool, snows, rains, there is (7.1 A4, 5, B2, 4, 5, C3) Environment thunder/lightning. Trees, plants, animals, waterfalls, snow, sand, water, lakes, rivers, rocks, medicine, canyons, mountains.
Animals Endangered Science: Vocabulary Formative: PowerPoint Teacher will introduce animal species in Animals and Snake, scorpion, lizards, Quiz on animals Visuals vocabulary (baboon, jaguar, lion, target endangered tarantulas, fish, sharks, Chart giraffe, sharks, whales, snakes, countries and species. whales, dolphins, sea star, sea insects, polar bear, penguins, around the horse, polar bears, penguins, monkeys, etc) by using pictures. world. Language seals, lion, jaguar, cheetah, Students are to categorize the Arts: insects, monkeys, giraffes, animals by environment and write Categorizing zebras, gorilla, baboon, them down in their chart. elephant, Hippo, birds. (7.1 A4, 5, B2, 4, 5, C3) Questions: 1. What are the different animals living within each environment? Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 6th Grade Thematic Unit: Environments and Animals Time frame: May & June Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that human activity modifies and affect physical environments and species around the world. Essential questions: 1. How are environments different around the world? 2. Why are there environmental problems around the world today? 3. How are the different environments in target countries connected with environmental problems they are facing? Objectives: Students will identify different types of environments and animals around the world and analyze environmental problems the earth if facing today.
NJ Standards/Progress Indicator: Novice Mid: 7.1: A1, 2, 3, 5, 6 7.1 B1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1C2, 3, 4
2. What animals are endangered?
Grammar: 1. Adjectives 2. Gender Agreement
Sentence Structure: 1. In the ocean, there are sharks, whales, dolphins, and fish.
*Students will play a guessing game Drama: Vocabulary Charade games with a partner. Students are to pick Acting as an Snake, scorpion, lizards, Vocabulary review games an animal and describe it in a few animal tarantulas, fish, sharks, Visuals sentences using the verb “to have” whales, dolphins, sea star, sea and “to be” (I am golden brown. I horse, polar bears, penguins, have brown circles all over my body. seals, lion, jaguar, cheetah, I have a long neck). The other insects, monkeys, giraffes, student is to guess which animal zebras, gorilla, baboon, he/she is talking about. elephant, Hippo, birds. (7.1 A2, 4, 5, B4, 5, C2) Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 6th Grade Thematic Unit: Environments and Animals Time frame: May & June Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that human activity modifies and affect physical environments and species around the world. Essential questions: 1. How are environments different around the world? 2. Why are there environmental problems around the world today? 3. How are the different environments in target countries connected with environmental problems they are facing? Objectives: Students will identify different types of environments and animals around the world and analyze environmental problems the earth if facing today.
NJ Standards/Progress Indicator: Novice Mid: 7.1: A1, 2, 3, 5, 6 7.1 B1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1C2, 3, 4
Grammar: 1. Verbs: To be, to have 2. Adjectives
Sentence Structure: 1. I am yellow and have brown spots. My neck is long.
*Teacher will provide students with Langauage Vocabulary Sentence strips sentence strips. Students are to match Arts: Snake, scorpion, lizards, Visuals the sentence strips according to Sentence tarantulas, fish, sharks, environment and animals or objects Structure whales, dolphins, sea star, (There are polar bears in the north sea horse, polar bears, pole, There are waterfalls in the penguins, seals, lion, jaguar, rainforest). cheetah, insects, monkeys, ((7.1 A2, 4, 5, B4, 5) giraffes, zebras, gorilla, baboon, elephant, Hippo, birds
Famous environments in target Famous Science: Vocabulary Formative: Information on countries: environments Environments Jungle, desert, rainforest, Quiz on environments around the *Teacher will discuss with students around the arctic, oceans, famous environments world. Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 6th Grade Thematic Unit: Environments and Animals Time frame: May & June Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that human activity modifies and affect physical environments and species around the world. Essential questions: 1. How are environments different around the world? 2. Why are there environmental problems around the world today? 3. How are the different environments in target countries connected with environmental problems they are facing? Objectives: Students will identify different types of environments and animals around the world and analyze environmental problems the earth if facing today.
NJ Standards/Progress Indicator: Novice Mid: 7.1: A1, 2, 3, 5, 6 7.1 B1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1C2, 3, 4 famous environments in target world. Language environments. countries (Galapagos Island). Arts: Teacher will discuss the uniqueness Reading, of these environments and why they questioning, are important. Teacher will use discussing power point to demonstrate pictures of environment and animals. (7.1 A3, 4, B4, 5, C5) Language Formative: Graph *Students will create a graph/chart to Arts: Charts Visuals be able to demonstrate the Categorizing environments in target countries. Students will match and categorize. Math: (7.1 A3, 4, B4, 5, C5) Graphing
Information on endangered Endangered Species and Endangered Science: Vocabulary: species. Environmental Issues: species and Endangered Endangered species, PowerPoint *Teacher and students will discuss environmental species and pollution, climate change, environmental issues affecting issues in target environmental human activity, extinction, Visuals environments all over the world by countries and issues. factories, garbage, cars, oil, introducing vocabulary words that around the smoke, cutting down trees, deal with environmental issues world. animal skin, whale hunting. Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 6th Grade Thematic Unit: Environments and Animals Time frame: May & June Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that human activity modifies and affect physical environments and species around the world. Essential questions: 1. How are environments different around the world? 2. Why are there environmental problems around the world today? 3. How are the different environments in target countries connected with environmental problems they are facing? Objectives: Students will identify different types of environments and animals around the world and analyze environmental problems the earth if facing today.
NJ Standards/Progress Indicator: Novice Mid: 7.1: A1, 2, 3, 5, 6 7.1 B1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1C2, 3, 4
(pollution, endangered species, garbage, oil, smoke, cutting down trees, using animal skin for fur, whale hunting, etc). (7.1 A 3, B2, 5, C3)
Information on endangered Teacher will focus on environments Science: Vocabulary: Formative: in target countries. Teacher will Endangered Endangered species, Quiz on species. discuss how pollution and human species and pollution, climate change, environmental PowerPoint activity is affecting these environmental human activity, extinction, issues vocabulary Visuals environments and their animals. issues. factories, garbage, cars, oil, (7.1 A 3, B2, 5, C3) smoke, cutting down trees, animal skin, whale hunting.
Computer Lab *Students will brainstorm on ideas Science: Vocabulary: Formative: Rubric on how we can help the earth in Endangered To help, to stop, to change Written ideas on Review games dealing with these environmental species and helping the issues by changing human activity environmental Grammar: environment (factories, trucks and cars, garbage, issues. 1. Verbs: To be, to oil, etc). They are to work in groups have, to help and come up with many ideas. Teacher will discuss their answers as Sentence Structure: Summative: Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 6th Grade Thematic Unit: Environments and Animals Time frame: May & June Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that human activity modifies and affect physical environments and species around the world. Essential questions: 1. How are environments different around the world? 2. Why are there environmental problems around the world today? 3. How are the different environments in target countries connected with environmental problems they are facing? Objectives: Students will identify different types of environments and animals around the world and analyze environmental problems the earth if facing today.
NJ Standards/Progress Indicator: Novice Mid: 7.1: A1, 2, 3, 5, 6 7.1 B1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1C2, 3, 4 a class and have a debate on which 1. To help stop 1. Students will be ideas would work best. pollution, we should working in groups (7.1 A5, B4, 5, C4) change…… to create a presentation on environments and animals. They are to describe the environments and describe animals that live in each one. They are also to talk about environmental issues. and create posters or banners in the target language
2. Students will create a book in which they will creatively make each environment Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 6th Grade Thematic Unit: Environments and Animals Time frame: May & June Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that human activity modifies and affect physical environments and species around the world. Essential questions: 1. How are environments different around the world? 2. Why are there environmental problems around the world today? 3. How are the different environments in target countries connected with environmental problems they are facing? Objectives: Students will identify different types of environments and animals around the world and analyze environmental problems the earth if facing today.
NJ Standards/Progress Indicator: Novice Mid: 7.1: A1, 2, 3, 5, 6 7.1 B1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1C2, 3, 4
using different materials. (Students are to include animals and objects found in each environment. Everything is to be labeled. Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 6th Grade Thematic Unit: Environments and Animals Time frame: May & June Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that human activity modifies and affect physical environments and species around the world. Essential questions: 1. How are environments different around the world? 2. Why are there environmental problems around the world today? 3. How are the different environments in target countries connected with environmental problems they are facing? Objectives: Students will identify different types of environments and animals around the world and analyze environmental problems the earth if facing today.
NJ Standards/Progress Indicator: Novice Mid: 7.1: A1, 2, 3, 5, 6 7.1 B1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1C2, 3, 4