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ORIGINATING CAMPUS: ( ) Ammerman (X ) Eastern (X ) Grant Date Submitted to Campus Dean: _____ 10/17 _____
To meet the ideals of Suffolk County Community College, new courses should, if appropriate, consider issues arising from elements of cultural diversity in areas of textbook choice, selection of library and audio-visual materials, and teaching methodology.
CAMPUS DEAN E-MAILS ENTIRE PROPOSAL PACKET TO THE COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE CHAIR AS A WORD DOCUMENT UPON ITS APPROVAL. ______PROCEDURES 1. Instructor downloads and drafts proposal and syllabus from Special Topics link on the Curriculum Website 2. Proposer sends the files (proposal and syllabus) electronically to the Academic Chair for distribution and support from Academic Department. 3. Academic Chair initials the proposal upon approval and electronically forwards file and syllabus to the Campus Dean. 4. Upon approval, the Campus Dean initials the proposal and electronically forwards file and syllabus to the College Curriculum Committee Chair for posting on the Curriculum Website. 5. The College Curriculum Chair will electronically forward the files (including syllabus) to the College Associate Dean for Curriculum and Assessment. ______Proposed by__Diane P. Fabian______Date of Proposal__10/2/17_ Department/Discipline__Health Information Technology______Course #_HIT295______Curse Title: Introduction to Health Informatics ____
I. RELATIONSHIP TO STUDENTS A. *Credit Hours_3___ Contact Hours_3___ Lecture Hours_____ Lab/Studio Hours_____ *See Curriculum Website for Credit/Contact Hours Formula.
B. Class Size 24
C. Course Fees Lab Fees_____ Course Fees_____
II. RELATIONSHIP TO MASTER SCHEDULE A. **Proposed Semesters Course will run: Fall__(yr.)___ Winter_(yr.)____ Spring 2018 Summer_(yr.)____
B. **Projected Termination Date Fall_(yr.)____ Winter_(yr.)____ Spring2019 Summer_(yr.)____ **Special Topics courses may run for only two semesters. Upon the completion of the second semester, the course must be withdrawn from the schedule unless it has been re-approved as a Special Topics course or approved as a permanent course. Under no circumstances may a Special Topics course run for more than four semesters.
ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY 9/2006 Special Topics Course Proposal Form
III. Rationale for Course: The healthcare delivery system has been transformed by the Electronic Health Record (EHR). The technology has created a demand for workers with skills in data capture, data analysis, and data storage and how the data is useful in the healthcare system. This course was designed as a result of the Tech Hire grant to place disadvantaged students on a career path towards a certification. It will introduce students to the role of health informatics and the opportunities that will exist now and in the future. The plan is to run the course as a special topics course that will eventually become a part of the HIT curriculum. If students persist in the HIT curriculum they will be on the pathway that leads to a certification. Students in the Information Technology curriculum will be recruited for this course as well.
IV. Description of Course: This course will introduce the students to the Health Care Delivery system. The documentation in electronic health records using data elements, data sets and databases will be identified and defined. Health informatics will be presented along with the purpose and function of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) and all laws, standards, regulations and technology that govern the new health care delivery model. No prerequisite.
V. Approvals
Department Approval_Kathleen Ayers Lanzillotta Date_10/16/17 Academic Chair
Campus Dean Approval_James M. Keane, Ed.D. ___10/17/17______Date______Campus Dean
ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY 9/2006 Special Topics Course Proposal Form
I. Course Number and Title: HIT295 Introduction to Health Informatics
II. Description of Course: This course will introduce the students to the Health Care Delivery system. The documentation in electronic health records using data elements, data sets and databases will be identified and defined. Health informatics will be presented along with the purpose and function of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) and all laws, standards, regulations and technology that govern the new health care delivery model. No prerequisite.
III. Course Objectives: (What should students learn as a result of taking this course and how will they demonstrate that learning?)
Upon completion of this course students will:
1. Discuss the factors affecting health care delivery in the United States. 2. Examine the evolution of the field of health informatics 3. Analyze ethical issues related to health informatics 4. List the advantages and disadvantages of the electronic health record 5. Construct examples of different types of distributed systems 6. Describe the types of data, as well as the relationship between data and information 7. Apply basic SQL commands to select data for reporting and analysis 8. Apply the systems development life cycle to EHR implementation 9. Interpret the use of decision support systems in healthcare settings 10. List and define the different types of HIE organizational structure 11. Distinguish between unstructured data and structured data 12. Interpret the HIPAA Privacy Rule and regulations 13. Interpret the HIPAA Security Rule and regulations 14. Compare past, current, and potential consumer health informatics technology 15. Determine potential challenges to continued development and applications of health IT
IV. Required Texts and Materials: (List textbooks, newspapers, journals, Internet resources, CD-ROMS, Videos, other teaching materials to be used in the course.)
Healthcare Informatics by Sue Biedermann, MSHP, RHIA, FAHIMA, & Diane Dolezel, EdD, RHIA, CHDA, American Health Information Management Association, 2017
ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY 9/2006 Special Topics Course Proposal Form V. Assessment of Student Learning: (Describe assessment measures, i.e., instruments that measure the attainment of course objectives.) Successful completion of the course will depend upon the performance on the quiz, midterm, final, and projects. Quizzes 20% Project (HIPAA) 20% NEEHR Perfect Activities 10% Midterm 25% Part I Multiple Choice, Part II Analysis Final Exam 25% Part I Multiple Choice VI. Weekly Outline of Topics and Assignments: Week #1 Acute Care Facilities; Read Chapter 1 Ambulatory Care Facilities; Homework: Do Long Term Care Facilities; Check your Nursing Homes; Mental Health Facility; understanding Home Health Care; Health Informatics; 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 Standards; Bioinformatics; Nursing Informatics; ACTIVITY: NEEHR Perfect EHR scavenger hunt Level 1 Week #2 Ethical Standards; Electronic Health Records; Read Ch. 2 & History; Components; Clinical functions; Read Ch. 3 Inpatient source systems; Ambulatory/Longterm Homework: Do Care/Behavioral Health EHRs; Advantages and check your Disadvantages; understanding ACTIVITY: NEEHR Perfect EHR for History 3.1, 3.2, of EHR and HITECH and Health Information Exchange Week #3 Distributed Systems; Different types; DBMS; Read Chapter 4 Hardware/Software; Architectural models; Homework: Do Network topologies; OSI; TCP/IP; FTP; Cloud check your Computing; understanding ACTIVITY: NEEHR Perfect EHR Scavenger 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 Hunt Level 2 & 3 Week #4 Data and Information; types of data; format; Read Chapter 5 standards; structured and unstructured data; data Homework: quality; data analysis; data presentation; Do check your ACTIVITY: NEEHR Perfect Structured and understanding Unstructured Data 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 Week #5 Databases; types; flat file; relational; object Read Chapter 6 oriented databases; database management Homework: Do software; data dictionary; SQL; data modeling; check your data warehouse; data marts; understanding ACTIVITY: NEEHR Perfect VistA Scavenger 6.1, 6.2, Hunt Level 1 Week #6 Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC); Read Chapter 8 strategic planning; leadership; Disaster and Homework: Do ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY 9/2006 Special Topics Course Proposal Form recovery planning; project implementation plan; check your workflow and process analysis; install; train; understanding go-live; EHR vendors 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 ACTIVITY: NEEHR Perfect VistA Scavenger Hunt Level 2 Week #7 MIDTERM
Week #8 Decision Support in Healthcare; DSS; CDSS; Chapter 9 NLP; Administrative uses of decision support Homework: Do systems check your ACTIVITY: NEEHR Perfect Implementing understanding Clinical Decision Support and Clinical Decision 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 through Orders Week #9 Health Information Exchange; HIE Chapter 10 organizations; history; structure; ACO; Homework: Do population health; public health; check your ACTIVITY: Go to New York State eHealth understanding Collaborative and eHealth Initiative websites 10.1 Week #10 Uses of healthcare data; NLP; primary and Chapter 11 secondary uses; structured and unstructured Homework: do data; textual and nontextual data; SNOMED- check your CT; big data; understanding ACTIVITY: NEEHR Perfect VistA Scavenger 11.1, 11.2 Hunt Level 3 and VistA Activity Data Mining in the EHR Week #11 HIPAA Privacy Rule Chapter 12 ACTIVITY: NEEHR Perfect Introduction to Homework: do Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality in the check your EHR understanding Group Project: HIPAA Privacy 12.1, 12.2, Week #12 HIPAA Security Rule Chapter 13 ACTIVITY: NEEHR Perfect Introduction to Homework: do Privacy, Security and Confidentiality in the check your EHR understanding Group Project: HIPAA Security 13.1, 13.2, Week #13 Consumer Health Informatics; use of Chapter 15 technology; social media; online health Homework: do information; mobile technology; personal health check your records; Blue Button; patient portal understanding ACTIVITY: NEEHR Perfect Activity Clinical 15.1, 15.2 Reminder Data Mining Week #14 Emerging Technology; wearables; AI; Chapter 16 telehealth; gamifying; mobile health; genomics; Homework: do methods of storage; HIE; Patient Centered check your Medical Home; precision medicine; understanding cybersecurity 16.1, 16.2 Week #15 Final