Identify the Underlined Phrases. Highlight Your Answers
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NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
Identify the underlined phrases. Highlight your answers.
1. The thief arrested for the robbery shot at the security guard. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
2. The flag waving in the wind is inspirational. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
3. P lanning thoroughly for the test will make a difference in the end. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
4. Jamal's confusing message did nothing to solve the mystery. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
5. Godzilla made a game of smashing all of the red cars parked near the lake. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
6. Breaking promises was all they ever did. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
7. Delighted with the opportunity to learn, Christine took the internship in New York. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
8. P laying the tuba, Orin felt as if his world was perfect. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
9. The show offers everyone a chance to be a millionaire. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
10. Samuel decided that missing the lecture every day was hurting his grade. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
11. The kittens crouching under the bed have refused to come out. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
12. The swimmer , driven by the need to be the best in the world, made himself sick with anxiety. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
13. My friend was surprised by the lighting in the theater. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
14. Brenda, surprised with the team's decision to withdraw, quit the team. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
15. Completing the obstacle course is harder than it looks. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
16. Billy refused to accept the idea that his birthday cake was gone. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
17. The marathon runner, pushed to the edge of endurance, collapsed at the finish line. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
18. Fred's arguing every call is getting frustrating. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
19. Al hopes that giving the players a break will improve their attitudes. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
20. After enjoying the delicious meal, we were full. a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
Identify the underlined elements. Highlight your answers.
1. Andy, who always admired John Lennon, was very sad to hear he was killed. a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
2. The young lion attacked the tourist when she came too near.
a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
3. Roger Clemens, a pitcher for the New York Yankees, threw a broken bat at a batter. a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
4. Griffin will take a nap if you keep your voices down. a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
5. The elephant that trampled the village was drunk on fermented fruit.
a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
6. Chicago, which is home to two major league baseball teams, rarely gets to see its teams in the playoffs. a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
7. The person who best answers the following question will go on to the next round. a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
8. Maybe he should take something for sea sickness before he gets on the ship. a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
9. He goes to the library everyday, yet he does not like to read. a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
10. Umberto, who saw it with his own eyes, refused to believe that Hulk Hogan was in a movie. NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
11. The woman leading the discussion is as confused as the rest of us. a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
12. She will undoubtedly win although she doesn't deserve to. a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
13. While visiting the Smithsonian, which is in Washington D.C., Cecil walked to the Lincoln Memorial. a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
14. While they were defending the hill, the platoon lost several hundred soldiers. a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
15. Tamara's sister Clarice wants to star in a movie with Kevin Spacey.
a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
16. The police officer who gave her the ticket was polite.
a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
17. Before missing the meeting, he should call the director.
a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
18. She may be talented enough to win the contest, but will the judges choose someone from out of state? a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
19. The hungry boy whispered to his sister because his throat hurt. a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase
20. Her friend who arrived last night is from Las Vegas. a. independent clause b. adjectival clause c. adverbial d. phrase NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
Identify the underlined elements. Highlight your answers.
1. Living in Los Angeles, which always seems to be smoggy, is many people's dream.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
2. The guide decided to go home because the rain started to fall.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
3. Tony's father, a surgeon at the local hospital, donated his time to the homeless shelter.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
4. I will go to the play, but you will need to go to the football game with me.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
5. The actor who played Tommy on "Eight is Enough" hosted the new talk show.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
6. Billy Ray Cyrus, who only had one hit song, thinks he is Elvis.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
7. The idea that most captured the writer's imagination ended up in her latest book.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
8. If they plan to sleep here tonight, they will need to sleep on the floor. NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
9. The team with the most points wins.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
10. The Empire State Building, which is very high, seems to disappear into the night.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
11. Defending that person's behavior makes you look just as ridiculous.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
12. When the doorbell rings, the dog goes nuts.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
13. When Sonia met Marion Jones, who is her hero, she just stared and sputtered.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
14.After losing our luggage, we went to the store and bought new clothes.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
15. His best friend, Henry , plans on attending Harvard.
a. independent clause b. appositive c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
16. The couch that arrived today matches the carpet in the living room.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
17. Maybe we should go to the store before spending all of the grocery money.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
18. You can learn from television, but it can also rot your brain.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
19. After we visit the zoo, we will have lunch.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase
20. The bee that bit him was a yellow jacket.
a. independent clause b. appositive phrase c. adjectival clause d. adverbial clause e. verbal phrase NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
Identify the underlined elements. Highlight your answers.
1) The girl who moved into the apartment next door plays her music too loudly. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
2) The coin that we found on the beach is quite old. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
3) While the team was celebrating, the coach was speaking with the media. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
4) A person dedicated to profit above people may harm the environment. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
5) Her Gremlin, which many consider too ugly to drive, is her pride and joy. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
6) He argues that to restrict entry is discriminatory. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
7) She prefers counting dollar bills when she sleeps rather than sheep. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
8) Her sister Alice, who irritates most people she meets, is very sensitive. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
9) Running for the endzone, the fullback tripped. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
10) Look for the money in the tree that is exactly one mile from the park bench. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
11) She hopes to finish the project that she started this past year. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
12) Before answering the question, Bernard considered all of the options. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
13) They went to the opera last week, but, Sally hated every minute of it. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
14) Determined to win the election, the candidate appeared in hundreds of cities. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
15) “We'll show you the plan to build the library,” the politician promised. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
16) When she gave her speech, Nancy trembled in fright. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
17) Last week Kate met Elton John, who is on his farewell tour. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
18) The dog that won the blue ribbon was stolen form the kennel. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
19) Tom Hanks, star of "Cast Away," has won more than few awards. a) appositive phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
20) He discovered the treasure by following the pirate through the jungle. a) gerund phrase b) independent clause c) participial phrase d) adjectival clause e) adverbial clause f.) infinitive phrase
NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
Identify the correct choice in each question.
1. Marta fell over the cat. a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
2. Pretending to be asleep, the hiker escaped the bear. a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
3. Susan Sarandon, a famous actress, has been very supportive of the striking workers. a. infinitive phrase b. appositive phrase c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
4. To finish the marathon in less than five hours is Tom's goal. a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
5. She preferred eating at the local deli for lunch. a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
6. He should discover a gift certificate for dinner at Cafe Sofia under his seat at the table. a. infinitive phrases b. appositives c. gerund phrases d. prepositional phrases e. clauses f. participial phrases
7. After learning the parts of speech, the class began studying punctuation. a. infinitive phrases b. appositives c. gerund phrases d. prepositional phrases e. clauses f. participial phrases
8. The candidate elected by the voters promised to put "a chicken in every pot." a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
9. Will someone be here soon to open the door? a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
10. Delivering the pizza on time became his single mission.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
11. The woman who led the workshop used to be a math teacher. a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
12. Frustrated with the delays, Erin tried to break her dog out of quarantine. a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
13. Tom visited India while he was studying the history of Indian art.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. adverbial clause f. participial phrase
14. While she looked behind the house, the rest of us searched the local parks for the puppy. a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
15. Tom Hanks, star of "Philadelphia, will be appearing in a new film this holiday season. a. infinitive phrase b. appositive phrase c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
16. Before putting too much effort into the project, maybe you should get some guidance from your boss. a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
17. The car that Devon sold to the dealership has been wrecked twice. a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
18. Does the captain want us to lower the sails before we enter the harbor? a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
19. She liked the shirt given to her by her grandmother.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
20. Did you really think that robbing a bank would solve your problems? a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
Identify the correct choice in each question.
1. Samuel hid her present behind the dresser.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
2.The sun rising gloriously in the sky inspired the visitors to the ancient temple.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
3. The Rock, Nick's favorite wrestler, will certainly win tonight's match.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive phrase c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
4. Clyde plans to meet his family on the other side of the mall.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
5. Does Rick plan on attending every game that the Ducks play next year?
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. adjectival clause f. adverbial clause
6. Did Bill go to the meeting without his briefcase.
a. infinitive phrases b. appositives c. gerund phrases d. prepositional phrases e. clauses f. participial phrases
7. Before reaching the summit, the climbers quit.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
8. Driven by her need to be perfect, Gertrude always did well in her classes. NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
9. David decided to close the back door before a raccoon sneaked in.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
10. The team hopes that practicing a new offense this week will improve its chances of winning.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
11. The bull that charged the car has hurt people before.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
12. The student, bored by the lecture, drew pictures in her notebook.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
13. Before the race, the sprinter put a lucky penny in his sock. NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
14. After we do these chores, maybe we should go to a movie.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
15. His dog, a miniature schnauzer, chases away any birds or squirrels that come into the yard.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
16. After making a hole in one, Ed decided he should quit golfing.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
17. Marvin's friend who drove him to the party left without him.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
18. Will has not wanted to play his saxophone since the last recital. NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
19. The coffee tasted like mud mixed with motor oil.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase
20. They want to try jumping from an airplane without a parachute.
a. infinitive phrase b. appositive c. gerund phrase d. prepositional phrase e. clause f. participial phrase NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
Instructions: Identify the underlined phrase or clause.
1. Steven's book, which made Oprah's Book Club this month, is not in any stores. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
2. While preparing for the speech, Joe couldn't help but worry about his entrance. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
3. Ahmad wants to visit Quebec, but he will need to wait for his next vacation. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
4. Hoping for a miracle, the doctors continued the surgery. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
5. Our boss supports donating time to charity. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
6. Melanie hoped to find a cure for the disease, but she tried to be realistic. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
7. After the banquet, the cooks will take a well-deserved break. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
8. Joey is hoping for a change to play pool with his uncle. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
9. The dog that Sam chose from the litter seems to be healthy. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
10. Sam Smith, who recently spoke to the youth group, excels at motivating young people. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
11. Pushed beyond endurance, the runner dropped the baton. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
12. The shoes he saw in the catalogue are available down the street. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
13. The reporter crouched behind that tree got the best picture of the arrest. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
14. Keith tried supporting both teams, but his heart was with Oregon. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
15. Katrina, who resented being left at home, drew on the walls with her crayons. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
16. Arnold hoped to find an answer to the funding shortfall. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
17. Pressed for time, the agent ran the red light. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
18. His uncle thinks that working for the government is the key to stability. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
19. Richard's chance to make his point slipped away. a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
20. Is it possible that Joshua will compete against that man? a. prepositional phrase b. participial phrase c. gerund phrase d. infinitive phrase
Are the highlighted words in the following sentences a noun clause, adjective clause, or an adverb clause?
1. Some people buy expensive cars simply because they can.
2. Many people hope that Canada can resolve its economic problems.
3. The bankers need to know what they should do.
4. Which one is the person who stole your car?
5. Wherever there is a large American city, there will be poverty.
6. The books which the professor assigned were very expensive.
7. Canada might give up its marketing boards if the European Community gives up its grain subsidies.
8. Unless the crown can make a better case, the accused murderer will not be convicted.
9. It is important to ask whether the wedding is formal or semi-formal.
State whether the highlighted phrases in these sentences function as a Subject, a Complement, an Object, a Predicate, an Adjective, OR an Adverb: NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
1. The projectionist dreamt that he chased an enormous gorilla around the theater.
2. Justine hoped to attend the masquerade even though her guardian had forbidden such adventures.
3. The child dancing about the stage hopes to become a movie star.
4. The reporter consulted a number of published accounts before interviewing the senator.
5. The party was a dreadful failure because the caterers forgot to bring the tableware.
6. The guild is meeting to discuss the latest misdemeanors of the apprentices.
7. They heard high pitched cries in the middle of the night.
8. The reporter consulted a number of published accounts before interviewing the senator.
9. The bar was full of patiently waiting customers.
10. I was driven mad by the sound of my neighbor's constant piano practicing.
Exercises: State whether the following are a Clause or a Phrase.
1. I love to eat bagels
2. the big, bad wolf
3. they were thinking about the language issue
4. the student considering everything written on this subject
5. after the morning rush hour
6. because of the coat which I bought in the mall
7. when the train arrived at the station
Directions: Label the underlined group of words as (P) phrase, (DC) dependent clause, or (IC) independent clause. NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______
1. When they saw the airplane commercial, they knew they had to take a vacation.
2. With spring break approaching quickly, Tad and Teresa had to start planning.
3. Although Teresa enjoys the city, Tad has a weakness for the woods.
4. Teresa grew up on a farm that belonged to her uncle Jesco.
5. Like a dog, she herded sheep every day.
6. During her sophomore year of high school, the family finally got indoor plumbing.
7. Tad grew up in the city where tall buildings shadow every block.
8. As a child, he longed for open meadows.
9. Unable to reach a compromise, Teresa and Tad took separate vacations.
10.Ricky knew he must be a racecar drive even though his father, grandfather, and great grandfather had suffered injury doing the same.
11.He had grown up in the pits; it was in his blood.
12.He loved fast cars and beautiful women, which scared his mother to death.
13.Although Ricky took driver’s education three times before passing, he never lost sight of his dream.
14.Before he acquired his driver’s license, he spent many hours at the go-cart track. Phrases and Clauses: Practice Exercise Directions: For each of the following sentences, bracket the dependent clauses and underline the verbal phrases, labelling each according to its kind. noun clause 1. [How the cook fled from the scene of the crime] remained a mystery. gerund ph 2. Nagging at Holmes’s mind was his interview with the butler, [who had adjective clause seemed frightened, not guilty.] adverb clause noun clause 3. [When the cook was finally recaptured,] we asked her [why she had been NAME ______HMRM _____#_____DATE______infinitive ph participle ph willing to leave the house unguarded by any of the other servants.] noun clause 4. The jury took a bus to [where the crime had occurred.] infinitive ph 5. Some people seem to enjoy constant bickering with their spouses, but the gerund ph infinitive ph cook had preferred simply to murder hers. gerund ph 6. Thinking about murder is as tiring as the work itself. gerund ph adjective clause 7. Our class really enjoyed reading , [which was written by Henry Melville.] noun clause infinitive ph 8. The treasurer said [ he wanted to know the reason for the cash shortfall. ] infinitive ph noun clause 9. The prosecutor wanted to know [whose voice she had heard.] participle ph noun clause 10. Sobbing uncontrollably, she admitted [that her entire story was a lie] participle ph concocted to help her escape the gallows. infinitive ph