Share Data Limited 1A South Street Horsham RH12 1NR


Medallion Guarantee for [ ] (“Our Client”) in relation to the sale or transfer of [ ] (“the Securities”)

Dear Sirs,

We have requested Share Data Limited to provide a Medallion Guarantee for Our Client.

For the purposes of this instruction, we are your client and we have verified the information that we are now providing to you in relation to Our Client and confirm that such information is true and accurate. The information we are providing to you is as follows:

(a) certified copy of Our Client’s passport or Photo Driving Licence ;

(b) certified copy of a utility bill or bank statement(dated within the last three months) in Our Client’s name that relates to a property occupied by Our Client;

(c) a certified copy of the statement evidencing Our Client’s ownership of the Securities (such as DRS Statement; Dividend Statement).

We also attach:

(a) The original signed (and undated) Form(s) which require the MG stamp, and

(b) a cheque made payable to Share Data Limited in the sum of £295 in respect of your fees. Please (delete as appropriate):

. Return the completed documents to us

. We understand that you can arrange for the transfer of the securities and/or the sale of the securities once the transfer has been completed. Please contact us to discuss this further

We confirm that:

(a) we have carried out all checks that we are legally obliged to carry out in respect of Our Client, under or pursuant to [ ]; and

(b) we have seen Our Client personally and we have seen originals of the certified copy documents referred to above for the purposes of certification.

We hereby undertake to you Share Data Limited that we shall indemnify you from and against all costs, claims, damages, fines, demands, liabilities and expenses that you may incur in relation to the Medallion Guarantee that you will provide in respect of Our Client, arising as a result of (a) your reliance upon the information relating to Our Client and/or our verification of the documents enclosed with this letter and/or (b) any claim that Our Client does not have good title to or is not entitled to sell, transfer or dispose of the Securities.

Yours faithfully,

Signed by an authorised officer/partner/authorised signatory for and on behalf of [ ]