Deception Pass Park Foundation Meeting Minutes s1
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Deception Pass Park Foundation Meeting Minutes
November 19, 2014 Board Meeting
I. Call to order Board President Liz Merriman called to order the meeting of the Deception Pass Park Foundation at 5:33 P.M. on Wednesday July 30, 2014 in the Deception Pass Park Administration Office.
II. Roll Call The following members were present: Estelle Johnson, Barbara Shaw, Brian Shelly, Matt Klope, Deception Pass Park Manager Jack Hartt, Interpretive Intern Carly Rhodes and Rick Colombo. Not present were Barry Wenaas and Steve Young.
III. Presentation Brett Nielsen presented his proposal for his Eagle Scout project: to build an information kiosk at one of two locations near West Beach. Board members asked him to return to present to the board for any outstanding balances once he has exhausted donations from other groups
IV. Agenda, Minutes and Correspondence Barb S. moved to accept agenda as presented, seconded by Brian S. There were no objections. Minutes from October’s meeting had not been sent out as of yet.
V. Officers reports President: Reviewed the order of events from the Retreat on 1. September Retreat – agreed to change direction:
Focus on Outreach: Speakers and Displays
Focus on Education: each member responsible for a class
Focus on Membership: through outreach and education, actively seek potential Board members, members and volunteers.
2. October 1st meeting at the Park Admin Office
Annual meeting (meeting minutes available upon request)
Start the discussion on Outreach and Marketing
1 Discussed and voted on a budget
3. October 15th meeting at Barbara Shaw and Estelle Johnson’s house
Informal – no quorum present nor were minutes taken
Notes available upon request
4. October 29th regular monthly meeting at the Park Admin Office
Presented summary of meeting with Barb and Ed Adams regarding
- unfilled board positions and process for selecting replacements
- Policy and Procedures that need to be developed and in use for future board members, committees and volunteers. Especially cash handling!
b) Annual meeting planning
- Raffle items, menu, entertainment, door prizes
5. November 19th meeting to finalize preparations for the Annual meeting
Agenda: Liz (10 min) Estelle (10 minutes) Brian (5 min) Jack (15 min)
Jack has tickets for door prizes. Barb will take lead on sign-in table and set-up logistics for the “silent auction,” including cash handling. - Door prizes: Discover Pass, nature guides, gift certificate from Wild
Bird, hats/shirts/etc
Mary Jo Adams will set up a table to display and sell nature guides – proceeds of sales go to the Foundation
Jack has two tickets for Kayak tours as a Raffle/Silent Auction item.
Liz will ask Steve to take lead on refreshments: veggie/dip tray, cheese & crackers, and grape/apple juices. Liz will take inventory of supplies on hand: coffee (leaded/nonleaded), napkins, cups, etc
Rick C. offered to help with parking: flashlights, etc Treasurer: Financial Statement was presented and reviewed, with a balance of $36,061.19. Note that the approved budget of $7,500 for marketing, etc was not represented. Back up documentation was provided with statement. Estelle J. moved to accept financial statement as presented. Barb S. seconded. There were no objections.
2 VI. Committee Reports Interpretive Update First Day Hike – funding of $100 from State Parks
Meet at the Pass Lake parking lot at 10am ending up at Jack’s house 10:30ish
Rent a Port-a-Potties ($75-80)
Brian, Barb and Estelle will set up food/beverages and display table(s) CCC Interpretive Center visit WA State Parks providing $500 seed money
Foundation to work with park on this in future meetings
VII. Unfinished Business Amphitheater update
VIII. New Business Toyota grant opportunity
IX. Adjournment
Liz Merriman adjourned meeting at 6:56 PM