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Sawgrass Bay School School Advisory Council Minutes of Meeting
DATE: August 22, 2016 TIME: 6:00pm
MEETING FACILITATOR Nancy Clark and Andrea Steenken
SAC Member Attendees The attendance Roster was distributed. School Personnel- (attach sign in sheet) Parents/Business Partners-
Call to Order Nancy Clark called the meeting to order at 6:05pm
Introductions/Roll Call (Steenken) Approval of minutes from 2015-2016 Returning Members last meeting 2016-2017 New Members
______Election of Officers (Steenken) Later this evening we will pull up the SAC Training to share with New Business everyone to see who would like to see who would be interested in holding a voting position. We will hold off voting until our September 12, 2016 meeting. School Improvement Plan Mrs. Steenken went through a PowerPoint of the Instructional Focus Priorities for the 2016-17 school year. SBE is a very collaborative school; students have a “Wacky Wednesday” once every 7 weeks, which allows grade level teams one full day of instructional collaborative planning. The presentation showcased how the SBE Vision and Mission aligns to the LCS Vision and Mission. For the 2015-16 school year, SBE maintained a “C” status (dropping 4% in overall proficiency). One focus this year is Mathematics instruction and the alignment of standards-based instruction. iStation and iReady will still be utilized for progress monitoring measures in the areas of ELA and Math. SBE has a Wildly Important Goal (WIG) of “all SBE students will make a minimum of a year’s growth in a year’s time…”
Focus areas for 16-17 are Standards Based Instruction, Marzano Instructional Framework, and Targeted Feedback. Sawgrass Bay continues to utilize Thinking Maps to support standards based instruction. Leader in Me Ms. Work discussed the implementation of Leader in Me, SBE is in Year 2 of the journey toward becoming a Lighthouse School. Personalized Learning The video that was created for SBE was shown to parents for the first time. School Enrollment Numbers 1301 as of 8-22-16, we are looking very closely at our class numbers. We still have 16 seats in Kindergarten, once that gets to about 10 students then we look at potentially hiring another Kindergarten teacher. We are in the process of hiring a third grade teacher to ensure we are meeting class size; we are currently four seats over. Business Partner Breakfast: September 8th 9:30-10:30 We are hoping that by having the breakfast early in the morning the year, we will be able to provide the businesses with specific ways to help the school. BYOD Parent Night Grades 3-5: September 12th 5:30-7:00pm Title 1 Parent Night Grades 3-5: September 13th 5:30-7:00pm Open House and ELL Parent Night (PreK-2nd-September 21st 6:00- 7:00pm) 3rd-5th September 22nd 6:00-7:00pm Florida Ready Books-we will hold off on asking the SAC for money for the Florida Ready Books until 9/12/16
Hadley McRaney made a motioned to adjourn, and Cristina Lees seconded, the vote was unanimous. The meeting closed at 6:45pm.
Public Input Comments Meeting Adjourned Jose Gonzalez motioned to adjourn and Dolores Block seconded. Unanimously approved