Sample Standard Reference Request
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1. The above named person has provided your name as a referee. I would be grateful if you let us have your opinion of their suitability.
2. Attached is the Safeguarding Reference Proforma, please complete this form electronically (where possible) then print and send a signed copy to the Requesting Officer. Organisations are to date stamp with their organisation official stamp.
3. The reference is broken down in to 3 parts. Parts A and C are to be completed by all referees and Part B is to be completed if you have known the applicant professionally.
4. We particularly want you to confirm that you have first hand knowledge of the candidate and to comment to the best of your knowledge on their capacity to:
a. Work with others to establish and lead an environment and practices committed to the safeguarding of children, young people or vulnerable persons.
b. Build and sustain professional relationships and boundaries with children, young people, vulnerable persons, colleagues and other professionals.
c. Work as a member of a team.
d. We would also like you to comment on the candidate’s suitability to work in an organisation affording access to children, young people or vulnerable persons.
5. If there are any questions where you do not feel you are able to comment on the applicant in that capacity please write N/A or not know in this context.
6. This reference is vital to vetting process and failure to complete this reference will mean the applicant’s application for clearance will be delayed, therefore we would be grateful if you completed reference by .
7. The Recruitment Officer may contact you by telephone to follow up on information you have provided or to clarify the validity of the reference.
8. Thank you for your assistance.
Yours sincerely
Vetting Clerk
Requesting Officer Details: (Please address any queries to the Requesting Officer) Name Position Address Tel No Fax No. E-mail
Applicant’s Details: Surname Forename Position applied for Recruitment Deadline: Please reply by
PART A Referee’s Details: Full Name Position Organisation Address Tel No Fax No. E-mail How long have you known the above person? In what capacity have you known this person? Professionally Personally Professionally please complete both Parts B and C Personally please go to part C Confidentiality – Please note that this reference may be made available to an employee. Under the Data Protection employment guidance, an individual has the right to request access to such information.
PART B Dates employed by the organisation From To Capacity in which employed/ job title Yes No Is the applicant still in your employment? If no longer in your employment, Please state the reason for leaving:
Applicant’s Disciplinary Record Does/did the applicant have any formal warnings recorded against them under Yes No your performance, disciplinary or any other management policy? If YES, please state reason and relative dates:
Either during your employ or on leaving your organisation was the subject under Yes No any management investigation or was there any management action pending? If YES, please give dates:
PART B continued Yes No PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL BFG Form 33C (Revised 04/11) Following your usual recruitment and selection procedures, would you consider employing this person again? If no please state why?
Please give a short summary of the applicant’s attitude to work and quality of performance whilst in your employment, highlighting any particular strengths or weaknesses.
PART C Yes No Are you aware of any convictions recorded against him/her? If YES, please specify:
(This post is exempt from Section 4(2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. It is therefore not contrary to the Act for you to reveal such information) Please comment on the person’s capacity to form relationships with young people, vulnerable persons, colleagues and other professionals and their capacity to build and sustain professional boundaries.
Please comment on the person’s capacity to work as a member of a team.
Please comment on the contribution the person made to the creation of an environment committed to the safeguarding and protection of young people or vulnerable persons.
Signature Date Organisation date stamp: On completion Please print and fax or post a signed copy to the Requesting Officer.
Thank you for your co-operation in completing this request. Please note that it is our general policy is to allow open access to personal files, which is consistent with current legislative requirements.